Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Aug 1906, p. 6

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..u. a little heap of mustard and cress in the centre of the salad. with a whole red capsicum upon it. Arrange the sardines round. and outside these a border of mustard and crass. dotted here and there with thin slices of red capsicum. Salmon Salad.â€"One quart of cooked salmon, two heads or lettuce. two table- spoonfuls 0! lemon juice. one of vine- gar. two of capers, one teaspoontul or salt, one-third of a teuspoontul of pep. per. a cuptul of umyonnaise dressing or the French dressing. Break up the salmon with two silver forks. Add to it the salt. pepper, vinegar, and 1e. mon juice. Put in the ice chest (r some other cold place for two or three hours. Prepare the lettuce as directed [or lobster salad. At serving time pick ant leaves enough to border Ihn .li<h Sardine Saladâ€"Allow three sardines for each person; bone and fillet these, carefully removing all the skins. and set them aside uan required. Boil two eggs [or three minutes. shell them. and break them up in your salad bowl with a spoon; mix with them a teaspoontul each of French mustard and essence of anchovies, the. strained oil from the tin oi sardines with as much oil as will make three leaspooiifuls in all; add chili, shallot. and good malt vinegar to taste. Cut up some nice crisp lettuce and mix it well with the dressing, but‘ only just. before it is to be served. Putt Herring Saladâ€"Heat through by turn- ing on the Move three well smoked herring, then tear orfthe heads and pull the skin away, split, take out. the back- bones, and cut up into small bits, or to shred them is better. Put in a salad bowl, add one small chopped onion, two hard boiled, chopped eggs, and one boiled potato; cut line with a teaspoon- !ul oi chopped partlzley; season with a teaspoonful ol salt, one of pepper. three tablespoont‘uls of vinegar, and two of oil. Mix 'well. and. it you have it, de- corate with a boiled beet. Sardine Saladâ€"Allow three sardines [or each person: bone and fillet these. carefully removing all the skins. and set them aside uan required. Boil two eggs [or throw minutm. shell them. and 1111 01‘ cracker dust, and set aside until this coating siiffens. A half hour will be long enough. Broil on a small gridiron over a clean fire, turning often, that the kidneys may not burn. Be sure they are thoroughly done. Serve very hot. Barbecued Kidneysâ€"Cut the kidneys into thick slices. Melt ’a little butter, and stir into it a salt-spoonful of mus- tard and a dash of lemon juice. Dip each slice of kidney in this. roll in cracker dust, and set aside until this cooling stiffens. A half hour will be long enough. Broil on a small .an'dimn Rice Soume.â€"To one-half cupful of cold boiled rice add one cupful of warm milk. one tablespooan of melted but- ter. one leasponful of salt and a dash ol pepper: mix well and add lhree well- beaten eggs. Heat a tablespoonful of butter in a frying pan‘ and, when hot, pour in the mixture. and set the pan in a hot oven. When it is thoroughly cooked, fold it double, tum out on a hot dish, and serve at once. An Egg Rouflle.'â€"Scald a cup of milk, putting in a, tiny pinch of soda. Beat the yolks of six eggs until light and creamy. and the whites until stiff enough to stand alone. Add one-half tablespoon- tul of salt, a dash of pepper‘ and one rounded tablespoonlul of butter to the milk. and stir it into the yolks; then beat in the whites very quickly. Pour into a deep. buttered pudding dish. and take in a moderate oven ten minutes or to a delicate brown. Serve immediately in the bake dish. Canned Meatâ€"When cooking a kettle 0! heel, put up a can of it for some day when company comes unexpectedly. and the meat supply is short. Cook until done, and can like anything else in Ma- son jars. Remove bones and pour the boiling liquor, which must have boiled down until it is nearly all gelatine and fat. over the meat. in can. Be sure all air bubbles are out and seal hot. Can chicken in the same way when the market is down. You will find it as nice as freshly cooked when you open. and all you need to do is to reheat and thicken the gravy. Potato Souffleâ€"Toke two CuprIS of cold mashed spoonfuls of melted but- ter, heating to a white cream before ad- ding anything else. Then put with this two eggs whipped very light, and a tea- cupful of cream or milk. snlting to taste. Beat all well. pour into deep dish. and bake in a quick oven until it. is nicely browned. If properly mixed, it will come out of the oven light. putty, and delectable. Old-Fashioned Brown Beily.