Sunlight Soap is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Su n ii g ht Soap and follow directions Sunlight Soap, GETTING IIII) 0F PIRATES. flow a Band \‘t'as Quit‘hly Disposed of in South China. A reader who arrived at Ilongkong: from \Vuchr’iw informs us that on Sun? day, when he left \\‘ucho\v, there was: a great clanging 0f gongs and blowing; of whistles. The people were in a rimxt‘ excited state of mind and crowded the SiIV‘t't's‘ and housclops, says the .South China Post. Inquiry as to this unusual slate :..' affairs elicited the information that sev- enteen of the most notorious robbers of, the district, men who had kept the in«‘ habitants in terror for a long time past, il.iidy of the Southern t'ross. CIIIVA LIIY T0 \VONIAN. Catholics of Australia Start Organiza- tion “iilh Splendid I‘rogramrnc. The Roman Catholics in Australia are always fertile in picturesque notions for i"illfilll;l their people in Sftllt‘ilf“.\', guilds and orders. hood by Archbishop t‘ar'r. to be entitled “The Order of the Knights of Our (f to It is to appeal to the imagination young Australian Rornanists and ,havc for its objects: it) To advanre the, honor due to women: if) to promote the faithful fulfilment of the (ihrislian duties of marriage; (ill to shield and preserve, as far as might lie in their power fe- male innocence; (if) to suppress indecen- cy in words and at-tit'ins: (:3) to advance the cause of Christian chivalry by pre- .serving women from being treated with open disrespect. The entire scheme is warme regard- ed by the Roman t‘alholic fatty all over the Commonwealth. The lalesl device is the es-‘ fii'rilishineut of a new order of knight-v l I for nothing. l t every day. had paid the penalty of their misdeeds. I'. being impossible for the authorities AN lNTEnE-QTING BOOK BY A t) effect their arrest in the. ordinar CANADIAN. .. - V w way. the taotai of the district enticed thi; __ it“??? “"15 “nothmf-I Wl'tlllfs' “'1 “10 ex robbers to his yarnen by making an of- fer of a free pardon and other induce- ments to abandon their nefarious prac- tices. No fewer than seventeen of the rnmans swallowed the bait. Sixteen entered the yarnen and were promptly surrounded by troops and made prisoners. One man escaped from the compound into the street, and ran for dear life. Another â€"â€"the seventeenth manâ€"suspected a trap and took to his heels without entering the official residence. Meanwhile the troops were not handling the ï¬fteen cap- tives very gently. They Were prompth disarmed and without much ado were On Common Ground Preston is a book of which one can speak with unshnted praise. It is not often that one find; oneself longing 'o get back any book, tut our has this by Sydney II. Sensation with regard to this volume, It is a book diflicult to drop from the ï¬rst moment it is taken in hand and one to which the reader returns with real delight. It. is partly, one must ad- mit, because there is much fascination ‘in the subject, but it. is also because the narrative is so simple, lucid. satisfying. The book is full of pure. spontaneous. hearty humor, with no trace of coarse- IIOYAI. .‘IUSKOKA IIOTICIH This new, modern, unto-dale hotel iwas opened for the reception of†guests fin tiltll. iilr‘ iillt'st l.>\mcrica, ‘within easy reach of the principal points in Canada and the United States. hillllllll‘l' I'I‘Sflf‘t region best advantage for comfort, and con» Its Spacious suites, with It is situated III the centre till .n, known as the \fii:-lo.l.a lakes.‘ 'l‘lirfl ll‘dr‘l‘itrl' of the hotel is planned to th-V venicnee, special attention being givenj to vetrlation and sanitary arrangcnienls.