Boys‘ thxeo leg ed race.â€"1. Hill and Naughtnn: 2. Pa mer and Brediu; 3, Stephonsou and Patton. Boys' race. 100 yds.â€"l, Lloyd Hill; 2. Willie Falcon; 3. Willie Nuughmn. Boot, rnce.â€"l, Russell Pethick; 2. Mervin Stephenson; 3, Alvin Stqahem Sun. Ladies' races-l. Mrs. Jones; 2. Mus. Darling: 3. Mrs. Palmer. Suck micaâ€"l. Karl Hill; 2. Russell Pethick: 3. Frank Bxedin. By the time the fowgoing eventq were run 011; which m‘t‘ntvs, We may say. were the Mmrco of much interest, a ud amusement. the hour for rutul'ning vz-njuyahle (mo, and every one seemed tin be having a good time. After supper a programme of sports was carrieduub with results as fulluws :â€" Gil-19’ race: spoon and putatn.â€"l. Agnes Buy-1e; 2. Kathleen Riley; 3 thrtrude Bassingthwuitv. Boyx’ race. spoon and pntatnwl. W. 'leey; 2. Allan Bonnet; 3, Alvin Stevenson. Boys‘ race over ten. 100 yds.â€"l. W. Patton; 2. K. Hill; 3. W. Naughtzm. Girls‘ race over ten 50 VdS.â€"l. Dvlla Soules and G91 1,: udo Bassiuglhwaiw, tie:01ive Sbephrnsnn: 3, Irvy \‘Valdpr. Girls' “race. spogn and putatn.â€"-l. A ____‘ Boys’ race, under len. iï¬llï¬rydgél. Karl Hill: 2. Willie Patton; 3, Willie Mugbwnv (“3218' race under ten, 50 yds.â€"1. Jreue Durham; 2, Ethel Stevenson; 3. Mildred Bennet. 'Tlln Richmond Hill Methodist Sun- day Schmil hold their annual vxcursinn on Tuesday 0f this week. The party tank a ride. uver l5“). M. R. R. to Now- mmkeb and mturned tn picnic at Bond Lake Park. Apart, from veaniuus dvluys on the railroad and the crush occasional by an unexpected number if excursionists. the day was a. must, ï¬lm Onteu'liu {armor Ln shmv his pride {in the growth of his nation by coâ€" opumting with the Canadian Paciï¬c in sending every available able-bodied mun he can to the WL-ab. fEuropean farm luhnrers by making an texoeptimmlly low rate over its Atlantic steamship service in connection with \‘ railway lines. It now lenmins for The Canadian Paciï¬c Railway has fmade the wonderful growth 0f the ‘West. possible. In the saving of the wheavt'aind lather crups, the interest, of Canada and the Canadian Paciï¬c are identical. The lather is Canada's national highway. It has announced thuton Aug. 14th. 17th, and 22nd. it will transport from different ten-ilm-ies in the farm laborers to the Canadian North-West, at. the nominally low rate uf twelve dollars: in fact. this National glighway is (rift-ring an induceman to It, is estimated 20,000 farm laborers will be required from the older provinces in assisting in the harvesL of their wealth. The sons uf the West are now urgently appealing to the .purenlul and patriotic instincts of the farmers of the East, to send every strong ablebndied man they czm to aid them in this work of national importance. The growing interdependence of (he Pruvinues 0f this Dominion must be apparent to all. The product of one is neocssity for another. Not. ukme are ‘lhe "yes of the Eastern Provinces, but ‘thns‘e of every country in the wm-ld. 'directed tn the almost phenomenal wheat prgducing qualities of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. Every “mullet. concession and side line in Ontarin has contributed to the settle- ment, of these fertile Western Prov- inces. The crops. according to the Governmental reports fur this season. if safrly harvested and garnered. will ‘fur surpass previous years in quality «and quantity. Should you ï¬x; or me by the publi- rntion of this letter. I would ask your readers not 00 depend upon the ar- PMS of the children “ith dufec ive sigï¬lflrmanr-nd to this matter. If all «amid wihmss the gain in health. imp- plmï¬s knowledge and selflreliunce thglvumts to those who deprived by theiruffliï¬tkm uf access in the public m-hunl's. take advantage vi the educa- Hum] facilities aï¬m-ded by this In- stitu= inn. none would grudge the time- m'nl trnuhle- required w widen the sw-p- If the schunl‘s infl-unnce. Smxd him (he mum-s and addressus, and I Will by correspuudencemr\isibation do ‘ l: be real. Bl'nnlfm‘d, July 20,3966: To zba Editor of Tax: LIBERAL: Dear Sir :â€"I ask your assistance to enable me to get inm