I m 29. .u.â€" .l....l,....v. ,, L-nl Holstvin Cattle and Breeder of Imprmvd Chestn- VVhito Hogs. Lot 29. 15L Cum. Vaughan (Thornhill) has fur wile- snme good young stuck. 'l‘hnmnghhred bull and hug kept for sm-vice m) the premises. AA.‘“nnr~r A n: Toronto 8: York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISXON 91K“ York Mills P.O. A.M. 6.15. 7.15. 9.15, 11.15. 1’. M. 1.13, 2.15, 3.15, 6.15. 8.15. 9.15‘. Thm'nhill A. M. 0.35. 7.35, 8. 11.35. P. M. 1.35. 2.35, 3.35, 5. 8.35, 9.353“. Richnmnd Hill A. M. 6.45, 7.15. 9.45, 11.45. P. M. 1.45, 2.45, 3.45, 35, Change in Time Table 6.45; 8.45. 9.45‘. Bond Luke Junction A. M. 7.00 9.!!0..10.00. P. M. 12.00. 2.00. 3 00‘ 6.00. 7.00, 9.00, 10.00*. A Aurora A. M. 7.15. 8.15, 9.15. 10.15. P. M. 12.15. 2.15. 3.15, 4.15, 6.1.3. 7 15 9.15. 10.15*. Ns-wmarket. Arrive. A. M. 7.30.830. 9.30, 10.30. P. M. 12.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.30, 6.30, 7.30, 9.30, 10.30'. GOING SOUTH. One f the best ï¬mu-s for homeâ€"made bread and general family use. Try it and he convinced. Also “’heat Gems, a choice Break- Gladstone Flour Newton Brook. PLEASA'N'iâ€"I‘VIEW FARE/1 PCKI. 1:00. 2.00. 3.00, 5.00. (100+, Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on ulter- nate Sundays a“) a. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services as 10.30 8.. m.. and 7 p. m. Sunday Echool at 2.30. Geueml prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Monâ€" dav m: or before full moon (lmrt Richmond. A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and much Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"-Meets third Wednesday 0! each month Camp Enums 0 S â€"Meets second and fomth Wednesday R. T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month ,- _ . .-A,,‘_- A: -umuy 10 Manitoba, Patent and Pastry Flour 11.20. P. M. 1.20, 2.20, 3.20, 5.20. 7.20, H.230. 10.20. York Mills 1‘. O. A. M. 7.10. 8.40, 0.10. 10.40. 11.40. P. M. 140,240. 3.40, 5.40, 7.10. 8.40. 10.40. C. P. R. Crossing A. M. 7.30. 0.00. 10.00, 11.00, 12.00. P. M. 2.00, 3.00. 4.00. 6.00, 8.00, 9.00. 11.00. ‘Vvdnesday and Saturday evenings a. late 0m- lenve‘s C. l’. R. Crossing fur Newmarket and intennediate points at. 11.30 p. m. *(‘vnncelled on each “’ednesday and Saturday. *Leave C.P.R. Crossing at 11.30 p.m. on \Vednegdays and Saturdays. fC‘vnnnect with Schmuberg 8L Am‘nm Railway. mon ch Church nf Englandâ€"Services at 3 p. an. Ice, [Ana and 41): Sunday. Third Sunday at 11 a m. Presbyuerian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. m., and 7 p. Lu. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Until fuvthm‘ notice Mails will I Richmond Bill Post Ofllcu as fol] MORNING EVmNING ........ . MONE Y ORDERS hopping every day. A de and chop (m lmnd. Th:a «m-nprietox- of Pleasant View 4-111 Ila-1stvin Cattle and Breeder of nm'ov9d Chestvrr‘Vthf Hogs. Lot 'Fi;§ Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday Newmm-ket 1 Bl], 10.30. P. 1 30+. 7.30. 9.30. Aumm A. hf L40. P. M. 12‘ 4-â€. 9. 1â€. Bond L: 110. 11.10. P. M. 1.10, 2.10. 10. 8.10. 10.10. Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING .. EVENING N. B.â€"Reqistered letters must be , )enst Fifteen )Iinutes earlier than eutioned hours for closing. EXTRA SERVICE ON ALL HOLIDAYS. W. H. MOORE, Manager 3:3. 6.55. 7.5:") 9.55. Richmmld 1.1111 A. M. 6.40. Thm-nhill POST OFFICE NOTICE Fund am prepared to clay. and Balm-«lav evenings. worth Leagueâ€"Meets evorv M EE‘EPlRE Eï¬i: Beginning June 25th, 1906 GOING NORTH ,3. R. Crnssing(annntn). Leave, M. 6.00. 7.00. 8.00’r. 9.00. 11.00. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster I also keep the celebrated Village Directory. Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open II. B. SUHMIDT, ‘lke Jnnvtim) A. 10.55. I’. M. 124 er notice Mails win b9 dosed M. the ill Post 011100 as follows: A. At M. 12‘ 6.10. 7.40 41), 1.40. 2.4 él‘GOODERH AAM. Proprietor, 6.00. 7 30. 1.30, :10 g: isLing and All kinds of mill 3.3.3 ~10, )l‘. Proprietor .0 . 40, 4.40 g 30+. 2.30, 830 600 handed in the above of every 8. 00‘ 96. 8.15 0.. 84 9.40. 