Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Aug 1906, p. 6

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titration illlllliii Sitiiil Revolutionists Killed About ‘ Ag despatcli from Warsaw says: Two daring train robberies were committed in Russian Poland on Saturday, one of them resulting in a Considerable loss of life. A train from the frontier station iierby bound for Czenstochowa, was carrying money received from the cus- toms house to the branch of the imper- ial Bank, under protection of seven frontier guardsmcn. Gen. Zukat, chief of the frontier guards; General Weiten- ring, chief of the customs service of Warsaw, and Colonel Brzezicki and Captain Leguma were passengers. Fifteen persons boarded the train at a way station. They evidently had been waiting for it and made an attack on the guardsmen, who were reinforced by the officers named. A skirmish follow- ed in which two Generals, two officials, five soldiers and one robber were killed and Colonel Brzezicki and one robber wounded. All the wounded and dead were taken to Czenstochowa. The rob- bers escaped, taking $80,000 and the arms of those who had attempted to 'defend the train against robbery. THE SECOND ROBBERY. The second robbery was committed on Saturday night on the Warsaw- Vienna Railway. six miles from War- saw. While the train was under way unknown persons pulled the danger Signal, causing it to stop. Robbers. who were aboard, jumped out and seized the locomotive and detached the mail car from the train and ran it down the line. They secured $37,500 of Government money. The robbers were fully informed that the train had the money on board. They carried red flags and are supposed to be members of the Polish Social party. The train was without a guard, and hence there was no fighting and no casualties. Efforts to capture the robbers failed. The robber who lies wounded at Czen- stochowa is in a serious condition. He refused to give any information con- cerning his accomplices. PUBLIC DISORDER GROWS. Public disorder is growing daily throughout Russian Poland, and scarcely a day passes without some robbery or other crime being recorded. Saturday a panic 0courred in a public park here. Many shots were fired and one person was killed and four were wounded. it ‘is believed to have been an pttempt by revolutionary agents to preCipitate an outbreak. DOCUMENTS SEiZED. . . . . A despatch from St. Pelersburg says: About thirty professional men, includ- ing eight exonembers of the Douma, as- sembled on Thursday, at the house of Prof. Borosdin to hear a communica- tion regarding the events following the dissolution of the Douma. While the meeting was in progress the police en- tered and arrested them all, and seized a number of documents. An English correspondent, who was present, was also arrested, but released upon identi- fication. He enquired later as to the fate of his companions. and was as- sured that nothing unpleasant would happen to them. The Viborg manifest, prepared and is- sued by ex-members of the Douma, has now been signed by 217 of the ex-mem- hers. They all expect that Government prosecutions will be instituted against them, and that they will be disqualified from standing as candidates at the next election of deputies. it is stated that Nicholas lvoff, who represented Saratoff in the Douma, has been persuaded to accept the portfolio of Minister of Agriculture. M. lvoff, who is a Liberal, declares that they will sur- vive in the agrarian provinces this Au- tumn who shoot the straightest. ALL MEETINGS BARRED. The newspapers say that the Gover- nors of the provinces have been ordered to prevent all meetings of Constitutional] Democrats and Laborit-cs, and have been told to use troops, if necessary, to prevent them. Legal proceedings are being taken against M. Vinaver, a Jewish member of the Douma and vice-president of the Constitutional Democratic party, for organizing a political meeting in the Tchusselherg district of S1. Pctersburgq One hundred Constitutional Demo- crats met on Wednesday in Terijoki, Finland, and resolved to carry out the plans of resistance to taxation and re- cruiting laid down in the manifesto adopted by the Douma at Viborg. Prof. Miiiukoff presided. Disorders are spreading in the Can- casus and artillery has cell used against riotcrs at Shusha. COL. SLAMATOFF STABBED. A dcspatch from St. Pelersburg says: The hand of the assassin is still at work in Russia. At Warsaw Col Slamatolf of the gendarmerie was stabbed to death on Tuesday and the assassin es- caped. Col. Slamatoff, who was assist- ant to the chief of gendarines of the Province of Warsaw, had been active in the repressive measures. lie was walking in the street when he was at- tacked by two men who stabbed him