Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Aug 1906, p. 4

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“(Elie ‘flihtrat RICHMOND HILL. Orrin. Aug. 30, 1906 The Industrial Exhibition was formally opened Tuesday afternoon by' Sir William Mulock. The inter- esting ceremony was witnessed by a distinguished gathering, who listen- ed to many congratulatory speeches. The marvellous development of the great fair was touched upon, an ad. dress was presented by the directors to Sir William Mulock, and the opin- ion was freely expressed that with favorable weather the present exhi- bition, the 28th year, will eclipse any of its predecessors in the num- ber andyquallty of its exhibits, and also in attendance. Sir Wm. Mulock, Chief Justice of the Exhequer Division of the High Court of Justice, opened the Canadian National Exhibition Tuesday, and in the course of an eloquent address took occasion to Warn Canadians away from the ruinous burdens of militarism. “This Canada of ours," he said is the only country- in the World worth living in that is not burdened with great military debts handed down to them by previous generations. Keep it on these lines. \Vatzch carefully every tendency to- wards militarism. for We know that preparation for war, leads to War. Remember that this is the last spot of wings on God‘s green earth where lueu tun come and not pay tribute ("or the sins of their ancestors." W Owing to the deficient snowfall turd the alternate freezing and thawing of the ground during' last winter, most of the Autumn sown crops in the Province sufl‘ered con- siderably. As a Consequence, some of the Ifall Wheat was ploughed rather uneven crops. Quite a number of the cooperative experi- ments reported a total failure with Winter Vetehes and Winter Wheat and in several cases even the Rye was somewhat injured. At the Guelph Agricultural College, both Wheat and Rye came through the Winter: Well, but the subsequent growth of the Wheat was not as good as might [rave been expected, and on the whole, the yields were somewhat lower than those of last year. King Council. King Council met at Temperance Hull. Keltleby. on Saturday, August 25. Members all present. On motion the counc‘l went into committee of the whole, Mr. Burns in the chair. The following accounts were ordered to lie-paid:â€" Joseph Billings. month's sallll‘y.$33 33 Robert Wilson, repairs to bridge and timber , . . . . . . . . . . . . Riowu Bros” cash box for tress. J. Flour y's Hons, (-dgi- to planer. 7 80 Uzivid llrrpp, repairs in culvert I and cedar . . \Vm. Fuller, timber . .. . . . . . .. Fred \Vehstrr. cedar plank . . . . Neil McDonald, repairs to bridge ( 18 4.3 183:..- 00 5 ()0 4 50' 3 8|) 4 ll) Rubi. S. Uook, repairs to hill . .lnhn Follioit, repairs [-0 culvert. Hiram Potter, 3‘; ydu. gravel . . Ar thur Storey, 4] yards gruvol.. Alli-rd ’l‘homrmon, road work 3 Oil Just-pl) \Vt-bstor. codur 2 50 McMurr-hyâ€"â€"Dcacon-â€"~Thnt the folâ€" lowing be paid the sums opposite their respective names for the erection of who lenses on the highwayâ€"Thus. Scott, $3.12: Rubi. Ar thur Green. $8.03; $6.40. MoMur‘chyâ€"-Douconâ€"That the folâ€" lowing sheep claims he paid bring § value. of sumo: A lrn Sh.’u\',$3.