Miss Prestnn, second assistant in the H 'gh Schuul, has resigned to takeapn- ion in Brighton. Her place‘ will he st} _glied_next week by Miss Edwards oftl} on ' ‘uesday, was ln‘lger than at any gpre ions opening. ng'ty new pupils pre enled tbemsvlves 1n the ï¬rst form, and several more are expected nexL weak. Pink Lips Like Velvet). Rough, Chapped or Omcked Lips can he made us sufbae velvet by applying a light flouting of Dr. Slmnp’s Green Snlvv. It takes out completely the soreness uf cuts. bruit-IVS and all skin nhrztsiuns. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson Here are prices and qualities that ig‘ive fresh proof of posiuve savings:â€" 9 bars of gnnd laundry soap for 2512; 1 lb. gnud coffee for 250.; 11!). Mayâ€" pickod Jupam tmb fur 25a: 2 cans salmon for 25¢. Atkinson & Switzer. lie-v. A. P. Brace. B.D., has been ap minted by Mr. D. A. Radcliffe, D. .G.M. District, Chaplain for the Masonic District, Nu. 113. York County. At a. meeting rm Tuesday. the ank Townshi Cunncél voted the sum uf $50 t0 the V uodhridge Fuir Association. The Epwm-th League at Victor-’1. Square held -i'vts Emily (Waning on Tuvs- day. Ro‘v. 1111'. Bruce gnwv nu address {-1. the young people who gathered. “'ith prices like thnse quoted in mir Luge ad. in this issue (m sugars. fruit 'zu-s. etc, it wil-l pay to umiuipnte Lin- n‘hx‘e. Atkinson & Switzer. Services in the Methodist church on nday will be taken in the morning by _ ev. W. S. luv n and in the evening by 9v. A. P. Brave, B. D. Evening sub (’C[ will he “Gods Clothing and 1119 Devil‘s Armnr." S The local \V. O. T. U. will meet at, the home of Mrs. Switzer next Tues- day evening at 7.30. This will he an important, business. and members are I_1~oquested to attend. The weather hns lwen perfect all durng the Canadian Natiunul Ex- hibition in Toronto. The attendant-v has been largel- [bun at any previuus exhibitinu. The number in the grounds Monday was over-100.000. '1 wo cars of lumber nrrivufl a ‘few (1:1) 9 ago for the grain elevator to In 01-0 ' ed nvnr the new Jzimes Ba-y Rail \vuvil station. The pmpriptor. M1- Smit 1, Maym- of Toronto Junction hnpds to Stun building at once. he 353333915233. Kw (Get a 5 cent box of Lnx-ets at our Stm'e‘please. We think they are great. Just test the toothsome, candy-like Laxative Tablets for constipation, smu- sLoumch, biliousness,bud breath, mud- dy com lexinn, etc. Risk 5 cents and see. V .A. Sanderson. Owing 'to the holiday (Labor Day) .the regular monthly practice of the Fire Brigade did not take place Mon- day evening. The practise will be held next Monday evening. A full attendance is requested. “’9. are shuwing special value in flannellettos, \vmppm-ettes, Loch Lnâ€" mond shirting, cntton blankets. and grey flannels. Atkinson $1 Switzer. The Epwnrth League will re-open next, Monday Sept. 10th, when the annual election of oflicera will take place, after which aeociul time will he upent. Everyone interested will be \li’ill‘tlly welcomed. M'rs. McLeun. Widow 0f the late‘ thlwrt McLean. died at the home of 'hm' brother-in-lnw, Mr. Arch. McLean ":lSt Saturday. Dvceused wus 70 yours pf ngp. Intel-mu‘nt in Mount Pleasant, pemeteI-y on Monday. The Young People at Headfox'd certainly dose-Ho much credit fortheir continued intervst, in E. L. work. They held their League 0an all Smnmor. On \Vednesdny evening Mr. Bum-e gave them a. taik on the tnpic and encouragement ‘aiung the “DPS of Missionary work. 4f your Stomach is “‘euk, If yum- Fond (“stresses you. If you are \Veuk and Nervous. Use Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative «me man th and see what. it dues for you. Sold by ‘\V. A. San‘derson. "( At>the (m Hutu Lansing Fyfe. in :Llld Mr. fur Dick you! old. Men‘s plnm and bib Overalls. black Jon-y pants. mule pants. heavy shirts. socks, fleece shirts and drawvel‘s. Our Erin's on these me not high Pnnugh to e stylish, but. they are migth easy. Atkinson KSthze-r. Rxcx-xwma: HILL, ONT Monday evening next will he Rally Owning of the Epwm-lll Legue. Election of oï¬icoxswill take plaee at S-u'clock. and a social time will he spvnt during the remainder of the fvuning. A spN‘irlll)‘ enjnyuble time Is expected. The execnliw extends a. hearty invitation to every person nborested in ymmg people‘s work. Tune attendance High Svhnnl pupfls wanted. Apply THE LIBRICS.L Ofï¬cv. 10-2 I400 ALIAS’é. mm ltou. Canadian Nntimml Exhibition uluy Mr. Mihun Stung of secured second prize for Dick the class-0f roadster stallions. Alfl‘od‘sumg £00k third place Fyfe j‘: in 'theclnss furstub’linne‘. Braco‘ B.D., has been at the High School ln‘lger than at any qu'ty nng Qupils Sept The- exv‘t’ntive League met M, [In- duv Honing and I who 0 un the Bil-yak» Dunlnp Li hesnld. I I l1:l\‘(’jllstl'f'Cl'lTPd a car lnzul of Mcmpvdiu cmlnr shingles which will he Sold from prim-s ranging from $1.75 tn 3.50 pm‘ M. Those who have nsvd these shinglvs: prmmunce them better than British Unlumlvin’s. Satist yourself by pun-liming some {rum H. A. Nicholls. A lollm- was rweivvd stating that. Grimm G. Shvppm-d, sun of Mrs. H. J. \Vinvh uf Headr‘nrd, was ill, but it. was hupfd not eoz‘immiy. Fuur days late \vurd again (mnw. zmnnnncing his dvuth from appendicitis. The young man was 23 years of agv. He Went to Nmthvm Alberta. and touk up land about. four yuaus ago. The annual meeting of the \Von‘mn‘s Christian Tempwamce Uniun will he held in the Chl'islriun Chum-h at Kes- wick, on Thursday and Friday. the 13th uml 14th (If September. The members fur Richmond Hill on the progiamme arv Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Paulin, Mrs. Del-iv and Miss Wiley. The public nd-drvsa Thursday evz-ning will be giten by Rev. A. P. Bruce, B. D. THANKSGIVING SERVICE. The annual thanksgiving service in connection with the Chum-h of Eng- land congregation here will he held in St. Mary’s Church on \Vodnesday evening, Sept 19. commencing 89 8 n'vluck. Rev. Ounnn Dixon. ructor of Tlinity Church, Toronto, will pmach the sermon. Special music will he provided by the choir. A (-mxllvctiun will bemade in aid (if the impruvv- mnnt fund of the church. All are cordially invited to :Ittpnd. Talking about, ipiephmie linps, the fellows out east of town are indepen- dent of anyhndy, fur they have n, gnod working line in operation using the burl) wire fence for the line, but, having the regular telephone in their houses. Tln-re is a line of this kind running from the house of Frank H. James to that. of Art \Veise and then to the house (if Chesns-y Jamse. There are £111 (39. telephones on the. line and the cost sofur In each one has been only six doliais.â€"C;11'slair‘s Journal, Alberta. As will be seen by advertisement of plan in another culuum. Mr. Isaac Crosby has had surveyed the front of his farm into village lots which should ï¬nd a ready sale. Those lots extend fmm the northern huundzu-y of lane ad- joining Mir. John Brydon’s premises to the soutbexm bnundeu-y uf Mr. va-ge Robinson‘s farm, are high and dry, easily druinvd, and in (Wm-y way suitâ€" able for private -:-osiden(:vs. The lots with the exception of mu- have a hunt.