The appearance and preparation oi sauces are of the highest importance. Brown sauces should not be as thick as white and should possess a decided character. so that whether sweet rr sharp. plain or savory, they should beur out their names. Care is also to he taken that they blend and harmonize with the various dishes they are to no- company. A " - '4‘ ._... “:nl .l ;++¢-+++++++++++++++++++ + About the Hausa i; ‘ WH+++HHW SAUCES AND GRAVIES. l/UIIIIIDIIJ . White Sauceâ€"Put into one pint of milk two or three mushrooms, one onion and a carrot cut into pieces†one bundle of sweet herbs, whole pepper. and salt to taste, a few cloves, and :1 little mace. Let the whole'gently sim- mer for ‘about an hour. Put one ounce of butler into a saucepan and stir on the [ire unlil it thickens. Finish by stir- ring in one gill cream. . Horseradish Sauceâ€"Two ounces 0! horseradish, six tablespooniuls milk or cream, three dessert spoonfuls vinegar, one tablespooniul sugar. oneâ€"half dozen peppers. Grate the horseradish. mix it with salt, sugar and pepper. Add the cream or milk gradually. and heat the mm“ mm.- Ohn urn, stirring well all the bl mun v. ... whole over the lire. stirring well all the time. It allowed to boil it will spoil. Serve wilh hol. roast beef. Savory Gravy 'I‘liick.â€"â€"One onion, but- ter, a. tablespoonlul of flour. oneâ€"halt pint of broth 01‘ slock, pepper, salt. a small quunlity of \vorcesler sauce. Mince an onion line, fry it in butter to a dark brown. and stir in a tablespoon- (ul of flour. Alter one minute add one- half pint of broth 01‘ stock. pepper and salt. and a small quantity of worcester SBUCC. Uuuyv Dutch Sauce. â€" Three tablespoonfuls vinegar. one pound butter, yolks of two eggs, pepper, and salt. Put. the three spoonfuls of vinegar in a saucepan and reduce it on the fire to a third. Add. one-fourth pound butter and the yolks of two eggs. Place the saucepan on a slow tire, stir the contents continuous- ly. and as fast as the butter melts add more until one pound is used. It the sauce becomes too thick at any time during the process add a tablespooniul of cold water and continue stirring. Then put in pepper and salt to taste and take great care not to let the sauce boil. When it is made put the saucepan con- taining it into another ï¬lled with warm â€"not boilingâ€"water until the time for serving. v. nu, docs, ‘ a small quantity of fennel in boiling salted water; take it out. dry it in a cloth. and chop it ï¬ne; melt three ounces of fresh butter, add a little more than a tablespooniul of flour. mix well. and put in pepper and salt to taste and about a pint of hot water. Stir on the ï¬re till the sauce thickens, then stir in the yolks of two eggs beaten up with the juice of a lemon and strained. Add plenty of chopped fennel and serve. Sauce for Fish.â€"Maitre d‘Hotel but- ter is prepared by mixing together cold one tahlesponiul each of butter and ï¬nely chopped parsley. »Add one tea- spoonful of lemon juice and a little pep- per and salt. Work well together and when ready to serve the ï¬sh spread it‘ generously with the butter and set the. dish in the mouth of the oven for a min- ute or two. The parsley must be as ï¬ne as powder: Onion Sauce. Brown. â€"â€" Two ounces butter, :1 little more than one-half a pint of rich gravy, six large onions. pepper and salt. Put into your stew- pan the onions, sliced, fry them of a. light-colored brown with two ounces of butter; keep them stirred well to pre« vent them turning black. As soon as they are of a rich color pour over the gravy and simmer gently until tender. Skim off all fat. add seasoning, and rub the whole through a sieve, then put in a saucepan and when it boils serve. Caper Sauceâ€"Two ounces of butter, one tablespoonful flour. one pint stock. pepper and salt, worcester sauce, and ,,,A_..n A: gnu/u. “n3 no. Fennel Sauce.â€"Fenne1. three ounces of butter, flour, pepper, and salt, yolks of two eggs, jgige 0f_one lomqn. Blanch A L-:‘:M.- l’vk’l’“ capers. Put two ounces of butter and one tablespooniul flour into a sauce- pan. Stir the mixture on the ï¬re until it acquires a brown color, add a little less than one pint of boiling stock. free from fat. Season with salt and pepper and add a little worccsicr sauce. When the sauce boils ihrow in *plenty of capers. Let it boil once more. and it is ready. Chestnut. Sauceâ€"Remove the outer shell from some ï¬ne chestnuts, scald them in boiling water, and remove the inner skin. Stew them in good white stock until quite tender, drain, and while hot pre55 them through a. sieve. Put the pulp into a saucepan, add a small piece of butter. {1 little sugar, pepper, and salt. Stir over the ï¬re till quite hot, but do not. let it boil, and serve. Fried Potato Cake.