"1“. f A“! eâ€"wâ€" ._I ---_ yv galsarn A Safe. Speedy, and Posltivt (‘izre 'I‘hosufcst. I st IZLISTER ever used. Taken of all innin for mild or Bt‘Vt‘l‘l'ï¬I‘llin‘l. who Ml Hairpin-nor blemishes from yon-er. cud Cattle. SUI’EI 'IHCS A LL CAL'I‘ERV UK in RI SC. Impc.c (o pfndurescar oi‘ltltmfsl. 1".» cry bottle sol-l la n armored to give sallaizicilozi Price SM .50 per bottle. _Sold by drug-this. or arr.- iy expre-Ia. charges fund. with full directions for 1.3 use. Send for descriptive circulars. unto. ('in .7: . OHENI’LLE CURTAINS Ind all kinds of house llnnzinga, llnn MOE UURTAIN °VE° 8‘ CLEAN-o LIKE NEW. Write to us about yours. IIIle MIIIIOMC DVEINO 60.. Box 168. Manual] WENT" THOUSAND ACRES IMPROVED and unilnprnvml lands' in tho I'enhuhl fall wheat. district; from eight to twenty dollars per wru; correspondence solicited. A. J. STRONG, t’enbolil, Alberta. liliiihiiii ‘ ,____ Parties desirous of purchasing farm lands in Western Canada are invited to communicate with the undersigncd,\vho have for sale 420,000 acres of excellent wheat lands in all parts of Alberta. Prices range from $0 to $12 per acreâ€" $3 per acre at time of purchase and the. balance sprcad over nine years if de- sired. Special railway rates to purchas- ers. Correspondcnce solicited. â€"« mus. SINCLAIR & Mcciutsmno, P. 0. Box 1695, Calgary, Alberta. ‘ Cut Glass BoWl $5. ‘EOnly as manufacturers is it possible for us to offer our special eight inch Cut Glass Bowl at $5â€"packed at our risk and carriage paid to your do JI'. ‘ tilt is of the clearest cry- stal glass, deeply and brilliantly cut. in “hob- nail†star design. ‘lTOur illustrated cata- logue ready will tell you of other remarkable price- savings in highest quality cut glass. a Ryrie Bros LIMITED. I34-I38 Yonge Street. CHINESE BABIES. The Heathen Chinese has curious ideas as to the rearing of children. and especially on the amount of cleanliness desirable for them. A Chinese babe is washed on the third day after its birth, and generally with warm water. Occas- ionally a newborn infant is rubbed all over with raw eggs, but not washed till it is three months old. 0n the thir- tieth day of its life the infant's head '5 shaved. This ceremony, among wealthy people. is accompanied by [castings and rejoicings, and poorer folk are as fes. tire as their means will allow. A boy is allowed a birthday feast once in ten years. Evil spirits are hcld in great awc by the Chinese. who (to their best to protect their offspring from them. Willi this end in view a baby is some times Lll".‘.~JSi‘tl as a priest. and sortie- tlmes decked with all manner of charms, one ancr idea being to attach a piece of lampwick to its clothing. As boys are more ratiicd by their pan-cuts than girls, they are supposed to be most un- der the eye of cut spirits, and accord- ingly parents often dross thcir infant sons as girls, and give them girls‘ names, hoping,v thus to deceive the spir- its. Often the poor little thing: illi" trinbd to harsh words and men blows to assist in the wirk of decor-ll. ii. Sl’t'lt’tNlNll l’tltt? A l.l\'th7. A curious industry in ltd-in. and onc “hich. iicwilf lllltl.‘ i‘lllirjlw'llll‘lll for ll1t|7‘\ll.lll\ of mun. is that if look» ing win drii silo ins. "it \: llllllill‘i‘il.~ it day. No fvncr than 11mm,â€" tlllit \l i, n: ,‘il‘t' iilziiiiifar'uri-il dining lbc ltnil"!‘ Hf llli‘ )I‘lll‘. ‘.\llli'll llli‘ L‘llltl til six to right i'wiibli‘s "$11 to $3) In'l‘ thon- siiiid. 'l'iit-y llllil a ii-nily ii.:.rki-l. iiinl peir'éreitc as for as l’crsia, lx'hiin. tin. khznd, and KllOlifllltl. Till-II" KNOW IT. Thousands of people know that the culinary l‘t‘lll-,‘llil‘< for pllcs»oinlmrnts. supprwilorics and rippliiiiiccs~will nol cnrc. .Tlic bust of llicin only bring passing rclicf. Di‘. ii‘Oitliui‘iIl's lli‘iii-l‘miil is :1 tablet taken internally that removes the cause of I’ilcs, hence the cure is immanent. Every package sold carries a guarantee with it. It is jx‘l'lCt'lly harmless. $1. All deal- crs, m The “thou-1:318 (30., Limited. Niagara Falls, Ont. Benevolent Lady: “Bill, my poor man. if you have been looking for work all these years, why is it that you have never found any?" Tramp (confiden- tially): “It’s luck, mum; just sheer gout luck." linpiirilirs in the Bloodâ€"When the action of thc kidneys hcciuncs impaired impurities in the blood are almost sure, to follow, and general derangement of the system ensues. Parmclce's Vege- table Pills will rcgu‘a'e the kidneys, so‘ thal they will maintain healthy action and prevent the complicalii'ins which certainly come when there is dcrangc- ment of these delicate organs. As a re.