Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Sep 1906, p. 1

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DR. H'. W. ANDERSON, l)enti.~st, AT THE UBERAL PRINTING (2 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,0N'1‘. \J. H. 3m Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. T. F. McMAHON. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNIN \Vill occupy his predecessnr's office and is prepared to do general practice and n.le tu treat, eye, ear. nose zmd throat diseases. ‘ calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. VOL. XXIX. W'ill he Licensed Auctioneer for the County 0! Yo k Goods sold on consignment General sales 8600 etc promptly “tendedth at. reasonnbh "beef Residonce Unionvilie J T Ssigeon. J K McEwen Maple Weston Salgeon & McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salesuneudodbo on shortestuoticeand a rea- sonable rates Patronage solicited 7 7G R Gouldmg. Neficoziwérook, agent for the above License Auctioneer for theCounty of Yor“. re- spoccfully solicits your patronage and friendly influauce sales attpnded on the shortest notice and at monabemtea. P. 0.3ddreaa King JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEO RICHMOND HILL l)r. E. J. W’odds DENTIST, Cur. Carlton and Ynnge Sts , Ton-unto 7i“ he in Richmnnd Hill on \Ved nesday nf (-‘uch we-ek. ' Office, next dour north of Stand- ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"3.3!) a. m. to 5 p. m. Francis Block, THORNHILL, Out. Office hHUI'S: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 :1. u! â€"S p. m. (t M. R. a. 5.; L. R. 0. R, Eng. (SUCCESSOR TO Du. DEAN) Bichnnond Eli“ Toronto Office. 450 CHURCH ST. DR. S. For you against the time you require in. and IT WILL BE ADDING TO EQUR INCOME from the interest we pay on Your halzmce compuuuded wxce a year. it will be as accessable to you as 1fcarried in your pocket. IT WILL BE SAFELY KEPT Vlt is; si‘iixdrawable Without notice bearing interest every day it is on deposit. I Capxtal $1,500,000.00 Rest $ 700,000.00 H. A. FLE URE’,Manager King City Branch. should be kept in a safe place. If it is deposited in the YOUR MONEY BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. per annum, in advance.] @6112 gibeml EDITOR a Pnonmron. I. ll. PI entice. n. a. BLOUGH, 513 cterinary gunman J. BOYD, M. B. ileum. Ontario Bank Savings Department Ill RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1906 Money to loan on land audcbatte) mortgages“ lowest rates Auroraotficeâ€"Removed to the old post offica one door was: 01 the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newznarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the p :8: otfice 'I‘ HERBERT LENNOX G S'rV MORGAN Aurora. Newmarket Richmond-Hill 031w. Standard Bank Building. every Saturday after. unnn. LENNOX & MORGAN A G S LindseyJi C GG F Lxuvreuce W Kidout Wadsworth Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Lnan Bldg.). 00:. Adflaide & Victoria 815.. Toronto. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Torrmtn Office. 33 Richmond St. \V-fsft“. VVt>sl_ey_l_3_|_I_ildings. Mulock, Lee, Milliken & Clark Mapio, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at, Five Per Cent (5%). Private and Trust Funds to lowest current rates. Pbouo Main 311. Mr. McDonald will be at THE LIBER- AL Office, Richmond Hill, on the lat and 3rd Saturday of each month. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF JOHN \VALTER MCDOXALD HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN BIIIJLS NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER!“ TEE Richmond Hill JAS. N EWTON Undertaker s a Embalmors, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Alarge atonkof Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Danton, Dunn & Boultbee Ba rristex‘s. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, \V. Corner King & Yonge Streets, H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC: Commissioner. Cnnveyancer, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. Barristersfiolicitors. Notaries, &:c. Barristers and Solicitors. l‘i. 'PIEEP‘Y. WILLIAM COOK Barristers, Solictors, Etc. WRIGHT BROS, TORONTO. 33mm. In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Phone Main 2984 10. um JOHNNIE HAMILTON VISITS THE OLD HOME To the Edilor of 'I‘mP menAL: Dem- Sir.â€"Nothing is more imprs'ss- iVe on the mind, and touching to the hmu't, than a visit to the scene of a man’s boyhood. A man is not merely, in such a case. a spectator of some- thing that he has furnmrly known. but he is for the time transported back m childhood and youth; he becomes imbued with the fvolings, and filled with the joys of that early dawn, and he lives. if only for a brief period. the life which he lms quitted fur many a your, the intervening struggles and trmls, fortunes and failures being nhliterated from the mind and memory. “:lmt nn_ec_stasy and illusion! _ Recently I exherienced this thrilling emotion in :1 visit to my aged mother at. Elgin Mills. Fifty years have not altered the old hnme which is still dear to me not only on account of its awakening memories, hut principally because it is still the home of dear old mother. She is scaling;r the lofty heights of 80 years, from which vistas of the future life grow clearer and clearer as the twilight shortens. and the evening dzukens around. How contrary is this to the naturul sequence of things. The darkening of the even- ing of