RICHMOND H LL. ONT†Sept. 6. 1900 PERSONALS. Miss J. McDonald made a visit with friends at Kew Beach. Miss A. Panghui‘n of Toronto spent Sunday at the parsonage. Mrs. Acc Edwards and daughter of Elmvale are visiting at Mr. James Hill‘s. Mr. and Mrs. \Vni. Nobes of Belle- Yillc, spent. over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Sloan. Mr. Thos Hill. Craighurst. is yisiling With the families of Messrs. D. and J. Hill. Mn and Mrs Kellar, Iiistou’el. have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Pugsley. Rev. W. S. Irwin and Mrs. Irwm are spending a few days in and about Schomberg. , Mr. Alex Boyle of Montreal is making a visit with his parents at .“ Brueside." Miss Maud VVidenian of GPYIHlï¬'y, spent sunday and Monday With Miss Eycr.‘ Mr. James Bi-ackin of Challmm [spent over Sunday with Mr. ’1‘. F. McMahon. Mrs, {Jouis Harp with baby is spend- ing a few Weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pethick. Mr. Wild Mrs. A. 8. Savage and son Elf Aylmer are visiting with Mr. and «Mrs. P. G. Savage. Mrs. A. Kilborn of Shelbnrne. is Visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald. Mr. Andrew Newton ‘spent over Sunday with his brother. Mr. Charles Newton. at Alden. N. Y. Mr. J. H. Peach of Orilliiu spent from Saturday till Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. G. A. McDonald. Mrs. R. Stocks,inother of Mrs. (Rev.) A. 1’. Brace is visiting With her daughter at the parsonage. Miss Marie Dunkirk, of Detroit n‘peiita. couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Wright of the “Villa.†_ Mrs. John Hutchinson went to Aurora. Saturday to spend a Week with l‘elativesnud friends. Master Boy Sloan of Brantford, spent a. few days last week with his 'cousin, Master Gordon Sloan. Miss Gertrude Grant. Principal of‘ 3‘ Fort Erie Public School, left Monday to resume her duties there. .Mr. and Mrs. E. Denton and daughter ‘of Brantford, were the guests of their aunt Mrs. P. L. Grant over Sunday. Dr. G. A. Lnngstaï¬ of Brooklyn, N. Y. spent a day or two with his cousin. Dr. R. L. Langstal’f last week. Mr. Amos. Wright. Mr. Osmond Wright of Buffalo and Miss Iaorine Wright of Hartford were home for over Sunday. Mr. A. 0. Hamilton, wife and famâ€"' ily, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. are visiting fora. few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. Sloan. - Miss Grant. daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Grant. spent Sunday and Monday with her uncle Mr. Jesse Grant. Miss Hamilton of Toronto. is paying a farewle visit to her mother and sister here. before leaving for Seattle on the Paciï¬c coast. Rev. J. A. Grant, M.A'. returned from Scotland today and will take the services here and in Tboi-nhill Presby- terian church next Sunday. Mrs. W. D. Atkinson removed to Toronto Monday. She has taken rooms and her son Donald has entered Harbin-d St. Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Mrs. F. W'. Garvin of East Orange, N. J.. spent Friday and Sat- niday with friends heic and were guests of Mi. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell. Miss Alice Teefy went to Orillla Tuesday to attend the following day the marriage of a niece. Miss Mary Mulcahy to Mr. Frederick Potviii of Midland. IVI'I'S. Thus. Morison who was out from the. City for a few days visiting' her daughter. Mrs. W. \Vasbington jr.‘ nea-r Eigin Mills, called on friends here Saturday. Miss Stockdale of To} onto, foniicrly of this place. has been visiting friends in the village for a few days. She purposes going in Manitoba. lo icsidc with a brother near Winnipeg. .ii‘. Garnet Biiickin and Miss Maiyv Brackin of (lhatlnun. who had been attending the Toronto Exhibition came up and spent Thursday with their uncle, Mr. Win. Brut-kin at Elgin Mills. Mrs. Geo. Cowie was accompanied: home froiu Scotland by a biotiL-i', Mr. James I‘IL‘lldl‘l'm‘ll; her husband's f f ther. Mr. \Vm. Bowie; and a fiicnl Mr. John Emslie. Mr. Cowl†will mill-to his home with a em. in Orangi-vi‘llo, and llrc otheis will icuiain in this \'lli.lgi‘ or vicinity. if ‘i'+-’r-l~+’ri-++++++++++++++*++W+++++++++++++++++++++ «90> Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mis. Anthony Bowcs of Concord. wish. through THE Iiilllel-rAL. to convey their thanks to their many friends, for the kindness and syiiipaMiy shown to (hem and their family in their ieceut beieavcnient. . lulu» to v" as Sailcdors for i OF BUILDING LUTS In CU. of York, as laid out by Isaac Omsby. ' l the Village of Richmond Hill. Iliiie'ffusiiï¬flll,‘ Li‘lnrkbaflm 3,1 G. ROBINSON "‘ Snake Rail Fence ,3 230 "N ‘i'l "' ,h g 14 :50 h ;; Jâ€"l 8 3 I3 250 a 5-1 a 5g 12 250 C m _ If. - s; I I 250 g. 3 10 250 S. g 9 250 5 0‘ g 8 250 Fr. 2' s 7 250 g 3 g 6 250 8' ill .3 5 250 5?. 0 g 8 4 23E 8. g 3 250 53- >_‘ . g 2 250 81 g I Wire Fence (250 “N. 74 8 g. Graham’s Laue Fen... john Brydon’s You will give your boys or izii-ls » Business Courses as they finish Public or High School work, and before you select your school, he sure and write for our new catalogue. We are doing better work than ever before, and can guarantee excellent results. Fall Term from Sept. 4. 319/7 [SE ï¬MER/L’ Y. M. U. A. Bldg.. Yonge «St McGill Streets, Toronto T. M. WATSON, Principal 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ' TRADE MARKS u DESIGNB’ quickly ascertain our opinion free w sent free. Oldest azeucy for securing pntenL-i. Patents taken throu h Munu Sc Co. receive special notice, without c urge in the Scientiï¬c ï¬neness. COPYRIGHTS &.c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confl dentin]. Handbook on Patents A handsOmely illustrated weekly Largest clr- culntlou of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms. $3 a year: four months, $1. Sold byall newsnealers Mlllili & Casement New York Branch Ofï¬ce. m5 F St... Washington. D. C. {vi-+4"? Il' WATCH PRICES ARE REDUCED During the last twelve months the prices on watches have been greatly reduced by the manufacturers. The watch we sold a year ago at $8.00 we sell for $5.75. The $10.09 watch a year ago. sells for $8.50 now. All grades are reduced in price and our prices are always low. Our full jewellcd Walthaui in a 25 year case at $11.75 is splendid value. JERRY SilllTll PRACTICAL WAT'CI‘IMAKER H%++W+++++M+M++++ «lul'+++++++++++++++++++++++ >iv'l'+I?