\. t '90,000,000 this year from their crops 3 no, wheat, oats, and barley. It is ï¬gu 'ed this way: Wheat, 111813.900 “bust 015, at 05 cents, $62,133,452: oats, 811.551.1580 bushels, at 28 cents, $22.- 30;} 0; barley. 17,135,790 bushels. at 30 cent $5,320,370. Total, $90,393.132. 111011 or ’1 ttttlSTS' l Terrible List of Deaths Brought "About in One Week. )AD S'l'A'iE OF AFFAIRS. A despatcli from St. I’etersburg says: Oflii-ial statistics of the terrorism of last week show that 101 ollicials, gendarmes, police, etc.. were killed. 112 were wound- ed. 2.11 private persons were killed or wounded. 3’1 spirit shops were plunder- ed. private and indivit’lual institutions were robbed of $180,815. and State in« slitutions of 5384.981. There were over one hundrrd and fifty armed attempts to rob hanks. houses, clc. ’ A dospatch from Odessa says: Whole- sale arrests of political suspegts con- tinue. Violent revolutionary leaflets have been placed in circulation. and the public is apprehensive of grave events. A thousand men were added to the po- lice force on \\'edncsday. GRADUAL REFORMS. A dcspatch from St. Petersburg to the London Tribune says the Cabinet has decided to pursue the same course of‘giradual reforms as heretofore. The Ministry of the Interior is working icv- erishly for the reorganization ~i the se- cret police. The Minister intends to call to its aid at large salaries a large number of experienced foreign detec- tires. A .circular has been sent It. all the provincial Governors directing them to inform the peasants that petitions for the reassembling of the former Douma cannot be granted, asthe idea is 0p- posed to the fundamental laws of the empire. 1 l czmrs PERSONAL APPEAL. The‘st. Petersburg correspondent of The London Express telegraphszâ€"“I have just seen a copy of a remarkable personal appeal from the Czar which was issued on Wednesday by the Min- itstrwa the Interior. 11 is addressed to W. ofticials of the empire. including CiV‘l and military Governors and chiefs of ohce. and enjoins on them the nec- essity of standing by the Government. at .ihis crucial moment. The appeal in brief makes no attempt to minimize the critical condition of affairs. It asks all loyal ofiicials to remain at their posts even at the i‘iskxof their lives, to show no sympathy with ‘those who by their wanton disobedience of the laws dis- regard the measures we have taken for their 'welfare, have forfeited all claims to our clemency and are unwortliy'To be termed citizens of our empire.’ " KING EDW’ARD‘S SYMPATI-IY. King Edward has sent the foilowing telegram to the widow of Gen. Min, who was assassinated by a young wo- ineitement to mutiny were hanged. and Illtlt»IOiIIGI‘S’\t\’€I‘e sentenced to prison I Pray you. madam, to accept my sin- cere. condolences." OVI‘I‘ 1.300.01th (1054:1110-3- lt’ln'tiâ€? “'0 admit to the Model school .1) candidates crown lands, which Ciill>l\'l oi 5.000.000 lhhmmg j dessialins. are to be sold under imperia ukase of Aug. 25 to peasants througl the Peasants' Agrarian Bunk. It is stated that Gen Orloff. the com- inander of the repressive expedition to the. Baltic provinces. is to succeed Gen. Skalon as Governorâ€"Gt-ucral of \\'arsaw. iomb- outrages and discoveries of bombs continue to be reported tin-ough- out the country. Despatchcs from the Baltic provinces of Geot-,_.u show that the terrorists have set up their own gm'crnincut. in oppo- sition to the legal authorities. The leaders of a local Socialist revt‘i» lutionary group have been arrested at Warsaw. The society of which they are members has considerable funds . / and supported its own carpentry, bak- ery and locksmith workshops. Gov. Skallon, of Warsaw, \VIYO re- cen’lly was injured by a bani/b thrown by a woman. is about to be replaced by Gen. Oreletf. who suppressed the re- volt in the Baltic provinces. The Governments of