Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Aug 1906, p. 3

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SEA WOLF LED SEAL RAID THE MOST ROMANTIC FIGURE 0N PACIFIC COAST. He and His Schooner Have Figured Largely in Pimlical Raids on the Rookeries. Golden Gate as tree as the west wma. It was rumored soon afterward that she had picked up a sealing outfit in Halt Moon Bay and proceeded to the Kuriles and the Smoky Sea, as she was reporlevl in that neighborhood at various times tor a year. Capt. McLean was next heard of when still master of the Carmencita. He was arrested in September, 1905. in Victoria, B. (3., by the Canadian authoriâ€" ties at the request of the American Con- sul. Again nothing definite was ob tained against his schooner, for this time she was under the Mexican flag. SAILED UNDER VARIOUS FLAGS. Cleared of this specific trouble, Mc- Lean appeared at various points in the Pacific, sometimes under his own flag, sometimes under the Norwegian eni- blcm; and then the captains of the rev- enue cutters in the North began to re- call him as the chief of many a furious raid of previous years“ It was always said he was close to piracy, but it could ‘never be proved against him. He was suspected and was challenged, but nev- er convicted. \The Commander lsWands, owned by the Russians, presented about that, time tjie finest of all killing grounds for the holluschikie. The “Asiatic herd” was the technical term for this seal people; (and, knowing that the Russian navy Was busy in“anoiher part of the world‘ McLean descended in his might, expect- ing to meet with no resistance. But the coast guard was as crafty as he, and beat him off. McLean was overwhelmed once, too, on the perimeter of the restricted Pribi- loll group by the British cruiser Sheerâ€" walcr, but again the Mexican flag af- forded him protection until that Govern- ment finally withdrew it by revoking his license. It is not at all improbable that Kipâ€" ling elevalcd the captain into verse in “The Rhyme of the Three Sealers,”when the guilty Reuben Paine of the Sim]- sund asserts :~ "But, I’ve six thousand skins below and Yeddo Port so see; And there’s never a law 01 God or man runs north of Fifty-three." THANKS FOR FOOD. A pretty table observance in Danish families is for children, even little ones who can scarcely toddle, to go gravely after dinner to salute their parents and say. “Talk for mad” (“Thanks for the meal"). Even visitors shake hands with their host and hostess and go through the some formality. In German families that. hold to tradition the some custom prevails. When the evening meal is ended the party stand up around the table and each shakes hands with the neighbor, saying, “Gasegnete Mahlziet” â€"â€"blessing the food. It remained, however, for Jack Lon- don to portray one of the darkest fig- ures in fiction, for the terrible form of Wolf Larsen was hewn. it is said, from the life of AlexanderAMcLean. The Lackawanna Railroad will sell tickets round trip from Buffalo to New York and return, $10.00, on August 29th, good‘ returning to September 2nd inclusive. Special features: Bryan $10,- 000 reception and banquet; Labor Day in America‘s capital of Labor; Holiday 1‘) the world's merricst city, base ball, races. Conny Island, etc. Lacliawanna Limited of- 9.30 a.m., 10.50; The Bryan Special at 9.00 a.m., and trains at 3.15 a.m.. 5.30 pm, 8.45 and 11.30 p.m., $11M“. Children half fare. Go with the crowd on the Road of Anthracite, August 29th. Full information. reser- vations, etc., call of ’phone A. Loadley, Canadian Agent, 75 Yonge St, Toronto, valions, elc., call of Canadian Agent, 75 OnL. 01' Fred P. Fox 289 Main St., Buffalo WATCH TIL-\T SPEAKS A Swiss wulchmakcr h‘ watch which speaks the tir. phonograph. ‘A very smu] plate has the vibrations ‘ voice imprinted on it. an the articulation is made, indicating the hour. The utterance is sufficiently strong to be heard 20 feet away. it is possible by means of a device of this kimt to combine sentiment with utility, as the vibrations can be made by any clear voice, and a man’s watch may tell him the time in the tones of wife or children. NE“! YORK EXCI’IKSION. at 9.00 a.m., and trains at 3.1 ,30 pm, 8.45 and 11.30 pm Children half fare. Go