++++++++++++¢+++++d°+é+ ++ S MUNN .‘r (‘0..oi the Sf'll‘.b~""'r‘ .\\iTâ€"'.th‘.\1: can. ts. luv u: r the [moon nu Han l .‘ 'II‘IlI i 'I TOJYS' M . id >i ieniirlc paper. Urn“ \n‘r‘t'irm'. . LMLBIL‘JN (.iii‘.“ 2 1 ‘lniaduuy. No" York. _____â€"__.___â€" .! co. .m- noticed r. mess. the lam-oat. rim. and 83.20 a year I :rnii'lncs and interesting In- ' mm" of We. Scientiï¬c Amer- .1 mu“ Mi'bN 8-. ‘o.. Sriex’i‘iric . 1.. ,_. _ louse to Rent Good house on Yongc Sheet, in the , centre of the village. Apply at GEO. THOMPSONS Cor. Yonge and Richmond Slim-ls. Form. to RENT,“ Markham tâ€"f 0.- oo, 1st PHIL. Part of lot owned by the. )lunshaw Bros. Apply to l). JAMES Langstaf’f 10-2 My Stock oi ‘Ncolens lor SPRlNG AND SUMMER is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxsted Twills. Scotch 'l‘weeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoating, etc. Bestquality. Low prices A. J. HUME, Tailor, Richmond ilill if its Stile? wiih Flhesmsiism r. Sheep’s Rheumatic Remedy Will Bring the 'tmost Relief that Medicine Can. u.._._. The one remedy which manv phvslcians relv ‘ll‘ofl :o‘iree me system of the Rlieiimntlc Poul- ’IIIS which are the cause or all Rheumatism hmoougo, Sciatic“. Gout. ls Du. Snoor’s Ru ' I i.“ 1." line no 1’. Dr. Snoop spent twenty : i .pori . outing b93310": be iliscovcri ‘ med clieiriiculr: ._ ' whiih inane pl, w . Mics}. alu'am : 1;; certain cure. it "_i.i.s..svn. ch. ‘ . 5 Not that Di .‘JudPS ltriinU- . MA’T‘IC Ilcmiw 4 LE]. turn bony ., ‘ -; ,. joints intone (“nunâ€"thins on} ‘ * » iziii-ossibl i‘ll'llCal’lhD‘i 7‘» . .‘ y will oriv irom 1“ bl N poisons ' .. '.' woohdi'liil‘ caused the -' .,.pain on :welzinm And gig/thrown ‘ (1 end or t’iepnfm -' »- and swuliii .- luccnd of the sul- oi Rncumatism. . - lull‘J where acure ls possihl», it is no not up in tablet or 11- Quid [aimâ€"ash '1 either. You who have 9 sun‘orrd and are si 'Hâ€" the . icring todayfrom patns and aches unit“ u know to be Rheumatism: you who cxi an 5' lameness or twinges of pain in dump wean». ppmqwho easily become stiff and lame will .. up. rent causeâ€"just try DR. SHOOP‘S Rlli’i MATIO CURE. It is just the kind or arena that u. ‘c l ' - _ _ . . deg glilisnes results. Sold and rem... V W. A. SANDERSON BUSY NltillTS and such Spent at Shfll‘lï¬l‘lflfld Bobkireecpilig courses as we teach by Mail and at College will increase your value to the community and incidentally your Wealth. It will cost only a post card to get the cheap- est terms ever offered for ï¬rst rate College or Mail courses. 200 sits. last year. R. A. Farquharsonm. ‘PRlNCl‘PAL gritiah Ghanaian @iwiuess @011ng , Bank of Commerce Yonge & Bloor $15. 796 Yonge St. TORONTO ...-w x..-“ _. w." .._._._...........â€".-â€"..â€"wâ€" ...u.-..«w....-...._v.. i...“ h.........,.._.. i Sale Register S.\TI‘RD.\Y. Sept. Sâ€"Aiiction Saleof household furniture, on lot 22. con. (i, Vaughan. the properly of Joseph McLean. No iesri \'e, sale at ‘2 o'clock. Teims. cash, Saigeou i‘c McEwen, anctioneeis. TUESDAY. Sept. 11~~Aurtion sale of blacksmith tools. stock. and house and lot. on lot 2i. con. 3. \Vest Yoik. the properly of Jacob M. l’elei'iiiaiiu. Sale at one o‘clock. No reseivr. Tex-ins, cash. except horse and real estate. Terms for these iii-Hie known on day of sale. J. H. I’iciitice. :mrt. \"EDNEHDAY. Sept. 12â€"Aurtion Sale of household furniture at Newton Brook. the property of Colin (7. Marla-rain Soieat 1 o‘clock. 