Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Aug 1906, p. 1

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“In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in (1th 'ngs, Charity.” No.5 in“: mm CAN STANBARD. Headford lint-vest. is well under way in this neighborhood. Mr. E. A. Stone ; Treating Wrong Disease: Many times women call on their family physicians, suffering, as they imagine "2-: an; r-~»‘v may or" M} IV 9‘7; - fl “it? new '5 5 ~‘. 1". ... .: i ,2 l R ... , one from dys epsia. another from hear, 7"? P‘Ol‘s’mfis 0‘ .‘lle ‘lew Lmv m be ' “1mm r” \‘V‘Wl‘ "g" h” mt l“3 90 My disease, anotlier from liver or kidney Afiâ€" “1,9 , hmoi‘ced. oats. 1e nus an excellent ) reld, but it disease, another from nervous exhaustion a ,5,“ @311; is smut-thing unusual to harvest the or prostration,an_other with pain here and \‘Eiil $1; m out. crop in the month of July. there- and In this Way they 3" DI'GSOUt Several of the farmers have finished alike to themselves and their easygoing At the lust session of Parliament on l v AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING ill PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT ’l‘ . F . Mo M AH Eur-201'. «1’ Psornm'ron. (Six :ccss’ir to Dr. Lrtwrasou) ' 3?; iell'un 0 21d Elli} “ out: gallant IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING M A (l S Lindscyli U G G ‘r' l.- '.'-\'l‘9'|-‘fi W Ride“: it. .1.l.~'»ioiih m L m u ' tin...) VI Barrister. 5.301icilai hold Loan Bldg). ( V lt fulfils. Toroii? o \Vt‘st, \‘K lliI-h'iioui ll-It'll. Money to limit :ltr Fl i ON, ' 'i . l .. - .ollOf'BV’. :iawrcuce £9 ‘er r 1. rt" 1' VVILLlAlV‘l [Llth BARRISTER. SUth‘I’l‘UR. NOTARY, E'rc. ijfili‘t'. 3:; ‘ "_\‘ Buildings. I Hill (li’llno, Sink Building. igvciy Saturday ul'tcr litéiiiox ’ “Hum”... n “mug-unfimnu~.mn_ n it“! e "Worth 9 , i- - , s. ixczariss, 8c. Home Lifc Buildings,r (t'm-nimly Free for. Adelaide 6'5 . l‘oroui’o. Richmond Maple, Tiiursil-iy afternoon. \‘c Per ()rnti (7):). MORGAN, i \‘iolutcil. St. Stu nda I'll ‘ {PM art. was passed to make it llllp“l'lil\‘t‘. i that :1“ cans used for the [lllll'll>i~‘" or l sale lshould be verified and StiIlHEli‘tl lry it , _ EDominiou luspm-tcr of weights :lllll PAW" l‘l‘Ll"ms"l I Incusurr s and uutlcr the w I 1 measures act. of milk by :Ia-uiers otlivis 111' Nights and ri-piesciitcd to l’urlisiiuint that the farmers who supplird the- mill. to the ilnnli-rs \x't'l't‘ iii some 4-;i‘ lit-lug dcâ€" trauded 'in lwiiis: lt'flilll‘é‘ll to till cuts nominally of right gallons capacity, luincd more than eight gallons. lt seems that in respect to the use of runs HS liwusl:l"r~ oi' ('apilt'iiy the low for many yriiis but: been di<tiuvlly It always liiis lli‘t‘ll the l:iW that such ram should be iuspccta‘d until their t'tlll'tt‘l inmrsiirqu-nts \‘v-ri- lit-d by a gmcriiuieiit official. but this proxision, if ever enforced, long ugo into tli>ll>t‘. and it lius llt'l'll the custom for inuny ycuis for milk (ll‘lllt'l's. in the larger cities especially. to use cans in tlirir business which -wcri- unverified. it. was .~t (‘li'lll‘ and distinct- violution of the vii-fights and ministries art. which in oil tllll“l‘ mat.- tors i-i’ piircliusc and solo is :ig illV (’ll- 'l‘iic bill was i:ili‘("lli(‘.’â€"' led by Mr. Arch. (hilliplit‘ll. M. i’.. who when in reality they frequently co, -‘ ,cutting liiu'lt-y, but. the recent heavy i ruins~ have lltldt‘tl much to the labor of 3h2iri csliiitr. l The .