Germany, Aus- tria, France. Great Britain, the United States. Italy, Belgium. and Japan have conveyed to Premier Stolypin their con- gratulations upon his escape from the assassins bomb and an expression of their indignation at the outrage. ' Gen. Trepofi is suffering from an illness that precludes him from «taking any part inup'oiitical affairs for the pr }‘ sent. The Town of Mor'dovo has been di- stroyed by ï¬re and 200 of the inhabi- tants are homeless. l i MUTINEERS \VERE SI IOT. A despatch to a London news agency from Irlelsingiors. Finland. announced that nineteen soldiers found guilton participation in the recent mutiny at Sveaborg fortress. were shot there on Friday; that. three civilians convicted of for terms varying from five to ï¬fteen years. BOMB THROW’N AT \VEDDING. A despatch from Usetka says: A bomb was thrown at a wedding proces- sion here on Friday, killing or wound- ing sixteen persons. the perpetrator of the outrage being among those killed. ACTS OF TERRORISM PREDICTED. A despalch from St. Petersburg says: who assassinated General warned her jailors that St. The woman Min has man in the park of Petcrhof Palace: “1 Peters‘nurg is on the eve of a series of am dismayed at the terrible occurrence. 1 acts of terrorism. $90,000,000 FROM CROPS ALONE. ‘ .â€"..._ The Amount Western Farmers Expect to Receive. A despatch from \\-'ini'iipeg says: It is estimated that the. farmers of the .anudian North-West. will receive to this amount is added the re- turn from live. stock. dairy produce. veget bles, etc.. it is safe to say that the it tat will pass $100.000.000. “This is an t. ormous sum of money to do busi- ness with among a comparatively small population. The crop estimates Used were those. compiled by John Aird. of the tLanadiau Bank of Commerce. lie figures the threen provinces will produce 111.513.1100 bush- els of wheat this season. Figures issued by Chief Grain lnspec-t tor David Horn on Friday show that. during the crop year: ending .\ug. 31, 1000. a total of 115.350.0011 bushels of wheat was inspected. compared with 390011.000 the previous year. which is the highest total in the history of \\'.-s- tern Canada, the previous rectird being in the crop year ending .\ug. 31. 1‘11, when 53.700.000 bushels were inspected. 01 last year‘s inspections. >0 per cent. was of contract grade. Other grains iii- spected were: Outs. 0.911.000. and bar- ley. 1.400.000 bushels. _._.“...._. _.. . SHELTER IN 0'I"I‘.\\\'.\ \'.\I.I.Ij\'. I i t Establishment of Large Plant at Ottawa Depends on “'uter Powers. 1 A dosputch from Ottawa says: _\n inquij is now being intuin in'o flit}; it: available water powers and deposit. iron in the Ottawa ultey. and " I‘k't‘dI‘I be as iavi'irable 11:. I: -» ‘ ’ it \viu prntml u lead to the e of :1 large electric :un‘itiiig j capitalists inte'... id in this gr. r are innstlv Canadians. it is ,c '._1 it, ., ,p ‘nlls power on lv.- net 1.1 n" a . . _ :tl' .* I ! medical aid. ‘. binding shot. , were 1..in TRACK. GIVE l'I’ IMMENSE~ Indians in North of New Provinces to Resign 85.000 Square Miles. A despatcn from Ottawa says: The ordrr~in-Com1c:il authorizing a treaty to be made with the Indians in the north‘ ern part of Saskatchewan and Alberta provides for extinguishing the Illditï¬i title to 85.500 square miles. an area at- most equal to that of England. Scotland and Wales. The Indians are to be given reserves of an area equal to one square mile for cacti family of live. They are also to receive the following immediate paymentsrâ€"To each chief. $32: to each head man. 822. and to every other In- dinn of whatever age. $12; yearly pay- inents to be made as (0110\i.'s:~â€"$%25 to each chief. $15 It) ear-h head man. and $5 to every lndiun squaw. and papooSc. Ilalf~breeds are to be scltled with by a grant of scrip for 240 acres each. or $240 in cash. .\1r. .1. A. .l. .