Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1906, p. 7

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sunlight Soap 1iii;iifzmiiim HDDHI‘DIIHY cm Novel Method oi Teaching Music to Lit- tle Children. Miss A. Seppings, L.R.A.M., gave an exhibition of her method of tent-hing music to little children at Cavendish Rooms, Mortimer street, London, Eng- land, recently. She instructs by means of cubes, on which the various short notes are inscribed. Miss Seppings tells the children that the demi-semi-quaver has a head, one leg, and three feet. so that it can run very fast, and that the semi-quaver has only two feet, because it does not run as fast as the other. By shifting the cubes according to her direction the children see that it takes two demi-semi- quavers to equal one semi-quaver, and 80 on. “Did you nolice that physician was riding riage after the hearse “Yes; it's the first ‘ the cause follow the e1 oarlor window as I came up the street. Willie (stoutly): “No. you didn‘t neither, That was Sis peeking through the parlor blinds. Mom saw you coming from up. stairs. The Wretched Condition of thousands is due 40 the fact that they no lest the simplest care of their health. When in t, is condition “ Ferrovim” will build you up and give you strength. “All children love bricks," says Miss Seppings‘. "and it is therefore easy yo interest them in music by this method. Children of four or five can learn to read, play. and transcribe little pieces in one term." Dibbs (fucetiousry): “This is a pic- ‘Oure of my wife's first husband.” Dobbs: “Great snakes! What a brainless-looking idiotl But I didn‘t know your wife was married hefore she met you 'I” Dibbs: “She warn’t. eThis is a picture of myself at. the age qt twenty." Gregson (in alarm): “Great- Scott-l I’ve left my purse under my pillow." Fisher: “Oh, well, your servant is honest, isn’t she?” Gx‘egson: “That’s iust ifâ€"she’ll take it to iny wife Host (a trifle nervous about the effect of his guest’s wooden leg upon the polished floor): “lladn't you better come on the rug, major? You might slip there, you know.” The Major: “Oh, don’t be afraid, my boy; there’s no danger. I have a nail in the end of u." Visitor: “Willie, tell your momma that I have come to call on her. Willie: “Mamma’s not at home. Visitor (shocked): “Why, Willie, I’m sure I saw her- lookng from the oarlor window as I came up the street. Willie (stoutly): “No, you didn‘t. neither, That was Sis peeking Mutual, Tomato, Ottawa, ngba, Much distress and sickness in child- ren is caused by worms. Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator gives relief by re. Loving the cause. Give it a trial and be convinced. ' Cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon the victims i-e tore they are aware that danger is near. l! attacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine. Try a dose of Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial and you will get immediate relief. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure. A gentleman courted a lady for twenty-eight years, and then married her. She turned out. to be a perfect Virago, but. died two years after the wedding. "ow." said our friend, in a self-congratulatory tone, “see what) I escaped by a long courtship.” Sun‘jght Soap is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions wing ! meaning! “ BRITISH AHERIOAN DVEINO 00.” Inch (or “out in your town, or and direct For Sh. vary but and you: work $0 :5. TOYS 1mm MUSIC. SAW HER FIRST. INVERTED. first time I ever saw; the effect." the dead man‘ in the first car Effects 0! Industrial Agitations Benefit Lathe Firms. The labor conflict in France still con- tinues. 'i‘he workmen declare that they are defrmined to struggle until the emâ€" ployer cupilulate, while the employers apparently equally determined, declare they will not make any concessions. Some of the French industries are very much deniorulized. The labor (:0 tinucs. The w The lowest birth role in any first quar- ter of a year since civil registration was established was recorded during the first three inonths_0f the present year. according to the quarterly return of marriages, births, and deaths in Eng- land and Wales. ’The actual number of births during this period was 237,396, in the proportion of 27.9 annuallx per 1,000 of the population. In the ten preceding first quarters the mean rate was 20.2. While the birlh rate. has fallen so heav- ily, it is a remarkable fact-“that, owing and 1S 355- small firms disappeared, while es- tablishments employing from 21 to 100 workmen increased by 2,535. 