VOL. XXIX. “ on» gum " l W- ; i; sign/.11.; ii‘câ€" “ i i ' H G F lmwrouco W llidoat Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence 24 W adsworth, Barristersï¬olicitors. Notarizs. a'c. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Loan Bldg), (3m. Adelaide & Victoria. Sis. Toronto. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING} Phono Main 2984 AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSEl RICHMOND HILL,0NT. '1‘- F .du‘CMAHON, Ennon L’J Paormmox. 7 7 ~~~~~~~ _ WILLIAM COOK BUSINESS CARDS. l BARRISTEH, flourirou, Noranv. E’re. *â€" , Toronto Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond St. \Vesl, \Vealcy Buildings. Richnmmh Hill Office. Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- noon. ' Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at. Five Per Cent. (55;). LENNOX “o MORGAN, Barristers and Softeners. ‘ l Money to loan on land andclmttef mortgugeant lowest rates Aurore cm 'eâ€"Remm en to the old post OHIO..- uue door west of the entrance to the Oumrm Bunk Newmarket omitsâ€"Three doors south of the p ISE ollice 'l‘ HEI‘BERTLENXOX (4 S-rV Manon: ' \urnra, Newmurkel Ru ‘lllt‘ill. on. W. E: DEAN (Suc- :e~:s:)r to Dr. Iuwrason) 'Iiichz’uoud Eâ€"Iill Dd. ‘ H. ,W. ANDERSON * } I)entist, Mulock, Lee, Millikan & (lor. Carltrpgi‘ritdwYonge Sts , i \w l l | ill he in Richmond Hill on \Ved- 1‘ nesday of each week. 1, Ofï¬ce, next door north of Stand . ard B:ll]k.- ‘ Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. S. '\‘v'. Corner King & Yonge Streets, (‘IVOfï¬ce Hoursâ€"9.31) a. m. £05 p. m. TORONTO" 7; w ‘ , ' 'I' ‘ Private and Trust. Funds to loan ‘at - E- J. ‘VO() lowest current‘rntes.‘ DE NTISI’, Francis Block, THORNIIILL. Out. Ofï¬ce. hours: 'I‘ucsdays, 8â€"12 :1. m ' . â€"i p. m. Turuuto Ofï¬m. 450 CI. llunn 8. Boultbee Barristers. Soliclors, Etc. “ NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. 13.. 'I‘ORON'D, Canada. FRANK DEX'rox. K. (I. IIEImicu'r L. Ili‘NN \‘v'. MI'LocK BUULTBEF JOHN \VALTER MeDoXALD Phom Main 311. ' Mr. McDonald will hi-atTnE LIBER- AL Oliice, Richmond Hill, on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. JAS. NEVVTON ISSUERMARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN REILLS JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON OOMKISBIONEFIN THE l RICHMOND HILL HIGH coun'r or;usr:cn,&c. . H‘! F ' . . by“, by day and night pmmpuy at Issuer or Marriage Licenses. it tended to. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . -.:.~â€".u n- .... . p.-.» ..., . W‘r~ AW DE. viicié F . NOTARY PUBLIC, ‘H. A. NIOHDLLST NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, (.‘onveyaucer, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. . iohmond Hill ‘3. H. Prentice. Licensed Auctioneer tor the County of Y0 k I Goods sold on consignment, General Hale? ' stoc etc promptly attended to at reasonablt rams Residence Unionville G It Gouchmg, Newton Brnok.ngeu1 for the Lbove , J r Snigeon, J K McEwexi Maple Weston Saigcon & McEweu. WR 13, Undertaken: 4" Emlmlmers, RICHMOND HILL & IHORNHlLL Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Baleswsemiedio on shortestuoticeand a. reg.- sonable rates Patronage sollcucd D. G. BLOUGH. License Auctioneer for theCounty of Yor ~ re- ! A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales actmidEd on the slmrbostg notice and at reasonabcrates. P. Quark-ass King N , YOUR MONEY 3 should be kept in a safe place. If it is deposited in the Ontario Bank Savings Department 1 it will be as accessable to you as fcarried in your pocket. IT WILL BE SAFELY KEPT For you against the time you require it. and IT \VIIA. BE ADDING TO 1 YOUR. INCOle from the interest we pay on your lmluncc Cwmp‘mmhfl twice a rear. It is withdrzuvahlc without notice hearing interest. every day deposit. ./ it is on Capital :3 [500,000.00 Rest 700,000.00 EX. 1&. E‘IJEUIKEY, King City Branch. 