Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1906, p. 1

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Is PUamsnicns Ear THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 5i PUBLISHING HOUSE’ RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 1‘. r. .‘vchAHQN. Eniroa t": PROPRIETOR. B USINESS CARDS. w a}: mail. DR. S. J. BOYD. M. B. M. R. (I. 3.: L. If. (.7. P., lilnpz. (Succiflsson 'ro Du. Ilia-mi I{ iclunond R-Iill }\'ill occupy his l)l‘(‘ll(‘:f(‘ssnl"§ office and l\' propareil In do also to treat vyi-, lllad'il-SHS. ‘ gun ‘iuil pr I"i.ll:" and ear, nose and throat l. l, H. minnow 7 its. J ill De ntisstz, Cor. Carlton and Yonge Sts , Toronto \Vill he in Richmond Hill on \Vcd- nesday of each woek. Office, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"3.30 v i a. in. to 5 p. m. \ â€"...K a i Dr- E. J. ‘Voods DENTIST, Francis Block, 'I‘HORNHILL, Ont. Office hours: Tuesdays, 8 ,â€".5‘ p. in. â€"12 a. 111.; Toronto Office, 450 CHURCH ST. eteriunrg JdHNItCAMPBELL ' VETERINARY SURGEON, \\ 'Fhornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. i.ii SANDERdii VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL calls ‘by day and night promptly at- tended to. W J. ll. Pr cnlicc,‘ Licensed Auctioneer for the C Goods sold on consignment stoc are promptly tttande ounty of Y0 k General sales 6 to at reasonable rates Residence Uniouville G B Goulding, Newton Brook, agent for the above .1 '1‘ Sniguon. J B. McEwen Maple Weston Salgcon (\Z McEwen . Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Buiesnthended to on shortestnoticeaud a ranâ€" sonuble rates Patronage solicited D. G. BLGUGH, Licens e Auctioneer for the Count-y of Yor lpectfully salicits your , influence sales attend ' end at gmonsberstes. re- patronage and frier'rdly ed on the shortest notice P.0.addrens King rial ” r { RICHMOND HILL. ON T., THURSDAY, MARKHAM COUNCIL The Township Council of Markham nit-I, Saturday, Sept. 22. All the IIM'IIIIN‘I’S wore present. Conniinnic- :itions were road from Dr. 0. Sislcy, I). I“olhcringhaiii, Artesian “’clls Co, and .IaS. Ton-ance. A grant of $30, was made to the ITlllHllVlll!‘ I’nlilir Lilliary. 'l‘ho amount lll excess of the grant for lowiilino hotwoi‘n Markham and York. $32.75, was votod. Alex. Ilussoll was awarded $8 as two-thirds value of the thoroughbred lamb woiried by dogs. Councillor Niin was appointed a. coiiimissionor to super-.ntoixd new ('ul- \‘ei is, lot 32, con. 5 and lot 35. Con. 5. A u s l.iu.lsi'y.K G G I“ Li'lWl {HII‘I‘ W h’ulont Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence 3‘ W adsv “orth. Barristersfiolicitors. Notaries, M. Home Life Building (Iormvily Free hold Lorin Bldg). Cox. Adelaide & Victoria. Sls., Toronto. intuit COOK BARRISTER, Souci'roR, Nor/.11 ', ETC. Phun e Main 2984 \thilmq‘fs‘lflfi{;2‘i, nhhnmnd SI" (ionncillois I’adgi-t Was appointed a . k' I; l .( nus. . ~.,.- . v - . I _ Richmond Ilill omi-u. Standard “"“"”“““"m m h” m w"°b‘"t “p posilo lot 58, con 2. The following general accounts were oi-(lcrorl to be paid : D. Harrington, lumber and posts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 145 41 A. ll. Crosby, 30 hours, at|l5c. an hour overseeing Div. Bank Building, lliiiill. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at, Five Per (‘6'!!! (52). [max till-716mm, m cry Salniday after- No. 52 . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Bun-gums and Sonfllang. I). Kallington, 47; houis, ‘3 iv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ' MOWV to hm“ oullféigs‘mggglsawal ml‘rt'gage’mt A. BPIZ, 58 hours, Div. 72 . . . . . 8 '70 Aurornr>mv~e-1‘_om0\ on to the om PO” 0mm R. .l. Cunningham, 77 hours .. 11 55 16m: dqu wrist of the entrance to the Isaac “'idemun, hauling plank 4 50 ll al'lt‘ all ' II II . .' Newmerketl‘odiceâ€"Three doors south of the .i u phililflfiiligghngfie 5 00 p isbo: ice . . ‘ ’ .. T HERBERTLENNUX G s-rv MORGAN and putting in culvert . . . 