The town of Aurora. are advertising ‘fnrtenders for the purchase of Water \Vorks Improvement, Debentures, amounting to $10,000. The dtéthtures hear interest at 475 per cent. yearly and extending over a period of 20 wears. Speciul.â€"301'ns ï¬ne sugzu', $1.00: 2 lbs good bl:an tea, 25c; 3 cans sulmnn, 230; 6 lbs figs. 250; 2 packages vim, 25c. Naughtou Bras†Elgin Mills. The perpendicuhr stairs in Tx-ench’s ‘uu‘riage \Vm ks have been replaced «by anolher flight built on the angle of :m hypothenusv. The change, doubt- less, has been made to meet the wishes of the senior workman of the shop. Rev. Gen. McKinley B.D. will preach here next Sunday morning. at. Patter- son in the aftelnon and Victoria. Square in the evening. Rev Mr. Brace tasz a special event that day at, Buttonville. The ‘VV.:(‘-. T. U. will meet at, Mrs. Grant‘s Tuesday evening at 7.30. As this will he the nnnual meeting the oï¬iceus and superintendents of Depart- Jnents are requested to attend and all are expected m ice reports of the work done Lhmug out the year. There is now an attendance at th' ligh Schqu of 101 pupils, and several nthe-rs are expected in a. few days. l‘hut is the largest attendance in the I xistm-y of the school. The “'eekly Mail and Empire 15 months Lu January 1, 1908. including he artngmvure “Grace†for 75 cents h ' subscribing with THE LIBERAL. {The Epwm-th Lvague Monday even- ing will be in charge of the Christian En eavor dept. subject, “The True Vina; taken by Mr. W. L. Trench. fullmjed by the roll call and suitable Jnusiuz. Mr. Crosby is making alterations in the Fire Px-onf Store which when completed will lw occupied by Mr. A. J. Hume as n tailming establishment. Miss Cnuller purposes converting M1-_ Hume‘s present shop into a dwelling. Mr. Joseph Young. fonnex-ly of the third concession of \Vhitchurch. died ‘at his home in Aurora Tuesday morn- ing. aged 67 years. He is survived by a widuw, two sons and three daughters. Funeral to the Aux-(1m cemetel‘y tuâ€"duy at 20’clock. The morning mail from the south ~now reaches Richmond Hill at 7.50. one hour earlier than it did the past few months. The change which is H satisfactory one, was made Monday of ibis week. Miss Nelly Langstnï¬ who has been for over two years in the Philippine Islands, rememhervd a. number of her t‘riends this week with post cards from China. where she spent: her summel ' Rev. Father Staley of Toronto. con- ducted the services in St. Marv's R. C. Chm-ch here last Sunday, taking the place of the pastor, Rev. P. McMahon, Lenuma A.. wife of Edwin C. Bmwn died at. her home. Egi-iutnn, Friday 11 ghl, in INT-14“! your. I-ulurment in Mullan Pleasant Conn-Lexy inst, Mon- day. A pretty Tittle wodding tank place at the pursuinng \Vednesdny uflernnnn whvn Mr. Frank Jennings was unite-d tn Miss Mary \Voudl‘m-d by Rev. A. P. Bruce, B.D. Genuine bLUlle‘Vflrt' cracks, all sizes. and embossed flower pots cheaper than common earthenware stuif at Atkinson & Switzer’s. Mr. Jesse “ï¬nger of Curt-ville has purchased in Toronthutocar No.2-l-38. The mmhine is a good Jennvm', and Mr. Winger will doubt-Tess mak-e guud use of it in his extensive business. Try Ogilvev’s \Vheut Granules. 61b, for 25c.; you’ll ï¬nd it just, about us gnud as Cream of \Vheat. which sells 2 lbs. for 200.; for sale by Atkinson & .§\\'itzer. 'wlm has pas t. vacation. The Adventures of Robinson Crusnv‘ fur the junihr school forum, in lwu pal-ts at THE LIBERAL 013509. Price 5 cents each. Subscribe fox-thoNew Idea \Vnnmn’s Mngazinv. .50 cvnt»; a your. Fru- snmple copies at THE LIBERAL Ofl'lcv. Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A. M. meets next Monday evening, the ï¬rst of October. 