Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Aug 1906, p. 1

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l l f, ,. 4 .mfl. _‘,â€"”/' “T - .zr ., n “ can growl [S PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE USERAL PRlNTiNG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONI‘. 'l‘ . F.310MAHON, E 01103 .9: Peornrm‘on BUSINESS CARDS. Eél‘tliml. Di)». V. E. DEAN (Successor to Dr. L-twrason) Iaichinorrd KI iii Mame“: norm. 9.. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentist, Cor. Carlton and Yonge Sis. _ Toronto ‘Vill be in Richmond Hill on “Wed- nvsday of each week. é Olfice, next door north of Stand- ]. ard Bank. -' Office Hoursâ€"9.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. \ 1):"- 1:}. J. VVoodss x' DENTIST, meis Blur-k, rnouNHILL. Ont. Oilico hours; Tuesdays, 8â€"12 a. 11).; 1â€"3 p. m. Toronto Offiie. 430 CHURCH ST. w».-. . Q. . < .3»... wettriamg JOHN Fl. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. Cells by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDERSONT lVEl‘ERINARY SURGEON \' RICHMOND HILL 'c-Flls by day and night promptly at- tended to. J. I]. Prentice. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Yo I; Goods sold on consignment General sales gtoc etc promptly attondefito at reesouubh rates Residence Unionville G R Gouldiug. Newton Brook, agent for the above (I T Suigeou. J R McEwen Maple Weston Saigcon d»: McEwcn,’ incensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales sttendedto on shorteetnoticmnd a. ree- snnable rates Patronage soliciteu D. G. BLOUGH. _Linense Auctioneer for the County of Yer", re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly xnflmnce sales attended on the shortest notice and at ,easonahetntes. P. 0.0.dc1ress King ‘MNNOX it" MORGIII, l it ('1 S Lindseyli C (i (i 'r‘ leuvr-mqe W mount s\ ousworth l Lindsey. Barrirtersfiolicirors. Notaries, to. Home Life Building; (l'oiznmly Fl‘t‘P hold Loan Rldsr.l. (‘42:. Adelaide SI. V ictorin. 81s.. 'l’ormn o. mum tea Ki B.-\r.m.~'”rrtu, .‘Romcrrou. NOTARY. ETC. 'l‘nronln (ll‘firr. IVA-st. “'e-sloy Buildings. Richmond Hill Office}. Standard Bank Building. every Saturday after. llriflll. Maple, Thursday afternoon. .‘ionriy to loan at, Five I’rr Ur‘ht (5‘1). Barristers a 12%.: soiicito rs. Money to loan on land ond-ximttel mortgagesut lowest rates Aurore ofiiceâ€"Bcâ€"inoveu no the old post (IIIch one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Nev'zuarket officer-Three doors south of the . DJSCO-‘lice ‘ ’I‘ Hrnmniâ€"x-Ibhxi'zox l . l: srv Mannie aurora Non-snorkel M11106“, Le, Milliken 8.. 0 5! Clark Barristers. Solicitors, lilc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. V". Corner Kine; & thgi‘ Streets, TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds to loan at ltHvosl current rates. Danton, Dunn 3?. Boulthae FRANK DFN’I‘UN. K. (I. Ilunsnaa'r l.. DUNN Vi". MULOCK I-Eoruxrnrzu .loux \VAIII‘I-llt MCDONALD 1 Phone Main 311. Mr. McDonald will he at THE LIBER. AL Olficc, Richmond Hill, on the 1st. Barristers. Solirtors. Etc. NATIONAL Tl‘ltlTN'i‘ (TI-l Alli BERS l and 3rd Saturday of each month. JAS. N EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EILGIN REILLS at. T .51}: ‘EéflfiY. ‘ NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONEBINTKE HIGH COURT or JUSTICE, &c 183 er of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST 0 FFIUI‘J. II. A. NIOHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyanccr, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. Richmond 13" ‘ WIGHT nos (lndcrtakcrs é: Embalmcr’s, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL A. large stock of Funeral Furnishings ‘ kept at both places. Safe A Savings Account IN THE ONTARIO BANK Profitable This Bank‘s - I t '.‘t. : t Convenient n H“ ‘ largo resources ensure safety. highest current rate, paid twice a. year makes an account profitable. Being Wiihdruu'ublc Without notice makes it convenient. TH EWONTARIO BAN K INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF TIIE \VEEK. __ D. A. lI..-\DCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY . -i ' . . 9’; n""””"nd 5t" l York and Vaughan Agrirultiirnl So- l Months-rs pi-r-senté Mr. .I. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. Vaughan Munir-ipal (‘rounriil nn-f. at I the Township Hall on Tuesday, Aug- usl l4. . N. Boyle. lrm-rr; and .‘dcssrs. .las. A. ()aliwi'on. » lI. C. Longhouae. Isaar Dorms and J. S. McNair, Councillors. Minutos of last molding loud and oonlinn‘e-d. 'l‘ht' l'ollo\\'ir.;,r ('lelllllliilt'illlulu: \vmc ‘luid on the tablozm From I’.S.t1‘il:wn. P. l). 8.. stating his intention to malac a minor oi tin- swamp, lot 32, con. ‘i, on 'l'lnnsdav. August 16. Mr. Amos Agar anp‘uarrd before tin- Count'il a Si‘cond Iiiiiv and mailn an appeal for a spm-ial grant, to the \‘7t‘3‘i cit-ty. .l)t‘VIllQ-idiCIQHll'>--"i‘illll the 'I‘reasur~ er b“ and is burr-luv authorized to pay to Amos Agar for tho \Vcst. York and Vaughan Ag: irullin-al Society thr- sum of $100 as a sp wiai grant. in Vlt‘\\' of the Society hm ingsufi's-rrd a St'Vt‘I't‘ loss by the burning of their banun hall.» (Vlrricd. .( McNair a Iaillqill‘llfl' m That the Treasurer be and is hon-by :Uilhui'i’la’d to pay the following road zit-counts w Naughton Bros..IH yds. gunk-1.3;“) 08 “'m. Rankin, IlL’ yds. grow-l .. 7 HI l Hill' .I. Savage, 1” his.\vork in pit . . ., I All) “ “ :3 “ “ on I'H:‘-(l.. 70 I). Burns, filling in \\':l~.ilntll, 3rd , ('on. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . I 84,) Grange Sutton, Drawing plank for-bridge .. . .. .. 74': J. McLean, 1 day pivkiog,r stone oil” road . . . . . , . .. I 415) .I. McKay, [(‘tllll on gl‘mlci' one day .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘l 00 .I. Huson, 1 elm suing: r .. . .. 53 (Ill MIN. Reaman, 23 vlm Kl ringing .. Ill llii . L. Maynarddlalaiii‘c for building abutment. tor bridgi- on vaughan count-ii . .. . . . . . . . . . . 'I‘urncr road .. . .... . . ,, 25 (ill ‘ A. Slt'“':|l‘l.l9:llu on El'Hll-l .l day 3 (J0 J. 1.. Paid, new. of pine .. 210 :l. 1.. Card. 41:) ii. cr-dar . . . . . . Ill 35 “Carried. Dcvinsâ€"(,‘anwionâ€"'lhat. ilu- Treas- lllé‘l' be and is hrrcby nu: lini'izcd to ro- ‘h 7 _v?,. .7 r-si I$'-C 20 KING ST. E” TORONTO, “mum. ,1 lid to V\ in Li in) th n n if Z A school tart bring; iissmw d in 93. H, No. 17. instead of No. 16, for rile year 1905. â€"(‘v;rrried. Iiy-law No. 9153 was thhn palsle Iliaiiiiig an appropriation for roads and bridges for thc vvar Ib'llti. Bydavw tilt) and Sill \vcrg- given the first reading authorizing the- sale and conveyance oi” the land that. for med the highway on”: the east. halves of lots 11; I2 and 13, in tho 8:.hconccseion, known as the Shaver Road. The Ioum-il to meet on Tuesday. September ll, at 1 o’clock. J. B. MCLEAN, Clerk. ,‘.-., Hon. Dr. Rruume, lommiks'oner of Crown Lands. has returncd from his western trip and is now taking a course of treati‘nent at. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Mount Clemens, Mich. He has completely rocoi‘crcd from the clients of the operation he underwent recently, and the only ailment fmm which he is suffering now is an attack of rheumatism in the foot, from which he hopes to obtain Speedy relief. \Vhile in the \YPSI, he visited New Liskead, tho Toniaganii and Port Arthur disti iota. ,-.‘.._.__.-. Dr. Shoop‘s l’..vsli>i-ati\"e brings last,- lng relief in Stomach. Kidney and Heart troubles through the inside nm-vCS. No matu‘r how the nerves become- impaired this remedy will re- build their strength, will restore their vigor. Remember it; does no good to treat the ailing organâ€"the irregular heart, rebellious stomach. disease-d kidneys. They are not: to blame. Go back to the nerves that control them â€"lreat tho causeâ€"nee a remedy that cures through the inside nerves. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. EDUCATIONAL I! ICG U LATIONS The Department of Education has issued a circular diiccting that the list of tort. books authorized in August. 