Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Aug 1906, p. 7

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' "That. spendthrift nephew of mine,“ said the doctor, “is so good for nothing that sométimes I am tempted to open lite on his skull with an anger to see if I can find out what is the matter with him." “Don’t do that,” advised the profes- sor. “Use 11 silver instrument on him. Cut, him of! with a shilling.” “l declare." exclaimed‘a talkative youth in a. smoking room one day, “I believe I have forgotten all I ever knew!” "Sorry to hear it,” growled a feroci- ous old individual. “However. you can put in an how" some day learning it all over again." mJunuus ulcuuuax- ur any form of adulteration. _ Sunfight n Sunlight Soap is pure soap, scientifically made. Every step in its manur Facture is watched by an expert chemisL Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap cor'uains no injurious chemicals. Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto Soap THE PROFESSOR HOPE YET. I54 Smith: “Do you think that seeing is believing?" Mrs. Smut}: “N0, 1 see some people every day I could never be- lieve." “Dear friends," began a speaker at a meeting the other night, “I call you ‘dear friends’; I won’t call you ladies and gentlemen because, you see, I know you all so well.” “What are you cryin little boy?" ' “Boohool Pa fell dov “Don’t take on so, m; better soon.” “Sister saw him [all all the never saw nufienl Boohoo!” They are a Powerful Nervine.â€"â€"Dysâ€" pepsin causes derangement of the nerv- ous system, and nervous dehility once engendered is dill‘icult to deal with. There are many testimonials as to the efficacy of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills in treating this disorder, showing that they never fail to produce good results. By giving proper tone to the digestive organs, they restore equilibrium to the nerve centres. II on are out of sorts got, a. bottle at 'Ferrnvim' the est tonic, and you will be surprised how quickly that (ix-ed feeling will wear ofl‘. 81.00 bottles. All dealcrx in medicine The following doubtful compliment IS a fragment from a love-letterzâ€"“Howl wish, my darling Adelaide, my engage- ments would permit me to leave town and come and see you! It would be like visiting some old ruin, hallowed by time and fraught with a thousand re- collections.” ~ Sunlight Soap is better than other loapl, but in best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. It. has been said with a great deal ot truth that you can newer become really acquainted with a man until you have supped with him, and in order to enâ€" sure a pleasant, time good tea must be used. During the past sixteen years “SALADA” has’become a familiar word to every newspaper reader. and the fact that. the demand is steadily increasing requires no comment; it tells its own story “SALADA” is king. The delici- ous flavor of “SALADA” Tea is due largely to the care used in the, cultiva- tion and preparation and to the fact that it is packed in sealed lead pack- ages which prevent it coming in con- tact‘with articles that would attect its flavor. which are well removed from thc or the structure. This dock is enough to float several warships "Papa," said the darling daughter (.f the hou-ehold, “how did you propose marriage to mnmma?" “Don’t ask me." marriage to mnmma?” “Don’t ask mo.’ answered the old man. “I can’t remem- ber a thing'about it. Go and ask your mother. She managed the whole affair." A Cure for Rheumatismâ€"The inlrii- sion of uric acid into the blood vessels is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This ii'regmlni‘ity.»is owing to a derang- ed and unhealthy condition of the liver. Anyone subject to this painful affection will find a remedy in Parmelee’s Vege- table Pills. Their nction upon the kid- neys is pronounced and most beneficial and by restoring healthy action, they correct impurities in the blood. The new War Office in Whitehall, London, is one of the most wonderful buildings in'the world. It looks impos- ing enough to scare any enemy of Bri- tain who may chance to see it. Some idea of its size may be gathered from the fact that 25,000,000 of ordinary bricks, 1500,000 glazed bricks, 26.000 tons of Portland stone, 1,600 tons of lead, 3.500 tons of steel, and 35.000 cubic yards of concrete were used in its conslruclion. It conlains 600 rooms, 2}; miles of corridors, 9 miles of chimney flues. 100 miles of piping. and 1.700 windows. In order to ensure dryness. “Is he to be trusted?” “What with?" “Anything of value?" “Nailed down?” “N0.” “Then he isn’t.