\l;'l\'cnnn is the commissioner who will wake the treaty. +__._.. DEATH IN CANNED 111511111135. 'I'wo Nova Scotia Children Died of Poisoning. .\ despzdch from Lawrem'etown. N. S. Two children, aged ’1 and 6 yours. daughters of John Garlic-r. who residus near this~ town. diet _ day. one in the morning and the othrr iii the evening. froui puisnining. the re- sult of outing canned boiled lituebcrrit‘s. and the two other children of the [uniin i::n-r.wlv escaped the same lute. hunt the same cause. by the thuely arrival of The first child to succumb fainted at school. was carried home by says: a c invade and died next morning. . â€"_â€"â€"+' “YO KILLED: 'I'IIRICIC III'IK'I'. » w l"~k.‘“;il[[1'(‘ l“vpl:»ion at a Construction t'amp. .\ 151ml \\'1i§'urn despnh'ii says: ',\n. 'etstr fatal :uu-Zteizt (kelp-an m “H 12;. 3-1 'I'ruiik l‘ac f annuity-n.7,†mum at li'ininis‘ ii in. or. 'l'utx._hn_~, p, “1.3, i, S l‘e'msoii. foreman for 112,105 mum†and an Italian 1 ' um: not» phi-MI“). .'.«*.l by the prowl. Tllf‘t‘k‘: iI'..i‘I' . 1‘eter;:.ut's b-‘i-lv was horâ€" riixly mutilated. suddenly 'l‘tmrs-j ‘.'e exl‘doiiuig oi :i‘ tutorcrs SHORTAGE 0F TEACIIF. 13. Government Adopts Amendment Remedy the Situation. to A Toronto despatch says; In How of the scarcity of public school teachers“ and the probability that it will become. 51111 greater during the first sessum of; the new Normal School system. which will go into Operation in SOPWIIIL‘P'R, 1907. the. [Education Department hast authorized the followng modifications of the existing regulations in regard to Model schools and the Public school teachers’ certificates :â€" A county Jo'nd of Examiners may unior Iteuclu-rs' Ct‘l'ilIICHIt‘S who twill be 11-1 years of age on or before the reopening of the. rural Public schools' for the second half of 1907. and 12) can- didates who will he. is years of age on‘ or before Sept. 1. 1900. mid who have failed at the junior teachers' examina- tion, but whose marks warrant the county board in presuming that. after ,fnrthcr study. they will be able to pass {the junior teachers examination of ‘1907. ' ‘ The professional certificates shall not he issued in either of the above cases until the. candidates comply with the present legal requirements as to age and nonâ€"professimial standing. MM SIX LOSE LIVES IN \VRECK. A Vessel Goes to News North of Set- , kirk. Manitoba. A dcspatch from Winnipeg says: Six people perished when the steamer Prin- cess. owned by Capt. William Robin- son. of Selkirk. and plying on Lake‘ Winnipeg, went to pieces early on Sun- day morning near Swampy Island, 150 miles north of Selkirk. The drowned are: li‘lora McDonald, stewardess; .toba Johnson; stewardess; Loftus Good- manson. passenger, all of Selkirk, l\tan.; Charlie Greyeycs, St. Peters. Man. deckliand; .loc Johannson, pas- senger. Poplar Point. The Princess. which was south bound from Poplar Point to Selkirk with a cargo of fish, encountered one of the worst. storms in the history of the lake, and about three o‘clock Sunday morn- ing began to leak. The water gained so fast on the pumps that the fires were put out, and when the boat lurched. the smoke stack came ‘crashing down through the hold, splitting her open. Sixteen people escaped from the wreck in boats. The Stil'ViV‘OI‘S were picked up on Monday by the steamer City of Sci- present: kirk on Swampy island reef and brought on to Selkirk, arriving at that place to- night. __._.+__.. CAUGHT BY BALLOON ANCHOR. Woman “tail-led 500 Feet Above [leads 4 of Spectators. from Kingston, N. Y., a balloon and whirled 500 feet in the air over the heads of 5,000 spectators, Mrs. Roper, of Br’ooklyn. was seriously, but not fatal- ly. injured on Wednesday at the Ulster A (iespatch says: Caught by the anchor of County Fair at Ellenville. Maggie Daley, of Middletown. who has been making daily ascensions at the fair grounds in a balloon. had just enterc‘l the car. and was about to give the orâ€" der to ca<t off when the balloon br'iko loose and sailed upwards with the. anchor trailing. Before the. l.v:,.'