- storalive these Pills are in the ï¬rst rank. UNCLE ALLEN. "When you hear a fellow always say- ing. ‘the mean men ain’t all dead yet,"’ morzilixed Uncle Allen Sparks, “you can generally spot him as one of the sur- Vl\‘01“5.†..__.. Sunlight Soap is better than other eeapl, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight; Soap and follow directions. Copper is more elastic than any other metal except steel, more sonorous than any other except, aluminum. and more ductile and malcable than any other ex- (“va the precious metals. l . ‘ 1 \lothcr Graves’ Worm Exterminator does not require the hpr of any pur- gativc medicine to complete the cure. Give it a trial and be convinced. me with a Self Educator." A man always making excuses leaves himself no time to make anything else. You are right in regarding erysipelas as a. dangerous disease. Annuint ï¬le swollen, itching skin with Weaver's Cerato : And take Weaver‘s Syrup internally. + “REIN‘UARNATED†QUAIL. Norelisi's Story of a Second-Hand Res- taurant Bird. “1 was dining the other night at one of our best restaurants,†writes Mr. Frank Richardson in the Pall Mall Gazette, “and on analyzing my quail, I found that it was only a scenario, that the skeleton existed, but the bulk of the bird had been' ‘made-up‘ with potted meat. My neighbor‘s quail, I noticed, lacked a leg. Now, what happens is this : During a long dinner, the chancas are that one only cuts off the breast of the bird. The rest remains intact. The quail is then carefully collected, taken 'to the kitchen, and reconstructed. “Most of the best hotels and restaur- vanls are run in Connection with cheaper restaurants. and to them the quail rc- incarnalcd is sent. It may then, pro- vided it has not. been too seriously damaged by the diner. be sent on to a third, fourth and even a fifth restaur- ant.†“Neither in London nor in Paris is it prudent, we imagine, to inquire too closely into the vicissitudes of fortune undergone by any dismembered bird or beast on the table. even though the res- taurant be one which is beyond suspi- cion of its food comm;y from Chicago. Curries, miners. salmos, fricasecs and viands in aspic are rarely made of fresh meat, am] the wiiioden. savorlcss taste of the meat in them is among the least of their disadvantages. They are quite out of fashion, it may be added (with the exception of the aSpic) in mOst iirstclass restaurants. .\ll‘. Richardstm's quail might. how- ever. bc a [writ-titty hr-nrsl Lent. Tu pick the flush from a quail. pound it up. re. place it on the skclcton, and serve the bird in antic is a common. if foolish. iritmrl of «a do 1‘}. lily three di ILt‘lLrlLS mouthfuls of whch a Iquail tinsisls‘. tilitckcns ari- N‘llIL‘llllif‘S v‘t'Y-gil in thi.» fashion. and in tho f:in.ili:.r “canc' n reacnnais†ci‘rlain parts of th-l dink are pounded up into wince for the i'esc'. (Inc likcs. tioxtt-vcr. quainted with the restaurant where these dishes are i‘rrcscn'cil. At a cheap table d'hote dinner in Soho or the Palais lloyal they are best left alone. ._._+_ TO BE FOIl(‘-0’lâ€l‘i2.\'. "Father," called James, after he had reached home from college. “what shall i do with my diploma?" “Forget it," yelled father, “and go out and look for a job." l0 bi“ well 8C~ Iii llii" ll;“llit'l "l. Sr-iiicni‘or-k. \\llr't'i‘ lti-‘_C thictly I'le"l‘ llT-lll. tin fw‘mr than TM!!! min iitnkr t li\’ill_Lf :il lb:- l'illll‘. 