Myâ€! VOL. XXIX. u "I our: (“3% ISPUBIJSIIEDE‘JERY THURSDAY l‘v’EORNlNG AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING Ii; PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL , ONT. 'l‘ . If. McMAHON, Eamon E.- I‘normn'roa. DR. S. .T. BOYD. . B. M. ll. (3. f-i.: L. ll. (3. l‘.. ling. (Nuccnssoa r.) Ila. DEAN) KEllclunozzd Elli†.\Vill occupy his predecessor‘s rrfllrm :mi is prop ll'tnl lo (in general pr-rclice and also to lrcal. r-yc, car, nose and throat dascasr-s. .;émr. D .l. i)euti.~st. Our. CJA'lChll and Yonge Sts , Toronto \Vill he in Richmond Hill on \Ved‘ ncsday of each week. ‘ ()llicc, next door north of Stand- \‘ arrl B ink. i Oiï¬co Hriiii~5~~Q.3.) a. m. to .7 p. m. I r , ,H, i, ,,,_A___ ‘, I):'- 1*]. {3. ‘Voodsj DENTIST, Francis Block, "l'IiOlleIlLL, 0m. 0111 :c hours: Tuesdays, éâ€"IZ a. 12).; .â€"'~' p. in. Toronto Oilijc, 450 CHURCH ST. citrililzz‘y JOHN R. CAI‘JPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to are. J. H. SANDERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL l crlls by day and night promptly at- l tcnded to. L J, Ill. Prentice. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Yo 1r Goods solder) consignment General Euler stoc etc promptly rttaudedtu unreasonable rat-ea ResulenccUniunrillo G R Urouldiug, Newton liroclgagcnt for :hc obuvo J '1‘ Saigeon. J K McEwen Maple Weston Saigcou & NlcEwcu. Licensed Auctioneers for the Countyof York. Soles utterldedto on shortcstuotic mud 8. rec.- souuble rates Patronage solicited D. G. BLOUGII. } Lindsay.L1wrerce B. ll. iv.â€" Morrison] “In Essentials, Unify; i Enrol. l AUSlrinrla I (‘1 (l l-‘ l.a\vrc.n.c W liidont \‘v’l’hlSV-‘Ol'tl‘. Phone Mair. 29H . ‘ P J. w aCiflVOZ‘Lh. Bazristersjolicitcrs. Nttericz. 8.6. Home Life Prilillliilt,’ (l'or-rrrr-Ily l"rcc hold Loan Bldg). ('o:. Adelaide .\; Victoria. Sis. Toronto. WILLIAM COOK l Urnnrs'ricn. SULIclToll, No'rAnv. F'rc. l 1| l Toroan t'lï¬ir-c. . i Richmond St. "rVosi. \l'csley Buildings. lr'iclrrrnnrd llill (llfico. Hicndnrd‘ Bank Building, in cry Serlrrrrlny riflciu until]. l Maple, Thursday afternoon. Nioncy to loan at Five I’e-r- (‘rnt (.71). LENNOX ti; MORGAN, ~ Barrister-sandSolicitors. Moucv to loan onlnno and mutual mortgagerat lowest rates Auroraolliveeâ€"Ilcnrorer? lo the old post when one door wert Cf the entrance to the Onto) lo Hunk Newmmket -i(’dccâ€"â€"’l'hrce doors south of p rs: oilice I‘ thrrncn'; Lnrmo‘x (l lurorn. the STV MORGAN Ncwioarket , o l .vlulocl', Lee, Millisen £2 Clark Barrister-s. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION HANK (JIIAMUIC is, S. \V. L'orrrcr King 5; Yoogc Slrrcls, l TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds l.(r loan at lowcst currcrrt rates. r ,. ,L V‘ 'l 7 'l DcllLOll, cum 5. Eoult oee . Barrister-s. Snlir-(ors. Etc. NATIONAL TRUST Cl IA M BERS 20 KING ET. I), TORONTO, Canada. Flux); Dexrox, K. C. Illsizirisrrr L. l3i'..\".\' W. McLocK llour'rmcv JOHN \VAI.TER )lcllosAm) Phono Main 31]. ‘y Mr. McDonald will he :rtTHE LlllEll~ AL Ofï¬ce, Iii -hrrrorr<l Hill, on the lst and 3rd Saturday of each month. JAS. N EVVTON ISSUERMARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN NHILLS â€"§K. 75E E753}; NOTA RY PUBLIC, ooumssxoxnnm THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. . I‘ w 3 ' ISSuer or Ma. mge Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIIIE. ~HTA’Q l‘lICHOfliS“ NOTARY PUBLIC (.