",In E VOL. XXIX. ssentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Pr: ", n “ one @zhml l [3 PUBLISIIEDEVEXY 'I.‘HUBSI)A.Y MORNING-‘3 AT THE Emmi. A ll 5' l.iudsu_v.K C G (i l“ lmwruuce W llivlout \\ mlswnrth Lmdse 7. Lawrence E. l W adswor‘th. Barristersjzlicitaxs. Notaries. ï¬'c. Homo Life Building: (foxmcrly Frne hold Loan Bldg.). (‘11:. Adrlaidc & Victoria $15.. Toronto. Phone Main 2984 USEFUL DRWHJG .44 PUBLISHING HGUSE niomioan HILL.ON‘1‘. '1‘. F. 31c MAI-ION. Eamon J: Paornxaron. wru’iiii' can" BARRISTER, SUth‘lTUR, No'mnv. ETC. Toronto Office. 32: Richmond St. “lost. “'oslo)‘ Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. Standard Bank Building. every Salon-(lay after- “Onâ€. Maplv, Thursday aflornoon. .Vlonoy to loan at. Five For (‘cnt (Ti). BUSINESS CARDS. “3.321 (lion. Dil. W. F. DEAN (Successor LI) Dr. l.‘t\\’l':l§(lll) LENNOX 85 MORGAN. Bare-inle-rs and Sollcllcrs. I Money to loan on land nndchnttel mortgagesnt lowest rates Aurornofï¬ceâ€"Remove! in the old port 01710.: one door west. of the entrance to blue Ontario Hunk Newiuurkot ofï¬ceâ€"Three doan south of the p VSB white I‘ HEREERTLENNUX G {urnra Ric‘innoud §~Iill ileum. H. w. ANDERSON, I} a “ï¬st, D) All STY MORGAN Newmmlzel Mulock, Lee, Millikan & (mt. (in(‘ltOï¬LS‘flng’llligo Sls , \Vill he in Richmond Hill on \Ved- nu-sday of each work. 033cc, next door north of Stan. - ard Bank. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"9.30 3.. m. to 5 p. m. ‘1)1'- Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. DOMINION BUYK CHAMBERS. \V. Uorncr King & Yong? Strt-els. TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds to loan at lowwst current rates. n D. C. .T. ‘V’oods DENTIST. Francis Block, THORNHILL, Out. Ollisi- hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 a. m.; . >>fi p. m. Danton. Dunn & Boultbae Barristers. Soliclors. Etc. NATIONAL 'I.‘lli7.‘$"lV (‘rHA M BER-91 20 KING ST. 1., 'I‘ORONTO, L‘annda. Toronto Olï¬cc. 4:30 CHURCT ST. FRANK DENTHN. K. O. ‘ Hnnn :R'r l.. lill‘NN ’ \r ' ’ ’_ †’ W. Ml‘lJlCK BOULTBEF‘ fletcmmry 3mm ii. CAMPBELL, Phonn Main tsll. Mr. McDonald will beat, THE LIBER- VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhornhill. AL Ofï¬cc, Richmond Hill. on the lsl and 3rd Saturday of each month. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Ms N EWTON .l. H. §ANDERSUNi ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGK‘N EIILLS VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL otlls by day and night promptly at- tended to. M. '1‘Eiaiia‘i’f‘ NOTA RY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. _H. A. ‘N'lC'Ho’les' n OTARY PUBLIC Commissinnm. Conveyanccr. etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. iohrnonc’l Iiiâ€"3:111 J. H. Pacnlice. Liconseu Auctioneer for the County of Yo I: Goods sold on cousigmnont General Sales one etc promptly ittondedto at. reasonable rates Kesidsnce Uninnville G- R Goulding. Newton Brookmgenl for the above J 'l‘ Swigeon. J K llIcFTwen Map] 3 Weston Saigcou & NlcEwcn . R ' .IGH'J: BRO, [linden-takers & Embnuncrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. silos tttended to on shortestnoticeaud A rea- sonable rates Patronage solicxtsn D. G. ELOETGH. Lleenr e Auctioneer {or theCouuty onor ‘, re. spent-fully solicits your patronage and friendly lufluance sales :ttnr‘nded on the sLortest notice and at gassonalvemtes. P. 0. address King I 4.3...5.