Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Aug 1906, p. 2

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few drops of cochineal. Snow Puddingâ€"Two and one-half cups milk. two and one-half tablespoons minute tapioca. set on store in double boiler till it thickens: then add beaten whites of three eggs and pinch of salt and set in mold to cool. Custardâ€"Two cups milk, stir in when boiling yolks of three eggs, titre-quarters of a cup of sugar, pinch of salt, one dessertspoonfu] or cornstarch or flour. When cool flav. or with any desired extract. Serve with pudding. Cocoanut Tapioca.â€"One cup of mm. jun-o (syrup of preserved péac tablespoons of cornstarch wc cca, milk. one-h Pineapple Rucheâ€"One cu threequarters cup of sugar. size of a walnut. one cup of two cups of water; soak the oneâ€"ha” c1 (.1 grated ( Make (1'05 three tab} spoons of pudding v till :\ ligh Rice and Meat Croquettes.â€"One cup- ful of boiled rice, one cupful of finely chopped cooked meatâ€"any kindâ€"one teaspoonful of salt, a little pepper, two tablespoonfuls of butter, half a cupful of milk, one egg. Put the milk on to boil, and add the meat, rice. and sea- soning when this boils, add the egg, well beaten, stir one minute. After cooling, shape. dip in egg and crumbs, and try as before directed. Breaded Sausages.â€"â€"Wipe the sau- sages dry. Dip them in beaten egg and bread crumbs. Put them in the frying basket. and plunge into boiling fat. Cook ten minutes. Serve with a garnish of toasted bread and parsley. A Good Dishâ€"Minced cold beef or lamb; if beef put in a pinch of pulver- ized cloves; if lamb a pinch of summer savory to season it, little pepper and some salt, and put it in a baking dish; mash potatoes and mix them with cream and butter and a little salt and spread them over the meat: heat up an egg with cream or milk, a little, spread it over the potatoes and bake it a short time, sufficient. to warm it through, and brown the potatoes. t American Toust.â€"To on" egg thor- oughly beaten put one (up of sweet milk and a little salt. Slice light bread and dip into the mixture. allowing each slice to absorb some of the milk, then brown on a hot buttered griddle; spread with butter and serve hot. Dried Beetâ€"The most common way 0? serving dried 0r smoked beef is to shave it into thin slices or chips‘ raw, but a more savory relish may be made of it with a little trouble. Put the slices of uncooked beef into a frying pan with just enough boiling water to cover them; set them over the fire for ten minutes, drain off all the water. and with a knife and fork cut the meat into small bits. Return to the pan, which should be hot, with a tablespoonful of butter and a little pepper. Have ready some well beaten eggs, allowing four to a half a pound of beef; stir them into the pan with the minced meet. and toss and stir the mixture for about ten minutes. Send to table in covered dish. Chicken Cutlols.â€"Seuson pieces of (‘old chicken or turkey with salt and pepper. Dip in melted butter; let this cool on the meal. and dip in beaten egg and in fume bread crumbs. Fry in butter till a delicate brown. Serve in slices of hot toast with either a white or curry sauce poured around. Pieces of cold veal make a nice dish, if prelerred, in the same manner. Hashod Cold Meatâ€"Take your bones and stew them in a little water with an onion, some salt, pepper. and, if you like, a little savory herbs; when the goodness -is all out of the bones thicken the gravy with a teaspoonful of corn starch, and if it is not strong put in a bit of butter, then place your stew pan on the hearth and put in your slices of meat. Warm, but not boil. Serve with toasted bread. Potato and Beet llash. â€" Mince some cold beef, 11 little fat with the lean. put to it as much cold boiled potatoes chop- ped as you like, season with pepper and salt, add as much gravy or hot water as will make it moist. then put in & stew pan over a gentle fire; dredge in a small quantity of wheat flour, stir it about with a spoon. cover the stew- pan. and let it simmer for half an hour -â€"â€"take care that it. does not burn. Dish it with or without a slice of toast under It for breakfast. This hash may be made without potatoes if water is used instead of gravy. a bit of butter may be added, more or less, according to the proportion of fat with the lean meat $4++++++€¥++++++++++++ BREAKFAST DISHES. +++++++++++++++++++++a PUDDINHS FOR HOT \VEATHER :ofinut Tapioca.