VETERINARY SURGEON, rfhornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. AT THE LHERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE mcmioxn HILL,ONT. calls by day and night promptly at,- tonded to. Room 12, [21 Victoria St. Toronto. Best, ï¬tting teeth. ulsn r‘eplnting, at lowest, prices. Good work. J. H. SANDERSDN, VOLXXIX. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, 1‘ . F . Mk: DR. H. W. ANDERSON, \Vill be , Ofï¬ce hours: Tuesdays iAâ€"S p. m. VETERINARY SURGEON Francis Bluck, THORNHILL, Ontl Cur. Carlton and Yonge Sts., Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill on \Ved nesduy of each week. Oï¬'ice, next door nurth ufStand- m'd Ban k. Oflice Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dr- E. J. VVoods DENTIST, Safe Proï¬table Lonvenlent yczu‘ makes an accliunt proï¬table. Being withdxuwable whhout notice makes it convuuleuty. THE ONTARIO BANK Toronto Ofï¬ce, 450 CHURCH ST. Lï¬ifï¬ï¬ Headaches >151 per annum, in advance.] ‘l I{ichinoud Iiill DR. \V. E. DEAN RICHBAOND HILL ‘onvenient BUSINESS CARDS. (Su URSDAY MORNING D3. @155. BEGEBS. I)Qzl£i:§£. at w- aflw ggmhemi IS PUBLISHED EVERY EDITOR & Dentist, . RADCLIF] Wteriunry (‘1’? “$115931. flenml. MAHON, INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE W'EEK. EOPIIIETOB mwrasou) This Bank‘s large lesouI-ces onsure Interest, uL highest cup-opp rate, E‘FE, MANAGER, KING CITY ONTAREO BAKE Savings A000 “n I; IN THE You must look well aficr (h: cunmvion of your iiver and bowrls. Unzcss that is duin acuon of the imwcls. possunom products are absorbed, “main; nuadA aches, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia. Ayer’s Pilis a;e_genu.~n We have no 3cm: "h: kmanla: on n HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Monev to loan onland andchatce! mortgages at. lowest; races Auroraofliceâ€"Removed to the old post 0mm one door west of the alumina: to the Ontano Bunk Newzmn'ket- oflSceâ€"‘l‘hree doors south of the posh omce 1‘ HEBnEB'rLENNox G s-rv Monmn jAS. NEWTON “’vst‘, \Vf-slpy Bil‘ild'iilgguum Richmond Hill ()fï¬ne. .‘ Bank Building. every Satux'd DUO". iohmond Hill LENNGX & MORGAN Mulock, Lee, Milliken Clark Phono Main an. Mr. McDonald will be at THE LIBER- AL Oflice, Richmond Hill, on the 13!, and 3rd Saturday of each month. [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJG‘IN 311141455 A G S Lindsey.K C G G F luwreuce W lhxlout Wadswoth Barristers, Snlictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK BENTON, ’K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF _ > JOHN \VALTER MCDONALD NOTARY PUBLIC. OOKEXEBXONER XN TKI Barristers,301icit~v‘.s. tharies, Home Life Building (formerly hold Loan Bldg), 00:. Adehic Victoria Sis. Tnmmu. anlo, Thursday ufternnon. Muuey 1.0 luau at. Five Per Gent (5%,) Private ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Tornllfp Ofï¬ce. 3-"; Richnmn H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, ‘ \V. Conn-r King & Yunge SLX‘LBIS‘ TORONTO. Commissionex, Cnnveyaucer. etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. Lindsey. Lawrence w adsworth, enton, Dunn & Boultbee Bl. 'EEEP‘E’. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1906 :u'I stq-rs and Solicitors WILLIAM COOK and Trust Funds to 101m at lowest current, rates. Aurora. 35:331. In Essentials, Uuity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in allthz'ngs, Charity. G 81‘" MORGAN safety. paid twice a Richmond St Phone Main 2984 (‘ I 13°," " Ho 39“ market itanduI-d “3' after 1'86 TC Tho ufiernonns were spent in re- creatinu. The favm-ite amusemin were tennis and bathing. At seven in the evening a course of bible study was taken up by Rem G. Osborne Tmup uf the Anglican church, Mont- Missionary study classes were taught each mornng from nine to ten by the Rev. L. E. Uoulkhite, I). 