Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1906, p. 2

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Liiiiii ltllFtlllltlS PlitllttlSEll‘ ______â€"____â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" Declaration of Policy Issued By Russian Government. REFORM PROMISES. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The declaration of policy by the Gov- ernment, of which lately several fore casts have appeared, was issued on \\"ediiesday. It. promises many liberal reforms, including the immediate with- drawal of useless restrictions against the Jews, increasing provincial auto- nomy, reform of the police and other public services, the establishment of zemstvos in Poland and the, Baltic prov- inces, and the institution of an income tax. Meanwhile the Government is determined to maintain order, and it accordingly decrees court martial for political crimes, and increases the Penalties for carrying on the revolution- ary propaganda. T\VO HUNDRED 0N TRIAL. A despatch from Gronstadt, Russia, says: The trial of two hundred partici- pants in the recent inutiiious outbreak, including M. Onipke, one of the peasant leaders in the outlawed Parliamenhand fifty other civilians began here on Wed' nesday behind closed doors. There are over a thousand witnesses, and, there- fore, the proceedings are expected to be protracted. ._._.. OFFICERS RETURN THREAT. A despatch from Sevastopol says: In answer to the publication of a notice from the terrorists that a sentence of death has been imposed on Col. Dum- badze. commander of a rifle regiment here, the ofllcers of that corps in an cpon letter have announced that in case of an attack being made on the colonel they will exact. vengeance on the lead- ers of the progressive parties. Black Sea fleet, and the military com- mander here are very apprehensive of the attitude of the sailors of the fleet and the garrison of the fortress. The annual cruise of the training squadron a» well as the regular fleet manoeuvres have been abandoned. POLICY CLEARS TIIE AIR. A despatch from St. Petersburg says. The Government‘s declaration of its .policy has had a. favorable effect in commercial and financial quarters. 'lbere was a general rise in prices on the Boursc on Thursday, where the first business in the recent internal loan was transacted, while «I per cent. bonds rose to 70. The Moderate and Liberal newspapersi praise the agrarian proposals, and only condemn the depression of the revolu- tionary propaganda in the army beâ€" cause it is retroactive. On the other hand, the revolutionists and extrdni-l ists of all kinds continue irreconcilable. i FEARS THE NAVY. Admiral Skydloff, commander of the SECRET TRIALS. Under the Imperial ukase of Wednes- day Governor-Generals and similar au-I thorities in districts that are under mar-i tial law are empowered to send ac-. cused persons before a field court mar- tial without preliminary examination. The court consisting of a president and four army or navy officers. will make its decisions in camera within eighteen hours, and the sentences will be car- ried out within twentyâ€"four hours. COIlfll-ISI"ONI)IZNT REATFN. The London Standard’s correspondent at St. l’eli-rsburg says that J. FOsteri Fraser, the Standards special correspon- dent, and his secretary, were arrested in Tuesday's round-up of 2.000_persons in the streets and were taken to the yard of the Governors palace, where they were beaten by the Cireassian Probably only the intervention Scallon t guards. of the adjutaiit of saved their lives. â€"â€" Cow-Gen. UNIVERSITIES TO REOPFN. A (lespalch from St. Petersburg says: Thursday night of Social Democrats and Social revolu- tionary university students it was de- rided not. to oppose the reopening of the lllli\'t’l‘:~ilicS. which is scheduled for Oct. H. thereby furnishingr a strong possibility that the paralysis of the educational life of the country. whiehi‘ has lasted for two school years. llltlyi soon be ended. Many revolutionaryI students favored abandoning entirely‘; the obstrurtive attitude. I Reports from Moscow, Odessa and other university centres are to the efâ€" fect that an unprecedented number of prospective students have. i‘i-gisti-i'i'd. owing to the accumulation consequent on the two years’ stoppage of instruc-i tion. I At a meeting on POLICE ClllliF KILLED. A despalch from Sebastopol say-5:: The chief of the gendarmes was assas- smalcd on a street car here on Friday. M t l\lPRlSO.