Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Sep 1906, p. 5

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The Annual Moe-ting uf the \V.C.T.U. will he held nt- Mrs. Harry‘s next Tues- (layafternunn at. 3 o’cluck. Repm‘ts 'will he received from the superintend- ‘.m|ts of the \‘zu-ix-us departments. and [he election nf nfl‘icH-s will take place. The delegate In the Cuunt‘y mmven- 'ion. held at Keswick, will give .hm‘ I‘epan. It is ruquestvd Lhnt every member Inuke an effort. to be plesent :1 fithis meeting. "The best, renmdy fur a hm: ’i uy your gmcL-xivs of A; h witzer and H\-\":'L dyspepsia \Vm'ld on nuim-d Mr. John len-H, ($3111 regilu'wul, hm Last Sdeuy‘s or throughout Yr-rk been in ill-hoall'u f still continued to :1 Ho was up and aln in the usual way. 1 Wm taken sudden .‘Mnck, dcnthheh Pink Lips Uhupped or ( as 54qu as \‘PI The I’l'izo held on fiber 1m 11" Hz: and ‘rzllUd n-«gr; :Innna vxh If y mr Slmnmfl If yo 11' Fund di‘ Jf>ynu :u-e \Vm I'sv Dr. Shnnp'x and 58L“ 'h:l( it “I. A. Sundel-M :md must bupnlnrmilitm- State of New ank. Hi at. the Torfihuto Exhilyili: cavm‘ Day" dgl-ighltad m; plu‘ph‘. AS The “701' hm‘ulums‘tvr puwoll \1‘ Richmond Hill hm‘. and gem-r prom-mt time he uhluined witzer. fruit. Jms. ‘Mn-n‘s \ "M and \\'i m Hvuvv , xf Elgin Mills "l‘hm‘sdny night last, three lump chimneys from three village humps, south 01‘ the Bank were Luken away. The pelsnn m- pursons who did the ,h-ick may til“ in :1 joke. hut, pmple generally luuk upon such :xctiuns as Pl'eyentiun 15 better than cure, and .020 best way LU prevent, catching culd is to keep the feet dry. Buy gund hunts that. Nunghtnn keeps in large assortment and such lu\\‘ prices. ganer theft. It, keva Abkinsun 6: Switzul wailing rm (‘usLuuwl-s but that‘s iUIE’y keep stow fiuv. 041k Ridgfis magistrates lust \vrrk fl (Iptiun dist] 1.00“ hes! parlor nmtchvs fun silentsulely matches for Se. {\r Swine-r. "I Hut-21d U Swilzvr. ' husw RHnomht-r the ED Monday evvniug at c are. invitvd Ln attend The “(7k (If CH 3V0 nm-m Bunts‘ mkék cuts, Quality is om ‘IXI'SHII'SUIHH. A {ICE in The proprietor uf the" Summit, Housv, 1k Rulgvs, was up lwful‘o u bench of ugish‘utes in N *wnmrkot une (luv st week fm selling liquor in the Inca! utiun district, and was Kim-(1 $100 and "Shall \Vo gel" will be -xt Sunday M r. R As HIP auctioneer \r the third and lust d rn-ket fun: I) E A T H A dismunt wn uff hig 'l‘mc Luna: 5“ In rnhiil was at uhm ml that. make I;()(3A]4h}. ammo HILL, OWL, Sr’pt. 20. 1906 cents or on TO PREVENT A. COLD supc and out, 1nd Shm-sâ€"Got u pair of our 'ute-x-pl-hof Bnuts for thv fall “41'. A snap in \Vonwn’s xfurds. Nzughtun Brothers, R. Hall nf tho \Viugm' al ShuLinn. 9 Lists for Markham Fairtu ,1 the 3rd. élh and 5th nf re being distributed. The. .1 dirvcim's un- putting up a ramme for this, their 54th nihit-iun. Th‘é Xth'ld p lintun fur a He had heh nntondent had a butter :lssnrtorl \dlnn refide sugars, "nest n‘e spic N best. \‘ilwgnrs grmwrws than at t and no better values 0 in Ont‘uno. ALk%::sou ash is “'vuk, (listrosseg you, yak and Nea'vm )‘s Rostm-ativm it dm’sful' ynu Rm‘ \S yex-y .v‘ u'k cuuntv 'u for about f 10 pm- ;md [ml LL slure 911m 'ditiun nf The Tornntn l :1 plmtugrau'eur nf ‘. hmulmnslm‘ uf the ud. one of the finost- -militm~y hands in the -k. H" pl-ngx-zmnue .(llzll Hal < in his Yorkvillr [BIN l‘l‘( Lk .st thv price of the S lht‘ll). Atkinsnn & ut bx: ut, in 5’ ill 2 due MI “'4 pwnrlh night 0 ' lhv Gm Mr. Bum [ups can u pplyi ng pts ~Gl'ec Llismnn.