Mrs. Tbmnns Lennard of Lemon ville, and her sister. Miss Bunk of Buf fallo, made a short, visit wuh the Miss- es Elliott, "The Willows." EASTERNANDWESTERN WOMEN AS CLOTHES BUYERS. In the course of u svrios of articles on “The Dross~nmkors of the United States" in the New “1041 “’onmu‘s Magazine, a prmnincnt wunum (llL‘SS- maker of New York is quoted in (he Octobï¬r number as saying, in legend to American buying clothes at [mine and abroad: “In sume respects [119 Western woman is our best custoim-i. Those who are rich are fu-queuLly very rich. They spi'nd Llwil mnnpy freely and rarely baggie about [Him-5. Indeed. theydmi't. luuvo tlllll‘ l4.) lmggie. The woman whu lives in New York is a} bargain hunter. V‘Ve would all he bargain huntm-s if we. had time. hm. we haven't. Thus it is Willi UL: Westerner. She kimwx cm-i'ectcluclics when she sees them. kunws lurw to buy them at. :1 fair price; but she is in New York only for short pul'ind of Lime. and must consequently put. lh‘l business matte-ls tluuugll promptly. The dressmnkcrs ï¬nd her a. must, satis- factory customer. The EJISLUK‘H wom- tn. on U)" OUIPI‘ hand. can pick and choose. Because she has money. it is Mrs. Peter Sheppard of Belmont St. Toronto. spent from Sahn-duy uuLi Monday with her aunt. Mrs. J. Hamil ton. at The Elgin. TheRev. Forbes J. Rutherford. B.A.. and wife. of B. 0.; also Mrs. (Dr.) Hus- band, Davnsville. spent. over Sunday at their uncle's, Messrs. R. and F. Elliott. “The Willows." Mrs. J. Donough. whose home is near San Francisco. visited with Mrs. J. Andrews Tuesday night at Mrs. G. Wiley‘s. Miss Bertha Kerneglmn of Saucontre. Minn, and Miss Berle \Vulsten- holme of Peterbm'o'. Spent, a few duys with Mrs. D. Hill. Miss. L. Harrison and her friend, Miss Mosaly. Toronto, spent; over Suu- day at, Mr. Wm. Harrison's. Dr. Boyd. successor to Dr. Dean, has taken the latter's residence and is already practismg. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kirkpatrick and children, Toronto, spent/over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson and Miss Linfoot eta-rt to-morruw for a week‘s visit at Dundas. Misses Olive and Hazel Switzer left yesterday to attend Havergal College. Mr. A. J. Hume acted as judge in the band competition at the New- market Fair yesterday. Mr. A. Mebcalfe left on Monday to taken. position as manage: of the Roller Rink in London. It is safe to say that every other nun you meet in Toronto this week is an odd fciiow. The annual com- munication of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. Independent Order of Odd- fellows is being held, and thousands of visitors are attracted from ail parts of the continent. Miss Heisc leaves to-dav for a. two Weeks visit in Detroit. Mrs. E. J. Quantz, Aurora. is spend- ing the week with her sister. Miss L. McMahon. Too often we hear of women in high life referred to as leaders of fashions, leaders in social life or popular amusements, as if adaptability along the above lines was the essential qualiï¬- cation. Such ladies have an in- fluence but their example may not mend to’the up-lifting of humanity. ’il‘here are many examples, however, of noble women throughout the civil- ized world who are taking active part in all works that are good and pure, and whose christian influence is felt wherever they go. The late beloved Victoria the Good was a noble example of true womanhood, honored and respected by the highest :and the lowest of her subjects. Our (present queen, wife of our present king, is known far and wide for her many virtues, and we were pleased 1to observe by The World a few days ago that to her Imperial Majesty Empress of Germany is due to a great extent that piety and philan- thropy that are becoming so fashion- able in Germany. Blessed is the nation the piety of whose women is beyond suspicion, and whose first de- sire is to assist in raising fallen hu- manity in this sineursed world. @119 fliibe 'zii. RICHMOND HILL. NOBLE EXAMPLES BERSONALS. ONT.. Sept. 20. 