\‘.\lli!\"I‘ FOR LIFE. A despa‘tch from Warsaw says: trial of the agitators and soldiers of the. Warsaw garrison charged with spread-; ing the propaganda of the military: league. including two ollieers. resulted: on Friday in the sentencing two of the‘, licensed to imprisiuiment for life. 'l‘liet ulhcers were found guilty only of cog-t nuance of the pl‘t pagunda. One of them was exiled to Siberia, and the o'her was condemned to three years’ iiiiprlson- merit in a fortress. MU RDER AT LODZ. A despalch from Lodz. Russian Po- land. says: 'l‘weiity armed men on ’l‘hursi’lay entered the house of a police- man, killed the policeman and a soldier and mortally wounded the policeiiians wife. BIG FIRE AT POWSIN. A despatch from Powsin, Russian Poland. says: A fire started here on 'l‘liursdiiy by terrorists, who were angered at the refusal of the inhabi- tants to grant their demands. resulted in the destruction of 177 houses. A boy perished in the flames. KILLED FELLO\\’-LUI\‘ATICS. A despateh from Warsaw says: An inmate of the asylum for the insane at Gorakalwaria, near here, secured an axe on Thursday and killed several cl his fellow~lunatics before he was over- powered. SIEDLCE RUNS \NITH BLOOD. A despatch from Warsaw says: At 6 o'clock Saturday evening two soldiers who were guarding the Government alcohol store at Siedlee, 55 miles south- east of Warsaw, were shot and killed by Terrorists. A detachment. of infan- try, alarmed by the sound of the firing, rushed up and fired a volley. kiling two men and wounding two others. Sunday morning the Terrorists retaliated, be- ginning a massacre of policemen and soldiers- patroling the streets. At noon the infuriated troops attacked the Jew- ish quarter, destroying houses and shops. It is reported that over a bun- dred persons were killed. The city is in flames. A late message from Siedlee. timed 1.35 a.m., Monday. states that the mas- sacre continued all day. The soldiers attacked all civilians, Christians and Jews, robbing and murdering without discrimination. The authorities have sent a regiment of infantry from Biela to restore order. The Jews in Warsaw are, panic- slricken. Alarming reports are circu- lated throughout the city. ....__â€"_3- ~ BEATEN ON WAY FROM WORK. An Englishman the Victim of a Brutal Assault. A despatch from Bowmanville, Ont., says: Saturday evening. about dusk, a brutal assault was committed on an Englishman named Richard Ford while near the G.T.R. track. on his way home from work. Ford. who has not been in the country very long, resides with his wife and family in a house belonging to Mr. E. Burk, on the lake shore. He Worked with Burk for a time, but some dispute arising between them, he left his employ, and secured a position in the foundry, walking some four miles to his work every morning and return- ing in the evening. lie was on his way home on Saturday evening when he was ~attacked by three men and his hands tied. lie was then blindfolded, knock- ed down. and severely kicked and beat- en. lle finally managed to get on his feet. and, with his hands s'till tied. kicked at the parties until they decomp- ed. He found his way to the residence of Mr. Samuel Allin, who brought him to town. where his wounds were at- tended to by a doctor. During the scrimmage, far was rubbed in his hair. and he was warned to leave