“ ,-:.»,.-.:;â€",,_~,.:.: :4; 7133-“. ,- ,~ - YOUR MQNEY should be kept in a sale place. If it is deposited in the Ontario Bank . Savings Deparlment it will be as accessable to you as ifcarried in your pocket, IT WILL Bill SAFELY KEPT I For you against tho. limo you require it, and IT \Vlld. BE ADDING To YOUR INUUMI‘Z from the mlcrcst we [my on your balance (nunpuundcd twicc a Year. It is. withdiawahlo without notice hcaring,r interns-L owl-y any it is on doposit. Ca pitzil $1,500,000.00 licst D 700,000 00 II. ISL. 11‘EJEC ET_[£§'.h'lanager King City Branch. l Concord. l‘ilm‘si. Ibo oldest Son of Mr. An- lbony Bowl-s. passer away on Thurs- day of last wm-k, nflm- a fow dnys‘ ill. no-ss. “5' Wins taken ill the previous Sunday with what was Hupposvd to bc inflammatory rhcnnmtism. but which prole to ho spinal luoningilis. 'I‘ln- lost lnodil'nl Hill .1an also tho solvit'l'k of a lraincd nurse- wm-e- SF'(‘|ll‘4'll. and all was dom- lhat, could ho to .lllP‘ lulu his sull'vrings. In spite: of all this hl’ rnpidly sank. and oarly on Thursday morning tho cnd cnmc. Had lu- li\c:l till lhc following day ho Would have been twenty-one years of ago. and his early dcalh has cast. a gloom m or llw Iivighboflioi-d. Tlu- fum-ral tool; plan“ in 'l‘hornhill on Saturday aflvrnoon. and was altr-ndod by many l'rionds who (‘ï¬llll‘ to pay this last. tiihulo of I'cspcrt in tho doparlvd. Tho svnir‘e was conduclml by RM'. .los. E. \Vilson. :lï¬slslt‘d by Rev. Mr. McKinlcy and Hcv. Mr. Gallmvny. Thoro wcro many hcauliful floral oll'vringson tho casket. The Stu-rowing paronls :xnd tho lnoth- ('rs hcvc the dot-post syinpnly of all in their llt‘l‘P:I\ emcnt. Maple Mr. F. Duck lost a valuahlo young lllll'SI' last work. The cain of its (ll-nth \vus supposed to he eilhor light- ning or sunslrukc. Tho croquet tournnmcnt hns iakcu longer tlmn was i-xpm-rml. It is thought. that it will cnd nvxt flatm- day. in; \"nllrr llumldo and Mr. (let-i! Kcys. of tho 'l‘. Eaton (in. Toronto. spout oven-Sunday at their lll)lll"S hcrv. flew. Jos. E. \Vilsnu rvlurnod homo on Salurdny after spondinga couva o1" wveks at Shunly Buy. Mr. and Mrs E. .l. Cousins of To- rontn. were visiting last \\'(“.'l\' at Mr. '1‘. Cousins. Mr. \V. A. Drnton of Toronto, visilcd his sislm‘ Mls. (1‘. J. Cook, last Saturday. Mr. Donald McKay of San Francisco. who came through tho l'i'Ct'llt disaster in that city with impunilv. is visiting his sister. Mrs. (Dr.) Logan. Mrs Thompson of Chicago, arrivod yo-slcrday to Inakc a. visit with Mix. H. U. Bailcv. Dr. '1‘. A. Noble and sm‘oral friend“ from Harvo-y. 111.. are visiting with Miss Nolllt‘. _...,_._ A fair price is a low pric'.‘ whcn tho quality is considered. an e-xamplc of this is (nu-monarch brand Frasrr River Salmon at $1.08 per LluZ. tins. Atkin- son & Switzer. â€"-.-5 THAT REMTNDS ME. “’9. have hcfore us It copy of The York Herald printed June 11. 1875. 