I WEN‘I‘Y TIIOI'SANI) ACRES IVI‘EOVED and uniinpzoyud land“, in the l’t-uhold fall wheat distinct; from night to twenty dollam per acre; correspondence solicited. A. J. St HUNG, YPemliold, Albona. 10R. SALE â€" Muslml’a di,;trict, Steavemn, II W)†acres, Iota L’ . : good Hoil, its cleared, balance hush: half mile from Hcliool,‘ church, I’.(). Uth‘l‘sull station, 4 miles: lluntsnlle, 8: _ water, buildings fair. James Inch, Alhmsullo, but. Fruit Growers, attention Having m commi-‘si in to pay. and selling for cash, The Eastern 'I'i-wnships Nurseries are thus hide to offer you Standard Ap le Trees 4 to 6 feet high, grown here. hardy and t rift stock for Fall Ind Spring delivery, for $15.00 per liundred. LOUIS GI'LRVAIK, I’rop,, Laurenceville,QuO «Ora $NO-O pd at once to (nlill'i‘ss letters and postcards only at their own homos: no caiix':i~~iiig; scnd ï¬fty cents (no stamps) and stamped addressed onâ€" vclopc today for full instructions, and begin work at once at above salary. Ad- dress E. Van Allan, so Ilusscll St, Toronto, Canada. ï¬ning lâ€"ï¬leanlngl for the var-1 MIOI‘ your work to who " III‘I’IIH AIIRIGAN IYIINO 00." but for uni In your town. or and “not. Montreal, Toronto. Ottawa, Quota, GRAIN LANDS We make a specialty of Farm Lands in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. Special bargains on the new G. T. P. By. in the greatest wheat country in the world. “'AUGII 8; BEATTIE. I2 Merchants Bank Building, “'innipeg, Man. making and mending at Diamond Ball Promptly and wellâ€"and st reason« able pricesâ€"we attend to the repair» ing of Watches and Jewelry of all kinds. which to forward your watch to us A special mailing box in will be sent you free on request. We have unequalled facilities, too, for the designing and manufacturing of special micles in Jewelry, Silverâ€" we, Lodge Regalia, Insignia. Etc. We buy old Gold Jewelry at highâ€" est prices. IV: send upon requeslfrn qfchnrzl our large illustrated catalogue. Parties desirous of purchasing farm lands in Western Canada are invittd to communicate with the undersigned, who have for sale 420,000 AGRES __op.__ lllllllll llllll [Ill 8 in all parts of Alberta. PRICES RANGE FROM 39 T0 SI2 PER ACRE $3 per acre at time of purchase and the balance spread over nine years if desired. Special railway rates to pur- Chasers. Correspondence solicited. ll‘tl‘fii. llllllllll ll llllillllllllllll. P. 0. Box 1.694. CALGARY, ALBERTA. good , MEN AND \\'(i.\ll-).\'wanl-l ;' ‘didn't touch." Hi llUl MINI-1 CUES I)l~1I-‘.I‘l-1!l. l 'l‘llt' ll: lint has I’|"Jll'l|(‘tl 1.7.30 fort, lllL‘ lfl\\’l‘.sl depth of any mine In tho pro- lvmcr. l \\Ill’l'li l;l’.;\R.viIn the old norlh drift. on tho Ninoâ€"hni low-I. east of llll‘ islnifl. a ('llllli' of orw fiu‘ fer-l. In \Vhllli has lawn Hrurk. winch runs about $26 ,and looks as though it would continuf' lfor a Clllhllll'I‘illlli‘ dislant'o fmlhcr. All; .lhr orc slnppul fiom lhis chutn- is thal, ,wlnwh is thiui-lml in llll' Coursv of the} tlt‘Vl'lOlen’lll. Diil'lniirr is in progrv“ nn No. 3 lrduc on llu- Toll-foot l-‘vel. and tho entire face. of the drift is in ore of a lazy :jl‘l_lli‘, which runs aboul $117 to thn- ton. lll'llllllll is in progress in the ‘1.lllio-fool val. The intention is to slarl lllio llllll within llIl’ llPXli day or two, 'wilh one shift. in order to use. up the scantily-lass oro lhal is lakm out in tho ,course of the development work. The nnne is looking lelcr than wycr. .â€" Molhrr "horrifiodl: “0h. Bobby, what will your filllll‘l‘ say whcn he sees that you have smashed his shaving mug and brokrn lhe front gale?" Bobby: “\Vcll. momma, I don't think I would like to repeat it before you.†A good medicine requires Iittlc adverâ€" tising. Dr. 