.'inilers could scatter the anchor flux: caught in Mrs. Roper's dress and she was whipped up into the air scrcanp 1,). The weight of the anchor rope caused the balloon to tip over, and Miss Daley. looking out of the car to ascertain the cause of the trouble, caught sight .1 her involuntary :fellow voyager swinging far below at the end of the rope, and at once pulled the safety cord. The I‘l'il' loan. which by that time said reached an altitude of 500 feet. quickly descend- ed, and reached the ground a quarter of a mile from the point '1‘ ascensi .n. Mrs. Roper struck the ground heavily, amt when picked up was found to be un- conscious. and to have sustained frac- titres of the shoulder, ankle and sev- eral lingers. -â€"â€"â€"â€"+ A'i'Txtiiuaii 'l‘IIE 'i‘t‘nxknv. Desperate Attempt to Escape me A despatrh from Port Arthur says: Mike lirovnni. who is awaiting trial on, the charge of murdering another ltaliun' on Good Friday last, together with thin ! “gods, serving six months for obtain- ing money under false pretences. made .1 desperate attempt to escape from jail on 'i'uesday. 'i‘liey knocked 'l‘urnkey JUII-‘s' down when he entered the day' room. ‘and were just swnring the keys when Geo. Slater. another prisoncrt awaiting trial for murder. interfered amt gave the nlurni. Erovani and Woods sawed Iib,‘ bar.» of their cells and nearly secured their liberty less than a month ago. .Iiilli‘s was badly beaten by the I‘tltliuns before he was I‘L'SL’UL'LI. .â€"__â€"-.+~.. “AS (II'TTING CELL BUIS. Churlebois Makes Another Attempt to: lisrape from Kingston. Port Arthur .lail. I ‘ favorably. t .\ Kingston dfsgii‘deh s ys; The! 'l:1IIiI,IuI\‘I'. (itiurlebois, who ('\-‘.'ii'n':l from, the penitentiary so 2;! n'nilhs n.4,): ‘aml was captured r _\l:.iioryh,,\r“. ‘~1‘L‘"{‘i'iil_\‘ made anally r capo il“'t" cumin. were found in his purses-ion. '1 .J tfh‘ liar.- r-i'ii . i .. .il.i‘11111t it; 1". 7‘ t iiiit. .i" \‘. i.“ "3 ._'j" .vlt-t w" t Ur'i when .i.~;o CANADA‘S TRADE “'I'I‘II BRITAIN. {:in Increase in Butler, But Cheese Is Stationary . A (it"‘liiiit.il from Ottawa says: Re- turn-t just publinhert of tiunudu‘s foreign [mile for the your ending June :10. [9013, show that imports of tiunudiun cheese, to the British market totalled 211877.077 lbs" of u valui- nf 321300.003. this is, almost. the same quantity as fmnd its way to the Ulitbul Kingdom in 100.5. but the. better prices premiling in 1001‘) showed an increase in the value of this trade, amounting to The total of 32.904100 lbs. of (Tana- ‘ Nitâ€"111111111110 . BREADSTL’FI’S. Toronto. Sept. 4.â€"Flourï¬Ontario â€"- For export 110 per cent. patents are of- fereil at $2.75, buyers‘ hugs. outside. in ear to’s. Munitnba-$l.40 for tirst put {‘Hls. $21.90 for second patents. and $3.80 for bukers‘. ‘ bunâ€"$11.50 to $15 in bulk, outside; «Works $13 to $11). dian butter, valued at $11.3thth found its way to Britain last. year, which re- an increase of 2,914.321'1bs., and an increase in value of $1.2113.004. t'lunudian bacon to the amount. of 98.173.212 lbs. valued at. 20115030111, found its way to the British market, as Compared with 110705.157 lbs.. worth $121908â€, in the year 1905. Canadian wheat exports to‘ the Motherland in 1900 were 30.027.092 bushels, as com- pared with 113280.407 bushels iii the previous 12 months. A total of 13,503.781 lbs. of canned meats, valued at $1.3108s‘0, were mar- keted in Britain. compared with 38.100,- 631 lbs., valued at. .270 in 1905. One hundred and 51). )-six thousand two hundred and seventy-eight cattle, valued at. (911.070.0135, were exported to the Motherland last year, which about equaled the trade of 1905. Sales, of Canadian eggs in England in 1906 totalled 2.088.977 dozen, valued at $448,463. as compared with 3.352.485 dozen in 1905, of a value of $060,010. .