â€"One cup of mm. soaked over night, one quart of yolks of four eggs, whites of two, alf cupful of sugar. lwo tablespoons 1th mcoanut. Bake one-half hour. frosting of whites of two eggs‘ tablespoons of sugar, two table. IS of cocoanut. spread over the :ng when baked. Set in the oven Alum the Hausa )[ cocoanut. when baked :ht brown. DQSSCI‘Lâ€"TW bright 1‘05( chineal. ;â€"'l‘\vo and one-half 2e of a walnut and kc- n ring. Brown in tho paper rings in and wth dose put olhor‘. the smallest N0 cups of pea rved peaches), 1m or. the smallest ‘enlre \Vilh whip- t‘i‘ brown with 050 pink with a Up with Nagin: “But why don't you argue matter out with your wife ?" Mek “Hush! my wife has very positive i on that subject. The moment I 0p: my mouth my wife would put her down. andâ€"" Nuggin: “The 11 I should think you would chok Liquid medicines advertised to cure stomach and bowel disorders and sum- mer complaints contain opiates and are dangerous. When a mother gives Baby‘s Own Tablets to her little on n she has the guarantee of a Government analyst that this medicine does not con‘ tain one particle of opiate or har.nful drug. The prudent mother will appre- ciate that in Baby‘s Own Tablets there is absolute safety. An occasional Jase ti. the well child will keep it wellâ€"ant they promptly cure the minor ailments of childhood when they come unexpect- edly. Mrs. G. Hamlin. St. Adolphe, Que.. says: “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for colic and bowel troubles and [ind them safe and speedy in their cure." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2:) cents a box from the Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Keep the Tablets in the house. scarce. other than apples. can make a large quantity of apple jelly and when jellied, put into separate vessels on the fire and add exlract of orange. pine- apple. banana or lemon and she will be surprised to find what a delicate, nalural flavor each kind has._ Some drop in a few sweet geranium leaves and find it very satisfactory. This saves time, labor and exeperience. with per- fectly satisfactory results. Place pulverized pumice stone be- ‘tween the layers of a folded piece of soft muslin and stitch around the edge to keep the powder from spilling. Wipe lamp chimneys or window panes with this dry cloth and they will be clean and sparkling almost instantly. Enough powder will remain in the cloth to be used many times. The housewife who wishes for a va- riety of jellies. especially where fruit is a small piece always handy. and when the rubber gets soiled a rub on the plas- ter makes it as clean as when now. To keep iron sinks and iron kettles smooth and free from rust. never use soap in cleaning them. Wash them in the water in which potatoes have been boiled, using a well boiled potato to rub any spot which may have become rough, or rusted. afterward rinsing clean with very hot, clear water. By cleaning in this way. they will always be smooth and free from rust. An excellent cleaner for guitars, vio- lins, etc., is made of one-third each of linseed oil, turpentine and water. These shaken together in a bottle form an emulsion of cream. Rub the instru- ment with a cloth dumped in the cream. Wipe dry and polish with a woolen cloth The very best way to keep violets fresh is not. to put them in water. but 10 throw over them a. handkerchief thor- oughly wet, and set them in a draught. The. best thing [or cleaning pehcil erasers is a piece of old plaster. Keep Graniteware can be soldred as easy as tinware by adopting the following me- thod: Brush over the edges of the holes to be mended with shellacâ€"both inside and outsideâ€"and immediately apply the melted solder, which will adhere firm< ly. To keep the neighbor's hens from scratching up your flowers, spread on the ground, close to the rows of clumps of plants, strips of heavy paper. through which. at close intervals. carch tacks stones or pieces of brick on its edges to keep it from blowing away. After washing lace curtains lay a blanket on the floor in some emply room; spread the curtains on the blan- ket. stretching them carefully, and they will keep their place without any fasten- ing until dried. It housewives who dislike to find worms when cutting apples would first put the fruit in cold water. they would find that the worms would leave the ap- ples and come to the surface of the water. ‘ Heat a lemon thoroughly before squeezing. and you will oblain nearly double the quantity of juice that you would if it had not been heated. Dip half a. lemon in salt and rub on knife handles; then wash immediately in warm water. and the handles will be as white as when they were new. water, and boiled ten minutes with the juice. Beat whites of three eggs and pour the thickened mixture over it, beat- ing until cold. Mold and serve with whipped cream or with a custard made 01’ the yolks of the eggs. For Custardsâ€"In frosting any kind of a custard or pudding to be served cold beat the whites of your eggs until stiff, add sugar. and drop in a pan of boiling water. place in the oven and brown. For floating island drop in tablespoon- fuls a little distance