'l‘homas‘ Eclrclric Oil gain- ed the mod name it now enjoys, not through elaborate advertising. but on its grcu? merits as a remedy for hodin pains and ailments of the respiratory organs. It has carried its fame wilh it wherever it has gone, and it is prized at the antipodcs as well as at home. Dose small, effect sure. He (who has just become engaged to his typewriter): "And now that we are engaged, dear. I suppose I must look out for another typewriter ?†She: “Oh, don't let that worry you, darling. I‘ll select her for you myself." “Tommy.†said a father to his son. “have you been at those six peaches I put in the cupboard?" Father,†said Tommy. looking into his eyes. “I have not touched one." “Then how is it your mother found ï¬ve. peach stones in your bedroom, and there is only one left on the plate '3" “That,†said Tommy, as he dashed wildly for the door, “is the one I Sunlight Soup in better than other any, but is best when uled in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight 803p and follow directions. First Young Doctor llO second ditto): “Hallo. old man. what's the matter? You're looking very glum.†“No won- der," was the l'cply. “I’m attending that . ,wcallhy Mr. Golding. you know, and L lI'vc sent him the wrong medicine.†' “Indeed! Is it a serious blunder?‘ "Very serious. The medicine I've sent him will cure him in two days." “I saw a quccr thing the other day," said the storyâ€"teller; “It was a duck xswinuning,r across a pond and a cat sil- * lting on its tail." “0h. nonsense," cried the audience. incredulously. “Ilow could a duck swim across a pond and a cat on its tail 1’†“Neverlheless,†said the story-teller, “it‘s perfectly true. I should " lrxplain. however, that the cat was sit- ting on its tail on a wall.†, ____ TIIIZY MEAN IT. No one should suffer a moment longer ‘ :with Piles, for Dr. Leonhardt‘s IIem-Itoid “will cure any case. No mailer what kind you have, Blind, lllccding. Internal. External. Itching or Suppurahng, Dr. Leonhardl’s Iiemâ€"Roid will cure you. This statement is supported by a thou- sand testimonials from those who have been pcrmanenlly cured. If you are not. cured you get your money back. $1.00. All dealers, or The Wilson-Fer Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Out. Good Digestion Should \Vait on Ap- pelile.â€"To have the stomach well is .o lhnve the nervous system well. \‘cry dcliCaIc are tho digestive organs. In some so >t‘ll.\lll\'l‘ are they that almos- phm-ir- changes alfw‘t them. \\'hcn they lit-come disurrnngu‘d no holler for is procnrahlc than I’arnlelcc's Vegc- table I‘ills. They will assist the diges- tion so that the hearty eater will suffer no inconvenience and will derive all the benefits of his food. Oralor: “On the surface things are Ioflcn right, but it is when we explore the depths of things that we see the de- ceptions of our fello\\'-crcalur($.†OIIL' of the Crowd: “Guv'nor. you‘ve just ,bccn huyin’ a barrel of apples, haven‘t lyou‘l†If your children are troubled with worms. give them Mother Gravcs' \\'orin Exterminator: safe. surr and cf- - foclual. Try it. and mark the unprch ment in your child. ,\ mmporial statute to the late Mar. ,quis r-f llufh-rin was unvei‘cd at Bel- 1fast by the Marquis of Londniidcrry. iTho figure: on eilhor side of the pod- cslal reprocnt India and Canada. I â€"â€"â€"_â€" l Sir young lflI‘Il went out (or a gun or lhw Iln-ni- Shannon. near Liineiuuk. ‘on Su'iday. llo‘ lfilh ull. \\'h0n three .IIIIIM \‘ivsl if lll' lily the boat was ;si,-u,-1( py :i squa'l and tapsixr-d. “.lll lllll‘ I‘v‘llil llliil ll\L‘ ‘, were drowned. of the occupants l Xligolalirvu: are pror‘m'tliii_;,r Imlwmn lhe tenants of the Marquis of lily's Fciu inanuu-gli rs".th and the landlord‘s ‘zigtnl: {ni- lhn purl-ham of their holdâ€" ings. If is .