Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Sep 1906, p. 6

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scan pmildl'tii-s to make or mar the READY TO LIS'I'EA. health and V'Olllt‘lllltlfllll, of a household. .......,’TriE REAL SECRET ,+++++++++++++ ++++++++« * flutes looking to the prescriation of H ‘iAnd “K'lf'l‘lmi hilltfll'll'l '9" ' * health should be impressed on the mind You “NI ‘0 I'M“? ""0 “0 WI”) OF THE popULAmTy op ' : (If the or“. I” “MW of mu kitchun‘ and “No. I llZl,\l‘ll 1 any dos-ire to do‘vthut.‘ ‘ > P + l 4 in order to facilitate this llltllli‘F-'8l the mph“ the (‘fmm‘rl Wung “mn‘ ‘lnd .lt . k " y + .' «t some time simplify itâ€"a slate should you can tell me of any WW \th In ~ 1+ * bc kept hanging in some convenient" “limit I "my hut“ 3"”11‘Hdu‘t‘s’lll" 1“ be I : place in the kitchen containing rules rc- “He’llll’ 3"“! '0 “"3" “- + carding the sanitary care of food and t M t++++++++++++++++++++++ gym-“hing appertaining thereto. sci-ridith “011m. \VAF F LES. Rice Wattlesâ€"One teaspoonliil of flour sifted with a tcaSpoonfuI 0f baking pow- der. one coffee cupful of cold boilcd rice. one tablespoonful of melted butter. half a leaspoonful of salt, and three bcaten eggs. Mash the rice tine. add the butter, tlicn two teacupfiils of milk with the flour. and finish with the eggs. Beat all together. llave the “attic irons it should be remembered that boiling Water is a. valuable disinfectant within the reach of every household and should bc used lavishly. All cooking utensils should not only be washed thoroughly. but rinsed in boilim.r water and dried bcforc being put (may. Soap or wash~ ing powder. added to boiling water. for sei'uhbiiir,r j)lll‘)ttt.\l‘3, enhances its (pia- litics of disiiifwrtiiili. The ll‘it}.il‘ll}' of us know for we have Need Just [be Rich, Red Blood Dr. “'il- IL'inis‘ Pink l'ills Actually Make. lt‘rom girlhood to middle life thchealth and happiness of every woman depends upon her blood. If her blood is poor and watery she becomes weak. languid, HUD and nervous. 1f licl‘ blood supply is irregular Sh.‘ suffers from headaches and backuchcs. and other unspcakublc NO ADULTERATION. ON EEN ‘ NO IMPURITIES. NO COLORING MATTER. ABSOLUTE PURITY TELLS THE STORY Load packets only. two. 500 and 600 per lb. At all grocers. “» â€"9-Q~ 7w u~ . - . . r' . . - 1 distress \\'lllt'll only women know. At lll’rtceirililai‘lgl liliflnfillli \iwiuliilamlilrslt still! had many “mums m “1" "N and “WW Sm!" Of woman's life Dr. Wit anmuas'r or GOSPEL. striking. (Hill is (1Hth different from any- ' .\‘ . It I" , i a , I be well browned bcfore turning. Wilheim \V'atIh-sriwlix one quart of flour with thrcc tablespmiifiils of sugar. two large teaspoonl’uls of baking pow- der. and half a lt'l‘Sj'H'Junllll of salt; work in tut) tnblcspoonfuls of lard 0r lull- tcr and add four beaten caps with one pint of milk and the grated rind of a rccontlyâ€"the misery resultant from the use of impure watt-r. In cities and town; where there is the slightest suspicion that. impure \\';il‘l' exists it should ind only be boiled for drinkin;r purposes but for washing all uiiciiokcd vegetables. such as ltflllllt‘t'. celery. i-ailislii-s_ onions. etc. Few wiiiiirn there are who llo Illll liams’ l'ink Pills are her best. friend. because they actually make the rich, it'd blood which gives help and-strength and tone to every organ of the in dy. They help a Woman just when nature iiiakus the grczitest, demand upon her blood supply. Mrs. H. Gagnon, who for twenty years has becii one of the tit-st known residents of St. Rochs. Que. Excavation in Southern Egypt Rcvcals l‘urtion It)! Last Gospel. A singularly rich harvest has bccn yieldi'd h_\ the excavations which for years past have been I;'ill'l'll‘tl on at Oxy- iliyncus in southern Egypt iindcr the thing n-cordcd iii the canonical .jwls, Among the most remarkable features it the fraunicnt are its cultivated literary .