Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Aug 1906, p. 8

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TH] The Richmond Hill High Schunl will _ I re-upen on .= ' ,' , , ~ : U-W IW Unlu V'vv. uvv. vulv. -v.v.,. A'uIm-é A. 111.120. 8.‘ . 9.20. 0.20. 11.20. P. M. 12.20. 1.20. 2.20, 220, 4.20 520,620,120. 81:99, 10.2o.~ Newmarket (Huron 8%.); Arrive, A.M. 7.40, 8.40, 9.40, 10.40. 11.40. P. M. 12.40, 1.40. 2.40, 3.40. 4.40, mo. 6.40. 7.4-0, 8.40, 10.40. GOING SOUTH. Wednesday and Saturday evenings at. late car leaves 0. P. R. Urnssing for Newmarket and intennediute points at_ll.30 p. m. Lots 34 :md Vaughan. F( Newmavrket ( Huron St“). Leave. A. M. 5.45. 6.45. 145+, 8.45. 9.45. 10.45, 11.45. P. M. 12.45. 1.45, 2.45, 3.45, 4.45. 5.451; 6.45, 8.45. Ricbmbnd Hill A. M. 6.45. 7.45, 9.45. 10.45. 11.45. P. m. 12.45. 2.45. 3.45. 4.45. 5.45. 6.45. 7.45.945. 10.55. 11.55. P. M. l2.5:'),1.55, 2.55,: 4.55. 5.55. 6.55. 7.55. 9.55. 0. P. R. Crossing, Arrive. A. Every~ \Vednesday and Saturday night a late car will lvuvv NewmurkvL Station fm- Toronto and intermediate pOiI/lts at 1().-‘1:')_ p. in: Fee for the coming term. $4.00. Good board can be bad at reasonable rates. Pupils are urged to be present on the day of opening. Part 1., SPumr Leaving work will be taken up. Bond (fiction A. M. 7.05, 8.05, 9.05. 10.05. 11.05. P. M. 12.05. 3.05, 4.06, 57.05.7605. 7.053. {3.05. 10.05. _ _- _. n .\n .A n” " fiékvEAE-kéc'Smtinn A. M.. 6.00.100. 8.00, 1173042100. Pub}: "Ema Luke Junction A. M. 0.30. 7.30. 8.30, 9.30, 10.30. 11.30. P. M. 12.30. 1-30. 230, 330. 4:30. 5:30._6:3“-,7_-§0-9-39- ' fOonuect with Schom‘um'g «3: Aurora Railway. EXTRA SERVICE ON ALL HOLIDAYS. \V. H. MOORE. Manager Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1906 "Khmm A. M. 6.15. 7.15. 8.15. 9.15. 10.15, 11.15. P. M. 12.15, 1.15, 215,315, 4.15. 5.15. Thomhill A. . 6 35. 8. 10.35, 11.35. P. M. 1235.135, 2. 4.35. 5.35, 6.35, 7.35. 9.35. B ‘30. B Richmond Hill A. I. 6.50. 7.. 1 P. I .‘ 3.50. 4.50. 5.50L6.50. 7.50, 9.59. _ M pâ€" N C. P. R. Crossing (Toronto). Leave, â€"A. M. 6.00. 7.00. 8.0013 9.0}. 10.00. 11.00 12.00. P. M. 1.00. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00. 6.00_+,__7.90, 9.00. _- Anni an! nan n0â€" RE -OPE.NING service ouvthe 1 The roprietor of Pleasant View Herd olstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chester White Hogs. Lot 29. lst COIL, Vaughan (Thm‘nhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thoroughbred buy an hog kept fox- Until further notice Mum will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office 3.5 (allows:â€" MORNTNG .... 8 36' EVENING ...... .... MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing Money 0rdars'â€" MORNING .. EVENING ......... .. 6.00 N. B.â€"â€"Registered letters must be handed in :0 least Finest: fliuutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for cloning. Change in Time Table Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3p. 112. 1st,. 9nd and “11 Sunday. Third Shnday at 11 a. m Puebykerian Churchâ€"Borvices at 11 a. m.. and zip. m. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting adneodfly e‘Vening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Service: on alter- nlte Sundays at!) a. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Ch uroh â€"Servioon at 10.80 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Sunda. School 31:2.30. General prayer fleecing Thurs ny. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M -Mee¢a Mon- “V on or before full moon CourtBiehmond. A 0 Fâ€"Meetn Iccond and out]: Friday Ivy Image. A O U wallow) thiri Wednesduy of each month Comp Elam. 8 0 B â€"Meats second and (out): Wednesday. 8 '1‘ of emporium-Meets first Wednesdny of etch month Fire Brigadeâ€"Moots first Monday of every month Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuaaday. and Saturday evenings. Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Monday PLEASANT VIEW FARM Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Thm-nhill A. M. 6.55. 7. Farm to Rent POST OFFICE NOTICE Subscribe for 8.40. 9.40. 1040.11.40. P. M. 12.40 2.10, 3.40, 4.40, 5.40, 6.40, 7.10, 10.40. Beginning July 30th, 1906 GOING NORTH OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.80 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. HIGH SCHOOL Chairman Board of Eduudtinu Village Directory. J. E: ULU BIN E. nd 35 in the 3nd can. of Fun; pmticu f‘npply to - LIBERAL G E0. MCDO‘NA LI). ROBT. SHAW. B. A... renuses. . G. GOODERHAM. Lot 70. 0.1!»; Ridges Proprietor Principal 8.45, 2. SU. 1.45. 9. 35. 3.35. _ [ substantially made and rightly mid. .x l You‘ll et sex-vice and style out of g I ' what we sell you. GEO. MGDONALD, Richmond Hill +++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +4»; +++++++++++++++++++++++ +4}++++++$%+4’4‘6’%+++#¢++++++ ++++++++M++++++++++++%++-2~ ++++++HH+H++++++H+H++ +++++++++++++++++MH+++++ T. B. LUD1+‘()I{D. Proprietor IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and 811065. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. METROPOLITAE GROCERY, UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES hearing . . . . . l . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Standard Vibrating Shuttle. uutnumlic llft, D Colonial " “ “ “ Thv Favorite, baud lift. drop llmd, 5 drawers Best Brands of Canned Goods Starting on Friday, Aug. 24, and lasting only one month at figures as quoted below and these for cash (only). SME 0F Sflilrlfifl WBHWES P. G. SAVAGES Nuw “'illiams Sewing Machine, full cabinet. hall bean u u n u drnP head, 55 u |5 0‘ H 5‘ C(Jvex. mp. E‘ ‘K Standard Rotary Shuttle. full cabinet. ball bearing .. “ “ "' automatic lift. drop head We keep a large stock of Builders’ Hardware, Glass, Putty, etc., of all kinds. Also Shelf Hardware. Paints and Oils of all kinds. Repairs for all kinds of stoves and ranges kept in stock or got to order on short notice. Repairing of all kinds done. Tinsmithing, eto. +++++++++~s~+~§~z-â€":~:»:- -:~+-§-++-;-'r++-:~++-:-+++-z-+++++~z~++~5 Next Door North of Waiting Room. me in oak )mou in L; Shut Lle. co veer top. & San. CANDIES Fresh and Clean. home vane +Â¥+++++++++++++++++++++H+ All of these will be in full opera- Building. The horsewmxr we so}! all over this country stands for us, and we Stand by it. Our attention is given to really There is character in harness. Ev- (‘l'ynne should know how to suk-ct the best. Those who don't know may de~ pend on us. Harness character ety of GOOD HARNESS ). H.,5 drawers “ 7 druwel s drawers, bull ‘lring. bull mmw wmw THE W. BOOTH LUMBER CO. LIMITED 50-3 mus A lady in the village wishes to take in plain sewing. Apyly at “'lu-n in “Pet! [If rough or drPssod lumber. mnuldings, shingles. doors, etc., we can supply your need. v Agents Wanted. ; SLOO a year_ Send 10 cents for1 Sample Copy, y CORRECT ENGLISH, Evansmn, m I Them. Studies in English Literature. atinn. , . Alphabetic list; of Abbreviations. BAI‘K OPEN FROM 10 to 3‘ Business English for the Business Mun. , “"- Cnmpound \VL)l'dS= HOW