____.+_____. \VINTER CROPS, 1906. Co-operativc Experiments in Ontario Agriculture. Material for any one of the ï¬ve ex- periments here mentioned will be sent free to any Ontario farmer applying for it. if he will conduct an experiment: with great care and report the results after harvest next year. The seed will be sent. out in the order in which appli- cations arc received as long as the sup- ply lasts. 1.-â€"Testing liairy Vetches and Winter Rye as fodder CI'OpS, 2 plots. 2,â€"Testing three Vflt‘leIiES of Winter Wheat, 3 plots. 3.â€"'1‘esting live Fertilizers with Win- ter Wheat. 6 plots. 4~.â€"â€"'l‘esling Autumn and Spring Ap- plications of Nitrate of Soda, and Com- mon Salt with Winter Wheat. 5 plots. 5,â€"Testing two varieties of Winter Rye for grain production, 2 plots. The exact size of each plot is to be one rod wide by two rods long. The mater- ial for either of the first two experiments or for N0 5 experiment will be forward- ed by mail, and for cacti of the-other two by express. Each person wishing‘ to conduct one of these experiments should apply as soon as possible, men- tioning which test he desires, and the material, with and the blank form on which to report, will be furnished free of cost until the supply of experimental material is ex- hausted. â€"â€" .1. Buchanan, Agricultural College. Guelph, Ont. .___.__+_.â€"_â€"~ A IIEROIC LIFE-SA VER. C. P. It. Fireman W. Fitzgerald Resiiccs Another Man From Drowning. A Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., despatch says: W. Fitzgerald, the C. P. R. fireman, has performed his second life-saving act of the season by rescuing Fireman Thomas You of the 500. on \\’cdnesday. Van was swimming" across the river at. Al- goma Mills and became exhausted. Fitz- gerald swam to his assistance and was clasped around the neck by the drown- ing man, but he succeeded in bringing him ashore. A couple of weeks ago Fitzgerald jumped 25 feet from a bridge and'saved a man named Jones. who had taken cramps. A collection is be. ing taken up to present. him with a gold watch. 1 .._..__¢._._â€" SL'FFERED LITTLE DAMAGE. Most of the \Vestern‘IIai-vcst Iias Been Gathered. A Winnipeg despatch says; The latest crop report issued by the (3.13.11, indicates that from 50 to 7.3 per cent. of the crop has been cut in most localities. while in others it has been entirely finished, and threshing is progressing Little or no damage has been done to the crops through hail or other causes. thus proving a t't‘tt'il'd- breaking year in this respect. The yield in north-western Manitoba seems- 10 pg .particularly good. awruging from 20 to ‘22 bushels an acre, while in the southern part of the province the, grain is turning but slightly better than in prom-,1†vears. Rain is reported in some mm of the province. but/nut sullicirnt to- damage the crop to any extent. .\tr'.<t of the wheat already thin-shed graded ,\'o. 1 Northern. and exptrts say that fully 75 per cent. of the remaining Ctuj) Wm grade the some. r+.__.. “it; ORDI-Zi‘. I70“ I’Ltfld'a. :(falgury \Iilliiig1~t‘.<1hipuii_v Ships 'I‘ncnty "housuud Sacks to 0,30,“. The 1...}. |.'«'l.'i!f'li'l‘ d \ t‘izz'c'ii‘)‘ ‘0)»: win: in 1.,“ have It "minist. (,1 3 11.4.1115 ‘..'n t, . 321‘: .\‘o. instructions for testing . if il-uir ever S‘IlI' .::ii and 1.1.00 spans, \\'ln‘ulw(1111:1111)er 2 white, 706; fir-d. 1111c, outside. \\twat-Manitoba â€"~ No. 1 northern. 0 ~v Tngc. at lake ports. Outsâ€"New, 30m, outside; old. 33140 to 3’10, outside. Barleyâ€"No. 2, 470; No. 3 extra, 440;, N0. 3. 42c, outside. Ryo~50c, outside. Peasâ€"68c, outside. Cornâ€"American No. 2 yellow, steady: 53,160 to 59c, Toronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butterâ€"â€"The market continues firm in tone. with receipts light. ’ Cream-11v prints . . . . . . . . . . . . 