31 years ago. The pnper Was then pub- lished by the late Alex. Scott. A perusal shows that husxnoss and affairs in anL'l‘ill were carried on then pretty much the same as tln-y are now. though many of tho prominent inch of that time have since gone over to the majority and of whom we shall rofrain to spcnk. Tho numhor 0on- tnins [milling of a particularly start- ling nature. but a reference to the doings of some of tho lll(‘ll still living may bring pleasant recolloclions to a number of our cilizons. Thc ï¬rst arti- cle that met our vye was on account. of a spelling match hctweon Richmond Hill and Thornhill. in which our sister village- was victorious. Mr. “’11). Hal- rison was chain-mun. and Mr. John Tecfy was one of tho rcferoos; the other is deceased. Minutes of a Vil- ‘ lagc Council nil-cling shows that. Mr. chfy was clerk, and that, Mr. Crosby, our prescnt we‘ve, was thcn 21 member of the Council: the- four colleagues are- now decvnscd. The minute»; show that Mr. .1. A. ESwitzt-r lmd bcgun to rise in tho world as at, that meeting his income ussesxmcnt was (loublcd. Mr. (ll-why introduced hyâ€"law No. 39. to establish a new xii-ch lo conncct Richmond and Mill six-cots, the new sticct to be called “Ti-curb Strccl†af~ [er the name of the rcme. At the said meeting David Boylo of this vil- lagv. and Josoph Morison of Oak llidgl‘s. put in tondcrs for lumhor. Vnughun Council minim-s give Mr. \V. C. Patterson. recvv, and Mr. Thomas \Vcbster. one of the council- lots. “'0 mo leISl'll to stale that the names of a number of our morâ€" chauts and bus-moss mon who adverâ€" tlï¬t‘d 31 \‘e'nrs ago. still grace the Colâ€" umus of our village paper. “'9, ï¬nd the following among the then ndvor- lira-rs: Isaac Crosby. “Fir? Promf Store"; Alex. Moodio, “British Flag Stall"; P. G. Snvagv. “'llu' People's Hun-r"; Simon Proctor, Dominion l,i\ory Stnhles: Samuel M. Brown. Licvllsvd Auctionm-r: David Bin-ell. Richmond Hill Mills: .lobn Lungshiï¬. swam mills. Tlnrruhill: ll. Miller, steam pump Works; Thus. Newton, seci-«lary Richnn-nd Lodge, A. F. (Cl A. 31,: \V. A. Sandal-sou. «linggisr: 1’r19r5.(1‘il)<ull. l’im incial Land Sul- ' lct'lm-s l MARK HAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Council mot. at Victoria. Hall, Uni0n~ Q FALL FAIRS. The dates of exhihitions and fall - \‘illO. on Friday. August 11, with all fairs popular in this section so fat-atr- thi- lllt'nihcrs prosentand Reeve Slater ' ranged are as follows: in thc chain A liy-law was passed to levy and collect. for municipal and school rates us f1)lltl\vs:-â€"(i('llt'lal and Industrial Homo. $6,501.23â€"4'nto, 2 2-100 mills on dollai. 'l‘ou nship purposes, $7,125â€" lalo, :2 2 lil mills on the dollar. By-law was pnssc-(l to appoint col- l'or 19W} as followmâ€"VV. F. Nichol wow. half, and Reuben Lunau oust. half. l'ilCh to give bonds in two sun Mics of $2,000. A hy-law was passed appointing \V. ll. Stivcr tree impector. Lappwllngel'nmuâ€"That the follow- ing accounts he paid:â€" Padgel. & Hay, Cool and hard- ware . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. $22 40 J. O. Hority. advertising and printing. ,. . . . . . . . . 6 80 \Valler Hood. time as overscer.. 3 00 Jos. Curtis. 4 days' work on bridge . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 6 00 S. Nvlson. 2.5 days on bridge .. . 3 75 R. Nelson, umtoriul and work with team . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . 2 30 Dr. R. J. Trumpom‘. attending Mary Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 Uhimax Rood Machine 00., tile' moulds . . . . . . . . . .172 25 A. S. (.‘larry, time as oversocr and drawing grzucl .. . .. 