â€"J’x ir'P nmn & Switzm'. *a headachei of Atkinson BULMER Rn ilw w-nt for cnsh is ‘H(: schuul hunks on all purulmsvs e-nm say, A)’ Hf the the aft In )est. Lhn n 'Xa'n. has pm‘ )al sheds a o’t-luc ht crowd: of mintwd out forum-Hy a on An; mammnnth l. Sold by hem t- nly Sun -d J. Bnl {h year. and had (wally- posit-ion fuurteen known He had rear. but Rough, nu made a' sn‘t nu‘. hm dut ies is 111mm rhmrmd kl Vents uspitn L xt the x95 can mu ug- mmm l at. 4 gnu on 3H. rrts‘ 5110 kinsnn R198 (I've busy W hat Tl This AH to ' in he lauw. The rig was upset am: uwn thrown out. Mr. Baker W: ed but soon recovered. Mr. was tum-e seriuusly injured aim hmld and face. A doctor Wars mum-11 and (ht- \vmmds dressed B 'Iyle is now nhlv to move around Bnyle is now but n_ black 4 rumiuders of CH“ at, ii at 10.30. gutv unti which hn pnsitm-y frighten: Baker of Gunilla dmfe m Mutthuw Boyle‘s on Yong when the inter was tn m: him Lu Mr, D. M. Boyle’s at I Thpy drove out tn the Kate. ulchnk inhalec little h King amniel in if you know of an item nr :1 piece of news. tell us about, it. That’s what. We want. But a. lH-‘WSpHptâ€"‘l‘ mun snnwtimos experiences more difl‘wnlty in gathering news than (mt- wnnhl im- agine. This was the cafse wth it re- pm-Ler in :1 neighboring town. who a few days ago was sent, m write up a lire in :1 residence. Gung tn the dvul‘ he inquirvd for the lady of the huusv. The "mid snid she was out. “Are any of the family at home?” inquired the scribe. “Nu, they are all out,” was the loply. “ W'vll. wasn’t (here :1, fire here his}, evvm'ng P” “ Yes," ‘ hired girl, f‘ butlthnt‘s unt ton. BOLTON FAIR OCTOBER 1 kIdm-ys. They are not, in Mama Gu hack to the m-n‘es that mutt-01 them â€"l1-eut the causeâ€"use :1 reuwdy that, cure-s tin-(High the inside nerves. Snld by W. A. Sa‘ndersun. gmne this yPur, shmving great skill for a. beginner.” The: Glohe might, nut, express so much surpriie M, Mr. Brown‘s skill as u, buwler if it, know that he formerly helnngml tn the Victoria Square thicket, Club, and was a printer’s “devil” in THE LIBERAL Uflice. Mnnday’s Gmhe has M good phntnâ€" gnu Plll' shuwiug Mr. \V. I]. Grunt and MI. T. M. Scum. winners uf the prize in [he (ilnhe’s Scotch Douhles Bmvling Umnpvtitinu : alsn the runners up, Mr. M. H. Brown and Dr. J. E. Elliott. Of Mr. Brawn, who is u srm of Mr. S. M. Brown of this village. The Gln‘he says: “Mr. M. H. Brown hrgan the fund Pupt'l's. The “K'vkly Glulw :Iml Unn- udu Fnrmm' in its greatly improved «:nndilinn. with its illustrated supple- mmnt, will lu- sent tn new Subscribers frI-m this (lute till the end nf this year fur 75 (tents. 0r Llu- puhlinhers give u. trial nfl'Pr till the. fits! cf January fur 15 m-nls. The (5le is our (if Canada‘s Annh ersury sex-\‘iues w {he hh-thudist Church, Sunday. Sept. 30. Sen prom:le at 2.30 and 7p Thus. McKuy, of Fred Vi Tm'untu. Music will he the -chnir assisted by M \Valhu-P (If Tin-Onto, nu fm-v-will Offering will he Lnan ive scunmcll. d)“ u-unlpl 0m <turv ple his‘; lL-s Snmohhdy said it ruut‘iful than to he wtuinly better to he gly. It is hotter wnmzln cman cl Pl Silhsql'ipti DANGEROUS ACCID ESTA «st Thursday mening Mr. .1 Idem; of “It THE ART ('9 uf Tun-Ont“,- nud others. A ill ufl'el-ing will he tu'm-n up at, sex-\“ce in aid of the church ARLY TRAINIBJG TELLS fui 11-, D. M. Boyle’s at La )vc out tn the gate. 1) it they remained ins ii the cur pztssvd. Th 1d been purchased at ‘ at short, him? before. ed. and turned ’ruund [‘hc rig was upset. ax 7) rent. box of Lux-ets nt our 339. \V9 think they are grvut. t the tunthsome, candy-like 'Tnlllels fm-umstipntinn, S'IHI‘ . hiliousnesflmd hn-uih, mud- lvxiun. rtc. Risk 5 m-uls and A. Saudm-son. 1t! is ywu; shmving gréut : inner.” The Globe might so much anypriicj :Lt, \V' l ANNIVERSARY k0 [k w r CHKLY G LOBE ms taken at. THEY H the (LL IV and ALL OK [HHS :md 5 Band will be pl-Psont give a grand Military town Hull in tlw r‘\'(-!