Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Aug 1906, p. 8

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Church of Englandâ€"Services at 8}). m. 1%. Enduud 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at ll 5. m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at H 9.. 2a.. and 7}). In. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting 9‘ ednesdn evening. Roman atholic Churchâ€"Services an alter- nate Sundays 9.“) mm. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist. Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. to. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Mee§s Mon- day on or before full moon Court Richmond, A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and ough Friday I vy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"-Meets third Wednesday of each month Camp Elmo, S 0 B â€"Meets second and fourth Vlednosflay R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month Public Inbrnry and Reading Boomâ€"Open Theeday. and Saturday evenings. Epwortb Leagueâ€"Meets every Monday N.‘R.â€"Registeredlettors must be handed in at, bust Fifteen Minutes oarlior than the above mentioned hours for closing. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Bichmnunl Bill Post Oflice as follows :â€" NORNXNG . . EVx‘JNlNG .. I am prepared to do gxisting and (:hnpping every day. All kinds of mill fat-d and chop on hand. The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved vaster \Vhite Hogs. Lot. 29. 18% Cum, Vaughan (Thumhiil) has for sale some good young stuck. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept for service on the premisus. D. G. GOODEBHAM, Oni- f the best flours for home~made bread and general family use. Try it and be cmwincgd. J ' , 1Lw-l. flllu Ur Luux “n ,,,,, Also \Vheut, Gems, a Choice Break- fast Food. Newton Brook. PLEASANT VIEW FARâ€"M Manitoba Patent and Pastry Flour Gladstone Fleur Toronto York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DlVlSiON Change in Time Table “.20. P. M. 12.20, 1.20. 2.20, 3.20. 4.20, 5.20. 6.20, 7.20, 8.20, 10.20. Newmurkct (Huron St). Arriv‘e. A.M. 7.40, 8.40. 9.40, 10.40, 11.40. P. M. 12.40, 1.40, 2.40, 3.40, 4.40, 5.40, 6.40, 7.40. 8.40, 10.40. 9 G OING SOUTH. e (Huron St). L( 5.45, 6.45. 4.4513 8.45. 9.45, ] . M. 12.45, 1.45, 2.45, 3.45, 6.45, 8.45. 'umrket. Station A. M.. 6.00, 11.00. 12.0”. P. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. 5.00. 6.00. Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MOBNIXG ........... u EVENING 10.15, 11.15. 4.15. 5.15. 6.15, 7.15, 9. Bond Luke Junctiun A. M. 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30. P. M. 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.31), 5.30, 6.30. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45. 10.45. 11.45. P. M. 12.45. 1.45, Richmond Hill A. M. 6.45, 7.45, 9.45. 10.45. 11.45. P. M. 12.45. 2.45. 3.45. 4.45, 5.45. 6.45. 7.45, 9.45. r Thoruhill A. M. 6.55. 7.55. 8.55. 10.55. 11.55. P. M. 1255.155. 2.55, 4.55. 5.55. 6.55. 7.55. 9.55. Wednesday and Saturday evenings a ‘ato car leaves 0. l’. R. Crossing for Newmarket and intelmediate points at_11.30 p. m. - . ‘ n ‘,,.,J-_ l EverK \Vednesdny and Saturday night; a late car will leave Newmarknt Station for Toronto and intermediate poirltrs at, 10.45 p. m. . n . , A 1060:1631; wit‘h Schomberg & Aurora Railway. EXTRA SERVICE ON ALL HOLIDAYS. “K II. MOORE, Manage 1‘ POST OFFICE NOTICE :Ef’gfiPEfiE was Village Directory. I also keep the celebrated Beginning July 30th, 1906 GOING NORTH P. R. Crossing, Arrive, A 8.40. 9.40. 10.40. 11.40. P. M. 2.40, 3.40. 4.40, 5.40, 6.40, 10.40. Luru lull Luvuu nond, A O Pâ€"Meets Bacond and 2:0 '0 Wâ€"-Meets third Wednesday x, S O B â€"Meets second and fourth nnemnceâ€"Meeta first Wednesday MONEY ORDERS B. SCHMIDT, Proprietor, St”). Leave, 45. 9.45. 10.45, Pro‘m-iutm :u' rd: 9.3 4.45. .06 lo, WE KEEP IN STOCK Portland Cement. Binder Twine Bearing MVQS‘QBQ 1y amendefi m l r W‘ l ‘ I \l substantially made and rightly sold. .x \ l le'll get smvice and style out of 7 ' what We sell you. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill glyé-é'é' +++§+é++~Â¥+-:“$+++++++++ 4‘++++++++++++++++++++++Â¥ Livery METROPOLITAN GRQCERY, Best Brands of Canned Gm Confederation Life Ass’n London Guarantee 86 Acci- dent 00. Also Mercantile Fire Co. Western Norwich Union York Mutual CANDIES IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid asgortment of Boots and Shoes. ' in conneotion. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. ' -TO-DATE GROCERIES Next Door North of \Naiting Room. New Williams Sewing Machine And Karn Pianos Furniture, Paints and Oils Painters’ Supplies LU I) 1*‘(} 1% E). Proprietor AGENT FOR 65 $933.. Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. +%+++++++++¢+++%~ +++++++++++ Hamass Shamaier There is charactm- in harness. Ev- erytme should know how to select the best.- Tlmse who don't know may deâ€" pend on us. v The horsewenr we Sell a” over this conntry stands for us. and we stand by it. Our attention is given to really GOOD HARNESS DOGS Machines placed on w Only in'éu chine with self-balancing bv-wl. FI't-M' action and few hall-hea r- ings than any 0 t h c 1" ma- chine 0n the market. Me- lntte how] is shallow and w i d e a n (1 opens in the Centre so that 1 every pm-t- of it can hp (3215- ‘f ilv cleaned. 000 In daily use. Oek‘s triul free. Cnurse in English for the Beginner. Course in English for the Advanced Pupil. How to incx-euSe One's Vocabulary. The Art of Conversation. Should and Would: How to use them. Pronunciations (Century Dictinnary). Correct English in the Home. Correct English in the School. What to say and What Nut to Say. Course in Imamâ€"Whiting and Punctu- “ @nrrest (fingiiah- Him in m it.” ation. Alphabetic list of Abbreviations. Business English for the Business Mun. Compound \Voi‘ds: How to W'x'ite Them. Studies in English Literature. $1.00 a : “WAN; ‘ PAmrm ' RM‘LWEY FAR LA ERS / To Manitoba and Saskatchewan The undersigned has for sale a first class fresh milch cmv, MELOTTE SEP:\RATOR “'hen in need of rough or dressed lumber. mouldings, shingles, doors, etc., We can supply your need. THE W. BOOTH LUMBER C0. LIMXTED C. P. R. Tracks & Snmmerhfll Ave. 50-3 mos. N01 H1 Toronto GOING DATES flu“. Stations scith of. but not including main lineI Toronto to Samia, including Toronto. “"6. Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north, except north of Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. ‘unl From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Midland Divisions. One way second class tickets will be sold to W'innipog only. Rep'resentatlve farmers, aggolnted by Manitoba and Saskamhawan Governments, will meefi I-hnrnrn on arrival at inninag _-v.,.â€"vâ€"â€"_â€"â€"_ . v _____V_-, . laborers on arrival at \Vinnlpgfi. . . Free transportation will be furnish at Winnipeg to points Where laborers are needed. A certificate is tug-nished when each ticket is purchased, and this certificate, when executed by farmer. s owing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored from that point for a. secdnd class ticket back to starting point in Ontario, at. $18.00. prior to _ Nov. 151:, 1906. _ Tickets will be issued to women as well as to men. but will not be issued at half fare to children; Tickets are good only on special Farm Laborers’ trains. For full partl'c‘ulg‘rs eee urgar‘es} C.P.R. ticket agent, or nnn ..... g... CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston, Ill asy terms given on all Fresh Milk Cow MONTHLY MAGAZKNE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. JOSEPHXNE TL’RCK BAKER. Editor. Partial contents for this Mo INTERESTING ARTHUR QUANTZ. Lot 13, 2nd con. Markham, Langstaff P. O NOTICE Agents Wanted. year, Send 10 cents for" Sample Copy, Ta Eng ‘v’lachines, Records and Needies WEEK): ‘fiTi‘b‘sEéE. '15 3:21.: diffij'fitoiw. for the golf-g trip. INSTRUCTIVE. on I Automatic thl‘l‘Wâ€"Off of belt. ad with ball hearings. Full oqni (If lutvst attarhments. Mucbim 'ed 'on trial free. New Williams Sewing Machina W. C. PETHICE‘Q, Agent Silent; Simple. Easy-Running: am' Strong. V Money Loaan on. Farmers” Sale Boxes. Blank New Forms Supplied Frrc. General Banking Busiaess Tzanaasteé. The Next Sitting of Division Cbux'tinf N0. 3, Co'unty of York, Will be held in the Court, Room. FRIDAY, OCT. A f1 esh milk Jersey cow, with calf by side, on west par-t lot 1. can. 3, King. .. . --.~..‘ "finh-vvwr p 0 K‘ Notice of withdrawal sary. Alldepm‘its on demand Capital Rest; ()1 Canad a RICHMOND HILL additional for the return tlokot, under oondltlons no below. other particulars call at the Bank BANK OPEN FROM 10 to H. H. LOOSEMORE. RICHMOND HILL Cnmlneficing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON RICHMOND HILL. J A)! ES KERS \VELL DEPOSITS For Sale Temperancevillvf $1,000,000 $1,000,000 1H ('qnipn Both di not me payable l 1‘ ) up AGENT. xts up fn fmn ll 1906 H)

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