'I‘hm'e will be u. very intm-Psting social evening gun-n by the Epwm-th League of Victuria Square on Tuesday m ening next. S99 our stock of Gent‘s Fine Shirts and Fine Suspenders. Atkinson & Switzer. If you. Want the host value in fruit, jars, sugar. spit-9s. \‘ilu'gfll‘s, lump dï¬lum-ys, .go Lu Atkinson A; Switzm’s. Magistrate- Ellis recorded a ï¬ne of $30 and costs against the px'nprielnr if the ()ulcntt House. Eglimmv, for soil- ing liquor without a license. Mr. Andm'snn. fir'ntist. will lw in his Richlan Hill OflIu-e Thursday hf next week instead of \Vean-sduy. @119 iï¬iésmi. RICHMuN 14(")(3‘ tkilfï¬â€™. n HILL, ONT., 5‘ _, Av\ -. A o Auuuumuuu, _ r _ been I“ for several weeks 27, W08 is not suith for this earth. but, is en- titled t0 wings. Human nature is so constituted that some (If our readers would like to have us feed them on scandal; some would like to have us III-ill thenm‘arnishod truth about them. E while others wnuld kill us if we did. I “'9. lahmnhnvd to please our subscrib- 'm~s but that we should occasionally liail is to be expected, but you will al- ways ï¬nd us willing to he fwg‘iven. I Tlua pditnr who can please every one Rheumatism isnnt incurable. Stub- born? Yes] But Dr. Shoup‘s Rheu- matic Remedy will if faithfully used dl‘ive it, (but of the syslcni. its the blood that‘s at fault. Puisunnus crystals like sand gE-t into the joints and muscles. Dr. Shunp‘s Rheumatic Remedy prevent. this. It drives Rhml- mntism from the blood and then Rheumatism dies. “'9 recommend and s, "_ if ‘V. A. Sanderson. The publishers of The Ladies' Home Jnurnail give noLice that, on the ï¬lst of October the price of their maga- zine will be raised from $1.25 tn $1.50 a year. Any new subscription for one year, or a renewal for one year. will be accepted any time this mnnth at. the present rate uf $1.25. Those who purpose renewng their subscriptions, or new subscribers, will save 25 cents by notifying THE LIBERAL at once. Think of Dr. Shoop‘s Catanh Cure if-your nose and throat. dischargesâ€"if your breath is foul or feverish. It Cnntuins Oil of Eucalyptus, Thymol. Menthol. etc., incorporated into an imported. creamlike pctrulatum. It soothes, heals. purities, controls. Call at, our stare for free trial box. XV. A. Sanderson. LITERARY NIGHT. Last Monday evening was Literary Evening at the Epworth League. Mr. “'ill Trench was in the chair. After the usual business of the League was transacted an enjoyable programme was given. This consisted of a paper read by Mr. \Vill Bruce on “Man- itoba,†and vocal solos by Rev. A. P. Bruce and Miss G. Han-is. Mrs. Hume and Miss Millie Trench presided at the organ. A great many burns were struck by lightning and burned during the past summer, and in a number of cases the farmer suffered a total loss because he had not carried insurance. Where men in towns. villages and crowded centres are forecd to pay 2.5 .per cent. yearly and upwards on property in- sured they sometimes hesitate, but as rates on ordinary farm property are very low there is practically no excuse for the furmPr not being insured. A perfect Bowel Laxative for con- sLianimI, salluw complexion, head- ache, dizziness. smu- stomach, coated tongue. bilimnness. Lax-ens act, promptly, without pain or griping. Pleasant. to tnkeâ€"Lux-etsâ€"only 5 cents. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. “The catastrophe that may happen if we still remain in our present, state of unpreparedness is vividly and forcibly stated in Mr. Le Queux's book which I recommend to the pexusnl of ever} one who has the welfare of the British Empire at, heart." Great interest is being Inanifvstod by the young people of the the Ep- worth League in the owning rally tn he held in Elm street, Mothndistvhurch on Monday. Octnhex-8Lh. Rev. Gemge Juckmn, B.A.. the groab young pmple’s preacher. ï¬mefly of Edin- burgh now pastor of Sherbournv sheet chm-ch will address the rally after the usual “roll call. First-class music will also be rendered. A schial car is expected to leave [he city that evening at 11 p.11). "The Invasion of 1010.“ tugs-[her with a full avcnnnt of the Siege of London. by \Villiam Le ereux, for sale at THE LIBERAL Oflice. Lord Ruhtmts, in a. persnnal letter says :_â€" Mr. Alex. Ferguson was on Friday lust, PIFCI't'd l-y acclmuatiun as M. P. P- fur Curdde the former member hllV- ing resigned tn ucm'pt, a position un- der the “'hitnvy Guvcrmnvnc. The Liberals shmrs‘d u gcmd spirit nl‘ glmd j‘ndgnwnl, in nut numinuking a man. as nothing \vnuld have he?