\ A m \ I‘x‘nllll X; :1114;l- ul 1 . . . y n} w.“ ( HLIL'UI. \3 Chen “Mun/"l You’ll get Monarch Bl per doz.; Re $1.68 per Salmon at $ Switzor. Pink Lips Like Velvet. Rough, Chapped or Cracked Lips can be made as soft as velvet by applying a light coating of Dr. Shoop’s Green Salve. It takes out completely the soreness of cuts, bruises and all skin abrasions. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Mr. H. A. Nicholls and other Direct- ors of The Grand Valle Pent Pro- ducts 00. took a. trip to Thamesford Saturday to inspect. a. machine for manufacturing peat, fuel. The direct- ors were more than pleased with its success. It is now turning out one ton per hour and at ready market is fuuud for the fuel. ‘ The sidewalls connecting Richmond Hill and Elgin Mills is in a very dilap- idated condition. and if not repaired accidents are almost sure to happen. If the sidewalk commissioners do not “get busy †Max-khan) township need not feel surpriaed if a. bill for danmges is presented. THE LIBERAL received yesterday a sample of Northern Spy apples grown on the farm of Mr. Jonathan Brillinger in the season of 1905. These apples are yet quite ï¬rm having good flavor, and are part of a, collection which took ï¬rst prize here at the fair on the 24th of May. Geta 5 cent box of Lnxâ€"ets at our store please. “’9 think they are great. Just test the tnothsome, candy-like Laxative Tablets for constipation, sour stomach, hiliousnuss,had breath. mud- dy complexion. etc. Risk 6 cents and see. W. A. Sanderson. A number of the former residents of Markham, Scm'boro and East; York met at the residence of Mr. Simpson Rennie Tuesday evening and made an rangements for a re-uuion and old- Lilue picnic at Island Park on Thurs- day afternoon, August 23, from 2 to 6 o‘clock. If your Stomach is W'eak, If your Food dish-asses you, If you are \Veal: and Nervous, Use Dr. Shqop’s Restorative one month and see what it. does for you. Sold by 3V. A. Sanderson. Mr. John Savage, second cnncessiun of Vaughan, lost a work horse by accidenta few days ago. One of the farm hands drove the animal too near the gravel-pit, last Thursday, and it accidentally fell in. The horse became accidentally} fell in. The hbréé beg! paralyzed and died in a. short time. Mr. E. GlOver, a. couple of doors suuth of “Muggs Landing,“ has added to the appearance and cumfmt of his home by laying asphalt; pavement along the front, and raised about. six inches higher than the sidewalk. Gund Selection of picture post cards at the Liberal Oï¬â€™xce. These includu pretty scenery. good comics, birthday wishes, sen share bathing. baby farm- ing, etc. etc. New stock just, arrived. Markham ViHqu. Stuuf’fville and Mnunt, Albert hold their Civic lihlidny on Friday, 17th inst. Those sister villngrs go on an excursion to Jack- son‘s Point. Uheupnrss wifhuut, wm-th is big priced. Atkinson & Switzer. Harriett A. Brunton. wife H. BI-untnn. Nowmzukot. dh S. Intern-writ in the N1 cemetery (m the 10H: inst. sen ed. A momber of Imusohnldors in the Km [11 End have impmn'ed the nppvnr- ant:va their prnpwrlie-s this summel by n-umviug the fences along Yungv in The $00}le of Friends hnvu. it, i fluid. decide-d to rebuild Pickvrin Gullvge at Nowumrkrt. Our buying 11st made your buying ‘eav V. ALkiusuuaYLSwitzer. Exhibition Tickets 6 for “111in number has been 50( Mr. G. Maudie, Toronto, returned fromatrip to the Thousand Islands Saturday and is spending a few days with his father. No substitution here but the thing itself. Atkinson &. Swine-r. Prices in real estate have taken a bound within the past mpnlhwspecinl- 1y on some parts Centre Street east. Quality and qnnntity terms. Alkmsnn It Swil The Markham Economist is taking lseqummy 2: holiday this week. mnsr-qnently the farmers l paper will not be published till next, “7.35;, n, week. farming. \Vnodhridge will hold its Civic Hnli- jay on SuLux-dmy of this week. August, RICHMOND HILL, 0:112, Aug. 16, 1906 Dr. \V. J. Anderson. dent-15b, is back mm his holidays and will he in his x‘ichlhnhd Hill ofï¬ce, npxt door north ’1‘ Stundnxd hank, ou Vw’ednosday 01' 'aL‘h wuk. Fur best qua†'us go to Atkix This store tells stories worth repeat- ‘g. Atkinson & Switzer. 140(3 A142“; get quality in buying these:â€" ‘21 Brand Red Salmon at $1.68 ; Regal Bram} Red Salmon at 91' doz.; Canoe Brand Red at $1.55 per doz. Atkinson & hulls. First I second supply. .y of 5111999 and son 6L Switzel. : been sewn-ed hv First come, fltst itZPl fe of Mr. T. lit-d August, Newmurket Ire bargain vine- The best man We have in our midst for the general good of the town is the one you will always see on the front seat in the progressive “band wagon.