It is undorstuud that the Schomherg and Aux-ma Railway is to form n branch of the James Bay lime, and “'11! be extended from Bond Lake to a point, on the second concession of Markham, between two and three milrs north-east fl'ulll Elgiu Mills. Just, to hand and the be buy to sell at the prices hasnm shirts in sizes 14.5. 1 at 750. each; Fine soft. bus sizvs 14;, 15, 1513 and 16 a Fine soft bnsnm shirts in s 15} and 16 at $1.00 each. Alfl‘fd Bronkey, set-0nd sun of J. \V. Broalkoy of Newton Bum-k, died at the ’l‘nmnlu General Hospital on Tuesday, from appendicitis, aged 23 year-x Funeral from his fut hers’ residence to- Just tOSL the txmtl‘ LaxativeTulllvts‘fm Sftmnnch, hiliousnes: dy complexiqn. e_tc. Those are zuxctiun prices without the flue inn :â€"â€".'\Iucun.-xullies best imported Hmyrings round [ins lUc. ; Davies 2 1h. tin York and Bonus in Tnmuto Sauce 10c. “tin. Atkinson & Switrzor. The Purchasing Gummittve of the } uhlic Library expect. :1 representative fr nu a bank ï¬rm Friday afternoon. :1 (1 would be pleased to receive the 1132:1195 of any new hooks our readers ux uld like to see on the shelves. Mr. and Mrs. Thunms Mulcahy of (h-illiu. announce the engugenwnt of then- daughter. Miss Mary Muk-nhy, to Mr. Rude-{ck Pulxiu of Midland. The marriage will take place nn \VL-d- m-mlny. Sepiemhex- 5. Miss Mulcahy is u granddmighter (of My. and Mrs. l‘wfy (If Lhis place. day at, 2 n’clork. Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Th e Liberal was pleased to rocvive u few uysngn a post and from across {New roan (run: our frivud and neigh- hm- va. J. A. Grant, who is now in ï¬guntland. Tun more new cars, No. 66 and 58 were added to the Metropuiitn n SUI-vice lust Saturday. They an beauties, and see-m to eclipse any of their prvdâ€" eut‘ssm's. HJ-W'. A. P Brace intends returning to his work Sunday next, the 26th inst. His father Rev. A. H. er-e will preach in tiw afternoon at Victoria Square and in the evening at Richmond Hill. he James Bay tt-nts l‘(‘l1]0\'(‘d hr her south alung lhu line this week. Th. Richumnd Hill bakers and but ‘hexs will miss the fox-cignms who wer good custmuers. “'i‘th prices like these it, will pay to anticipate the future. Fine whit-e smni porcelain scallops with gold line and sprig6 inch 15.; '1' inch 20c†and size 36 Buwl Mu. Atkinson & Switzer. The new .Izunos Buy Railway station is plastered. and is about ready for the painters. Thv new freight shvd is alsu elm-Led, and the water taqu is well under way‘ A telegram xenohed Alum-a ourly m ilm week f1 um Dawson ()iby. mane-y- ing thv sad news nf the dpalh uf Mrs. Hartman, wife. of Pustnmster Isaac J. Hartman of Dawson Uin. A fair price is :1 low price when the quality is Hmsidex-od, an example- of ibis is nurmunmch brand Frasu- River 'ulumn at. $1.68 per duz. tins. Atkin- u. & Sw‘tzor. wide-st citiz nmrning a father of M Mr. John Cluffey has anplolod a (H’lllt'llt CPllztl‘ for Mrs. 'l‘iï¬in. A bank entrance has been built, and there is nu neuter collar in the town. A very heavy min foil in this section yustm-day afternmm, accompanied by {hundm-and lightning. The lights in ihu Waiting Raoul Wen-e put out of business, 9150 3( H1111 telephunvs. It is rnpm'ts‘d that. a burn on Mr. Jam-h Rwanmn’s farm was burned during the sh-rm yesterday aftermath If you tell us h'ullt'l‘ we shall ube sun &: Swilzmx Edwin T. Mulhollnnd of Newton Bumk, died ar Detroit, Mich, August 16. Interment look plum? at Thnruhill Suhu‘dny fox-onenn. l’x-incipnl ManH-n. D. IX. of Knox (‘ullegm will take: the m-rx‘ives in [he PrushyIm-inn (Thm‘vhcs hc-I'e Mud ext 'l‘lmrnhill on Sunday. Elie ifiheml. The (J [pens in (H. MI x “Vihmi (sf Eglinton prmcher] in Methodist, Church Sunday nun-m \V HMUND HILL, ONT“ Aug. 23, 1M Allen, 5.0ent. box :1 y. A. Sandi.