‘ ‘d0( entire TO GOVERN TOMMY ATKINS A SMALL BOYS TEARS PLEASANT MOMI‘L 'TS. UNFAVOBABLE REPLY. its 5129 may be gathered I] :L that 25,000,000 of ordin 1,500,000 glazed bricks, 26 Portland slone, 1,600 tons miles of piping. and 1.700 In order to ensure dryness. building is set in a concrele it. deep, the inner walls of well removed from the walls ‘n fell downstairs on so, my pet. my poor He’ll way ‘arge ence. 1110 m strongly ioriii round and sr in heigle will The monuslerg churches. \vh with statues < stones. Upon surrounding it huge guns, Crimean War British White At. Solovelsk, ment of Archan able monaslery aslery o! Solove side by a wall 0 measure near!) cross is parhculariy v afflicted with skill in onions, radishes, and l celery and rhubarb are Onions are one of the f in the world and :11 those poor, unlucky from insomnia. Physlcsl Pain and mental anguish afflict. the victims a! skin diseases. Get rid of both by rub- bing Wei-vet‘s Cerate on the heated, itching, dis- figured face. The reliuf given is among the wonders of medicine ICS Yes. you your wife forget that. There is nothing ( Graves’ Worm Extermj mg worms. No artic] given such satifaction Time Has Tested lt.â€"Time tests all things. that which is worthy lives; that which is inimical to man‘s welfare per- ishes. Time has proved Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. From a few thousand bot- tles in the early days of its manufacture the demand has risen so that now the production is running into the hundreds of thousands ‘of bottles. What is so eagerly sought for must be good. Office Boyâ€"“There's a gentleman here with n bill.’ The Old Manâ€"“Tell him to call again." “\\‘ith a bill you got ugin him. that he wants to pay.” “Ah! Show the gentleman in.” “Do you think that, if woman is ‘the weaker vessel” you might call an old maid a derelict?” “Why? Because she’s deserted?” “Well, noâ€"because she isn‘t manned!" Sold by all Dragging and General Store: and by mail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM It acts promptly, 7W ' ' painlesst and thor- M I O n on hly. It. is a very ' relgmble cure for Ivy Poisoning, Bails, Ulcers, and all store‘s dgficrrlt to heal. If your dealer has not gut It._ It Will be Sent express prepaid for 35¢ small 511.0, and 50c large size. Name your nearest, express office and P.0. 9L SURES Theyvare cheaper now than they will ever be. The first crop should pay for the land and increase its value four-fold. Special Reduced Railway Rates. Write for illustrated folder. Climate the finest in Canada. Cattle graze all winter, and fatten on prairie hay. Sell the richest in the Northwest. - Will grow, without irrigation, Winter Wheat, Oats, Barley, Sugar Beets, Alfalfa, and almost anything that grows in other parts of Canada. With irrigation a crop never fails. 1f the best Ontario farms could be irrigated, they would double their present average yield, and could be cropped ten yearslonger without running out: Ready for the plough. Convenient to Railway and Post Ofiice, Market and Schools. Mission Ointment & Chemical (10.. Toronto, Canada. ARCH DALE WILSON, mmm‘ox, ONT. A BUSHEL OF FLIES \VONDERFUL MONASTERY Selling Agents 216 CORISTINE BUILDING MONTREAL 7 fortified. and square U. with wa mastery con 5. which furnishes uils and Teifer 3. Osgood NATURE (Calgary District) may earns A DEFINITION. nothing equal and are unlucky ox: K, in the' Russian Govern- mgel. is the most, remark- y in the world. The mon- vetsk is enclosed on every of granite boulders, which 'ly a mile in circumfer- tonastery itself is very led. being supported by luare towers about 30 tt. 1; walls 20ft. in thickness. 1 consists in reality of six ich are completer filled at all kinds and precious the walls and the towers iese churches are mounted which in the time of the were directed against the hing equal to Mother xterminator for destroy- al’ticle of its kind has s the very best. of Lon- l vegetables. Water- rly valuable it one is n irritations. Spring and lettuce, dandelion, 'b are all beauty foods. draw the salary, but half the money; don’t Squadron S TON ICS Wilson' 5 ONE PACKET HAS ACTUALLY KILLED fi ne st nerve Ionics very good for Les who suffer of many years' standing have been readily cured by Mrs. ‘Mulligan; “An’ what did his ’onnei' say to you this morning?" Mrs. Mulcahy : “Can’t you and your husband live together without fighting?" Mrs. Mulligan: “An’ what did yer say?” Mrs. Mulcahy: “No, yer ‘nnuer, not happily." All de Limited, ASTGNISHED THE DOCTOR "l was afraid to draw my breath, it ~ pained me so. I was nervous, short of breath, had dizziness, Mrs. Robert Eaton loss of appetite, smolhering and sinking spells, and I could not sleep. “Somelimcs I would have to lie down to keep from falling. My hands and tool. would seem to go to sleep and a sort of numbness would come all over me. "I began usng Dr. Leonhardl’s Anti- Pill. From the start 1 improved. I feel much stronger, look better, and allo- gelhei‘ Anti-Pill has made a new woman 0! me. l'hpician Said She at Any K $34,000â€"FOR INVESTMENTâ€" Block of new solid bric houses, under five years‘ lease to pay over 10 per cent. net: most cen' trally situated on quiet residential street. As owner has other houses und:r construction these are offered at a bargain. All that glitters can’t be measured by the golden rule. Holloway’s Corn Cure is the medicine to remove all kinds of cows and warts, and only costs the small sum of twenty- five cents. AUTUMUBELE FR SALE MOHIIBUI, OUR. OHM, 0N mmnm, 0m; lonuon. 