‘ommlssioner, (‘onvcyancmy clc. Insurancc: Fir-c and Life. Riohrnond. Wm Luna: nan-am s“ -' .513»? «m .' - , WRIGHT BROS, [laden-takers ‘1' Embahnscrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL r1. License Auction“? ’m'weCOWtYO‘YOr" ’5' I A large stock of Funeral Furnishings spactfully solicrts your patronirrc and friendly influence sales attended on the s! ortest urtics and at reusonnbemtes. I’. 0.udd.ross King kcpt at both places. twice a. year. It is withdrawable without notice hearing interest ci'cry day it is : deposit. 8 Rest 5E OUR MONMi-‘i‘Y should be kept in a safe place. Ontario Bank Savings Department ~ it will be as accessable to you as ifcarr‘ied in your pocket. IT WILL BE SAFELY KEPT For you against the time you require it, and IT \VIIJ. Ill? ADDING TO _ l l YOUR. INCOME from the interest we pay on your llillrilrcc corrrpourrdcd 3 Capital *3 1,500,000.00 H. Ii. FIJE Uiixfmlanager King City Branch. If it is deposited in the Ltl] 700,000.00 - disrirsion by those pr'cscirt. . spccror and soc if llrcsc practices could ry' l - on I I address the rrrirristcrs in the afterr own ,and to hold a public meeting in the ,early last Thursday morning, aged 80 ‘ year's. ' \Valkinglon of Buifalo. Hill†l r . r l l r Headford lnspcclor Folhcr'ingharrr made his, u and visit to S. .\'o. .‘l, on Tuesday. ‘Thrrlrras Jackson p: as *d away after a ‘ The trusloos met him by appointment l or d r xanriirr-(l the premises together. ’ ‘ If they follow his directions the. rate- ‘ paycrs \\ ill sweat. prr-i‘usr-ly and proh- ; ably say sorrn- llllpl'inlulrlc things. Tho lirollrrcn in (‘Iiisl ('l’uirrkcr'sl cornrrrnrriorr mncling will he hcld at their (hurl-h :rt (.‘or-rrrlcy ll1'\i‘ .‘~.:rlrr:-- day. Some Arrrr-ricrrrr lllllllrlcls aiol cxpcr'tcd. â€"â€"â€"â€"~e‘oo She rwood The Vaughan Minister i:rl Association , held its first i‘v'ulllhl' "rooting for [he ‘ fall and winter months in the hollow- an (‘hurrl , llh c-ui.\':rugh:m, on 5‘ p .' lllh, at 2.3.!) p.m. Thcie were eight rrrirristors from the surrounding comâ€"- urrrrririrnspresent. 'l‘hc lev. Malcolm Mch’inrrorr of \Voodlrridge read an in- teresting paper on "Pastoral \Vork.†which led to a profllrrhleand aninrrttcd Among- r olhcr items of irrlerrsr discus‘wd were phasr-s of local option and its workingl lll the Township of Vaughan and 1hr- I ï¬lm; 0 of Richmond Hill. The luck of ample accorrrmorlalion in Maple, for ilw ll':l.\ ellirrcr public and \\ hzrl sccmcd j to he upon and flagrant breaches of‘ llrc law in liichlrrorrd Hill and Klr-irr- lurg, were dep'orcd. The “right man†could get tho stuff as native “lllI‘, or, sorrrvthiogjr else in lrulllPS at, those places, and the sot-rotary was‘ inslrurztcd to wriYe the License lir- rrol he stopped. Tlrr- ncxt rrrrwling will he hold on the 2nd Monday of Oct. in lhc Methodâ€" ist 'hurch, \l'oodhridne, when it is cxprclcd to have llr. Chow†of Turnarâ€" ro. Socrclal'y of Temperance ‘ such moral reforrrr, or some cvclriug. _â€"~».4o>-_ MRS. R. llOBlNSON’S DEATH. Mrs. Robert. Robinson, for many years a resident of this place, died at. the home of her daughter, Mrs J: s. (iahy, 44 Br-aconsfield Ave†Toronto, Decrasel had been failing for a long limo, and for over-:1 month be- fore she (licd she had not lwcll able to have her bed. The remains were brought. for interment in the lich- mond Hill cemetery on Saturday when the casket was borne by ï¬re sons, namely: James of Etobicoke. John of Manitoba, George, William and Harry of this place. and a son-inâ€" law, Mr. .los. Gaby. Before