1y; RICHMOND HILL. ON"., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1906 T0 SCIIOOL BOYS OF 1996. \‘I'hat are you going to do dear hoys, \th [hé 1m, Gm! has giH,†w you? Sunday with her sister Mrs. James As a sacred charge entrusted; For some good in this world to do; Not. to spend in Worldly pleasure, Which is often another name For a course of sin and sorrow, That may tlltl in eternal shame. But to aid in uplifting your hrolhers, “'ho will nee-d you to help them arise. By your Words and example to point them To Christ. and their home in the skies: The aged are watching your prog: ess: Are marking the course that you take: Are prayng that you may he ready. \Vhen at last their lifeâ€"work they forsake. “'hat is the incentive for learning IHIFFF Are you hoping earth-honors to win? A place and a name to he landed. In the world's acelanmtions and din? “‘hat good will accrue should you gain thenifl How long will theylast at their best? The) 'll prove in he ellipt)‘ as huhhles, To the spirit. can uexer give lest. But like a mirage in the desert, To the famished ones dying v-f thirst, “'ho see flowing fountains of water. Know not the dem-ptinn at Illst, Until the receding illusion llas vanished from sight in the air, They knew then a phantom has lured them, And left them to die in despair. Your life is now in its fresh spring- tide. The, hest time for sowing the seeds Fora glorious harvest. l0:lpill;.’,‘. Uh, he careful and do not plant Weeds: To he gathered as “tart-s into handles," As I-uhhish ï¬t only for fire, Instead of good sheaves for the Master, u The hest offering you can desire. Now is the time for preparing hoys, To ï¬ll up the \aeancies left By {hone who have horne the hurdens, “hen the “‘fll'ld of their toil is In:- left, “he: live for a nohle purpose, Not to gratify selfiin aims; \Vho make the world brighter and hettel‘. By doing what God from you claims. Store well your mind with good sub- jects, That you may he ahle to stand In the ranks of the nohle workers. The hulwarks of this our fair land; For knowledge bestows added power, A duty that. none should neglect; When used in the Master’s service. He blesses with greater effect. The harvest is waiting and wasting, Oh. why do the reapers not. go, And thrust in their sickles for Jesus, To rescue the heathen from woe! They call for the sweet. gospel message Are weary of waiting so lung! 0, lmys get you ready in calm-st And say here am I, hravcand strong. There is only one way to he happy; The hest that. this world can bestow. Is found in the pathway of duty And working for Gild here below; Those who “seek first the kingdom of God,†, All else will he added thereto. The promise of God has declared it. And millions have proved it, so true. 1’. L. GRANT. Richmond Hill, August 15, 1906. .0 Pink Lips Like Velvet. Rough, Chopped or Cracked Lips can he made, as softns velvet. by applying a light; coating of llr. Shoop’s (hecn Salve. It takes out. completely the soreness of cuts, hruises and all skin abrasions. Sold hy \V, A, Sanderson. â€"â€"â€"â€", â€"-â€"99>‘â€" Maple Business is booming in our village and all the mcichants are doing a good trade. The puhliz: school was reopened on Monday, teachers and pupils feeling the hotter for their vacation. Mr. \V. Trench at Richmond Hill, Sunday morning. Miss Dorothy Carter of Toronto visited over Sunday with friends here in Non-Essentials, Liberty; 2' on July 27th. IIE‘I'. Maple Aug. 21, 1906. physicians British Medical Association in Toronto ‘ this week. Ontario Division Courts Assodation will he held in the Parliament Build- ings, Toronto, Friday, 31st inst. at 2 preached in the MethodisL church last. O‘clock. in n all things, Charity.