|â€" sun Mnmeith. Minister : has helm imited Lu . A special main will at 12.30 am the» .2211] and fine statiuus returning Ill OF PLF (wen-d. Mr. Boyle sly injured about, the A doctor was sum- wuunds dressed. Mr. to move urmmd again and some bruises are accident. L chum): ht, u: is. nut, H Sermons will be and 7 p. "I. by Rev. F’Ped Vir‘tm- Mission. will be furnished by d by Miss Clara. G. min, and others. A ;un9 "More, hm:an- sned ’round in the as upset and hull) Mr. Baker was. daz- lux' lil' item 0- a piece ,it. That’s what. lwWfipnptâ€"‘l‘ mun he mentor. ill ht ‘Q l'l‘\‘ cumpu ny fimgstuff. hut heur- at it is n tn he Tm In lid the hvld at ille, on will be [HERA] \\'(’th‘ tn lung NI) ut [Ill-'l’t only mm M: the Ré- the the nut. Mr. :mv the I» In 1d ’ “'EDSESDAY, Svpt. 26â€"CI-9dit Sale ,nf rattle and sheep, on Int 16. con. 5 Vaughan, (1,} miles south hf Muplo),the ‘ property of ProsserSL PrussL-r. Sale at l n‘clnck. Terms six mouths‘. Saigeul: and McEwen, Auctinm-ers. 5 SATURDAY. Ovt. 27â€"Auctinn sale of valuable fmm px-uperty in the Town- ship of York, on west half of Int, 21. 2nd mm. En<b Yul-k. Ihrxpmperty of (he astute of the late David Harding. Fox-terms 3.13pr to T. O. Street. New- ton Bl'nok. n!‘ .Iackes 8.: Jucsz, 28 To- I-nntuSt., TOI‘UIIH). Sale at 3 p. m. J. H. ‘FrenLice, auctioneer. The annual Harm‘s-t, Thanksgiving service wus lwld in St. Mary’s Church lust owning. The church was neatly deem-Med with \ ines. grain, fruits and Htht‘N. After save-ml soieclicms by tlw clmirand congregation, the wading nf the scripture lessons, and players, the tech-r, Rev. John Gibson. un- nnunced with n-gl‘et 1 hut the preacher, Rev. Cannn Dixon. advt-i-tised to be present, was unable tu rvach the cm- in time owing to the streets in the city blocked. Rev. Mr. Gibson, hmv- vver. delivered an able and prl‘npriatu thanksgiving acldmss busing his remarks on Dvut. Chap. 8. verse 18. The choir rendered some Choice selec- tions. and Mrs. Percival Dean, (me uf Toronto's best C(mm'alU-s, sung lwuutifully two solos to the delight of an prvsent. Mr. Eurlv Newtuu :md Miss Kex'swiil presided ut the nrgun. l Rl‘\'. Canqn Cody, ALA... I). D. of T0- nmtn tugntlwr with f“!!! choir of St. I Paul‘s Church upon the invitatiun (If the Rev. John Gibsnn. ALA. :l'I'P guing to take pal-t at the Annual “urn-st Ft‘slian to he hvld at, St. Mary’s Chlu'ch, Thm-nbill un \\'1-dm-sdny evpning next the 26th inst. Gaul-u Cndv Is one (if file must, nmvorful Rxmsonâ€"At Markham. on Friday, Sept. 14. Gordon \V. T. 119030.13 fmu-th sun of F. K. Rewsor. DIXONâ€"On Sunday. Sept. 16, Miss Dixon. siatm- of Mr. R. Dixon 0f Hirhmnnd Hill. in how 69th your. Interim-ht in York Mills Cvmetcl'y Tuesday. HALLâ€"At King City on Sundayq Sr‘pb. 16. to Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Hall. H SUI). MORGA Nâ€"At “‘illnwdule, on Mon- day, Sept. 17. L0 Mr. and Mrs. Julm Morgan. :1 daughter. Unmmo W. U. '1‘. U. "he speaker of the evening was va. A. 1’. Br ye, who handled his