‘ handsome‘ ifts of Toilet Soaps Use SUNLHGHT SOAP and GET THE PREMIUMS The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week. Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SQAPS Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List. A gift is of little valwc if it consists of something you have no use for. In exchange for Sunlight Snip Coupons you can get something you need and use SAVE @UNLHGE‘ET §OAP CGUPONS Lover Brothers Limited. Toronto. Can-d: r60 , - , t strip ed and mi into a ti .. - ness or boisterousness. Every new bilfhl’mms attachm» 8"? “PW'C‘W “dd†- - . - . ‘ .23. .10 Thle’ enmmd popuhm l‘glcrgngopniccs. is unmmjmiom Mew mm. It jg the 1m h, em,†lame or small pump“. Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from ‘5. 5 tlo $5 ' ' l ' “"5 ‘ *‘ ‘ †' per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durab e em- in securing the two runaways and thev met their end in the same manner in the streets. There was great rejoicing afterward and it is hoped that this les~ most. pleasant book of its kind we have seen for many a day. Mr. Preston is a Canadian. almost a Torontonian, living as he does near Cuisine anti service are the best. Open for guests about middle of June. For further particulars, descriptive and all information write. .I. D. McDon- matter i ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns. Stores. Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "05HAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF. son will have a deterrent effect on Oal'ville. “0n Common Cround" is his 81d. Uliion Station Toronto. ON- , elm“ “hose haunts may be in the second lengthv work. liis ï¬rst book. â€"‘ We are the largest and oldest ccompany of the kind under the VBrilrsh ineighborhwd' “The Abandoned Farmer," received high In the course of life, we shake many flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. -â€"--=-â€"â€"+â€"â€"-‘ praise from all sources. Canadians handsâ€"0nd many People. making them COBALT “"ILL LAST. should be proud of this successful Can- We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long streets, Conductor Pipe and EA'V'EQTIIOIIGH. Etc. METAL SIDING. in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of Write to-day. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, ttfllllftitll. 0118. Uiltllttl,0lll. [ltlfflllthtlllt ttlllllthlll. i'tllllllllttl.tiflll. Inneourertt. 707 Craig St. 423 Sussex st. IColborno st. 69 Dundas st. 76 L4 mliard it 616 Ponder st. Write your Nearest 0ftlce.â€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€".OSHAWA, 0n! Useful at All Timesâ€"In winter or ’n‘, summer l’arrnclec‘s Vegetable l‘ills will: Cope with and overcome airy irregulari-j tics of the digestive organs, whiehl change of diet, change of residence, ir, variation of temperature may bring .ahont. They should be always kept it hand, and once their beneficial actrani becomes known, no one will be with- out them. There is nothing,T nauseatingr 'n' their structure, and the most delicate, adian author. Both these books -are published by the Copp, Clarke Company, Toronto. ‘1 The following is part of an article. written by Alexander Dallas in “Busi- ness and Finance.†a most reliable New - .York ï¬nancial journal It gives some '. idea of what the people of the United jStatcs think of the Canadian Cobalt {country i “The ores of Cobalt. are justly claim- d to be the richest in the world and “051 IA\VA" Shingles. _....__+____ “Did you show that account to Ardup again 10-day?" “Yes, sir." “Did you tell him it had been on the slate long enough. and I'd like to rub it out?" “Yes, sir." “\\'hat did he say ?" “He said it looked as if you were trying to '\â€"..