â€"Two cups of chopped-up apples. one cup of breadcrumbs. a couple of tablespoon- iuls of butter. Put a layer of apples over the bottom of a pudding dish. one you can bake and serve in, and sprinkle sugar and then buuer, either melted or in the (labs, and cinnamon or nutmeg; then sprinkle breadcrumbs, and con- tinue until you wind up with a layer of crumbs. Bake for three-quarters of an hour and brown. grated; one cup brown sugar, one cup of powdered snot. a pinch of salt, one cup of cleaned currents, one and a half cups of raisins. one and n he.“ cups 0! flour, one teaspoonrul of soda and a dash of spice. Steam from three to four hours. SELECTED RECIPES. Prepared Figs.â€"To one pint of figs out small add one cuplul of water. two slices of lemon, 8 pinch of cinnamon and clove. Let simmer until the water is absorbed. then take out, the lemon. This fig preserve is good with rice. corn starch, or sago. Carrot Pudaing.â€"One cup of grated raw potatoes, one cup of raw carrots, About the House 1pon it. Arrange the sardines d oulside these a border of 1d crass. dotted here and there slices of red capsicum. enough the 1m FISH SALADS with the dressing, but it is to be served. Put mustard and cm in salad. with a whole red lo box ainch spoonful of pep- 'onnaisc dressing g. Break up the 21' forks. Add to the ers or by mail at The Dr. Williams' ville, Ont. The summer months are an anxious time for mothers because they are the most dangerous months of the year for young children. Stomach and bowel troubles come quickfy during the hot weather and almost before the mother realizes that there is danger the little one may be beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets will prevent summer complaints if given occasionally, because they keep the stomach and bowels free from of tending matter. And the Tablets will cure these troubles if they come sud- denly. You may save your child‘s life by keeping a box of Baby's Own Tab- lets on hand to give promptly. Mrs. Frank Moore, Vorthfield. N. S.. says:â€" "I do not know any medicine that can equal Baby's Own Tablets for curing. stomach and bowel troubles. 1 31-3 ways keep them on hand in case of emergency." Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- [tan joctJn view, some cooks always put a jar full of hot water in the oven with the meat to prevent the surface of the latter drying up. True roasting consists of cooking by actual fire heat in front of an open fire. This. however, is an extravagant method. and is very little used with us. Baking is roasting by hot air, and well managed. produces very good re- sults. But a careless cool: or an ineffi- cient one will never bake meat satis- factorily. To begin with. “out of sight being out of mind' with her, she is al- most certain to forget the basting, and. as a result, the meat will be dry, over- cooked, and flavorless. She will be blissfully unconscious that ovens require periodic and-thorough cleansing.- and she is. in consequence. astonished when her meat comes out pale and greasy. and reeking of all the fat, etc.. that has been spilt since she first. began to use it. and which revenges itself by first tainting the heated air of the oven, and afterward the meat. As a rule, the air or the average oven is too dry for roast- ing. so that when this method of cooking meat. is chosen. means should be taken to obviate this dryness. With this ob- The selection of an ice chest is a very important matter, and one calling [or careful consideration. It must not be larger than is needed. for that entails a waste of ice. It must. not be too small because then things are put togethcx,‘ that should be kept apart. Butter and milk. for instance, should never be put. near fruit, vegetables, nor fish. as they absorb odors in an almost incredible way. Taking it for granted that a re- frigerator just the right size has been selected, the question arises how to take the best care of it. Supposing we have the ideal northeast kitchen. a good. clear yellow will be found the best color fog the walls. Never use paper on kitchen ‘ walls, or even kalsomine. Oil paint is the only proper wall covering and that should be finish- eo with a coat of enamel so that it will resist the frequent washings it will re ceive. Whether a kitchen sink be of iron, enamel or stone, it should stand on four legs with its drain pipes ex- posed to full View. The dangers arising from a badly kept sink cannot be exag~ gerated nor can any degree of care it avoiding them be considered extreme. The waste pipe from a kitchen sink should have boiling water and ammonia or washing soda poured down it each day. At least once a week it should be treated to a dose of a good disinfectant such as chloride of lime. This old‘ standby is inexpensive and quite as good as many other highâ€"priced arti- cles. Put a large teacupful of chloride cf lime into two quarts of hot water. This solution is good not only for drain