- n.ulinn Nalinnnl Exposition {‘nz'unto next Monday. Aug. ()(3‘ A1496. Ion, sr., (mo uf Newmarkrï¬s izons dir-d suddenly Saturday at 3 n’clnck. Deceased was Mujnr Allen. \V9 {1 Y‘SOH link th hsome. rx'umst hnw to serve you y the hint. Atkin- t Lax-ms at our 1k Hwy are great. mne, candy-like 'unstiputiun, smu- lmd breath. mudâ€" Risk 5 cents and Lax-(’43 est we could s. Fine soft 15, 15% and 16 50m shirts in at, 8‘35. each; sizes 14;, 15, M1‘ for a ship, Little Miss Hattie Brodie of Head- fm-d spentu few days last Week with her friend Miss Geuvvievu Harris. Miss Bessie New York State Bassiugthwaite. Mr. \V. R. Pmctm‘. Toronto, spent (“‘91- Sunday in the villngt'. Miss Mary Lane, Toronto, has been a guest of the Misses Trench. Mi§ Isadfux-d of Thprnhill spent last. week with 311's. H. F. flapper. Mrs. Alhext, Andrews, 'l‘nx‘ontu, spent m erSuuduy with Mrs. J. Bruwu- Miss Eva. Faster is spending a few days with her father and mother in Newmeuket. Mrs. John Undex'hill, Auroxa, is visiting with her uncle, Mr. Charles Cooper. Headford. “Rod and Gun and Motor Spoits in Canada.†commend itself. The leading article is the ï¬rst and only complete narrative covering the whole of the visit of Prince Arthur of Conuuught to Canada, stress being naturally laid upon his fishing experiences. The story is fully illustrated, and is likely to be widely wad throughout the English speaking world. A specially written and exclusive account (if the ï¬rst Summer (lump of the Club of Czumdu in the Selkirks is also a marked feature. of the number, and as the muguzme is the ofï¬cial organ of the Club, in is what one expects to 309 it, the first: and foremost in the ï¬eld in its accounts of the Camp and the perfor- mances of the members. Render 5 with other tastt-s, however are not; for- gotten, and ï¬shing, hunting and exploring stories are given in such profusion as to cover the whole of the broad Dominion. The last number of this: ï¬ne magazine reflects great credit upon its publisher, EV. J. Taylor, ol \Voodstock, Ont. Mr. James Newton of the ï¬rm of Newton and Brother, Elgin Milk, is yet suffering from a painful in“ he received last, Thursday evening about dark at his home. He was carrying a dipper of warm water from the kitchen, andfin medal-k. accident-Ally turned Into the cellar doorway instead of through another dmu’ cluse by. He fell forward striking his right shrmldr-I‘, and also cutting his head as he came in contact; with :1 stone wall neni‘ the foot of the stairs. Mr. Newton was uSwisted out of the cellar and in hkd by near by neighbors, and the D12. who was telephoned for, was at the puiipnt's Ride in less thaw qunty minutes after the accident. Fortunately 1m hunes were fiactlired, hut. aILhongh MI. Newton is able to be up he slili suffeis with pain in his arm and shouldnz SEPTEMBER ROD AND GUN Even to a wider ï¬eld than sports- men Will‘th Septyxprher number of FELL ‘25 FEET Mr. Jamil) Atkinsun of Elgin Mills an old gentle-mun 78 yams nf ago. gut a. swore fulL nu Fiiday last when nssisting with the harvest. at Kprswell Bros. He had climbed a ladder twenty five feet, and when be shipped into the mow Sume of the shmu‘vs slid hzu-k. bringing him to the burn flum‘. He alighted on his feet, but received a. sewn-e shock. Some sheaves «in the floor doubtless saved his life. The patient is beng cared for at the home HE Mr. Kei'swell. Dr. Shoop‘s Rs-stm-a'iive- (wings last- ing,y xvlief in Stomach. Kidney and va-L troubles thmugh the inside nerves. N0 muth- hmv the nvrves become impuixed this remedy will re- build their strength, will restm-o their vigm'. Rvmmnher it, does no good to treat the ailing organâ€"the irregular heart, rebellious stomach, disvused kidneys. They are not to hlzune. Go back to the names that, control them â€"treut the causeâ€"use a remedy that, cures through the inside nerves. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. “'0 try t0 a «void righti Swilzer. The disgusting Llisuhzu-gvs from the nose and thrualmnd the fun] cutm-rhul {n-eavth. are quickly disppnscd with by using DI . Shunp‘s Uutm rh Cure. Stu-h fflvulhjng and nntiwptil: agents us 0“ , .W .. .Nw .._, using DI . Shunp‘s L‘utmrrh Cure. Stu-h suullxing and nntiw til: agents as Oil Ellculytus, ’l‘hymnl, Vild‘Indign, etc, have been iucmpnrflted int!) it snnw white cream. Innkingn (mt-1n In] bnlul unexmllod. Sold by \V. A‘ Sunder- sun. Tho management uf the Cnnmllnn National Expnsilinn have Inzulv m-rmnge-ments to instal an Ignrrnte Village in the grounds (luring llw coulinunnce of the Exhibitinn in 'huvnzu. Fox-sump Lime past a rill:ng of thusv wild pa-nple-tm(iu-s of ihe Philippine Islandsâ€"hue been lucntvd in Riven-view Park, Chicago. The village. in I‘m-mm) will be strictly typical†and all the industrlra‘: and the customs of this people will he fully shown. "‘- aged 68 yonxs. Funrml fmm her late l't’ï¬idPlHK‘, Steele-’3 Hotel, town Iii)», Ymk and ’Rw‘ghan, YougvSt. Mnnduy of this week. Interment in the Rich- mond Hill Cenwtery. The funeral was lalgvly nth-ndvd, and much sympathy is felt. fax the husband and children of deceusvd in their hex-eave- mvnt-. The fum-x-ul smvice was cun- ducted by Rev. \V. G. Back of Maple. Mary A. I John E. Steel aged 68 yams rvsidt-ncv, St PERSONALS Mr. w. R. P1171}; Tux-(m DEATH AT NE‘VTON BROOK . and Mrs. Switzer left, Tuesdafil Len days’ visit in Toronto Tow 1.; 5 Feel County. IGORROTE VILLAGE A. Ruhm-tsun. wife nf Mr. Steele, diPd Friday. 17th inst†tn avoid mistakes but never lg them. Hunt, Tonnowanda is \‘isming Miss Vtra FA LL ALkinsun 1' ME élï¬ï¬‚ï¬Ã©â€™ï¬i}, a 31.00 m ADVANGE. Mr. Gen. McLean and Mustm' ('hns. McLPuu of La Pal-ti, Indiana, m 1L!" a shun. Visit to the parental 1101an last week and returned home Mnnduy m:- cumpnnied by the furmer‘s sistm-H. st. \Vultex- Eyer and Miss Clara Mrhmm. They will visit, friends in Elki‘u rt, Indiana, Chicago. “1.; Detroit. Miwhg and \Vindsnr, Ont. hvfm'e returning home. They were mrcnmpunied “0 far as LP-Wisï¬rin by Mr. \V. Eym-, Mr. Frank Johnston. Mr. Dnuglns Mvan, Miss Fisher and Mrs. James Acev. automobile, and will take a t Barrie, Muucnstune and other ‘ Mr. D. Hill has been invited tn _‘ lhe trip north. with his own mnhilv, but, he is not px'élpui-etl t such a long spin just yet. Mr.& Mrs. “'m. Hill and ï¬ve (-hil- (ll-er] of'Bnï¬gï¬p :u'grvisiting with Messrs. Mrs. Wm. Seager and Mrs. Nonnan of Cleveland, Ohio, are here to spend a. week or two with their sister Miss Mary Geode, who has been ill. An- ntllvr sister, Mrs. Frank McCarthy, wiLl) her daughter May Loretta, is also at, the old funne- und will remain until September. Mr. H. F. Hopper, is in the “'este-I'n Hnspitul where he has undergone several painful ()pernLious about the face. \Ve are pleased to learn our fellow-townsumn is cheerful, and is well satisï¬ed with his treatment in the hospital. I). & J. Hill. Misss Bel-Um Dryden of Toronto whu has been sLnying with Miss Rosa Baker of Concord has leturued home. Master Austin Baker bus also returned after two Weeks’ valuation in Mark- ham. ' Mr. Fred Smu‘lt‘, Mrs. Searle and Miss Pollock. Tnmmtu, whu are sumâ€" mering at Balmy Bunch, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson yesterday. Mr. and st. Dissnsway of Brooklyn, N. Y., spent Saturday with Mr. und Mrs. Teefy. Mrs. Dissusway is the youngest daughter of the late Geo. Barnard of this village. Mrs. “L E. Lillian \Viley Smiles. Newmu week with Mrs. relatives. Miss Maggie )owie and Muster Charles Cuwie are visiting an uncle in Orangeville. Miss Gladys Cowie is visiting in Tumnto. Mn and Mrs. \Vm. Hall of New Ymk City are spending a fvw WH‘kx at “Sunny Hill Farm" the home of Mr. and Mls. John Savage. M 1-3. ( Rl‘c hulk Simone. Mr. \Vill Tyndall of Brandon. Mun- itubn. is making It visit with hislu'nthvl‘ and sister here, and wilh Mr. John Tyndall of Unrn'ille. Councillor George Powell, of Vnnâ€" dunl', \Vhitchm-cll. was in the village Mondav. and attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. E. Steele. M!