subject in n inn-ls é‘itly way. A pleasing feature of this meet~ ing was Lhn presentation to Mrs. Cane and Miss “'iley of life membershi pins as an appreciation of their war ' in the county. The question drawer was ably conducted by Mrs. McKee. who also presided nvm- several of the sessions. and txmk charge: of the clen- Liun ufnfiirers which resulted as fol- luWS‘. President, Mrs. C. M. Hughes, Newmarknt; Vice-President. Mm. Mc- Gordick, Rmiuh’s 'Puint; Correspond- ing Secretary, Miss \Viley, Richmond Hill: RPcm'dlng Secretary, Miss Shep- pard, “’eston; 'l‘rensuror, Mrs. Ab- bott. Toronto Junction. After receiv- ing ropm-ts from the committees on resolutions and plan of work. the cum ventinn was closed by prayer by Mrs. Hughes. :1 [I evmnng next the Zdith Inst. Uuunu Cndy Is one (a? file must, pnwcrful preachers in the Anglican church. HARVEST THANKSGIVING YORK \V. C. T Sale Register DEATHS BIRTHS Special service will be given, also a In La cur nu \Vednesday and Thursday, leaving Nequal-ket at 10.30 p. m. Return tickets will belissued to New~ murkeL at the fullmviug rules, gnud going on'Lbe 18th and gland to reLul-n until the 21-bit inst.: Ewifiif North YorK County Fair September 18, 19 and 20 Heavy 36 inch light and dark Flunnelettefi, 10%. per yd.: \Vl'zlp- perettes, 10, 125 and 150. yd. Flannelettes and Wrapperettes M‘KENSQMSWETZER Men’s Ready=t0=Wear Goods Men’s Ordered Suits “WE MAN Bib overalls, 500., 7.30., 800., $1 pr. Heavy socks. 15, 20. 25c. and 400. Ready-made suits from $4.75 up. Heavy shirts 50, 75, 90c. um: tim at. 70 c( “’illowdale .. Newton Brook Thm'nhill .. . . Lungsmfi’ . . . . Richmnnd Hill Elgin Mills Jt-fi'el-snn 1d L A few coal oil stoves left which we will give you at cost price. Hardware, Gramteware and Tinsmithimg. The «best Eureka! 1*‘ly Iiiller Eureka! Screen doors and window screens keep the files out and let the breeze in when bought here. ) cents “1-H. MOORE, Mann We'll make to your measure a genuine Scotch Tweed Suit, winter weight, stylish over- check goods, everything guaranteed, for $14 95; a very fine Black Worsted Suit in latest style, speciwA first-class for $5 I 7.75. can lead a horse to water, but :1 hundred can- not make him drink." That's the way it is with advertising: it’s a very simple matter to bring people to the counters, but the buying part rests with them. That’s why we advertise what we can do, no more, confident that the values we offer will do the rest. G. SGELES t‘ \\' ll] 31 1‘ Iln an the Men-up“ 1nd they will RECHMOND HELL RORA ; from The surest tun run Pen-flier. Indigestion Spuviu (Jul-9, \Vonn Remedy, Poultry Tu A'nLiscm-ptic Hauling I sion. Black Oil, Hon Jaw Cure, Aphmdisi ile Powders, Dian-1m and Calves, Lurking ‘Disuase. Vunzzmt & \Vuring genus. twenty-five y vxperigucv. A (:(Iunon in HWY 1 Have just arr iuary Sppciulty ing remedies : Pnuificn. hldig( Spuviu Cure, Remedy, Poult ZWW§%§*®E§I the hold May-picked Japan Tea, 25 and 300. lb. \Vouds‘ hush Coffees, ground while you wait, 25. 30, 3-5 and 40a. Tea The very best XXX “'hite Wine Vinegar, 30c. gal. XXX Golden Symp Vinegar, very special, 30c. gal. Regal nr Monarch Brands Salm- on, special quality, $1.08 per (102. tins. Groceries FARMERS TAKE NOTEGE and Coffee F.J. PI 1: Live General Agent of Richmond 11 Guaranteed mgt lTHICK & SON. 5v package entitlir Veterinary Advic will) t n sell t Tuniv and Agents IB ry SI ti-St Ut [UH (11'! Mg ~. llh

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