'and lhe number of large firms, employing more than 100 workmen each, increased from 3,081 in 1896 to 4,628 in 1901. The present agitation with a demand for shorter hours and increased wages is said to have added greatly to this con- cenlration of business in certain lines to the large firms. At the age of 25 a girl is willing marry a widower with one child. at ‘ she will toleraia two children and 35 she doesn’t care how many he has. 01d Flink: “I-doubt if one man out of twenty can recall to memory the language he used in' proposing." Young Stewpid: “Probably not. But the girl can. Mine did. When the breach of promise suit. came up she was able to repeat my proposal word for word." I Dr. Leonhardt‘s Hem-Reid cures any form of Piles. Internal, External,Bleed- ing, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, etc, are simply names of the stages through which every case will pass if it con- tinues. Holloway‘s Corn Cure destroys '11} kinds of corns and warts, root and branch. Who. then would endure them with such a cheap and effeclual rem- edy within reach? Piles are caused by congestion of blood in the lower bowel, and it takes an in- ternal remedy to remove the cause. Dr. Leonhardt’s Hen-Reid is a tablet taken internally, and no case of Piles has ever been found it failed to cure. Money back if it does fail. $1.00 at any dealers, or The Wilson- Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls Ont.“ VICTORIAS FIRST \\'I*IITE “OMAN Biliousness Burdens Lifeâ€"The bilious man is never a companionable man because his ailment renders him morose and gloomy. The complaint is not so dangerous as it is disagreeable. Yet no one need suffer from it who can procure Parmelee‘s Vegetable Pills. By regulating the liver and obviating the effects of the bile in the stomach they restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. Fellow-'Passenger: "Pardon me, your necktie has been sticking out for some 'iime. I refrained from telling you sooner because those young ladies .\\,‘Clned so much amused." Fanner: ‘f'i‘ilankee; an’ the oil from that lamp has been droppin’ on that light over- c'oat 0’ youm for the last ten minutes, but everyone seemed so Udkied that I hated to spoil the fun." Comfort by day and sound sleep by night, fol- low the use of Weaver's Car-ate, (or slnn troubles, no matter how tormenting they be. This oint- ment soothes and cleanses. She: “What is meant by the pipe of peace '1" He: “Can‘t imagine. Never yet smoked a pipe in the house but my wife made a fuss about it.” Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. inc Colony , in (o \ )( pione‘ they Mrs. He; II the surf FRENCH [ABOR \VA R. :0mpar‘ l the [ii 5 respe LO\\'EST BIRTH RATE. 1816 ny NO DIFFERENCE. :em ent} her rein Mr. He oved t licl in France still con- 'lunen declare that they 3 struggle until the em- e, while the employers lly determined, declare lake any concessions. nch industries are very \Valt‘ qu; 'ely 0t upon Hentv. m, WI was c d thus 35. During the 3 less than 102,- Jred, while es- from 21 to 100 2.535. 'and file {11’1" the rasmania, ; 1 vessel \vf min are 1r In If ir i n .1511‘0 19( the dez #0131113“ the qu native J with 7.166 'st w! nly at th( Swnr Ml Her- and m )n 10 The typé passion f0] excitement so much 1 vapid, wee sures and conducting the experiment, which was in every way successful, a perfect re- production oi the‘bullet being lhe re- sult. A horse at full gallop. a swal- low in its flight, and even a flash of lightning have succumbed to the pho- tographer's art, but his last triumph is sllll more marvellous. The Crick in the Bacl(.â€""One touch of nature makes the whole world kin,” sings the poet. But what about the touch of rheumatism and lumbago which is so common now? There is no poetry in that. touch, for it. renders life miserable. Yet how delighted is the sense of relief when an application of Dr. Thomas’ Ccleclric Oil drives pain away. There is nothing equals it. Do you know the place? If not, your pleasure has suffered. Take a free trip, a mental little journey through Mus- koka by asking for that handsome Mus- koka Folder issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System,â€"it contains a large map, lots of views, and a fund of facts. Take the journey some evening after supper with your wife and children. Then slam the door on the doctor for 1906 by taking your family on a real journey through the Muskolia District this summer. Less than a day’s jour- ney from principal American cities. The Ideal Family Resort. For all particul- ars and handsome illustrated publica- tion free, apply to J. D. McDonald, Nn- ion Station, Toronto, Ont. Dr. Riegler, of Budapest, has made 11 very curious experiment in photograv phy, and one that to many people will appear almost incredible. He photo- graphed a bullet after it had been fired from a rifle, and while it~was proceed~ mg with a velocity of MO metres~ rather more than a quarter of a mileâ€" a second. A regular infantry rifle was the weapon selected for the purpose hf conducting the experiment, which was in every way successful, a perfect re- production of the‘bullet being the re- sult. A horse at full gallop. a swal- low in its flight, and even a flash nf Rainfall is a condition which has much to do with our health. A wet district with a good deal of subsoil water. making houses damp, is a locality in which rheumatism and consumption