communication with the parents or guardians of all the blind childreuin Ontzu-in. under the age of twenty-one years. The Institution fur the Education and In- struction of the Blind. maintained by the Ontario I'mgislntuw. admits as pupils “ all blind youths, of both sexes, between tlw ages “1' seven and twenty- ".me, not, being deficient in intellect. :and free from disease or physical in- lii mity. being residents of the Province of Ontario." It; is nut, necessary Lliut the applicant shall be totally blind: the last, is inability Ln “ read ordinary ‘ type and attend a schnul for these-13mg ‘witlmub svrinus injury to Lhe sight." The initial difï¬culty is tn Innate the‘ (-hildrvn who are eligible furadmisxsiun. and it will he belplul in the future if yt-ur readers will send me the names uu‘l addresses hf blind children under 'aeven, as well as of thnse between seygu a‘ud lweuty-one. THE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND AT BRANTFORD RICHMOND HILL. Omn. July 26. 1906 A NATIONAL N ECESSITY ANNUAL EXCURSION II. F. GARDINER. “ lfgiiyl‘cipul O. I. B. ï¬zhml. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER f+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mrs. Lyons, of this Villugp, “'nnld like to take a pnsition as housvku-per in a. sum†family. Apply at 33 THE LIBERAL OFFICE Lady‘s satchel fnund at Bnnd Lako Park on Tuesday of this \w-ok. Full particulars will he given at, the Singc-r Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. 4-1 F. J. PETHICK FOREST AND STREAM PUB. 00. 346 Broadway, New York. We send ’â€" free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e st books on outdoor life and recreation Situation Wanted Terms: $4 alyear, $2 for sax months. Mr, Prire. Liberal memhm' for Lhn North Division of Aberdui-n, will in- troduce a hill providing for the estabâ€" lishment (-f at. l’aI-limni-nt fm' Smitlund todvnl with purely Scottish logidution. It is said this was brought thlllt by promisvs of gu-nter contml of 1mm! affairs made to Iieland in the Kingsv speech at the ope-mug of Parliaumnt. The will of the late \Villiam andry of Hamilton dispusvs fur an (-smw valued at. $2;3(Â¥J.UUU; Bequests are to he made {vitamin old sm-v:nnt~‘. grunts to charities. and the lmlallce tn bv divided among the witlnw. suns and daughters of the deceasvd. Tho GnVel'nuwnt will take 5 per cont of the estate for succession duties which will amuunt t0 $115.000. new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surroundings. â€" ‘V " us twentyâ€"ï¬ve cents, - d for font weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, ï¬shing, naturzl hisâ€" tory and yachting. A with “FOREST AND O STREAM,†or send us tweptxâ€"fnfe pants, anï¬ 55::23623255335: Advenmm Mr. F. A. Reosor who has been manager of the Standard Bunk in Markham for the past, 33 yrars, is about sew-ring his connection “I?! I) that instituiiun uwing to failing (*yt'Qight. The bank when ï¬rst npvnvd in Mark- ham was known as the St. Luwmnce Bank. Mrs. Chm-It's Lindsay, wifvnf (‘vhnrh-s Lindsay. ex-Rvgistmr uf th Oitv of Tumncu. and eldvst daughter of the la be William Lynn Mackenzie. died at, her residence in Tm-ontn lust Thurs- day. Mr. Thomas Nichul of Markham died on Wednesday of last week. He was a member of Markham Uninn Lodge and was hm-ix-d with masonic hunurs on Friday lust. The tenchém‘and ofï¬cers also (‘ tn thank those not hvlunging tn the schnul who went. along and helped to make the day a success. had arrived, and boarding tho car, the tired but happy party al-I-iwd sufwly home at about 8.30. The milway management very courteoust cm-rivd :1. number of the excursinnists hume or. the regular car. thus relieving unnâ€" sidvrably the crush on the (Mansion car, for which courtesy the z-nmmittw irnfpurge express theig' thanks. Jerry Smith This man comes to me recommended by the principal of the Canadian Horo- Iogical Institute, To- ronto, where he re- ceived his training. I hold myself re- sponsible for the work he turns out. I have been fortun- ate in securing a ï¬rst class mechanic to take charge of my watch-repairingtrade during the month 01 August. To My Patrons Il’oand News N ones terested in country life, ask your newsJealer for +++++++++++++++++++++++++Â¥ The Next Sitting of Division Court for No. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3: FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4TH. 3’: FRIDAY, OCT. is Well known as one of the best commercial schools in existence. Its record this year has been most remarkable. None of our graduates are out; of positions and the. demand for them is about twenty times the supply. Write Fwdny for our magniï¬cent cata- SPRING AND SUMMER log-m; is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxsted Twins. Scotch ’I‘weeds, Fancy Trouserings, _Overcoatmg, etc. In deciding to get a business education 01- shorthand training, it is wise to choose n school that is well-known for strictly high- gt'ade Work. THE A handsomer Illustrated weekly Largest cirâ€" culation of any sclentxflc journal. Terms, 3 a 131' lnogths. 81. Sold by HILyewudpf-ler "MUNH @1353 ééééféi'ï¬Ã©w'}! éfli " réï¬t’éï¬ï¬Ã© Cilia: {hrï¬ï¬ilxwimynn é‘BCBT'II‘eceI‘ve mogul gotta. witpoubchame In the ‘ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a. sketch and descflguon may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably lamentable. Communica- tinns strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent fr Qi‘jest ngency_1'0§_eccuripgï¬putenuz, Femaie, fur S. S. No. 19, Vaughan. I Dutivs to commence August 20. Apply. stating salary. experience. and Pnclnsing testiumninls, (m or h?f1)l‘fl{ 313'; July. m . . . - V | Scies'aï¬ï¬Ã© ‘Eéaééï¬casa. ELLIOTT w Best quality A. J. HUME, Teacher Wanted My Stbck of \Voolens for Raspberris mining. E.- W. J. ELLIOTT, Prlnclpal. (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sta.) RICHMOND HILL TORONTO. ONT. Cnmnmncing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Tailor, Richmond Hill Rasgaberries John Savage ['1'in fur the table or ful‘ "int-1y orders solicited; Apxjh to Semi", Tron 3., Richmund Hi†P.() MRS. HARRISON 1906 Low prices and almost every- thing found in a } o lstatlonery store. l _ Ripans Tabulea cure constipation MWMMWQ-Hï¬i Emma Tabulea. b+++++++++++++++++++++++§f Dictionaries Time Books Receipt Books Rubber Balls Tissue Paper Account Books Pass Books Minute Books Standard Novels Poems Tablets Schoel suppiies Bibles Testaments Eymn Books Paper and Envel- Staiiaziazy Book am! “3% +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 9+++++++++++++++++++++++++ For all kinds of Opes SEG?8 Come to m+++++++++++++++++++++++ June 31. 1905 ++++++$H+Hé+++++++++++++ GOOD LIVBRY IN CONNECTION Threshers’ Cuul on hand RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL LIVERY COAL i W. H. SHAW, Priï¬cipal 3; ':‘ .3. +++++++++°P+H++$+$++++++++ W. HEW’ESON Our stock of oils, paints, var- nishes,whi‘ting, zinc white, glues, putty, ztlahasun stains~fulh and prices right. W. A. Sanderson ++++++++++++++++~M++++++++ “Imperial measure at same price as others.†Vunmnt & \Vuring genus, twe-ntyï¬vc 3 experience. A cnupon in s-vm'y ; (hp huldvl' tn Frt‘e Vr Fur sale Coal and Wood Dehvered. PriCes Right. The-re is nothing as good and nothing could be better. “9 vade um] Culve Disvase. inary Specinlty ingremedis-s: .‘ Puriï¬er. Indigv Sputin (Tum. \’u-mmly. l‘uultl AnLisopric Hm sinn, Bl:le 01], law Cut-v, Aph( Michael Brest. Paints Mixed Paints Robertson’s Paints Purity 2 Durability Calls from a distance promptly attended to. " 4l~6m RESIDENCE. MILL ROAD. SOFT?! OF HIGH MON!) HILL. GLAZIER, GRAINER and Satisfaction GIL-[mute @eaï¬ml ï¬gusium 45‘} RICHMOND ()l‘ shnuld inter? who is unxiul, \th TAKE EQ’EE Riehnxond [1 ill ED. BIRCH HOUSE PAINTER W rite Unequalled for PAPEi-‘HANGER Richmond Hill I. ms nut t-eks in \‘t arr; inlty ‘. J. PETHICK & SON The Live Ge-rmrnl Agel of Richmond . TOR NTO. US RICH MONK) HILL P. 0 Idisiu yrhop king W003 mrkngw maï¬'fling tuxinnry Advice. FTTTJ' HIS '55:}:ng UHiC nd ¢ Mm inury Sun-- 5 uf pmctirnl Relief. l 4nd Ami waste 10 scholar 1120 vamg lhl' f:.Huw and Hlm ulit- (,‘m- 21 n Jnil Hiâ€. L‘Iu'v, Hugh )vnlh Emul- .ump Stew Cl this