†Carrville To the Insuring Public. Mrs. Ongh of Toronto visited over . This is to Certify that. the York Fire. Insurance Co. through their agent, Baker of “ Mnorwood Farm,“ Mr. J. ’l‘. Saigeon of Maple, paid me in Miss Ella Blake is spending a. week full for the loss sustained by lightning with friends at \Vondhridge. to my burn. on Lhe 29th day of July. Mr. and Mrs. Hollingshead of New- I hm-p (Avery cnnï¬mange in recom- market returned home recently after mending this company to the insuring a pleasant, visit at “The Elms." puhlie. Miss M. Beath has returned after} PETE}: BAHmNG'rnWAITE. spending the holidays with friends in Richmond Hill, Aug. 21. 1906. Bolton and Hrangeville. ‘ ~-..._. Mr. \V'. Tlt‘lll'll of Richmond Hilll Our best advertisements are never conducted the service here on Sunday‘prinred, they are“ worn by our evening. ’ customeis. Atkinson and Switzei'. Mrs. Nicholas Reaman of Toronto. spent. a few days last. Week visiting. ~ ~~ rumâ€":1 'â€"~ friends in this neighhorhood. ' N0 MAN '5 STRONGER THAN \\‘hile assisting at a threshing in "[5 STOMAC". the neighlmrhood last. \veek Mr. Willi . Bone had the misfortune to have his “1136;;g;ï¬&?¢g£geggogaraï¬gysgï¬pzï¬ leg rather severely injured by being, ca] Strength is derived from mod. f3 pierced with a fork. \Ve hope he manhaginguï¬icbm food helomguength. may soon recover from the effects of If he has no food he dies. Food is con, h is accident. voicegnléitobonutlrmonl tt.lll('1011glldtélie stagg- . . , ac we 3. open on e If 9 , h a, “v k strength of the stomach to what. extent. W" atomâ€. '3 ““ ’ food eaten is digested and assmllated. If your 1‘0an distresses you. Poopye can die of Starvation who have If 3"“ “1‘9 \Veilk ""d NPI‘VOU“. l abundant food to eat, when the stomach (1's:- Dr. Hhonp‘s Restorative mwmiml-h and its amociate organs of digestion and and see what. it does for you. Sold by nutrition do not. perform their duty. \V_ A_ snudmmm, ‘ Thus the. stomach is really the Vital orâ€" gan of the body. If the stomach ls“weak" the body will be weak also, because it is l upon the stomach the body relics for its Patterson. ~â€"-â€"»â€" ’ strength. . And as the body, considered as Harvest is almnt. completed around a whole‘i IS made up of its several mem- Lhis neighhoihood. This is. musidm. ‘ bcrs an organs. so the weakness of the body as a consequence of "weak" stomâ€" ach will be distributed among the or- gans which compose the body. If the body is weak because it is ill-nourished that. physical weakness will be found in ahly earlier than usual. The crops have been heavy and hard to handle1 owing to the straw heing tangled on account of the wind and early rain. And now fol the threshing. all the. organsâ€"heart, liver. kidneys, _etc. Aeci'lgzts with animals have heen. ’11"? 11V," Will, ,be 1011"“ Mid maCUVC‘. . ; . d hmï¬ 0n Thursdav} giving rise to blllOllSneS_S, loss of appetite. “mumâ€! '1 mm . ' oak nerves feeble or irregular action of Mr. John liumhle of this pIaCe Khan palpi'mtion dizzinesa‘ headache losb a valuahle cow hy ln-ealLing her‘ buckdche and kin‘dmd disturbances and leg. and a pig belonging the same pei- wnakupssps, son ant. with a similar fate. On Fri. Mr. Louis Pare. of Quebec» writes: "For day Mr. Charles Humble lost a horse gggdï¬ï¬ï¬r g‘yyefgglihgdbelginag‘odtggï¬glggzg valued at $150. The animal without was 50:9,‘511 the time, while everything I giv ing any warning dropped dead. Patterson school opened on Monday. would eat. would scorn to lie heavy like lead on my stomach. The doctors claimed that. Miss Ethel Graham of Aurora, is the new teacher. it w†sympathetic trouble due to dyspepsia. and prescribed for me. and although 1 took lllli‘Il' myvgers segularly ygt. lpfelt. noneyger. ~ . , _ , . iv ' if a ' metam- r. erce's 0 en Teamsters di n mg along tht Pattei- “an; Dgc‘sfvery_mdyswn taking me doe- sou sule line these warm days ï¬nd the tor-s medicine, She bought me a. bottle and watering tlcugh, which is always full of clear, cold water, very convenirnt. This is a real luxury for which we can thank the memhers of Vaughan we soon found that I began to improve. so I kept up the treatment. I took on flesh. my Council and Mr. John D. Patterson. stomach became normal. the digestive organs worked perfectly and I soon began to look like a different person. 