0., of Greenwich. N. Y., and the Rev. W. »E. \Vibter of Boston. The text book used was "The Christian Conquest. of India." by James M. Thoburn. The class studied the country. its invaders and rulers. its peoPle. their langung v; and religions. I‘he teachers took great pains in showing the hand of God in dealing with this people. The nonnle class for training leaders was also held at the same hour under the direction of Mr. Morris \V. Elnies, B. A., of New York. From ten to eleven discussion on missionary work in Sundav Schools took place under the lender-ship of Mr. Hurry Wade Hicks, Ph. B., of Boston, Dr. F. C. Stephenson, secretary of the young eople‘s movement. Rev. R. Douglns Eraser. 1). 1)., and Mr. Charles Vickery, B. A., B. D. This isafleld which as yet, has scarcely been touch- ed in regard to mission study and giving, though a. most promising one from every point of new; being al« ready organized without- creating any new machinery for Work. These dis- cussions were followed by stirring adâ€" dresses from returned missionaries who vividly showed the great. need of the foreign ï¬elds. Report of the First Canadian Summer Conference The ï¬ist international and inn-nir- nmninntimml («inferean hi the- Ymmg People-’5 Missiulmry Mme-ian was hvld at (he Ontmiu lmdir‘s (lullvgv. Whilbm July 9-15. The qwnkris uml (lengtIt.e-s Wei-9 wvlcumvd by the l’resi- (lent (If tho cnlleg», Dr. Halo, null Mrs. Hui-9‘ and Miss Blli‘lillul(l‘-l'. thv lady principal. Thvso thres- kinrl puan \Vri-v evm- 0n the ‘HlPl'L fur tho mnnfui'l of (he gnvsts. Consequently every one fpic at home. The r-nllngv proved an ideal spnlr'fm- the cnnfvi-mwe. On un- tvring the nmin part of the building was“. large hull ï¬nished in walnut. The walls were prettily dwnrnted, the flour polished and partially cow-r- ml with a largo Turkish rug. At the uni nf the hall and opposite tho fmnt dunr was an immense stairway run- ning up to the first, ï¬at, whvre them was a. pretty landing witha stained glass window ho-nutifully dv-cm-nted with the cunt, “farms of the builder. Frum each side of thv landing slightly narrnwer smirWuys led to the second flat. As 'Repofled by Mrs. W. I). Atkinson, Epworth League Delegate. It‘s purpone is tu deepen the spirit- uul life and hruaden the missionary aim of the young people in the various organizatinns of the churches. Its main objectives are: 1%, to send out young people prepared and equipped Lu organize missiunary study clussas. and 2nd, to establish a missionary organizaliun in the Sunday Schnnl. Family prayers were conducted Every morning from eight. forty-ï¬ve until nine by the Rev. Dr. McTzwish of Toronto. and Rev. J. F. Gnucher. D. D., president of the “'uman’s Col- lege at Baltimore. The large drawing rum): at the right side of the hall was "59d fur :1 recep- t.inn hall. The parlors at, the lr-fL were milized by the dit’fm-vnt vhm-chos for thir missionary exhibit. of charts and htm-atury. This exhibit, was 0an each In the Snuth pin-t, culled the lll'\\' Francis’ wing. was a. largo concert hnH ï¬tted with a pipe organ whirh. with the grand square piano, was it great help in brightening the singing. At thenorth was the Kym-sun Wng which was divided intu class ruoms t-quipped as :1 mudern schnol. Tiwse mums the cunfex-ence used fur misâ€" sinnary study abuses. The movement. was organized in 1902 and is a federation uniting the young people's departments of the various denominations at hump and foreign missionary hoards uf Canada and the United States. and the board of managers is composed of ï¬fteen secretaries of these lH‘ill'dS. Itdeals with the prnhlems of the young people in the local chm-ch, only through the regularchnrch channel (i. e. the al- ready (ilganised mission board) and not by independent nwthods. The order of the \thithy conference was as folluwszâ€"AL six-thimy every morning the college hell rang for the guests to arise, thus allowing them the ï¬rst half hour to dress and the second half hour for private devotion before breakfast at half past seven. day and was a gwut :Issmt‘una-o in (-wry department of the conference. At the fI-nntnf the hnilding was a. lawn beautifully laid nut, in flower beds and shade by u vax-ivty nf {re-es. The