Mr. and Hrs. Ins. Brace of Toronto I ayed over Sawfly at the Parsonge. Miss Genevieve Harris is attending the Normal School in Toronto. Miss Bessie Redditb. Toronto, spent. Sunday with her mother. Mr. W. D. Brace commences his 2nd vear at Toronto Medical on Monday ‘Géb. Sims. vary largely to the Premier of Can~ aria and be the Minister of Justice, Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick. and after him to Mr, Ayleswzm. ." Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Glass and chil- dren made a week‘s visit. with rela- tives at Oookstown. years was subjected to severer criti- cism by the Conservative Opposition than The Lord's Day Act, passed at t'ie last session of the Dominion Parliament. Yet at General Confer. enco at Montreal last week Rev, John Potts, president of the Lord's Day Alliance said: “I think I may my that. there is no country on the face of the earth that has as good at Lord‘s Dav act as the Dominion of Canada. For this we are indebted Mrs. Thou. Tait. Mrs. Le Drew. Miss Smith and Master Rustin Newton of Toronto were visiting an the .pmsonage on Saturday. Newmarket Eraâ€"Mr. S. M. Brown of Richmond Hill. was visiting with his brother-in-law. Mr. L. Lehman Mr. V year at next. Rev. W. H. Madden of Schomberg was in town on Mandzw and visited at the parsonage. Mr. W. Cluhine, hï¬SR Flmencp Clubine, Miss Flank and Mr. W. Gralngor were visiting at the parson- age on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Bastard of Davisvifle. are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Bestard. awaiting the completion of their new residence. Mrs. Wm. Glass hemmed home Tuesday evening nicer a few weeks' ftay with Mrs. Reuben Pugsiey at, Eg~ intxm. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bins-ll of York Mills announce the mnn'imge of their daughter, Annie. to Mr. Ulux-kson Stephens of Toronto. on \Vednesday. OctmberB. Mrs. Alex. Sims 0f Westnnjs spend- ipg q.__few days with her sister. Mrs. Misses Bell and Alice Campbell of Isl-ingbon. have been visiting friends in the village, guests of Mrs. W. A. Sanderson. SUDDEN DEATH. Mr. Allen E. MacLean. who had made his home with x mm, Mr. Allan E. MacLean. Principal hf the Corn- wall High School. but who had been visiting another son in Toronto. died suddenly at the hitter place last Thursday. He cnmplniued of a pain in his side a day or two hefuiv. Thursday morning he walked to a drug store in the city to get a pre- scription ï¬lled. but a. few minute»: after entering the sun-e “he fell dead. Heart tumble was the amuse. Deceas- vd had visited his son he“: daring the summer holidays at the hume of Mrs. B. McDonald. Mr. Hepburn, the Liberal candi- date for East Elgin. has resigned, and the executive of the party have accepted the resignation and nomin- ated another candidate. In 'an address issued to the electors Mr. Hepburn says that he resigned owing to the fact that a cowardly attack was made on his character and reputation. It the reports are true Mr. Hepburn did well to resign. If they are false one would think that Mr. Hepburn would be anxious to expose his traducers from every political platform in the riding. Mr. Ley Harris, Son of the Int? Ml. Herbert Harris. of Calgnry. visited with his mndfuther. Mr. J. L. Han'is Friday. ï¬le has completed his studies there and will continue them at Gan- anoque. Miss Edith Hopper. Toronto. is spendin the wet-k with her father, Mr. H. . Hopper. who is still conï¬n- ml to his hed. Mrs. Lever also came up from the City and remained Sat~ urdny with her father. @111? flihcrai. OUR COUNCIL ACTIVE The Industrial Committee of the Village Council are in communicatiun with the ofï¬cers of the Jauws Bay R-zilway with a View of inducing the (‘mmwxv tn locate their can: shops RICHMOND HILL. Probably no measure in recent L’ERSON ADS. ONT.. Sept. 27. 