are likely to prevail. Over England and Wales the average yearly rainfall is about 31in, in Scot- land it reaches li-Gin., and in lreland about 38in. Possibly the wettest parts of Britain are in Cumberland, where the rainfall may attain 150m. per year. One inch of rain on one acre of ground means a hundred tons of water. He: “Before you married me you used to say there wasn‘t another man like me in the world.” She: “Yes; and' now I shouldn’t like to think there was." A HUNDRED '1 make picnics more enjoyable by maii‘g the preparations easier. ' Easier to carry; easier lo servs; and right (9! Patiflg'as‘khey come from‘tlzm Eark “Libby's c0515 haw; Em pick of the has? meats obtainablefand they know how to 990k them, as vyell as pap}: _lhcm. PHOTOGRAPI‘IING A BULLET Ml'SKOKA THE BEAUTIFUL. “lNHl‘MAN” SUNDAY. TONS OF \VATER. ARCHDALE WILSON HAMILTON. ONT. standard Publicmion [or Cement and Concrete users. Cover-s entire Canadian field. 15c. Copy; $1 a year. Sample copy free. Address. 73 Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. V V KILLS THEM ALL AVOID. POOR IMITA’I'IONS. Sold by all Dmggists and General Stores and by mail. TEN CENTS PERPACKET FROM Gflflflfllflfl Hemem flflfl Ufiflflflfle REVIEW 185 King St. West, Toronto DOMiNION HENDERSON BEARINGS, lil Honneul. 0118. 767 Craig 5:. OflflWfl, 0m (23 Sussex st. lemma, 0m. 11 Colbome st. lflflflflfl, 0m. 69 Duudas st. mama, mm. 76 Lombard st. Corrugated. PE‘DLAR‘S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,930 m. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a Lme. and is guaranteed true and strajghl to size. We carry a 600 ton stock in Oshawa Montreal, Ottawa. Toronto and London and can ship ordinary requirements the same day order is received. Made in 1 inch. 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feel in 28, 26, 2,5, 22, 21), 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. This class of material is most suitable for fireprooiing Barns, Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof! Corrugated Ridges. Lead Washers and Galvanized Nails carried in stock. Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and nrices. Write your Nearest Ofllc..â€"-HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, Oat Largest makers of Sheet. Metal Building Materials under the British Flag THE 3) ENGiNEERB, TOOLMAKEHS, HlGl‘l-OLASS MAGNIXISTS Manufacturers of the TH E PEDLAR PEOPLE. Wilson’ 5 FLY PADS " Kuplng Evumtlnzly at I! Bflnga amen." THE ONLY , THING THAT Limlted. nun-him & John own a v- u .. Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two :aflwnys, 6.9.3. a G.T.P. Strong soil, 90pm- cent. plough lan¢ spring crest, no Ilougba. About «3 miles N.E. o! Indmn Bead. Pnco 810.59 per son. Write {or map and full particular; m Western rcanada Prifl‘s R. PARSONS. 9| Wenesley Street. Toronh. Canaan. Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed in any other way. Chemicals in soap may remove the dirt but always injure the fabric. Bails, Blood-paisining, \‘aricuse Ulc Poisoning yield readily to it. It don’t c< â€"at- stores 250 amzl 50c, nr sent prepaid small size, 50:: large. Name your names! oflice and P.(). Missnon Ointmenl & Chemical Toronto. Canada. THE OlyD SORE that has been troubling you for months or years can be healed painlessly and promptly by The l. W. school of Taxidermy, 64 A at. Omaha. U. IA Choice 480 acres near Moose Jaw, Sink" 3} miles from Pasqua Junction: stable, shack and 140 acres in crop : yielded 42 bushels wheat, per acro last year; rice $22.00 per acre. Many other farms for 83 e in the famouw Moose Jaw district. J. R GREEN. “5 QUEEN cm Bu. ca No real need to buy the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT CLEAN. \If you want a BIG LIGHTâ€"THREE on FOUR GAS Jars IN ONEâ€" FOR TRY Sunlight Soap ‘should always be used as directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary. Sunlight Soapiis better than other soap, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. 7 Equally good With hard or soft water " m be id $5,000 may 13m“ 33m. proves that Sunlight Soap contains any iandons chemicalsor my form of ad bemtion. Sunlight Soap will not injure the most dainty lace or the hands that use it, because it is absolutely pure and contains no injurious chemicqls. D“ LAMP fin. EcoNomy Samia USE Prime 6; White Mission Ointment Queen A City Oil Lamp lever Brothers limited. Toronto For Sale by Deaiers For Sale.‘ ISSUE N0. 30*“. Land Dealer, Moose Jaw, Sash in Canada. We leuh by Mtil and Gum-mm Success. Terms reamnable. Write [0-day ‘01 our fine catalog FREE. M©flflNTRD§ snd animals. Inn ski'na. ow. Mount your own deer, elk and moose heads. Big profits, flue recrentxon‘ Ensin and quickly karme Thousands 0! {Judging lg, Varicuse Ulcs y to it. It don’t co , or sent; prepaid Name your nearest BEAUTIFUL LIGHT VMGGUVEI,B.G. 615 Ponder st. Two counting sectioniJoloet- ed lupdp 1| UNITED 'l Toronto” Ulcer's, Ivy express muc

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