1 30 lurorn. Newmurkot Isanc \‘videniau, Tell-phoning 20 1‘ T ‘ ‘ _ q I.. Zimmcrs, repairs lograder. 2 (l0 (‘ . H. Gibner re )airs to culvoit "vfulodk’ Lee’ & lots 30’and 2.1, con. 9 . . . 5 00 R. Campbell drawing cement moulds to \Vidciiian’a .. 2 (II) V ‘ w v ‘ ‘ - I ' Burnsters‘ Snncmug‘ Etc. (110. S. I‘honison, setting 8 posts mlting in guard- DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, mils. Illiug in washout, S. \V. Corni-r King & Yongo Streets, H "Rd repulrmg “lli‘rfl'mus‘ 3 TORONTO. (pans to in HM nt ( lllbblllgs .. It. Campbell, collecting road money, 20 hours, at l5c. .. Overseeing road, ll) hours. Iii-pairs to sidewalk, GU hours. 9 00 Jon. Lunan, 2.3:} hours as o\ er- soor. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 82 A number of gravel accounts were also oidered to he paid. Mr. Nigh was appointed commis- sionvr to dispose of old plank off biidge at Cashel and on 8th con. opp. lot 23. Mr. Hagt-rman was appointed com- missioner to open din-h opp. lot 15am] Iii on con. 5, and to renew culvert opp. II t I5 and Ill con. 6. The clerk was instructed to notify Geo. Braithwait to open ditch through lot at rear of lot. ()ouncl adjourned to Saturday Oct. 13, 1906. ___â€"‘â€"m Carrville 300 Private and Trust Funds to loan at 1 50 lowest current rates. . N . 'I Danton, Dunn & noaltoee Barristrrs, Soliclors, Etc. NATIONAL. TRUST (1H A M BEES 20 KING S'l‘. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK IIENTON. K. G. Imam-arr I.. DUNN W. Munoox BOULTBEF JOHN \VALTER McDoxALn Phono Main 311. Mr. McDonald will ll(‘ at THE LIBER- AL Office. Richmond Hill. on the Ist and 3rd Saturday of each month. JAS. NEWTON ISSUERMARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN MXLLS or. Tiuiafiii ‘ NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER IN run HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. H. .-\. N’iCHoLLs NOTARY PUBLIC Conimissionei. Convoyanccr, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. Richmond Following is the report of the pub- lic school for September:â€" Senior IV. â€" Pearl Rciiman, Ella Blake and Hazel Reaman (equal). Kenneth Campbell. Junior IVâ€"Nita. Baker, Edith Ap- pleton, Lena. lVinger, Margaret. Prent- 100. Laura Prentice. Senior III. â€" Mary Blake, Mabel Prentice. Minnie Sohell, Charlie Hunt. Junior III.â€"â€"Gnssie Prentice. Minnie Reaman. Senior II.â€"â€"â€".\Iinnie Cook, Aggie Pat- erson, Victoria I-Iunt, Stanley \«Vood, Elsie Prentice, Sammy \Vinger,Byron Appleton. Junior II.-â€".\i'ay Bakm'. Senior I.â€"G|adys Line, Mabel Line, Gcoigic Hunt, \Villic Bowen. Junior I. ~ Laura Tyndall, Edna Bowen, Orville Grainger. First ~ Lillian Cook, Mary Hunt, Irene Baker. Present. every dayâ€"Aggie Paterson, I Victoria Hunt, Georgie Hunt, Gladys Linc, Mabel Line, Edna Bowen. M. A. R. BEAT’I‘Y, Teacher. ill ' W Underlakers ct Embnlmrrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Mount Pleasant Dr. Nugent who has been a mission- ary in India for some time past who . , r formerly livod on his farm near Omemcv, lectured in the church hme . on the work done by missionaries who "src31zriss:ncrc31srrsrsr should be kept in a safe place. If it is deposited in the ; Ontario Bank Savings Department i it will be as accessable to you as 1fcarried in your pocket. IT WILL BE SAFELY KEPT For you against th P lime you require YOUR INCOME from the interest we pay on your balance coinpouiiilml twice a year. It, is witln’lrmvablc without notice braring interest every day it is on deposit. Capital $1,500,000.00 3 700,000.00 H. A. E‘ IJE UiiYVJ/Ianager King City Branch. Rest ._h_ have been sent there. Ilt‘ will remain . in Canada. fora your visiting different arts. ' p Mr. and Mrs. \V. S. Graham have . ‘ rotnined home after visiting their daughter in Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McLean of Peterâ€" boro made a flying visit to [llt‘ parental home here. “'9 hear the contract of the Cavan ‘ Swamp diain has been given to con- ? tractor of 'I'horold to be completed in 1 January, 1903‘. It is also l'i'lllll'tPll that the Rev. Mr. ‘ \Vliittani has received a call from Fair- ‘ bank in the Toronto district. . . 