'l'ih' .';~wiii» ,.i,‘ gri- cr'llv lllu‘llli‘ l'ioiii limb wood, and a sliilliil \‘.lll‘i-lllitll run llll'll tilll si'vi-iuill utterly ruining; the two' Mysterious l:\[l(‘(lilll<lll Ilas Started From London. Mp'ciy surrounds the \‘(t_\'i‘i;;i* of tln‘ Quinn-1' Xl‘lt :. \‘flw'll this Mlllrtl it'l‘lll (ll'ilh‘w‘ltil on lip) 'l'li lIllI‘N'. [MI' (1 tlrsldbb' Illilll \‘.llll‘ll is .i (‘llbt‘ .‘t’- ll t. It is lit-3 lain. innit-\‘cr. that shc Hurriqu :2 Ilia ,l'ilnivlui'i‘ldii‘; rxlwililiun liltlllli‘t‘tl by : mllv in 1. full“: and it is though tax it it ithal .‘lit‘ ' ,0:in in scarih of an un- ' built-«ii l"lltfltl off the African coast. of ixbww illilllll ll-l \\t"lllll l'iiniors wv-i'c‘ .lI 'siitly «wirinbil. lib" ,\i‘ltl:l is owned by Fall Fitzuil “Hill. who tun yizirs :igo. filial out the ,z‘dr i‘liw cxpcdilion in thc VPI'illtlilllI‘ to Pom. lslonil in swirl-h of n pirnb‘s' ltlll'it‘tl timrisiirc. 'I'lic I‘.ill‘l. l10\\'t‘\’|‘l. brix nothing further to do with the 0xâ€" ivcdiliun. \ihich is tbv cnlvi'pi'isc of the limbs ltihinond Syndicate. 'l‘hc crow signed on for St. llclcna. \\'lllt'll ll‘llll\' color to the story of the, African (lltllltltllll Me. The ship is lit- It‘ll up \\ilh grunt luxury and the oiliccrs arc resi'ilcndrnt in gold lair. In ad- dition she cinrics as passengers a party of ladii'x‘ and gentlemen whoxc itlciilily in a secrct. So that nothing is lacking ,ti: makc thc Voyage of thc Xcma romanâ€" tic and lllLt'li‘sllllg. .â€"'~+â€"â€"â€"â€" Its Power Grows with Agoâ€"Ilow many iiiculicines loudly blazoncd as pa- imccas for all and cone since Dr. Thomas’ Eclecti'ic Oil was first put upon the mnrlwl? Yet it remains, doing more good to human- ity than many a prcparnlimi more highly .vaiintcd and extending,r its vii‘~. tucs wider and wider and in a larger SEEK [HIAND 0F “'EAIITH. rI human ills have, conic, cirrlc every year. It is the medicine of the masses. as GOING TO BE A GENIUS. “John's home from college?" “Oh, yes." “\\'h:il‘s be goin’ to do now?" “\\'cl1, twixt you (111' me, I think he's just about. decided to loaf around and be one 0‘ these geniuses that nobody can understand.†PLEASANT . MOMEI "PS. It. has been said Willi a great deal of» truth that you can never become really acquainted with a man until you have suppcd with him, and in order to unâ€" sure a pleasant time good tea must be used. During the “S.\L.\l’);\" has become a familiar word l lo every newspaper reader. and the fact that the demand is steadily increasing past sixtttrn years] Sizes (owls, requires no comment: it tells its own story “s‘.-\I.ADA†is king. IN A CIRCLE. “Did you ever stop?†“What. for?†“To consider.†“To consider what?" “\\'hat you stopped for." Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentcry Cordial is prcpaicd from drugs known to the profession as thoroughly reliable for lhe, cure of cholera, dysentery, diarr'inra, grlpiiii: pains and summer complaints. It has been usrd successfully by medical t practitioners for a number of years with gratifying results. If suffering from any summer complaint it is just the medicine that will cure you. Try a bottle. It sells for 25 cents. â€"â€"fvn NOT SAFE TO FOI.LO\V IT. “Did you follow my prescription?†ask- ed the doctor. “N0: and if I had it would have killed me,†answered the patient. “Why, how is that?†“I threw it out of the window.†\Veek and Sickly People envy those in robust health. No need to stay sick when by the use of the best tome, “ Ferrarimflï¬you can get rich blood and renewed strength and Vigor. “Gentlmncn,†said the professor,“ this is one of the most dangerous experi- ments known to science. The slightest mishap, and the experimenter will be blown to alarm. I will now step into the next room while my assistant per- forms the experiment.†Sure Regulators. â€" Mandrake and Dandelion are known to exert a lll.)\Vt'I" fut intluciice on the liver and kidneys, restoring thcm lodlcallhful action, in- during a regular flow of the secretions and imparting to the organs complete power to perform their functions. 