A. M. 5.45, (5.45. 7.451". 8. 11.45. P. M. 12.45, 1.45, 5.4513 (3.45, 8.45. Nuwumrket Station A 8.00, 9.0“, 10.00. 11.00, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. C The l‘Opl'iEtOl‘ of Pleasant View Herd olstein Cumin and Breeder of Improved Chester \Vhite Hogs. Lot 29. 15!; Cum, Vaughan ('l‘llm'nhill) has for sale smm‘ good young stuck. 'ï¬mmughhred bull and hog kept for service on the pl'PluisPs. â€"- ~ .~A1\nnnv1All‘ W eunemuy uvuuxug. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter. nus Sundays M9 3. m. and 10.80 a. m. Methodist. Churchâ€"Services ac 10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Sundagï¬chool M: 2.30. General mayor meeting Thurs my. evening. ’ - ‘â€" :7. A 13 .....‘l A M _.Mnnm M'nn. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"uea* dav on or belore full moon Couthichmond , A O F â€"â€"fleeta seem ourtb Friday . Ivy Lodge. A O ‘U Wâ€"-Meets thud Wed of each month Camp Elem. S 0 B â€"Meets second and Wednesday. B ’1‘ ol Temperanceâ€"~Mceta ï¬rst Wed of snob month Fu'e Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday 01 month Public bemry and Ron-line, Room Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Epwortn Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Monday Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Change in Time TabIe Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MOR‘NING .. EVENING . .. N. B.â€"Regist.ered letters must be handed in at Ieant Fifteen Minutes om'lior than the above mentioned hours for closing. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.80 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. “8.00 Whhrm'u A. M. 6.1 10.15. 11.15. 1’. M. 1 4.15, ; 15.15.15. 7.15.7 4.35. 5.15.1115. 7.15,! Bond Luke .1 unctvi 9.31). 9.30, 10.30, 11. 1.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.30. Richmond Hill A. 9.45. 10.45. 11.45. 2.45. 3.45. 4.45. 5.45. 1 Thurnhill A. M. 6. 10.53. 11.55. P. M. 1 Until further notice Mails will be closed at. the Richmond Hill Post Oï¬ico as follows :- MO’BNING g :35 Pre'lbycerinn Churchâ€"Ben 7 p. m. Buuday School at, 2.3‘ Wednesday alleging; Church of England~Services at 3 p. Do. 1:42. 2nd wad 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at u a m, Prelbymrinn Churchâ€"Services at u a. m., and 'l n. m. Sundav School at, 2.30. Prayer meeting Hisâ€"RANT VIEW FARM House and P. O. (} acre). orchard and g Newmarket “’cdnesduy and lztle car leaves ( ewmnrket and [-11.30 p. m. Everyr \Vedncsduy and Saturday ght a. late cur will have Nt-wmtn-knt ,utinn for Toronto and imermudiute vints at 10.45 p. m. onnnect, wit-h Sulmmberg 8: Aurora nilwuy. EXTRA SERVICE 0!: ALL HOLIDAYS. POST OFFICE NOTICE Beginning July 30th, 1906 GOFNG NORTH EVENING Village Directory. mwo. mew GOING SOUTH. For Sale lulu nun u. ..... nond , A O F -â€"Heeta second and Y {5.0 ‘U Wâ€"-Meets thin-:1 Wodueaday y) x. S 0 S â€"Meets second and fouxth nnemnceâ€"Mceta ï¬rst Wednesday MONEY ORDERS \V. H. MOORE. Mam '3er Saturday evcnings v05 0. l’. R. Crossng for and mtennedinle points . 7.55. 9.53. )rossing. Arrivr .10.40,'11.40. P. unctvinn A. M. D. 11.30. P. 4.30. 5.30, 6.30. ill A; M. 6.45, 45. P. M. 1 (Hu‘pmg M. 12' t opposite Thm‘nliil and well and cistuu. [1911. Apply R. J. FENW’ICI’, Eglinton. G. GOODERHAM. Punllb: F and A M ~Meats Mon- ï¬rst Monday of every Bonding Room-Open A. M.. 6.00, 7.00, 12.00. P. M. 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, U! (I? Proprietor ivc, A. M: P. M. 12.40 7.45, 9.45 if). 