5 An editorial on " the church" in I it, and IT \VIIJ. BE ADPIN l ’10 Saturdays Globe is worthy of consider ' iitioii. 'I‘ln- sudden and unexpected deathi of Mr. Joseph Rutherford has cast a. gloom nvcl‘ llll' community here. Also warning to the living "Be ye also :reaily.” “'9 extend our sympathies I to the bereaved family. I “'e are glad to ln-ar of the safe return of Rev. Mr. Grant of Richmond I Hill. 1 ssentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” OCTOBE R "iiifisnrr The following is the school rcport. for Scpli-mbor. ‘ Senior IV. â€"Garland Emily Rankin. .luoior'IV.â€"Alice Page, Gladys Ball, Emma (lhnpinan. Junior Illsâ€"Irene Chapman, Nellie Pogo. Sonior Il.~ Joe Ireland. .lunior[Inâ€"Ellsworth\Veldrick,Amy Ball, Stewart Page, “'ollington Monk- man, Violet (liiselvy. Katie Chapman. Part II.â€"â€"Kathleen Rankin. Senior Part Iâ€"Dounie Drnry, Rus- SRII Monkman, Elva \Veldi-ick, Enid Drui-y, George Langstafl’, Lonnie \Vcl- drink. Junior Part I.â€"Johnnie Rankin, Ethel Banks. Langstuff, 00â€"“ Oak Ridges “7oodlawn Villa, the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, was the scene of a qllivt wedding on the after- noon of \lenrsday, lho 26th of Sep- tcmber, when Miss Nellie Clubine of Toronto, was married to Mr. Herbert M. Louglwcd of lnnisfil. The bride. was assisted by Miss Bella Craig of Toronto. and Mr. \Vilson Hurst. of Toronto, supported the groom. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Bien, Oak Ridges. number of friends from Toronto, Barrie, and other places wilnessmi tho corrmnny which was poi-formed by the Rev. J. T. Morris of (‘linton street Methodist. Church, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lougheed left for their home near Barrie on the evening train amid showers of rice and the best. wishes of their friends. â€"_‘..â€"â€"â€"- SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of Con- cord Public Sr-liool for the month of September. Names in order of merit. :â€" Senior IV.â€"chry Bowes, Irene Gordon, Vera Remnan, Estella “’itty, \Vilfred Kell’er. Senior III.â€"I.loyd \Vhitmm‘e, Nor- man Bowes. Euston Harrison, Leigh Page, Eddie Clarke, Doss". Poole, Louise \Vitty, Edward Riddell. Junior III.â€"Edna Fisher, Millie Vandciburg. Senior ILâ€"Pcrcy Harrison, Ernie Poole, Lvle Murphy, Lily Evans, Gladys Fisher. Hazel Page, Helen \Vhite. Howard Baker, Arthur Bowes, Gertie Evans. Junior II. â€" Bertie Baker. Isaac Baker, Hilda Ellis, Freddie Gordon, Grace Gordon, Austin Baker. Part ILâ€"Vera Cari-others. Part I.â€"Clara Harrison, Ernest Clarke, May Rudd, Ida \Vittvy, Harry Poolp, Melvin Witty, Charlie Harper, \Villie Clarke, Fanny Evans. Thornhill. The annual Thanksgiving service was held in Trinity church, Thornhill, on Wednesday evening, Septembei-Zfl. The church was neatly and appropriate ly decorated with flowers, fruits and wreathing of grain. The service which included the special lessons and thanksgivings appointed for such occasions was said by the Rev. John Gibson, and the Rev. Canon Cody rector of S. Paul‘s Church, Toronto, preached the sermon. He chose for his text the first verse of the eighth chapter of Amos “A basket of summer fruit,” He demonstrated in a. most eloquent and forcible manner the providence and goodness of God and the many special blessings enjoyed by the inhabitants of this favored land. The choir of St. Paul, about fifty of whom come by special car, provided the music. After the SPI‘VICE they were entertained at the ri'ctnry to a bountiful supper provided by the ladies of the C(ingi-eg:tioii. Before- leuving the rector