‘\lt'.lill Farm, owned by Mr. (Toniisky. iwier looked better at. this S":l-Hiil of tlic your, and thilt is saying .a grout ili-itl. His groin, buy and root I crops 31‘“ excellent and his vegeluble "guidi-n is a crcdit to this section of c iuiitry. The garden is kept free from words. and a large onion bed is piobubly :15 good :is mm be seen anyâ€" wherc iu llll' province. The barn raising :it Dnirytown inst Wi-t'k was the social function of the ‘ seasmi. But tbatevcnt may bceclipscd by the formal opening which it is hole will follow when the floors need . polishing up. . Owing to Quarterly Services in lVlCilH'lfl Square Methodist Cliurih nv-xt Sunday, the morning service will bi- witlidrawn at chdford. but Rev. Mr. Irwin will preach in the evening . zit 7 o'clock. Miss Florence. James of Newton Brook spent over Sunday with Misses Maud :tnil Lida llclmkav. Miss l3. Gnnn of Buffalo is visiting tab the home- of her aunt. Mrs. E. A. Stone, of this place. We wish her a. most enjoyable holiday while under- and indifierent, or over-busy doctor, sep~ crate and distinct diseases, for which ho, assuming them to be such; prescribes his pills and potions. In reality. they are all only smnzfralmns caused by some uterine disease. e physician. ignorant of the cause of suficrinfi encourages this prac- tice until large bi is are made. The suf- fering patient gets no better, but probably worse, by reason of the dcle , wrong treatment and consequent comp ications. A proper medicine like Dr. Pierce’s Fa- vorite Prescription, directed to the cause would have entirely removed the disease, thereby dispelling all those distressing symptoms. and instituting comfort in- stead of prolonged misery. It has been well said, that “a. disease known Is half cured." Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescri tion is a scientific medicine. careful] evised by an ex erienced and skillfn physician, and a ted to woman’s delicate system. It is mat e of native medicinal roots and is perfectly harmless in its effects in any condition of the system. As expowerful invigorating tonic "Fa- vorite rescription " imparts strength to the whole system and to the or ans dis» tinctly feminine in particular. or over- worked. “worn-out.” "run-down," debiliâ€" tated teachers, millincrs, dressmukers, scamst-ressns. "shop iris," house-keepers, nursing mothers, an feeble women gen- erally, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon being un- equaled as an appetizing cordial and re» Barristers-ans! Solicitors. turn-‘- but in the milk limiimss “I" the I'nirn I‘m-k smrative toitllc‘ d t th 1 r v. ‘ . H“... : '. . . in ren ner~ 5““.WWW hunni toronn Colonnan-hhnttot mm: a'esnt p'”‘ . [’1'” l“ P h ‘.1 if,” “ " "l" "" Nellie Stone has ust arrived home AE 3" sool an S . g" - en mg 7 â€"‘ Inwo‘tr' m g i’ oan in loroiito but in ‘iloii‘rc'il 'iiid ~ J - - - - inc Eav We rescrlptlon ‘8 11“ inlet] m- m! m "' “3"” , . -. . . ’ . . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' iafter-spendingnmonth visitingfriende and is f aluabk; in applying an sub. nu. q... ‘ “"' ° ‘ ewl‘u‘lol‘e’lie “‘6 0n? ihwt otim 111 all other Cities. of "\‘lli‘; unstainped - I g“ , i- . . .. . . . . ind.“ one .1901. m.” 01 the Hume v.1 ‘ p . I _ 1n unis] lounsiip. duing nervous excitability, irritability, Q ‘ ‘ ' Onturro limo,- ‘i e c " '8 oil” l‘f “11 “"2”, m“ “‘9 lllmidm‘“ “1"” The heavy rain storm Sunday evcn- nervousexhaustion, nervous prostration, \ f“ {‘7' w - l\ewriiirgzefvpgceâ€"Thrce doom south or the . 