Cill' Maids uf gravel are hauled and emptied in u duv. and each car is 36 ft. in len "th. the company hope to have the ba :ane (of the ballasting cumplebâ€" e1 in a. week or ten days. Our citizens returned on No. 161, Through the courtesy of Mr. Rus- sellI (me of the genial and ohligiug conductors on the gravel (ruins, :v. LIBERAL reporter and two of our prominent. business men had it plansâ€" ant trip over part of the James Bay Railway Tuesday uftcrmmn. At, Richâ€" mond Hill StziLiuu they hmndvd No. 65, driven by Engineer “Bub†Yeu'ua and went south with u tnu‘n nf gravel for ballast. in the vicinity 0f Dun Pusl. 0flice. \Ve might, lime say that 1110 road is now plL‘U)’ well bullislod all the way from Parry Sound. with the exceptimi of ulmutseven miles immoâ€" diutelynurthof Dun. As ahnut 120 rich. l’ugsleyâ€"Savageâ€"â€"Tlmt the Village Ouunuil be required (u make am «35088- ment, of $100. the usual anmuut. to meet. current, expenScs. â€"()an‘ied. The Board adjourned. Pugslcyâ€"chydonw’l'hut the Pun chasing Culnlnitteo he authorizod to expend $100.00 in library books, news- p_up‘e1-s, etc., for the year [DUIâ€"Gar- The treasure-r reported that after allowing for the Librarian's salary to the end of this year. there was a bal- ance in his hands of $20.69. Netlmlemce A . . . . . .. 30 The above report was ndnpted on motion of Meals. Pugslt-y and Bl'yduu. Mr. Stubb's share . .. Hull rent; . . . . . . . . Printing and postage From sale of tickets . . . . . . From sale of old. magazines Tï¬e Entertainment Cmnmibtt-e re- ported (m Lhe entextniumenc gnen by Mr. Stuhbs on the 221m of March as follows:â€" Minu'tes of last meetingflread and “dflpteq', Members all present. namelyzâ€"I. Crosby, J. H. Brydon, W. A. Sunder- 8011, A. J. Hume. P. G. Savage, W. H. ngsley and ’1‘. F. McMuhun. The Richmond Hill Public Library Board met, in Mr. Hume's Ofï¬ce Mon- daX evgnin’g. éllgust 20, 1906. â€"â€".ooâ€"A A RIDE 0N JAMESH‘Y R. The dates of exhibitions and fall fairs popular in this section so far ar- ranged are as follows: Tux-unto. Aug. 27-Se-pt. 10. Newmax-ket. Sept. 18, 19. Murkhmu. Oct. 3-5. Schomberg. Oct. 11â€"12 Bradford. Oct. 16. 17. \Voodbridge. Oct. 17â€"18 We can scarcely credit this. It would not begood policy on the part of the company to exact “the pound of flesh.†An excellent service is be- ing given the public, and until the recent hitch every reasonable person has appreciated the courtesy and the desire to please shown by the mana- ger's, conductors. motormen and all concerned. Give the Company a chance. We believe they will soon arrange fares that will be satisfac- ‘ tory both to themselves and to their 3 patrons. i The changing of the rates on the Metropolitan Railway, from 3 cents to 2 cents a mile was no doubt hur- ried along by the agitation started by the Toronto World. It was rath- er a bad throwdown for the Com- pany, and the victory was such a. one as The World delights in. The Company, doubtlexxs, contemplated fulï¬lling the requirements of the law at an early date. They were a lit- tle slow, however, in making the move. and the management must now surely feel that it is not pleas- ant to be “sat upon" so hard by a City newspaper. Whether the new order of things will be a. beneï¬t to the public remains to be seen. Before the change passengers from Rich- mond Hill get “return†tickets to the City for 55 cents. They now pay 56 centsâ€"2 cents a mileâ€"and no “return†tickets are given. t is ru- mored that commutation tickets will also be dispensed with. and that the rate each way will continue to be 2 cents a mile. @112 ï¬iheml. RICHMOND HILL. 01.13, Aug. 23 1906 PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD. T W0 CENT FARES. FALL FMRS. Expcnsos Receipts $18 00 $13 30 200 Return Tickets tn be suld from all pui single fare. These L fmux August 27th t inclusive, and gum! September 11th. FROM Newmzu'k 700.; Bond Lake. 55c 400.: Thornhill. 