â€"\/ \mwm VOL. XXIX. [S Pueiasnnnnvnm THURSDAY MORNIN AI‘ THE USER/IL PRIrlTlleG 3a PUBLISHING HOUSE meadow) Holden. b‘. 310 MAHON. Enrroiz & Pnorninron. G '1‘ . BUSINESS CARDS. “chum. DI’. ‘V. E. DEAN (Successor to Dr. Lavvrason) {{ichtnond Iii“ distal. DR. H. . W. ANDERSON, 13entisst, Cor. Carlton and Yonge Sts . Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill on \Ved; nesday of each week. Ofï¬ce, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Dr. E. J. ‘Vooâ€"ds DE NTIST, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. Ofï¬ce. hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 at. 111.; , â€".\' p. m. Torouto Ofï¬ce, 450 CHURCH ST. Ofï¬ce. Hoursâ€"9.3:) a. m. to 5 p. m. ,5. my JOHNR CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Ehornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDERSDNI VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL O with: and... 0-. - .- -. “[9: Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in ail things, Charity.†+..-...-_. . ,. RICHMOND HILL, ON' ‘., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 6 1906 Email. A G S Iiizidsrydi C (it-l {7‘ ll Lwronco \v Riduut i'v'auswol'th l l Lindsey. Lawr.,r.ce 2. ; W adsworth Home Life Building: (formrrlv Free hold Loan Bldg). (70:. Adclai‘dc 8.: Victoria SIs., Toronto. . . Ham’â€" WILLIAM COOK I BARRISTER, Somerron, NOTARY. ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce, '33 Richmond St. “In-st, \Vesli-y Buildings. Ili«;:lilu(_md Hill Ofï¬ce, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- noun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at. Five Per Cent (5%) ism): graham, Barristers and solicitors. Money to loan on In.an unilehuttel mortga gas at lowest rates Auroraomcsâ€"Removeo to the Old post ofï¬co one door west of the onlmuce to Ontario Ilnnk the Newzunrket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the post under: 'I‘ HEP-BERT LE‘NSoX G S'rV MORGAN 7 - Aurora. Newmnrket ll'l'ulock, Lee, Milliken & Clark Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINiON BANK CHAMBER... S. \V. Corner King & Yongc Streets, TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds to loan at lowest curl-cut rates. Danton, Dunn £1. Boultbee Barristers, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. 13.. TORONTO, Canada. ‘ FRANK Dmc'rox. K. (7. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULOCK BOULTBEF JOHN “7 ALTER McDoNALD Phone Main 311. Mr. McDonald will be at THE LIBER- AL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, on the lst and 3rd Saturday of each month. JAS. NEWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJG‘IN NIIIJLS DI. 'EE1E1?Y. NOTARY PUBLIC. counisaicnnnm run HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. QQl‘l calls by day and night promptly at~ IHHMer OfMal‘Tiage Licenses- tended to. 7....»4 r~ -» .1, ll. PI entice. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Y0 k Goods sold on consignment General sales stoc etc promptly Intendedto at reusonnblo rates Residence Unionvxlle G R Gouldlng, Newton Brookagent for the above J ’1‘ Saigson, Maple Weston Snlgcou a: McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers l'orthe Countyof York. $3.188 itteuded to on shortestnoticennd a rea- sonable rates Patronage solicited D. G. BLOIIGII, Llcens e Auctioneer for the County ol'Yor‘-', re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortest notice and at reuonubemtes. P. 0. address King a 1; MW; Richmond RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC C mimissioner, Conveyancor, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. Hill WIG s Undertakers a: Embalmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. 