211010 251: xdo solids . . . . . 22cto 230' do pails 18cto2tlc do tubs .... . . . . . . '1Scto20c. Inferior . . . . . . 17010 186 Cheeseâ€"Unchanged at 13c for large and 13% for twins. Eggsâ€"16140 to 170 per dozen. Potatoesâ€"(ch to 750 per bushel loads. . Balcd Hayâ€"$9.50 for No. 1 timothy and $8 for No. 2, in car lots on track here. Harvesting limits offerings. Baled Strawâ€"$5.50 to $6 per ton for car 1015 on track here. ' to: ,_.__ MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Sept. 4.â€"â€"There was but lit- tic inquire for wheat from over the cable. No change in the condition of the oat market. Oatsâ€"N0. 2 white, 38C; No. 3 whit: 37c; No. 4. 300 per bushel, ex stor . Flourâ€"Manitoba spring wheat, $4.60 to $4.70; strong bakers, $3.90 to $4.20; winter wheat patents, $4.25 to $4.35; straight rollers, $3.00 to $1.10: in bags, $1.85 to $1.90; extras, $1.60 to $1.70. Millteedâ€"Manitoba bran, in bags, $1.- 21}; shorts. $21; Ontario bran, in bags, $17.50 to $18; shorts, $21; milled mou- itle, $21 to 825; straight grain, $28 to $29 per ton; rolled oats, per bag. $2.10 to Hayâ€"No. 1, $10.50; No. 2, $9.50; clover, mixed, $8.50; pure clover, $7.50 per ton, in car lots. BUFFALO GRAIN I\'IARKETS._ Buffalo. Sept. 4.â€"â€"Flour firm. Wheat, spring unsettled: No. 1 northern, 83c; winter, nothing doing. Corn firm: No. 2 yellow, 56%c; No. 2 corn. 55%0. Oats, rather strong; No. 2 white, 34510 to 341/30. Canal freights steady. NE\V YORK MARKET. New York. Sept. 4.â€"Wheatâ€"No. 1. red, 78%13 iii elevator, 79,146 1.0.1) afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 86%0 f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard Manitoba, 80%0 f.o.b. afloah CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, Sept. 4.â€"Trade at the City Cattle Market today was fairly steady for cattle of anything like good quality, while inferior stock were slow of sale and generally lower in~price. Export Cattie“â€" Choice at $4.55 to $4.75; medium to good. $4.10 to $4.50; bulls, $3.50 to $3.75; bulls, light. $3.25 to $3.50; cows. $3.50 to $4. Butcher Cattleâ€"Choice are quoted at $4.40 to $1.05; medium to choice. $4.25 to $1.10; interior to medium. $3 to $4; bulls, ’5 to $3; cows, $2.50 to $3.50; canners, $1.50 to $2. ,Stockcrs and Feedersâ€"Inferior stock is not wanted. Slackers, choice. $3 to $3.05; light, $2.25 to $3; cows, $2 to $2.40; bulls, $1.75 to $2.25; shortEkee‘p feeders. $4.35 to $4.50; heavy feeders, $1.20 to ' Mitch Cowsâ€"â€"Priccs range from $20 to each. Calvesâ€"Prices }§s per 1b. Sheep and l.:ii;ibs~Exp01‘t ewes are quoted at. $4.50 to $4.75, and bucks at, 50 to $3.75. Lambs are lower at $5.50 to $0.35. ltogs~The market is holding un- changed at 6.05 per cwt. for choice light Wrights and $0.10 for lights and fats, fed and watered. ._.___.§____. t‘..'i§{.-§1).\’S\CIJS'I‘O.\IS REVENUE. y 51 are quoted at So to 0 Return; for Month Show Increase of $3402.936 Over Last Year. ' A ilespatch from Ottawa says: the Custom-z i‘v-tinun of the Dominion for Il‘.(‘ mouth ending on Friday totalled ISt.t‘il5.‘.151. :in in 'I‘irih"? of 51.02.1130 over 1...: anr. For the two months that I'l.‘|\'i“ll.i\\' elapsed at the current fiscal the rolirclious were 38.178.330.711] of $704078. _.__.+.___.. I i-Ixt’t'ZEiIMI-IN'IWL FRI“! SITES. ye-ir. 11191021.:J Two lobe Established in Alberta at ! Laromlic and Letlihridgc. i .\ despair-t; ilu'it Ottawa s : on the il‘v'u'Olltfib-Iitlhll‘iii of m;- \11 cr of il'it'lliitii'e. si‘rs' have iwn sv-bra'wt :it two I'litllt4 in th- I’l't‘t‘.‘iiive .' .Xilwrtu. .l.‘iciiiul e and Leihl i' 1.1 fur ext ruren- 'tal forms. The l.- 11.1' lge in ‘.:ll be :f‘flurl in ‘jj-' .il'i‘ till. 50 iliilt 1111‘ Cf- ies of ii-ilgo. :in mitt be no‘i- :.l l». __..__._. 14, .111 t v: .1 1'1 .trxigu-E'tv i-vyziiiit {mm t.~.\'t iii 1" .HJ Evil-'1.) 'J‘.L‘I' $31,- ; U .a‘ij u.