- age on Yonge St. of ï¬fty feet. and extend hack some two Manda-ed and ï¬fty feet. The price is within the reach of all and Mr. H. A. Nicholls in whnse hands may have been placed for sale will he {Housed m giv‘e any further informanun in regard to ‘unu. Five cars on the James Bay Railway heczunv uncoupled fmm the i-vmaindei' of the train near the Richmond Hill statiun last Thursday and went. south by themselves. TWO-men were on the cars when they started, but as they did not understand the brakes they jumped off before the cars had real-hut a very high mite (if speed. As the track is dnwn grade all the way to Tux-unto, the cars increased their speed mile after mile. Nu obstruction was met Witl: until the run-:Iâ€"way curs reached Dun siding where they crash- (‘d into an engine which hnd not. time to get, out of the way. \Vhen the collisinn occurred it is said the ï¬ve cars were going at alwut 50 miles an hour. The engine was considerably damaged, the first, (‘zll' was converted into kind- ling wnod, and the others were piled up and also much damaged. The vnginver :ind ï¬le-mun saved their lives by jumping from the engine. Funeral from his retiidencex 'Rvoâ€" bmnpton avenue. Egï¬ctnn. to Mount, Pleasant Cemetery, at, 2.?!) o’clock, Thursday. Sept. 6. Deceasod was a brown- (If Mr. \V. H. Pugsley and Mrs. Glass of this place. Reuben Pugsley of 59th year. la dough 81mm: A! hem“. uning Sen pl e-sented me-enne GALLANOUGHâ€"At 10 p.m. on Thurs- I_\', August 30, Emu-ou James Gal- nough of ThoI-nhiLl, ‘m his 58th year. SHEPPARDâ€"At ‘R'nnha, Northern Rumba. on the 25th of August», Arman . Sheppard. sun hf Mrs. J. “T. ‘Vinch :' Head‘ford. aged 23 years. (Newmarket papers plonsevc‘opy) PL‘GSLE‘Yâ€"At Bun-i9. September 3, euhen Pugsley of Eglintou, in his BARB \VIRE TELEPHONES ex 7 P ANNUAL M EETING DIED IN ALBERTA. RUN-A-VVAY CARS LOTS FOR SA LE \Vl'l‘il THE TIMES OAK RIDGI ‘hm- 0th. HI lien Mr! Lndnte Hyslop bicyclex 1 about half price. Must : hum 31-03.. Elgin Mills. | DEATHS gm ’ parsonage uh Mon- au'd nut plans for the Mrs. Atkinsqu \vhn engnn :11 the VV'lnLhy l~nthnsiuslifl rkpm'ts IN. Slu- will gin! a u- and to ("‘91')‘ uer l Mundav Sl‘m. 17th ted Assistant Sec imnuy Sncit-ty 0f um] will preach in Jvtfflrsnn, on Sun- 30 Epwgrlh All are Dr. Shonp‘s Restorative brings Inst- ing xelirf in Stomach, Kidney and Heart, troubles Lhmugh the inside m'rvus. No matter how the nerves become- impaired this remedy will re~ build their strength, will restore their rigor. Renmmhor it, does no good to treat the ailing organâ€"the irre-gulnr heurt, rL-lH-lliuus stmnnch, disvased kidneys. They an: not to blame. Gu buck to the nmvos that, contrul them â€"lreut the (museâ€"use a. remedy that, cures through the inside nerves. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Notice is hvwhy given pursuant to R. 0. 1897 Chapter 129. Section 33, and Amending Acts, that all persnns having any claim against the estate of the said Charles Nixon, who died on or abnut the ï¬fth dzw of January 189%, are required tu send to Mary Nixon, Hope. Pnstofï¬ce, the Adluinistmtrix of the said Estate. on or before the 30th day of September 1906 a full statement of their -él:nims and the nature (if the security, if any, held by them. Late of ‘he Township of Vaughan in the County nf ank, Farmer, deceased. And take further notice that aflor the said day the Administmtrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitl- ed (hereto, hayingjegqx-duunly to_ the claims of which she shall then have i-Pceived notice; and thesnid Admin» ‘zamm-ix will not be liable fur any claims of which she shall not then have received notice. fl’ILLIAM COOK 133 Richmond St. “76%, Tux-onto Solicitor-for Administmu ix Dated at Tm-nntu .this Sist (lny of Dated at Tm-m August, 1906‘ F or T}: i n, Poor Blood But even this grand old medicine annot do