3-30.; On the Metropolitan and Schomberg & Aurora. Railways +++++++e+++++++++++++++++ @++++*++++++++++++++++M++ ,,,Vr_.~..._ .. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or any other errors are fuund there-in to take immediate proceedings to have {he said errors corrected according: to aw. C. H. STIVER, Clerk of the snid Municipality. Dalth this 11th day of August. 1906. 7. Try an order from us by mail, stating slie size and pat- tern of case. We will see to the quality and you will get all your money is worth. Notice is heighy given that. I have transmith or delivvred tn tln- per- sons mentioned in the Eighth and Ninth Sections of “Jhe Vntt-rs' List Act." the copies required by said SPC- tions to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Art and amendments thereto, of all per- sons appearing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipal- ity to he entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections fur menilwrs (if the Legislative Assembly and at Mn< nicipal Elections: and Hint said List was FIRST POSTED UP at my ofï¬ce at, the Village of Uninnville on the NIN'l‘H DAY 9F >AUGUST. 1906, and remains there for inspection m . .. . For these reasons we think we are the preper subjects to rely upon when buying watches. We sell oniy the best makes which we guarantee, and our guarantee is carried out to the letter. We are in the watch business; We were taught our business by a ï¬rst class expert who spends all his time in teaching the watch business. We love our business and take the deepest interest; in looking after it. Exhibition Special Rate WATCï¬ES THAT KEEP TEME Voters’ List, 1906 There are a. good many curves in the rOad, though the drive-rs say that not too sharp to make good lime with safety. The "sink hole" about a mile north of the Elgin sideline is nnw pretty well under control. though the Cl-mpany avoids sending the lwuvivst engine-a over that point. We return- ed home bot/Ween 7 and 8 o'clock. with n guud appetite after an enjoyable trip over the new line. You will give‘ your lmys or girls Business Courses as they ï¬nish Public or High School W(1‘k. and before you select your school- be sure and wxite for mu- new catalogue. \Ve are doing hotter work than ever before. and mm guarantee excellent results. Full Term from Sept. 4. driven by Engineer Charles Qumdick, and proceeded to the Forester gm vol pit about halfway between the third and fourth concessions of \Vhitchurch, a short diatunce south east, nf \Vhite Rose Post Oï¬ï¬ce. The principal up traction at. that point was the loading of the gravel cars by the Marion Shovel. model 60. This shovel does its work well. and ï¬lls ouch car at the rate of one every two minutes. The flat cars are 36 ft. long and 9 ft. wide. angleilch car is ï¬lled with six swaps: Municipality of the Township of JERRY SMETH PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER OF COURSE ! w. u. MOORE-:51- County of York 0 Toronto only, will mints at our farmer tickets good going to September 8th. id to return until .‘t. 760.: A1 : Richmond Schnmberg. A umm , Ill Hill, WEDNESDAY. Aug. 29â€"â€"Am:tinn sale of household gonds and effects, at Thm-nhill. belonging to the estate of “19 late C4191) Ludfm‘d. Sale at 1 u'clnck. 'I‘ex' J. H.1’zczziice, auctioneer. - young cattle and 1 Hotel, Thou-1111iâ€, Ll‘ Hopper. Sale at Lbyeexnnnths. Sui Auctinneers. Terms, cash; 0: whirh 20 per cent days. J. H. Pren SATURDAY. Al Sale of fresh In young cattle and Hotel, Thornhillï¬ Hopper. Sale ;1: 101' 19011: orly Sale E!SPRHNG AND SUMMER SATURDAY. Augl sale of dwelling In and premises, paith Mm meals or on retirix‘ Pleasing to takeâ€"thou 8:1 remediesâ€"a. Eeuuin bowel laxative which CL commended and tot sale M m): (“<6 15 genLle. a Be sure Crowd 1 It yvm do not have free. easy and h m wcmems of me bowels you lack the prin ï¬'st. essential of good health. There's h jm done than mere uncomforta.neues antle, Sureâ€"Pleasant to Take-A