1W5. for use in the public and high Schools, cranium-rial institutes and county model schools will remain unrhangr-d until furtln-r notice, and that revised editions of books now on the list cannot be used. The text books for the normal college and the normal schools will he announced to the students at the beginning of the session. No teacher-5’ reading course is prescribed for 1907. The circular sr-ts forth that the revised regulations 1 of 1904 regarding the courses of study and the :vquirements for the depart- forr-o, with the r‘xccptions that as in 1905 and 1906 no oxaininatious will he ' held in 1907 in the subjects of part I. of tlr- junior teacln-rs‘ or district. cer. tillcatc course. and that. candidates who have already passed in one part; of [he Sl‘llllll' teacher-5' examination under the regulations in force in l9ll3rllfl must complete the list. of subjects as prescribr-d for parts 1. and I lI.. and that the pass standard for IQUT for such candidates will be 34 per cent. of each papL-r, and it) per cent. of the aggregate. mental examination are now in fullttlm North Liberty; in all things, Charity.” will)". on the liai'vcsters‘ excursion to'l AUGUST 16, 1.906 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. The following are the names of the successful candidates at the recent. dv- - part l"l'lll;ll examinations hold at Rich- mond Hill. The names are not ar-‘v ranged in order of merit. ' Se‘liior Leaving, Part II.â€"Elinoi-c Re-aman. \‘Valtvr Frishyh Georgie, Brown. (,llaiv'ur‘o Kinm‘o, Ada Milno. V .llmior l.varing-Franklin .I:rrko¢,. lioualv'l Al kilwou. Ilaznl Smith, Adi-lin‘ \‘vitu'h, (llara ilorning. Matrivnlatgon to Toronto linivoreily. ~~Ilnnnlll Atkinson. Franklin Jacki-s, .Il'fi5lf’ Morgan. Fred (lainpln-ll. .\latrii:lil:rbion to School of Practical Hu-iom-c~-(lllas. If). Hopper, Edward l’ahni-r, Morton Gibson, \Vlllic Im\\'-: Still. __â€"â€"..&â€"â€"~- Mable ‘ About twenty of our villagers (Irove to Richmond Hill last Saturday and took the our to Bond‘s Lake whore the-y spent a pleasant aftr-rnoon with several picnic parties from other places. A new post office Was opened at Hope on Mammy. with Mr. \V.’ Thomas as postmaster. Rov. \\'. (i. and Mrs. Back returned Saturday froma \‘t‘l'V pleasant vacation in Ottawa. fxlr. Arthur Aitkcn and several frir-nds fr om Harvey, “I. are spend- ing a tow “rocks with Miss Noble. Miss I‘lmina Byam loft on Tuesday for Calgary whore she purposes romainng for sumo time. The \V. .‘-l. 8. hold an old girls" re- union on Mr. T. Oliver’s lawn on \Vrd- nrsday afu room). In the evening tea. was SI’IVt‘!l to which the husbands were imilvd. The proceedings were intent-sting and profitable and were enjoyed by all. Miss Laura Richardson is spending the ww-k with friends in Toronto; Alias lilytle Siaigeon left. on Monday for Toronto. where she has taken a position in a wholesale millinery establishment. Miss Mildrch Oraddbck is visiting in Markham. Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. MathPSon, Mm. Keys, and Mrs. Kirby spent. 'l‘m-sday with Mrs. Cousins. . Mound Mrs. A. Duffy spent. Sunday with friends at Kleinbiu-g. ' Mr. David I.lo;d and Master Nor- man l.lo_vd of Newmarkct are visiting ‘ with Miss McMurchy. l A Cl'uqllkl’, touibament is in progress on Mr. R. Rmnble’s lawn. On Tucs- day afterno‘on the first; series was won by Miss Run:th and Miss Gan-ow who played against Miss Saigcon and Mr. Richardson. l ‘â€"â€"â€"‘e Headford A social will he held on the church IaWn on Saturday evening. 18th inst. The, event will be held under the auspices of the choir of the church. Ice cream, cake, bananas, lemonade‘ and other reasonable delicacies will be served. . The young people promise a. good time. A cordial invitation is rxtendcd to the public. The first accident on this section of the James Bay Railwayocrurrcd last Sunday. A party of five who had business over the road loft Johnnie Brillingcr’s boarding house in a hand our in the morning. their destination being Pr-fl’crlaw, four stations beyond ‘ Mount Albert. The quintcttc enjoyed the scene: y passing through Gonulcy, Vundorf; Pine Orchard, Mt. Albert“ Zephyr and Uedardale, and the cx~ cursion would hzue been perfectly delightful had it. not been for anl art-iilcnt. on the rip-grade trip. The pnmpers \vorkod so hard that thcjigger lrft the track, when one man’s hcadl and face were pretty badly cut and bruised by being thrown from the car. OthersWei-estunnod by tin-suddenstop, but (.