the neigh- borhood at once. There is no doubt but that it was local parties who committed the crime. and it is likely that arrests will follow, as Ford is positive that he can identify his assailants. who also took what money he had. (thief of [‘0- lice Jarvis has the ease in hand. _____+~ MILK FED I’I‘SII’KIN LATEST. Pint a Day Developed it Info Monster of 100 Piiiuids‘ “right. A dcspalch from lib-omington. Ill.. says: A milk-fed pumpkin is the lull-\ti development in agricultuial i-ii-i-h-s. Two pumpkins. grown on the same vine. were on exhibition at the 'l‘uzewell (foun- ly fair. They stood side by side. but one was t--ii lilll"< larger than the other. The giant was given a pint '(f milk a day through a hole cut in the vine which was attached to the stem. The milk was eonipbi-tely absorbed over night. The small brother attained na- tural growth. but the milk-fed one weightd 1w pounds. â€"â€"+â€"-â€"-â€" MIST BREAK A RECORD. (I.P.R. Steamer Illirrying Across Pacific “'itli Engliin Mails. ..\ Victoria. B. (2.. despateh says: The Canadian l‘acific Railroad steamer fin:- prcx< of China sailed on “Faint-silo}- oii tier new mail schedule carrying the Britiin malls in an effort to land in.» ma‘ls :it llong Kong 30 days fi'i‘lt‘. I «I. don. This invohes a record [KLQJISP acro~s the tactile. A DRIVER'S LUCK. Son of “'calfhy South African Leaves for Inheritance. A despatch from Montreal says: On the Allan liner Tunisian there sailed on Friday a saloon passenger. one James Broderick float-h. who a week ago was Worth a few dollars. and to-diiy is pos- sessor of 251130.000. The story l'i'dliS like a romance, with the difference that it is real. for the driver of a rig has be. come a wealthy man. Mr. ltoach Came to t'anada and settled in Montreal some yetll“ ago. His father went out toSoulh Africa in the days when Kimberley and Johannesburg were unknown to the world and the race of South African millionaires had not yet come forth. Af- ter his son left home at Newcastle. in .\'a‘:il, the father was lucky. and at his death left. a million dollars. lly the terms of the will his son has not to come into his share until he. reached the age of The news was conveyed to Mr. Roach on his birthday week, by i-olile, from Messrs. Shirley and John- son. solicitors, at Plymouth. Mr. ltoiu-h soon after his arrival in Canada joined the 81h Company of the 51h ltoyal Scots, and at the time of his de- parture was a sergeant. Friday night the non-cmnmissilmed officers and men of the company gave him as a token 0' their esteem and friendship, a hand- some bloodstonc signet ring. TRIED TO SAVE IIANDvCAR. Section Man Has Both llis Legs Broken Near Guelph. A despatch from Guelph says: In trying to save a G.’I‘.It. hand-car from an onâ€"eoming freight near Guelph on Friday morning. section foreman Martin Sosnoski had a narrow escape, and one of his gang, Vincento Marticardi, mar- ried. aged 32, was struck by the train, and had both legs broken. The two were working on their regular run from Gurlph to ltockwood, and were driving the lorry a mile out of Guelph towards Trainan cut, when a west-bound extra freight. came out of the curve of the cut. The seclionmen stopped their lorry as soon as possible. and the freight tried to slow up on the down grade. Sos- noski and his assistant had almOst got the lorry clear of the track, and Marti- cardi, who was on the track side, sprang across to escape the engine, but the cow- catclicr struck him below the knees, breaking both legs. W IN NE\\'ER ONTARIO. _._. Surveyors Find Good Soil Far North of the C. I‘. R. A despatcli from Toronto says: hicséis. Spcight & Van Nostrand. 