Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1906, p. 7

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o :99 GOMBAULT‘S Caustic aloam " A sun. speedy. and Pesiuvc Car. The safest. Bent BLXNTER ever used. Take- the place of all ltnumcuta for mild or acvcre action. , nvmove- all llunrhn or Blcnxtshes from Horses and Cattle, SUI’ERSEDES ALL CAUTERY OR FIRING. Impciasfbfr to produce scar or blemish Ever bottle sold is warranted to give aatfafactlon Price 1.60 per bottle. Sold by dragging. or sent. by exprens. charges paid. with full direction: for Its use. Send for deacrfntlve circulars. The I.nwranoo.Willianm Co..annnto. Ont .. , , 1/» ..- . .. ,i . ..~‘I .:-‘;-".:.,~2 5 flLD SRES iii-353w M i o n Oi n t m e n t oiighly. It. is it very reliable curs for Ivy . Poisoning. Mails, l'lcuw. iimlall Norm difficult to lIB'Ll. If your dealer lin: not 3:”! it. it will be sent express prepaid for 3.3c small size. and Wu largo uiac. Name your nearest ovpress office and l’.0. Mission Ointmcnl 8.- Chcmiral (10., Toronto. Canada. of many ymw' stdiiding lino, been re idily riircd by BUYS'A . H O M E _ ~ on which now thud nora'lfid ‘ . V m... 515.000 . y... rent. Drnvu i... . "who... of 200.000. V In (in yarn Ila: population will molt IlII half-million Inn-L odim raid":- lot: in clinic: thud! "'1:- land bring in. 3150 in 52.000 «eh. ' WE ARE LAYING OUT A NEW ADDITION Washington Heights 5' " '11:: Light! nd mm nifhcly .dJ-‘rion (a Dawn: hrninhing n pert.“ vim of Pihc'l Pal: And the and, Mountains in. . an...“ 4 75 m1... o...i..h...w..i.i.¢eon Put. A. idnl .pa. ' Lots 25:: 125 Feet for $100 3} CASH 1 It! PER MONTH THESld-u-u Lam. qFREl-I nl'flinlin. . a :- nlu withi- do any and .n panic-Lu ' :1- ym or m. ud ban-u You] rlaly u out: or m...“ II ' I “a ..i...h.’7.':.;"s.‘ ' " :fi'ilu .Efi.’ ' Chan-uuu-MM . Sam 9 ".1 :9 mi m... xi.“ hfirflmiu 1m. THE CENTURY [DAN AND TRUST CO. 'l'th-ruylufliu u u u DIINLCM IlmhmmunlhDâ€"w.vfiuu Quality in Spoons. Knives and forks IGHEST quality and lowest price are combined in Plated Silverware from Diimnd Hall’s own factory. Special mention is called to the following prices for heavy quality in a richly plain pattern that reminds one of oldâ€"time family sterling ware. To: Spoons $3.00 doz. Dessert Forks or Spoons Dessert Knives v â€" 5.00 doz. 4.50 doz. a a We mdufon request free aft)“:ng .117 hr]: illustratui cataloguc. ALBERTA A, â€"â€" Parties desirous of purchasing farm lands in \Vestern Canada are anlll d to communicate with the undeisigned, who have for sale 420,000 AGRES _op__ lttlltlll W Ell till 3 in all parts of Alberta. PRICES RANGE FROM $9 TO SI2 PER ACRE $3 per acre at time of purchase and the balance spread over nine years if desired. Special railway rates to pur- Chasers. Correspondence solicited. lltllll, Slfltltlll it Mllilllllltllltl. P. 0. Box 1.6%. CALGARY, ALBERTA. TERROR AND BLOODSIIICD. lcsnlts‘ of flip Crock and Rlnv I-‘cud in the Balkans. 'lltr- murdr'r of tirccks in Bulgaria niid lht' tlr'.~ti‘iirtinii of lhf'lf‘ propcrty is hriulcnnpv all at a dangcrous complica- [ton in thr .\'u':ir liasl. Raw hair. ax lwtwm‘n Sluvs and Gin-cits. and l"‘ilL.t)ll\ hate. as lwtwwn tho Bulgarian and firm k flhurrhe-s. have lwnna‘ iiitviixitiwl by tho prrsciit out» roars. iind fil't‘]lflf‘il'lttl|\ arc trim: made fol rrprisals on a largo scalp. Milt't-tlltlllti will again bc the ficld of action. for ll 1S tlnr.» that thc rival fac- tions can frmlv mulm war. Already Boo pt-uplu a month arc being: lllltf‘tlt‘F w. hv tho lh’lllfl5. and property is bcim.r dvdrdwl wlmlcxulc. This in spite of tho .\ll]H'l\'l\iUll of thc powcrs. A boiling hilgai'inn coniilndji, who is now in \‘lt'llllil. says that plans arc tom;v mudw tu carry tlic war more ac- tivcly into Ihc firwk camp. It is known that firm-k band< arc crossing: the fron- ticr in largo numbcrs. They are well armle and wctl .xupplicd with funds. The Bulgarians arc not 81) won off. 'l‘ht-y are short of muncy and arc scndinpV awaits to lhvlr (‘Hllnll'ylitt‘ll to make an nppciil for llt‘lp. Mcantime thw Turks nrc inlercstcd on< lctikcrs. 