'l‘licsc valuable ingredients enter into the com- position of Parmclec's Vegetable Pitts, and sure to render them the agreeable and salutary lllt‘tlit‘llle they are. Their are it'\\' pills so effective as they in their action, “Miss Lacyâ€""l don‘t feel comfortable in this bodice at all." Miss .’\.\‘Clllll- “\Vliy not?" Miss Lacyâ€"“It makes me. feel uncomfortable bi-cause it feels tori comfortable to be good fit." THE ONLY THLKG THAT KILLS THEM ALL 'AVOID POOR IMITATIONS. i Sold by all Drugglsts and General Stores ' and by mail. TEN CENTS PERPACKET FROM 'ARCHDALE WILSON mam’rort. ONT. ISSUE NO. 36â€"416. ,rns sumonr wnv . Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, b it is best when, used in the Sunlght way (Follow directions). Hard I'ubbin;Jv and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest Fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white, woolens soft and fluffy. The reason For this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chemicals â€"~indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt~removing proper, ties of soap that is nothing but soap. Equally good with hard or soft water. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whom you htry ,Siinl' rhb Soap if you ï¬nd any cause orcomplaint. I 155 [EVER BROTHERS llMfl'ED. TC RONTO Two cornering sections, select- In Western canad .. Saskatchewan, only 8 milm from two railways. C.P.R. a G.T.P. Strong soil, 90 per cent. plough land, aprin creek, no aloughs. About 40 miles NE. of Indian Head. Pnco $10.50 per acre. Write for map and mi] particulars. R. PARrONS, 9| Welleslcy Street. Toronto. Canada. The only Disk that; does Twice the Work while half easier on horsnswa Record Not Equalled by anything: also built, for cultivating. A Succcns formatting Seed lied on Full Plowtd land. For Summer Fallows or Stubble Fields iiftcr harvest. Look for the name “ BISSELL." Lune genuine without it. For Sale by Agents. 0n exhibition in the IIBW Implement. and I'I‘iicess of Manufacture building at Toronto lair. also on exhibition at. Ottawa. Fair in the inplemeiio building. Full particulars free. ï¬end your address to an... T. E. BISSELL, Dept L. EIaIzA. cur ,_ sill-"E Fifty Horse Power 5' THOMAS †Motor Car, in perfect condition, cost $5,000. Very low price takes it. Altitdress9 I 5 Dale Ave†Rossdale, Toronto TELEPHONE MAIN 15. More Safe and Sure Than an Investment in Toronto Real Estate. $34,000â€"FOR INVESTMENTâ€"Block of new solid brick. houses, under five years’ lease to pay over 10 per cent. net: most cen- trallv situated on quiet residential street. As owner has other houses ,nd3r construction these are offered at a bargain. s. FRANK WILSON, Owner, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. TELEPHONE MAIN 15. Wlnd, Water, leaked Storm , .7 V v on and ' \ An proof Sides Made from Painted or Galvanized Shel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for II‘Ier'C. iarns. Stores,Elc- valors, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSIHWA†shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest ccompany of the kind under the Britidi flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF. We also manufacture Corrugated iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and E.\\'ESTROI'GII, Etc. METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone. ‘ MET-XL CEILINGS, in '2,(.K)0 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples or Write today. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, litillelll, tilt. 321-3 w Craig st. “OSHAWA' Shingles. Olliilitl,llnl. l0f0ttl0.0lll. lionlontiidistillation. llllllfltlllltl,B.G. #315 Ponder at. l42.â€. Sussex st. 11 Culberne 5*. 69 Duniiuat. To Louibrml at. Writ: your Nearest Offico.â€"HI‘IAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, Ont “\ou \t’t -’ll isn‘t: vii} salixlird with your new smut." “Yes. I am! It ha< been Ltitllipl':i\‘« d by the inmi I like best, and ‘TCLfldeIUIICLl by the woman I hate mostl" 'l'bc Cullxruni it than: inns tiiilt ti- (ICCillIllllodt‘lC‘ rutw‘t sir: tail. '-. l' r: 120 feet high an} vi '.::~,.l ova: .'-;;-.l half acres of land. ‘is.