3 15 Andrew \Vidcmau, balance for sidewalk. . ... .. . . . . . 15 00 A. “'idI-nntn. M. Farley. B. Lot- ion. taking out cohort and putting in concrete pipcopp. lot 16. iron. 8 . . . . . .. . 4 05 J. Moukbonse. pine furnished... 6 75 Col-son 6L Son. printing .... .,.l('53 84 “Hgl‘lllllllhAllllllpâ€"jl‘llilt the follow- ing Sllflll' and gravel accounts he paid: \\'. Nous. 1:3 yds. stone :tt 2.30., Frank Plan-son com . . . . . . . . . $ 5 75 A. llosln-l, 22 yds. stone at 250. li‘. Peulsnn, com. . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 Roht. Dorr. l yd. stone at 25c. . . l“. C. l’carsond‘l yds.sloue “250. 3 00 David Annis. 48 yds. giavel, A. S. Clan-y, com . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 80 Hagciman â€" Lapp -â€"- That Frank Pearson bu paid the sum of $59.70 be- ing for work performed as commis- sioncr of sluttntc Inhor div. 1 (as de- s‘t‘lllll‘d iu statute labor by law), snid amount to he charged against the balance of the commutation money Llllk‘ said di\ ision. Hagermanâ€"Limpâ€"That. Mr. Nigh he appointvd commissioner to replnnk bridge known as Bycr’s bridge on 8151) con., opp. lot 24. amount payable on his older whcu work is completed. Lappâ€"Nighâ€"«That Messrs. Nigh and Hagerman he commissioners to ex- amine bridge opposite lot 22, con. 5, and to have same repaired. Hngm mauâ€"»Nigh That thcacconnt. of D. Harrington for lumbcr up to August 13, $62.42, be paid. Council adjourned to meet Sutur- dny. Sept. 17. The assessment of the township is $3,236,l~l6.45. 25 WINTER CROPS, l906. Material for any one of the ï¬ve ex- pcrimvnts hch mentioned will he sent; free to any Ontario farmer applying for it. if hc will conduct an experiment with grout. (‘2llc :md ro-porl the rosults after harvest next year. The sz-cd will be Sent. out in the mdcr in which ap- plications are received us long as the supply lasts. 1,â€"Tcsting Hairy Volt-hes and \Vintcr Rye as fnddcr Cl ops. 2 lots. 2-.â€"~Tvsting three varieticsof Vintcr \Vheal. 3 plots. 3. Testing live Fertilizers “'inlt-r \th-at. 6 plots. -1.â€"'l‘esting Autumn and Spring ap< plicatiuns of Nil rate of Soda. and Com- mon Salt, with \Vinter \thnl. 5 plots. 5.-â€"â€"'l‘esting tWo varieties of \Vintcr Rye for grain production. 2 plots. The exact size of ouch plot. is to ho one rod wide- by two rods long. The main 1.11 for either of the ï¬rst two ox- )erlmonts or for No. 5 experiment will he forwarded by mail. and for each of thc ULllPl' two by (-xpress. Ench perâ€" son wishing to conduct one of those oxporimonts should apply as soon as possiblc. mentioning which tost he de- sires. and the mate-rial. with instruc- tions for testing and the blank form on which to report, will llU furnislu‘d free of cost, until tho supply of experi- mental material is exhausted. .I. Bl‘CHANAN. Agricultural L‘vollcgc. Guelph. Out. with â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"QI>â€"â€"- Dr, Shoop's Restorative brings lust- ing u-licf in Stomach. Kidncy and Heart troubh-s though the inside norves. No matter how the nvrves hovonw impaired this rcmedy will re- bnild tln-ir strength. will rcslorc lhl‘ll‘ vigor. Remember it does no good to treat. the ailing organâ€"the ll'lvglllal' heart. l'clwlliuus stomnch. diseased kidneys. They are not to blame. Go back to the nmvos that. control thcm â€"7 limit the causoâ€"use- :1 runn-dv that \‘Pyul‘: .I. ll. Sandi-rson, \‘etviinzu-y “no.3 mmth H... hwy“. “Hypo 5.4.1 Surgeon. I by \V. A. Sanderson. Toronto, Aug. 27-80 t. 10. Newmarket, Sept. 1 , 19. Markham, Oct. 3-5. Schomberg. Oct. 11â€"12 Bradford, Oct. 16. 