'YOUR MONEY should be kept in a sale place. Ontario Bank 2 Savings Department i it will be as accessable to you as if carried in your pocket. IT WILL BE SAFELY For you against the time you require it, and IT WILL BE ADDING TO YOUR INCOME fmm {he interest we pay on your balance compounded twice a year. It is withdrawable without notice bearing interest every day it is on deposit. Capital $I,500,ooo.oo Rest S II. A. FIJEUR.Y’,Manager King City Branch. If it is deposited in the KEPT 700,000.00 Phone Muiil‘lf‘lbl , , William Also-Ran-Dolph Hearst ( leprinted with apologies to the mem- ber for South York.) fVVillie runs a supplement which al- ways beats the news; { ‘Villie runs for President, with noth- } iug much to lose:â€" 1 \Villic's always iunning, whether by ‘ icquest or not. “‘hvnevcr there‘s a vacancy, it‘s \Vil- lie-on-the-spot. Fl isky Willie, risky \Villie, feveiish for speed, Prints 8. rapid journal, so that he who runs may read. * “'illie rnns for Governor quite i (‘gulnr of late. \Villie. runs the Government (or tries at any rate.) Willie looks on politics with serious intent, As a sort of annex to his Comic Supâ€" plemeut. “'illie, “'illie. wanton “'illie, can he, will he quit? “'illie‘s always playing tag and yet he‘s never itl “'illie ran for mayor once, but when he realized That he was defeated he was not at all surprised. In this land, which (Willie says) by grafters is accursed. Almost everybody has defeated “'illie Hearst. Dreaming \Villie, Schemng VVilIie, hitting of the pipe: He‘s one type of jnmuulistâ€"‘his Jourâ€" nal‘s mostly type. \Vhou he saw that puddles were the topics of the hour \Villie got a Muck-Rake of a hundred~ donkey power, Started up a geyser, shrilly shrieking all the time: “Don‘t you touch my mud! I‘ve got a scoop on this here slime!" Frantic \Villie, antic. \Villic, always on the jum ), “'illic foun the Muck-Rake slow, and so he bought a pump. Brimstone is to “’illio quite the mild- est of emulsionsâ€" Dowie multipliid by ï¬ts and Lawson in convulsions: Any great calamity that comes the world to curse, Read it in the “Journul“â€"aud you’ll ï¬nd that it is worse. Bumptious Willie, gumptious \Villie, running for a prize. Keeps his circulation brisk by con- stant eXercise. â€"-VVallace Irwin, in Collier’s “leekly. You areas welcome to look as to trade. Atkinson & Switzer. __.__-*. S. S. No. 4, MARKHAM. Report for the month of August:-â€"- Senior IlI., Arith. (max. 100)â€"Mag- ie Baker 94, Elsie Hoovor 85, Rolph Villiams 84, Carrie Williams, 71. Junior 111., Arith. (max. 100)â€"Wes- Iey Hoover 87, Gertie Cosgrove 67, Jimmie Cosgrove and Pearl Hunt (ab- sent). Senior 11., Arith. (max. 90)â€"Isaa.c Niin 52, Mary Finley 36, Reuben Homer 31. Junior II. Dictation (max.50)â€"â€"Ethel Schell 50, Ruth Hoover 48, Elsie Doner 36, Eivie Hunt 46, Fred Cosgrove 40, John McCague 36, Bessie Finle 26, \Villie Hornet 16, Douglas Readab- sent). 1. Class. Aritlrâ€"Gordon Read 90, Wesley Schell 90, George Read 87. Verna Besturd 87, John Bestard 51, Ross Baker 0. Phonic Classâ€"George Finley, Luella Finley, Russell Boynton, Percy Schell, Elmer Horner. No. on roll for month, 33. Average attendance, 26. Present every day: Cnriie VVillinnis, Wesley Hoover, Eva Conner, Fred Cosgrove, Ruth Hoover, George Read, Gordon Read. The following bad no mistakes in. spellin Mary for the month: Elsie Hoover, inley. Lotus L. NICHOLS. Carrmlle’ The following is the school report for August:â€" Class IV,â€"Nita Baker, Laura Prent- ice. Edith Appleton and Lena \Vagner 1 (equal). Kenneth Campbell. Margaret Prentice. Senior 111. - Mary Blake, Mabel Prentice. Junior III.â€"â€"Gussie Prentice, Min- nie Reainan. Senior 11. â€"- Minnie Cook, Aggie Paterson, Byron Appleton, Victoria Hunt, Stanley \Vood. Part II.~May Baker. Senior I.â€".