†gained by upposing tho Government. candidate. annntn \Vnâ€"r!dâ€"- The now Yul‘k Radial slatixm M, Aux-um is now ulmhst munpleted. Its slylv is may similiur tn that of (he Riclnnund Hlll stulion. while the interior is almost an exact counterpart of that at North Tornntn. The cmupnny will do their own electric lighting on the station premises. Mr. Bldcklvo of Toronto has been appoint~ ed "gout. fmn-fnlly nmdo. His doctor said he hm] an irun constitution; his friends said In- had nerve of ate-(l; his uncle suid hv had :L wondvn head; the girls said he haul a heart, of sme: his enemies declars-d he had more brass in hfm than: anything else; others declar- ed he had Ints of sand. while his :Idmir'Prs (Is-clared he was all wool and u yard wide." Special value in biscuits: Honey Fruit, Natives, Royal and Bangn mix- 9d at 100. per lh.; Vaniln VVafprs. Lemon Snaps. Cum» Bar and Fig Bar mixed at 15c. lb. Atkinson 8: Switzm. The Sunday School» at, Victm-iu Square- is putting in operation the hume dI-purtnwnt which cnmunt f:in to in- n grwut, ht‘lll‘ï¬l tn the communitv- Lust. Sunday uftvrnmm Mr. Bruce in the vmn-sc of his sol-mun gave :1 very full explanation of its \vurkings and beneï¬ls [n u. huge (:ungregutinu. An oxvhnngv saysâ€"“W's! have resid- in},' in our town :I young man. who. if reports be true is \vundel-fnllv and fmn'fnlly made. His doctor said he hm] an imn constitution; his friends said h4- hnd nerve of stml; his uncle sniq hf: had :3. wuudvn head: the girls FREELY 'WE FORGIVE. SAVE 25 CENTS DURHAMâ€"In Richmond Hill. Sutur- day. Sept. 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durham, a daughter. " Everybody come and see the VVorld’s Greatest County Fair. at Markham Oct. 3. 4 and 5. Come and meet Old friends, and bring your child- ren, for an education more valuable in life to them than Latin and Greek. Come and see the grand display of horses. vcat‘tle, shepp. swine, punltry, agricultural and horticultural prnducts, dairy. Hpiill'y, mzllinfacun-d articles, ladivs’ fancy work, ï¬ne arts. etc. Splendid horse racing, splendid hands, high class Midway, merry-gu- iouuds and side shows gnlnre. Excur- sion rates on the G.T.R. Lest, you forget remember the dutes are Oct. 3, 411ml 5, 1906." JENNINGS â€"- \VOODFORD â€"â€" 0n \Ved- nesdny, Sept. 26, at the qu‘sonagv. Richmond Hill. by the Rev. A. 1’. Brace, B. 1)., Richard Franklin Jen- nings, to Mary Elsie \Voudfm-d, both of King Tp. POWERsâ€"SNIDERâ€"On Sept. 18. in New York city. in the Church nf‘the Hnly Ornss, by the Rev. Father Folvy. Ella Powers of Maple, Ont.. to Glen‘â€" ence Snider of Peta-horn. Out. The Fumily Herald and \Veckly Shu- of Montreal grows better year after your. It is truly marvellous what 1m immense circulation it has. Very ’few humes in this neighborhood are withuut it, and those on not know wlmt they are missing. The Family Herald’s new picture this season is entitled “A Tug of \Var,"o=ne of thosn bvautiful subjects that, brighten one's home. To give the Family Herald and \Veekly Star ulan with such a picture for only one dollurcan only he done by a paper with the Family Herald’s circulation. No other Gan- adian paper could attempt it. It was hoped that when the To- ronto Exhibition closed the car which brings the High School students from the south would reach here on schedul- ed time, 10 minutes before nine o'clock. But the car has generally been lute. and consequently the time for opening the school was changed from 9 to 9.10 That means that scholars are not. dis- missed at noon trill ten minutes past twelve o’clock. This does not suit the old man who likes his dinner on time. Now that the mail bags are brought in an emlier car, the scholars should he landed here by 9 o’clock. Aurora Bannerâ€"A rather singular accident happened on the Metrnpulilan Railway monday evening. As the car which leaves North Tm-nntnat 7n'clnck was running past Bnnd Lake. a large hittern was struck by the car. It is supposed the bird was damde by the strong headlight on the cm- and attempted to fly in front of it. le window in front. of the Motonnan was broken into small pieces and he was out about, the head and face by the flying pieces of glass. The bird dropped dead just inside the car. hav- ing its neck. wing and leg broken by the force of the contact. A Harvest Festival Servicp