l V i i ( It i I i ,0 _â€"_â€"â€"â€"- .1â€â€" Sunlight Soap is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy S u n Ii g h t Soap and follow dire ctions Sunligh Soap AN IDEAL SL’XIKII'IR HUME. Nearly everyone who goes away in the sununcr has heard of “.\Iinnicog:in- ashene" on the world-famous Georgian Bay. It has a very ii'itcrcsting history and the Indians have woven some weird legends around the place. It was formerlythe summer home of a wealthy American, and on his death was bought by Colonel Caiitley, a retired English army ofï¬cer, who has made it an ideal summer home for many for- tunate guests. There has always been an air of reï¬nement and good taste about “Minnicog†which is to be found in very few Canadian summer resorts. For this reason the place has attracted from the beginning the very best class of people; not necessarily people of wealth, however, as the prices have al- ways been exceedingly moderate con- sidering the excellent accommodation and table. In the fall the Georgian Bay is peculiarly beautiful, and at that season of the year Minnicog is delightful. The island is wonderfully endowed by na- ture, and when the leaves have changed color and in the cool clear atmosphere of‘ fall, the place is at its best. It has grown so popular during the past few years that the summer months always find every room booked far in advance despite the numerous new cottages owned by the same management and the additions made to the imposing old house which was originally on the island. The summer guests have plenty of gaicly and amusement with fishing, boating, bathing and dancing in the pretty octagonal music room, which is a separate and distinct build- ing, away from the main house or cot- tages. For those, however, who prefer a very quiet holiday and the most peace- ful enjoyment of the natural beauties of this lovely spot, the fall months at Minnicog will afford the greatest plea- sure. It has often been said that this hotel is transformed in the fall with the smaller number of very congenial guests into a real country house party, and one‘s comfort and enjoyment are so carefully looked after as to leave no- thing to be desired. Very good par- tridge shooting may be had close at hand and the ï¬shing is even better at this season than in the summer. In fact, anyone contemplating a holiday could not do better than to include in their plans a visit to this delightful place in the fall. .â€"â€"â€".â€"+- It keeps the average man so busy try- ‘Ing to cover up his past that he hasn‘t much time to boast of his future. AN ANGLER'S ELYSIUM. According to advertisements all sum- mer resorts are alike. They are the best everâ€"but if ï¬shing is better anywhere else than it is in “Georgian Bay†we do not. know where it is. There is a greater variety of ï¬sh in this water than anywhere else, and they are always hungry. No one ever counted the ï¬sh in the Georgian Bay , but those that have been caught there have been counted and eaten, and if you read the Govern- ment reports on ï¬sheries, you know that Georgian Bay supplies more ï¬sh than any other equal body of water in the world. The only place you can afford to ï¬sh is where the fish are numerous, big and delicious in flavor, and that place is Georgian Bayâ€"so the ï¬shermen say. Suppose you send for booklet, issued by Grand Trunk Rail~ way System free, telling about the home of the bass, pickerel, pike and the noble trout family. Address J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. THE END. “Doctor,†said the patient upon whom the hospital surgeon had just operated for appendicitis. “You‘re the same sur- geon that amputated the ï¬rst finger of my right hand when I had it crushed in a railroad accident a few months ago, ain’t you ?" “Yes,†answered' the surgeon. “Well, you got my index then, and now you’ve got my appendix. 1 hope you are satisfied.†___________â€"â€"_â€"â€". A TORONTO MAN nuisâ€" Something New and is Delighted. Feels Like a Boy. Mr. M} N. Dafoe. 29 Colborne St., Toronto, says: “I have been a sufferer from Dysâ€" pepsia for years. I have been treated by doctors and have taken many inedr cines with only temporary relief. Since. using Dr. Leonhardt's Anti- Pill I can eat any- thing the same as when a boy. I find they regulate both stomach and bowels. Mv old time vigor has: returned. so that my spirits are buoyant andleinper nor~ imal. I give all credit to this wonderful remedyâ€"Dr. Leonhardt's Aiitiâ€"l‘ill.†All dealers or The \\'il.son-l-‘yle Co.. Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. tiLll OHENI'LLE CURTAINS and all kinds 0! home Huuatuu. .130 M03 UURTLIN "m 4- cum-n LIKE NEW. Write to “I about your-n Mum AIIBIOII IVIIQO 0... In I“. “saw Mr. M. N. Dafoe. STORIES OI" “K. OF R." Lord Kitchener of Khanum Generally "as His Own \Vay. A fi-w months ago “K. of I{."ias the Britiin have iiii-l-znanir-d Lord Kitchener of Kilnl'tlllllvifllllitl himself engaged in a pri‘iiongcd discussion with the Cour mandant of a native corps in India who had applied for funds to fit his men out with brand new uniforms. several times. says the tirand Magazine. “IVS†patience became exhausted. and he sent. word to say that he would come and inspect the corps himself. The colonel rubbed his hand< with (‘0- light’ and on the appointed day care- fiilly instrucch his dusky warriors I0 inents. in order to furniin a practical demonstration of their sartorial re- quirements. The commandant was reckoning without his host. however, for Lord Kitchener had no sooner run his critical eye down the ranks than he saw thrOugh the others little device. A grim smile played about the corners of his mouth. “Ah, Colonel Jones,“ heartily, “I congratulate you on the ap- pearance of your men. They're in the pink of conditionâ€"positively bursting through their uniforms t.†When Lord Kitchener once makes up his mind about anything it requires a very determined will indeed to turn him from his purpose. On one occasion a difference of opinion had arisen as to the amount of money he might expend on the conveyance of stores to the front. He wanted a couple of thousand pounds for the purpose. but a niggardly pay department. at home protested that the estimate was much too high. “Can‘t do it for less,†was the laconic response telegraphed to Pall Mall. This, however, only evoked a reply that he would not be allowed more than a quarter of the sum asked for. To everybody‘s intense surprise “K.†wired back, “All right!†and proceeded to carry out the work he was engaged on. When the xpedition was over, how- ever, the Treasury ollicials were electri- fled to receive from its organizer a bill reading as follows: “1. To conveyance of military stores, as per estimate. £500. “2. To supplementary £1,500." expenses, _____+.___ THOUGHTI’UL. Father of Large Family: “My dear, isn‘t it about time you were thinking of getting married T’ Eldest Daughter : “Goodness l I haven’t thought of anything else for years.†Something More Than a Purgative.â€"â€" {To purge is the dilly effect of many jpills now on the market. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are more than a purga- tive. They strengthen the stomach, where other pills weaken it. They cleanse the blood by regulating the liver and kidneys. and they stimulate where other pill compounds depress. Nothing of an injurious nature, used for merely purgiitive powers, enters into their composition. TOO MUCH MARGIN. “I am thirtyâ€"ï¬ve years old," an- nounced a woman of ï¬fty-six at a tea last week. “And I am twentyâ€"six,†said the woman of forty-ï¬ve. Then turning to a girl of seventeen, who stood near- by, she asked: “How old are you, Ethel ‘2" “Oh,†replied Ellie], “accord- ing to present reckoning, I’m not born yet.†Like little volcanoes of disease, the eruption: of eczema. pour out discharges._ Bad blopd causes the trouble. The local remedy is Weavers Comte, and Weaver's Syrup will drive the poison from tin blood. â€"“ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" A VISION OF' DEATH. “'oman Learned of Mother's Decease \\'Iiile in Hysterical Trance. A well authenticated case of “sownd sight" is narrated by Mr. 'l‘hcodore I), Brocklchurst in a letter to the London Spectator. It occurred in Yorkshire, and concerned a woman employed as cook in the house of a neighbor who was away holidayâ€"making with his family. The cook had violent hysterics one evening, declaring to another servant who was keeping house with her that she had seen her mother, who lived in Durham, and that somebody was try. ing to smother her. Next morning the cook received a telegram informing he;- of her mother's death. Subsequent investigation proved that the woman‘s mother accidentally set ï¬re to herself and was burned to deatn at exactly the hour when the cook had the alarming vision. .. .45-- N... KEEP TRYING. vaboys should get discouraged, At lessons or at work, And say. “There’s no use trying,†And all the hard tasks shirk, And keep on shirking, sliirki’iig, Till the boy became‘a man. I wonder what the world would do To carry out its plan? The coward in the conflict (lives up at lirst (It‘lc‘i'lt; If