\l._\‘l|‘. the vigor and j‘iit-tiii'csqiiciicss .f the phrascology. and the display of a familiarity with the topography of the temple. and mm Jewish ceremonies (f purification." . v. j . . . . direction of llr. (ircnft-ll and Dr. llunt. A correspondent writes to a Viennc lellllfll’l- I'll‘int unm Slnoomf bug by}? lfnm‘ .11?“ 5‘}1’,‘j“}.‘7'}n".‘m. is] H“. Sfmi Sills: “llr. Williaiiis' Pink l‘ills have of Oxford. Portions of hitherto un- np“'np;jp(\j~: “The gospel fragiiinnt rt». lam m.“ .m hm.‘ “0" meme “‘1 0 Hum“ mm 0 H Km ’\‘ 'm 10“ mdnty 130011 a blessing: to me. I was “'0”le known poems by Pilltltlf‘ and l‘llll‘lplllt‘s. civiitlv discovered among the ruins til iron. Sprinkle With sugar before serv- of us take the trouble to see that this * ' worn out and scarcely able to that! ml" a portion of a history of (‘irecce writ- ' n - . . .j. H.- . pa .1 (lxyrhyncus is the object of much at- mg' , . ‘L ‘ “nPO'mm’ “0“ “le -\. ls “comp 1H8“ self about. t sufft’rci from headaches ton with great ill-tail. and of critical tention and speculation in (lcrman .' 0“ “ames‘hsm logeuler one ‘1”.3” “.‘S m‘momnm's 'Cn'hng to he lomulat and dizziness, niv appetite was poor. (‘tJIIJllli‘lIlllI‘V on the St‘i'iilltl book of theological circles. It is siippostd by (a- fiour. two teaspoonfuls of baking this receptacle should be cleaned tWice ‘ ‘ ‘ powder, one teaspoonful of sugar. and half a tcaspoonful of salt; rub in butti-r and add two bcatcn eggs with one and‘ a half pints of milk. Mix the whole iii- tu a smoirth butter and pour into hat a week and wiped out. (hill). The waste pipe leading from the ice chamber too often proves a llt‘tlllllll tor the “solid food" culture of germs, as the constant dripping.r of melted ice. unless unusual and to attempt housework lcft Illt‘ lll< tcrly worn out. I slept badly at night. and what sleep I got did not refresh me. For nearly three ycars l was in this condition. and was constantly tak- in}?r medicine, but found no bcnctitfroni 'Ilitii'ydidcs arc among the Iiiost valu- able items recently lll'nllljlll to lightfl'hc manuscripts itl't‘ the work of the first. Second and third centuries of our era. and are written on papyrus and on parchment. These frapiiients of the lit; many to be likely to prove of equal value and importance with "The Words of Christ.‘ brought to light on the same site some years ago. It includes a more complete and detailed description of the . . . . , - .- . . . A f “I j- t V _ . _ . V ‘ Jewish ccrcmniiy of purification as per- 0’!‘l “9” {JUN-‘04 “ame lFOl‘t- SPHHMO Care is taken. wdl orin 3 gt a inoiis H mm. of my neighbors. who haduscd m-ntui'e of cluSsiv'nl antiquity will. with- formed in the time of Christ than we Wm! “HM Sllgm‘f‘lld S‘FVe “Ola C‘Ofll- 0‘] \Vmch the germs 0f fermenta' Dr. \Villianis’ Pink l‘ills with much out doubt, excite the intcrcst and occupy had hitherto posScssed, and we learn “'Uml‘s “‘llll Wast‘ W0 OggSi-One 110“ “mVC- bencf‘it, advised me to try them. ldid the attention of scholars all OVI‘I' the from it some details previously un- pint of milk. one-half ounce butter. one- half gill yeast. salt to taste, and flour A strong alkaliâ€"such as potashâ€"or chloride of time should be poured down so, and the whole story is told in the world; but, another item in the rccont known respecting the temple at Jcrus . . _ _. _ _ woi'ds ‘I am well again.’ There are find will appcal powerfully to a for oicm." would.) to rm'm ‘1 “"Ck ban”: warm 1h“ “W at least hum a 1500]" times vet when I take the pills for wider public. This is a fragment of ’1 4â€"â€" tlic milk and batter together; beat the Sinks, washstands and toilets should mm, Sépm to me a guammge “gums, lost gospel “.rmpn in wry Small but m _ eggs and add them by turns with the iccnive careful attention and disinfcc- “If; mmmeq {mm which so many my perform, I'm-Me (.mmdprs on a Sheet “Ck: >0 3'0" “F319Q‘5’930t1 {‘0 AMI-9% flour; stir in the yeast and salt; when tants should be used. Receptacles for mg” sun”; "‘ Goti'ox. I understand. loin: I am. they are light, heat your wattle irons and butter them, pour in some of the batter, and brown them on both sides; butter them and serve them with sugar garbage. of course should be kept cov~ ered. and as far remoVed as possi- ble from the house. They should be scalded at least twice a week. llr. Williains‘ Pink Pills don‘t act on the bowels. They Contain just the ele ments that actually make new blood. 0? vellum and containing about 300 \\'{)l'd.\' arrangvd in 43 lines. Dr. Gl't‘lllell(II‘S«'l'll)4‘tl itscontcnts as fol- lows: “Tlicsubjcct ilcaltwitti is ‘a visit Jack: “Well. I hardly know whether to congratulate you or not. She is very exacting. I hear, hand if you marry her I I. ‘ ,1 r”: ‘. I. 1' . ‘ a. W H j. . and strengthen the nerves. That's of Jesus and his (llSt‘tIJlL‘S 10 “)0 191111110 {0:121:11“my”? .1337: :‘lgnd[il;1l;;llilf’hlmgg and. Clnnamgn' Gena! WM)“ Should mom} 1‘” 55m“ why they cure anaemia. indigestion, at Jerusalem and their meeting with a w“ t" ,t' I 'H ‘ ‘ .1 I" Waffles Vtitliout Yeastâ€"Three eggs. annual coat of whitewash in the spring * wiiise. If I don mariy her It pinbably one pint of milk. one teasponful but- ter. as much as will make a batter. Beat the yolks and whites separately; and fall of the year. Lime. aside from being a disinfectant, will keep the cellar free from damp- neuralgia. rhcumaiinn. lumbargo. head- aches. backachcs and heart palpitation, and skin diseases like pimples and cc zema. ThaPts why they are the grcat- l‘hnriscc. who rcproacties them with their failure to pt‘l‘lilf‘lll the necessary Cercmonial of purification before ciitcr- ing the holy place. After a question have to give up eating." melt the butter and while luke warm ness. On clear days a circulation of air Us. ha in the WM“ for “win” I. I]. n I _ H . j .I ,W “1) is simply impossible {0;- nm to . . . . . . . . , h {.11 s ulld answir. in ninth the phaiisie de~ , _ . .. . stir it into the milk: whisk the yolks should be permitted. Cleanliness, pure “.110 “god new blood andg rm. WOW.“ Sman in sumo dew] me (“mumps find hicad‘lor my family.) said “the lightly. add to them the milk and flour air. and sunshine are within the reach loafer. Same way hue. nciiiaiked alternately; beat it well. lastly. stir in the whites. which should be whisked dry. The batter should not be beaten after the whites are in. Grease your waffle irons after having heated them: fill them nearly full of the batter, Close them. and place them owr the fire: turn the irons so as to bake the waffle on both sides. When done take it. out and butter it. These must be baked the mo- ment they- are mixed. SOME ENGLISH RECIPES. Rhubarb Wineâ€"Have perfectly ripe fruit. Into one gallon of rain water out eight pounds of rhubarb into thin slices. put it into a tub. and cover close- ly with a thick cloth. Stir thrice daily for a week. then strain through a cloth, and add four pounds of preserving loaf sugar the juice of two lemons. and the rind of one. To fine this. take one ounce of isinglass and dissolve it in one pint