'f‘hcy regard thcir duty not so - much 1“ firm-ml fliVJt'flf'l‘S as to allow tho bout. to dt‘fill'lly ouch othcr. 'l‘hwy (,(~c;1_\1n:z:tlly destroy a small hand tlmnsclws. and it is nolcwortliy that in thmc encountch the hand is almost in- variably Bulgarian and not Grcck. Thcrc is every probability that. the powvrs will be compelled to take drastic meosurm to put an cm] to the prevail. ing anarchy. ...__¢___ "Georgc." murmured the young wife “am I as door to you now as l was ht fore wc marricd?” “I can't exactly toll." rcplicd the husband, absent mindcdly; “I didn‘t. kccp any account of my expenses then." Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. “Am I to understand that you were cashicred from the army for a inch breach of etiquette?” queried the inter- ested friend. "Yes, sir." boldly asserted Colonel Blupher. “What was it?” "turning my back to the enemy." ln Fields Far Off.~Dr. Thomas” Eclec- tric Oil is known in Australia, South and Central America as well as in Carl- ada and the Unllcd States and its con- Sumplion increases each year. It has made its own way, and all that needs to be done is to keep its name before the public. Everyone knows that it is to be had at any store, for all mcr- chants kccp it. \lrs. Jones: “I wonder what it is that makes baby so wakeful?” Mr. Jones wavagcly): “\Vhy, it’s heredity, of courseâ€"this is what comes of your alt- ting up at nights waiting for me l” After Wasting Pevers hasten recovery to health by the use of “Ferrovim.,’ It is the best toutc. It builds, strengthens and gives new Vitality. Try it, it will make you feel stronfi. Miss Dukkcts: “Dil you tell Mr. Get- thcrc I was not in 2?" Bridget: “I did. mum." Miss Dukkcts: “What did he say?" Bridget: ‘He said. ‘\Vcll, tell her do conic dithl as soon as she is in.’ He‘s in the parlor.” Irlolloway’s Corn Curr is a specific for thc rcmoval of cams and warts. We have never heard of its failing to re- movc even the worst kind. “I heard a queer story about Snow- don from our driver 10-day.” “What was that?” “A young lady and ucntle- man went out for a walk on that hill; they went up higher and higher, andâ€" ncvcr came back again." “Dear mel What became of the unhappy pair?” “They went down on the other side." CARE OF EARS. .\'cvnr put anything into the ear ‘or llll‘ l‘t'lit‘i of loolhuchc. chr \vmu‘ Culioli in the cars if they. arc discharging. chcr apply a poultice lo the inside of the canal of the cur. Never drop anything into the car un- less it has bt‘f'll previously warmed. Ncwr use anythingr but a syringe and warm watcr for cleansing the ears, chcr strike or box a child's cars; this has bccn known to rupture the drumlwad and cnusc incurahlc dcafncv. chcr allow llic hair to rcinaiii “'01 if you havc a tcndt-iicy to (lt‘tlilll‘><; \vcar mi mind-silk cap \vhcii bathing and re- il‘tlill from diving. chcr >tjl‘illt‘ll the cars with anything but the lingcr if tin-y itch. Do not. usc the hcad of a pin. hairpins. pencil tips .a- anything of that nature. chcr lct the fret bccomc cold and dump or >it \\llll the back toward it \\'lll(lll\\’. (is those thing: lt'iltl t0 appra- vatc (my existing llul’dllt‘SS of lll'ill'lllg. Nun-r put imlk. fat or (my 011 sub- xtancn into the our for thc rclicf of pain [or tlmy soon bet-tunic rancid :iud ll'Htl to lllL'tlt‘ inllzumnatluii. Simple warm motor will unnvcr the purpose La-ttcr 'lmn anything clsn. \vvwr moddic wth thc car if a foreign lwdy t‘lllL‘l‘\ ll: ll ‘:\i‘ ll ill-Nillllcl)’ UiL'lli‘. but haw :; phyw .ziu uttcnd to it. Moi-c laiiiaigc has bt-cn dune by unudiciom :iltciiipts ut the extinction of u ftil'uign lual)‘ than could ever come from ll: _ll'l':t‘llCL‘ in the ear. .___.. Jones: “\cs. sir. that boy of mine is :i \\'tlll(lt'l‘flll piano player. \X'hy. lic can ulay with his luck" Brown: "How old ’ he?" Jones: “l-‘itlecn." Brawn; ‘l’vc got a boy at home who can play \ "‘ his toes. and he is only one year old." ES person @AP “fl lllill ADVltlli. Miss Antrck: “lf you wl‘rc mc would you marry a man who proposcd to you by lclt‘gruph?" \lixs l’trt: “Yes. and I'd catch thc ncxt train in order to meet him halfâ€" way.