â€"Tal<e one pint (I cold mashed potatoes, season with a saltspoonful of salt. half as much pep- per, and a lablospoonful of butter; add the beaten whites of two eggs, mix them all well together, make them into small balls, and flatten them; dip them in the yolk of an egg, then in flour, and fry brown in butter. Stewed Potatoes. â€"â€" Eight mediumâ€" sized potatoes, cut in squares. boiled done and drained. Have ready in saucepan one pint of milk‘ one ounce of butter, and a little parsley .chopped. When milkrhas come to a boil turn in! the potatoes and boil up again. Then! stir in the health yolk of an egg and! POTATOES some. {)0 breakfast Ul UunLuou. Potatoes and Cheeseâ€"Two pounds of potatoes. p two ounces of Parmesan cheese, three ounces 0! butter. one-halt saltspooniul of salt and paprika. Mash potatoes and pass through a sieve. add the butter‘and cheese. and mix to- gether. Fill ‘shells with the mixture, and brown them in a quick oven. Brush them over with melted cheese and but- ter, return to the oven one minute and serve hot. n ALâ€"nn "New Potatoes.â€"~Rub the pints of gay potatoes 31nd lllllla Ul l-vv- r v - “ . _ V V water. Put to cook in boiling water; in twenty minutes drain oil the water and let them dry for a few minutes; dredge them with flour, put in a table- spooniul of butter. stir gently. and add a cup of cream. a snllspoonful oi suit and half as much pepper; shake the saucepan until they thicken and turn them into a hot dish. Lyonnaise Polatocs.â€"-Put in a frying pan two tublespoonfuls of butler and try an onion, chopped ï¬ne, about half done. Then add one quart of mid boiled potatoes. sliced, two more table- spooniuls of butter, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste. Toss them gently till a light brown, and serve hot. Duchess Potatoes.â€"Boil. mash. and beat till light six medium-sized pota- toes; add seasoning of one teaspoonful of butter, one egg. well beaten. 8. little chopped parsley. 0 little onion. salt and pepper. Mix- all well together, form into balls or cakes, then roll in flour am; burg-Sn Vih boiling lard For the Stove.â€"A ieaspoonful of su- gar to the stove blocking will add a material lustre to the stove. A Shoe Polishâ€"All kinds of leather shoes can be cleaned and polished with milk, which should be put on gener- ously. allowed to dry. then polished with dry flannel. Rubber-soled tennis shoes have proved most desirable in which to do housework. as they save both noise and jar. To Clean White Glove,s.â€"-Put them m the hands, then rub well all over with fuller‘s earth. Dust this off with a dry flannel, and rub again with French chalk and sifted bran mixed in equal proportions. Repeat the whole process if necessary. Sweeping. â€"â€" Before sweeping rooms the floors should be strewn with a good amount of wet. newspapers wrung nearly dry and torn in pieces, or fresh- cut grass. These collect the dust and do not soil the carpet. * White Gloves Transformed. â€"â€" White gloves that have got beyond cleaning can be painted over with saffron water two or three times. and transformed into tan. Let them get thoroughly dry be- tween each application, and don’t wet them much. Don’t expect children to be beautiful amass they are healthy, happy, and contented. W56Ei'ï¬Ã©ng heavy curtains at the dows; let the sunshine pour in. uvvvu, Avv .._- ._,, Don’t have any carpets on the bedâ€" room flooré; use rugs instead. Have few hangings and fewer ornaments. Don‘t comb a child's hair too much. Brush it carefully wilu a soft brush. Don‘t think a child can have bright.- ness of eyes, clearness, softness, and smoothness of skin without good food, though it should be only of a plain kind Made Strong and Steady by Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills. When your nerves are out of order your whole health is on the verge of a breakâ€"down. .Sudden sounds startle you; your muscles twitch and your hands tremble; your self-control is shattered; your will-power gone. Your head aches; your feet are often cold and your face flushed. Your heart jumps and thumps at the least excitement; you are restless at night and tired when you wake. Your temper is irritable and you feel utterly down-hearted. And the whole trouble is because your blood is too thin and watery to keep the nerves/strong. There is only one way to have strong, healthy nerves -â€" feed them with the rich, red blood that only Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills can make â€"-â€" and do make. Mr. Fred Forth, 17 Sul< livan street, Toronto, sayszâ€"“I was a complete wreck with nervous prostra- tion, but Dr. V'tilliams' Pink Pills have made a new man of me. I had been nervous for years; the least noise would startle me, and the least exertion would leave me utterly prostrated. I lost in weight, and physically I was almost a. wreck. I had not taken the pills long when I found they were helping me; my appetite improved, my nerves began tc grow steady, and day by day I gain- ed until I was again a well man. My weight increased twenty-five pounds while I was using the pills. To any who suffer as I did, I can say that it Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are given a fair trial, a cure will be sure to follow." Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills restored Mr. I’orth, simply because they made the rich, pure blood which properly nourish- es the nerves and keeps them strong. They will cure all the diseases due to bad blood and shattered nerves. such as headaches and anaemia, indigestion, backaches, rheumatism, lumbago, St. Vitus dance, paralysis, general weak- ness and the secret ailments oi grow- ing girls and women. But you must. at- ways insist on getting the genuine pills with the full name Dr. \V’illiams' l’ink Dr. Williams Forth, simply rich. pure blooc 94 the nerves They will cure bad blood and anaemia, indi backaches, x‘he Vitus dance, 1’ Pepper the full [or Pal HINTS FOR MOTHERS. SllA'l'I‘ERED NERVES. USEFUL HINTS. On ‘ or 51 Dr. W Serve hot. Good for Ls.â€"-Put in a frying ‘nfuls of butter and ped ï¬ne, about half one quart of cold ed, two more table- , a tablespooniul of salt and peppef }9 [ting the genuine pi 1e Dr. \Villiams‘ I’il zople on the wrapp Sold by medici lirect bv mail at the skin off three and wash in cold win- 5++++++++++++++++++++t “Has Solomon spoke yet?†One grimy giant stoking the furnace for the castings asked the question :3! another. The other, a tacitum Scots. man, grunted out a curt reply in the negative, and, opening the furnace door with his pole. flooded the place with llght. It was Friday night. The clock in the front shop pointh to the quarter he- l'nre five. in anothér ten minutes or so the men engaged at the engineering works of John H. Ransom & Co. would be paid off for the week. The money was already neatly done up in litlle paper bags with the name of the ï¬rm on them. and stacked in little rows in the ofï¬ce. Sandy MacTavish, having trmporarily ï¬nished with the furnace, caught his “mate†in the act of getting into his coat. He looked at him in sil- (‘nt- fury and burst into Scotch exple- tive. +++++++++++++H+++++++ “Ay, dinna work a minut. o’wm' Ian A 10011 like you has michtie importa hoesncss outside the shop. It wants u minutes to the ’oor. If those bits 0‘ pi ing are not stval<cdâ€"â€"â€"" The boy [ind [pom him in dismay. The bits of piping' measured six feet in icngih and more, and he was due to play the comet in a church band at six o’clock. He refused to touch the piping, and Sandy swore at him more histin than before. Another man walking through the casting shed laughmi as he listened to it all. It was Sandy's way of licking the boys into shape. to his coat. “It’s not. only thirty-eight shillings a week you’re throwin' away Ronald, mind you that." , ,y The thing possesses. me He went to claim his money. anc Ronald Leslié kicked at the scraps 0: iron and steel that showed the floor. “Give it up?" he said. “I can't do it up. I must go on.†He went out into the darkness of the night and swung himself on to an elec- tric car which would take him to his home in Walton. where most of Ban- soms’ men lived. Usually the time oc- cupied by his journey was given over to his invention. but toâ€"night a new thought chased the other away. “Break- ing a woman's heart!†What absurd nonsense! Why, Maggie was just as eager as himself. There would be no need to stint the housekeeping when his idea was taken up and every ship in Liverpool carried Leslie’s steering gear. Sandy Mac'l‘avish was an old fool who didn't know what he was talking about. Who would win if no one ventured? How was anyone to get on sticking to the old grind?" ,4, “Assn: un, vn. B. .0... The car drew up With a jerk. Ronald} walked up the street to his homeâ€"a lit-‘ th. house. one of a row of other little houses. each the replica of the other. Ronald Leslie let himself in with his latch-key, and groped in the gloom of the narrow, unlighted hall. The Les- lies‘ house had4 a kitchen and a front parlor. Both were usually lighted up before the return of the head of the fam- ily. Ronald stumbled towards the kit- chen in the dark. That also was un- lighted except for one solitary candle on the dresses. A woman who hushed a fretful child in her arms did not look up as her husband came in. This, t00, was unusual. Maggie Leslie always met her lad on the threshold of his home. “What‘s the matter?" said Ronald. “Why isn’t the gas lighted?" “We haven't paid the rate,†said Magâ€" gie in a dull voice. "They‘ve cut it of his invc that was a h- was him children wl y 0 '0 do her p repropq , and nt on A Broken idol )0 Tinsel}. But she want sh when you 1‘ justice. ch out of husband‘ ntionâ€"the )ing to d( melt. Bu 1kcdâ€"â€"â€"" [pom him in dismay. The ' measured six feet in )re, and he was due to ; in a church band at six ‘J. when your dl'OFS IS wm‘n nition, and when your jack- claim his money. and icked at the scraps of you sit down anal :diin’ wi' a toy that in it than my pole.