once repulsed. his courage Lies shattered :it his feet. The lu‘zivc heart wins a battle Because through thick and thin He'll not give up as Conqueredâ€"- Ile tights, and ï¬ghts to win. So. boys, don‘t get disheartened Because at first you fail; If _\'i>ll but keep on trying, At last you will prevail; the stubborn against failure, ‘ 'I‘ry. try. and try again: The boys who keep on trying Have made the world‘s best men. Tie a w i '11: 1 m“ “m†“ “ “rm†(“13’ L ‘IIIC benefit of his health. be put forward again more tlrtlt‘lltly‘ than ever. After this had happened don their oldest and most ragged gar-i he exclaimch I t(after having (ill-“NED IN‘ I’IGSTY. Young Man Confined for Six “ith No Light. Months A terrible case of barbarity of parents towari‘l their son has been brought to light at Nziiitcs. France. Some six months ago a young man of weak intcllcct itiszippcurcd from the neighbor-horn]. His father is a wellâ€"to- do farmer, and inc neighbors were told that the youth had been sent away for The truth of the statement was doubted, and the other day the gi-ndarnics paid a domic- iliary visit to the farm. The missing iyouth was found chained up in a filthy pigsty. where. he had been confined for six months, with no light and little air. The food supplied him was of the. coars- est description. At night. by way of exercise he was led about the farm at- tached to a stout chain. The unnatural parents. who plead in justification that their son was a lunatic. arc to be pro- secuted for their inhuman cruelty. .._.__+__ Cholera morhiis, cramps and kindred complaints annually make their appear- ance at the same time as the hot wea- ther, green fruit, cucumbers, melons. etc.. and many persons are «Icliarred from eating these tempting things, but they need not abstain if they have Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dyseiitery Cordial and take a few drops in water. It. cures the cramps and cholera in a remark- able manner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bowels. “I saw a queer thing the other day," said the story-teller; “it was a duck swimming across a pond and a cat sitting on its tail." cried the audience, increduloiisly. “How could a duck swim across a pond and a cat on its tail?“ "Nevertheless," said the story-teller, “it’s perfectly trite. ‘ I should explain, however, that the cat was sitting on its tail on a wall.†A nutter of Importance to all those who am run down and debilitated is the fact that "Ferrova " is the best tonic ever compounded. " It gives strength and builds up the system. Mother: “Johnny, stop asking your father so many questionsl Don't. you see it annoys him 7†Johnny: “\V‘hy, mother, it‘s not the questions that make him angry; it‘s because he can‘t answer them l†â€"- A Tonic for the Debilitated.â€"Parme- Ice's Vegetable Pills by acting mildly but. thoroughly on the secretions of the body are a valuable, tonic. stimulating the lagging organs to healthful action and restoring them to full vigor. They can be taken in graduath doses and so used that, thcy can be discontinued at any time without return to the ailments which they were used to allay. M “That’s arrant nonsense," said Mr. Henpeck, “about there always being room at the top.†“Oh,†his wife sar- castically replied, “when were you up to see '2†“’Tis well to know a good thing,†said Mrs. Surface to Mrs. Knowwell, when they met in the street. “Why, where have you been for a week back?†“Oh, just down to the store for a bottle cf Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil," and Mrs. Surface, who hates puns, walked on. But she remembered, and when she contracted a weak back there was ano- ther Customer for Ecleclric Oil. UNFORTUNATE. I bought a mine, The mine is mine no more; I struck a sharp, And he, not I, struck ore! I bought some stock, Dame Fortune tried to woo; The market changed; It brokeâ€"and I broke tool I loved a girl, So dear to IIIC, I vow; I wedded her, Anti she is dearer nowl Some men have luck, 0f me, that can’t be said; If luck struck me I‘m sure ’twould strike me dead! Customer: “I want a piece of meat without fat. bone or gristle." Butcher carefully examined his stock): “You‘d better have an egg, nia‘ain l†Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow duecuonl. 