Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Aug 1906, p. 5

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pm .39 E RICHMOND HILL, ONT., Aug. 2, (95-6 la: inland. “Thy is it. a. careless seven year old kid can drop a half burned match in Ann alley and burn up till the barns in a block, while an able bodied man has to use up a whole box of matches to get a wood fire started in a. heater that has drafl enough to draw all the Immune up the stove pipe. .‘ < 1" (1 A 1“ K9 ' Quarterly religious services will he held at Victoria Square next. Sunday, ("llnlnfi‘llt'iilg at ll).3ll. The services “7” I V _ will be L‘t ducted in the Methodist Mr. and Mrs. John Startnp leave toâ€" ‘r‘ll‘UT‘h “‘1'” ‘0' ML Um- Sll‘l’l‘N’S 31“] . . ,. ‘r..'_ _. i_. >1... uuirl-(uv mszwnd a WWR m {claims}, Mi. \\ . Uri lunaa. luv. A. P. lJiace NV“, ymk. ’ \Vlll pl‘“nch in the evening, SilllJBCtâ€"‘ ., , , , " \Vbat God cannot do.” Mrs. A. J. Home and daughter, Miss j " *â€" gi'w'innifred Hume, are, spending two ’ or three weeks at Dunksrron. Quality and quantity are bargain twins. Atkinson & Switzer. Force ourselves how we will to lead a strained. unnatural life, we can . .. ,ncver entirely used to it. it is You’ll find it. here if you want a2 never satisfactory. There is a ycain- gnod one. Atkinson & Switzi-r. ingd’or the simple life, for the natural ‘ life, and, for most of us, country life. “"9. want, to :l'ccl Mother Earth, to breathe the. fresh air. to drink in the beauties of flower, of licld, of mountâ€" nin. and of sunset. which never tire or pall upon the mind.» Success Magazine. Mr. Edward Durham of New York is spending a couple of wceks with his parents here. Mr. Albert Glass has gone math to - spend a couple of weeks in Muskolui With headquarters at (,‘ll'zn‘l‘llltlll'fii. Sonic, newspaper men are inclined to draw upon their inmginalion. In writing of a cyclone out. west one. of "them said it turned :1 Well inside out, a cellar upside down, moved a town- ship line, blew the stares out of a whiskey barrel and left. nothing but a hung hole, channg the day of the Week, blew a n'ioitgage off a farm. bch all the cracks out of a fence and knocked the wind out of ll. politician. “ IVANHOE" AT TORONTO Sir “"altci-Scott’s magnificent. novel, “ lutnhoe," will furnish the subject matter for the spectacle at. Canadian National Exhibition this year. An old-fashioned tilting tournament is to be made the grand feature. Costumes and scenery will be as exact as artists can make them. agents having been in England and Sizottlui'id searching out authorities for the same. LACE}IO§HE mean Secretarv Hall of the (.7. L. A. wired Misses Olive and Norma Morgan of l \Villowdale spent over Hvinday with their grandmother, Mrs. Nicliolls. The most, of the best for the money. Atkinson 8:. Switzer. Mrs. R. Proctor, Torrinlo, spent i Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Storey. Miss M-clleaii ofilliychwond Park, Toronto, spent over Sunday with the Misses Stooge. Little Miirjorie Derry of Toron- to is spending the Week with her cousin Miss Gertrude Derry. Our Sugar is nit-tron. the fltfgllst~ltllt it. is nearly so at the price we sell it. Atkinson {a Switzcr. Mr. S. O‘Brien of Gobourfs.r has accepted a. position as watchontker WM) Mr' Jenxbuhth;_ this morning just as we \VPIH going to Miss E. M_ \Viipy Started on Mom press that the linal match for the day for Farmer City‘ lniuuis‘ when, Junior (1‘. L. A. District will be playcd a)“. pm.p(,ses spending mt. "mmh of in the Park‘here between the Toronto i‘fugugt. Junction and Newniarkct teams next. Mrs. A. Albin and Miss Albin of 3.30. The above. promises to he an 201 Yonge Stieet. North 'l‘oi-ontoa exciting match. Do not fail to see . ht Tuesday afternoon in the village this match. For particulars sec bills. a id called on a number of old friends. *~* A GOOD SCHOOL M“ A' E- C‘mmhs ‘Vho Slwnt “"0" A school that has made an excellent record this year is the popular Elliott Si nday with his hrotherâ€"in-law, Mr. V v n . ‘4 . v. .