lcavirg Toronto an impressive sermon was rr>ached at the home by Rev. C. 0. Johnston, a former pastor of deceased. The minister spoke of the christian character of the departed, her faith in the hereafter, and expressed a hope tlhr’ ll.e sons and daughters would lroï¬t by the example lrrolhcl‘. The ceremony at the. grave was conducted by Rev. A. P. Brace. The funeral here was a large. one, many old friends coming a long dis- tance to show their last tribute of rc- spcct for the deceased and her family. an- only absent members of the famâ€" ilv were Jerry of Now York, and Other relaâ€" tives present were the three daughters w.‘L‘rs-r. A. Savage, Mrs. \V. Mintern and Mrs. Jos. Gaby. with their hus- bands; three sons of Mr. Mintcrn; a. son of Mr. Savage; a granddaughter, Miss Robinson of Elohicokc: Mr. J. Pierccy of Emery, a nephew; Mrs. Lamb of Meadowurle, a niece: Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Tlrorrras of Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ray of Ulcnville. â€"â€"â€".o*â€"-â€"- TIIE IEMONVI LLE \VE LLS. In view of the probability of Toron- t.) Junction being supplied with water from artcsian wells at. Imuronvillc a LIBERAL reporter and another citizen p rid a visit to the Wells last I‘ridny. Tue water from urany pipes tlows con- tinnallyas clcar as crystal, and rrril- lions of gallons go to waste every day. The wells are on the (‘l‘lvli farm. lots 6 and 7, con. 6, \Vlritchurch. Some of the pipes are 2 inches. 3 incth and 6 inches in diameter. The water from some of the wells asccltds with great farce, and it. is said will r'risc 25 fret a‘rove the surface. On the Cook far In r a. one there arc-21 \vclls. Some of the Wells were plugged as the neighbors to the south complaint-(l that the over- flow water was a. nuisance. The ï¬rst well in that locality was bored (55 years ago, and the proprietorof the {.1111} says the Water comes with as much force now as w hen the well was first sunk. It is claimed that. from 3 “up pipe alone 100,000 gallons of water ' flows every 24 hours. .‘lr. Neighorn has an option on thc wells. and if he is granted a charter by tthntar-io Government his lnlt’lrllvdl is to com. mence piping the distance to Toronto Junction. about 253 rrrilcs, next. spring, of a rious. . l 'Prcsuicnt, Jae. Carrier-011; 'l‘reusurer, by way of Yonge strict. The height of the :rrtesian Wells above Toronto is about 050 feet. l ; in all things, Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, ONT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, l906 mâ€"wsmsnxem Maple On Thursday of last wee-k, Mr. lingering; illness. He was in his s-\criiy-nirrtll your and had lived in th's v.(:inily for many yr-nrs, rind was highly rrspccted by all who knew him. The fulrcral took place on Sat- urlry afternoon. and was largely ul~ tunlcd. All r-xtenrl their sympathy to tho \'('1 r owing widow and family. I. mt Thursday :lfll-r'rrlrnlr the month- .ly meeting of the \Vorrrcn's Instilute was held at the home of Mrs. G. G.Il‘-" row. Au address on “Patent Mcdi- chins" was given by Dr. Helen Mc- Murrhy of Toronto. There \vus quite. a large attendance, and tea was serv- cd at the close of the meeting. A harvest home St‘l'VlCu will be held in St. Stephen’s church next Sunday evening, when it is expected that Rev. ‘ Mr. Morley of Bradford, will preach. Mr. J. H. Kirby and Mr'. H. Humble l]:r\'c disposed of their section of land in Alberta at more than double