Dear Mother The Duchess of Newcastle has some sixteenrspeciat canine pets. which roam about the house, and her particular fav- orite has a trick, when it fancies itself at all neglected, of going up to an In- dian drum which hangs in the hall, and lustin drumming with its forefoot un- tii it. obtains the desired attention. Reform must be well-heeled to st out. an evil. GREAT SALE _op__ AYRSH Will sell by public Auction, 50 head cl High-class Ayrshire Cattle, also Agri- cultural lmplcments, etc., properly of Hon. W. Owens, River Side Farm, Montchello, Que., on C. P. Ry. North Shore Line, between Montreal and 0t- lawa. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Dctober 17, 19% Send stamp for set Illustrated Post. Cards. Apply for Guides, Timetables, Maps. etc, to the Company‘s Passenger Agents. Mesm. T. Cook 6; Son. 245 and 1200 Broadway, and 649 Madison Ave., New York. and to Messrs. 'l‘hos' Meadows A: 00., 87 Beaver St, London, Eng†Midland Agents {or Freight, Trafï¬c, for freight rates 9 al‘lllgirtrs 70f Great Britain.» Midland Railway (St, holid The Best Route in the Old Country for comfortable Travel and Picturesque Scenery. Between Breakfast. Luncheon and DInIng can "Send for live stock catalogue. Drop us afastal turd uni we win send_--au fnre a charge our large illus- trated catalogw. These would cost you considerably more were we not Canada's largest import; ing gemâ€"dealers. Your little one: are a constant care in Fall and Winter Weather. The will catch cold. Do you know about 5 Half: Conmm h'on Cure, the Lung Tonic. and what it Ea: done for so many ? ll is mid to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. his absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. It is guasanteed to cute or your money is returned. The price is 25¢. per bottle, and all dale“ in medicine sell 314 OLITAIRE and Three/ Stone Diamond Rings are the most Favored of all ï¬nger adornments â€"- especially as engagement tokens. In both styles Diamond Hall has particularly attract; ive values at $25.00, $50.00 and $100 00. STEELGH w. GUY GRANET,’ GénaraHMauagen This remedy nhou‘ THREE/STONES SOLITAIRES Lween Live: ’ancras) and ay resorts in CAPT. T. E. “OBSON‘ Auctioneer, llderlon, Ont THE DUCHESS’ DOG ‘Nlu ' epu mfgï¬ Stuns. Sold ° (l pnncipal towns a in the British Isles AND I'd be in every household. md London “ms and amp 3'4 Peasants do Mm-h Good [land \‘Vorkâ€" Result is Few Factories. Sweden L‘ In addition in schools. One day the pupils had learned that in certain regions it rains continually for six months. we teacher then put the question: “What do they raise here ‘3†and from a little boy came the answer promptly : “Umbrellas.†ten thousand factories of all kinds, em- ploying in all a little more than 265,000 workmenâ€"not a great number out of a total population of more than 5,000,000. turt “'ILL HAUL GRAIN NEXT SEASON Rapid Progress Being Made in the Con- strucliuu of G. T. P. :1 minimum cost. “By autumn there will be over ahun- dred miles of the line west of Winni- peg railed, and there is little doubt the road will participate in the hauling of the crop next year. The settlers are going in with the road. Their shacks were seen dotting the prairie for the whole distance from Portage la Prairie in Edmonton. “The company has sixteen surveying parties working to the west of Edmon- ton through the mountains. The con- tractors are encountering some difï¬cul- ty in getting labor. However, there is no doubt the road will be built in a very short. time." “Canada will have a remarkable rail- way when the Grand Trunk Paciï¬c is built,†is the statement which was made recently by Mr. Collingwood Schreiber, chief consulting engineer to the Can- adian Government. “Why were you so nervous when you were giving your evidence in the wit- ness box?