1906 7 7 ~- -______ (v‘P:1)'§uitwl to all [:3er of Headache 213-! L113],- positive in every temperament. F0 S Ili’sel’il)e fOI‘ Ind rtoommuudcd by THE - LIBERAL W. A. SANDERSON General Bulging Busigese Transacted. BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. For other particulars call at the Bank A, AGENT. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cheap Watches are the expensive enes M+++++++Jp Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Money Loaned on Farmers†Sale Notes. Blank Note Forms Supplied Free. HIBHEST CHRRENT RMES. Received in Savings' Bank Dop ment and interest allowed at, STANBQRQ BMK 0t Canada RICHMOND HILL AND MAPLE {"5 +4“ ink-E"? #“1-4‘ +++ 4"}- +++++++ S ubserihe for HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL 41-6m RESIDENCE, MILL ROAD. SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL. GLAZIER, GRAINER a: PAPEI-‘HANG-ER W. HEWESON pl ED. BIRCH HOUSE PAINTER T H 0 RN H ILL willimg @iï¬plag Capital Rest m we end they are Llâ€"xechenpz My price for a. first-class justed Movement in Nickle C is $11.70 and it will not, \veauw short of ï¬fty years. Come and bring TUESDAY, OCT. friends. MRS. S. SHUTER and following days. 12-2 H. H. LOOSEMORE. JERRY SMiTE‘i PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER be constantly tinkering watch and paying {01' to keep it going, that is 11 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 DEP_O_SITS RICHMOND HILL P. O [11' ‘Ell‘ In the Village of Richmond Hill, ()0. of Yul-k, as laid out by Isaac Bank of Commerce Yonge & Bloor Sts. R. A. Farquharsanm PRINCIPAL @riï¬ï¬h @aanfliaa @miutï¬ï¬ (139119531) BUSY NEGE‘EW 0F SHEEN W3 Spent at Shorthand and Boakkeeeping courses such as we teach by Mail and at, College will increase your value to the community and in c i d c n t .‘\ l l y your wealth. It will Cost only a post card to get {lav cheap- est, terms ever offered fur ï¬rst rate College or Mail courses. 200 sits. last year. Lin Lots 42,45). braham’s Lane John Brydon’s Snake Rail Fvnno Wirï¬ G. ROBINSON ushy 2‘30 250 Fonr‘n 250 "N DU h. LMM‘khnm ! Farm For Rent it About, three acres of orchard. Arrangements can 1m made fol-doing the fall plowing. Sixteen acnes ready for fall wheat. This is one of the best furnm in the townshi an' furthm- ini'nx'nmtion The buildings are in good repair. There is a solid brick house and abnudaucenf good water. hard and SUft. The kind is all clam-ed, all under- dl‘ained, and in a high SlilLC of cultiva- tion. APPLY ON THE PREM [8138. 11-4 Natiée m Siefléiï¬Ã©s Lot 1. 2nd can. of Vaughan, the property of Mrs. Jnhn McBride. con- sisting of 150 acres, is to rent for :1 term of yogu-s. Dated at Toronto th August, 1906. Late of the the Cox have 1w A good seven 11mm brick house, with two acres of land, being the north-west quarter of Int 48. lst con. Vaughan, 1:} miles west of Richmmid Hi1]. On the pi'r-misvs are a stable, hard and 50“, watm . fruit trees, cellar, etc. Pnssessmn given at any time. Price, $600. Nutico is he R. S. 0. 1897 and Amendin having any cl the said Chan or about tlwf Good heavy wm‘k hmse. Also a good drive-1' and outï¬t. Apply to El). BIRCH Victoria Squaw. The ï¬nder will nbligl- by leavin sument Lot nu. 30, renr 4th «:on., annship of Vaughan. (me hundred news. Awh: A little (-hild lost, Saturday, Hill. 01' lwtwee of Driving hurso 8 can. 2 cutters. 