life is but the dawning of a bright and eternal day. As if it were to aid in the transport- ing process from lnanhuod to boyhood, there within the home was the old Family Bible which father used in family Worship, and the old arm chair where he was aceustmned tn sit, and expound to us the ways of God. the. duties and responsibilities of life. and then to point, us tn the divine promo ises of reward to those, who followed those ways. and (-vvrca me the tempes- tuuns scene. I‘Iul'e potent even now are those lessons than when they were uttered. for time lms tried and exper- ience has verified, and conlit med them. \Vithuut, too, is n enntinuzmce 0f the old scene. The \Vell from which the villagers and neighhms drew and drank the bright and spaxkling water L0 which they were made as Welcome as the beneficeut gift nf it from Heaven to us was free and generous. Still it springs bountiful and pure; and like the mercy and clemency of God the mare that it is drawn upon by those deservng it, the mute inex~ haustihle and the more swu-t become its waters. There, too. is the garden fragrant with the pen-futile of flowers, charming to the eye, fascinating to the Whole being, and speaking in articulate lan- glifige the pl'lliSEb: of Gud their gigep. v There. t6“, is the creek when-E I had fished in bare feet more than 50 years ago, with an enthusiasm so great that the thrill of delight seemed still to animate and inspire me when I beheld anew the running of its water. and heard once more the rippling of the stream. There, too, is the old road leading to the church recalling the reverence with which we wende our way to a shrine where with child-like simplicity of faith we felt God personally met and cummuned with his people. And the fields and surrounding scenesâ€"all are there, bespeaking the unchange- nbility. yea, the eternity of God. and making more complete the tem- polgx-y illusioniuent in which >1 dwelt: ' This rural calm and quietude of life have not been invaded by the rush and din of past half century of national development, commercial expansion, and keen competition which keep the cities in continuous commotion, and their thinkers and Workers evel as it were on the ruck with the inexorable exigencies which it is necessary to meet in order to keep abreast with the rapid evolutions of the time in science and thought and knowledge. This thought suggested to me the prohecy that in the last days know- lege should increase, and caused me to contrast the composure within which the Shepherd, Kings and Princes of Israel heard and uttered the. Oracles of God. with the turmoil amid which the leaders of nationsâ€"Kings. Emper- ors. Presidentsâ€"munipulute and man- oeuvre in this epoch of all pervading knowledge.» A But the visitation of the Scene itself, with all that it recalls is elevating and . ennohling: and not transitory but I permanent in its influence. W'ho 3 could resist the impulse to live a life S which would placa him mote in har-i many with the m-tificer and giver of all this so beautiful :â€"the air we breathe; the. panoramic scene; the wild flowm- and the tree yielding each ‘ spontaneously its sweet odour: and the earth itself laid out in splendour ‘ fur the sustenance and enioymont of man whom God created in His owui image. I “fphut a fresh inspiration I received ‘ to strive for the elevation of men who ' um have become oven-borne hy the eel shness. contaminated by the sorâ€"x didness. or debased with the vices with 3 which the city is surfeited. what, a new resolve to contend with the forces of evil. especially the Dragon of Strong Drink; and what a. new compact I We never disappoint in any point. and the prices are in keepin with ecunmmcnl tendencies. To ma 9 ynu one suit is uur ambition. Atkinson & Switz-‘r. made. as it were. with dear old mother to fight the good fight. to keep the faith, and having received the crown of victory. to join her in the Glorious Beyond. The cardinal points of superiority in our Tailored Suit construction are style,fit, and workmanship “ Good morning, sir, Mr. Editor, how 3 is the folks toâ€"day ? I I owe for next year’s paper; I thought I’d come in and pay, And Jones is going to take it. this is his money here; I shut down on londin’ it to him, and then coaxed him to tryit a. year. | And here’s a few little items. that) happened last Week in our town; I thought they‘d look good for the‘ paper, and so I just jotted ’em down. And here‘s n basket of ears my wife picked expressly or you. ‘ And a small bunch of flowers from. Jennieâ€"she thought she must send somethin’ too. | You‘re doin’ the politics bully, as all' of our family agree; Just keep your old goose quill a floppin', and give ’em a. good one fox me; And now you are chuck full of busi- ness, and I won’t be takin’ your ‘ time,â€" | I have things of my own I must ’tend 1 toâ€"good duy, sir, I b’lieve I will ‘ climb." “ God bless that old farmer! was muttered, “he’s u. regular jolly old trump! And 'tis thus in oul noble profession, and thus it will ever be still, There are some who appreciate its lab- or, and some who perhaps never will. But in the great time that is coming. “ hen Gabriel's trumpet shall r sound, And they who have labored and rest- ed, shall come from the quiver- ing groundâ€" IVhen they who have striven and sufiered to teach and ennoble‘ the race l l Shall max-ch at the front of column, each one in his God-given placeâ€" As