delvgabea fully appreciated its beauties and during rucrmttion spent; many delightfuly mnments. Business is humming in the villa especially in the Ice Cream Parlor warm evqniugg. AnumberJf our citizens attmdol the b;an raising of Homer Bros., 2n 1 con. Markham, Monday afternoon. Mia: Maud Gan-ow of Toronto spent over Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Stx-ee-t, fnrmex-ly Miss Field house. solnist in Carlton St. Methodist Church, 'l‘m-mxlo. sung two $0108 in the: I‘lethk)dict Church here Sunday uxurning. Mr. \Vill’l‘rench of Richmond Hill, will take Rev. Mr. “'ilsou's circuit wm'k next, Sunday. preaching at Maple. Sunday awning. Miss Black of Atherley, is spending an of her vacation with her friend, A iss E. Byzun. Missps E. and M. Case of Aurora. are visiting their cousin, Miss Adele Llnyd. Rev. W. G. and Mrs. Back are away on a Visit, to friends in Ottawa. On Sunday last Rev. Mr. \Visswaeswr pl'eaclwd in St. Andgew's qiiurcb. ' Mx. Edgar Richardson uf Edmonton. is spending this week with his uncle, Mr. Leeds Richardson. The attendance at the Ice Cream Social am Monday evening was small. but a pleasant. time was spent by them present. During the storm of last Fniday af- tenmon. Mr. Robert 0n- bad a. valu- able hnrso strum; by lightning, and instantly killed. Another horse was knocked down by the shock, but soon recovered. real, who in a scholarly manner dealt most impressively with the subject; matter in the early chapters of Gene- sis. including the story of tho crpation and full. He demonstrated the ab 0- , 111w agreement, of the scriptures with ' n-snlts of the best scientiï¬c resmmein ;i\ to the creation of the earth, quo - lt.:( freely fl'uln eminent. unthnrity to : i-ni'ou-v his position. No doubt. it, was ' iiu- ()hrisblikeness in this man that,‘ m-ulu his lvihle study so effective. I The-so hililu studies were followmll by two sincere missionary addressns, ' :mvr which the conference broke up : into denominational rallies for the purpose of encouraging co-opemtii n between the young peeple and bheâ€"ir' own missionary boards. Tue delvgutes Irmked upon the speakers as the choice uf the earth and were dot-ply impressed with their cunsecrnlt-(l live-s. The faces of nnmy were radiant with the Light, that, has Come intn the world. A peculiar feature that was renmrked bv all was Llw exL-ceding quiet, that prevailed uwr the whule assembly. No (me could he in this conference without gettingn larger vision of the. beauty n.“ the Christ life, and of the world's mwls. There wére twelity missinnary vul- untvers present, nine of which sur- remit-red thexmelves to this work dur- ing thv confervnce. A mighty force was lwhiud the yielding of these young pc-ople for the Master’s service and this force was felt throughout the Whule nssmnhly. On Friday ni ht iui~ pressivu addresses were heal from nine of the vulunteel-s, outlining the steps which led them to oï¬er then» selves for service. Mr. Hnny “'nde Hicks. Pb. B.‘ of Buxtun, Ulmimmn of the luternatiun- a] Committee. Rev. J. MCP. Scott. B. A.. Chairman of the Canadian Executive Ununnittc-e. Rev. Dr. McKay, Secretary 0f the P. usbyg-x-ijgx Board (if Missions. Lev. D. Nux-man, B. A., Methodist Missionary in Japan. Re'v. C(mpex- Robinson, Anglican Missiumn-y in Japan. Rev. G. Osborne, ’J'nmp of the An- glimm Chm-uh, Momma]. Rev. Dr. Curman. General Superin- t-ndvnt 0f the Canadian Methodist, Church. Dr. Alex. Nugent, of the Canadian Px-vsbyteriam Church, Central India. Rev. Dr. Lea, uf the Ohuxch Missionâ€" zu-y Suriqty in Japan. {(7. Dr. ()roukhite, Missinnary in ism-[nah of the Arm-mean Baptist Church. Rev. Dr. Fraser, Editor of the P193- byLvrizxn Sunday Schunl Publicatinus. Rev. A. B. Beckie, Baptist Mission- ary in Bolivia. .‘sh: M. \V. Elmes. B. A., of New Rev. Dr. SuLEerland, General Mis- Simlzu'y Secretary of the Canadian Methudist, Church. Mies Jameson. of the Canadian Pll§l)yteria_n Uhugch. Central India. The’ number of delegates present; was 138, distributed among the de- nnminatiaus as follnwszâ€"Methudism. 