pipes but also for keeping your garbage pails fresh. I The ideal exposure {or a kitchen is northeast â€" that is, it should be at the northeast corner of the house. This position gives one light without heat. Artists demand north lights in their studios and a good cook is an artist in her own line and should have all the help that light and location can give her. Even if one is about to build, it is not always possible to have a northeast kitchen, but one should make a great effort to secure a north room and ‘a cor- ner room. it possible. and arrange these in the centre of a flat dish. On them heap the salmon light- ly and cover with the dressing. Now Sprinkle on the capers. Arrange the whole leaves at the base. and. it you choose. lay one-fourth of a thin slice of lemon on each leaf. Lobster Saladâ€"Put a. large lobster over the fire in boiling water slightly salted; boil rapidly for about twenty minutes; when done it will be at a bright red color and should be remov- ed. as, it boiled too long. it will’be tough; when cold. crack the claws after first disjoining. twist off the head, which is used in garnishing; split the body in two lengthwise; pick out the meat in bits not too fine. saving the cor- al separate; out up a large head of let tuce slightly and place on a dish. over which lay the lobster. putting the cor- al around the outside. For dressing, lake the yolks of three eggs, beat well, add four tablespoons salad oil. dropping it in slowly, beating all the time; then add a little salt, cayenne pepper. half teaspoon mixed mustard, and two table spoons vinegar. Pour this over the tub- ster just before sending to table. BAKING AND ROASTING g pie be m MOTHER'S ANXIETY THE KITCHEN. or u but ‘I :If one may accept the statuary of Mesopotamia as a sale guide to the fashions of these early Oriental times it. would appear that the Assyrian beard was worn in long ringlets. That may, however, be no more than an evidence of the limitations of the art of the ancient sculptor. who could not carve hair positively unless he made it look like rope. It seems hardly conceimble that Nebuchadnezzar and Assurbanipal would submit to a fashion that, involved putting their heads up in curl papers every night. No modern race goes conspicuously and completely unshm‘n except the black fellows of the Australian bush. Among the peoples of the earth who shave wholly or in part the utensils of Their great rivals for the empire of the ancient world the Assyrians, were abundantly supplied with beards. That they held them in high esteem may he inferred from the fact that they curved them on the emgies of their sacred bulls and other gods of long forgotten theo- logy. The Pharaohs and their captains seem to have grown a few straggling hairs on the chin. At any rate they wore richly ornamented boxes to cover the beards which they may or may not have been able to grow. So long as nothing showed hut the'benrd box gum- med upon the chin. any one might wear the ceremonial and symbolic box, even it he could not raise a board to fill it. ne The race that peopled the valley of the Nile when Egypt was the home at all the world‘s enlightenment shaved so completely that one might infer that they had adopted the billiard ball as the type of beauty, for from the point of the chin to the nape of the neck not a hair was spared. Here, though. crops out Being Mongolian, a Chinese razor is naturally like no other razor in the world. It. looks like a split five cent piece mounted on a stick; but, the Chi- nese find it extremely effective, and that must _serve as a complete test of its efficiency. Another stool; whose beard is late and scanty provides employment for a large guild of barbers in shaving high. This is seen in the blue rim which encircles the roots of any Chinaman‘s queue. Despite attempts at long intervals to make hair on the face a fashion, prac- tically all the world shaves. The most consistent advocates of the cleanly shaven face are the Indians of America. Nature has helped them out at the be- ginning. for hair upon their tacw ap- pears only late in life and then very sparsely. For this man it is not so diil‘icult and painful as it might seem to follow the Indian custom of pulling out each hair as soon as it reaches a length that will permit it to be gripped. )ap The soap is dragged off with little ve- gard to the feelings of the sufferer; the question is never put: “Does ihis,ra7.or pull ?" When the barber has gone his round from ear tb ear the patient takes his bowl and washes up for himself. When the sharp suds sting his cheeks le rests content. for he has had a. shave that he can feel. on. Then he uses his raz-or to excavate this cement of stiffening soap, moisten- ing it only when it is FOUND TOO HARD T6 \V’ORK. Nor does the