-33: Rubi. Norman. $6.67; Arthur Green, $8.08; \‘.'m. McClure, $3.323. Norman â€" llchur-chy â€" That, the trove and councillors l\(‘ a committee to moot Mr. Norman Curtis on town \‘t’ilsmr, $3.60; F. \V. ilcacurk, line north on Saturday, Sept. 8, at. 3 p. m., be. injury in tin rshcr. Deaconâ€")chur-ehy â€"'l‘hnt a rhurir y grant of $29.50 he made to the family of Samuel l’nr‘ndinr, lit-sorted by him and loft. destitute in the municipality. A By~luw appointing W. J. “'cllsns x-ullcrim- for the Southern Division and A. Humblean as collector for the Northern Division received iis several readings and passed byâ€"Iaw to raise rcrtaiu sums for county. township. spit-oinl and school purposes, were pass- er . On motion of Councillor McMurchy council ad‘ourned to meet at Me- Oarter's otel, Nobletou. Saturday. Sept 29. a++++++++++++++++++ under in the spring, and many of the fields which were left yielded The disgusting discharges from the nose and throut,and the foul CHL‘rll'l‘llill breath. are using Dr. Shoop's Catnr rh Cure. Sui-h soothing and antiseptic agents as ()il l Eucalytus. Thynrol, Wild indigo, etc. unexcellcd. Sold by \V. A. Sunder- 80h. GUARD THE OH I LDEEN W'e often wonder why it. is so runny children can be seen upon our sill't‘ls until a late hourof nrght. The parents of some of these children are llllllll)l‘l'l’ll among our good citizt-ns It" Cow or their horse or oven fm‘or-ito (log wars away from after dark their llll'll‘ hullll‘ they would not on search, but their own children roam the town after dark with apparently no effort bring made to [ind them. The bov seems to he turned loose. at a Lender ago to wander at. will into tho paths of sin and thou we,- wondex‘ whcrc all our trumps come from. It, is :t regrettable fact that too many of them come from seed Kl'l'lllln- ated in good homes and thou sown in a careless manner upon our sll'cuts. Render. is vo'tn' boy wasting his time upon our-streets? If so had you not, at least. look after him as carefully at nightfall as you would your horse and cow. Wo do not int-ironic that this evil exists to at greater extent in this communily llmll but, the increases in llt‘ n in mil' sister evil scours llnin-rsnl as the towns, and nmgnitudo yenrs roll by. You will give your boys or girls Business Courses as they finish Public or High School work. and before you select, your Sr'hnol' _V be sure and write for our now ‘ catalogue. “’0 are doing boiler work than ever lit-fore, and can guarantee excellent results. Full Term from Sept. 4. ffilégLâ€"Ffz’fl / W M. U. A. Bldg” Yongo dz McGill Streets, Toronto T. M. WATSON, Principal f.“ 515.“ . Y. - 750 YEARS’ .- EXPERIENCE ,.: .. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPVRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free wiretlrer_arr invention is probably pntentable. (‘ommunu-a. tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest nzcncy for securing patents. Patents taken through Murm & Co. receive special notice, without charge in the Scientist fineness. Ahandsomely illustrated weekly Ilnrrrest cir. culation of any scientific journal. Terms 1‘. a year: four months. 81. Sold by all newsdonlcrs. Mllllll 8. Cascwwadwav- iiswl’gri Branch Office. (325 1" $1.. “wellington. r). e. +++++++t+++++++4+++++t++t (Mill) WATCil VALUE A durable watch. for a small price is the full jewelled \Vaitltamin an oper- face, first quality nickle case. Vie sell this at $8.50. It will wear about iorly years,â€" not considering acci- dents. JERRY SMl’i‘li PRACTICAL WATClill-lAKER + 0 W21! ch +++++++4~++%+++VI’++++-Â¥++++H ~lwl4-l"l'++++4"l'++++*§“i‘-H4+M+++-i‘+ r: +~r~+~r~++~r~+++++++++++++~2~+++++ +++++++ 'f ++++++t i-~i-++++++++++++++~' . Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans 'l‘abules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure nausea Rioans Tamales cure flatulence. Rioans Tobules: at druggists. Sale Register w \‘t'ranrtrssnsv, Sept. 5â€"Amtinn sale of fresh milk coxvs,spr-irigers and young .Cattle. at. the Palmer Home Yards, l Richmond Hill. Sale at tWo o'clock. |Terms, 3 mos. Suigeou & McEwen, - :urcts. TUESDAY. Sept. llâ€"Auction sale of blacksmith tools, stock. and house and lot, on lot 21. con. 3, West York. the property of Jacob M. Petermann. Sale at one o'clock. No reserve. Terms, cash. except horse and real estate. Terms for these made known on day of sale. J. H. Prentice, auct. I l l quickly dispensed with by , have been incorporntcd into .-r snow white cream, makinga catnr-riml hull“ ' House to Rent Good house on Yonge Street. in tire centre of the \‘illugo. Apply at, GEU\ 'l‘lli).\ll’h‘0f\"§ Cor. Yongr- and Richmond Shorts. tâ€"f {W 9i+++++++++++++e+++++++++++ l f++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++~H+++H++H Come to A good seven room brick Irori‘w., with two non-s of hind, bring tho northwest. qunrtvr- of lot 48. lst run. Vaughan. Pl(‘. Pl'iCD, 3560”. Apply to J AM ES \VIGMORI‘}. llil'l‘rlllnnll Hill I). U. My Stock oi \Voolens for SPRING AND SUMMER is now complete comprising Black and Blue \Vorstcd Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy 'l‘rouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices A. J. HUME, Tailor, Richmond Hill We impart the best in- f struction in Commercial Banking, Fliorthand Matriculation Courses. In the past twelve ‘ l l were secured by our stir-1 dents. Our 17 years ex- perience counts. For snail or col- lege courses address R. A. Farqnharsonna. ? @titiah Gunshot ligaments (Fluiltgt Corner Bloor and l’onge Sis. TORGNTO, 0N r“. » r - m Weak kidneys Bright’s Disease airs; hiaheies Use Dr. Shoop’s Restorative to Cure the Cause, If You Sufi-2r From These Symptoms. Here are the svmntoms of Kidney complaint-1 Urine ludr-n with sediment. bl'lCr: dust in urn-e highly color-rd urine. greasy {roi‘r or blut. in it. stringy mucous ‘i‘n urine, unusual (ll~ sire to urinate, puin in passing water, 1-:rin ,‘r tin: back and over the kidneys. but. dry or itchinuskin.huir ' p p A (lrv and mi: 6, 1m: fol :omts, legs feel ,1 iron". . y (lulluv‘ss.lossof _ _ :' -: ' t, tux-am tious, loss of mcm- icy, irregular oi eyesrzht. rhle firth hearing. waxy _ sltrn. i-rv 1-1 shiitrm: from the other in An imnropâ€" -' man is often 11 on e. Me 3 t '1; one toot to “a standing. 0n thr- premises or»: a : thblc. hard and soft \V‘dli‘l‘. fr-ull Il‘t'l's, : l’oswssion given ut rrny limo. arui stationery store For all kinds of Mi School supplies months Bibles Zfifigimallmsf Testaments g Hymn Books ; Paper and Envel- Opes ‘ Tablets Account Books Pass Books Minute Books Standard hisvels Poems Dictionaries Time Books Receipt Books 'Rubber Balls cines not the-i. ' ’eii .. . from remedies called ~. .1. f§7/'Jiuzvtiea. Tune are practically - “Ii/kidney plr_».~iss. notiuz‘as crithartics we,“ - / an on in" lmm-lx 'I‘hey excite the kid iii‘o/n: 's to or. u: i lion. they cause over- {‘V'f'r‘ Tr v r 2 '~ etic remedies are ibemvsmt .3 the freq u r L. l. cause of serious ltillneyli1 axe. Don‘t try 1:. doctor the kidnevs them: ‘.:‘:r i on will mm‘ harm them. Their on. Mu gain is rm! power. Dr. Sheen's R9<Lw»lu7\' l’l' ‘vtu - Liquid) vitnlizzes Lire Ill‘l'VC.