several times, then walked quickly away in different directions, without interfer- ence from the spectators. ieader,] Passengers and Stole $120,000 AN APPEAL 'I‘O FRANCE. A despalcli from i’Liris says: The inâ€" ti’irnulioiiul lsrai-lile Alliance, whom headquarters are here, has addressed a letter to Foreign Minister Bourgeois, asking that French warships be sent -’0 Odessa for the purpose of protecting the Jews against another maSsacre. The signatories of the letter include a num- i‘er of members of the French institute and of the French Acailamy. i\i. Bour- geois has not yet replied, but. no ships can be sent, as the Dardancllcs is c105- ed by treaty to warships of foreign powers. .._..._. ARRESTS IN MOSCOW. A despatch from Moscow says: Sixty- five members of two of the most imâ€" portant revolutionary committees were arrested here on Tuesday morning. Among them were the chief strike or- ganizcrs. ARTILLERYMEN MUTlNY. A dcspatch from St. Petersburg says: Seven hundred arrests were made at 3 o‘clock on Wednesday morning at. Brest-Litovsk, where three companies of artillery mutinied on Tuesday night, destroyed the officers’ club and other buildings, and wounded Gen. ivanoff and other ofiicers. The disorders lasted five hours. Detachments of infantry and engineers finally rounded up the mutineers. The official report of the affair admits that the situation at Brest- Litovsk is serious. “.1. AN ARMED UPRiSIN G. A despatch from Kharkov says: The revolutionists here are actively prepar- ing for an armed uprising and a re-pro- claimtion of the Republic of Kharkov in the Autumn. The French Vice-Consul here has re- ceived disquieting news from French industrial establishments. At Yuzovka the principal smelting- centre in the south of Russia, 40,000 workmen have armed themselves, and have organized a disciplined rifle legion of 1,000 mem- bers, under former army officers. The Russian troops are useless in the emer- gency, having fraternized with the strikers almost continuously. The work- men’s demands amount practically to confiscation of the plants. FORCED TO PRINT APPEAL. A despatch from Yamslav, European Russia, says: Twelve armed men enter- ed a printing office here after midnignt on Friday and compelled the composi- tors to set up and the printers to print 50,00) copies of the address to the coun- try drawn up at Viborg by the members 01 the outlawed Parliament as made there July 23rd, as well as a number of its proclamations issued by the Socialists. MARTIAL LAW AT CRONSTADT. A despatch from Cronstadt says: in view of repeated attempts at demonstra- tions, the commandant of the fortress and the chief of police have issued pro- clamations, declaring the fortress un- der martial law, and announcing that meetings and demonstrations of all do- scriptions will be dispersed by armed force. The Semenovsky Regiment, which recently was brought. here, has disaffection, which is especially strong among the signal corps and other special service men. Forty members of the signal corps have been arrested. A NE‘V MINING INSPECTOR. An Addition to the Staff in the Cobalt District. reinforced the A despatch from Toronto says: it is understood that Prof. W. C. Baker of Queen’s University has been appointed by the Ontario Government as assist- ant inspector of the Cobalt district for the season ending October 1. The ‘Government decided to open a branch recording office at Cobalt. This step gand the appointment of Prof. Baker are iiii accordance with the promise given tto a recent deputation of mining men iwho waited on the Government. The oflice wil be established immediately iand Prof. Baker will also commence 1upon his work at once. _+.__._ SUFFERING FROM SHOCK. ,iiomb Explosion Has Had Serious Ef. fccts on Queen Victoria. A despatch from Madrid says: The shock which she suffered from the ex- plosion of a bomb on her wedding day is telling seriously upon Queen Victoria’s health. Recently it was reported that she was suffering from a cold, but her illness is said to be really nervous pros- tration, which takes the form of hy- steria and insomnia. She is an enthu- siastic motorist, but for ten days her physician has forbidden her to indulge in. the sport. The Queen has become a devout Catholic, and never misses daily mass. She has a tiny tablet, bearing the image 0t St. Christopher, the pat- ron saint of motorists, on every one of her ears. FATAL SHOOTING AFFRA Y. ._. Pistol “'as Ilsed “'ith Dire Effect Camvilie, Quebec. at A desprilch from ilunlingilon, Que. says: A fatal shooting affiny look pint-~- on Saturday night at the little hanili-l (f Cazaville, 14- miles west of this vil- lage. in the pzirisli of Si. Aniret. Some thirty funnels and laborers, mostly ytung fellows. had gathered in and about