than ed them on behalf of the Congregation for their kind and gratuitous servici-s. Mr. \Viiltor Sparks, the leader, responded on behalf of the choir. The collection which amounted will be devote-d to the improvement of the church edifice. o S. S. No. 6, MARKHAM. The following is the report for Sop. (ember:â€" IV. Class â€"- Vera Jennings, ,5, Pearl Frisby, 947;; Gracie. Boyiiton, 70:; Herbie Sanderson, (10:; Read, 607,: Stanley Boyntoii, 272'; Ed- gar Sunderson, ‘o‘Z. Iii order of inerit:â€"â€" ’ Junior [ILâ€"Nettie Stone, Marjorie} Jennings, ltoy Glow-r. Senior II. â€"â€" Eva. Donnie, Olive Glover. Junior II.â€"Harry Madill, Clarence” Glover. Part II.â€"\\'illis Reyner. Senior I.â€"Eliner Boyuton. Junior I.â€"Marjorie Johnston,Gracie' Reynar. sea/- Dom-u n I FALL FAIRS. The dates of exhibitions and fall fairs popular in this section so for ur- rangi-d are as follows: Markham. Oct. 35‘. \Veston, Oct. 6. Schoinbcrg, Oct. 11â€"12 Bradford, Oct. 16, 17. \\r'oodl)ridge, Oct. 17â€"18 w Nature’s Way Is Best: The function st solos and tissue building plan of treating chronic, linger- lng and obstinate cases of disease as pur- sued by Dr. Pierce, ls following after Nature’s plan of restoring health. He uses natural remedies, that ls: extracts from native medicinal roots, prepared b processes wrought out by the expen lture of much time and money, without the use of alcohol, and by skillful combination in just the right proportions. Used as ingredients of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Black Cherry- bark, Queen’s root, Go don Seal root, Bloodroot and Stone root, specially exert their influence in cases of lung, bronchial and throat troubles, and this "Discov~ nay" ls, therefore, a. sovereign remedy for bronchitis, larygitls, chronic coughs, catarrh and klndr ailments. The above native roots also have the strongest possible endorsement from the leading medical writers. of all the several schools of practice, for the cure not only of the diseases named above but also for Indigestion, torpor of liver, or bilious- ness, obstinate constipation, kidney and. bladder troubles and catarrh, no matter where located. You don’t. have to take Dr. Pierce's‘ say-so alJne as to this; what he claims for his "Discovery " is backed up by the writings of the most eminent men in the medical profession. A request by pistol / card or letter, addressed to Dr. .V. Diech Buffalo, N. Y., for a little book of extracts from eminent medical au- thorities endorsing the in edlents of his. medicines, will bring a ittle book free that is worthy of your attention if needing a. good, safe, reliable remedy of known composition for the cure of almost. any old chronic, or lingering malady. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure con- stipat-lon. One little “Pellet” Is 'a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. The most valuable book for both men . and women is Dr. Pierce's. Common Sense Medical Ad- vlser. A splendid loos-page volume, with engravings. and colored plates. A copy,, . paper-covered, will be sent to anyone sending 31 cents, in one-cent stamps, to pay. the cost of mailing mum, to ' Dr. R. V. Piercea Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth-boon , wstamps. OOOOfiOOOMOON§§N+OOQQO AGENT FOR D e ering lFarm Im- 'plements Any one needing any thing "in the line of I 5 Drills . Cultivators Rollers or Harrows of any kind for tall work would do well to try one of 9 our machines. N. J. Glass LRICHMOND HILL P. 0. I woownowo++¢+¢w+¢n¢w I. iiiiiiiwior Pianist Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory Present every dayâ€"Vera Jennings, ‘. Marjorie Jennings and Maijorie John- Son. F. L. LI'NDY, Touche): Ropri-scntative for Richmond Hill and \‘ii'iiilly of yeolde Fit-me of Heintzman and Company, Limited, manufaclui- ers of high grade pianos.

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