of the liquor in a chiiia_1ined sauce- pan. When quite cold add it. to the rest of the wine and cask it. When the fermentation is over bung it down. Cornish Pastiesâ€"Make a short crust paste with half a pound of flour (sifted). a pinch of salt. half a tcaspoonful (f baking powder, two ounces of butter, and the necessary quantity of cold wa< ter to form a smooth but fairly firm paste. Roll it out. not too thinly, and stamp into rounds about three and a half inches in diameter. Cut into quite small dice a quarter of a pound of raw lean beef or inulton.‘inix it with an equal quantity of raw potatoes cut simi- larly. season well, and moisten with a little water. Put a dessert spoonful of this in the centre of each round of paste. wet the ed; 5, and shape each into a neat. pasty, pressing the edges together, trimming and fluting same. Place them on a baking sheet. brush over with a little beaten egg. and bake in a mod- erate oven from forty-live to sixty min- utes. Fresh Lettuceâ€"To keep Lettuce fresh from one day to the next. \Vt‘l thoroughly and roll up tightly in paper. tucking the ends in firmly to exclude the air. A. paper bag. the neck tied tightly with a string. will do. Celery may be kept crisp a long time in the some way. Cab- bages k\‘C[) wcll tied in bags and hung up. Ruskâ€"To four cupfuls of light bread dough add ttllt‘-ll-'lll cupful of butter, one cupful of :ugar. and three eggs; niix llioiouglily. adding: enough flour to mold easily; with the hands form into high. narrow shapes: let rise again, wash over the top with sweetened water, and bake in a brisk oven. THE lx’l'l'CHEN. .hould he the focal point of our ag~ gression. for herein lic many of the un- m We like best to call SCOTT'S EMULSION a food because it stands so en» phntically for perfect nutrition. ‘ And yet in the matter of restor- ing appetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, especially to the nerves, its action is that of a medicine. Tor-Mo, Ontario. [0G nil-.00; Ill hut-u. m“ of all. and constitute a strong ally to sanitary’ living. UNFERMENTED FItUIT JUICES. The value of pure, untermcnted fruit juices for the sick and the healthy alike is just beginning to be appreciated. By the following method (for those who do not. use the excellent preparations which can be bought) I have successfully kept cider and grape juice sweet for a period of two years, and could dou‘ob less have retained it in that condition indefinitely, says a writer. Take the juice immediately as soon as it. comes from the press (and it's better to have it pressed as early in the morning as possible). and place it. one gallon at a time. in an lined kettle over a brisk Fire. When thi- juice in the kettle begins to steam. place alike amountinasecond kettle over the fire. Skim off very carefully all the scum that arises. Have ready a quan- tity of clean pint and quart. bottles with corks or a number of clean pint and quart glass fruit cans. I use the lat- tcr. Just lll~' moment before the juice comes to a boil remove it from the tire. pour it through a funnel in which a piece of llaiinel cloth has been [)ltu'cd. to strain out the possible impurities left in the juice in spite of skimming, and then cork tightly. if bottles are used. 0‘ screw the can tops down and see]. if fruit jars are employed. As a special precaution. when bottles are used. I take corks that can be pushed well inâ€" to the neck of the bottles. cover the cork (one-fourth of an inch) with melted sper- maceti or white wax. I also store the bottles on the cellar shelves. placing them flat on their sides. Repeat the foregoing process until the required quantity is prepared. Be sure to get juice from fruit 0! good quality. MEDIUM'S PROPHECY. __ Death in a Strange Manner. ls Fulfilled by A spiritualist nicdaim's prophecy was fulfill.