- L, r. < _ ,, :onsists mainly of Silver and Cobalt. tWith arsenic, nickel and, occasionally, rub it in." can use them confidently. M gom‘ Think Of Shipping 100 Car 10345 Mother (‘r'ivcs‘ \\'orm Fv‘rcrminator . . . " ’ " _ '7' ' 7 of ore averaging over $300 000 per cm. 1m, ’,‘ \ > V. _ ‘ . Only a merccrized religion needs to hq moi-tn. ' . 5 i is n) e ual for tlrstinm wrims in , M y “a. and all this ore taken from a depth of chimps“ 3nd adults" Slob {ï¬at 3:0,, geL wear a label. 'od ‘33 in not over 50 feel! Selected car lots have gone as high as $60,000 to $129000 per car and the average ore. runs from $1,- the genuine when purchasing. Do not give up In despalr, you who suffer. from obstinate disï¬gurement: of the skin. Annoint the sores ots with Weaver’s Cerate and purify Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.B. & G.T.I’. Strong soil, 90 per cent. About 40 miles NJ; _ Write for map and full particulars. plough land, spring atoll, no slough: of Indian Head. Price 810.50 per nor. 000 to $8,000 per ton Gemogisis‘ 9» “The desert of 31111010 must be E1 tel“ rhe bloo with Weaver‘s Syrup. All druggists R. PARSONS. or Wellesley Street. Toronto. Canada. ports and mining men generally were Yale“ Nam-‘5 Sim: “gilllilfl'mg 39)“?- keepthem- vvmmmvwmuu’ loath to accc )t Cobalt as a 1- . “ 'e answerer o (mg 0 e, V W :â€"-â€"v _ ,,,,,,,, . - ..A...___f #ev 7- - bl“ today [to class oi melt): “moms one good lhmg to be said or CI,:RIOIJ.\. COsSACIv CUSTOMS. _.; 1 wagging enunrlsiflsuc, [01. it is now prove†that it. TllCl‘L‘ are, not it lOt Oi people there Many queer customs and “gages are I l # OUTING the tier-pep the shafts are Sunk, [he on thc'lookout for farm hands." prevalent among the Cossacks of lhci ' ‘ - - . surfs richer the ore becomes.†Don. No man changes his clothing on Curbed-mo Port-curb! onrhenoh Prone-a. Tn'l‘ Captain Harris. a man of world wide experience as a mining engineer, says: “If you had asked me what I thought oi Cobalt a year ago, I would have told you that it was altogether beyond pre- cedent that such enormously rich values as we find here at Cobalt could. last to any depth. To-day every indica- tion from the entire section points '0 the strong probability of generally in- creasing values in depth throughout the field. I came here very much of a pes- Puts You on Your Feet and kee syou there I‘hiit’s what “Ferrovim†dues for at those re :overing from wasting diseases. It is't-he best ionic in existence. It. stimulates, nourishes and builds up the system. Millincr‘s Girlâ€"“Madame said I was not to return until I had collected the amount of your bill." Miss Frfine tin tearslâ€"“My poor girl, how sorry 1 am for you. You have lost your place. You will never go back.†A Cure for Fever and Agileâ€"Parmeâ€" a Monday. If he did it is believed that he would suffer from a severe skin dis- ease. On 'f‘hursday no fat or flesh must be pickled or corned. If anyone neglects this the meat would be full of worms in a fortnight. Wool is not spun on a holiday. else the cattle will sicken and die. A hen is always given an uneven number of eggs to hatch. never an even number. Bones left from the river, else the dead will appear to a dinner at a funeral are thrown into, FLY ; Three hundred times bet. tcr than sticky paper. N0 DEAD FLIES LYING ABOUT Sold by all Drugglsts and General Stem and by mail. BRITISH AMERIBAH DYIINO 00. tom-3w. TORONTO. OTTAWA B QUEBEO itiNTAfllfl new Ontario Conservatory of LADIES’ GOLLEtlE Palatial buildings, beautiful grounds, helpful social and religious influences, and the ' best facilities {or the study of Literature, Music. Art, Elocution, Commercial \‘ sjmisi~ but today 1 am an 0 [imist_ . . l , 1 . , _. the living in fearful shape; and at, the and Dornest"5.