1;:T‘t1“:‘,':‘°~ 3,2“ y’ul‘hf' imp; ucccomnunied by thunder and IVIVQItirzilgaa. hysterliakhspagmi. chorea,er‘é. ’ w 5- Efinr 3‘ ' ~ I I": . . C - i 'l P S” ” ‘ “.“' 5 ". i"" ll rhtiiin r did much harm to the "row - 1 “53 anceva" 0 er *5 ressmgin ‘ ’\ " gig. idiot?- “ 515.333, r HLBBW" LEI‘AW‘X. ‘(r S“ Mono-ix It was to put :3 stop to this condition i in}; Cl,“ 3: in wig vicinit Manvl‘uees ous symptoms commonly attendant upon " . “W'” ““"“"“""’ inf things that Mr. (lili-lplwll intro-lim-l I,” ll ‘k, ‘1‘ V "l . f “mammal find organ“? dlfiease 0f the l- )fzalt’ifitm a u i _ l (*d an Mklll‘dltlllfl‘l” to the WriUb‘ts 'lllll - “He "U “I (own am it num m~o Uterus- It mduccs refreShmg 5169 and : iT tin/‘7'? T c1 ":lfi'il'l "1-44; l h . . f. d. . “T5 i lI‘lE‘PllmW [Hill‘s 0" the 4th cGUCC‘SSH'" relieves mental anxiety and despon ency. Room 10. 124 Vintmq1 gt T .. . + “*‘N ‘r “*9 “~95 tel-id- J-akvfl I n“““”‘"“ d‘ " ". “il “3““n' “f dc." were struck bv li'rhtning. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets invigorate _, .. .. t . promo. 1 q {as pussi-d irqtmvs that when lll‘.lk is . ' 33.- ‘ the stomach, liver and bowels. One to Best fitting torch. also replatiug, at Ctgtlffi 5”“ “Y """lsm'e “11 93‘“ “1' "ill?" Niel-{‘18 i threeadose. Easytotakeascandy. I \ENSQ‘lS used for the purpose of such sale shall contain :1 standard gallon or Some multiple of :i standard gallon. :illll that all such cans shall be subject. to \‘erifit‘utiou under the general pro- ‘ \isions of the wrigots‘ and lllt‘zlSlll'PS lowest prices. Good work. | ,c, , .,__ ’ ' "Qt . “I .V )‘jlu'v. I - g _ Ni . . . ,. Bil II. or .. St i itx 13. Flo 9¢9¢¢9¢¢§§¢§§¢9¢§¢¢¢¢99§§9 Our village is pretty quiet these WAT days. The farmers are too busy at-. tht-ir harvest to leave home, midi others are uwuy enjoying their holi- ‘u DOMINION HANK (llIAMBl’ is ) Yr ' S n -. ‘ " _ “I H: lid/r A .‘il XV. Corner King 5;; Yongc Streets, ¢¢6¢¢6M¢¢¢¢§§§¢§ §O§+¢6¢§9 TORONTO. 1)enitist, (lor. Carlton and Yonge Sts.. Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill on \Vcd- nesdzty of each week. Olfice, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. TDr- E. J. Vvédds DENTIST, ; Francis Block, TIIORNIIILL, Ont. V Office hours: Tuesdays, 3â€"12 a. m.- it 1â€"8 p. m. ‘1 Toronto Office, 4-50 CHURCH ST. A _ duplicity â€"â€"â€"_.__ __. JOHN R. CAiiPBfiij VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Private and Trust Funds to loan at, lowest current rates. Danton. Dunn .8; Boultbee Barristers. Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2t) KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK BENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. Mr'mixx llonLTnEF Joux \‘\'A LTER ZichorrALD Pbcno Main 311. Mr. Tile-Donald will be :it THE LIBER- AL Olficc, Richmond Hill, on the let and 3rd Saturday of each month. JAS. N EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN NEEEJEJES M. T in FY. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER IN THE act. the ('izl‘iavity thereof and the , name of the maker being engraved o1- jsiztinpz-d thereon. ’ he owuwn oft-zine now in use which have not been \(iri- flea and stamped by an inspector or assistant inspector of weights and measures are required. within three months from July 13. 