in. best work If the liver is inactive and the bowels constipated. For the best possibleme- sults, you should take laxative doses of Ayer’s Pill: while taking the Sarsapuima. You can trust a medicine tested 60 years! Sixty years of experience, think of that! Experience with Ayer’s Sar- saparilia; the original Sarsa- parilla; the Sarsaparilla the doctorsendorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surloundings. Terms: 34 a war, $2 for six months. anâ€" periences of anglers, shoo‘- ers and campers, or yacht- mg; or Advem‘ure m ° terested in country life, ask your newsdealer for ' “FOREST AND 0 STREAM,†or send us ,{wcntyâ€"ï¬ve cents fmrfcmr weeks trial trip. A large illustrated rweekly STREAM,†or send us {wentyï¬ve cents fmrfcmr weeks trial trip. A an l‘a'rge illustrated wegkly journal of shootxng, ï¬shing, natural his- tory and yachting. A Bipans Tabul Ripans Tabuies cure bad breath. Rivans Tabules: for sour smmach. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure constipation CHARLES NIXON In the matier of the estate of We have no 8601‘893’1 W‘s pubm “a. Yunnqu of all '0“! medicinal. Made b .7. 0. Aye! 00.. 1.0me Man. A so mmumotuors of periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PBC’I'OR‘KL. 'est, Tm‘unto Administh is Sist day 10-4 you 2 to @MW%%%QWMW%§E Fine semi-porcelain handled cups and saucers, gold line and leaf . , . . , . . . . . . . . . V.. per doz. 7 inch plates,sameas ahnve..90c.d0z. Fruit jars, imperial pints. .60c. doz. " “ wine quarts. . . .620. doz. “ “ imperial quarts.72c. doz. 23 lbs. pure cane granulated sugar for.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 201bs. best Redpnth fruit sugar for . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . $1.00 Redpath or St. Lawrence extra granulated sugar in bags . $4.50 Fraser Rivvr salmon Monarch brand in 5 dnz lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14c. tin Puffvd rice . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . , 10¢. pkg. Shredded \Vhent.. . .2 pkgs. for 25c. Apitezo . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 10c. pkg. Our aim is to please not only on the price but in the quality, where real value lies. I} we make mistakes, tell us of them; we wiil make it right. We want you to feel satisï¬ed w1th purchases made here. Ability to provide for the masses is the test of any store. You can ï¬nd our store bristling all over with values. Our policy is to have almost everything the people are apt to want and yet sell nothing but what is worthy. Becken you to our store ATKENSOMSWITZER ï¬tauï¬mfl :ï¬auk uf (13mm ' Maple Business transacted daily between 10 and 11. Savings Bunk D9p:u~tment. Money advanced on Sale notes. H. H. LGï¬Sï¬aé Richmond Hill Hardware Store Hot Weather Remedies We can guarantee you a great heat reduc- tlon if you possess one of our easy-manning and reliable churns or washing machines. Screen dams and window sEreens keep the ï¬les out and let the breeze in when bought here. give you w cost price. Hardware, Graniteware and Tinsmithing. The best Eureka! Fly Killer Eureka! The surest Greceries GENERAL STORE YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL few coal oil stoves left which we win G. SMILES (In connection with Richmond Hill Offlc Best 200 yd. spools. Coats. .450. doz. Maple Leaf brand spools ..35c. dnz. Heavy 36 inch special . . . . . . 10c. yd Heavy 36 inch (lurk . . . . . . , 110. yd Real Loch Lomond shirtings.l5c.yd Heavy f8 inch linen crash. .10c. yd. Heavy 18 inch linen crush with Cmm‘s best prints . . Best Canadian prints bulfler. Flanellettes Towelling Specials ENE. Prints 100. yd. 250. yd. 10c. yd.