W Elite gamma. Mr. \Vrn. Sheppard. manager at the Metropolitan \Varting Room. has been fur r.i<hed v. iilr oncol' thr- Underwriters File l‘ixtingirisliers which is placed in the freight roorn. ~ . . -_- tlv" . V _ .RICHA‘HTD HIM" 031‘" ARE“ "0‘ 19'") Get a 5 cent box of Lax-e15 at our sime please. \Ve think they are lio'eat. Just ted. the {"N‘tLlthillle. randy-like Laxative 'l‘alvletsfort-oustipation. sour stonrnrh. l:ili'oï¬snes:.b.rrl breath. unid- r-lv complexion. “tr. Risk 5 cents and see. \\k A. Sander-sou. IJ()(3:&]1..‘. . Dr. .‘\rrderson. dentist. will not visit lii"‘lrrrirr:irl llill next \ls’r’dIIC-sdily. 1‘1 beini,r Exhibition week. Miss F. M. Bl‘l‘\\'n. who has spent her \‘zrraLir-rr with her sister here, ,lv'zn'r's Saturday 'to resume duties as _. . ateachvr in the llrrrit.s\ille l’ltblic A child abort: two years of age. iSrhool. A special illustrated number belonging.’ to Mr. Fletcher Thompson of the town paper refers to the pupil- of Oak Ridges. got. part. of a-pezinut. in l why of the teachers. and “Klaus that its throat a few days ago, and (lied unsolicited by the te'U‘lrii‘s‘ every member of the staff had his and her it" you tell us how to serve youE batter we shall obey the hint. Atkin~ son (Q Switzer. shortly afterwards. e - r «w e Sula: v substantially raised. The Our best :I(l\‘t'1‘l.iSl'tIH'lil;“ are. never ' :tttit‘le coneiudes as follows: “The printed. they are worn by our i good record made by the Huntsville customers. Selim-Lspmrks volumes tor the teach- Atkinson and {Switzeiu ling staff. and merits it nothing el-a- has. the liberal treatment. accorded : them by the Board. (ll'IT lli'ZA DY FOR SCHth L. The High and Public Hrlrools will re- :(vpeli here next ’l‘uesday. the Alth of iSr-ptvrnber. 'l'ea‘clwrs and pupils will ll‘ind the rooms considerably brighter i than they left them the end of June. The. eorriinittee of management has had the interior of the High School calcirnined. and the necessary paint.- ing done. At, the Public School the old windows with small panes of glass facing Yonge street have been replac- ed by new sash with large panes, some calcinrinirrg has been done, and new doors hung at 'tll-ie front. Mr. \V. Hewison has been busy this week put- ting on the finishing touches. the body of the building being painted cream, with brown tiinnnings. NORTH TORONTO A raid of the North Toronto hotels (“(lry" because, of local option) was earr ied out. Tuesday by Chief of Police Morris. LiCense Inspector Donald McKenzie and provincial ofï¬cers. At Ouleott‘s a liirrited quantity of liquor was found in different rooms, and Mr. Robinson. the hotel occupant. claims that the liquors belong.' to boarders. Hmvever. the officers maintain that sufï¬cient evidence was found to secure conviction. At the Davisville Hotel the ofï¬cers confiscated 12 dozen bottles of ale, which were locked in the police cell utrtii (:olirt’. opens. After the Davisville I'trllll(l~llp the three of‘livers Went to Bedford Park and paid the hostelr-y there a visrt but found noth- irrg.â€"\\'orld. THE LATE MRS. O'BRIEN Sarah Isabella. widow of the late D. Mr. \Vrilter Eyer- of this. village. has been appointed bailrlf for the Third llii'isiolr (lulll‘l. in the County of York in the mom and stead of Mr. John Michael, resigned. Miss Jennie Lackit'. aged 33 years. (lied at her father's borne, l‘llgin Mills, early 'l‘uesdrry morning. The funeral will lerr‘.‘e the. llolisr: for 'l‘hoi'trhill cemetery this morning ('l‘hui'sthfrg) at it o‘clock. “'u are pleased to be able to say that the report in last \\eek‘s paper- that Mr. Jacob Rearnau's barn was burned, was an error. There Was a ‘. miniature ï¬re in the neighborhood of \\‘('Ulr(fi)l'(l, but no particular damage done. 11' your Stomach is Weak. N your Fmflid (llisfresses you. If you are \\ieak and Nervous. l'se llr. Shoop’s Restorative one month and see what. it does for you. Sold by \\'. A. Sanderson. The Brink Connnittec purchased about sixty dollars worth of books for the Public Library from a representa- '\'e of the Methodist. Book Room t. Friday. It. will be several Weeks, ever, before the books art“ cata- logu al and placed on the shelves. L'n il the close of the Canadian Natir-hprl exhibition a night car will leave tthe C. 1’. R. crossing. North Toronto. for Newnrarket and inter- veiiiirgl_}irrirrts every evening at 11.3(1. 