†Lk. Instead, he star- the furnace. It may saw the realization inanin‘ WI 119 ?" he said. the old man, Jung lads are come in late I cant give Dip ml LEAD PACKETS ONLX WEI be found Most Beneï¬cial this warm weather. 0'. is too shabby to go out, how can‘you help saying “things†then. “Perhaps you won’t mind getting your own tea," said Maggie. “There's some bacon in the cupboard. It's all I've got." Ronald kicked off his boots and pull- ed a chair to the tire and looked at the boy asleep on his wife‘s knee. They looked at each other. They were young. They had loved each other dvarly, but something had come between them. It was the thing that. occupied the table in the front parlor. and at which Ronald worked in all his'leisure. Ronald was going away for the “feel:- end to see some shipowner in Glasgow about his gear. If he paid the water- rate he wouldn’t have enough for his journey, and for the twelfth time he told himself that, it was his great chance. Maggie pleaded muter with him. and pleaded in vain. “I don‘t know," feverish. I'd take I could.†told himself that, it was his 1 chance. Maggie pleaded muter him. and pleaded in vain. “The shop is shut lo-morrow.†said: “we've goi. a day off. I'm g to Glasgow by the midnight train A woman fought the rebellion in heart. What was a man’s ambitio; herâ€"_of what use the fortune that m come to them some day when her child lay dying? Laddie was worse. The doctor who had been hastily summoned had declared it to be pneumonia, and had said he had been called in too late. '1' le boy panted on his pillows. eased only when his mother carried him, wrapped in blankets, up and down the room. He was a dear burden; but he was two years old, and Margaret Leslie was worn with watching and with the incessant toil of her own household work. She sank into a chair and her eyes held.deï¬ance and rejection of an accepted lot. Margaret was a good w0~ manâ€"rebellion did not come easily to her; a prayer broke from her now. “Help me not to hate him," she mur- mured; “help me not to blame him for this!" Ronald’s visit to Glasgow had been, as usual, a futile effort. The shipown- er had accorded him a ï¬ve minutes’ in- terview, and had told him that his idea. was no good. He had come home raging against the stupidity of men and money. The grumble was an old one. For oncu Margaret had met it with indifference, almost with disdain. This idea of his that he was a‘ genius with an invention that would revolutionize the world of ships driven by steam was the curse of their lives. Ronald Leslie was no geni- us, merely a level-headed, plodding man who despised the only ladder that would enable him to rise in the worldâ€" the monotonous daily grind. 3i He came in from his work now and slood at'the door of the room, still in his brow overalls, {vearlng his ï¬tters cap on his head. “Better?†he asked. There was aux} ely in his voice. “worse,†she answered. “We can‘t keep him. My boy must go!" Her eyes were tearless; there would be plenty of time to cry later on. Leslie came over to her and touched her hand. She flung it off. Rising, she faced him, holding the child against her heart. “You don't care!" she said. “What are we to you, him and me. in com- parison with that thing downstairs? It’s a devil, that thing; it’s turning a good man into a brute. Oh, I don't want to say it, I don’t want to say it, but it's true! You have forgotten to love meâ€" your wife; you have let. your child die!" Laddie stirred in her arms; she car- ried him to themed and laid him there, watching the grey shadows creep over his. face. Sobs rent her. The child, be- loved by them both, had been sacriï¬ced to an idea. Leslie stared at her like a man in a dream, and then, as if he had inr right there, he turned and left them. creeping as' noiselessly as he could down the stairs. The street in which the Leslies lived was badly lighted. No one saw Ronald come out of the house staggering under the burden in his arms. It was heavy. the thing he carried, weighted with the load of a man‘s lost years. an idol to which love and duty had been sacriï¬ced What’s the matter with Laddie?