the hotel. Alllt'lilt." them was Ern- est Lee, of Lee‘s Corners, and Jean 13. Leroi. who had come home to sin)" sz‘ Sunday with his parents. These *two young llll‘ll with a number ofothers were on the gallery in front of the ho- lt‘l. when a slight. disturbance arms. ire drew a revolver and. after firing two shots- diagonally across the road, turned and deliberately icvcied it :it the breast of LOI'Oi, who was within five feet of him, and fired, the bullet passing through the left side of Leroi's heart. The victim went into the hotel, falling on his face. in the passage way. and died in three minutes afterwards. Lee then flourished his revolver, threat- ening to shoot anyone who dared to in- terfere with him, and made his escape. A‘. daylight Sunday morning, he was found in bed asleep quite oblivious of the fact that any harm had been done, and was placed under arrest. .____+__.__.. RA IL\VAY “"RECK. Many Passengers Killed on the YOrk Central. A New York despatoh says: The Pa- cific Express of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, which left here at 9.30 on Sunday night, ran into a landslide at Chelsea, 11 miles south of Poughkeepsie, at 11.21 o’clock and was derailed. The engine rolled down the embankment alongside of the Mud- son River and the engineer, William 'Weiis. and Fireman Frank Werner, were killed. All the doctors in l’ough- kcepsie, Fishkill Landing and Matteo- wan were hurried to the scene of the wreck on special trains. One report fiom Poughkeepsie stated that the en- gine and three cars had gone over the bank and that many of the passengers had been killed and injured. Word iwas received at the Motthaven yards early Monday morning that five of the cars and the engine had left the track, and that the dead and injured were be- ing taken out with difficulty, and several of the cars had toppled over. This re- port. said that the body of the engin- eer had been found, and that the bag- gageman was also killed. .___+__ SHOT MOTHER, THEN HIMSELF. Terrible Act of a Montreal Man \Vhiic Insane. New A despatcli from Montreal says: A double tragein took place in the east end of tiie city early on Sunday morn- ing, when Michael Gagnon shot his old mother dead with a revolver, and then killed himself with the same wea- pon. Gagnon has been of unsound mind for many years, but was regarded as harmless, and lived generally’ with his mother and two sisters at 227 Pap- ineau Road. Lately he has been drink- ing, and on Saturday night went on a sirce. Sunday morning he became vio- lently insane and went ainuck in the house. By seine means he had .pro- cured a revolver and pointing it first at his sister he attempted to shoot her, but missed. He then rushed into his ino« ther's room, where she was engaged in prayer, and shot her dead. He then turned the revolver on himself with fatal result. 1 -â€"-â€"â€"â€"-+â€"â€"â€"_. RADIAL ROAD COLLISION. Fifteen Persons Injured on the Toronto and York Radial Railroad. A Toronto despatch says: Through the alleged 4‘:ll‘:‘it‘$Slll‘SS of a motorâ€" man in passing a switch. two cars of the Toronto a York Radial Railroad collided with such impart early Sump. day morning that fifteen persons were injured, only one of whom, however, is thought to be seriously hurt. The acci- dent occurred about a mile and a half east of Mimico Asylum. The collision was due to a big l’ort Credit car run- ning past the Mimico switch. where it should have met one Of the small local Mimico cars. At the place of the acciâ€" dent is a sharp curve and a grade. Consequently the cars approached hid- den from one another at considerable speed. Roadmastcr Deady says that Motorman Leslie of the Port Credit car should have remained at the switch un- til the smaller car had passed. The front of the smaller car was badly smashed, and it will not be put in ser- vice again this season. The damage to the rolling stock amounted to $200, and an hour after the accident the tracks were cleared. ._â€"-â€"â€"+â€"â€"-â€"-_ A MADMAN‘S ACT. Slew Wife He Adored and Then Com. mitth Suicide. A Halifax. NS, despatch says: Bear River is again the scene of murder and suicide. Avard Morine, laborer, of Bear River. killed his wife at 5.30 o’clock on Saturday morning with a hatchet, and then, after vainly attempting to cut his own throat with a razor, rushed to the nearby river and threw himself in, drowning before a rescue could be effected. About a year ago Morine, who was 45 years of age, contracted typhoid fever, and since his recovery has been mentally unbalanced, and on many occasions caused the members of the family considerable apprehension. i ‘thefls is grossly exaggerated. MILL'ONS STOLEN FROM MINES. New South \‘Vaics Company Suffers Inl- mcnsc Loss. A despatch from Sydney, N. S. W., says: hi consequenee of a circumstanti- al slatement that the Kalgoorlie gold rillilll‘s suffer a yearly loss of £1,000,000 worth of gold by theft the Minister of Mines employed a ileteclive to investi- gate. lie confirms the xtr‘ry of enorm- ous stealing which amounts to some hundreds of thousands of ounces. but says the robberies are smaller than al- leged. lie adds that certain men who are generally regarded as upright and honorable, are living luxuriously wholly on the proceeds of stolen gold. They receive it from the actual stealers, who are mostly officials. A resident magis- ti'ale confirms the detective. London ofi‘iciaus of the Kalgoorlie Companies say the estimate of the The total value of the gold stolen does not. exceed £70,000 yearly. The utmost vigilance fails to prevent the stealing. ATTEMPT TO IIOLD UP MAIL. Driver of Wagon at Windsor Foils Plan of Two Highwaymen. A despatch from Windsor says: An attempt to hold up a Royal mail wagon at the corner of Arthur and McDougrill Streets about 11 o'clock on Thursday night was frustrated by the coolness of the driver, George Summers, who whip- ped up his horse and left the would-be robbers behind. All the mail had been distributed a few minutes before and the driver was returning to the barn when the attempted hold-up took place. As the wagon passed the corner, two men stepped from the shadow and one, flourishing a revolver, called on Su'n- mers to halt. instead of obeying the command, however, the whip was has- tily applied to the horse. and the wagon rushed by within a few feet of the men. BRIDGE BUILDING DISCUSSED. Commissioner of Highways on That Subject. A despatch from Toronto says: Much information of value to Municipal Coun- cils is contained in the third part of the rs port of the Commissioner of Highways of the province for 1905. The brochure deals witli the important subject of bridge construction. The commissionâ€" er, Mr. A W. Campbell, deals with the subject of highway bridgesdi. He points out that the increasing cost of timber is bringing into use the more permanent materials, steel and concrete, and gives a description of various types of struc- tures. The use of concrete for the con- struction of bridges, culverts, bridge floors and the abutments is discussed with care. Specifications are given for the erection of the various types of via- ducts. Report of .â€"â€"-â€"â€"¢_.â€"_.. VEIN OF RICII SILVER. Provincial Geologist Makes Find on Gillies Limit. A despatch from Toronto says: A telegram received at the Bureau of Mines from Professor Miller, the Pro- vincial Geologist, says that the vein re- cently discovered by his party on the Gillies limit, in the Cobalt mining re- gion, has turned out to be very rich in silver. The upper part of the vein con- sists of Cobalt bloom,which is a mineral richer in cobalt than the smaltite. The vein was covered by three or four feet oF soil, and the work of‘stripping it is progressing. The find is regarded as a most valuable one. ._.__§.. NORTHWEST CATTLE. Shipments From Montreal This Season Larger Than Ever. A Montreal despaich says: Accord- ing to Chief inspector Delorme. more cattle than usual from the Northwest are being exported this season, and in suport of that the largest single ship- ment of Cattle from Montreal since the. adoption of new space regulations in 1003 left on Thursday morning, when the Donaldson liner Athenia sailed from Liverpool with 1,042 head aboard. Of this number 700 were western cattle from the ranches of Alberta and British Columbia. Indications are that this this will be a record season for western stock. Valuable -â€"â€"â€"â€"+~ KILLED ON RIFLE RANGES. Private of the Seventh Regiment Victim of Bursting Rifle. A dcspatch from London, Oiit., says: John Williamson, a member of the Seventh Regiment, was instantly killed at the Cove ranges on Saturday after- noon. A rifle in the hands of Ple. Pickle, a fellow-rifleman, burst, and one of the pieces of flying metal struck Wil- liamson in the forehead. A marksman lying between Pickle and Williamson escaped injury. The deceased was 37 years of age, came to this country from Dundee, Scotland, last Full. __.._+_ EXCELLENT FRUIT CROPS. Encouraging Reports Received by Minister of Agriculture. the A Toronto despatch says: lion. Nei- son Monteith, Minister of Agriculture, has received reports from the fruit ex- perimental stations of the Province :0 the effect that the fruit crops are excel- lent and high prices prevail. The latter is largely due to the numerous canning factories, which have to pay higher prices this season than ever before. LEADING _MABKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, July 31.