17. VVoodhridge. Oct, 17â€"18 \Ve try to avoid mistakes but never avoid righting them. Atkinson a Switzer. . Whose Say-so is Best? Wlth nearly m medicines put up {or sale through drngglsls, one 1133 to aka the maker’s n ~10 alone as to their curaâ€" tive valno. 0 course. such testimony is not that of s disinterested party and soccrdlngl is not. to be given the same credit no wrluen from disinterested motives. Dr. Piano‘s medicinal, how- ever, form s 31 and therelom striking exception to rule. Their claims to the conï¬deneo of lnvollde does not. res! :01on 11 “ml: makers’ soy-so or praise. helr ingredients are matters of publlc knowledge, being printed on each separate bottle wnp‘fper. Thus invalid sufferers are nken to Dr. Piano’s full conï¬dence. Scores of badlu medical men have written anogfh to volumm ln pralse of the cum we value 01 the several Ingredients entering into then well-known medicines .4 Amount. these write“ we and such med- ical lights as Prof. Finley M. 1).. of Benuet Medlcul College. Chicago: Prof. Hale. of the same city: Prof. John la. Scud- der. M. D.. lane of Cincinnati. Ohio: Prof. John King. M. D.. late of Cincinnati. Ohio: Dr. Grover Coe. or New York: Dr. Bartho- low. of Jefferson Medical College, of Pt. and scores of other: equally eminent. Dr. Plerce's Favor-1m Preemption cums the worst cases of to 2 weak!) prolap- sus.amevenlon more verilonan tracts lrrez'ul critics. cure painful periods. axles up dlsagreeublo and weakening drains. someâ€" times known a: pelvic comm-h md amulfl- oxide or other diseases pecullu‘ to women. Bear ln mind. it is not a neat nor even I secret medicine. but the " Avorlte Preset]? tlon " or I unduly educated physician. of large experience In the cure of woman's peculiar Ailments. who frankly and conï¬d- lnzly takes his patients into his full con- ï¬dence by telling them just. what. [11: "Pre- scription ' is composed 01‘. Of no other medi- cine put u for woman's special maladies and sold ugh drug-glam. can it. be sold am the maker is not afraid to deal thus frankly. openly and honor-am . by letting every patient using the some ow and! what she is tnkinz. 1 Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter. free. All correspond- ence ls guarded as sacredly secret. and womanly confldenoes are protected b rofesslonnl rivacg Address Dr. R. . Ierce, Bufla. o, N. . How to preserve health and basal. is told in Dr. Plerce’s Common Sense ed- lcal Adviser. It is free. For a pa - covered copy send Dr. R. V. Pierce, ut- lalo N. Y. 31 one-cent stamps to cover malll only; in cloth binding 50 stamps. Dr. lane’s Pellets ours constipation. l OHQWONWNï¬Â§H AGENT FOR D e ering Farm Im- plements Any one needing any thing in the line of Drills Cultivators Rollers 0r Harrows of any kind for fall work would do well to try one of our machines. N... J. Glass RICHMOND HILL P. O. Q§¢4 §QO§§§§§§§§¢§¢¢++§§§§Q l. EARLE NEll TUN Pianist Instinclinu in Piano-playing and Tin-m y Represcntxtivc for Richmond Hill and vii-inin of ye oldc Fix-mo oi “Hint/Juan and Company. Limii‘wl. manufaclur ms of high gindz» pianos.