“ and Mrs. W. ‘V. Daniels New York are visiting at Mr. Bassiuglh- Waite-‘5; they have also been visitingut Mr. Thomas Hoppor's. Miss Emily Cnmphell of Islington has burn Visiting fx-ivuds hue, the guest of Mls. Alexander. Mrs Clan-knee Snider of Rochester spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. 'I'bns. Hopper. Mrs. Mchxy has returned to hm home in Tour-mm after spending A wwk with her mother, Mrs. Tifï¬n. Miss Campble and Miss Lamer nf Stuyner. wade a short visit with Miss Florence Eyvr. I Mr. Armand Teofy of Chicago is visiting with his parents at the Post Ofï¬ce. Dr. Lungstalf hus been ultvndiflg the scsxivns of tho British Medical Assuciutiuu in Toronto this Week. Miss May Powell of Buffalo, N. Y., has lwvn making a visit, with hex-aunt, M w. ’l‘. B. Meteuifu. Nearly every one likes a ï¬ne hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage- able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair-food. Well-fedhairwillbestrong,and will remain where it belongsâ€"â€" on the head, not on the comb! A. Hair Dressing C. Soules and Miss Della Sunles idnying along the shore of Luke Karat \Viley, little Miss and Master Gordon :ket. are spending a G. \Vilcy and other They came in th will take a trip me and other plm: een invited tn join m 1n mm- Lake .u. [0 ï¬faitï¬zmi $313533 ui (ï¬zma‘aï¬a Red path or St. Lawrence extra granulated sugar in bags . $4.40 Fraser River salmon Monarch hnmd in g dnz lots , . . . . . . . . . . . . . l-lc. tin Puffed rice . . . , . . . . . . . . A . 10c. pkg. Shreddvd \Vheat.. . .2 pkgs. for 25c. Apitt‘zo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c. pkg. 7 inch plutvs.smne as uhove..900.doz. Fruit jars, imperial pints. .58c. doz. “ “ wine quarts. . . .600. doz. imperial quarts.70c. doz. u I. 23115. pure cane granulated sugar fur. ‘ . . . . , . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 201m. best Redpnth fruit sugar for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.. $1.00 Fine semi-porcelain handled cups and saucers, gold line and leaf . . . . . ......_.85c.pt_er(_10z. H - u ATKINSON SSWETZE Ability to provide for the masses is the test of any store. You can ï¬nd our store bristling all over with values. Our policy is to have almost everything the people are apt to want and )vet sell nothing but what is worthy. Our aim is to please not only on the price but in the quality, where real value lies. II we make mistakes, tell us of them,- we will make it right. We want you to feel satisï¬ed w1th purchases made here. Becken you to our gime Business bl‘anSflCtedjduiIY between 10 and 4. Savings Bank Department. Muney advanced on sale notes. Screen doors and window se'reens keep the ï¬les out and let the breeze in when bought here; A few coal oil stoves left which we will give you at cost price. Hardware, Graniteware and Tinsmithing. The best Eureka! [Ply Killer Eureka! The surest Hot Weather Remedies We can guarantee you a great heat reduc- tion 1f you possess one of our easy-running and reliable churns or washan machines. Richmond Hi3! Hardware Siam Groceries GENERAL STQRE YONGE ST., RICHMOND mu C. SMILES (in connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce.) E; E5; LQSSEMGRE. Agï¬m. Best, 200 yd. spools, Coats. .45c. (102. Maple Leaf brand spools ..35c. doz. Heavy 36 inch special . . . . . . 10c. Heavy 36 inch d:er . . . . . . . 110. Real Loch Lomond shirtings.15c Heavy 18 inch linen crash. 101:. yd. Heavy 18 inch linen crash with border . . . . . . ° . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1 0c. yd. Crumjs host prints . . Best, Canadian prints Flanellettes Toweliing Specials Prints 2&0. yd. 1130. yd. ï¬g