-en.v L , - , _ 3 made so close observation actual SflIIIC meal 110 one dare Cut breadvit 03;; grit-m1 Titiah‘usfaand Tia: plhg'yi‘ï¬grtpigl; ; _ i I i v. V ‘ H ‘ . * xi V I must always be broken. in eruequrpmuntin every apartment, girddlrlrigllibc midi?“Itorxlwliiiesh’i’St for “n†found to p'959rl9 the" DOWNS In any “Undoubtedly the best of its kind in i ‘ latitude. In fever and agile they act Canada.â€~Lord Aberdeen. ', Up to the present time, all the proven ‘, properties are located in Coleman Township, and, though the work has been carried on in the cr‘udest way, many millions of ore have already been shipped and large dividends have been paid, in some cases as high as 200 per cent. To the investor. the Co- upon the secretions and neutralize the poison which has found its way into the blood. They correct the impurities which find Clltl‘allCc into the system through drinking,r water or food and if used as a preventive fevers are avoided. ft is better to right wrongs than to revenge them. Some persons have periodical attacks of Canadian cholera, dysentery or diar- rhoea, and have to use great precau- tions to avoid the disease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sun? HAMILTON, ONT. Minister: “So you saw some boys, fishing on the Sabbath, my youngi man. Did you do anything to discour- age them?“ Small Boy: “Yes, sir; I stole their bait.†WILL RE-OPEH SEPT. 10. Send for calendar to REV. J. J. HARE, Ph. D.. Principal \ss .f. '. “\" at I r u . , , , . . ,, , mu Mining camp should pro“. pal-u. “gm?'Amï¬lgï¬ll. “damp [Lomqaï¬e 1) bring on the tiltii'lki'xn. To such pcr- thA Soothing Oil..â€"»IO throw oil upon . cum-1y interesting for, so {a}; no mine H Wm WM, in mm, of an assistant... sons we would recornruend Dr. J. I])_ e troubled waters means to subduevto » eonAULT’s has been sunk to a depth 0f 30 feet Bugnwsg Mun: "Vow SON,“ I do an Ivelloggs llysentcry tor-dial as being calmnch my. most. blusterwg sea _ 10 - without ï¬nding shipping 01.0, and the me work “useâ€: ‘Apmlgum, “Ah the bc>t medicine in the market for all apply Dr. lhornas luclcctric Oil to the . , . a summer complalnts. [f a few drops troubled body when it is racked With; Mining Laws of Ontario are so strict that no “wildcat†schemes can flourish that would just suit me.†are taken in water when the symptoms pain means speedy subjugation of [hot i» B alsam there Thoq qabin of Filmyqon MW. .1 are noticed no further trouble will be most refractory elements. It cures1 â€"â€"“â€""â€""â€""“ have rernkoved ten cornscfrom iii/v“ feet experienced pam' heals mumcs‘ “meg the me from - um away at in Caro , ‘ ‘, , V, 7 _' ,V ‘ jâ€, » .._._ burns, and as a general household ' '“ '6 " TIIL FAMINE IN INDIA. “1th Holloway s Corn Curc. Header. medicine is useful m many ailments. H Thosnfeu.BestBLISTER everuaed. 'rnkc- Present Scourge Likely to be the Worst go thou and do likewise. SILENT CRITISISM. Mrs. Subhubsâ€"“cher mind; it’s her day out, anyhow!" is worth much. the place or III linumenta {or mild or severe action. Bemovoa nu Bunches or Blemtahee from Home. lad Cattle SUPERSEDES ALL CAUTERY or: m tuna. Impowoum produascar or blemish in Years' Sunlight Scrap in better than other soaps, Ella: “Bella told me that you told E'e'thtme “1'1" “'“Med‘n‘†““““â€â€œÂ°â€œ The famine which is beginning in A young minister- who did not sc.rnple butis bestwhen need in the sunlight way. her that goprcj 1 [old you not to m]: yflgpm3£$gtsnski§oiga gï¬pï¬zrgaggï¬g; India promises to be the most severe to fish for compliments was once in- Buy Sunlightsoap and follow directions. hpr_†shim; “51mg 3 mam thing; It nil-15:. sendrordescrrptrvecrrcnIEi-a. t t scourge which has been visited upon the viled to take dinner with a reticent old ‘ , , , , " , , , [Old “(‘1' nut to tell you I told her." ,..