0m. wmmneu. Ian. liluncouverM ll Colborno at 69 Dundna It. 76 Lombard so. 616 Pendar It. 321-3 W Craig 89,. 423 Sussex st. Proof Water, "Ind, Fire Storm “OSHAWA” Steel Shingles FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF- We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheen, Con EAVESTROUGH. Etc. METAL SIDING. In imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 22000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and {rersamples 0! “OSHA Write today. am __.., ~.v. mq a... vators. Churches, etc. Any handy man canulay the "0§HX§§/A" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest Ccompany o! the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel. at prices va‘ per hundred square feet covering measure. This is tiringy on the market, and is an idea] covering for BC vators. Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the hammer and snips are the only fools required. THE ale Ave., Rosedaie, Toronto . FRANK WIlSON, Owner, 13 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Fifty Horse Power “ THOMAS ” Motor Car, in perfect condition, cost $5.000. Very low price takes it. Address, entirely cured." 11ers or Hm \\'i]< Niagara Falls. On THE! PEDLAR PEOPLE Write your Nearest 0fl|co.â€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, Ont Than an Investment in Toronto Real Estate. “The Doctor told me I had heart dis- ease and was liable to drop on the street at [any lime." says Mrs. Robert Eaton,cf Dufferin, Ont. Might Drop Dead Time. ESSELL M'EEL ROLLER TELEPHONE MAIN 15. TELEPHONE MAIN 15‘ Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P‘B. a 0.13.1). Strong soil, 90per cent. plough land. spring crei. no slough; About 40 miles NE. 0! Indian Head. Price $l0.$0 per acre. Write for map and fnll particulars. In Western Banag’ia R. PARSONS. 9| Wellcsley Street. Toronto. Clnfldl. g measure. This is the most durable cov- ideul covering forNHogses. Barns. Stores, Ble- frensnmples of “05HAWA” Shingles. With Three Drums and Strong. Rigid Frame. mun improvements aim: Heavy Steel Axle. hick. Heavy Steel Platcwnrums Rivetted up no stand any strain, Roller Bearings. Buns like a bird. Full particulzss free bg mail or ask your dealer. None genuine wit out tile name " BISSELL.” For Sade by Agents. Eilfionibrfiéi Sénd post card for' ten cent pack- age free. Write quick. Spencer Company. Barrie, Ont. T. E. BISSELL, Dept L, ELGBA. ONT EN AND WOMEN everywhere, housekeep- e_rs buy mgr a‘ud Dyer again, now used ' On exhibition in the new Implement and Process of Manufacture building at Toronto Fair, also on exhibition at Ottawa. Fair in the implement building. Full particulars free. Send your address to Superfiuous Hair can be removed from the fang. arms and neck in Two Mmutes, and yowth forever destroyed by PILATON Perfectly harmless. Sent by mail. sealed, on receipt of price, $1.00. AGENTS WANTED. The LnnerMeidjrcine C Montreal, Que. Md [Med Bull- would look butter :1 ad. I! no "or! I! guru In your Lowu, wnLc direct onueul. Box Isl , at priqgs varying from $2.85 to $5.10 BRITISH AMERIOAN DYEINO 00. ‘ Lot: 25x125 Feet for $100 Forty yun no you null In" boa-(h! lot. i- Dcnnr {or 51” n which now mud “on: which bring “3.000 3 year nu. Dav" bu I pawl-Pint of 300.”. I. {in y‘lfl flu will rd :1“ LIN-million nuL Oriim nu'dnu Im- in dinricu My m»- Ind bring (nu: 5750 to $2.000 ads. WI ARI LAYING OUT A NEW ADDITION THES! lu- a" bud «o J-H: u uh: bulli- Hun; {- n}, .- Duns Washington Heights YOUR OVERGOATS THE CENTURY LOAN AND TRUST CO. no..." Idling n: u u Dav-.Cobnlu llyuhwmborlligbun.vviuu Th “dun And not! «'[Lfly wish: i- Dmtr. (uni-Lin a print View ol Pih‘a Pnk And flu My Mount-EM ‘or I diuuux f 73 nib. Ovnlodiu,Wnbi-x¢ton Put. A- ida] apt. long sheets. Conductor Pipe and la'a'l‘li NO. 35â€"06. Mere Safe and Sure 130311.15PERMONTH WANTED gun .i! 5,-1.6... Al. "I H] mi. mud FREE - "Nation. Two cornering sections. select- od lands in Sides All looked Four

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