difference cease here. The peasant barber of Europe regards lather as merely an ornate incident. He wets his patrons cheeks and smears them with good hard soap, well rubbed )I There are no joke weeklies to while away the time of waiting; there are no chairs with complicated gear to raise and lower the patient, to swing him round into the light at his most artistic angle. to tilt him back to a monotonous View of the ceiling. Inslead the sufferer is planted bolt upright in a straight- backed chair. and throughout the opera- tion his is the sole responsibility it holding a. basin of water at his throat, and if he spills the suds down upon the front of his shirt the blame is his alone. These barber basins of the Peninsula are always made or brass. Some of the old ones are very fairly hammered, but in all the shape is the same, a, product of public utility answering to unvary- ing demand. _A half circle is cut out from one rim large enough to accommodate the patron's gullet and Adam‘s apple. Seen in profile the effect of a man being shaved L5 as a St. John the Baptist whose head has partly slid off the charger. Thus is it adapted to the lonsorial methods in vogue in Spain, and with but slight variations practised in all of vil- lage Europe. Any traveller in Spain who steps off the beaten path may. like Don Quixow. find a Mambrino helmet for himself. for it swings from a stall over the door of every wayside barber. An old and worn out basin does for a signboard; one less old is necessary to the shaver‘s art. SHAVE“; YOU CAN FEEL IN VILLAGES OI" SPAIN. Shells. Minerals and Gra5ses Used in Shavingâ€"Delicate Singeing in Africa. THE WORLD'S BARBERING and s] ivancin‘ V to sec )r the most part l‘HE SAVAGE SHAVES DR\' 11 of the native trims alou THE MILITARY EXCEPTION juicm of 11 1V r in part igh ,callin ing brush ivilization his ease. 1 th' che‘ race I unsho Auslra eoples th' cheel trails or goes conspicuoust .rn except the black alian bush. ; of the earth who )art the utensils of are the L lrium sybarit wa ler vary. umph 'l'llli Another mineral of great value to the primitive folk who shave themselves is the obsidian or volcanic glass. By care- ful treatment this may be split into al- most any desired shape and its edges ct fracture are found very keen, though quick to lOSe their cutting edge. Even the herb of the soil as well as the sea and the rocks yields its razor, than which there could be none better. This is the rind of the bamboo. which owes its fine polish to the deposit of flint. When ‘the joint partitions are cut off from a node of green bamboo the tube may readily be split. Each slivcr‘ will be found to carry a thin sheet of the flint casing. a sheet so thin that its edge will still appear sharp under a high power of microscope. It is sharper than any razor of steel can be \vhcttcdâ€"so sharp that it must be used with great care to avoid cutting deep into the skin. It will hold its edge for any'operation of shaving and there is no need to save it for a second time, since the bamboo grows wild all over the tropics and a new razor may be had without cost of labor whenever wanted. In his primitive estate savage man seems to possess all the necessaries at the barber shop except the lather brush and the shop, neither 0! which he has learned to need, and therefore does not [111$ them. There are few able-bodied Holland. A tract of public laining 5.000 acres, is dividn model farms, to one of which The most widely found of these mineral razors is the flint. In inland regions. where sea razors are not easily come at. there may be found a )r Another pelagic razor widely em- ployed is the tooth of the shark. While this also has a sharp edge, it differs from the keenness of the shells. They present a true cutting edge so long as it lasts. The small tooth of the shark keeps its heavily enamelled edge much longer, but it is of the saw type and therefore by no means of smooth action. To prepare it for use all that is needed is to press the edge of the shell from the inner side steadily and evenly with a chip; this splits off a sheet of the tough purplish green outer rind and leaves a clean edge of shell that is sharp enough for comfortable shaving and firm enough to keep the edge at least during the operation. While this razor shell is confined to the North American coast, lhere are mollusks of similar utility in every sea. and while not much of a clam for frit- ter purposes, it will serve excellently well on a pinch for a razor. It abounds on the beaches of the northern Atlantic coast, but. it is not altogether easy to dig up even when the little spout of water in the sand betrays its presence, for it takes the promptest alarm and can dig itself out of sight far more quickly than any man can dig it into view. The