0n the‘Schonrbeig and Aurora ltail- Wary night. trips will be run courier-ting L with the 11.220 pan. cars from North \Toronto from Monday, Sept. 3 to ‘zl‘hrirsday. Sept. 6 inclusive. . .._._ ‘ Those are inaction prices without the 5 the funeral Mr. Matthew Mr-Nair has disposed' of a house and lot on Lucas street to a. ‘. gin-Ly in Toronto, recently from 1 riglrrnd. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer attendr-d of the late Mrs. A. I5. Snowdon in Aurora yesterday after-- "00“. Mrs. \Varren Hewison lel't yesterday fora visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John \\"illiunrs. at Jackson's Point. Mr. .I. P. Naughton. clerk in a general store at Stylionrberg. is spending a week's holidays at his home at Elgiu Mills. Mr. Car-l Snider of the Union Trust Company. Rochester. N.\'.. is spend- ing his vacation \\ith Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopper. Mr. and Mrs, .1. \V. Foi‘han and' little daughter Mabel spent Friday and Friday night. at Mr. G. \Viley's and Mr. C. G. Berry‘s. Mr. and Mrs. llnrry Sim-ks and child spent Sunday at the I’lll'sulltlgt'. leaving Monday for their home in Chicago. Mrs. Geo. (lowie and little Son returned yesterday from a \isit. with relatives in Scotland. extending a little over three months. Mr. W. 0. Bruce. returned from Eastern Ontar in to continue his: studies at Medical College. is visiting his brother. Rev. A. P. Brace. Mr. Frank Reid of Toronto and his sister Mrs. \Voodrutf of \\"ashington spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Hewis‘on and Mr. and Mrs. lirnrre. Mrs. Alex. Moodie and Miss Bel-l Moodie have lscone to Meatfor'd to spend a couple, of weeks with Mrs. \Vin. Glover a. sister of Mrs. Moodic. Little MiSs Irenc Sheppard. daughter of Mr. Frank Sheppard. Toronto. is making a visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. \Vnr. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. A. \Var-d of Miehigair Valley. Kansas. U. S. x\.. accompan- ied by Mrs. George Yanhorn, Dollar. spent. \‘Vednesday afternoon with Miss Lei-4i. Mr. \Va‘lte‘r Frisby who obtained at senior teacher‘s certiï¬cate at the recent examinations here has gone to Hamilton to take a. course at the Ontario Normal College. Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Hutchinson. of Michigan. who have just returned from a tour through Europe spent ovr-r Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. Loosernoro and son spent a few days at Lakeport. Nor~ thunrberland County. Mr. Joosernore auction :â€"â€"Mti'cunachies best imported Herrings round tins 10c. ; Davies 2 lb. tin Pork and Beans in Tomato Sauce 10c. tin. Atkinson & Switzer. The residents of Aurora were shockâ€" ed on Monday by the sudden death of Mrs. A. B. Sirowden. She was 34 'years of age arid appeared to be in good health the day before her death. Besides her husband, deceased leaves four small children. She was the sec- «rid daughter of Richard \Veils, of Toâ€" ronto, formerly of Aurora. The fu- neral yesterday was conducted by Rev. L. H. Kirkby. Pink Lips Like \‘elvnt. Rough. (’liapped or Cracked Lips can be made a 5 soft as velvet. by applying a light coating of Dr. Slroop’s Green Salve. it. takes out completely the soreness of arts, bruises and all slain abrasions. So d by \\'. A. Sanderson Bl: ‘thewood Guelder Rose. the. hand- some bNH’Vll blood inure belonging to Lord Rothclrild brought, out; from ling]: rid along with King Edward‘s liorsr .s for exhibition in Toronto broke loos 5 Monday night, wandered about the likable until sht- found a .fed box, and , rvcr feed herself. The iriaie .whicl‘r was valued at $5.000, died tho next evening. The animal was in- srn'cd. j. SUD DEN DEATH Ernest. Bowes. son of A. B. Bowes of Concord. died Thursday. The young man was taken ill on the previous Sunday with spinal menin- gitis. but. although Dr. Gavan of To- ronto was brought to consult