1906 Piles positively cured with Dr. Shoop‘s Magic Ointment. Its made for piles alone. and it does the work to perfection. Itching. painful, protrud- ing or blind piles, disappem- like magic. Sold by W. A. Sandersun. MONDAY. Oct. 8â€"-Auct.ion sale of farm stock. implements. Mo, on lot 15. 2nd com. Markham. the property of Wm. Ness sr. Twelve months credit. Sale at 1 e'clock. J. H. Prenbice, Auctioneer. SATURDAY. Oct. 21â€"Auctinn sale of valuable farm property in the Town- ship of York. on west half of lot 21, 2nd con. East. York. the property of the estate of the late David Harding. For terms applv to T. C. Street, New- ton Brook. or Jackes & Jackes, 28 Tu- I-onto St“. Toronto. Sale at 3 p. m. J. H. Prentice. auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 3â€"Allctinn sale of fresh milk cows, springer-s and ynung cattle. at the Palmer House Yards. Richmond Hill. Sale at two n'clflck. Terms. 3 months. Saigeon 85 McEwc-n. aucts. r The Winnipeg TPlt'gl'mn has issue-d a special numbt-r giving much valuable information about the western metrop- olis and the Canadian \Ve-st. The edition does credit; to the puhlishms, and will do much to ndvvrtiso that great country. Intervsting sketches are given of the men who nmnuge city affairs. the public St'hlml system, etc. The fertility of the land and the enur- mmls quantity of grain gmwn are again pointed out. The ronmrkahle growth of bank clearings is refvm-ed to at length, and the growth and progress of Winnipeg during the past ï¬ve years are shown to have been phe- nomenul. Osgoode Dairy. 82 Powu‘ St. City. DEAR SIR.â€"A sample of milk from your dairy, taken by us on St‘pt. 6th. shnws on analysis as follnws: total solids, 15.50; butter fut. 6.52. A sample of milk taken by us on Sept. 6th, said to he consigned tn you from R. Stevenson, Richmond Hill, shows on analysis as follows: total solids. 14.80; butter fut, 5.46. Fulthfnlly yours, CHARLES SHEARD, Medical Health Ofï¬cer. +++d~++++++++$++ï¬~§ é+++++++ manager with the metropolitan with a vivw of having un early car to go south through Richmond Hill not later than 6.30 mm. A number of commercial travellers in this plum.- and all alung Yonge sheet complain that the present Cars take them to the Union Station just a few minutes too late to catch their trains. My ï¬rst stock in silver- gware is well chosen and iof ï¬rst quality. Heavy plating is not the only i good point in silverware, Ebut ï¬rst-class workman- Eship as well. I will re- Efund the price paid for any piece of silverware which has not proved to '++++4‘++ be as represented. T HO RN H ILL @illiuerg gaping 'nr Lot 22, con. 6. Markham. 1-50 acre; :r full n-n'timxiars, MRS. S. SHUTER TUESDAY, OCT. 2 and following days. Come and bring your friends. 12-2 FIRST QUALHTY SILVERWARE Farm to Rent JERRY SMETH SPECIAL NUMBER PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Sale Register GOOD MILK. ‘++++WH++++++++ Toronto, Sept. 17. 1906. In The $Egns 9f You can Sturdy Secure Heart Health and Strengflx throughpr. Shoop's Restorative. Hem: weakness whlch cu: be dealt Mm as all Is nerve weakness. Jun: as ymr ham! trom- blcs when Uri nerves are work, whr-n yen: hPuYE nerw‘s are wank may: Them-z. :1: new and mu».