wit Mr. Topnoody had been to a minstrel show over night, and the funny con- nudrums and jokes he heard set him thinking. So at breakfast he began on Mrs. Topnoody. She was Iretlul, and not very much in the humor for plea- sanlry. but Topnoody slashed away. “I say. Mrs. Topnoody, can you spell money with four letters 7”. j‘No, 1 can’t,” she said. “Ha, ha! That’s good. A woman never can get at this sort. of thing in the same clear-headed way a man can. Well, the way to spell it is c-as-h. llsn’t that, money l” Mrs. T. failed to smile, and Topnoody started out with another. “Wait ‘a minute," she interrupted. “I've got 0116. Let’s see 11 you can guess it. Spell Topnoody with five letters." Topnoody puckered his brows awhile, and gave it up. “Ha, ha 1” laughed Mrs. T. “That‘s good. A man can never get at this sort of thing in the same clear-headed way a woman can. Well. the way to spell it is tâ€"d-i-o-t. Isn’t that Topnoody ?” But Topnoody never smiled, and the breakfast was finished in silence. ex- cept for an occasional chuckle from Mrs. Topnoodle's end ol the table. "Ah, Amelia r’ he cried, fervently. “I am not rich in this world’s goods, nor am 1 as clever as are some men. But if a tender and everlasting love goes for anythingâ€"“ “It goes with me all right," she interrupted. “But, Henry, I’m afraid it won't go with the tradesmen.” Jack: “Engagement is off, eh? Has she sent him back the ring '1” Tom: “No; that’s what‘s bothering him. He owes money on that ring." ther scieniist, lately 7” “Yes; I listened to him for more than an hour at the club last night.” “Indeed! What was be talking about?" “He didn’t say.” The news spread. and the demand prompted Dr'. J. S. Leonhardt, of Lin- coln, Nell, the disdoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being bent to all parts of the world. It will cure any case ol Piles. $1.00, with absolute guarantee. All dealers, or The Wilson-Fyle Co., Lim- iled, Niagara Falls, Ont. 1‘31‘0 this Husband Wife : band : paraffin." u The first package of Dr. Leonhardt‘s anlâ€"Roid (the infallible Pile cure) that was put out went to a small town in Nebraska. ‘ 7 It cured a case of Piles that was con sidered hopeless. dren like it. He: “Ah! Below you married me you used to think there couldn‘t be another man like me, and nowâ€"” She: “Now I’m sure of iLâ€"there couldn't." These two desirable qualifications, pleasant to the taste and at the same time effectual, are to be found in Mo- ther Graves’ Worm Exterminator. Chil- When all other corn preparations fail, try Holloway’s Corn Cure. No pain whatever, and no inconvenience in using No Alcohol in lt.â€"Alcohol or any other volatile matter which would impair strength by evaporation’ does not in any shape enter into the manu- iaclure of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectrio Oil. Nor do climatic changes affect it. It Overworked Persons, either mentally 01 physicall , should try “Perrovim,” the world renuwne nerve and blood tonic and they will quickly recover strength and health, Nor do climatic changes affect it. It is as serviceable in the Arctic Circle as in the Torrid Zone, perhaps more use. In] in the higher lulitudes, where man is more subjéct to colds from exposue lo the elements. Some of the institutions on Japanese railways are peculiar to that country. One of these is a smear of paint across the windows of third-class carriages. This is made necessary because thou- sands of native travellers in Japan, ac- customed to only paper walls for let- ting in light, have no knowledge of glass. lts utter transparency leads them to believe that the window is simply a hole in the side of the car. With pain- ful results many native passengers have shinile attempted to stick their heads Wise: “Won, 1 think my 1 about one hundred dollars." ful results 1‘ stupidly alt through the Invalid: “Doctor. I must p05ilively insist upon knowing the worst" Dr. Wise: “Well, I think my bill will be through the glass. For a long time ambulances from receiving hospitals had to meet nearly every train arriving in Japanese cities. and hence the streak of paint is a warning to the Oriental farmer from the back country that there is something more than atmosphere in the window. “Have you seen Professor