- - I Jai ies Bakei at‘ (Jarnille, called on Busuuss Gummy of rim,“an rnw "1d “curls her" biluu'day “Venmg' demand made by business iii no: " ’ ' dcsii-ious of seem-lug graduates of this well~known school has been, We under- stand, about twenty times the supply. The Principal, Mr. \V. J. Elliott, claims that the secret of the school‘s success is due to the fact that they thoroughly satisfy every student. He is also an extensive advertiser and says that newspaper advertising helps him wonderfully in his business. The, advertisement of college appears in this paper. Read it. If interested, write for a catologue. y .2 f: Reeve Crosby, County Councilâ€" lor. Pugsley, exâ€"Reeve Savage and otvheiri-s accompanied the City Council {yesterday over the Metropolitan line to Newmarket. . Mr. Jennings, teacher in Chathani Collegiate Institute, who has been one of the examiners at the Departmental Examinations in Toronto came up .and spent; over Sunday with Mr. S. M. Brown. Here are 3 brands of Red Salmon. as t f- d ,, , , good as money can buy: “Regal” at bUI‘DAX ’5 STORM $1.63 p91 doz. tins; "Monarch" at Another severe electrical storm $1.63 per doz.; “Canoe” at $1.60 per accompanied by heavy rain passed UVcl' doz. tins. Atkinson 8: Switzcr. this Section of country Sunday after- noon. A number of telephones in the village were put out. of business for a time, but very little damage was done. Mr. J. N. Boyle's windmill, n feiv yaids fioin his residence, was shattered by lightning. a. shock of wheat in Mr. “’illiani Rumble‘s field was burned, a henhonsc on Mr. Isaac Keffer’s farm at SlieriVood was destroyed with a number of fowl, and a chimney on Mr. Jacob W’illiauis house at, Eilgely was knocked off, but. the building did not, take fire. ) - 7w Tll'ENTY-SIX STATIONS George H. Road, A” for“ the Past President Mackenzieannounces that .lit'tqasn years [)l‘lnt‘lpal. of Markham the James Bay Railway between High School, has sent, in his re'sigiia- Toronto and Parry Sound will be open tion‘, to accept {i sllmlINI‘ PUSH-10H m for passenger service within the next, lair'ipbellford With a salary to comâ€" month. which would inakethe opening merit-e With 0f $1,300 it year. an auspicious one, since the exhibition ‘ tiafiic will then be. beginning. The Jun mm MYSL “7m,er Hewism, went distance lictwecn_'l‘(ii'oiito and Fairy on the “om Bovsu (,Xcumion to King bound is about, lot) miles. Intermeâ€" Swn and letmfned Tuesdu“ Th“, di:ite_slatioiis a. puinber of. which are made axis“) with Mr. and mum Lnuis now in course, or construction \\'lll be “'illiams in Kingston and had a P10315- “Lu‘lltxed "hing the mutt? “S “1]”le 5"- ant trip amongum Thousand Ishmas. Duncan, 'lbornbill, Richmond Hill, A meeting of the Village Council will he held next Tuesday evening in the Council Chamber. The question Alf-Widening Centre. Street west, will be taken up. Ratepayers will bc welcome. at the. meeting. \ The' results of the departmental .efianiinations recently held through- :01 the Province will be mailed to the val 'ous collegiate and high school pri icipals and public school inspectors on ,he 13th of August. k lGornilcy, Vandorf, Pine Orchard, ‘ . Mount, Albert, Zc'ih r, (ledai-dae, bpeclill"30 lhs- Pm'e l’l'mv“ “lg”: Pelferlaw, Beaverttoiii, Gamebridgc, light in €010“ $1; 711’3' fig5’25c‘i 6 “’3' Brachin, \Vashago, Udney, Sparrow I s ' . ‘ . s . 7 ~ 9." . . gluuef. bf-ioitllgflicsll}. hflpuglrsfifcu Luke, bouthwooil, anrence, Bala, - can: Sf! m i In 0 "'1 C “‘- 9” Dudley, Foote’s Bay, St. Joseph, soup, 25c. Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. Blackstone. ll‘alding, Pain Sound. THAT SIGN. Every few days strangers passing through this place are llHIId asking "\Vliat town is this? A few davs ago as Mr. w. n. Pugsley was standing opposite the Metropolitan “'aiting Room, stroking the silky home of his golden broncho, a party of ladies and gentlemen wheeled along from the South in an automobile. ()ne of ti 6 ladies in silvery notes called out “Is this the town of Newniackcl? Mr. Pugslev drew himself up, looking about three inches taller than usuaL and replied in the voicc of a ;.;;ill.