apart. or if you wish it in one piece put in the size of your pudding dish. It can be made flat and smooth or heaped as high as you wish. This saves lots of time, as the pudding can be cooling while the frost- ing is being made. Bizarre Puddingâ€"Two cupfuls of evaporated peaches. which have been soaked over night and stirred until ten- der, two cuptuls of bread crumbs. one- half cupful of syrup from the peach one-halt cupful of blanched almonds. Mix thoroughly and turn into a baking dish. Cover the top with coarse bread crumbs, dot with butter. and bake brown. Serve hot with rich cream. To remove coffee stains, rub the spois with glycerine and water and they will disappear as by magic. SAFETY FOR CHILDREN. NEW IDE n: “The idle would choke {\S I ope‘ned her foot rguo the Maiden : At first failure was predicted for the somewhat flimsy looking arrangements of wood and canvas and a throng of men came out to see their predictions verified; but it was a victory for science. The new tangled idea caught on, and half a dozen are in use toâ€"day, for they empty a pit in an eighth of a time .it would take a bench of boys with buck- ets. Many of the diggers, however, could not afford the outlay, and today you see the white manâ€"who is supposed not to work in this happy landâ€"stand- ing knee deep in water and mud doing “nigger‘s work." After the pits have been got. fairly dry the mud and gravel are dug up and handed in buckets to the “baby.” From That middle age digger over there-11 man who employs a respectable sized gang of boysâ€"was only recently on the verge of giving in. A run of blank weeks had eaten away his capital. His boys were unpaid. He could hardly force himself to remain on the bank and go throught the endless washing, always finding nothing. At last he decided to “chuck it.” Some of his gear was ac- tually removed, when suddenly he found a stone which he sold for £120. The gear was put back. and the digger is still temptingr fortune on the banks of They have excavated huge pits in the low ground left dry by the falling river; some are so close to the water that they have had to erect semi-circular dams to keep the stream from flooding the work. During the night two or three feet of water has risen in the diggings, and the first task is to bale out the pits. The more enterprisingâ€"or. rather, those with capitalâ€"have purchased California pumps. an innovation introduced by Mr. Hamilton. the biggest digger on the field, some months ago. still temptim the Yam]. Over there his chum. ' mm hav Cross the placid water by llle weir and inspect the little groups now start- ing work almost in the bed of the river. "I‘ll-ere are probably three or four hun- dred men digging in the mud and stones which Lie beneaih the reeds. A large pro- portion are white men, clad in mud- spattered clolhes, with Here on the Vaal at 7 o’clock in the morning all is activity. The bronzed, taciturn ferrymnn laboriously rows over the heaviest loads of the day, his rough plank craft deep in the water. The river diggers who live in Christiana are cross- ing to the Orangia bank; those who dwell close to their work in the tented camp, which extends up steam for half a mile from the Drift, are takingT a hasty breakfast before commencing on an- other day’s gamble, which may leave themewith a full purse or only an in- creased load of anxiety. For. after all, the diamond digger of the Vaal is a gambler. and no gambler ever worked harder [or his gains. The waters. though daily growingr low- er, so that the white post which marks the height of the flood time now stands three or four feet. above the level of the stream sparkle in the sunshine; a few houses nestle among the trees, and away as far as the eye can see stretches the great plaint sun-yellowed and almost treeless, part of the expanse of appar- ently wasted land through which the Diamond Express now rushes for hour after hour. A silent. lonely land, strik- ing on account of its immensity. Here on the Vaal at 7 o’clock in the morning all is activity. The bronzed. dent of the Pall Mall Gazette; a tinge of adventure brightens the most pro- saio journey. The breadth of the Veal between Christiana on the Transvaal bank, and Zoutpan’s Drift on the Orange River shore, is always beautiful, but in the clear cut brilliance of early morn- ing, as in the softer glow of the setting sun, there is The camp of the diggers male picturesque scene in the early mornm Ln the marvellously clear air and glm ous sunshine of the beginnings of Souih African day (here is a cerla promise of romance, writes a correspo dent of the Pall Mail Gazette; a tin; of adventure bri saio journey. Th between Christial bank, and Zoutpa River shore. is Away down in the extreme southwest corner of the Transvaal, in a district which until the opening of the Klerks- dorp-Fourteen Streams Railway lay tar out of the track of the ordinary travel- ler. there exists a curious little indus- try. The diamond diggers of the Ynal are found in a. back-water of South Ai- rican life. At long intervals the outer world hears of some exceptional suc- cess, but. it knows nothing of the tail- ures. The great financial have no time [or the men about in the bed 01 a river {ew stones. VAALA DIAMOND DEGGERS Much [L'u-d \Vork and W'HERE BRO\VNED FACES AND ARMS formerly an no native lab‘ Pits Dug in the River \Vhen AN ADDED ATTRACTION MEN \VlTll SMALL CAPITAI. [II'NT FOR GEMS. TIIE Tl Water is l AST MOMENT Munch armor nothing financial unlanl. 