«,i"wr°n 0'“ ». unfortunate natives. It is even jnvad- elder. A W‘A‘3 RI‘ISPONSIBHJIH- Ella: “Well, I told her I wouldn’t. {911 7 _ ing fertile Bengal, which has Iiitherto Manipulate the conversation as he “Ain‘t you rather young to be left in 3’0†She LOW 1110; 50 don’t tetl hel‘ I been pratically immune. As an instance would. the young man could not get his charge of a drug store '3†did." t C! the fatal C‘3"59‘ll't‘llc‘(‘S 01' “19 Slfilll host to say “St‘r'iilon.†and at last he, “Perhaps so, ma'am, What can 1 do __.,., , U _, _ 7 a ‘, City 0‘ ‘00“ in Bt‘n'rml “‘9 {OHOWinL’ in- boldly intrr‘idimxd the important sub. for vuu ?" jeet by remarking direcly: 3 “That was a fine text I had to-day." But the elder knew his man. “Ou, cidents are reported from the Village of Backcrgunj: Two men died of star- vation. Another man. in despair at 599. mg his family suffering hunger. attempt. ed to kill his wife. son and daughter, .severely wounding them. ay,†he replied, cautiously. “Do your employers know that it 15 dangerous to leave a mere boy you in charge, of such a place ’3" “I am competent to serve you, ma- dam. if you will state your wants." “I think that. I had better go to the like ' Itingston Man Tells How He Suffered» and How He Was Released. | t “For years 3 mar- tyr." is how Chas H. HENDERSON BEARINGS, llmlted. Manufacturgrs of the store down the street.†lpowcqlii‘ 0: 7333; i l . A BAD PLACE FOR DOGS. “I can 59m, you JIM as we“ as they bacngmcsreheis, Sting [I 0 can and as cheaply." , > . : ‘ Dresden Eats 2.500 of Them in Three “WCâ€, w†“my gm, “H, I, mngccm gilstggantjon b33335; l ‘ ~ . ‘ .i‘ i-wvii.“ . _ months. btdmpt 11†H d“ ll lou‘ “bl I am free from hit ; ENGINEERS, TOGLMAKERS. The ofï¬cial statistics concerning the “T1 ' H \ l 7‘ z and a“ through t e â€" “Hams.†‘ v v 1011 this. asked tln, rejected suit me“ cuss “ consumphon or dog m >11 M DanCIL' 01‘. “i: absolutely ï¬nal?" “Quite!†was Chas. II. Powell use 0’ Dr‘ Leon" Germany. have just been issued. 'show that over 2.500 dogs have been eaten during the ï¬rst three months .f 'l‘hey ‘ the cairn reply. “Shall I return your letters ‘3" “Yes please." answered the young man. “'l‘hcrc‘s Some Very pool A I eadin g “I was induced to try Anti-I‘ill by hardt’s Anti-Pill. the testimony of some one who ‘, 185 King St. West. Toronto the vear. The large amount of dog _ , _ ,, r,“ hp,‘ p “I (f cons“ anon b m l . . . . ,.. . q ‘ g .( u .llfo ) D y I ’ flesh consumed is believed to be due Hldltlldl “1 1mm 1 can 115“ ‘9’“ had Slmcrod for eighteen yea and had} wo | “ade lo]. potter & Johné to the incl-rinsed price of beef and mut- Fwd, ..q( WU ,1“, rmm coin†,0 taken tons of stuff recommended as, ston machines, and Brows"?PS , k . V , t i , k h I ~ ten. It. is now proposed to turn the flesh 'li marry that _voun;_r widow, ch?" .Ioe: cures but which made me worse rather"i than better. Doctors told rue there was !' Sharpe grinding machines. . low. Any kind of light machine . - . . . “ ' " - “:s‘he tells me you have healtr dons \\h|(‘il or taken to the la. lied. _ t , V U ‘ ' '- _ dâ€. Mimi?†RECOHHL “Wimp mm“ as food promised to “1‘0 “1. smoking. pm 3 i m, CIIIL for me. Dr. Leonhardts Anti ._ built to or in the almshouses and such institutions, “\cs, sort of mutual sacrifice, as it Pl“ CUtt‘d “lei n H r a r l _ȴ_ instead of destroying the car-cases, as were. She agreed to give up her weeds! All “V‘l‘T‘ 01‘ “'0 “11900-1414? -0-- l "â€" "mr ls done at present. if I would give up mine." tLimited, Niagara Falls. Out. 002 1 ISSUE NO. fitâ€"~05.