2 and stublu ï¬xtures Child Ltul'dzly, t '721 gold In illl T1113. fludm THE Horses For Sale ls: con 1' fun 11) CHARLES NIXON Farm for Sale Brac Farm to Rent In the matter of the c E12933} f0}: Boy Wanted ‘t in ' wanted 1 Apply (0 Apply L Ill ‘icbmnnd St. W Solicitor for the vanship of Vaughan in County uf YUl'k, Fnl'mvr, my chum against t ‘harlus Nixon. w tlw ï¬fth dav nf .In is hewhy given pursuth 1897 Chapter 129. SPCtinn “ding Acts. that all pets For Apply to J A. M ES “'10 MORE For Sale DR. \ lit-hxm the (1 LIBI ’s Coat Lost THY. LIBI cult-t. Lil) will please Lot 43. mm. 1 Vaughan Richmond Hill P.( fth dav uf Jm In send tn M 11:0. the Adn‘ deceased mule. Septe the-'11 Ym k. 'l'llluli MISS NOBLE l] in st of wll 1:11 (-1 let RANCIS BROS RAL OFFICE HUME chzmmd Hill hmond Hill P. G C. DE hum: Sale urn luilming Ick silk (‘rmt was ‘. 8, at Richmond it'hmnnd Hill and |)( th 'OSL, I'm-(mt, Administru is 31st day ERA L ()FFICI M :11 I16 ill on 01- about Serb-tuber, part, wrul reward. 3 leave at Nt-wlnn Bx“ '(l‘ SH] Lost Ihm-nhill Sale nld Hill :pply (u muggy. hunk-5:5 )l] \tr ,‘ tn [he claims n‘ have Imliuv, and - Iiuhlv fur the :13 :zlny pzut, {hm-91 [\VhOSG claim he notice. Notice is hei-Pliy given that I have transmitted or delivered to the put-- snns mentioned in the Eighth and Ninth Sections of “The Vntcrs’ List Act†the copies required by said Sec- tions to be so transmitted or delixered of the list made pursuant, to said Act and anmndnwnls thereto, if all por- suns appearing hy the last Revised Assesment Roll (If the said municipal- ity tn he entitle-d to \‘nte in the said Municipality at. elPCtinnS for Members of thu Legislative Assembly and at Municipal IClvctit-ns: and that said List was FIRST POSTED UP at my ofï¬ce at the Village of Maple. «m the ELEVENTH DAY OF'SEPTEMBER. 1906. and remains thm-P for inspection. Electors are called npun tn t-xatnin» the said List and if any omissions or any other errm-s are found therein tn take immediate pi-ncs-edings to have {he $aid errors cunt‘clcd according to aw. SPRHI‘ is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxsted Twills. Scotch Twéeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Clerk nf the sail Dated this 11th day of 11% $011 IS clay 10am and WP“ WHLPI'PL2,IUI(I there is one new of gum] orchard. For lel'thPl‘ infwrmntinn, terms of ale, etc.. etc, apply to T. C. Street, Newton Brnhnk, ur the undorsignu‘f. the Township uf Ym-k. (-nntzlinim hundred ucrrs more or loss. On the property is erected a frame house and burn buildings. soil is clay 10am and WPH watva Underinstruclinns from Mr. T. C. Street, EXc-cutor of the Estate of the late David Hun-(ling, there will he of- fl-red for sale by public auction by John H. Prentice. auctinm-er, on Sat- nmlny, October 27, at 3 u'cluck p. ml, onthe property, thnt Valuuhlu farm lwingfhta west lmlf of Int N0. 2], in the 2nd con. must of Ynnge Street in the Township uf Ym-k. (-nntzliniug (me hundred ucrrs more or loss. 28 Toronto St., Toronto, Solicitors for Executor. Dated at. Toronto this 15th day uf Septuuhexg A. 1)., 19m}. 1906. their Mann-s, ilddl't’S‘ scxiptinns. and full pm-tivn} I:luim~:, and the nnlun- of LI if nny. held by them. duly afï¬davit, and after the su exocntnr will proceed m (H PEARSON 3: BENTON. McKinmun Building. Me-lindn SL. Turnn Soliritnrs fur the Exvm Duh-‘3 this lTLh day of Septmulwr, 1' â€"4 Voters List 1906 M V Stock 01 Farm Property HS OWNSHIP UF YORK Municipali Esï¬iï¬iï¬ï¬ SM ‘V AUQ£E1¢XN failor, Richmsnd Hill he ENG AND SUMMER quali nLitl l‘nv “mt I. B. M( JACKES & JACKBS, â€"â€"OF VALUABLE 139’ County of York. wrehy ‘ Lyhu; dour Lht IN THE d [h son ml 0 shall the tmvnship of lliuh d=|y nf Outuhur. I(](11'PS\‘I‘S and (10- ;u-tirnlnrs nf lht‘il' n- of the set-unity. ‘. duly \‘t‘liï¬t‘d hy the said (late HIV in) (listrilmte- tlw d nmung the pur- .1 Municipality. September, 190' «mung the p having nag: 1 he Shall H“ be will not, distributed. olens for ‘my pI'lN not then JOW Cstnlv of ices n lluv and The he