'l‘h( .l do the who :OW ‘e is a certain s a correspon- ‘itllc man \ new 3rd. )I‘i Turning to marriage and to all races, the universality of marriage in India is strikingly brought out by the statistics. or every 1,000 females aged fifteen and upwards, there are unmarried: In Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 In Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 In England and Wales 395 In Western Australia . . . . . . 338 In India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 The contrast is very striking. even when allowingr for the earlier stage at which the natives of India marry. One fact of interest is that Ireland :5 the country of ohl men and women. Out of every 1.000 of the population of that, country there are 64 men and (*3 women sixty-live years of age or up wards. It hurts (1 Nelly girl more to be ig- nored than it does an ugly girl to be re- minded of her homcliness. He: “She looks nice enough to eat !" She (severely): “Yes; plain food has its charms for some people.” In Most Colonies the Men Oulnumbcr the Women Considerably. \VIIERE MEN OUINUMBIZR “’OMEN The diggings realize between £1,000 and £1,100 a month in diamonds, and the trade which results keeps Christiana, which is the seventh or eighth largest town in the Transvaal, solvent. The season is a short one, and the rains may come down in October or Novem- ber and stop all work. Unless some action is taken the season will be lost, and the town and the diggers will be reduced to serious straits. In fact, the little industry on the Vaal is threaten- ed with ruinâ€"strangled by red tape. As the river falls there will he a great. influx of diggers from other parts of the river, as well as» from the Band. A thousand are said to be coming down. These men will find the O. R. C. bank fairly filled up, and yet before their eyes a potential Eldorado, which. for some reason they cannot fathom, is a. closed land. The danger isâ€"and it is not a remote oneâ€"that the diggers will defy the law and descend into the bed closed land. The danger isâ€"and it is ml :1 remote oneâ€"that lhe diggers will defy the law and descend into the bed of the river as soon as the water is low enough and begin work. Once estab- lished there it will be hard to get them to shift. Orange River Conony bank. This not because the Zoutpan’s Drift sids the richer. The bend of the stream the Christiana side is believed to c tain far the greater wealth. During little work that was done there :1 st of 33 carats, which was sold on spot for £482, was discovered; while all the digging on the opposite sh( the biggest diamond has been 19% ( als, the sale price being £120. ! further licenses for the Transvaal s have been refused. It has been ru that the bed of the river is Crown la This necessitates its formal rlroclai This necessitates its formal proclama- tion by the Government, and there will be considerable delay before this can be done. all the Orange not bec the ricl the Chi only five p0 do even mod those who h hours the w THERE I Is not adulterated in any shape or form, and because pure is healthful. Lead Packets only. 400. 500 and 890 per lb. At all Grocers. HIGHEST AWARD ST. LOUIS, 1904‘ 11K me passion [or Nature hides ever onward other blank there is to-1 AS HEALTHFUL AS ET US 6009 THERE IS TROUBLE BREWING n the banks of the sunny Vaal. 1 )ti ‘nd (i n w] SCOTT'S EHULSION serves as I bridge to carry the weakened and starved system along until it can find firm support in ordinary food. Send [or (:32 sample. :alie pap. 1 found, and ‘ white man" islory could is to-mox'rou Mas! an old hat, al‘ diggin diEL’e 10 have always )l '5oc. nd Snoo; I“ drugg'nis th am in [indin 1V ‘Iusod. It has been‘ ruled )f the river is Crown land. ‘Y if travel]: driven )ugh there av on the Trans have remc Zonony bank In I‘t 1h rly themselves. A f9“ literally existing up len two small stones )-day they are agalr will rday li 3f the f the digger ell. In most squander in f a minute. CEYLON GREEN TEA told Vaal 1n’s Drift side is of the stream of believed to con- 11”]. During the ne there a stone as sold on the ‘ransvaal