†asked Rose. “The man who was gross-examining me was one to whom I was once en- gaged and threw over. 011, it was ter- rible! I was afraid he would ask me my age out of spite, and I had never been on oath before." “Do you thir needle in his could have enj health?" “N0. only sew-sew." A Pill for Generous Eatersâ€"There are many persons of healthy appetite and poor digestion who, after a hearty meal, are subject to much suffering. The food of which they have partaken lies like lead in their stomachs. Headache, depression, a smothering feeling follow. One so afflicted is unï¬t for business or work (if any kind. In this condition Permclec‘s Vegetable Pills will bring relief. They will assist the assimilation of the ailment, and used according to direction will restore healthy diges- tion. and "I have just come from the West, where I have been inspecting the por- tion of the line from Winnipeg to Ed- monton. I drove the entire distance of the route from Portage la Prairie to Edmonton. n' surveyors have practically secured these grades all the way from Winni- peg to the Atlantic. there is no doubt the line will be the best of all the trans- continental lines. and cabable of the most economic administration andlmnd- ling the greatest amount of trafï¬c at Mother ( has the lar paralion its gives to th may then “The surveyors have found a splen- did line. IL is practically straight, and the maximum grade to the eastward is four-tenths of one per cent, and west- ward ï¬ve-tenths. ‘ “As the Grand Trunk Paciï¬c people expect to do about as well through the mountains from Edmonton to the Paci- ï¬c, and as the national transcontinent- n' surveyors have practically secured Sunlight Snap is better than other loapl, but is but when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. Cf .IIIXESE STUDENTS IN JAPAN glu it S“’EDISI] HANDICRAFTS. 1g it with use I m sold m L‘a salisfaction by little folks. you think that man who had AWFUL PREDICAMENT. Japane‘ >olice su of II Ex‘aves' \V‘m' 'gest sale of th( the is body for eighty years enjoyed anything like good '0. I imagine he would feel textile lltems he han CORRECT W sun sale of any similar pre- in Canada. It always ion by restoring health u} nu 8N: ar 1vi so nervous when you evidence in the wit- Rose. was gross-examining rhom I was once en- over. 011, it was ter- \Vm-m Exterminator lar ndu the ‘1' dne )ddy tr to-duy of all the handicr training tax exquisite h oth< ‘art‘ nC( UK hem to 3 mar- rash. In only about 1 kinds, em- l‘han 265,000 a] 11H 5.1] an The y I National 1 Montreal. Youngsler (triumphanlly): “Falher. I am not sitting on the lowest form now." Parent: “That‘s right! Here’s ten cents for you. But tell me how you came to pass on to the higher form." Youngster: “The lowest form is be- Onlarit ier one those ‘ Youngsler' ing painled.‘ “Did you hear lhr‘re was a skeleton in Smith's family?†asked Jones. “You don’t say so 3" exclaimed his wife. “Where?†“Inside of Smith,†replied Jones. And then he chuckled idiotically. 1m ént‘ maps, senger First Friend (on deck of ocean steamer, to seasick companion) : “Have you dined, old man ?" THE CLERICAL OPTIMIST. Bachelor: “It's my opinion that mar- riage is a failure. Clergyman: “You are decidedly wrong. My last month’s wedding fees will buy my wife’s clothes for a year.†n 7 Second Friend (faintly): “On the con- trary." The manufacturers number of the \\innipog “Commercial†published by the Hugh C. MacLenn Company Limit- ed, of Winnipeg, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, is exceptionally brilli- ant and reflects great credit on its pub- lishers. Every manufacturer in Canada should see this publication. It is a Liver Putâ€"Many of the ail- ments that man has to contend with “have their origin in a disordered liver, which is a delicate orgun‘ particularly susceptible to the disturbances that come from irregular habits or lack of care in eating and drinking. This ac- counts _for the great, many liver reguii tors now pressed on the attention 3t sufferers. Of these there is none su- perior to Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills. Their operation though gentle is effec- tive, and the most delicate can use them. “Man is Filled with Misery.â€â€"â€" This is not true of all men. The well, sound of lung, clear of eye, alert and buoy ant with health, are not miserable, whatever may be their social condi- tion. To be well is to be happy, and we can all be well by getting and keep- ing our bodies in a healthful slate. Dr. 