0n- tario land surveyors, have reported to Hon. Frank Cochrane, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, that they have surveyed 180 miles of base and meridian line in the district of Algonia. Their work lay in the valleys of tlic Missinabie. Opazatika and Kapuska sing Rivers, betwen 125 and 150 miles north of the C. P. R., the route being by canoe. Good farming land, clay and clay loam, was found in the area. which was nearly all surveyed, and Hudson’s Bay Company officers had grown an abundance of fine potatoes there. The chief timber in the district comprises spruce, poplar, tamarac, balm of Gilead, balsam and white birch. .__._._+â€"â€"â€".._ SPINAL CORD SPLICED. A Remarkable Operation,Perlormcd at Medicine “at. A despatch from Medicine Hat. Alta, says: A very dillicult operation was performed on Engineer Glover on Thurs- day afternoon iii the Medicine Hat General iiOSpiiili by Dr. C. F. Smith, assisted by Dr. C. E. Sniyth and Dr. Goodlands. In the head-on collision here last Friday night Glover's back was broken and the spinal cord man- gled. N0 hepes of his i-eeovei'y‘could be entertained llllit"~$ the «old could be replaced. and this operation was under- taken 'l'liursday, the spinal cord of a dog being used to take the place of the original one for :Ilout an inch. The case is being watched with extreme iii- lercst by medical piuctitioners. ____,____.. SOL'TIIERN INDI \NA SIIOCKED. Succession of Earthquakes CaUse :1 Panic in Many Places. A despateh from Indianapolis, Ind., saw: Southern Indiana was visited by a succession of earthquake shocks be- tween 10 and II o'clock on Friday morning. and in some places they were so severe as to frighten the people, causing them to leave their homes and rush into the streets. At some points as many as three shocks were felt,while at others there was a sueeeSsion of treâ€" mors that lasted several seconds. but not didant enough to be recognized as separate shocks. ._____§__,__._ GLAIIDING ST. IA\\'RI‘INCE. Powerful Guns in New Fortifications ‘ Below Quebec. .\ d.‘<[inil'h from Ottawa says: Over, t 1H.) men are now employed upon the new termite-atoms. which are being erected ten mifes below Quebec by the Militia Dcpul".h.02il. The fortifications Iconslst of twi masked batteries. each ,in uniting two guns of the latest and 'mest powesful description. and capable 5 lf-inile S'i'i'lvi’l of the ' It is estimated that the yo! sweeping a St. I.:i\.\ rent-e. wo:k will Le completed in two years, lum], and crowds are looting the shops. near so CHILDREN ‘8 COURTS. Law New Requires That They Should he Established. Youthful offenders under sixteen cr homeless children should be removed entirely from the jurisdiction of the regular Courts and be dealt with by a specially organized Children‘s (lourt. In connection with this Court there shoud be a detention home and proba- Ilion officers to investigate Charges of 'youthful wrongdoing and homelessâ€" ncss. etc. and submit to the judge a report of each case. Children charged “in petty offencos should be placed temporarily under the care of these officers, who would supervise the home life. help to procure employment. 01‘ iiliii‘ whatever steps might be necessary to remove the cause of offence Judge 'l‘uthitl. who had charge of the Chil- dren's Court in Chicago for a time. was asked what he thought about the horn criminals and degenerates. “0 is quoted as replying “There are no born criminals. If I felt that I should lose faith in God. Society makes criminals. and environment and education makes criminals, but they are not burn so.” IIc further expressed the innioii that ‘t the best children in the world were sub- milled to the same influences as the children daily brought, before him they would commit the some offences. The home surroundings and early training of children are all important factors in determining their subsequent career. When children get into conflict with the law it is rarely their fault, and their ‘cases should be studied in a kindly parental way by persons whose love of childhood is greater than their sense of so-called justice. Only in this way can they be permanently removed: from the criminal classes. .I. J. KELSO, Toronto. ~â€"â€"+â€"-â€" THE IIERRING INDUSTRY. Scotch Expert "as Proved Value of Canadian Fish. A Montreal dcspatch says: Mr. J. .I. Cowie who has been employed by the Canadian Government for two seasons demonstrating the Scotch method of herring-curing and packing. has ac- complished most. encouraging results this sulmmer in the Rate des tilialeurs. Ilerelofore the fishermen of Gloucester have made no use of the large runs of Spring herring excopting as bait and garden fertilizer. Mr. Cowie, however. with his up~to-date methods of handling this llsh, has shown that they have a value quite equal to the Scotch article. and a pack has been made that will probably realize from ten to twelve dol- lars a barrel in New York. The Fall run has now begun, and Mr. Cowie says he never saw such her- ring in his life. The Canadian fish ef this class has never commanded a high prico, owing to the primitive way in which it was cured and packed. _..._.+.._._. AN ADVANCE IN LEATHER. A Radical Increase Decided L'pon the Tanners. by A Toronto despatch says: Leather is to go up in price. Aii advance, which will effect consumers throughout the entire Dominion of Canada, was decid- ed upon on Thursday. when at a meet ing of the tanners‘ section of the Board of Trade resolutions were unanimously adopted, that in view of the Continued advance on hides and tanning material. harness leather be advanced two cents per pound above August prices. meas- ured leather one cent per foot. and that all other leathers be advanced in propor~ lion, and that the tiisculliil on all h-a- ther sold to the retail trade be :2 per cent., in accord with the cash discount now given by the jobbing and wholesale trade. ._._.§___._. GERMANY’S NEW' BATTLESHIP. Projectiles 280 Pounds heavier Then Any l‘sed at Present. A dcspalch from Berlin says: According to the fiolognc Gazette the new German 19.0(iU-ton battleship. \\'ill('i’l will be a rival of the Ilritish Dreadnought, will carry to big guns compared with the Dreadnougtit's 10. They, however, will be of rather smaller calibre, although their enormous 19mph, 46 feet, will enable them to the projectiles will be 280 pounds heavier than any of the present German projectiles. __._.+___ STEAIIER SERVICE TO MEXICO. Two Years‘ Arrangement, Condilional on Parliamentary Sanction. An Ottawa despair-h says: The Trade and LI'iIlllilei'Ce Department was Oiliciiiity notified on \\‘ednesday by the Mexican Government that arrangements had been entered into with .\tr. \‘i‘arsnop, representing Britiin capitalists. for a Sit‘JllilSilil’) service between both coun- tries on the Pacific. The arrangement is for two years. and is conditional on Ithe Mexican Congress and the (inna- . dian Parliament approving of the same. ._..__§..___. INDIA RICE FA MINE. Prices Abnormal and Crowds are Loot- ing the Shops. A despatch from Calcrtfa says: The rice famine in the northern provinces of 'lndia is becoming worse and is extendâ€" ing toward Bengal. Prices are abnor- earry an unusually heavy charge, whilei ’LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Sept. 11.â€"Now oats, No. 2, Sold on the local call board to-day at 32c outside. on tic rate to TorontO. Manitoba wheat was not quoted, but it is held at The. at hike ports, for No. 1 northern and 7tll._’,c for N0. 9. l’lour~tlnldriov$2.Tt) is bid for 00 per cent. patents, in bliycrs' bagS. 01W side, for export. Riliiif‘itir-id‘illl $lt to $14.50, shorts 8m to $18.50 in bulk, outside. Gall hoard quotations were: \\'lie.iti(hitarioi70c bid for No. 2 white, He asked, outside; tilt/‘41: bid. 70):}: asked for mixed, 07c bid for goose. Barley~i9u bid for No. 2, 4’):ch bid for .\'o. ll outside. Peas 739w bid outsidt. ()alsAH-tc bid for NO. 2?. rive. Toronto. » Ryeâ€"(33c bid, 65c asked outside. (20! 