what they paid for it twrr years ago. Miss Lila Richardson of Toronto, spent over Sunday with her cousin, Miss Laura Richardson, and assisted in the choir of the. Methodist Church on Sunday OH-llll‘lg'. Mr. D. Burgess wont to Canningtou ‘ last Week to attend the funeral ofa hrotlu'l'. Ilcv. .losr plr E. Wilson preached-'in Carlton St. (lhurclr, Toronto, on Sun- day last. His work here. was taken by Mr. Fortner of Toronto, {I’ld M r. Galloway of Toronto, preached in the evening. Ir. and Mrs. E. J. Cousins and Miss Clara Still-s, of Toronto, visited from Saturday till Monday at Mr. T. Cousins. Miss Stiles, who is soprnnn solorst in \Vrslern Congregational Church, sang beautiful solos at. both morning and evening services here on Sunday. Miss Ella Baker of Davenport, is spcrrdinglthe \VOL‘k with her aunt, Mrs. T. Cousins. Mrs (Urn) Logan has gone to spend a month at her old home in Tiverton. Mr. C. Urquhart, formerly manager of the Sterling Bank at Uxbridge, has taken charge, of the branch of this lowâ€. It is a common sight on our streets, especially on Sunday nights after church, to see boys scarcely in their teens. priming away at cigarettes. Lndics have also been insulted by re- marks from these youngsters. Par- ents should sce that this is stopped. The annual meeting of King and Vaughan Plowurerr’s Association was Iheld in the Masonic Hall, Maple. on Saturday, the. 15th inst. The auditors’ report showed the association to he in good standing. The date set for the coming match is Thursday. Nov. 8. The match will be. held in the Town- ship of Vaughan. Any person havin a good field will confer a. favor by communicating the same. to the secre- tary, Mr. J. T. Saigcon, Maple. The following ofï¬cers were duly elected:â€" I’resident, \Vm. VValkington; Vice- Gco. Lawson; J. Secretary, T. liaigeorr; Directors, .las. McLean sr.,' 'l‘. H. Legge, 91. Lemon, A. D. Carley, R. Thomas, A. McCallum, A. L. Mc- Neil. S. Jamicsou, \Vells, R. Jones, Jos. Sutton, \Vm. Wells, J. J. Mar-shall, Geo. Phillips, Andrew McNeil, T. Butt,0has. “'itty. \Vnr. GlrrSs: Honorary Directors, Alex. Cameron, ers. \Vclls. The members purpose making this the best match ever held by the associru tiou. â€"â€"...o°â€"â€"_ N ews N otes. Henry Car-scallen, K.(l., Conserva- tive memlrcr for East Hamilton, died, year. I Sunday. l6th inst, in his 62nd Deceased was a victim of Bright's disease. He was one of the most pop- ular members in The. Local House. The Shamrocks of Toronto Junction won the Intermediate U. L. A. on Saturday by defenling YoungTor-ontos . at the Island. The Toronto Street Railway carried 4,540,829 passengers during the two weeks of the Exhibition. The scorn was 4â€"2. The Methodist General Conference at \Vinnipeg votI-d down the motion to admit women to the church courts. The victims of the Gilmour Hotel ï¬re at Ottawa. number tlrrce, namely, Miss O’neil. Mrs. Bickctt and Miss ' Lovcday of I’cterhorc’. _â€"....>___ TRIP OVER JAMES BAY R. R. The completion of the James Bay Railway to Parry Sound was marked by a trip Sunday over the road by Mr. I). D. Mann, Fir-t Vice- President, and party. The trip was made in six hours, the distance being 150 mlles. There were nine in the party, includ- ing Mr. D. 13. Hanna, Third Vice- President. The train was in charge of Conductor Brooks and Engineer Yurnall. The road was considered in satisfactory condition. and it is expect- l r r l Mr-Ulurc, A. B. l l 'l. mu NEWTON [Single copies, 3 cts. FALL FAIRS. The dzrtes of‘ exhibitions and full fair-s popular- in this section so fax-ur- rnugcd areas follows: Ncwrrrarkt-t, Sept. 18, 19. llrrllrrn, Oct. 1. 