6.40, 5.10: v i are the lowest [)nSsihle for the quality of the gouds. ()u 1- horse gumls and ' supplies will llltt‘l‘i‘hl’. even y horse own- er. ‘ GEO. MCDONALD, Richménd Hill Hardwam of all kinég Tinsmithizag pmmpE-v 1y attenï¬ed €30 WE KEEP IN STOCK Portland Cement. Binder Twine Bearing E r l. I E .f "- , A k. g ‘ Square :ear. {3" F ‘ ' fl )- :u' 1i < I ‘ x 1 k ‘+++MM++MÂ¥+M+++++++++ MWM++4W+++++++++§~E IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment ofBoots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. T. B. LUDE‘()IEI). Proprietor ++++++++++++++++++++++++¢++++++++++++++$+++++++++++ METROPOLITAN GRGGERY, UP-TO-DATE GROCEBIES Best Brands of Canned Goods dent 00. Also Mercantile Fire Co. Western Norwich Union York Mutual Confederation Life Ass’n London Guarantee 8c Acciâ€" Next Door North of \Vaiting Room. New \Nitliams Sewing Machine And Karn Pianos Furniture, Paints and Oils Painters’ Supplies AGENT FOR CANDLES Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. £373 $25031. Our liar-mess is the best uhtzainuhie. Our Prices in the long run hy investing in a real 1y good. article? Can’t {on Save Money Throshors’ Coal on huhd. Agents Wanted. $1.00 a year, Send 10 cents for Sample Copy, GOOD LIVERY +++++++++++++ Them. Studies in English Literature A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTE THE USE 6F ENGLISH. Partial contents for this Month. Course in English for the Beginner. Course in English for the Advanced Pupil. How to increase Ono’s Vocabulary. The Art of Conversation. Should and \Vnuld: How tn use then). Pronunciations (Century Dictionary). Correct English in the Home. Correct English in the School. “'hat to say and \tht Not to Say. Course in Letter-\Vriting and Punctu- ntion. Alphabetic list of Abbreviations. Business English for the Business Man. Compound \Vm‘ds: How to “Him +++++++++++++++++++++++++2 LWERY June 1], 1905 “(Enrrcrt @11g13ï¬51- Egan: in 2:52 i‘ CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston, Ill Easy ten: A GREAT SCHOOL ' lygmzorr MELQ'I‘TE SEPARATOR :oal and \Vood Delu Prices Right. TORONTO. ONT. V Students from British Columâ€" hia, Saskatchewan and Muni- toha on the west to New [31'1an- wick on the east are in uttvndâ€" ancu this year. Distance is no hindrance to those who wish to get the best. Our graduates are always successful. Om- facili- tws are nnuurpnswd. Cum- menmz now. No vacations. Col- lege open entire ywm Magniï¬- cent catalogue frPP. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste.) Michael Rmana Tablfles cure constipation. Ripana Tabules. Rimnn Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripana Tabules cure nausea. RICHM’OND H Iï¬i {ï¬nnbnd E? ii} JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, Edltor. INTERESTING QQAL CON NECTION. Talking Maahixzes, R 1V’Cn OD II \Vé [25,008 INSTRUCTIVE Bowl. actinn few hu ings H n t, h e Only Chime selfâ€"ha cred. if.†DTO 1m my HI OCT. 5. {,FMIDAY, The Next Sitting of Division Court tn; N0. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court. Room. 3m in»: -3 WWW W. C. PETEECK, Agent ++++++++%++++++++++++++++ ï¬EGHEST $333557 FATEE‘v. Eagezal Banking E Transaeted. BANK OPEN FROM 1( For other particulars call at the Bank +4-++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kw‘ew Wiiiiams Sewing Honey 5;: Ir {ece-ivm Nut-ice sm-y Capital Rest. $55. a. gaï¬ï¬ï¬i’Sï¬ Our stock ( nishosnvhitin putty, alahus prices right. “Impi D1109 us Thoro not hing Paints Mixed Paints Robertson’s Pamts Purity 2 Durabiiéty ()1 {Janna} :1 RICHMOND HILL lived in Szivin ment and inter RICHMOND HILL H. H. LOOSEMORE. Commencing Jt 10 a. m r Loansd on Farmm-s‘ Iv Ron‘s. {Hunk Note rails Ssappiivd I’m-c. and Needles INC UnequaHed {or took of oils, paints. vat-- »vhiting. zinc white. glues, Llahustin stainsâ€"full, and igzht. 11 $1,000.000 $1,000 000 DEFâ€"{Dâ€"SITS 11) p16 Tia! ()Lhu is nothing cuuld he be Richmond Hill T. F. MCMAHON CLERK p, may-Rum} Strung. ._ON_ rhdx “193511113 35W in: a d :1 posi . 11mm] FROM 10 to 3. as good and tter. M 3:1nk Dvpnr lowed at, not he pa yable AGENT. H9 Ev. .â€" .- any “a Viachine snme 1h 1906 n,» 1H