Tried and True, Genuine, Nature’s Remedy. ï¬eregs Just fï¬e ï¬Ã©gï¬a? awei Laxa‘éiva Corner Bloor and Yonge Sts. TORONTO, ONT. Black and Blue \Voxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. For nlail or (201- lege courses address R. A. Farquharsons.A. ggriï¬ï¬h @gazmï¬imz “guaiueï¬a @tflicgg were secured by our stu- dents. Our 17 years ex- perience counts. In the past twelve months Zï¬ï¬Simaï¬ans We impart the best in~ struction in Commercial Banking, Shorthand and Matriculation Courses. A lady in the village wishes to ted“ in plain sewing. Apyly at :, West of mege ‘elmld goods and eff of the late. Dr. Gen at Nowtuu I‘mol 1S,ACzlSll; except, Cor. Yunge and Richmond StrevlS. Good house on Yonge Street, in the centre of the village. Apply at, t-f GEO. TEOM PSON'S Best quality. My Stock of \Voolens for secu redâ€"if you\‘\l I. is on every box «iciun. Lax-eLs handy tablet 101 -als or on retiri z to takeâ€"rho) Tailor, Richmond Hill is now complete comprising much! {our safety l‘l' rudâ€"ifvnu . A. SANDERSON House to Rent . J. HUME, Sale Register. cent. cixsh. 1m Prentice, AucLi Sewing THE LIBERAL lilk COWS. springel's, , horses. at Hughes‘ the px-npm'ty of H. H. L 2 o‘clock. Terms we;an your health a 7 cake Lax-0L5. Th â€"show it. to your fun we put up in :3. flat, met -oue tablet tnkou h g always brings relir [15 of i'. poLem. yet gentle help of Nature‘s» ‘s consmmuon‘ R Ind MC Ewen nuthulldings rt 23, cum. 1, :Is, the prop- H. Husband. at 1 p. m. walling, fm‘ hnluuce in 30 treat Low prices dul ‘1 V RAI. OFFIPE 5 Ag \ i; W A, ,, fl, WW _ ‘ m 1 \ccept. the 1 or Lax-ms! Auctiun Auction ‘reszulm ~1me nd A] of 1‘ {and almost every-=- I ,thmg found 131 a. | I stationery store. +++++++++§WM+++++++++++ +++++$+++++++++++ ++++++++V§++++++++++++é=§ Dictionaries Time Books Receipt Books Rubber Balls Tissue Paper opes Tablets Account Books Pass Books Minute Backs Standard Navels Poems Testaments Hymn Books Paper and Envel- Bibles School supplies Stationeyy Book and. ++++++++H++++++++++++++++ +HH+++H+H+HH+H+H++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For all kinds of stoye Come to +++++++++ [Riehnlond E-lfll June 11. 1903 +++++++H$+$-E-+*l-++++'3'+++++é- Threshers’ Oval on hand. -:-++~:-+-:-v:~ GOOD LIVE Ripans Tabnles cure coustipa r.“ '-.rn 1 V 503023.10, EDIT. is well knmvn as one of the lmst mmmercial schools in existence. Its Iecm‘d this year has been must remarkable. None of our Calls from a distance prompfly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL LEVERY COAL HOUSE PAINTER, Slazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger.» Vanznnt & \an-il goons. bws-nty-ï¬ve expex'ir-ncv. A ('ullptm in PVPl'j the) lm‘uler to Free ‘ W. E‘EEWiEON ilt‘ :md Dis: 1 Amim sion. 0111' stm-k of Oils, paints. var- nixhvsgvhiting, zinc white. glues, putty, alzlhnstiustainsâ€"full, and prices right. Puriï¬er szn in Rvmmh “Imperi prlce as at inmy Spr-vi ing I'DHH‘dil' Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. RESIDENCE, MILL ROAD. SUI UF Ril‘IiMOND HILL. Purity 2 Burability GLAZIER, GRAINER a PA [’15 .-‘HA‘N G E R Paints Mixed Paints Robertson’s Paints Michael 3203.. ED. BIRCH HOUSE PAINTER Tm- Live General Agents of Richmond Hi Satisfaction Gmu-untH-d l \V FELRMERS TAKE EST}! RICHNTOND 5H) Uuw. A ‘« h\\’(ll'l‘s 3111\‘05, v 3. 5+++++~2~~zâ€"++++++»w++ 12W? Unequalled for “the! IN CONNECTION. is. nothing as good and could be btttH‘. Richmond Hiil I this yezn‘ has been u'kublo. None of our are out of positions and Id for them is about nesbbewpply. W'x-ite our magniï¬cent cata- . J. PE l‘m- Li» digest £23m . >\\'x uH rv RICHMOND IHLL P. O measure at, same LIOTT, Principal. nlmg Oil , Ht'nve uldisiuc ‘uvl'rhm-u .11;ng I Alexander Scs '1II£I( ERY 1‘“ [UK & I)†+++++++++++ WOOD f n-lez-inm mm: Oil. IVE Mm innry With HII ml \th: ï¬n! nd 1111‘ ze- «'ntillit my Ad\ic ESE and BI ulit: Cl SON. Agoms A “ti-St Illl pun L‘nrv, ('nngh Deal )1 ElnuL Lump ninL REG IH