-“abel Line, Gladys Line, Georgie Hunt. Junior 1. â€" Laura Tyndall, Orville Grainger, Edna Bowen, Lillian Cook, Mary Hunt. l M. A. R. BEATTY, Teacher. Mame A number of villagers assembled at ' the. home of Mrs. J. Martin last Fri- day afternoon, and spent a pleasant time. Tea was served on the lawn, after which games were played by the young people. New Side walk is being laid in differ~ . out parts of the village. This is much I Ill’l'(1<‘(l,;l§ the old walk is in a very} bad condition in many places. l The monthly meeting of the \\'omcn’s Inslitute. will be held at the home of Mrs. Gui-row on Thursday aftciuoon of next week. It is expect- ed that Dr. Helen liIacMurchy, of Toronto will be present and address the meeting. g Mrs. J. White, of Lucan is visiting ‘ with relatives in the. village. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce of Gorin- ley, spent Sunday at Mr. A. Lloyd‘s. Mr. E. H. Elliott, of Toronto, who has just, returned from a two-months’ trip to Alberta, spent Monday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Matheson of Newmaiket drove down on Satin-do and remained over Sunday wit friends here. Mr. James B. McLean returned Sat- urday after spending a. few days in \Vesteni Ontario. The choir of St. Paul’s church spent a. pleasant time at the Manse Friday evening. The Maple Branch of the V‘Vest York VVomen’s Institute hold their meet- ings on the second Wednesday of each month. Mrs. James Kirby is presi- dent, and Mrs. \V. T. Cook, secretary- treasurer. The paper for September will be given by Dr. Helen Mac- Mm-chy of ’I‘orouto, on the subject "Patent Medicines.†â€"â€"-00 S EP'I‘EM BER CANADIAN Theie is a variety of interest in the September Canadian Magazine. Erie \Vaters describes in a bright; yet vigorous manner the delights of a day in Venice, the home of the Gondolier, the city of colour. Bonnycastle Dale writes of the maskinonge as he has Seen it in the Rice Lake district. The spawning period was that chosen for investigation and some new facts are recorded. The photographs are unâ€" usual. Archibald MacMcchan gives a. charach sketch of De Mille, the Nova. Sci-Lian humorist and novelist, now almost forgotten, with reproductions of some of his humorous sketches. Norman Patterson describes the " Evolution of a Department Store,†giving a history of its rise and an economic view of its functions. This is profusely illustrated. J. E. B. McCready writes of the almost tragic illness of Sir John Macdonald in 1870. and the events 01 that time. Thorleif Larsen, a young Canadian of Norse descent, has a character sketch of that greatest of Norwegian literary men, Henrik Ibsen. The stories are by M. B. Parent, Emily Rhodes, Mrs. Praed, N. De Bertrand Lugrin and the late Kate VVestlake Yeigh. The depart- ments are packed full. â€"â€"+~ DIED AT THORNHILL Mr. Ed ward Gallanough who retired from business a. few years ago died at the hmne of his mother last Thursday night. Mr. Gallanough had not en- joyed good health for several months past, but of late had been feeling much better. Early last Thursday evening he drove a. friend home, and on returning was seized with a. hemor- rhage. He had lost control of his horse, and was found in an uncon- scious state in the yard leaning over the dashboard of the buggy. A Dr was at once summoned, but he lived only a short time. The funeral from the family residence on Sunday was â€"â€"â€"â€"-ooo- BOOMING BUSINESS Mr. H. C. Bailey merchant at Maplp, i is pleased to announce to his patrons , and friends that his business has almost doubled since he has moved to his new premises known as the Post Ofï¬ce. store. In a neat card he ex- presses his thanks for the patronage accorded him. and intimates that he is in a better position than ever to give extra value for the money left him. He has placed on sale this week 318 pairs of assorted boots, shoes and , slippers at 50 cents a. pair; 490 burs ’ Eclipse soap, 8 bars for 25 cents; and I 120 packages seeded raisins. 