will he held in St. Jnhn‘s Church. Jeffvrsnn, (m Thurdey. Oct. 4th. at 8 p. m. The sex-mun will be preached by the Ven- erable Archdeacon SWe-eny. D. 1)., nf St. Philip’s Church, Toronto. The choir will be augmented by the assist- unce nf the Aurora vested choir. All are cm-dia‘lly invitrd. The sad announcement was made early on Tuesday morning of the death of Mrs. Prnclnx'. wife of Mr. Al. I’rnctol- uf Ne’wma‘l‘k-et, and dmlghlt‘l' of Mr. and Mrs. James Wait of Alll'fll‘ï¬u An operation on the (brunt was per- furnu-d on Saturday. but, the patient. sm'cumhod to the shock at 1 u‘cluck Tuesday morning. Besides the bus:~ hand deceased leaves nine children to mumn bur loss. Intument takes! place in the Aux-om Cemetery this. (Thursday) afternoon at 2.30. fA Rinans Tabules. Rinans Tabules cure constioaur Ripans Tabulea: for sour stow Rinar‘? T~bn1ns nnre nausez. Don’t haVe a falling out with your hair. It might leave you! Then what? That would mean thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home! Fasten it tightly to your scalp! You can easily do it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress- ing. It is a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. M 3/ Hair Ban .4wa The best kind 0! a teatimonldâ€" “ Sold for over sixty yous." A LiTTLE AWK “'ARD BETTER THAN EVER 'mwï¬â€˜iJIO.’ ' " ' o 2; Lowell. mu. no nugggogm A! ‘ MARKHAM FAIR SUDDEN DEATH OAK RIDGES. MARRIAGES BIRTHS .SARSIPARIL‘LA. ‘PILLS. CHERRY PECTOIAL. Vunznnt & Waning. Veterinary Sur- geons. twenty-ï¬ve years of pmcticul experience. a u .-.u- Have just arranged with the Veter- inary Specialty ()0. to sell the follow- ing remedies : Stuck Tunic and Blood Puriï¬er. Indigestion and Colic Cure, Spavin Cure, \Vorm Powders. Cough Remedy, Poultry Tunic, Lonst- Dvulh Anbisceptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- sinn, Black Oil, Heave Relief, Lump Jaw Cure. Aphuxdisiue :md Antiâ€"Storâ€" ile Powders, Diarrhoea Cure fux- Cults :md Calves, Leaking Naval & Joint Disease. ViiArCUupUll in every package entitling the holder t0 Free Veterinary Advice. For sale FARMERS TAKE NOTICE qntisfuctinn Guaranteed Flannelettes and Wrapperettes Heavy 36 inch light and dark Flannelettes. 10k. per yd.; VVx-up- pert-mes. 10, 125 and 150. yd. Men’s Ready=t0=Wear Goods ATKINSON SSWETZER Men’s Ordered Suits “ONE MAN Bib overalls, 5012.. 750.. 80c.. $1 pr. Heavy socks, 15. 20, 25c. and 40c. Ready-made suits from $4.75 up. Heavy shirts 50, 75, 900. These stoves have all the 'Iatest improve- ments and are without a doubt the best on the market. Ranges. P‘urnaces and Heaters is now on hand and we invite your inspection of a. full stock of the leading makes. Repairing and Eave- troughing pronxptly done Richmund Hill Haidwara Sim Our fall Stock of F. J. PETHICK & SON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. VVe’ll make to your measure a genuine Scotch Tweed Suit, winter weight, stylish over- check goods, everything guaranteed, tor $14 95; a very ï¬ne Black Worsted Suit in latest style, specially ï¬rst-class for $17.75. can lead a horse to water, but a hundred can- not make him drink.†That’s the way it is with advertising: it’s a very simple matter to bring people to the counters, but the buying part rests with them. That’s why we advertise what we can do, no more, conï¬dent that the values we offer will do the rest. C. SGELES RICHMOND HILL .Gond driver and outï¬t. Also 0153 Mason 6: Risch upright pi‘mu, sulid rusewnnd cusv. I Apply to May-picked Japan Tea, 25 and 30c. 1h. VVnods' best Coffees, ground While you wait, 25, 30, 35 and 400. this. Tea Groceries XXX Golden Syrup Vinegar. very special, 30c. gal. Regal or Monarch Brands Salm- o_n, special quality, $1.68 per doz. The very best XXX White Wine Vinegar, 300. gal. XXX Golden Syrup Vinegar. He‘d: Ira nun-e, but than who mu vaum 1 Cn.,f‘m ‘lnud, MIL-qt“! roceivo (we, fun minim-Lon about work which xhey rsu dn.And liven ham-,lbnwfll pay "v v“ S'- m 35 per «In. Some h-vo zmold. Cï¬pllsl who mm A: on“ All '1 m. Boy wanted to learn tailoring. Apply ‘to _ Horse For Sale Boy Wanted and Coffee El). BIRCH Lot 43. con. ] Vaughan Richmond Hill RU J. H U M E Richmund Hill