with the local physicran nothing could be done to save him. Deceased was in his 213i. year. The funeral took place from the residence to Thornhill cemetery on Saturday at 2 o’clock. \Vith prices like? these it; will pay to anticipate the future. Fine WhiLe semi porcelain scallops with gold line siza 36 ‘Bowl 10c. Atkinson & Switzer. X COUNTY MODEL SCHOOLS \. The York County model schools at 't‘ororito, Toronto Junction and New- fnarket will open on Tuesday. Sept. 4. ‘andidates for teachers’ certificates who wish to attend should send their applications to the secretary. R. \V. Moan. Toronto, at once. The county board will meet. on Aug. BU to assign candidates to the diï¬â€˜erent schools. Blank forms of application may be obtained from any of the city or county school inspectors. DIED AT NINETY YEARS Edward Stevenson a resident of Aurora for over 60 years, died‘zrt his home in that town last. l‘ridriy. Deceased was born in Ireland in 1319, and came with his araerrts to this country three years a terwaids. Mr. Stevenson was a prominent member 0f the methodist. church to which body he had belonged for 71 years. The surviving children are Mr. Parker Stevenson of Morwood; Mrs. Benj. Lloyd. Toronto; and Mrs. Janie Ire- dale of Davenport. He also leaves one step-daughter. Miss Ida. M. Clark. and sprig6 inch 15.; 7 inch 206., and - C. O’Brien. died at. the residence of her Sun. J. l). O‘Brien, Toronto. on Friday last. 24th inst. The call was sudden. Mrs. O’Brien having" sat with the family at the tea table the even- ing before. her death. Interment took place in the Richmond Hill cemetery will spend the balance of his holidays at Lindsay. Mr. \Vm. E. Smith. Principal of Rose Ave. school. Toronto; Mrs. Smith and Miss Smith made a visit with Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Savage the latter part of the week. on Monday. Children and grand- . children attended. as well as other Mr. R. Michael and his mother. Mrs- relatives and friends from a. distance. Deceased was born in thin place on the l()-‘.h of August, 1825. and was con- sequently a little over 81 years olrl at the lltll‘ of her death. She was a daughter of the late Col. David Til‘ltlg‘ ford, and resided the. greater part. of \Vallace Michael. \vent, to the city Saturday to spend afew days with Mrs t-Iinch'ley. daughter- of Mrs. Michael“ This is Robert's ï¬rst-trip awav from home since his attack of typhoid. M r. M rs. A. E. _______. WWW - and McLean and . -- - -‘ ,- , ‘ U little daughtersâ€"lleleu and Aliceâ€"- liilrfrriiiialrltl-lhShiilzliiid (llifl‘uilzls‘lltft‘lld. inâ€? Wluwml t“ Ulinlwl‘“ ilfterspend' lwmwtd “fwhmuul ,md .mhwwwds mg the S<‘ltn()l holidays with Mrs..B. , . - 53'" '1." " .' .‘ ‘ , I McDonald. ’I‘hev were aceornpanud l†mm†“‘â€â€œâ€˜"’ “1Ԡ03â€â€ “3'†homebv Miss()liarlotteMcDonald. Collector of (‘rrstorrrs Mrs. O’Brien - Was esteemed and respected by all who knew her. She was an interest- ing coinersrrtionist arid lad a vivid recollection of many of the details of the rebellion of 1837. The. funeral ceremony on Monday was conducted by Rev. Mr. Mow‘bray of Toronto. Rev. A. II. Brace, of Pctei‘bor-ough. father of Rev. A. 1’. Brace. who preached in the, Methodist; church Sunday evening was ealled suddenly home Monday to take the service at a Mr. Brace I't'llll'llI-‘(l yester- day and he and MrsBrare will remain a few days before going to Gr-iirrsbv Park to complete their holidays. ‘firneral. DEATHS LAt‘KlEâ€"At Elgiir Mills, early Tires- 7 (lay morning. August 2.5, Jennie Lackie. daughter of Edward Lackie, aged 36 year s. 0 In’terrnraw in the R. Cemetery. r _ r a I i' : Thor-obiâ€, this (Thursday) morning at. ‘ s ; {Lott-lock: . P :1 E. at Auction. Miss Laura limos is visiting with, ' relatives near Thornbrrr-y. l 3 At any rate, YOU seem to be Miss Edna Bryans, Toronto, has ‘- getting rid of it on auction-sale been a guest of the Misses Clark. ' principles: “going, going’.i . tit: Etr‘irrrirttt: this: res-es“ Stop ,the of weeks. wrih Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It _-; certainly checks falling hair; j week. ; 2 no mistake about this. It acts f. ' as a regular medicine; makes . y. the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it’s nature’s way. i The best kind of a testimonialâ€" “ Sold for over sixty years." Mr. A. S. Savage of Aylmer. visited r ‘ with his father. Mr. P. G. Savage, this Mr. Isaac Crosby attended the fun- eral of an uncle. Mr. James Holmes, in Meaford. on Monday. Mr. A. ll. Irnies and son Lorrie of Port Elgin are spending a few days . here with relatives. . Mrs. (Di-.l A. M. (‘lark of Dirnuville r i spent last Thursday with My. ‘53., b, .2 magi: £c-Mer0oun::fan.m. " McMahon and Iarnilv. ‘ mm, mm!