†He is the ï¬rst one to extend an open and warm lmnd to greet; the stranger and welcome him to the prettiest town in the province. He will resent an insult to our town as quickly as he would a slur at; a member of his family. He very politely invites the chronic croaker to ‘move on.†He is ever ready to give his just proposition to every public enterprise. He talks up our town at home and abroad and believes it the best place in which to live, and desires to be buried heie when he dies. Let us all try and be like this man for one year and our little town will take on new life and improve as never before in its history. Mr. Pearl Marsh when returning home from the village on Monday night about 10 o’clock was waylaid at, Palmer’s Corner by three husky in- dividuals, one of whom as if by magic placed the cold steel of a revolvm- to his head, and as in days of old de- manded his money or his life. Pearl with greab presence of mind struck the arm of the revolver tramp which sent. it spinning into the ditch and there made several detenations which undoubtedly frightened both tramps and waylaid. Pearl did the mile stunt home in about, 8 minutes and never even waited to see what, became of the trumps. Mural: Travel in couples in future. a. Mr. Simpson, Vaughan township, and after smashing the windows, bound Mx-s. Simpson, and stripping Mr. Simpson, covered him with a cuuting of tar and feathers. 0n the pi-ex'ious Thursday Mr. MacNair. a respectable farmer, received a threat- ening letter from the same gan . threatening to burn his barns. Pgo eiforts will be spared by the author- itics.†ANCI ENT HISTORY The following paragraph, which ap- peared in last, Saturday’s Globe, is taken from the Globe of August 12th, 1856:â€"“Ruf!’ians visited the home of It. is said that trouble has arisen in connection with the extension of the Metropolitan Railway north from Newnnu-ket. Fora. considerable dis- tance north the track runs in the vol- ley of the Holland River. It seems that in running the new canal it will be necessary to dam the water up in places which would cause it to over- flow the Metropolitan tracks as at present located. The tracks will then 9- fore have to he removed to higher ground, or the present grade elevated. It. will be seen by a. report elsewhere in this paper tlaatmn- High Schuol has again done well at, the Departmental examinations. The report a year ago was must satisfactory, but, this year is even better than last. Twu 01' three of the strongest, candidates failed by a. few marks, but on the whole the standing of the school is eXCellent. Both teachers and students are to be cougrauluted on the good showing. The Delineutm' for September is: packed with good reading nmttrx' for uvmyone. The woman of fsls ‘iull will ï¬nd much uf intervsb in the many pages de'vutpd to dress, millinH-y und nvckwezu ; and thuso who are uthm- wise inclined may derive a gnle dual of pleasure and entwtuinnwnt irmu the litm'zu'y features provided in this number. The $8,483 given by the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, in cash prizes to cattle is divided as follows: $3,700 to Shorthorns. $540 to Here- fnrds, $470 to Aberdeen Angus, $395 tu Gallnvvays, $220 to grade cattle (beef breeds), $205 to fat cattle, $731 to Ayrshires, $795 to Jerseys, $807 to Guernseys‘ $899 to Holsteins, $221 to grade cattle (dairy breeds.) Vinegar, 1159 the best. We have fruit, vim-gar pure nnd of full strength. Nuughtnn Bros†Elgm Mills. Tim \Vnrld uf Monday called upon the three local members for Yul'k Countyâ€"Messrs. ’1‘. H. Lvnnux. J- \V- St. John and Als-x. MuCoWnnâ€"m'sign' ated by The \‘v’m'ld “Thu his three," t9 wait. upon Hun. J. J. Foy {ml 2? view of compuliing the York Rudinl R‘ulwuy Cmnpwny Ln rudmre thril'furu to 2 cents :l miiu, in uccmdnuce thh statute The bulk uf the harvest is in the hams in this section of country. Con- sequently a. number of the young farmers cmxtemplate 2L trip to The West, to “take a hand†in prairie farming. In the second faruwrs’ excursion from Toronto, which starts to-mmrow. Mr. Frank Boyle, Mr. G90. Vandelburgh and Mr. Arthur Vanda-burgh will be among the passengers. The' publisher of The Era. claims that “Newmarkot is the Hub of North York. being the largest town in the Riding." A visitm‘tn "the Huh†re- marked that the. latitude of its main streetâ€"Broadwa yâ€"is not calculated to meet the requirements of such an. “Large Town.†MONEY FOR CATTLE TO WIN. AN EXCELLENT SHO \VING. XVAYLAID BY TRAMPS TOO NEAR THE CANAL. THE MEN WE NEED, THE DELI N EATOR A BIG TOWN. DONERâ€"Neal' Got-mley, on Au 9:. 