~lhli‘tl that Ila uf \m'nn him. ‘drcd trnnnk are willing lo pay 321‘: lycars‘ lltll‘L‘lIth“. but il appears a mu], hm 0.1‘llf‘l‘khl regarding ‘cede to the Marquis of Ely. $5 000 REWARD will I be paid to any son who proves that unligl’tt Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any [arm of adukcrauon. Saoï¬ght Soap . is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. « Best for all household purl poses, Sunlight Soap's super, iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the ' Sunlight way (follow direc» tions). Equally good with hard , or soï¬ water. Your money refunded by tho dealer regula- . the sporling flights which the tcnanls refuse to con- from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you ï¬nd any cause For complaint. I l Lever Brothers Limfted. Toronto 157 IlIS POSITION IN THE MATTER. “Gracious!†exclalnmd the fond wife. coming in her husband's den and find- ing.' him smoking his pipe and reading. “This room is thick with smoke. I don't see how you can sland to sit in hrrc.†“You can‘t 1’†responded the Ilrulal husband . “Well, I don‘t sland to sit in lliere; I sit to sit in here. Did you think you had married a freak ‘1" It is said that this was the first time in their marricd life that sheslamlncd a door on leaving him. No person should go from home with- out a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- senicry Cordial in their possession, as change of water, cooking. climate, etc. frequently brings on summer complaint and there is nothing like being ready with a sure remedy of hand, \\‘lllI'll of- | lcnlnnus saws great suffering and fre- quently \aluahlc lives. This Cordial l.as gainod for itself a widespread repu- tation for affording prompt relief from all summcr complaints. "My wife was rallier worried when I left her this morning", “\\‘hat was the matter?" “Well, she had been worrying about. something or other yesterday owning. and this morning she couldn‘t remember what it, was.†Regain Your Strrngth by taking "Ferrovim.’ It's the best tonic evercompounded. It. nourishes Ind strengthous the whole system. “Do you know." remarked the mo- ther of the new bully. thoughtfully, “I believe he has his fallin‘r's hair.†“I wouldn‘t be surprised,“ replied the can- “Iiis father certainly hasn't. did friend; got it now." Made from l‘ainled or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square, feet mvering measure. This Is the most durable cov- Ming on the market. and is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns, Storcsdlle- valors, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lav the “OSHAWA†shingles. A hammer and suips are the only tools required. We are the largcst and oldest Company of the kind under the British flag. and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them FIRE. WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF- We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and EAVIJSTROIIGII, Etc. METAL SIDING. in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of Write today. TEE PEDLï¬R PEOPLE, fulfilled. DUB. 0|l€lllll0lll l0ltllll0,lllll. ltlllllllll.0lll. Manhattan. lllllflllllllï¬lltll. 321-3 W Craig St. 428 Susnox st. 11 Colboruo st; 60 Dundu It. 76 Lombard It. 615 Ponder It. Write your Nearest Offlco.-â€"HEAD OFFICE AND W03KSâ€"05HAWA, Onl _ Ifâ€, m warn your buoluoos. and can omr you "wen-“ems paying ALS‘O A MERITORIOUS MINING STOCK SELLING N0\V AT A LOW FIGURE. THIS MINE HAS WONDERFUL PROSPECTS. GREAT POSSIBlllTIES. And Stock will advance in the near future 100% to 2007 and will soon be PAYING mVIDENDs. Do not hesitate. Write u; Io-day, and make your SAVINGS EARN YOUR INDEPENDENCE. COBALT. “INCH MWBM. AND “room I‘I’MKO BOUGHT All sou. HIGH &. MCDOWELL, 8mm. Ill. «1'. Marianna Richmond, Toronto, m “OSHAVVA†Shin gles. ARE YOU A -« «a f.- -: ‘ ; ._ Two cornering “a In Free. am am «mom-m , ,. 0d lanai in ‘ Saskatchewan, only 8 mile; from two railwayl. 03.3. 