“ They Wake the Torpid lincrggius. â€"~ Machincry not properly Silllt‘lWlSt‘tl and left. to run itself, very soon Shows fault in its working. it. is the some with thu digestive organs. Unrvgulatcd from tiinc to timc they are likcly to bccomc torpid and throw the whole system out of gozar. Purmclce's chctablc Pills wore made to meet such cases. Thcy restore tr the full the flagging faculties, and bring.r into order all parts of the me- chanism. Mrs. Klubbs (scvcrcly): “I‘ve been ly- ing awake thcsc thch hour's waiting,V for you to come home.” Mr. Klutfis (ruc- fully); “Thch now! And I've becn staying away three hours, waiting for you to go to sleep.” Thc delicious flavor of “SAI.ADA“Tca is due largely to the care uscd in the cultivauon and preparation and to the fact that it is packed in sealed load packages which prevan it con1in;..r in contact with articles that would affect its flavor. Lying is like trying to hide in a fog. If you move about you are in danger of humping your head against the truth; as soon as the fog blows up, you are gone anyhow. Pale. sickly children should use Mot-hcr Graves’ Worm Exterminator. Worms are one of the principal causes of sulfcrmg in children and should be expelled from the system. “Why.” said a youngster to his cldcr brothcr, “do hcrrings have so many morc lllnCSSQS than other fish ?” “Who says they do?" askcd the youth ud- (lf't’SSCd. “Why, this book says that thousands upon thouwnds of them are cured every year." Tlny tubercles on the skin of scrofulous peo- ple produce the hideous disease called lupus. Weavor‘s Comte. used in time. will save the skin from destruction. A »ply to all affected parts. Cleanse the blood wit. Weaver’s Syrup Anne Teckc: “Mr. Gasser is such an intcrcsting talker. Always saying some- thing one nevcr heads from anyone else." lluttic Ilottewunnc: “Has he been proposing to you too ‘3" Suffer no ltfore.â€"~'f‘hcrc are thou- sands who livc ll’llSt'I‘illJlC livcs because dyspepsia dulls the fucultirs and Shil- dows existencr with the cloud of (lo- prcssion. Onc way to dispcl the va- pors that bcwt the victims of this dis- ordcr is to ordcr lll('lll a course of Par- mclce’s chctuldc l’ills. which are among the host vcuctablc pills known. beingr t’ils)’ to takc and are most ttllca- ciom in their action. A trial of lllclil Will prove this. HOOKED. Mrs. l\'cwlywcd: “The night you pro- pognd you acted like a fish out of walcf‘." Mr. Newlywed: “I was. and very cleverly landcd. too I" WENTY THOUSAND ACRES IMPROVED d uuim roved lands in the l’oubold fall whoatlilistnrufpfrrnm eighty.) twenty dollars per acre; correspondence sulictted. A. J. blBONG, l’enhold, Alberta. dyeing l Cleaning l [or on. "a boot-0nd nu nut to the “ IRWIN! AMERICAN IYIINO Ml." “tannin-along null“ uuugToroqto. Ottawa. 995-! unucnr,_ $5.000 Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any farm at adultcration. is equally good with hard or soft water. ’ REWARD will " be paid to any ‘ who proves that _ ‘, if you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old/fashioned way. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be washed without the slightest injury. Lever Brother-a Limited, Toronto Water, Stcrm and Fire Proof flap. and have covered thousands of making them EAVFSTROI'GH, Etc. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write to-day. l0l0lll0. 0m. 11 Colborno st lllllllltltll. title. Olllllltl, lllll. 321-3 W Craig St. 428 Sussex st. Made from Painted or Galvanized Stool, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. ering on the market. and is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns. Stores. Ele- vators, Churches. etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA” shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest ccompany of the kind under the British | FIRE. WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF- We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets. Conductor Pipe and METAL SIDING. in imitation of brick or stone. Write for Catalogue No. “R and free samples of THE! PBDLAR PEI O PLE, Write your Nearest 0cho.