'l‘n i-ins. cash. J. ll. Pi-i-ntice, AlluiliWP‘ " $5.5. ,, x , V . v. _ ' ~i~++++~F+~2~+++++++++~l~++++++++ ‘ E D B I O : ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 +++++++++++++++++4~++++++++ to he lihersl Ecol: and. 321‘ stations y store For all kinds of School supplies Bibles Testaments Hymn Books i ‘ Paper and. Envel- opes Tablets Account Books Pass Books '1 Minute Books Standard Novels Poems Dictionaries Time Books Receipt Books Rubber Balls fi‘lssue Paper l and almost every- stationery store. +++++++H+M+H+++++++++++ . ++++++++++++Humvee-:-v:«:-+.:--z~:--z. . vi +++++++++i+++++++++++ thing found. in a: RCH i HOUSE PAINTER lGLAZiiait, Gimixiaii l’APlil-‘ll anti A \‘FII .1iV UL. liï¬illl‘lNi'WC. iiim. ROAD. SC-l‘lil 01“ iiiciiiioxo llll.L. {It'IIMUXD HILL 1‘. 0. v l : l‘I-‘Zin " .-, sinuses TAKE series Have just :il‘i‘fllllfv'il “llll ll‘o Vivtoh , inzii-y Specialty (To. to soil the lbllow- int; remedies: Slot k ionic and Illood l’iirilii-i'. Indigestion ainl (Tolii: (‘iiir, Spmin l‘lll’l'. \Vill‘ill l’1‘\\'(ll‘l'.\. (‘ongh lil'illl‘lly. Poultry ’l'onic, Loose Death Autism-pile lli-uliiii; Oil. Sprain l'liiiiil \lilll, Black Oil, llcavo lll'lil‘f. Luna! .!:i\v Curr, Aphoiilisiar. nod Anti-Ster- ilc Powders, l)l:’l!‘l‘ll'\'"?'il (line for (Tolls and (hives, l.cahiiig Nani] A: Joint [HRH-{ME Yaiimiit & \Vill‘lllg. Vi-teiiiinry Sur- geons. twenty-live years of pint-tic"! expi-i ii-nre. A coupon in ei'rry par kage entitling lllt‘ holder to Free Yelciiiiai y Ad\’icc. For sale F. .l. PETHICK & SON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 W. H EW l8 0 N HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paperâ€" Hang-er. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL LEVERY COAL WOOD Coal and Wood Delivered. Prices Riuht. GOOD LlVERY IN CONNECTION. Tlii‘eshers’ Coal on hand. Michael Bros, Richmond Elill June 11.1905 RICHMOND HILL ++M+M++g++++++w++m+++++ Paints Mixed Paints Robertson’s Paints Unequalled lor . a u . Purity g Durability There is nothing as good and nothing could be. better. “Imperial measure at same price as others.†++‘?+'M'+++ M++¢++$++++++++++++++$$¢+ Our stock of oils, paints, var- nishcsnvhitiiig, zinc white. glues, putty, aluhastin stainsâ€"full, and prices right. ii. i. Shanon Richmond Hill 4' +++++++++++++++++++M+++++ +++~§~+€°++++++++++++++++++++ + +$$++++M+++¢®F++ +++++++++~i~++++++++++++++ For Sale A good seven room brick house. with two acres of land, being the ‘ north-west quarter of lot 48. lstcon. .Vaughan. On the, premises are a ' stable. hard and Soft water, fiiiit trees. r-lc. Posw-ssion given at any time. Price, $600. ‘ Apply to J AMIES \VIGMORE. Richmond Hill P. 0. Farm for Sale Iml no. 30. rear 4th coir. Township of Vaughn-n, om- hundred acres. A pplgx l MISS" NOBLE ‘ 15) 3 Maple iQ_-; y i . i l m Sale min'. '3 cutters. 2 sets single harness - and stii‘ili- fixtures. “f ‘7. DEAF: " ond Hlil l ‘ Driving horse 8 years old. buggy. l mu