2. r Markham. Oct. 3-5. , \Vcstorr, Oct. 6. E Fr-lrornhorg. Oct. Ila-12 l Brmlford, Oct. 16, l7. , \Vor dhridge, ()cl, TVVAIR â€"â€". Bad Stomach Makes ) Bad Blood. You can not make sweet butter in a foul. unclean churn. The stomach serves as a. churn in which to a itute, work _up and disinte rate our foo as it. is bein digested. f it be weak, sluggish an foul the result will be torpid, sluggish liver and bad. impure blood. The ingcdients of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical iscovery are just such as best. serve to correct and cure all such de- rangements. It is made up without a dro of alcohol in its composition; chem- lca y pure, tri le-reï¬ned glycerine being used instead 0? the commonly employed alcohol. Now this glycerine is of itself _:1. valuable medicine. instead of a. deleterr» ous agent like alcohol. es ecinlly in the cure of weak stomach. dys epsia. and the various forms of indigestion. Prof. Frnle Ellingwood, M. D., of Bennett Medics College, Chicago, says of it: "In dyspepsia it serves an excellent pur- pose. ‘ ‘ ‘ It is one of the best. manufactâ€" ured products of the present. time in Its action upon enfeebled, disordered stomachs: especially if there is ulceration or catarrhel l gastritiswatarrnal inflammation of stomach). ' It is a most eï¬icient preparation. Glycerlne will relieve many cases of pyrosis (heartburn) and excessive gastric acidity. It. Is useful in chronic intestinal dyspepsia. especially the flatulent variety, and in certain forms of chronic constipation. stimulating the secre~ tory and excretory functions of the intestinal glands." When combined, in ust the right propor- - tions, with Golden eal root, Stone root, l Black Cherrybark, Queen’s root, Blood- root and Mandrake root, or the extracts of , these. as in Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical .' Discovery, there can be no doubt of its great efï¬cacy in the cure of all stomach, , liver and intestinal disorders and derange- 1 meme. These several ingredients have the strongest endorsement in all such oases of such eminent medical leaders as Prof. R. Bartholow. M. D.. of Jefferson Med- l lcal College. Chicago: Prof. Hobart A. Hero. M. T1. of Medical Department. University of Pa.: Prof. Laurence Johnson. M. D.. Medical Department. University of New York; Prof. Edwin M. Hale, M. D.. Hahnemann Medical Collegeï¬hicago: Prof. John M. Scudder. MD. and Prof. John King. M. D.. Authors of the American Dlspensatory. and scores of others among the leading medical men of our land. I Who can doubt. the curative virtues of ' a medicine the ingredients of which have such a. professional endorsement ‘P I ‘ Constipation cured by Doctor Pierce. Pleasant Pellets. One or two a. dose. Q§O+¢O¢§§NNN§¢§H¢§QHO gr AGENT FOR l Beeriug i r Farm 1m- 1 l iplements Any one needing any thing ,in the line of Drills Cultivators ' Rollers or Barrows of any kind for fall work would do well to try one of ‘ our machines. ti. £5â€. Gloss RICHMOND HILL P. O. ¢¢§¢§§¢¢§¢§¢¢¢¢§§¢9##0#04 6 Pianist In -tr nr-lirn in Piano-playing and Thvory Rv-pi'cscrrmtirc for Richmond Hill ."ml vicinity of yeolde Firme of Heintzmun Cd will be spam-d for passenger and and Company, Limited, manufactrd freight trafï¬c in about two Weeks. cl's of high grade pianos. -