â€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAW’A, Ont Your money refunded by ihedealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find my uuse for complaint. This is the most durable cov- the best buildings throughout Canada. “05HAWA” Shingles. IOEUOH, Bill. 69 Dundas 8t. Willllllltlll. iltlll. llfllltZOlllfelM. 76 Lombard st. 615 Ponder It. More Safe and Sure Than an Investment in Toronto $34,000â€"FOR Real INVESTMENTâ€"Block of new solid brick Estate. houses, under five years' lease to pay over 10 per cent. net: most com ti‘allv situated on quiet residential street. As owner has other houses uiid;r construction these are offered at a bargain. S. FRANK WILSON, Owner, 13 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. TELEPHONE MAIN 15. LANDS In Weston: fianaEda a, Two cornering auctions, select- landu in Saskatchewan, only 8 mile; from two railways. C.P.B. a G.T.I’. Strong soil, 9Uper cent. plough land, spring creek, no :10 About 40 miles NE. of Indian Head. Price “0.50 per non. Write for map and full particulars. R. PARSONS. 9| Weiicucy Strcet. Toronto. Canada. ushx. Lady: “Have you had much exper- ience as a cook ‘3” Applicant: “Oh. in- dt-cd, l have! I was the cook of Mr. and Mrs. Peterhy for three years.” “Why did you lcavr‘ them 1’” “I didn’t leave thcm; thcy left inc. Tth both died." “What of?" “Dyspepsia.” If allackcd with cholera or summer complaint of any kind send at once for a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg‘s Dysvnlcry Cordial and use it according to direc- tions. It acts with wondcrful rapidin in subduing that dreadful dim-use that weakens the strongest man and that destroys the young and dclicatc. Those who hanc used this Cl’lfrlt‘l‘tt mcds’cine say It acts promptly and never fails to elfcct a thorough curc. Ilell'ill BLUE SKIES. Thc f‘n-ld< and woods are Nature’s sanilorium. Have you cvcr noticed how soon and how comi‘ilrtcly we forget our EltJiIt‘S and ailmcnts whcn we come under their spell“? Sumchow it does not scent to fit in well with our surroundings to tzdk of being sick. llcul-th is ill] about us. and thc ahonnding strcngth of Nature is communicated to the physical system by sonn- process we understand but duiily, and we outgrow the wruk- mass and illlif‘lllllit's wc huvc lit-en in the habit of complaining about to much, and all at OllCL‘ we wakc tip to the fact that we havu none left to talk about. t'n- consciously we have absorbcd the vital- ity of thc 93th as God made it, and with a thrill of delight. \u' [(301 it ting“; 1mg in our Ham. and it l> a joy just to Hive and bit-attic. 'l‘hv flit‘ll and women who shut thvinsclvrs ‘walls cud to another only hzdf live. lill>ldlntll fut 1 "lira: she was she's marricd looking for a iiuwf She nights.” up within four n and stay thcrc from one year‘s full hm mdwd curr-d m-r. GRAIN LANDS We make a Specialty of Farm Lands in Manitoba. fiaakatchewan and Alborta. Special bargains on tho now G.T.P. By. in the greatest wheat country in the 1 world. I “’AUGII & BliA'l'TlE, 12 Merchants Bank Building, Winnipeg, Man. Mr. C. has just spoilt-d a clerk staring into vacancy. with his hands in his pockets. Mr. (L: “\\'(-Il. Mr. Brown.” Mr. 8.: “Yes. thank you, sir.” ANOTHER wutnaarui. GASl-Z ' Here is Something that will be Welcome News to Many a Discouragcd One. “l-‘or scvcral years i have been troublcd with gas around my ho-art. shortness of bit-ath, my (God did not digest properly. It turnal sour in my stomach. causing «me gin-at dixtrc»; often, tho. I had disagree- “miam "'“PPd- an. attacks of botch- mu gas and heartburn. and scvcro l pains aortas: lln small of my back. i “l mu Dr. lmnillidl'dl'S Antiâ€"Pill and ‘fiom thv \v'ry first found relief. Anti- ‘ TiltS i\ ll‘n‘ \ultll’iltti‘y Sliili‘liienl Ol i\\'m. u. Had. of 10's Quccn 5L. kmg. llc: “Fivr' years ago “hi-n l saw ht‘r‘ son. Ont. -\ll drab-r: or Thr- \\'il.~;é/n-Fyl0 C0., and Lilli.lctl. Mogul-u l’alls. (Jiit, she's still looking for him. rppuclull} at - : -- ~ l issu: No. 37415.

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