‘d in it remarkable manner rec- ently in Paris by the death of Antoine Fleuricr, who was killed at midnight by a motor car. {\I, Fh-uricr. who was himself a spir. ilualist. was dining,r the other night with some bachelor friends, who noticed that he was dOwncast and silent. They rallied him for being glum. when M. Fleurier said he had bet-ii told by a medium that he would be killed by a motor car at midnight that evening. “I have arranged all my affairs. and made my will." he said. “And bcfobe leaving you all to-night I shall say good. bye to you forever. for I am certain you will never see me alive again." . After the party broke up at 11.30 p.m., l-‘h-ui-ier and a friend who lives in the same neighborhood failed to find a call. They started to walk home to. gather. and had not. gone f:~r when p“. hoot ot a motor car horn was pram as they wri‘e crossing t]. road. There was plenty of time lul‘ them to get across the road. but kl. l-‘leurier. who seemed to be hypnotized with fer. 'ror. remained in the middle of it and was run down. He was picked up and hurried to a hospital. where he died at midnight. _ _* _._.. The Young \Vifi- .in tearst-il‘lease don't scold. Toni: it is all my faith; I asked for a spring Clllcki‘n. agate-ware or porcelain. who are troubled with irregular hca‘th. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail from The Dr. Williams” l\li-diciiie Co.. Brockville. Ont., at 50 cls. a box or six boxes for $2.50. which he had himself observed. Jesus liltlkt‘s‘ an eloquent, and crushing rcply, contrastiii,r outward with inward pur- ity. The whole incident, the account 0' which is practically complete, is very the grocer; “I have to work for it.” An empty purse is no evidence of an empty head. paying basis. mining or industrial stocks. ESTABLISHED 1887. .' ~. 3-:_-; 5’2; «.2' ‘-_ ..,. ,u. .. - .- Write us for fuller particulars and send us FOX & ROSS Standard Stock Ex 1'41.» a»; r z». .m- t. For months we have been recommending the purchase of FOR DIVIDENDS AND SENSATIONAL PROFITS NOWfiTO HOLDâ€"Not for a small profit, but for many There is the strongest possi- bility and probability that; it will repeat; the history of Le Roiâ€"its next: door neighborsâ€"and a few months from now your hesitating friends will point. to you as “ SUCH A LUCKY FELLOW ”â€"~and will remember that you “ ALWAYS WERE LUCKY," etc, etc. LE ROIâ€"adjoining mineâ€"sold at one time 50 per share PRESENT MARKET PRICE, $10.00 PER SHARE WHITE BEAB~Prasent market price about 100 per shareâ€" the management state, with a. few months' development will be on a dividend- We consider the Company’s last monthly report so satisfactory that: we have had a number printed. Send for one andjudge whether it is unreasonable to expect: it to advance to ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE Buy Canadian Gold Fields Syndicate. Paying regular 10 per cent. dividends Standard Stock Exchange list. Buy Amalgamated Cobalt. See buying and selling quotations in Standard Stock Exchange List. your buying or selling orders. in these or any times present figure. Read, analyze and actâ€"â€" Send roan-pk. The “flint; Hit-“find 'lIl'=-\\'tingtâ€"Tliis â€"Slock Exchange. SCOTTR OWNE. canal-u. chicken is like a piece of India rubber; '~ .-:-z::‘u.~.:e sage .' as «r '13." - :.~,:.;, .2. ONWARB-dn Development. UPWARD-mtn Vane. See buying and selling quotations in STOCK BROKERS change Building, TORONTO -Membcrs Standard l. ‘i .

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