they pass through the gates of The City, with proud and victorious tread. May the Editor, Printer and “ Devil ” till-avgll not very far from the en . If all dyspepsia sufferers knew what Dr. Shoup’s Restorative would do for them, Dyspepsia would practically he a disease of the past. Dr. Shnnp’s Restorative reaches stomach tumbles by its direct tonic ztctiou upon the in- side nervesâ€"the true stomach nerves. Stomach distress or weakness, fulness bloating, belching. etc. Call for the Rvsttuutive. We recommend and sell Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative. W. A. Stu;- derson. Mr. T. Cousins is in Toronto acting as a juryman. Mrs. Cousins has also been visiting in the city for a. few days. 1‘11: Cmulaquoy and wife are making a visit, at the home of Mr. David Cooper. The former IS teller in the Bank of Cmnmerce, anonto. Viétfim’iésiah’. Miss Chm-a G. Wallace of Tomnto will assist the home choir. With so much sparkling water going to waste from artesian wells, residents naturally ask why we cannot have a. public watering trough along the road side similiar to that at Patter- son which is nothing short of a luxury during the hot weather. If we can- not provide good hotel accommodation for travellers We should at least try and furnish good water for their horses. It is expected a. large contingent will go from this place to Cax-rville next. Sunday when annivel'Sury ser- mons will be preached at 2.30 and 7 giclock by Rev. T. MCKEX of Fred v'v .- The failricy of Mere Cheapness does not delnde the man who is wise There is more than the matter of price to consider when you go to buy a suit. “'e give price its consideration but hold quality and workmanship as supreme. Atkinson Sc Switzer. No idle life can produce a rele man A life of luxury calls out, only the efieminate, destructive qualities. The creative forces are developed only by stern endeavor to better one’s con- ditinn in the world.â€"“Success Mug azine.” THE MEN WE LIKE TO SEE You} Friend, Maple J mix HAMILTON The dates of exhibitions and fall fairs popular in this section so far ar- ranged are as follows: Bolton. Oct. 1. 2. Markham. Oct. 3-5. Weston. Oct. 6. Schombei'g. Oct. 11â€"â€"12 Bradford. Oct. 16, 17. VVoudhi'idge. Oct, 17â€"18 lof any kind for fall work would do well to try one of our machines. N. J. Glass Tbat. Dr. Piano’s Favorite Prowription in the only medicine sold through druggisus for womsn's wenan and peculiar sin-l menu that does not. con‘ain lute nan“â€" ‘ies of alcohol? It is also thee») m as cislly prepared {or the «no 0! thin do icate diseases peculiar to women, the maker of which is not. “mid to take his; atients into his full confidence by m1.- ng upon each bottle wrapper ul’um Pug» dlents enteri into the medicine. It you_r_ druggisi f is not km. “,7 - .__ x. .L- Amiâ€" V... v: m- .. u... use â€" â€"« “Favorite Prescription ' loo, Is the onz medicine {or women. all, the incredien of which have me on ualifled endorseâ€" ment of the leading m cal writers of the several schools of practice, recommendâ€" ing them for ihe core 01 the diseases for which the “Prescription” ls advised. Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buflaio, N. Y., {or a free booklet, and read the numer- ous extracts from standard medical anâ€" thorities raising the several ingredients of which r. Pieree‘s medicines are made, end don‘t (or et. that. no other medicines put. up for 33. e through druggists for doâ€" mestic use can show anÂ¥ such ofadmwz endorsement. This, 0 itsel , is oi iar more weight and importance than any amount of so-called 'testimonials" so conspicuously assumed before the public. in favor of the alcoholic porppmmds. ,‘I In Iavvl In uuo ulvvuvlnv w... v The "Favorite Prescription' cures all woman’s peculiar weaknesses and de- ragfiementsmhns banishing the riodical he aches, backaches, bearing own dlsâ€" tress. tenderness and (hazingâ€"down sen- sations in lower abdomen, aacompmiied by weakening and disagreeable catan'hal, pelvicvgyaim an? Bindredasyln toms. I» -A- I - :I'hul um- w...» m-..” ....- r. V _ ,, , Dr. Pierce and his sum of Skilled spe- cialists. may be consulted free by address- ing as above. All correspondence is treated as sacredly confidential. By eon- sulbing in this way the disagreeable questionings and personal “examinations " ure avoided.» _ â€" n ,7 gnu-1.-. .LU alvvluvu. The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser contains some very interesting and valuable chapters on the diseases peculiar to women. It contains over one thousand pa, es. It. is sent post. paid, on receipt of su clent in one-cont stamps to pay cost of customs and mailing only, or 31 cents (or a copy in flexible per covers, or 50 cent; [91-1 cloth-bo_ copy. Ad- QQQOOOOQONMMMNOOQO AGENT FOR D 6 arm g Farm Im- plements dress Dr. R.V. flakes as argove. “.1317. fiéfiié’éfelleu regulate and invig- crate stomach, liver and bowels. On: I. laxative. two or three cathartic. . Any one needing any thing in the line of Drills Cultivators Rollers or Barrows RICHMOND HILL P. O. OOO§§§§¢§§§O§N *0640609609 Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory ivpl-csentativc fur Richmond Hill and vicinity of ye olde Fix-me ui Heintznmn and Company, Limited. munnfuclul' em of high grade pianos. DO YOU KNOW J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist [Single copies, 3 cts. FALL FAIRS. I3

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