â€"Flour â€" Ontarioâ€"~â€" Dull, exporters bid $3 for 00 per cent. patents. buyers’ bags, outside. Manito- bafl$i.ri-0 to $4.60 for first patents, $4 to $4.10 for second and $3.90 to $4 for hukers'. iii-an â€" Ontario â€" $15 to $15-50 in bulk. \\‘heat â€" Ontario â€" Firmer at 77%0 to We outside for No. 2 rod and white. \\'lie:it ~- Manitoba Prices are higher at Silgc to 85c for No. 1 north- ern at lake ports; lb. 2. 831/2c to Site. Oats â€"Sleadier, at 3034c to 37c outside fer No. 2. Rye â€" 021: to 64c outside. 2 Barley â€" 400 to 51c outside for N0. Corn â€" American No. 2 yellow 596 Ontario points. Peasâ€"80c to 820 outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Rutter â€" Receipts of mixed quality are, fairly heavy. Creamery prints 200 to 21c do solids . . . . . . 100to20c Dairy prints cht018%c’ do pails . . . . . . 17ctoi8c do tubs .... .. 17ct018c Bakers‘ .. 10c to 17c Cheeséiégc for 113. lots. Eggsâ€"Quotations are unchanged It 180 to 190. Potatoesâ€"Loads of new are quoted about steady at 75c to 800 per bushel. Raled flayâ€"Old is steady at $10 for ear lots. No. 1 timothy, on track here; mixed $7.50. Some new is offering at. f$0.50 per ton for No. 1 timothy. Baled Strawâ€"Car lots on track here are unchanged at $5.50 to $6 per ton. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, July 31.â€"Grainâ€"~There was no improvement in the demand for Manitoba wheat by the cables this morning and business was vergy quiet... Oatsâ€"No. 2 white. 42%0; No. 3 white, 42c: No. 4 white, 41c. ‘ Flourâ€"Xianiloba spring wheat, $4.60 to $4.70; strong bakers’, $4.10; winter wheat patents, $4.30 to $4.40; straight rollers, $3.00 to $4.10; do., in bags, $1.- 85 to $1.90; extras, $1.40 to $1.50. Millfccdâ€"Maniloba bran in bags, $16 to $1.7; shorts, $20 to $21 per ton; On- tario bran in bags $15.50 to $16; shorts $20.50 to $21; milled mouille. $21 to $25 $1.40 to $1.115 per bag. to $9; clover. mixed, $7.50 to $3, and pure clover, $6.50 to $7 per ton, in car lots. Eggsâ€"The market is unchanged at ‘20c to 21c for selects and 17c to 18c for No. 1 candied. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo, July 31â€"Flourâ€"Quiet but. firm. \thatâ€"Spring unsettled; No. 1 Northern, Bilge; Winter stronger; No. 2 ired, 70c. Cornâ€"Stronger; No. 2 yellow, 58c; No. 2 corn, 57%c. Oatsâ€"Frm; No. 2 white, 40c; No. 2 mixed, 38c. Rye â€"No. 1 new sold at 6234c through bill. ed. Canal freightsâ€"Steady. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New York, July tilâ€"Spot barley steady; No. 2 red, SZZC elevator; No. 2 red, $3,140 f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du- luth, 87%c f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard win- ter, 84%c f.o.b. afloat. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, July 31.-â€"Cattle of all classes excopting the best were down 10 to 15c today at owing to the large arrivals thereof, and the large proportion of inferior animals delivered. No choice exporters were offered, the limited arrivals comprised mostly me- dium and common cattle, and the top price recorded was $4.90. Several lots brought $4.80 to,$4.00 per cwt. The drop butchers’ cattle was from 10 to 20c pcr cwt. in all lines, excepting ‘thc best. Choice butclicrs‘. $4.50 to $4.75; medium, $4 to $4.40; cows, $3.25 to $3.50; bulls. $3 to $3.50; canâ€" iicrs, $1.50 per cwt up. The market was quiet in feeders and stockers.. Short keeps, $4.50 to $i.70; heavv feeders, $4 to $4.50; stockers, $2.75" to $3.50; stock bulls, $2 to $2.25 per cwt. Export ewes and bucks were steady, while lambs showed a tendency to de- cline in price. Export. ewes, 4% to loge; culls and bucks, 3% to 3%cg lambs. 7%. to Sc. Calves were slow of sale at 3% to Go per lb. [logs were quoted at $7.00 for selects, and at $7.65 for lights and fats. .â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"§~ THE HEALTH 0F ONTARIO.‘ Marked Decrease in Deaths From Con- tagious Diseases. A’ Toronto despalch says: The re- turns of 735 division registrars for June are among the most complete in the history of the Provincial Board of Health. Scarlet fever. diphtheria. mea- sles, typhoid and consumption show a marked decrease, and caused 74 fewer deaths than in June of last year. Whooping cough has been more preva- lent, and caused eighteen deaths, nearly as many as from diphtheria. The total deaths from all causes for the month were 1,058, from a population of 2,057,206, which makes a death rate of 11.4 in 1,000. For the same month last year 1,933 deaths were reported, a death rate of 11.2 per 1,000. ____+___ Earl Grey‘s visit to Newfoundland is proving a great. success. per ton, and straight grain, $28 to 5520., E Rolled Oatsâ€"$2.25 per bag; cornmeal, Hayâ€"No. 1. $9.50 to $10; No. 2. $8.50 7 the Western Cattle Market, .

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