‘hllld show no scars. The men became tired and hungry, but as there l was a Baker on board they (lid not. despair. The manager knew the road well. so the party were returned homc without, any broken born-s. The patient’s Wounds were drosscd, and he was carefully pin, olf at. Clark‘s cor- ners. And Richmond llill received its: usual, supply of milk the following morning; N ews N otes. Over 4,500 people left Toronto, Tues- Western Canada. Mr. Joseph Gibson has resigned from York License Board. He purposes going to the Northâ€"\Vcst. The Fisher (‘up crimes in Toronto. Zoraya. the R. C. Y. C. Uhnl‘bnger, the Canadian Yacht, Won in twol straight, beats from the Iroquois, ofX Rochester, the Unith States .l)¢-fH[li‘lPl'. ghelmce took place at Charlott". â€"â€"â€"¢ooâ€"â€" .Iust lo hand:â€".heaviest black drill bib overalls and heaviest black drill pants at the old price, $1 pr. Atkin- son & Swilzcr. j ' wholly prepared ‘ woman’s peculiar ailments. In the Police Court at. Bowmanvilln on Friday. Riv-hard J. Mallory, lmilifi‘, brought an action against. Richard Shackle-ton, :1 {Manor of i‘rIiiIVf‘IS io\Vo:~hip for resisting him in the vxcrnrion of a. (livlross warrant and svizuru of tho goods of the Quid Shackleton. Policu Magistrate. \Vm. llorwy found a ('ollvir'lion and fined Shackleton $20, and $lll costs, or l.\‘lll months in jail. 'â€"â€"-â€"-’I&â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" Full slnck of lh'fil rviinvd SIID’IHH, Rx-dpath‘s Extra (lrannlaiod Paris Lump. l‘owdr-rs-d lannp, Powdered and lelow; 231bs. lino rain- granuâ€" larwl sugar for Atkinson & Swit- zcr. l‘lADE FRon NATIVE ROOTS.â€" SAFE AND RELIABLE. That the roots of many native Innis, growing wild in our American oreats, po§oss remarkable properties for the cure of human maladies is well proven. Even the untutored Indian had learned the curative value of some of these and taught the early settlers their uses. The Indian never liked work so he wanted his squaw to get well as soon as possible that. she might do the work and let him hunt. Therefore. he dug “papoose root ” for her, for that was their great remedy for fe- male weaknesses. Dr. Pierce uses the same rootâ€"called Blue Cohoshâ€"-in his "Favorite Prescription." skillfully com- bined with other agents that make it more effective than any other medicine in curing all the various weaknesses and painful derangemcnts peculiar to women. Many atllictod women have been saved from the operating table and the sur- eon‘s knife by the timely use of Doctor I’ierce’s Favorite Prcsoription. [Tenderâ€" ness over the lower cpelvic region. With backache, Spells of izziness, famtncss, bearing down pains or distress should not go unneeded. A course of "Favorite Prev scription" will work marvelous benefit in all such cases, and generally efieot a, permanent cure it persisted in for 3. rec» sonable length of time. The "Favorite Prescription" is a. harmless agent, pom from native medicine roots, without a drop of alcohol .in its make up. whereas all other medicmes, put up for sale through druggrsts for contain large quantities of spirituous liquors. which are very harmful, especially to delicate women. “Favorite Prescription” conâ€" tains neither alcohol nor harmful habitâ€" I forming drugs. All its ingredients are printed on each bottle wrapper. 1t 18 a owerful invigorating tonic, impartlng ealth and strength in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. For weak and sickly women, who are "worn-out," or debilitated, egocially for women who work in store, 0 , or school-room, who sit at the typewriter or sewing machine, or bear heavy household burdens and for nursing mothers, Dr. Pierce’s llavorite Prescription will rove a priceless benefit becauSe of its ealth - restoring and strength-giving power. For constipation. the true, scientific cure is Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. Mild, harmless, yet sure. ¢¢§0§§§N§§6¢+¢¢+§¢¢+0¢¢$ 9 AGENT FOR D e errn g Farm Im- plements Any one needing any thing in the line of Drills Cultivators Rollers or Earrews of any kind for fall work would do well to try one ol‘ our machinesr N 3?. Glass RICHMOND HILL P. O. ¢~VO 6 §¢§§§§§§+¢¢¢§¢¢+¢§¢§Q Q l. EARLE NEWTON” P' nist Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory Representative for Richmond Hill and vicinin of ye olde Firm» of llwin tzmaz. and Company. Limited, manufactui ~ ers of high grade pianos.

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