-iiit:~â€"u No. lady, this is not Newniarkct, this =i-s Richâ€" mond Hill.” knowledge that Ncwniarkct is a. smart little business town, but when our town with its wide streets. is taken Newmarket lacrosse team met de- feat last, week at the hands of the Orillia. team. Newmarket soured the, first game and their opponents the following eight. The match was play- -\ed in New urket. Judge Morgan will hold a court. in the Council Chamber Saturday moi n- v ing of this week at 8.45, to bear and determine upon airappeal by Mr. \V. .. 0. Savage, relative to a fllll'illt‘l' redneâ€" ‘rion in the assessment of the Palmer House property. â€"_ _7..-__ Mr. H. C. Bailcv of the Post Office: fitore. Maple, 'is sending not post, card circulars to his patrons givlng' quomupns on pmt‘ (“butt inf-1 hdlf‘ for a place on the second concession gallon Jars that should J-ll his custom- A of \Vhitchumh “.9 wink the C m .1 ers. He is also offering highest prices, ‘ Ql I H _ , t1_ ’, fl _. ,. .V‘ “0' either cash or exchange, for good but- i H u bit id ‘L will)” Mg“ '°. exeCt‘ My and new laid eggs , ed. {X'crrclr on the. top of the Sign on ‘ ‘ l the Waiting Room .would answer â€"â€"â€"'" 1 every purpose. The local football team Went- to ‘ Cnrrville Thursday evening and playâ€" ed a draw game with the latter place. The score was 1~l. Mr. Fred ('iahani was referee. and Messrs John Tih‘in and John Tyndall were umpire ~. The Ei'iiifiinonv ,I’LEASED A service of fifteen passenger cars market should satisfy all demands, and we believe it has. Cars leave the C. P. R. Crossing and the Newmarket station at 6 o’clock every morning, ‘l‘l‘l’llt'nhnltltlfll will be played in the Park here this (Thursday) evening. \Vednesday, August 8, oomnienoingas' Now, we clieerfullf.’ ac-l each way betWeen Toronto and New- ’ and at the even hours all during the dayiup to 9 pair, with the exception ofd p.111. Each \Vednesday and Sat- urday evening a late car leaves him: city at 1130 pm. for Newmarket and intermediate points. and on the sunn- evenings a car leaves Newniarket at 10.45. The first car goes south from 6.5“. Thci'ai-sleaving'I‘orontoatSaJn. and 6 pan. and Newniaiket at “ii-lb mm. and 5 pin. connect with Scliom- berg and A-nrora Railways. The last change in Time Table is another in- dication that tho manage- ment. is making every endeavor tr: meet the, wishes of its patrons. S'l‘ARTLING I'lE'W'S. The North Ti’ironto coircspondent of lTiit- \Vorld sprang a note of unexpect- ed surprise and alarm on its readers yesteiday by giving out the informa- tion that no whiskey could he got, in that town. Here is the ileumâ€"“Local Option seems sometimes serious. At. midnight a gentleman was seen iun- ning for the doctor. as his wife and six months old baby had become sud- (h-nly ill. The doctor prepared a con- coction and Ulflt‘l‘i'll, besides the mediâ€" cine. a little whiskey with water for both patients. \'i'|ierc to get the whiskey was the niysteiy. Thicc hotels in town nn.ler local option law, the drug store clim ll. and when it did open yesterday morning not. a diop could be got. “but the doctor eon. siders to be a necessity to sustain life was only lobe obtained at. the nearest. City hostcliy.” Possibly the man who [Went to the hotels lor the whiskey was not in possession of the password. it. is surmised that. in some local option municipalities the iieiwltul “medicine” can be got in extr- ine cases, but the incssrngcr or the patient, must be a ‘man to be depended on. Or in other words he must have :. "character." MIDSUM M lEii‘ N U MBER he August, Canadian Magazine is a midsummer number, somewhat lighter than usual. J. E. ll. McUi-eady‘s account of lhcdcat li ol inmnas D‘Arcy McGee, the. trial a i hanging of \Vhalcn, will be ‘i'L‘ai with interest, because Mr. NONI-club: was a member of the Press gallery :" that time. Norman Pattcison‘s a.l-rle on "The Exhibit-ion Habit" is a l icvcr analysis of a Canadian L’llillllci’i'l‘lfllfl. This is accompanied by some ellent draw- ings by Fcigus Kyle. nll(l\Vlll‘L‘; the most artistic leatui cs oi' 1 be exhibition grounds and buil."ng~' in Toronto. "The \Vonii-n of Spa I“ -Anicriea,” by that. energetic (lzlllwli in tiavcller, G. M. L. Brown, present -. .An altraclivc appearance with its NHlll’Cllt)” of domestic photographs. 