removed nwarc veal! h th the wisp Never 1 hen. per Many CV‘i Ohudo. Here are half the 'd by the 1 which ‘ads them while in 'isp. Ah‘ ‘1‘ mind. perhaps me that th mences shore, to the This is lama- Cm di: JSE car- But side )1] ‘\\‘ a man walking carrying a large his back. Savages, we know, indulge in such luxuries as grub‘s and locusts, but for a civilized white man to finish up his din: ner with a dish of raw ants seems too nasty to be credible. Yet in Mexico It is the custom. The ant eaten is called. the honey-ant, and is perhaps as cur- ious an insect as lives. With a tiny, head and legs, it has a huge body 9.; big as a large pea, and this is yellow and swollen with excellent honey. ml each nest there are 300 or 400 of theset honey-ants, which are attended by thousands of others. The honey-ants hang on to the roofs of the cells in the nest while the others feed them. They are, in fact, living storehouses of winter food‘. An observer says that if one oil the honey-ants falls from his perch. at Worker will go and pick him up and! replace him. This [eat is equivalent. to' a man walking up the face of a clilt carrving a large buttan or cart-horse on] They that won’t be counselled can‘t he helped. “Expect trouble, you bring it.” says the proverb. Drive your business; let not your busi- ness drive you. . Lose no time; be always employed in something uselul. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. If you wont to keep your good looks, keep your good nature. lust the poor giants of the wood find them- selves hopelessly imprisoned. An ele- phant’s rage is dreadful to witness, but the ingenuity of man has found a way of subduing it. One by one each pri- soner is freed again, and tame ele- phants, remarkable for their sagacityl come up to him, stroke him with their trunks, and otherwise cajole him until Ihey lead him on to a good strong tree. The natives creep up behind, and in a. minute the elephant is made fast to a tree by his leg. All the time this is going on the tame elephants are humoring their deluded victim, but as sbon as he is secured they go away and leave him. Then the men bring him eoc0anu’ts and leaves to eat, which. of course. he refuses, as he is again in a great passion and struggling to be free. But. hunger subdues even the fiercest, and at last his wild roaring ceases, and he eats. From ‘that time the taming process is comparatively easy; again and again he is fed. as he requires it, by a. kind hand; and the elephant. sus- ceptible to kindness, becomes at last a docile servant of the man. What is the daily ration of a British soldier on the march? Very few, even among soldiers, could answer this ques- tion correctly oft-hand. It.” consists, per man, of 1 pound of meat. 1% pounds -f bread or 1 pound of biscuits, 2 ounces sugar, % pound of fresh vegetables, with numerous more or less microsco- pic allowances of tea, sugar, and con- diments, and the addition, on Viscount Wolseley‘s recommendation, of cheese, jam. and pickles where possible. When on the march 'each man carries one day‘s ordinary ration with the excep- tion of meat, which is carried in the regimental cart transport. Each horse or transport animal also carries a day's complete forage. Three days‘ provisions for the men and three days‘ forage for the horses are carriedl by the commis- sariat. All these supplies are considered as reserves, and it they are drawn upon must be renewed from the advanced magazines which should contain as a minimum four days’ complete supplies. and at 135 he eats. process is and again enters, the « the 560!- gizu selves hopele phant’s rage the ingenuity of subduing soner is [x of trees, with open p Then the elephants are blazing torches, rattling ments. spears are drj Open doors. How \Vild 1n .vhi se no hurtful deceit. One today is worth two toâ€"morrows. Do each day's duty as if it were the nts M Bury th l’ling<p( TOMMY’S MARCHING RATION EATING ANTS FOR DESSERT 3n last, . the half-sh: 1n TAMED BY KINDNESS )mmon PEA “LS OF TRUTH. str roul Th nt mneg fenced i with open pla( me this is going on the tame u'e humming their deluded as 50011 as he is secured they id leave him. Then the men :oc0anuts and leaves to eat, :0ur.~:e, he refuses, as he is great passion and struggling turbe )W ophants ith a vntmn nylon Forests. )1 lephanl sople b1 near a fll'L eep yot ature. ride 0p( Lerward at trin‘ unavoi I'U ced in with places for "6 found. an ng of noisy driven Iowa )ke him with c cajole him 1 good strong behind, and is made fast Arc Subducd In 3T6 are 1 gm by forest in wi th 0 great herd barred. and (1 find them- ed. An ele- witness, but found a way we each pri- hunu re part or trunks ‘ doors. Id. with instru- ard the 1V arm 1cci‘ [cityt their unl il tree. llS

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