shell is in two valves, each about half an‘ inch wide and some six inches long. the shallower one being preferable for shaving. A plate of iron an inch in width, three inches long and a quarter of an inch thick is mounted in a handle of horn. This is brought to a white heat in the charcoal furnace and is passed evenly over the face very close to the skin. This glowing plate produces a close shave effect with a luxury of comtort L0 the most tender skin that no razor yet forged could bring about. For shore dwellers the opportunities which several mollusks afford have not. been lost upon the barbers. One such shell has been commonly designath Many and various me the substitutes for the razor of steel. In the uplands of Africa, where the natives have de- veloped no little skill as workers in metal and produce knives of good tem- per, they seem not to have hit upon the idea of true shaving by the use of a cutting edge. Their abundant boards are mmoved and their chops kept smooth by singeing. CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA once and you will never return to the adulterated teas of Japan. 40c. 5m; 60¢ per lb. At All Grown: MINERAL SU BSTITL'TES PAUPERS IN HOLLAND Try THE RAZOR CLAM. 3 one ublic )Il um and ‘ it or not. ture. an \l l a UNLI. 40c. 50c. 60¢ per lb. At All 6mm: HIGHEST AWARD ST. mus. 19M. ll 1th paupers in land, con- :d into six the person the sent subs Jl “When the time came to leave the office that afternoon I ventured to ask a fellow clerk, who had been a witness to the scene. what it meant. ‘Is that clerk,’ I inquired, ‘subject to attacks cf that kind?’ “The clerk questioned smiled indul- gently. ‘0h.’ he explained, ‘there was nothing the matter with him. You see. one o! the castors had come off his chair. The department will not replace castorsâ€"it repairs nothing less serious than a broken leg and now he will no able to get, the castor put 20!! again.” getting another chair. calmly resumed his work just as if nothing had occurred. "Shortly after entering upon the dis- charge of my duties,” said the official, “I witnessed a scene in the division to which I had been assigned that aston- ished me to a degree. One day an elderly clerk whose desk was near mine suddenly rose from his seat, dragged his chair to a fireplace. and. seizing a poker, attacked the offending piece of furniture with what appeared to be maniacal fury. When he had broken a leg of the chair his passion seemed to be exhausted. He flung the damaged chair into a corner of the room and The following story, illustrative at the red tape that used to prevail in cer- tain departments of the Federal Govern- ment at Washington, is told by an official who began his service there in the humble capacity of a clerk :â€" Red Tape and Ingenuity in Federal Department at Washingion. of the table and half the length of it. a basin and ewer to wash‘ then a green carpet laid on, then one cup of beer set. on the carpet. then a little long lawn serviter, platted over the corner of the table, and a glass of hot. water set down "also on the table; then be there three boys to say grace; the first. the thanks- giving, the second, the paternoster; the third, a prayer for a blessing of God's Church. The good man of the house, his parents, kinstolk and the whole company they then do drink hot. waters. so at, supper. then to bed, the collation which (is) a stoupe of ale." ' SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronla. 7 0t If you need flesh and strength use summer as in winter. Disease takes no summer vacation. Scott‘s Emulsion An account of hospitality in 1629 gives a good idea of the manner in which a country gentleman ot the period lived. says the Scottish Review. Din- ner andsupperwere brought in by the servants with their has on, a custom which is corroborated by Fynes Mory- son, who says that, being at a knight‘s house, who had many servants to at- tend him, they brought. in the meals with their heads covured with blue raps. After washing their hands in a lwnsin they sat/down to dinner, and Sir James Pringle said grace. The viands seemed to have been plentiful and ex- cellent, “big pottage, long kale, bowe. or white kale. which is cabbage; ‘breoh sopps,’ powdered beef. roast and boil- ed mutton, a venison pie in form of an egg, goose." Then they had cheese, cut and uncut, and apples. But the close of the feast was the most curious thing about it. The table cloth was removed, and on it were put. a “towel the whole breadth Curious Customs ol the Table in Those Times. THE WAY OF LIGHTNING SCOTCH HOSPITALITY sac. and ’lso; all druggisu [IE Scnd for {rec sample. say whether a flash at L from a cloud to the the opposite direction." l’l‘ FIXED. Ontario» IN 1629.

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