'i \villsui-prise (many to know that thei ‘rll'P eighteen Spanish-spec:king rcpubfé 's in Anicr- ica. “ Bridging the 51. l awrence," by James Johnston, is wvil illustrated with Pictures of the old Victoria Tub- ular Bridge, tllP'pl'ESCDL i rand Trunk bridge on the same piers the Canadian Paciiic Bridge at Lacli ‘ie, the New 1 York and Ottawa biidgcs at Cornwall, and a drawing of the new Quebec Bridge. There are simies by S. Frances Harrison. F. J. Blanchard. Theodore Roberts and Mis. Campbell Praed, besides other other l‘catui cs. "hiatus GLASSwâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Tues- day. 24 lily, to John 1’. and Emma. Glass, a Sun. DEATiiS GLASSâ€"Tn Richmond liill, on \Vcd- incsday, 25th of July, infant son of John P. and Emma Glass. SH"4'WWHW if? ; wayHQi? I ~ haw: -,~;-~r--e',V-rrh~ 'fi‘ré'J‘vfiw.’ «worm-H .~. I‘ L 1r m “2.1 kl‘t “RN31 :x'i' “.1 ..A Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can’t do it? Haven’t enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer’s i Hair Vigor! Here’s an intro- . duction! May the acquaint- ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair-food, % stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. The best kind of a, testimonialâ€" “3 1d for over sixty years.” ,~,.o1:..‘_h “may,” 5“. mm 1, . (I. Ayer 03., Lowell. Mass. -, A. no manuthcmrers of ’1 9 SARSAPARILLA. tiers PILLS. I CHERRY ‘PECTORAL. '1“! \" t "Sale Thursday, Augmt 2â€"Aucl ion sale of cattle at McUarLci '8 Hi itel, Nobleten, the property of M. Patton. Sale at il o’clock. Terms 3 months. D. G. : Blough, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, August ‘25 â€"â€" Auction ,sale of dwvlling house. outbuddings iand premises, part of lot 23, con. 1, York. west of Yonge street. Also household goods and effects, the prop ll erty of the late Dr. Geo. H. Husband. Sale at Newton Brook at 1 p. in. 'Terms, cash; except dwelling, for l which 20 per cent. cash. balance in 30 days. J. H. Prentice, Auctioneer. Subscribe for Richmond Hill at 6.4.”) and month at. l ’ 1 :THE - LIBERAL: ll lie T TillhlSilN 82 SWETZER [Ball a Roi They Deal in Everything ls kcepis’ the lia’ m J Bargains all Tsag the Line l l We want your trade and are Ofierlng inducements to get it WE QtlllTE rah BEST GGGDS: 1 Fruit Jars, Imperial Pints, 63c doz.; \Vine Quarts, 650. per doz; “inc %-Gallons, 89C. per doz.; XXX \Vhitc \Vine Vinegar, 30¢. per ga1.; Redpath’s or St. Lawrence Extra Granulated Sugar, 100 lb. bag, $4.45; Recipatli’s Powdered Sugar, 20 lbs. for $1.00; \Neston’s Vanilla \Vaiers, 18c. per 1b.; \Veston’s Lemon Snaps, 2 lbs. for 250.; \Vcstou’s Cookies, Ioc. Dry Goods Coats‘Best (3-c0rd ZOO-yard Spools, 45c. per doz.; Dominion Maple Leaf Spools, 35c. per doz.; \Voinen‘s Ribbed or Plain Black Cashmere Hose, 25c. pair; \Vomen’s Hygeian Vests, (S, 10, 12, 15 and 20c. each. Crockery \Vhite Semi-Porcelain Handled Cups and Saucers. gilt line and sprig, 85c. doz.: 6 inch Scallops, gilt line and sprig, 150. each. THE BUSY BIG STORE Always on hand. TWINEâ€"Our satisfied customers are a sure guarantee. The price is right. Order early while it lasts. PARIS GltEEN~Best quality at a rea» sonable figure. Gomg last. Better See to bugs at once. Screen doors, screen windows, and lawn movers at very little cost: inspect these. Wire, churns, coal oil stoves, scylhes, and general hardware always on hand. Peerless machine oil. Tinsmitliing and eavetrough- ing a specialty. M. y c. snows m‘m limiliii'il 383ml: iii til“: V.A_J I iialllt spice! (In connection with Richmond Hill Office.) Business transacted daily between ~10 and 4. Savings Bank Department. Money advanced on sale notes. H. H. lllflSEilllRE. Agent.

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