‘ 1;»..t operate to Kidneys. Sold und recommended by W. A. iSANDERSON Exhibition Special Rates. On the Metropolitan and Schomberg 80 Aurora Railways Return Tickets to Toronto only, will be sold from all points at our former single fare. These tickets good going from August 27th to September 8th. inclusive, and good to return untrl September 11th. FROM Newmarket, 75c: Aurora, 70c.: Bond Lake. 55c.: Richmond Hill, 400.: Thornhill, 30c.; Scliznnberg, $1. \V. H. MOORE, Manager. ‘ Tissue Paper and almost every- ;thing found in a stationery store. WWW+W++++++ +++M+++H++++++++ "l ' *WW+H++++++++ ++++++ { mwmm EEDJMRCH HOUSE PAINTLR l IGLAZIER,GHMNERm1 mr aruArt‘cigu ‘ liICh‘Illl'th'lC. MELT. ROAD. SOFT“ ()1? lill'lIMUNl) illl.l.. '~lIJ7m nu‘mrofi'o mm. P. o. ’ FARMERS mus: heater. 1 i | Ilnvojuxl :rrmngr-rl \\'llll Ibr- Vilt‘ix l l inur y Sprrizilly ('41. In \z-il llw folio“- ing ru-uwdil-s: film (1. 'l‘llnza- :ird lilm (l l’lrr'iiior. Indigestion :‘lltl ('oliv ('lllr‘, Hp:r\irr t'uuu \\'lrrrn l’l'\'{llll.\. ('olrgh I lit-llll‘ily. l’uxllliy 'i‘onic, l_(\l\.~‘r- l)(‘l‘llll .-\llli<m-pilc' lil‘ulillg ()il, Spnlin l'llrlllh «inn. lillol; (Iii. Iimvo ilolirf. Lump '.l;r\v (‘urm Aphmdisizu- :rnd Amiâ€"\‘lvr- l ill- l’mv-lx-rs, Diarrllu-m t‘mo for Colin and l:.rl\'t':‘, Lurking Nnvul n .lninl I lllw-nwl‘. Ynnznni k \aning. \‘i-ll-iiunry Sm- gr-onn. lwrrlly‘iiu- yours nt pr;u-tir::l (‘Xpl‘lll‘ill‘lh ' _~ .\ rolrpon in r-voi-y pm-kngo entitling! LlrH lmhlor lo l‘Il-L-r' Vr-torirmry A(l\il‘t‘. For snlo I". .l. l’li’l‘lilt'K & SON. The Livi- (is-nornl Agoer (if liirhlrrulrtl lliil. Satisfaction (lnzrrrurioml W H F W! so N llGUSELPAlNTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL ,.,__.. . Mn"â€" UV E RY C CA L. W 00 D Coal and \Vood Delivered. Prices tht. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTlON. Th1 eshcr-s' Coal on hand. Michael Eros. Ifiir'hxnond [-lill June 11. 1905 RICEI'M'OND HILL ++++++++++MM-i-MéH-Mww Paints Mixed Paints Robertson’s Paints Unequalled ior «:«t-s++w-r«s-:~+++++ ~ o .9. e Purity 2 hnrahilriy There is nothing as good and nothing could l)t‘ better. “Imperial measure at. same price as others." Our-stm-k of oils. paints, vnr~ nishcs,whiting, zinc white. gl‘uos, putty. alabustiu stainsâ€"lull, and priCe-s right. ii. A. Stilton Richmond liill +++$++++H++++++¢++++ i'd'dul'd' ++++ifi++++++++++ ++++++++duf + +++++++++++'i‘+++++++'§'+§'++++ +4‘-9-+~i-++'Â¥'4‘ d‘é‘dul"?++$++++++++++++++H+ a. +~r~â€":~-:-~:~~z~~:«:-+.:«:«:»:«x~+ Maurie-err:- FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4TH. In deciding to get a business education or shorthand training, it is wise to choose a school that is Well-known for strictly high- gl'ildt’\\'01'l-Z. THE +++J+++++r~z~ + ++++++++++ fumes? / ,l ' “I! 5' TOROKT‘J. CRT. is \\'(‘ll known its one of the best commercial schools in existence. Its record this year has been most l'r‘mnr‘koblc. None of our graduates are out of positions and the demand for [horn is about twentytimostluwupply. \Vritc today for our magnificent cata- loguc. +4.4..g..{..;.++."? i l l W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste.) «we-+4.+.:-++++-M-++++++++++++ , ____.. l'++'i'++‘l' 3++++++++ '3' .z-W ‘ " stipatlon. ) 3 “w.” ._ 4â€".-â€"

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