- tates. Other siznssre DhOX‘IZI '71 hr: :2: nib-‘1' Bliflhtexem'ï¬e: fainting spun»; pain or tenJ r- ness about the heart caused bv irrbguinr htmrb action: choking sensa 31011 M i! the heart. w :5 in the throat; uneasy sensation In um chest. showing that. / the h v1} n [a u 't. working right ‘ pain when mu He on one S'i deâ€" usuuny aha 12!; Mae. but tre- ‘ right. painful brnaghing; I; R. A. Farquharson3.A. Bank of Commerce Yonge & floor 518. (' ‘Wfl are secured by a course of train- ing in our well-known and re- liable institution, which offers th newest; and most cï¬ective courses and is the most influPn- tinl in securing positinns. Our location, oquipmenbnnd methods are of the bvst. Student may entvr with equal advantage at any time. “Nice for our cata- lugue. the Village of Richnmnd Hill, 00. of York, ns laid out, by Isaac Crosby. Y. M. (J. A. Bldg†Yonge 5; McGill Streets. Toronto BUSY NIGHTS Egritis-h @atmdizm guï¬ium (3011232 OF NEW“? L013 Best Results T. M. WATSON, Spent; at Shorthand and Bookkeeeping courses such as we teach by Mall and at College will increase your value to the community and incidentally yuur wealth. It will cost. only a post card to get the cheap- est {ex-ms ever ()ï¬ered fm- ï¬rst rate Coliege m' Mall courses. 200 site. last year. PLAN flint: Lflog‘igifcon. Lbiï¬rkhinn 13 bra ham's Lane Fence 5W] r E johnflBrydon's Sner Rail Fenr‘e TORONTO PRINCIPAL Wire Fence 250 “N. 74 F3" Hear! Trouble G. ROBINSON 250 Principal 796 Yongc St Lot 1. 2nd con. of Vaughan, the property of Mrs. Julm MuBridku cm)- sisLing 0f 150 acres, is to rent for a. te-rm of years. 'l‘hn- land is all cleared. all under- drnirwd, and in :1. high state of cultiva- Liun. A {111 Notice is hvahy given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897 Chapter 129. Sectinu 38, and Amending Acts. that all per-suns having any claim against, the estate of the said Charles Nixon, who died on or abnut- the ï¬fth dav of January 1894. me required to send to Mary Nixun, Unpe Postnfï¬ce, the Administratx'ix of the said Estate. on 01' hofure the 30th day of September 1906 :1 full statement of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. Late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of Yul-k, Farmer, deceased. And take further notice that after the said day theAdministi-atrix will proceed to distribute. the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitlâ€" ed theretn. having regard only to the claimSOf which she shall then have W‘CelVf‘d notice; and the said Admin istrutrix will not be liable for any claims of which she shall not then have received notice. WILLIAM COOK 33 Richmond St. West, Toronto Solicitor for Administranix Dated at Toronto this 3lst day of August, 1906. 10-4 Threshex-s‘ Coal on hand. June 11. 1905 GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. LIVERY X’Vilrl run on custom work during 00- tobex- and November as follows:â€" EDGELY CIDER {NELLY MILL Starting Monday, Oct. lst, will run ï¬rst three days of each week dur- ing Octobci' and November, up to and including Nov. 21, 1906. As is well known we make raw cider. boiled cider. apple butter. and jelly all from your own apples. Cider can be boiled Loany thickness. Jolly apples slmuld be well ripened and two-thirds sweat. Farm Fir Bent mime Parties wishing apple butter should | HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES in keep their peeling apples separate t Fruit and Ornamental Stock gumn from the elder applesL l and for sale by .\V}ll buy a few peeling apples only. HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES kn Cider apples wanted. As we lm-ve naw. after many im- ! A permanent situation for the ri hi, px-nw-nmnls, a capacity of about. 