13, 1905, Mrs. Elizabeth Dmler, ang 84 years. Funeral \Vednesdny, Aug. 15. at Heise Hill Uemetery. Services by Rev. F. Elliott and Rev. Mr. Fidler of Markham. The dates of exhibitions and fall fairs popular in this secLiun so far en'- ramged are as fallows: Tux-onto, Aug. 27-St-pt. 10. Newmarket, Sept. 1:5, 19. Murkhanl. Oct. 3-5. Bradford, Oct. 16, 17. DIBB~AL Elgin Mills, on Sundav, 5th of August, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Dibb. a son. The Board of Education met Friday to select it. ï¬rst assistant teacher for the High School in place of Mr. An- drews, resigned. There were nine or ten applicants for the position) recent- lyndvertised in the daily pnpeis.ul1 except one being females. After road- ing the applications and testimonials the Board selected two names which seemed to meet the requirementsâ€"â€" Miss Frances Morden, B. A.. Niagara Falls; and Miss Mabel Armstrong, B. A., of Whitby. Miss Morden was communicated with and has accepted the position. The young lady has taken an excellent standing at the University, and furnished the best of testimonials fioni her inspector and from the School in which she taught. Miss Moi-den has had two years’ exper- ience in teaching, she. afterwards at- tended the Ontario Normal College Where she obtained a. teacher’s certiï¬- cate and graduated this year at To- ronto University. At the last-named institution she took honors all through the course in the General Proï¬ciency department. She also took the Clas- sical option and also French, taking honors each year in those depart- ments. In his testmoniul Mt. J. H. Ball. M. A.. Inspector of Schools for \Volland Co., slates that “Miss Morden is an excellent discipliniirinn.†the ï¬rst qualiï¬cation for a. teacher in any school. The series of evangelistic meetings held in the park for two weeks closed Monday evening. The last, service- was it missionary meeting, when a large number were present. from Toronto. The meeting was cundllcti'd by Mr. H. L. Stephens. Several young ladies from the city told about, their “cull†us missionaries. and Miss Young and Miss Morgan gave interesting accounts of their Work in foreign ï¬elds. Mr. GPO. Stephens and Mr. \V. Leishnmn alsU givv inn-resting talks along llllSBlUllal’y lines. The former is nuw preparing himself for the work in China, and the hitter for India. The meetings during tho fin-t.~ night Were well attended and a lot, of good earnest work was done, about 40 people testifying to u, change of heart. Mr. Stephens who presided Monday evening announced that it, was Rev. Mr. Bruce’s intention, on his return from his holidays, to start a. young people’s classto which all young con- verts are invited. V V" "ï¬iï¬de byJ 0‘3, qer’s Then it’s time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi- ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else. It’s nature’s way. J†You Will givo your boys 01' girls Business Courses as they ï¬nish Public or High School work, and before you select your school: he sure and Write for our new catalogue. \Ve are doing better work than ever before, and can guarantee excellent results. Full Term from Sept. 4. Y. M. U. A. Bldg.. Yonge & McGill Streets, Toronto When the Hair Falls m BRIT/5g T. M. WATSON, Principal The best kind of a. testimonialâ€" :Ԥogd for over sixty years." TENT MEETINGS CLOSED FIRST H. S. ASSISTANT. OF COURSE! wafï¬lé FALL FAIRS. DEATHS BIRTHS Ol'A'i'orWOo†iov‘iui. Hun. manufacturers of SARSAPARILLA. Pl L LS. CHERRY PECTOIML. W'hite Semi-Porcelain Handled Cups and Saucers. gilt line and sprig. 85c. duz.; 6 inch Scallops, gilt, line and sprig, 150. each. WE QOUTE FOR BEST GGQDS: We want your trade and are Offering inducements to get it Fruit Jars, Imperial Pints, 63c doz.; Wine Quarts, 65¢. per doz; “inc gaGalIons, 890. per doz; XXX White Wine Vinegar, 30c. per gal; Redpath’s or St. Lawrence Extra Granulated Sugar, 100 lb. bag, $54.45; Redpath’s Powdered Sugar, 20 lbs. tor $1.00; Weston’s Vanilla Waters, 180. per 1b.; VVeston’s Lemon Snaps, 2 lbs. for 250; Weston‘s Cookies, 10c. Crockery The Bugy Big Sims 0f Dry Goods JP†gmï¬mfl 333m: Bf €33; ATKINSON & SWITZER Bargains all ’Long the Line Business transacted daily between 10 and 4 Savings Bank Department. Money advanced on sale notes. THE RICHMOND HiLL, ONT Screen doors and window séreens keep the ï¬les out and let the breeze in when bought here. We can guarantee you a great heat reduc- tlon if you possess one of our easy-running and reliable churns or washmg machipes. A few coal oil stoves left which we wi give you at cost price. Hardware, Graniteware and Tinsmithing. The best Eureka! {Fly Killer Eureka! The surest Hot Weather Remedies Richmond Hiï¬i ï¬ardware 8mg G. SGULES (In connection with Richmond Hill Ofl‘lce BUSY BIG STORE ls keepin’ the Ball 3 Rallin’ They Deal In Everything k! 313: £53- Wm