Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1906, p. 8

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may 7L3 Wednesday and Satuxday evenings a late cau- leuws 0. P. R. Ul'nssing fur Newmm‘ket and intewxediute points at, 11.30 p. In. Every Wednesday and Saturday night a late car will leave Newmarket Station for Toronto and intermediate points at, 10.45 p. m. ' +Counect with Suhotuberg 8: Aux-om Railway. EXTRA SERVICE ON ALL unriumvs. “I. ll. MOORE. Manager of 9++++++++++++1fi+ York M Nei Am Fur Pai i++++++++++++$ 9.50. 10.50, 11.50. P. M. 12.50. 1.50, 3.50, 4.50. 5.50.7050, 7.50! 9.339. Newmzlrket (Huron St). Leave, A. M. 5.46. 6.45. 7.451: 8.45. 9.45. 10.45, 11.45. P. M. 12.45. 1.45. 2.45. 3.45. 4.45. 5.45%. (5.45. 8.45. Newumrket Station A. M.. 6.00. 7.00, 8.00, 9.00. 10.00. 11.00, 12.00. P. M. 10.55. 11.55. P. M. 12551.55, 3.55; 5.55. 6.65. 7.55. 9.55. 0. VP: R.V_Ox:q«s‘ikng.‘ Arrive. A. M. C. P. R. Ort;ssiug(fl)tontn). Leave, â€"A. M. 6.00. 7.00. BAD}. 9.00. 10.00. 11.00, 12.00. P. M. 1.00. 2.“), 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.001‘. 100,000. Thornhill A. M. 6.35. 7.3â€"), 8 3."), 10.35, 11.35. P. M. l2.35,1.&3, 2.35, 4.35. 5.35, 6.35. 7.35. 9.35. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.50, 7.50, ' and Luke Junction A. M. 7.05. 8.05. 9.05. 10.05. 11.05. P. M. 12.05.; 0.05. 4.05. 5.05, 0.057. 7.00. 8.05. 10.05. Aim-urn. A. 51.7.20. am, 9.30. 10.20, 11.2.0. P. M. 12.20. 1.2), 2.20, 3.20, 4.20. 5.20. 6.20. .20, 8.29. 10.20.? Newmarket (Huron SM, Arrive, A.M. 7.40. 8.40. 9.40, 10.40, 11.40. 1’. M. 12.40. 1.40, 2.40. 3.40, 4.40. 5.40, 6.40, 7.4-0, 8.40, 10.40. ' GOING SOUTH. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.45, 7. I ~) 9.4!). 10.45. 11.45. P. M. 2.45. 3.45. 74,45. 5.45. 6.45. 7.45. 9. The proprietor of Pleasmlt View Herd Holstein Ontble and Breeder of Improved Chester White Hogs. Lot 29. let, Com, Vaughan (Thm'nhill) has for sale somp googi young stuck. . p 1.0“. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. 5.00, (3.00. 9.00. Aurora. A. M. 6.15, 7.15, 8.15‘ 9.30. 9.30, 10.30. 11.30. P. M. 12.30. 1.9302 2.30, 13.330.747.30. 5.30, 0.30. 5511 una hug kept for service on the Bren-ism. . G. GOODERHAM, Change in Time Table PLEASANT VIEW FARM Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DlVlSlON “.Xlso \Viléxt‘é‘evms, a choice Break- fast Food. One f the best, flours for home-nmde bread and general family use. Try it and be convinced. Gladstone Flour I am p1 opared 00 (In misting and chopping every day. All kinds of mill feed and chop uu hand. Manitoba. Patent and Pastry Flour Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€"â€" MORNING 8‘30 EVENING . .. ............. 2 . N. B.â€"Regisberod letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes oulier than the above mentioned hours for closing. OFFICE 0508115 A? 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Thnruhill A.‘ M. 6.65. 7.55. 5.55. 9.55, Bund Lake Junction A. M Roman éathollo Churchâ€"Services on unor- hate Sundays “9 mm. Ind 10.30 a. m. Methodist. Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Sands. Sohool at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thurs 3y. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meeta Mon- day on 0; b_aforo gull. 111302 .., J, _AA-¥‘ --_| Until further notice Mails will be closed at. the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows :â€" MOBNING . 8 00 EVENING" "fiesbynenan ChfiichZBé§vfoea mill 3. m.. and 7 p. 111. Sunday School “2.30. Prayer meeting Wiedneadag qyeqéngh r , ._ -_ AAA“ Church of En landâ€"Services M 3p. tn. lat, 2nd and 4th Sullfiy. _Thjrd $unda_y_gt ll 9. m‘. P. R. Ormsiug. Arrive. A. M. 8.40. 0.40, 10.40. 11.41). P. M. 12.40 2.40. 3.40, 4.40. 5.10, 5.10, 7.40. 10.40. POST OFFICE NOTICE Beginning July 30th, 1906 GOlNG NORTH EMPIRE Ml}. I also keep the celebrated Village Directory. . B. SCHMIDT, MONEY ORDERS Newton Brook. Proprietor, L [S Proprietor 9.15. 3.15, v I...- 4.. A LU‘iIS y 777 K are the lowest pussihle for tho quality HA of the goods. ()ur horse goods and ’ supplies will iuLeI-rst may horm- own- 81'. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill $++++++++++++++++++4¢ Machinery Hardware Of all kinfis Tinsmithmg prompt- ly attended to Jacob Eyer WE KEEP IN STOCK Portland Cement Binder Twine Bearing E~&rvesting T. B. LUDFOIRI). 