3000 party. Liberal inducements. my gallons of cider boiled into jelly and wm-kly. Handsome free nulï¬l. apple butter per day. we hope to give \Vrite for terms and catalogue. and our-customers every satisfaction. spud 25(‘. in stamps for our POCKET Customers are respectfully rt‘qm‘st- MAGNIFYING GLASS, or 30c. for our ed to do business (an the above Enen- ' HANDY METAL HACK SAW. tinned days as we live ndismnce mm the fuanr-y and customers coming any l F. uthrjl- day would ï¬nd it very mcon- lEontbm Nnmm.ies_ (Over 300 acres.) "(‘IWN- l TORONTO nNT. \Ve hope to see all our old custnm- ; ers back again this season as usual with as many more as possible. Thanking the general public for past fa vmzq. wu «MP-it :- rnntiuuuncp nf Coal and Wood Dellvered. Prices nght. lst vxugl a VOI'Q Michael Bros... CHARLES NIXON ,uts ugh A Pl 11-4 st cnn. East Ym k. “Newton Brook’ further infnrnmliuu Apply to N - .--.â€".... . ..... A. Farm to Rent Farm to Rent In the matter of the estate of RICHI‘JOND HILL liiclunond 1 Hill $3 is ï¬rsdiim’s 2nd con. of Vaughan, the ll) ml 21'; in the 3rd can. of [I‘m- pmticulurs apply to J. E. ()LUBINE, Lnt 70, Oak Ridges. COAL FRANCIS BEBE. Thm-nhill 1-99 of (In-hard. mm 110 made fnrdninp; Sixteen acres ready VVGOD Notice’ is hm‘vhy girvn pursuant {n R. S. O. 1&9", (Uhuptm' 1‘33), and amend- nwnts thereto, that all pt-rsuus having t'lniins against tlw estate of the sni Jan Nixun. whn diml un ni' uhnnt the 7th day of June, 2906. an: tn so-ntl Ivy post, prepaid, ur to d|‘ll\'t“l‘ u» the Inn (tersigned SUIh'itUl‘s fm' Gomwgv Jnlm (Em-k, the Exovntnr t-l' thP lust will and testamrnl uf said tlt'tk'nfit’t‘. on m' hl‘flll‘t‘ the twvlfth tl'ly of ()(‘tnhrm 190(5, their namvs, addresses and (It-- scx-iptions. and full partinnlars uf tln-ir claims. and the nature» of thv swrnrity, if any, held hy then). duly Veiiï¬t-d by afï¬davit, and after the said (late the PXl-clltor will pumped ln distribute the USSPtS of the dvrteasvd unmng Lhz- per- sons entitled LliH-pto. having i'I-guifl t0 the claims of whirl] he shall then havenntice‘. and that he will not lu- linhln for the asst-Ls so distrilmu‘d. "1' any pal-t; tlwi-euf. tn :zny punt-n of whose claim he shall not tlicnhave notice. Under instl-uctinns from Mr. T. C. Street, EXecutnr of the Estate of the lute- Duvid Hal-ding, there will be of- fured for sale by public auction hy Jnhn H. Plentica auctioneer. on Sat- urday, October 27. at. 3 o’clock p. 11)., on the property, that, valuable farm being the westhulf (-f lot No. 21. in the 2m} con. east of Yonge Street, in the Township of York. containing one hundred acres more or less. < u 0n the property is erected a good frame hnuse and ham buildings. Thu soil is clay loam and well wateredmnd there is one acre of good orchard. ' For further information, terms of sale, etc.. etc.. apply to T. C. Street, Newton Bl-nonk, m- the undersigned. JACK ES & JACKES. 28'1‘01’m1t0 St., Toronto. Solicitors for Executor. Dated at Tomnto this 15th day of September, A. 1)., 1906. PEARSON 8: DEN'F‘ON. McKinnun Building. Melinda SIM Tm-untn, Solicitors fur the Exw‘nlm; Datvd this 17th day nf Soptvmbu-, 1906. TOWNSHIP OF YORK Black and Blue \Voxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality- Low prices LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED "nto nf thv Tuwnship ( the Cuunty of Yul“ (locmtsud. Farm Property FALL AND WINTER My Stock of \Voolens for HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES 12-4 In the math of the Estate n House to Rent is now complete comprising Tailor, Richmond Hill and sur rounding districts. . J. HUME, RICHMOND HILL â€"â€"OF VA LUABLE-â€"- JANE NI TORONTO, ONT. At once for {iiisrs QFJ flaw» IN THE-â€" XON rn pursuant {n 29, and unwind- pt-rsuns having :10 uf the sni f Vaughan, in L. “'idi, Imoud street.