†. ' a v . - SARSAPARILLA. . Mr. and Mrs. hnrprr ngham ot . ‘ in Plus. 1; ‘ .Ridgetown Spent a couple pf days enemy “ML. 1 i with Mr. and Mrs. John limpirngharu. ‘ "- _ "m Mkï¬muwm a a ; Miss Lena Ransom spent part of her- __ _ __,_ ,,;,~ 7,, l holidays with her aunt. Mrs. Hollings- i head, at Kirrghorn, and returned Sun~ day. i a " 1 Mr. C. H. Ellstorr. hook-keeps" m" $1.80 iii AWAHGE' i i Rice Lewis 8; 00., Toronto called on 1 friends here. last Thursday. 1 > __ ï¬ï¬‚iwr‘ 7 7‘ 3 Mrs. James Hill of this place and 1 Mrs. \Vrn. Hill of Buffalo, are visiting ‘- relatives at Everett. 1 Miss Minnie Furlong of \Virrona is i 'visiting with her sister, Mrs. John. lnnes. r Rev. A. P. Bruce’s subject next Sun- day morning will be “Abraham Called and Captured." t i PENNYROYAL VVAFERS. ' Aspeclflc monthly medicine for ladies ‘ " to realm-e and reg lzuc It"! mamas: producing (gee, hbrulthy and palmâ€: lschargu. 0 ac es «1' pans on up »' ‘groach Now and by ovaraomoiudrm 1 nae flied will use again. Invraomte. urns orgun Buy or your drugglst only than: with our signature uro- uoeot‘hbcL Avoid substituted. Sealed Inn mod 20 Stamp. wager I EUREKA 1 AL - mum Wont». ... l BARGAINS Beckett you to our store Our aim is to please not only on the price but in the quality, where real value lies. It we make mistakes, tell us of them,- we will make it right. \Ve want you to feel satisï¬ed wrtlr purchases made here. Ability to provide for the masses is the test of any store. You can ï¬nd our store bristling all over with values. Our policy is to have almost everything the people are apt to want and yet sell nothing but what is worthy. Groceries Prints .. t _ . . , Ci-rrm's best prints . . . . . . . . 12.1.0. yd. )) \ l I ( l ' . u ' Hut-3:. mile. Best. Canadian prints . . . . . . 10c. yd. 20 lbs. best Rcdpath fruit sugar for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......$l.00 Rerlpath or St. Lawrence extra e granulated sugar in bags ..$4.~10 ' Fras -r River salmon Monarch brand Heavy 36 inch Special . . . . . . 10c. yd. in -‘_; 11021015 I ~ . r - - ~ - - . - - ~ - 140- tin Heavy 36 inch dark .. . . . . . 110. yd. Pirtferl rice . . . . . . . 100. pkg. Real Loch Lomond shirtings.150.yd. Shredded \Vheat. f f illipliigs. for 25¢. Apitem . .......100. pkg. Fine semi-porcelain handled cups and saucers. gold line and leaf .. .. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850. per doz. 7 inch platessame as above..90c.doz. Fruit jars. imperial pints. .580. doz. “ “ wine quarts . . . .60c. doz. imperial quar'Elelc. doz. Towelling Heavy 18 inch linen crash. .100. yd. Heavy 18 inch linen crash with border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c. yd. Specials Best 200 yd. spools. Coats. .45c. doz. Maple Leaf brand spools . .350. doz. u u ATKENSOMSWITZER GENERAL STORE YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL a? airmail-tilt Hardware Store Hot Weather Remedies W'e can guarantee you a great heat reduc- tion if you possess one of our easy-running and reliable churns or washing machines. Screen doors and window screens keep the ï¬les out and let the breeze in when bought here. A few coal oil stoves left which we will give you at cost price. Hardware, Graniteware and Tinsmithing. The best ‘â€" a MMMW - ~. g Eureka! B‘ly Killer Eureka! The surest %%%MMMMM ï¬tziritlurtl giant: of (lliriizizlri Maple (In connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce.) Business transacted daily between 10 and 4. Savings Bank Department. Money advanced on sale notes. ll. H. LQQSEiiiERE. int.