'I‘I IE REAL CAUSE. Teacher: \\'hy did the ancients be- lieve the world to be flat ‘2" Bright Boy: “Because. they didn‘t have no school globes to prove it was round †“Oh, nonsense I" i Win. a: PAID BV LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. vonomo 0N1 VOANV vcnsonwuoclm woumv nus souvconuinapnv town or Aouunuiou antimony: on cannons Auv nun-nous curmch RA GUA maunomouursmou ALLDEAiEris... AUTHORIlED TO RETURN PURCHASE MONEY TO‘ANVONE FINDING CAUSE FOR COHPLAINY. Sunlight Soap is better Money Eewagi‘ will It fund (I ' “’3‘ “n’ hem deg“ than other soaps, but is gigging; from whom unlightSoup you buy Sun- light Soap it contains any injuriou- best when used in the you ï¬nd any chemical or cause for 0 any form of complaint. way. adulterntion. Equally good with hard or soft water. V Lovaf Brothers Limited. Toronto ml Corrugated Eran. “ Keeping Everlastingly at it Brings Success." it 7Ҡ' ilItiI‘. I" I "ii 1‘- I PEDLAR‘S CORIIUGATED IRON is made on a 36,000 In. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a time, and is guaranteed true and straight to size. We carry a 600 ton stock in Oshawa, Montreal. Ottawa, Toronto and London and can ship ordinary requirements the same day order is received. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feet in 2/8, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. This class of material is most suitable for ï¬reproofing Barns, Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof. _ Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers and Galvanized Nails carried in stock. Send Speciï¬cations to your nearest ofï¬ce for catalogues and price: THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, lenient. tile. Olltliltl, 0m Itiftllilo,0til. l0iltltill,0nt. iiifltliitttlgfltlll. IIIIICOUIEIM. 767 Craig St. 423 Sussex st. 11 Colborne st. 69 Dundas st. 76 Lombard st, 615 Fender at. Write your Nearest omce._nEAn OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"osflAWA. om Largest makers of Sheet Metal Building Materials under the British Flag. LAMBS Two corn. H n In Western Banana yeah?! ,_ Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.B. a 01.}. Strong soil, 90 per cent. plough laud, spring mesh, no slough; About 40 miles NE. of Indian Head. Price $10.60 per m Write for map and ntI particulars. R. PARSONS. on Welleslcy Street. Toronto. “I‘d.- Wilson’s total the Dealers in High Grade Mines, Mineral Claims and Mining Stocks. Bonds, Se- curities, Real Estate. etc. We know of a good Stock to buy at the present time. Write quick for particulars. P. 0. BOX 2’19, COBALT, ONT. , ‘ FLY PADS ONE PACKET HAS ACTUALLY KILLED A BUSI‘IEL OF FLIES Sold by all Drnggists and General Store! and by mall. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCH DALE WILSON, HAMILTON. ONT. H tifliltltliill titlitfll iiiiil titlfltltlltl Rtilti‘t standard Publication for Cement and Concrete users. Covers entire Canadian ï¬eld. 13c. Copy; $1 a year. Sample copy free. Address, 73 Adelaide St. Toronto, Ont. nectar labs and animals. tan skins. etc. Mount your own deer, ‘elk and mouse heads. Big proth._fln° recreatiou' Eusin and quickly Iemned. Thousands of students in Canada. “’9 teach by Mail and Guarantee Success. Terms reasonabie. Write today 101‘ our line catalog FREE. LEARN BY' o Caustic B alsam " ’ A um. Speedy. m rosmvo can Thorium". Best. BLISTER ever used. Taken the place of all ltniiinents for mild or Ievcre action. Removes all Bunches or Blemlahes from Box-sea Ind Cattle. SUPERSEDES ALL CAUTERY Dill! FIRING. Impoumetopromm orblanah ver .. .l'l.,_ . The I. W. School of Taxidermy, 64 A at. Omaha, 0.8.». DOMINION HENDERSON BEARINGS, Limited. Manufacturers of the ill iiitlil Riltltilltfliiiltl ENGINEER 3, TOOLMAKERS, HIGH-GLASS MAGNINISTS 785 King St. wast, Toronto bottle sold In warranted to give adulation rice 1.50 per bottle, Sold by drugglats. or lent y expreu. charges pnld. with full direction. tor to use. Band for descriptive circulars. l‘he LawrenceNV t. Illinl Co..'l‘oronto. ‘. A HARD JOB. The inspector asked the boys of the school he was examining: “Can you take your warm overcoats off ‘1†“Yes, sir,†was the response. "Can the bear take his warm overcoat off?" “No, sir." “Why not?" There was silence for a while, and then a little boy spoke up. “Please. sir, because God alone knows where the buttons are.†Work wanted for Potter & John- ston machines, and Brown & Sharpe grinding machines. Prices low. Any kind of light machine built to order. ______.__â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" Only those who have had experience can tell the torture corns cause. Pain, with your boots on. pain with them off -â€"pain night and day; but relief is sure i to those who use llolloway‘s Corn Cure. Some men would be happy if thch pCSSc-ssi-d the ability to do others others do them. â€" (IS 1551.15 NO. 29â€"05.