7.30 leave. agar ] )0. Our attention is given to really GOOD HARNESS substantially made and rightly SJlll. You‘ll get service and style out of what, we sell you. DO ALE, Richmond Hill +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++¢++++++++++++++++++++ ++++$++§++++++++~io+++++++++ ++++++++++++++-2-+-:-++++~:~M++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ «r++~z~b+++++w+++++w++++w +++++++$++++++++++++++++++ +4-+403"?++H++++++++++++++++ ’I‘. I3. LUI)1<‘()1{I). Proprietor CANDIES IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. ' Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. ivery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. METROPOLETï¬E GRQCERY, UP-TOâ€"DATE GROCERIES Best Brands of Canned Goods We keep a large stock of Builders’ Hardware, Glass, Putty, etc., of all kinds. Also Shelf Hardware. Paints and Oils of all kinds. Repairs for all kinds of stoves and ranges kept in stock or got to order on short notice. Repairing of all kinds done. Tinsmithing, eto. +-:-++-:«:«2~+~:«:->:«:-~:«:-++-:.-:‘-:' ++++++++++++++++++++++++~§+ ' RICHMOND HILL; Next Door North oi Waiting Room. 55 S011. Choice variety of Fresh and C1631]. The hnrsewenx- we sell all nvex country stands for us, and we : by it. Our attention is given to really GOOD HARNESS There is chat-deter in harness. Ev- eryone should know how to select the best. Those who don‘t know may de- pend on us. Eéamess maiamer p, 3 drawers, ball will be D. H ;~+-:~++++++~:«:«++++++ d unvers dl-uwex s in full apex-u ‘u-ing bull 11 all over this and we stuud $45. 00 33. 00 30. ()0 ‘ 50.00 i? 00 GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Square Gear. Over 125 Machines plucvd on w and Home Magazine (New subscription, 2 25) The Liberal and New Idea, Woman’s Journal Easy terms given on all. The Liberal Mail 9515. Threshers‘ Coal on hand Juno 11. 1905 The Liberal 211151 Weekiy S1131 The Liberal and. Family Herald and. Weekly Star with prem-E ium picture I The leeral and Farmer’s Advocate LIVEFW GQAL (Balance of the year free to new subs The Liberal Md 613.31%}! Globe @033}: County) The Liberal am Daiiy Mail and Empire (York Go.) The Liberal 211161 @21in Worm The ' Libem‘i and Daily Star The Liberal and 3&in The Liberal and. the Farm- ing World The Libgml am Weekl“ ' ‘ Glam 9 j ï¬Zé Coal and \Vood Dellyered. Prices Right. EB LOTT E SEPA R ATOR Michael Bram, IRio‘hmond Eiill (Balénce of the yearwh'Aee to new SilkSCI'ibeSi (Balance of the year free to new subscribers News (Balance ofthe yc Balance. of the year free to r king W009 'â€" itunn ht) LF' ilyrlvmw ,000 in dain us 'eck‘s trial fl‘( Only ma- chine with self-balancing buwl. Frm-r actiun and fnw hullâ€"hoar- ings than any n t h e 1- m w chine an the market. Mo- [ntte huwl is shallow and w i d c :L n d opons in the m-nfl-P so that, Machines, Records and Needles am}. Was-911337 « P 961151 Weekly E ar iree .r free to new subscribers.) and flaiéy :3; W. C. PETHECK, Agent The Next Sitting of DiVISion Courth No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. pf Inn-st anle ed on tliul fH‘t New Williams Sewing Machigc Wigiï¬ï¬ GWRT. FRIDAY, OCT. 5. Silent, Simple Autumn! to new subscrxbers RICHMOND HILL $1.90 In games. Commencing (It 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON RICHMOND HILL ll Hn'vw uliugs nH-uts lbscribers) fly [Y 3% SLI'UH 3"3. 5“ fEE if (111111i11 Records flu hear lll Scents up 01176 'If. )up dls 11m them 1906 LERK I'm