Mrs. \Vi son and Miss Lizzie returned an Friday evening After spending at month at. the " Sou." Quitau number {rum here attener rum anniversary services at, Curn'ille uuASunduy. Dr. Ln;qu has gone {01- a shun-t ! vacation to Tin-rum :uld uthm‘ places. 1 His place. is taken by Dr. Plutt. I Mr. '1‘. Keys and family are moving g into Uleix new house which has just' been coxnpletcd. It. is understand that .1 syndicate composed of u uf gvntlenlen of the village and vicinity have purchas- ed Mr. F. Dick‘s pruperty with the view uf turning the house into a. place of accommodation. 'The funeral of the late Nail “'ntsmi, inf Sherwood took place on Monday morning bu the Presby Levin n cmnelery. 'l-he deceased was taken to the -\\'vstem Hospital about, three Weeks ago. suffering from typhoid fever. hut 'Walsnftvrwards removed to the home u‘f his brother Dr. J. \‘Vutson, College St.. Where he passed away on Satur- day. His brother Dmmld who was also ill Willi the snnm dis-wise is ru-m-oring. The umthn' and hmlhms and siabels have Lln- sympathy of all in their bewuvcnwnl. Next. Sunday evening Rev. Jcs. E. \Vilsmx will pu-uch specially to young pe‘_u_plo._ The evening SPI‘Vit‘e will be con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Irwin. Music will he provided by the young 'men of thv league ussistvd by Miss Mary Camp'lnill snloim, nf Uninm-illv. Collections in aid {of forward mow- ‘lm-nt. On Sunday, October 7, t‘he angue are holding special HPI‘ViCOS Via The» aftermmu and evening. MT. WV. Elliutt, B. A.. Vice-principal «If Tons“- to Normal Schoul is expected to address the que-nnmm meeting. As Mr. Eilintt is an eluquvnt Bankel' nud (motif the leading educatinnists of this :[wm'iuce no one should fail tu hun- him. While there isrnothingstartlingin the (Mailma- ‘raom'iia'n Magazine there. is‘ me‘i’ety (if Mam 1-3 the various? articles and stories. Perhaps the article by the Hon. Ernest N. \Varner 'on “Civil Service Reform in \Viscon- ‘ sin" will attract most readers. espec- ially such as are looking for infor- mation as to the various phases of’ political reform. Mr. Warner is the' author of “Wisconsin's new not and has! been a'leader in the whole movement; ’It is woreh noting that the United States has gone ahead of Canada in this particular reform. Some time ago Professor Leacock wrote an article: on the decline of poetry. and now: Susan E. Cameron, :1 Montreal; Educationist of standing, takes up the’ cudgels on behalf of Ithe poets. She 'belabors the professor rather severely. ‘ There are two " Celebrities this‘ month: Agnes Maule Machzrr. novel-i ist, poet painter; and Mrs. Herbert Chamberlain. who is n daughter of the lulto Lieut.-Col. W'illiams. of Port Eliope. The other illustrated articlesi deal with the old Gowmment House at Fredericton and the. proposal to qestore it: the work and character of the late Bishop Bumpers, of Selkirk“ and an exhaustive met-(mat of the! modern methods for securing “ Purity' in Domestic Products." The stories ivy \‘V. A. Fraser and Mulwl Burk- holder, two native wx-itora..mre worthy of special mention. The annual meeting of the W'. C. T. U. was held nt. Mrs. Grant‘s on Tuesday evening. Aftvr receiving re-porls mrom the various depnrunents. in which there has been excellent wnrk done during the year the following ofï¬cers und superintendents n-f depart.- anents were elpctvd :â€" Prou Mrs. Switzv-r. 'lst. ViceJBrL-sidenm Ma‘s. l’auuflin. 2nd Viealflueéide‘m, M155 Exam (Jon-Sec... ers. IDs-my. Rem-Sue.N Mriss “Wiley 'Treus" Mrs. 41. H. Sandman. «Amï¬tm; Hrs. Mason. M _Fhwmg$l‘580k Dept. Mia; Nine hotel men were on Tuesday ï¬ned $50 each at Niagara Falls for telling liquor on Sunday», the 16th of September. The defendants started to contest every case. but afterwards entered pleas of guilty. Another case was enlarged and nine more are to come up today. There is reason to believe that some hotel-keepers en- deavor to strictly observe the law. Evidence goes to show, however, that they are the exception, and that the great majority of them are lawn breakers. And yet these men express surprise that people talk of local option or prohibition. “@112 flihtrni. 1.: ‘- 1'3’ma’iin. Press remd 'I‘iaiuzs. Mars. Grant. lF-Iawm- Missing Mus. Harris. Lunfhor Camps. Mm. Mason. Parlor meanings Muss Derry. Juvmflewnd S}:de W3; Mines WM-emmd amino. E’m‘itygma MWWI‘E ï¬wï¬ngs. Mrs. Swim; RICHMOND HILL. On. Oct. 4, UANADEAN MAGAZINE Victoria. Square ANNUAL MEETING Mame + >; +~z++++++++++++++++ +‘H+-§-~}--l-+ ’TAE L Piles quickly and pnsitivs-ly cured with Dr. Sllnnp's Magic Ointmpnt. Its made for Piles alom-â€"and it does the work surely and with satisfaction. Itching. painful. protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large. Nickvl Cupde glass jars. 50 cunts. Sold and recommended by W’. A. Sanderson. +++++++++++++H+++++++++++ SATURDAY. Oct. 27â€"Auctjnn snle of valuable fun-m proper-try in the Town- shi of York, on west; half of lot 21, Zn con. East York. the property of the estate of the lam David Harding. For terms upva to T. C. Strovt. Now- ton Brook, nr Jackes & Jackes. 