'NTRY PRODUCE. Rutterâ€"smutlinues in active demand, white receipts of choice tire' light. Creamery 2ilct0'250 do solid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22c to 230 dairy prints ' ‘llclo220 do pails lSclothc do tubs . 18ct0200 Inferior . . . . . . 17cm 18c (iheeseâ€"t‘nelianged at 131/20 for large and 13%0 for twins. Eggsil’riccs are unchanged at 16% to t7};c for new-laid and 12% to file for splits. I‘otzitoesAThe market is easy in tone at 50c, to title per bushel. Rated llziyAtitltl is being quoted for prompt shipment for No. l timothy. The general price is $0.50 for No. 1 timothy and $8 for No. 2 in car lots here. Straw7Car lots on track here are quoted at $0 per ton. mixed, to or- MOX'l‘IlEAL MARKETS. Montreal. Sept. 'lt.â€"Grainâ€"Fair in- quiry for wheat by cable this morning, and, as pric-s are now in line, seine business was worked. The oat marke continues steady, under a good deman for both local consumption and expor . Oatsâ€"No. 2 white. 38c; No. 3 whi c, 370: No. it. .‘lt‘ie per bushel, ex-storel. Flourâ€"Manitoba spring wheat, $5.60 It 3m); strong bakers’, $3.00 to $5.20; wiiit r wheat patents, $4.25 to $4.35; straight rollers, $3.00 to $4.10: do in lags. 551,85 to $1.90; extras, $1.60 to $1.70. Miltfiwl~klanitoba bran, 'in bags. $18.50 to Edit: shorts, $21.50 to (‘32; milled niouille. $21 to $25; straightgrain $38 to $20 per ton. Rolled Oats-#l'er bag, $2.10 to $2.25. Hayâ€"7N0. L sin kit a $hlto arose clover, mixed. $0 to $0.50; pure clover. $7.50 per ton in car lots. BL FFALO MARKET. \- Ruffalo, Sept. il.â€"\\‘liea’t Spring: firm: No. 1 Northern. 830; Winter. no demand; .\'o. 2 white. 75c. Cornâ€"Firm; N0. :3 yellow, 5524c: No. 2 white, 551/212. (tatsâ€"Far to steady: .\'o. 2 while, 35c; No. 2 mixed, IlliZc. Barleyâ€"Quiet; Ohio offered at it} to lie. Ryeâ€"Scarce; No. I quoted at 62c. Canal heightsâ€"Steady. NEW YORK \VIIEAT MARKET. New York, Sept. ll.â€"Spot easy: No. ;' red. Ttilge elevator: .\lo. 2 red. 77%0 fob. afloat; .\’o. 1 northern Duluth, Site 1) afloat. f.0.b. afloat; .\'o. 2 hard winter, 81c [41/ CATTLE MARKET. t Toronto, Sept. ll.â€"The feature of I 18' trade at the Western '.\Iarket Iii-day \.'as, the iii-live demand for choice bulclters’ cattle. which were scarce, ‘ No ehoire exporters‘ were offered. ' The general quotations were $4.35 10 Will!) for medium, and $1.65 to $4.90 for good to choice. tihoiee buteliers’. $1.50 to $6.75; fair to good. $4.30 to $4.45: medium, $4 to M25: common, $3.50 to $3.75; cows, $3 to $3.50: hulls. $3 to $3.25; caniiers, $1.75 to $2 per cwt. Stockers were quoted at $2.50 to $3.40: stock bulls at $2 to 51213; feeders at. $175 to $4.20, and Silt'll‘l-ix'C‘CDS at $4.20 in $4.60 per cwt. Trade was quiet for miteh cows. and prices were steady. Pi'ices ranged from $25 to $50. In the cases of extra choice animals higher prices were paid. _’\n Page feeling prevailed in sheep and tombs. which were Offered in liberal numbers, The prices of calves were “to. weaker. Export ewes. $4.25 to gm; lgxptil'i illit'k“, $3 to $3.50; lambs. .34: to $11.15 per cwl. Calves sold at, 51‘, iii 31; per rwt. and $0.17; for lights and fats. .__..-.~.§.___ LENDER MILLS SIIL'T DOIVN‘. Low Water in Ottawa "as Checked the: Supply of Logs. A despatwh from Ottawa Says; The water is so low in the Ottawa River map it is impossible to get logs- river “"3 slide I’in llutl. and a (MUN-quenth nuns ‘Whose supply comes from the [ppm- Ottawa have been forced to shut dim-l, At Hawkesbury the big mms of me, llawkesbury Lumber Company are Idle and about six hundred men are 0m (.2 employment. In Hull the Eddy Com- pany‘s saw mill has suspended opera- tions in the day-time. and runs only at might. At J. R. Booth‘s the big mill is Irunning full in the day-time, but only half of it is operated at night. It is years since the water has been anywhere low as it is at present, Hogs were quoted at $6.60 for selects, t t

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