'l‘homas‘ Eclectric Oil will help to do this. Nearly all infants are more or subject to diarrhoea and such plaints while teething and as this 1: of their lives is the most critical‘ them should not be without a bot‘ Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dyscntcry Co This medicine is a speciï¬c for complaints and is highly spoken l those who have used it. The prt tors claim it will cure any case of era or summer complaint. 6111 A novel by Arthur Goodrich, entitled “The Balance of Power,†is announced for early publication. It is the story oi the loves of two friends for the same girl, with a gripping, vital struggle of eyery-day American life as a back- ground, a story of high ideals and cour- ageous optimism. The publishers of this book, The Outing Publishing Company‘ say that it “grips you in the beginning and sweeps you off your feet in the end,†and they boldly prophesy that it will be one of the best selling books of the year. It. is only necessary to read the testi- monials to be convinced that Ilollo- way‘s Com Cure is unequaled for the removal of cor-n5, warts, elé. It is a complete extinguisher. Pikes were used in days of old The boarders to repel; We have to-day a different way, The prune does just as well. 1H] THE Hmrod was a mighty nun l he hunted in the “flight ario," he would have been one. Nimrod hunted for g se who go into the several Northern Ontario hunt ft )se Indians who made the f1 DiI‘Ch bark long ago, were 0 benefactors. The childrén no,†an by the 35," “Lake of Bays,’ 2r," “French River Jrgian Bay†and se 5 in this Great md with deer and hunting on the A 11 y hunting on u ; offered her( i {or copy of A NE\V AMERICAN NOVEL his will L, who Ly, leave l'V aulh‘ he Grand Trunk ing all informali tc., to G. T. Bel Agent, Montreal. CURIOUS BEQUES’I to do plain and light sewing whole or spare time; good .rk sent any distance, charges nd stamp {or full particulars. Manufacturing Company. EREAT NORTH COUNTRY WANTED. tlu The illustrat w 111 3 use EUPHEMISM 1 rich landowner named has died in Loennewitz, a large prqperly to the 'ities, which. in case of old and two-thirds of the Th it ard American Contin- Wrile the under- [uunts of Fish um [ publicalion issu‘ unk Railway Sys lalion, game laws Bell, General Pas hty hunter, 3 “Highlands ve been a m am “Ma rth ï¬rst the :re or less such com- this period weal. mo- and 111†m of chol- might ttle 1] “dial. such capâ€" but 11 ut an i~ep1ied Freddie; “I showers)†“What 1: brings Amy flowers I" said the bold nunter. “It’s the truth, though.†“You slept among lions in their wild natural state ?" , “Yes. I certainly did." “Well, m were dand can ?‘ admirer 1 this other THEN THEY ROARED. Snooks was one 01 those conceited, make-believe bold hunters, and was :11- ways spinning his yarns about his ex- periences in Africa, and he generally wound up by saying he never yet, saw a lion he feared. One night, after he had ï¬nisth yaming, he was a little taken aback by one of his audience, who said: “That's nothing. I have lain down and actually slept among lions in their wild, natural stale." “I don‘t. believe that. I’m no fool," fl‘WENTY THOUSAND ACRES IMPROVED and unimproved lands. in the Panher full wheat, district; (tom eight to twenty damn-n per acre; correspondence solicited. A. J. STRONG, Penbold, Alberta. Ion-3w. TORONTO. OTTAWA b QUEBEC "Ind, Water. :Kï¬lES’ . f; a“ °JLI¥§° OII In don. porfsezly by our Much Prooou‘ Try A “OSHAWA†Steel Shiï¬'gles Storm Proof MORHBGI. 0118. 