131-01)rictor IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. dent 00. Also Mercantile Fire Co. Western Norwich Union York Mutual Confederation Life Ass’n London Guarantee 80 Acci- METROPOLITAN GROCERY, UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES Best Brands of Cazmed Goods PG. SAVAGE Next Door North of Waiting Room. New Williams Sewing Machine And Karn Pianos Furniture, Paints and Oils Painters’ Supplies AGENT FOR r+++++< CANDIES 85 Sen. Choice variety of ++++++++++ o”? v {j i" Fresh and Clean. is the best obtainable. Our Prices in the long run by investing in a. real- ly good article? Our 11311-110525 +++++++++++++++++++++++é Can’t {on Save Money +vw&é%$%w§¢+* A six-wowed house on Richmond Street, the propm'tv of Mrs. O’Brien. Apply to Agents Wanted. $1.00 a year, Send 10 cents for Sample Copy, Them. Studies in English Literature. ation. Alphabetic list of Abbreviations. Business English for the Business Man. Compound W'ox-ds : How tu \Vrite Pupil. How to increase One’s Vocabulary. The Art, of Conversation. Should and Would: How to use them. Px-nnunciutions (Century Dictinnax-y). Correct English in the Hume. )orroct English in the Sclmul. What, to say and What; Not to Say. Course in Letter-Writing and Punctu- Course in English for the Beginner. Course in English for the Advanced CORRECT ENGLISH, [\ansfianH A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGLXSH. menls, will meet laborers on arrival at \Vinnipeg. Free transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points where laborers are needed. A certificate is furnished when each ticket is purchased, and this certificate, when executed by farmer, showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored from that point for a. second class ticket back to starting point in Ontario, at $18.0), prior to Nov. 1st, 1906. Tickets will he issued to women as well as men. but will not be issued at half fare to childmn. Tickets are good only on special Fa rm Laborers' trains. For full particulars see nemest C. P. R. Ticket Agent. or write 0. B. Foster, D. P. A., C. P. R.. Toronto. 4 Statinns mmh of. but not including main line, Toronto to A _ 1 Sui-min including Toronto. A G 1 Main line Tux-unto to Sarnia and stations north, excepp nm-tl} , 7 of Cal-dwell Junction and Tin'ontn on North Bay Section. A U From all puints Tomntn and east to and including Slim-hut, . . .1 Lake and Kingstnn, and north of 'l‘in'nnto and Caldwell Junctiun on North Bay and Midland Divisions. One way second class tinkels wil be sold to W'inmpeg unly. Repi-esentntiyg fax-megs] appoint d by Manitoba. and Saskatchewan Governâ€" “QEurrett @uglifihâ€" ‘gfimv tn 1152 it.” 1906 Easy terms given on ail. markut. Moâ€" Iutlt- huwl is shuflmv mm] W i d o n. n d (IPL‘IH in the centre 9n that, ' ~' every part of it can he mus- ! " ily clvaned. Square Gear. Over 125,000 in daily use. Machines placed on wvek‘s trial! fwe. Partial contents for this Month. House to Rent M ELOTTE SEPARATOR JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, Editor. INTERESTING $32 To Manitoba and Saskatchewan Talking Machines, Records and Needles G. H. METCALF. for the additional 1 gaing trip under cundi; GOING DATES INSTRUCTIVE. Only ma~ china with svlibalalneing howl. Fl-vw action and fx-w hull-hoar- ings than any n t‘ h e 1' m :|~ ch;in (m the (Reed-vet} in Savings’ Bank Depnr | ment and interest allowed at 50-3 mus. THE W. BOOTH LUMBER CO. LIMITED etc.. “'9 L lumber, For other particulars call at the Bank General Banking Business Transacted. Moan-y Loan“! on Farmers’ Sale Notes. Blank Now Forms Supplied Free. HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. STMDARD BANK 01 Canada ' RICHMOND HILL w. c. PETHICK, Agent \V hen Antnmutic L‘m-nw-nfl‘ of lu-lk, Rnplirk Cf"- with hull lwurings. Full t-qnipnwhi (\f Fusest atl‘arahmvnls. Machile pha- ed on trial free. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. AH deposits payable on demand. New Wiliiams Sewing Machine Capital Rest BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. Silent, Simple, Easy-Running and Strong. H. H. LOOSEMORE. AGENT. additional for the vetnm ticket, under conditions as Insow. R. Trucks & Summerhill Ave North Toronto NOTICE in need uf ruugh 01' dressed mouldings, shingles, doors. :an supply your need. RICHMOND HILL. 3.1 $1,000,000 $1,000 000 DEPFSITS hear 35 cents up Records fn uh Cain? and Both (175c- md cylindvx $5.00 up maps from tin-u

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