Gabbleton, Wife SPELLING AT BREAKFAST JAPANESE H;\IL\VAYS “I caught Bridget starting the morning with paraffin, John.” , “How‘much do we owe her?” Four months’ wages.” Hus- Well, let her go on with the HOW l'l SPREADS. “116)! AND WOMEN everywhere, housnknep- ers buy over and over again, now used in a million homes. Send post, crud for ten cent pack- age free. Write quick. Spencer Company, Barrie, Ont. CARPET DYEI‘NG .ml manning. This [I l Inecialu with the amfiéH AMERICAN DYEING 1850 acres, excellent shelter, wood, water any: hay, land rolling soil chiefly deep black loam, suitable for grain, good crops on ad'oining lands. about twovtliirds can be ploughm, one- and-aâ€"half miles river frontage, and oneâ€"and-a- half miles of the picturesque Jumping Pond Creek, with open springs ensuring a never-failing water supply, first-class trout. fishing, 200 acres can be irrigated. The ranche is fenced into pastures all connected by subways with 12 miles of four-wire cedar post fencing. There are two small houses and out-buildings on the property, situate within half-a-mile of the school, church, post-office and shipping point of Cochrane, Alberta“ Price $12.00 per acre. A 7‘ nnflnAhh Ayah“-.. Au- “Halloa, old man the reception. “ prise to see you heI to say so,” replied prise to see you here.” “So g( to say so,” replied Corbyn. ' see, I was afraid I wouldn't but bright and clever people MIXED FARM 0R SMALL RANGHE FOR SALE. Lena: “Fred didn’t blow his brains out because you jilted him the other night; he came right over and proposed to me.” Maud : “Did he? Then he must have got rid of them in some other way" / “Will you think of me when I‘m gone?” asked the lovelom youth, who seemed unable to tear himself from her presence. “Oh, yes.” answered the fair one, as she strangled a yawn. “That is, if you ever give me lhe opportunity.” WWW Mild in Their Action.â€"Parmelee’s Vegelable Pills are very mild in their action. They do not cause griping in the stomach or cause disturbances there as so many pills do. Therefore, the most delicate can take them without fear of unpleasant results. They can, too, be administered to children Without imposing the penalties which follow the use of pills not so carefully prepared. “You say you think George does not love you as much as he used to do ‘I” “Yes.” “Why so. dear?” “‘Well, when- ever we’re alone he talks as sensibly as if we weren’t " ' Fenshaw: “I hear you are to wed Colonel Swinger, Mrs. Grasse. He‘s ’a noble fellowhevery inch a soldier. born to command.” Widow Grassc: “H'm! We’ll see about that, Mr. Fenshuw; we’ll see about that.” We have no hesitation in saying that. Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera and all summer complaints, sea sickness, etc. It promptly gives relirt and never fails to effect a positive cure. Mothers should never be without a Lot- tlc when their children are teething. Rose-colored spots on the badies of children are eolnetimec~ mistaken for measles. The trouble may be roseola, a. local disease of the skin; Promptly cured with Weaver’s Comte. Mr. Graspal] my daughter 1: candidly she v I die. Are you Young Doctor: medically exar. Bend puflcuhrl by float, and we are sure to n! My mum lo: ‘5'. Montreal. Sunlight Soap is better than other leaps, but is best. when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. And Clonning. Thlal G. E. GODDARD, Cochrane, Alta. spall: “Yes. you can marry [er if you like; but I tell you he won’t, have a penny unlil ‘ you slill of the same mind?” :tor: “Will you permit me to examine you, sir?” WANTED !" exclaimed Bull at It’s a delightful sur- re.” “So good of you Corbyn. “Yes; you I wouldn't find any aver people present.” SHIPJLIGHT xh'SOAP UM W $34,000â€"FOR INVESTMENTâ€"Block of new solid bric- houses, under five years’ lease to pay over Io_per cent. net: most cen- trally situated on quiet residential street. As owner has other houses und:r construction these are offered at a bargain. Sizes far 2, 8, and 4 horses. Lead poisoning claims more victims than any other of the diseases which threaten the factory hand, but the rare disease of anthrax, which attacked only a tenth of the number of people, was responsible in 105 for almost as many deaths. Of 592 cases of lead