821-3 W Craig St Fire Can y We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and EAVESTROUGI], Etc. METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of “OSHAWA" Shingles. Write toâ€"day. We are the largest and oldest ccompahy of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them Made from Painted or Galvanized Sim]. at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundiied square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering: for Houses‘ Barns, Stores,Ele- valors‘ Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the “08HAWA†shingles. A hammer and snips are the only lools- required. Equally bring sumo . you .m. Dmur In! I papal-tie: of 200.000 In 6v: yum III: "whim: will nub Ila: half-million HAIL Ordim rnidnu hm in district; alrn‘! WP»- l‘nd brin‘ from 3750 to $7.000 ad}. WE All LAYING OUT A NEW ADDITION Lots 25x125 Feet for $100 “CASH I.) PER MONTH THESE bu u. so“: u FREI- m. nuns... a...» a 7.1.4 -55)...» __ n. .4 4.." puma... Washington Heights THE CENTURY [DAN AND TRUST CO. momma... .- u .. a...“ Your Honey Refunded by the dealer from w h o m you buy Sun- light. Soup i! you ï¬nd any on u I e l o r complaint. Th: MM and man .églnly «lama-i. Denvzr. hrnhhing u [cle vinv of Pike} Deal and CM Rudy Mum-in.- for a dinlanca of 75 mils. Overlookinj,WuLilï¬wn PuL A.- ihal spot. Imus" may onltqggg‘ M lo» I: than v'h nap-J pun-'11,. Em and E III mu -bn [uni-n. Lfllpi-(hn. u n. In: .5" «a .d) a. pm... vn'. u THE PBDLAR PEOPLE, Write your Nearest (Milanâ€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, Ont ‘u prove it .‘, Freddie, said May Sweetly’s 3 her young brother, “who is fellow that’s been calling on r?†“I don’t know his name," ‘reddie; “I call him ‘April ’ “What tor?" “Because he 01 exactly Atrium lions. They elions." WILLBI PA‘D BY LEVER BROTNERS LIMITED. toRoNYODNI‘ mm" mason wuoum novsz vms supconnmspnv roan or ADUL‘IRAVIDN wuusonvzn on couumsncv mmvcuscumcn WE. VflflCOUVBLBB 615 Ponder 3b. lOï¬ï¬‚Gï¬, 0m. 69 Dundns st. Wiflfllflï¬ï¬‚, MIN]. 76 Lombard st. UllflWfl, 0m. ‘TOIOHIO. 0m. 423 Sussex st. 11 Colborno at FIRE; WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF- Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto good with hard or soft water; man: I). mm -4; «Jimmie-aud- Where they Afri WALKING I GUARANTEED PERFECT LY PURE,GENUINE,& FREE "(on ADULTERATION ALL DEALERS": """w FREE min ADULTERAnoN'ALLDEALERs... AUTHORIZED TO RETURN PURCHASE MONEY TO ANYON! FINDING CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT. iM‘ tells next next 320 acres in the Knee Hill Valley. near Innisfaï¬ one of the best stock. grain and dairy farms in Central Alberta: about 125 acres under cultivap tion, 80 acres tame hay. ï¬rst-class springs, good wells, buildings and fences: about 10 acres np grove; half mile from post-oflice. store and lack- smitlx shop: good school on land‘ government Creamery wagon collects cream fro farm: print 015 per acre. H. W. HUNI‘. Calgary, Alberta, “What ,qusled Vic Gen eral Agent Wanted- Something New and is Delighted, Fee" Like a Boy. Fruit Growers, Attention Having no commission to pay, and selling to! ash. The Eastern Townships Nurseries are tbuq ii)!» to oï¬er au Standard Apple Trees 4 so 6 In high, grown Kare. hardy and thrift stock for F md Spring delivery fur $5.00 per undred. LOUIS GEEVAISJ Prop, Mr. M. N. Dafoe. “l have been a sufferer from Dys- pepsia for yenrs. I have been treated by doctors and have taken many, medicmes with om! temporary relief. Since using Dr. Leonhardt‘s Aan Pill I can eat any-l thing the same asl when a boy. I ï¬ndl they regulate both stomach and bow-4 215. My old time vigor his return ' so that my spirits are buoyant an temper normal. I give all credit to t ' wonderful remedy â€" Dr. Leonhardt Anti-Pill.†1'1 Europe from New York; agenb wanted in your city. Boston Shipping Co., 18 Norfolk street. New York City; "In deaxers or The/Wilson-Fyle Co.“ limited. Niaaara Falls, Out. To take charge of your County. Apn ply to Imperial Company. Jay SL. Galt, Ont. [ZNâ€"$8.00 WILL TAKE YOU TO DEFINITION OF A SECRET. hat is a secret?†asked the dis- ;1 viclim. secret is somelhing the other fellow lo his next friend. whn swears to it sacred. who then tells his lwo best friends. who tell their four beet friends. who tell everybody." A TORONTO MAN TRIES ISSUE. N0. 39â€"“ FOR SALE. Mr. M. N. Dafoe, 29 Colbome St... Toronto. says: Laurehéeville, Qua reward will be paid to any pemon w h o grow as that, unlizhlSoap contains any in j u r i o u a chemicals or any form of sdulteration. $5.009. locked All Sides Four