1 can never cease to be grateful for what your medicine has done for me and I certalndy give it. highest. praise." I y Don’t be wblgedled py Va. pengg'l-‘girabbitng n1; Ple sant dealer intota. ing in enor 311 l u s for L on _ a Dr. Pierce’s medicmes, recommended to Mr. F. \V. McLean has returned . home after a pleasure trip to Rich-' nmnd Hill and Kew Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jamieson had a.‘ very pleasant time when visiting j Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Mr. Joe Marden has decided to leave be “just as good." To gain kridwl e of your own bodyâ€"- our village and reside in future inl Omemce. The locality will miss Joe‘ in sickness and hes tinâ€"send for the Peo- ple’s CommonSense Medical Advxser. A very much, hut he has left many monuments of his huilding which will 00k of 1008 pages. Send In one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or 50 stem 3 for cloth-bound copy. Addrex Dr. B. . Pierce, 663 Main Sta-eon, Bufl'alo, N. Y. remind those who may see them of his architectural ability. The great: hall match and picnic Comes off on the 21th inst. A good time is expected. All are invited to (501110 and bring their haskets along with them. The harvest. is nearly finished and farmers are rejoicing when they think of the one fat pocket book and the deposits made from time. to time in hanks. The good government is worthy of mansidcration for spreading the cash among the farmers. .___..>_ To Whom it May Concern. The York Fire Insurance Company Lhrongh their agent. Mr. J. T. Saigeou of Maple, have forwarded me a cheque for the loss of my horse by ligtning, +§¢§§§§O§§¢§§¢§§§¢§§fl§¢§§ AGENT FOR D e on n g- Farm Im- plomeuis Any one needing any thing in the line of Drills Cultivators Rollers or Barrows .of any kind for fall work would do well to try one of .our machines. . 3. Glass The company and agent acted in a Very prompt and business-like man- lloiuzu'r ORR. - _â€"_â€"â€"‘â€".o’ N ews N ones. There is a at. attendance of meeting of the record the The 21st annual [peeling of the Orillia put. Bradford down and outl the intermediate clnunpionshipI ‘ ’J‘llt‘ District No. 10, last Thursday. umtch was played at Bradford and is said to have been rough. The summer residence of Charles Garfunkel at. Long Branch was attack- ed hy a gang of stone throwers in the early hours of Sunday morning. Mr. Garfunkle has complamed to the Attorneyâ€"General’s Department. and the affair will he investigated. Mr, Dymond. Acting Deputy Attorney- General, expressed the opinion that. York County Council should see that; there was an efï¬cient county constab- ulary’. He thought there should he at least six regularly paid county con- stables. and at; Hope. Miss Bertha Palmer and Miss Elsie Palmer of Richmond Hill visited Miss Rumble on \Vednesday of last week. Mrs. C. T. and Miss Vernie Ham of Toronto Junction spent Sunday and Monday with friends in the. village. , Mr. 31. Henry of the Imperial Bank, Toronto, visited his brother Mr. Roy Henry over Sunday. Mr. Reesor of the Standard Bank resumed work last week, after his " illness. A valuahle hor-ee llt'lnllglllg to Mr. Chas. llumhle dicpped dead in the homes last Fri lay. RICHMOND HILL P. O. §§§¢§§OO¢¢¢§§§§¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢§¢9 _ Vilin ‘- l I. EARLE NEIL Hill I I Pianist Instinction in Pi:=no-playing and Theory Representative for Richmond Hill and vicinity of ye olde Firme of Heintzman and Company. Limited. manufactur- era of high grade pianos.