1.906 (“hen the new act was assented to by the Govâ€" ernor General), to present. them to the local inspector of measures for reli- fication, when each can will be stamp- ed with its capacity to the nearest _ quart thereof; and will be branded or stamped “milk can." After the three : months have expired any person using cans which have not been inspcctcd and stamped shall incur a penalty not I exceeding $50.thc cans being forfcited. Under this act the Department, of Inland Revenue is authorized to make regulations and prescribe a tariff of fees for inspection. This has been done by the department, and circulars have been sent. to each inspector. i The tziril’l' ofrhurgt-s is as follows :â€" IVhen of a capacity of two gallons or under, a fee of 10 cents each. \Vhen of a capacity exceeding two ' gallons and not exceeding five gallons, ii fee of 20 cents curb. \Vhen of u Ciipav:ii._v exceeding five froui‘a visit with friends at Shanty Bay. Miss Ethtil Richardson of Toronto, is making a visit with Mr. L. Richard- son and family. Miss Mildred Schaum and Miss Bertha Brown, of McKeesport, Pll., are visiting at Mr. H. O. Bailey‘s. Miss Irene Kaiser of Toronto, is spending it few days at Mr. Jackson’s. Mr. Ever-ton Lloyd who recently graduated at) the Ontario Normal. College at Hamilton has been uppoint- ~ ed and has accepted the position of principal of the Public School at Islington. A very pleasant time was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Saigeoii last- evening when a social zlSsemhly was held on the 21% birthday of their daughter Daisy Ethel Saigeon. About 50 guests were in attendance from Maple and surrounding»,x villages. The - lawn and the veritudah were illumin- 2ilcd with Chinese lanterns, vurious games and amusements were indulged in both inside iuid outside, and Inter in the evening tempting refreshments were served in the Masonic Hall a few steps (listunt. Miss Surgeon was the recepient of many beautiful presents days in various parts. i Miss L. Rumble has just returnedi ADeering :London AGENT FOR F a. r m Implements and for Mutual and British America. Fire Insurance Companies and Home Life As- surance Co. iTo get rates or quotations HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE. &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND II ILL POST OFFICE. H. ATNIoHoLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Convoyancer, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. Rlcnmond will be exacted for the inspection of i hospitality of the host. and hostess. ' I 1 Old (THUS “5 “"0” 89 0f new CHIN. and 'and expressing a wish for the future. : will be the fps-s tht-ircut'ter charged on 1‘ happiness of Miss Daisy Saigeon. The lDfiDG‘Cth" fl any can. Ultl 01 new. pin-ty then repaired to the house] Dealers in milk who are the owners whore music and games were con- of uninspectcd cans will be wise. there- tinned for a time. . fore, to take advantage of the reduced ~â€"â€"+o~â€"â€"- rates for inspection. As some ofthem News Notes, may be the owners of a large number of cans, the reduction of ouedmlf in the charge of inspection will be a canâ€" siderable item, and us it is clearly the v duty of the officials of the Inland Revenue Department to strictly cu~ force. the law it would be a mistake I‘ . r . igallons and not exceeding ten gallons. ‘01 dny Of these COStS )Ou i ll. fee of 30 cents each. When of a capacity exceeding ten gallons, a fee of 50 cents each. But in order to meet the conditions imposed