6 012?. Strong soil. 90 per cent. plough land, spd crook, no slough; About 40 miles N}. of Indian Head. Price $10.50 per Ian. Write for map and full particulars. R. PARSONS, 9| Wollcslcy Str‘ot. Tore mic-noda- :,cx;_-~ . ,.., _ .. __ ‘ r . .5...“ _._‘ mavens mesons Launch 03 Auro "’3 has†our arena ram court's " Vulcan Sparker " ONE CHARGE OF THE “Vulcan Suarllcr†costing FIFTY CENTS will smith and FAR'I‘IIER worth of Dry Cells. Canada. They know. FOR ONE YEAR. "'5? GET BUSY AND “’RITE US. The Croftaa Storage Battery 00. 423-325 West Queen st.. Toronto, Canada. run you than $5.“ Ask 300 users in GUARANTEED No 305â€" Wiutou Type. 6 Volt. 79 In Long Dslance Telephone Main 5072. NO 1‘ IIIS STYLE. I "Did you over indulge in piscatcfrial excursions. Mr. Oldbody 1’“ RUG HIRINISSS I-‘Olt SALEâ€"CEN- TRALigood lowation; prosperous condition. Apply N. W. Emerson, Lon- "No, I aunt, mm to them new don, Ont. (food reasons for selling. fashioned sporls. A fishing party is ' V 7ANTI-ZD~-lll-1I.IABI.E PARTIES To do machine knitting for us at home; 87 to $11) per week easily earned; wool, clc., furnished free; distance no hindrance. For full particulars address good enough for me." -A Recognized Ilegulalor.â€"To bring the digcslive organs into symmetrical working is the aim of physicians when they find a patient suffering from “‘9 Dominion Kmlllng ‘30-» DOPL Mn slomaclnn: irrcgularilies. and for this Ol'llliil. Onl. purpose they can premrilm nothing belâ€" toi' than l’arnicleo's Vega-table I’Ills, which will be found a pleasant medi- “Yes. marriage is indeed a. lottery," . . . . . . u , A . cine of surprising virtue in bringing the [iiF‘ElflmSw [T's-Era. 112.15? refractory organs into subjection ail-13mm.†[Elï¬hfprd‘ “If DION]. .. you ,0; restoring them to normal action, inl ,' d I t t‘ . ‘nb' ‘ ‘l L which condition only can they perform me a“ g0 lou' their duties properly. III fitting hook and shoes cause corns. The“ cost of running a big ocean Iincr' IIoIIoway's ljorn Cure is the article to from Liverpool to New York and back 1156. Gift 8 1401119 ill once and curei‘our is something over $90,000. ‘ cal-us. I ‘2’“! migraine if: a rm, itching, unhoalthyi .\ paanl medicmc testimonial occur 7 - \ ‘3‘! ' v ' o . ‘ guzgggh.gilzï¬gnd"w:,,}u§; " 1" °"""“‘ siunully thrusts greatness on a smal: .__c_~ mun. IIIS LITTLE JOKE. On a Weslern railroad more is a brakcman who has lost the forefinger of Ins right hand. 'lho wonderful works of nalure along the road kerp the brakeâ€" man busy answering the passengers questions. One day, after the lirakcmnn had been pointing out in window and mplain- ing tho scenery. one of the passengers whispered to the ClintlllClLd‘. “(Conduc- tor. can you lcll me how that hrakcman lost In‘ linger? Ile set-ins to be a very nice follow. It seems a pity he should be crippled.“ “That's lost if. nia'am. For family Colds A reELle cough und cold cure M be always in the house Indy Io! use Eb manual the ï¬rst sympto‘u appear. Ilia always em. . c and he!!! tochada caldintlwvay ' ' It is safer. loo. L bluloh’ ‘ '1 Contraption Care. the an. Tonic, bu been tested (or thirty-thee yarn, Ind tens of thousands of homaia M and the United States bâ€"d‘y are never without it. y A (In wli : " ' ' Cu. a. w Hdarblmflv. ma Gib-u them-dd. Coma-ad. in? cm†lie is a good fellow. He is -o Ollllfllllg that he just abundaerxN .03,“ imp-e “L. [mgr of! pointing out the "hum “Wyn-“8 bu, (he be. would :L‘CI’If‘ly along the lmc.’ “ilkâ€? Try gin E ’- Ifitdeanotau. gallantka and you. We uh: thcd'nnm. Nah; unot your dealer an lose. Isn't tint '?_25c.isdzepdcc. Alidulcra'n _j§hLoï¬ ISSEE NO. 38â€"“. “You say. Mr. Timmid," said the girl, in a low. thoughtful lhis-is-a-scrious- matter sort-of tone. “that you have leved me for five years. and have never dared to tell me so until tonight?" "Yes." he replied. “\\'cII. I cannot be your wife. A man who has no more courage than that would feign to be asleep while a burglar stoic his baby's shoes." ‘