poisoning in England and Wales last year, only twenty-three ended fatally. Of fifty-nine cases of anthrax, 18 ended in death. The figures for the last five years show that only one case of lead poisoning in twen- ty-eight proves fatal; the chances of life to a person attacked by anthrax are more than three to one. Modern scien- tific improvements have very materially reduced the danger of lead poisoning, but anthrax, which seems inseparable from the handling of wool, hair, and hides, has rather tended to become more serious, and the deaths last year were half as many again as the average Water. but anthrax, which seems inseparable from the handling of wool, hair, and hides, has rather tended to become more serious, and the deaths last year were half as many again as the average for the last five years. Of the 592 cases of lead poisoning in 1905, ninety oc- curred in white lead works and eighty- iour in the china and earthenware in- dustry, but the ratio of deaths to cases was highest in the glass cutting and polishing industry. The average an- nual number of workshop poisoning cases for the last five years was 722. It’s hard to convince women that men think they talk too much. "Ind, “OSHAWA” Steel Shingles. Proof Storm Fire TOI0fll0, 0m. 11 Culborue st UllflWfl, 0m 423 Sussex st. PAOHHBUI. HUB. 321.3 w Craig St. and FIRE, WATER AND LiGHTNING-PROOF- We also manufacture Corrugated iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and EAVESTROUGII, Etc. METAL SIDING, ln imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of “05HAWA” Shingles. Write toâ€"duy. We are the largest and oldest ccompany of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best. buildings throughout Canada. making them x Made from Painled or Galvanimd Sleel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns, Stores.Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA” shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. s. FRANK WILSON, Owner, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. The V POISONOUS WORKSHOI will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than iF washed in the old/Fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. Equally good with hard or sofi water. Saap THEE PEDLAB PIE: 0 PEI-E, Write 'Than an Investment in Toronto Real Estate. your Nearest 0ff|c0.-â€"}IEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OiflAWA, Ont laims more the disease hand, but which attnc] Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should Follow directions” ‘ 'â€"‘__’ After rubbing on the soap, roll up each '--pie‘ce, immerse in the water, and go away. Lover Brothers Limited, Toronto TELEPHONE MAIN 15. Saskatchewnn, only a mile: from two milwayi, C.P.B. a G.1‘.P. Strong 3011, 90pm cant. plough land, spring amok, no slough; About 40 miles NJ. of Indun Head. Pnco $10.50 pot um 'rito (or map and In” particulars. In Western canadag R. PARSONS. 9| WM, Street. Toronto. Canada. has made .1. great rscurd throughout all Canada. There are good reasons why this is so. Balanced Rightâ€"Due; not hump up. Improved Plateâ€" Cuts and turns soil m-er. Hitches Well lackâ€" Easy draught. This Disk has several imitators but no equal. None genuine without the name " BISSELL.” For Sale by Agents. 0n exhibition in the new Implement, and Process of Manufacture building at Toronto Fair, also on exhibition at. Ottawa. Fair in the implement, building. Full particulars free. Send your address tn T. E. BISSELL, Dept L, ELORA. ONT IOHGOH, 0m. Wlflfliflefl, mm 69 Dundas st. 76 Lombard st‘ .,-. V All the cooking is done in Libby's Indianâ€"a kitchen as clean and neat a your own. and lhexe's nothing for you to egjoxdle result. _ enable you to enjoy your meals wihou! having to spend half your time between them ovaa hot cook-stove. Libby's Products ate selecch meats. cooked by cooks who know how, and on like good parts packed. a aquick and dclficious lunch any lime, h doors or out, 9ry Libby's Mel- toss Panâ€"with Libby's Camp Sauce. Booklet free, MHaw In Main: Good to EAL” Wm LibblecNeilla Libby,Chicag'o ISSUE NO. 36â€"08. More Safe and Sure VUHCOUVBLB.G. 615 Fender st. ng oorno'rmg Motions, soled 0d lands 1! looked All Sides Four

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