62; I’mshyteriuns. 56; Congregation~ 8.151, 10; Baptists, 8; Anglicans. 2. Rev. Charles Vickery, B. A., D. D. iev. Juhn Grifï¬th, Canadian PIPS- bytm'ian Missionary, Huumm, China. Rev. Dr. Guucher. President. of the W’nnmn‘s Cullege. Bulpimpre. Dr. F. G: Staph-euson, Secretary of the Methodist Young People’s Move- man The following is a. list, of the speak- Maple the village ‘De ering Farm | Implements than: 9 Auctioneer for theCounty onwr , ro- qpoct'ully solicits your vutronage and friendiy inflllï¬uce sales atthded on the shortest ï¬ance and. 2.; reubbnub‘. mt“. P. 0. ' V‘rdress King Licensed Auctioneer for the County of You: Goods sold on consignment Genera.) sales 5600 etc urompfly wtconded no at reasonable rates Reaideuce Unwuville G R uunldmg, Newtéd Liraok.a.gtm fur :ho abo~e J '1‘ Saigeun, Maple Licensed Auctioneer Sales Ltzeznded to on s son able rates PMrc RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL 9996§§M¢9¢+ OQVQQ¢§¢¢¢OO¢ A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept, at both places. London Mutual 0§§§¢HM¢9¢¢O¢§N§+§¢O§O To get rates or quotations for any of these LOStS you nothing. British America, Flre lnsulfance Compames RICHMOND HILL P. O. ¢¢§§§¢Q4 ¢¢+9¢9¢¢§¢6§§§0§§ 9 Home Life As- surance Co. The glycerine emplo ed in Dr. Pierce’s medicines greatly on ances the medi- cinal ropertles which in extracts and holds n solution much better than alcoâ€" hol would. 1% also possesses medicinal properties 0! its own, being a. valuable demuloent nutritive, antiseptic and NIHâ€" formont. it. adds greatly to the efï¬cacy of the Black Clien-ybark, Golden Seal root, Sumo root. and Queen’s room con- tained in “Golden Medical Discovery" in subdulng chronic. or lingering coughs, bronchial. throat and lung affections, for allot which these agents armrvcom- mgndeq by standard medical authorities. 999+“ cw+¢+oo¢+ou~n¢¢o In all cases where there is a, v. asting away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak stomach as in the early stages of consumption, there can be no doubt that glycerine acts as a valuable nutritive and aids the Golden Seal root, Stone root, Queen’s root and Black Cherrybark in gromoting digestion and building up the esh and strength, controlling the cough and bringing about a. healthy condition of the whole a stem. Of course, it must not be expec to work miracles. ‘It will not cure consumption: except in its earlier stages. It will cure very severe, obstin- ate, chronic coughs, bronchial and laryn- geal troubles, and chronic sore throat. with hoarseness. In acute coughs it in not soefl‘ective. It is in the lingering coughs, or those of long standing, even when accompanied hy bleeding from lungs, that it has performed its most. marvelous cures. Send for and road the little book oi~ extran-ttehtreating of the A IUILC, .uuuauu an. L Dr. I’Ierce’s Medicai Adviser is sent free on remipt. of stamps to pag expense of customs and mailing only. end 31 oneâ€" cent stamps for paper-covered, or 50 stamps for cloth-bound copy. Fropertios and uses of the several med- cinal roots that eneer into Dr. Picrce’s Golden Medical Disc-every and learn why this medicine has such a. wide range of application: in the cure of diseaSes. It is sent me. Addraas Dr, R. V. Pierce, Buï¬a 0. N. Y. The “Discovery†con- tains no alcohol or harmful, habit-form- ing drug. Ingredients all rintpd on each bottle wrapixar in plain .nglish. Sick poop 9, especially those suflerinz Sick people, especially those suflering from diseases of long standing, are invilnl to consult, Dr. Pierce by letter. Tee. All correspondence is held as strict, y private and sacred‘ly conï¬dential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bnï¬alo. N. Y. (hula-makers & Embalmol's. A Valuabï¬e Agent. AGENT FOR N- J. GLASS igeun, J K McEv Maple Weston gahgcon & Mcvan. WRIGHT 1311.08, [Single copies, 3 cts. 3, ii. P: entice. D. G. BLOI and for and and s for the County of York. hortestuotiuand a. ten- )uage soliciteu (AH. N04 Won