4 packages for 25 cents. Highest prices paid for butter and eggs. largely attended. t dc» COUNTERFEIT BILLS Bank of Toronto counterfeit ton- ‘ dollar notes, no. 202, 120 of the issue of June 1, 1892. and signed by J. A. Adams and Gen. Gooderham, areiu circulation in Toronto, and the police say a gang had planned working the Toronto and other fall fairs. It is u ', very dangerous counterfeit having passed the oflicials of at least one clLy hank without detection. The Bank of Toronto management say this is the, , ï¬rst time in 54 years that their ten- dollar’s notes has been imitated. Bv us- ing acid American one-dollar notes a re , being raised to ï¬ve and Canadian one: ' to ten. FALL FAIRS. The dates of exhibitions and full fairs popular in this section so far ar- 1a uged are as follows: Toronto, Aug. 27-Sept. 10. Newmarket, Sept. 18, 19. Mii‘i‘kham. Oct. 3-5. Vestel'n Fair, Oct. 6. Schomberg. Oct. 11â€"12 Blullford. 0C1. 16, 17. \Voodbridge. Oct, 171â€"18 c Specialv30 lbs. brown sugar, pure, and light in color, $1.00. Naughto u Bros. Elgin Mills. i‘ACTS milnAmnf“ 801: Only Do We Get Inspiration From Nature, But Health as Well. For eople who are rundown-and nerv- ous, w o suï¬er from Indigestion or dys- epsla, headache, blllousness. or torpld iver, coated to no with bitter taste In the morning an poor appetite, It be- comes necessary to turn to some tonic or stren thener which will assist Nature and elp them to get on their feet and ut the body into its proper condition. It s becoming more and more up arent that Nature’s most valuable. hen th - giving agents are to be found in forest plants twig wins? t D R V P‘erce at or cars a o, r. . . l . e y y y g to the Inva-lids’ now consulting physicran Hotel and Surgica. Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y., discovered that by scientiï¬cally extracting and combining certain medici- nal principles from native roots, taken from our American forests. he could pro- duce a medicine which was marvelously efï¬cient in curing cases of blood disorder and liver and stomach trouble as well as many other chronic, or lingering all- ments. This concentrated extract of Nature‘s vitality he named "Golden Med- ical Discovery." It puriï¬es the'blood' by utting the stomach and liver into healthy condition, thereby helping the digestion and a$lmilntion of food which feeds the blood. Thereby it cures weak stomach, indigestion torpid liver, or bll- lousness, and kindred derangemcnts. If you have coated tongue, With bitter or bad taste in the morning, frequent headaches, feel weak, easily tired, stitches or pain in side, back gives outeasily and aches, belchin of ï¬ns. constipation, or Irregular bowe s, fee flashesof heat. al- ternating with ‘chilly sensations or kin- dred symptoms, they point to derange- ment 0! our stoma». . iver and kidneys, which t e “Golden Medical Discovery" will correct more speedily and perma- nently than any other known agent. Con- tains no alcohol or hablt-forming drugs. All its ingredients printed in plain Eng. llsh on wrapper. The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make a httle more proï¬t. He gainsnou lose. Accept no sub- stitute for "Golden Medical Discovery.†Constipation causes and aggravates many serious diseases. It is thorou hly cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pel ts. 0nealaxative:two or three arec +¢§§§§¢N+M+NHO+§O§NH AGENT FOR D e cring, Farm Im- plements Any one needing any thing in the line of Drills Cultivators Rollers or Barrows of any kind for fall work would do well to try one of our machines. N. J. Glass RICHMOND HILL P. O. §§¢¢ §§§§§¢§§§§§¢§¢¢+¢60069 I EARLE NEWTON Pianist Inst) urliou in Piano-playing and Theory R-sprL‘se-nlative for Richmond Hill and vii-Eniry of yo ollle Firiue of Heintznmii and Company, Limited. manufactur us of high grade pianos.