†he Sass of iced lougm the rebellion in her .t was a man's ambition to L use the fortune that might 11 some day when her child Laddie was worse. The had been hastily summoned :1 it to be pneumonia, and had been called in too late. said Maggie. “He‘s him to the doctlor if LCEYLON TEA. ow." he I'm going good wo~ easily to now. she mur- â€"the false god of a man's imagined geniusâ€"swept from the pedestal at last. Ronald Leslie walked slowly to the piece of waste ground near the brlckflelds. where the sound of his hammer would not be heard. He looked at it lying at his feet. Where. was the fortune it should have brought? Where, even, was the weekly wage that hv had earned for years now? Buriedl there-that useless silent toy. the modev. o: the engine that should have revolu-: tionized the world, rcpresenteing ten of! the best years of a man's life. The hammer fellâ€"the idol was shat» tered. Ronald Leslie kicked the scraps of brass out of his path. “Lie there." he said, “unburied and- forgotten. Let me not think of {he lies you have whispered to me, of the false promises that have beckoned me along a road 1 had no right to tread. Only. the fool never repents of his folly!" ‘ He stood a moment in the darkness. and light came to him. It, was a new‘ and different Ronald Leslie who entered the house on his return. room, a woman still knelt beside the bed. It was all so still and quiet that h: hesitated, stricken with a new fear. Had the Angel of Death touched the door-post even while he had been away? Entering, he lifted his wife from the ground. His voice was tender when he spoke. “Margaret!†he said. “Meg! My wifei‘ It was the little tender name of their courting dnys. Maggie's arms stole round his neck; he felt the tears on he cheek as she pressed her face to his. “He is better," she whispered. He voice broke inva sob. “He fell asleep $00 after you left. Ronald, forgive me at I said." ] . Dear human loveâ€"that is a man‘s rej- iward here for every lost hope and dead iambition. Ronald Leslie comforted the isobbing woman in his arms. ‘, “I have smashed it," he told her. “Mag- gie, you will never see the thing you hated so ï¬ercely and so well. I‘ve smashed it; it was no good. I’ve been a fool!" mllleiiblimbed up the stairs again; the light was still burning in the litth from She looked up at him; he could her regret was deeper than his c “Oh, Ronald,†she said, “it ‘ treasure of the world to you!" He stooped and kissed her, h was tremulous when he spoke. “God has been “Tpe treasure of London Answers. Plumhaqo Now Undergoes a Number of Processes. Pencil manufacturing is not so sim+ ple a matter as it was formerly. Th “lead†originally used was pure plum\. bago, & mineral hewn or sawn from th earth in great blocks which only nee - ed cutting into thin strips to be ready for use. '2 Plumbago now is ground and mixed. with ï¬nelypulverized clay. For hard pencils the mixture is one part plum?- bago to two parts of clay. The softer the pencil, the greater the proportion of plumbago. .‘ The mixture is “thinned†with waten, and repeatedly ground until it is per- fectly smooth. It is then placed in canvas bags and squeezed by machinâ€" ery until enough water has been re- moved to leave a tenacious. dough-like mass. ‘ - _ _L_-...‘ ,. l rim: This “dough†is placed in a strong steel cylinder, one end of which is per- forated with holes of the same size as the leads which it is desired to make. The pressure of a piston forces the “dough†out through the holes in long strings. which are laid in grooved boards to dry. The next step is the tempering of the .. unh- UUalua LU on, The next step is the tempering of the leads by heating to a red heat, By this process the hardness or softness of tho pencils is still further modiï¬ed, and impurities are urned out. The little strips of plumbago-clay are now ready for their wooden cases. The black diamond is so hard cannot be polished. An uncut diamond looks very like a bit of gum arabic. The diamond, in sufï¬cient hea burn like a piece of charcoal. The island of Ceylon is the m max-liable gem depository in the The carat used in estimatii “HIE YOU A CLAY PENCIL? ABOUT VALUABLE STONES. a hlnnk diamond is so hard that it 600. 500 and 60¢ per It). At all Grocers. e ljngllsh crov 1rd the Confes;l ï¬ne ruby 311 of )nd, in sufï¬cient heat, will piece of charcoal. . of Ceylon is the most :e- :m depository in the world. used in estimating the ;ems is a grain of Indian il‘ good to ‘me." he said. the world is here!†â€" ll is found lephants .s it. to adorns the sum- )\W1 is the same 9501‘ were in his his voice in Burmah grandees the King's i see‘ own. thal much- the