L0 “Tile Foruthex-particulars callat the Bank v n ‘mrroct English in the Home. Correct English in the School. \tht to say and \Vhat Not to Say. Course in Letter-“1' riting and Punctu- Course in English fur the Beginner. Course in English for the Advanced Pupil. How to increase One‘s Vocabulary. The Art of Conversation. Shuuld and W'ould: How to use them. Pmnunciutious (Century Dictionary). A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVGTED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER. Editor. Square Gear. fvw lmll-ln-nr- ings than any n t. h 01- 111w tzhilw nn 11H? null-km. MP- lnltl- htm‘l is shallmv and w i d (- u n d ume in the! rte-nim- sn Hunt, 33 pvm-y part uf it run hn ons- ily vlu-unvd. Over [25.000 In daily use. Machines plmmd nu week‘s trial from “(13mm G‘Iuglifihâ€" Efinw tn 1151: it.” Easy terms g ,7; INTERESTING in Manitoba' and Saskatchewan $1 $1 Game DATEs.. GOING DATES- SEPT. 5 Stations south 0f. but not including main line, Toronto to Smia. including Toronto. 8!". 7 Main line Toronto to Samia and Stations north, except north of Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. a From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and Kin ton, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and idland Divisions. Ono VIAy second class tlckoto will be sold to WINNIPEO only. Beprossntntive farmers. a luted by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Governments, will meet laborers on arrival at inn! Free transportation will be (mugs in Winnipeg to points where laborers are needed. A certificate is furnished whan each iickatis urchased, and this certificate. when executed by former. showing that laborer has wor ed thirty days or mom, will be honored from that point let I: second class ticket back to startin int in Ontario, at 318-00. Prior to Nov. 30th 1538. E W Tickets will be issued to women as well as to men. but will not be issued at half fare to children. Tickets are good only on special Farm Laborers’ trains. For fullpartigulgrs see nearest CLPJikticget agent, or IE LOTTE SEPARATOR Partiul contents for this Month. NOTICE Sewifig THE LIBERAL OFFICE Trucks & Sull‘lanl'hi“ Ave. North Toronto Taming Machines, Escords and Need! H’Cfl 0H 3 $3856. BTFBhiéi, D’. (31.; c'. P. Rif’l‘ozofi'm. INSTRUCTIVE. Only chine aelf~ha buwl. Ruth." a H with lancing Frem- and UH]- THIGHEST CURRENT BATES. «mm - BURT. On Sunday morning August )2}, hvtwovn church of [Chghuld 2xan Mr. Furey's gate, a. gold stick pin set wit h 4 pearls and dinmnnck. Finder will please have same at. Th0 Next Sitting nf Divxsion lernox No. 3, County of York. will b? mm] in the Court, Room. RICHMOND HILL __ON._ FRIDAY, OCT. 5. Received in Savings’ Bank Depah- ment and interest, allowed at ' Gwen} Banking Business Transacted. SEMBARB BANK Nuiice of withdrawal not traces-,- sm'y. All deposits payable on demand. Money Lonnod on Farmers’ Sale Roms. Blank Note Forms Supplied Free. Antumulin thrnw-ruff of 3w“. F. ed with Imll lwurings. Full (-quip ol' lutvst atxm-hmrntn. Muclmu-s 9d (m triul free. W. C. PETHICK, Agent New Wilh’ams Sewing Machine Capital Rest Silent, Simple. Ensy~Rnnni Strung. RICHMOFD HILL H. H. LOOSEMORE. Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK 01 Can ad a LIBERAL OFFICE RICHMONDHILL. $1,000VOOO 31 $1,000,000/ DEPâ€"Oâ€"SI'I‘S i Lost es Full (-quilnm 35 cents up, $5.00 up. Rm-m-ds from ‘mne and hear Bu“! dis Prices from and cylimlm AGENT. Hg :11 Equip them.

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