by the new act. and for the purpose of bringingr about on in- spection of the old cans in use during ' the three months“ grace extended to their owners under the amended law, the fees until October 13 next will be Parents were after-wards toasted, and one-half those above given. After the short speeches were made by many of 13th (lav of October the fees As above those present all referring to the kind including a mahogany music cabinet, . _ with bevelled glass mirror from her nothlng, friends at Maple, Hope and Teston. After rcfrcshiuents were served, and ‘ before the guests left the tublu, a l N. J G LAES ltoust was proposed to Miss Saigeoni i . Mr. T. Mr‘Goruinck acting HS toast;1 P. 0. master. Mr. Siiigeon res ondcd ou‘ behalf of his daughter. ant extended A warm wolconie to all presuut. The. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL catlls'by day and night promptly at- tended to. ¢¢¢6 §¢¢¢499¢§§Q¢§§¢964¢§4 9 ¢r§$¢§¢¢§§§§¢§ O§V¢§¢§§§+9¢O A Savings: Account IN THE 4 GNTARIG BANK Under-takers & Embalmers, Safe RICHMOND HILL 8r THORNHIIL _ A large stock of Funeral Furnishings The population of \Vinuipeg is given I kept at both placos. as 931216' ~â€";-\J-..::.<4~:each-1:» * ‘ ‘ Miss Martha Ann Pctcrs, daughtch of the late Henry Peters. died at, “'oodbriilge on Sunday, 29th of July, l -.»-¢:-..-.:.-.. . .~ ‘. Profitable J. H. Prentice. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York This Bank's large resources ensure safety. - ' * ‘ "31'd \‘e'u‘ t Goods sold on coueiwument General soles _ . , on the pnrt of anyone to continue the m h" "' - ‘ ' _ l .i‘ , . , P « C . t Interest. ut llltl'lv-St current. rate, pind twrce a “so an“. {hp 13“, any of Octohpr 0f Thirty-mun more. JllFlthPS of the I :323 °tfieé’ffenggg‘élfiifififi?5° “I “15°“ame onvenlen your makes an account prohtuhlc. - A guns which have been uninsmcted and Peace have been appomted by the l G R Goummg, Newton Brook, maximum Being withdruwuble without notice makes it therefore unstnmped. The depart- 01mm“ UQVHWT‘E‘Dtt‘W 101* county. “b0” convenient. intent will afford cvciy facility for All 31'? 1'851‘19'” 1“ TOI'UNO- i 7‘ “i m ‘ n J Snigoon. VJ IL McEwen Maple Weston Saigeon & McEwen. \‘erificution of milk cans, and w ll if: necessary to insure prompt inspection. strengthen the stall6 of officials. espec- ially in Toronto and Montreal. in order that the work may he done expeditiously and without subjecting anyone to needless delay. This store is headquarters for all sizes of crooks and fruit jars. Atkin- son & Switzer. ‘ Mayor Smith and the members of the council from Toronto Junction took a trio one do last. week to see l‘leight’irn'sK series ofyartesizm \Vt‘llS sit- l Licenge‘l "mimneers for the county“ York ‘ Salesattendedtoonshortestnoticeiiuc a. reg. uated some 26 m‘les from Tm'ont'” i sonable rates Patronage solicited Junction in the centre of the township ' , :of “"hitchurch, near the village 0 D- 0“ “L010”- Stouf’fville, on what is known as‘ Cook’s farm. According to news» paper reports the Council seemed to favor the scheme. THE ONTARIO BANK INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE “'EEK. D. A. RADOLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY Licens e Auctioneer for the County of Yor‘ , r spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the sLortes’. notice . and at xeasouabcmtes. P. 0.adareaa King

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