28 Tu- rnntn St. Toronto). Sale at 3 p. m. J. H. Prentice. zmct-“mnecr. MONDAY, Oct. 15â€"Aucti0n sale of a car load of cattle. at Hughvs' Hotpl, Thornhill, the property of James N. Main. Sale at 1. Terms, 3 months. J. H. Prentice. anct. SATURDAY, Oct. illsâ€"Auction sale of 100 acre farm. on ï¬le emises. east huh“ of lot No. 20, Con. , Township of York. Sale at2 o'clock. Terms. 10% cash; balance in thirty days. J. H. Prentice. auct. WEDNESDAY. Oct. lOâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements. etc†on lot 5. con. 10. Markham, the property of Put-rib}; \th’len. Sale at one o'clock sharp. Terms. 12 months. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. TUESDAY, Oct. 9 â€" Credit, sale of hnrses and cattle, on lot 12, con. 4, Scarbom. the property of Tbns. Little. Saie at one. No reserve. Terms. 5 mos. J. H. Prentice, auct. The follmving were present every dayâ€"Jimmie Uosgrove. VVesley Hoov- er. Haber McCague. Fred Cosgrnve, George Finley, George Read. Gordon Road. Wesley Schell, Verna Bastard. Number on ml] for month 37. Average attmdance 30. N0 mistakes in spelling for month. Gertrude Nelson. Phonic Classâ€"George Finley. Rus- sell Boynton. Ross Baker, Pvrcy Schfll, _Ll_1_elln_ Finley. Elmer Hm-ner. 1. Class â€"-‘@eorgrer ViR‘t'rfldVIH“,}ESley Schell, Gordon Read, John Bastard. Verna. Bestm'd. Junior 111., Dictation (Max. 100)â€"1 Ethel Schell 50. Eva Conner 50. Juhn 1 McOague 48. Ervie Hunt, 48. Hehpr McCugue 44. Ruth Hum-er 42. Elsie Dtrner 42. Fred Cosgrnve 38. VVilliv Hmme‘r 130. Bessie Finley 28. Cecil: Finley 12. Douglas Reud (:lbsenj). Samar 1171., Dictation Mary Finley 50, Isaac IV en Homer Senior 11L, Gram. (Max. 100)â€" Elsi:- Huover 75. Maggie Baker 63. Rolph Williams 51. Currie \Villinms 29. Junior 111., Gram. (MAX. “MDâ€"Jim- mie Cnsg1'0ve 51. \Vvsll-y Hum'rr 48, Gel-tie Cnsgrove 44. Pearl Hunt 14. Report. for September:â€" IV. Uluss. Gram. (Max. 100)â€"G Nelson.78. Feeding n. threshing machine at Kleinburg, Fred Brown. 28 yours old. had his right, arm drawn in and torn Ysfl“ below the elbow. Another farmer who was opt-ruling the umchiue with him assisted Brown to a farmhouse. where he was attended by the loenl physician. Although suffering greatly from loss of blond, the injured man undertook the journey to anunto and was admitted to St. Michael‘s Hospital, where an emergent operation was performed. It is thought that the injured 1mm may recover. In plain glass with silver up. They are worth 550. per pair. In hand-painted chin a, $I.I5 per pair (with silver stand $2.2 ‘) In coiored glass $1.65 The jury hearing the case of Gt-nrgs- Arksey, a young farmer living in East Gwnllimhury. who was tried fur the third time an the chm-gr of uttmnpt- ing to wreck an automobile belonging to Mr. S. F. \Vilwm was unable m agree upon a “Edict in the County Criminal Sessions. It is said that eight of the jury stood fur (‘nuvictinn and four for acquittal. Al'kSPy was allowed to go free, and it is quite probable that, the case will anCl' come up again in the Sessions. How about salt casters. Have you all you need? I have nice ones on hand at present. LIE élï¬Eféï¬Ã©g' $1.00 IN AEVANBE. JERRY SMITH SALT PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER S. 5. N9. 4, Markham. Sale Register N ews Notes. QIBEQ CASTERS Dictation (Max. 50, Isaac Nigh 42. Reub- 100)â€" R. A. Farquharsonm. In the Village of Richmond H 00. of York, ns luid out. by Isaac Crux-by. Egritiï¬k @mmï¬iam gamma @nllege W. A. SANDERSON are secured by a course of inï¬n- ing in our well-known and re- liable institution, which offers the‘ newest; and most effective courses and is the most influen- tial in SPcux-ing positinns. Our locatiun. equipment andmethvds are of the best. Student may enter with equal advantage at any time. \Vx-ite for our cam- Ingue. Y. M. (3. A. B!dg.. Yonge & McGill Streets. Toronto BUSY NIGHTS T. M. WATSON, Spent at Slxerthand and Bookkeeeplng courses Such as We teach by Mall and at College will increase your value to [he cunnnunity and in-c id 0 n tn 1 l y your wmllh. It will cost only a. post card to get the clump- esb terms en-r offered for ï¬rst rate College 01- Mall courses. .200 sits. last year. Best Results Ellle PLAN Linc; LBIHVIWAD, CV(IIVI7.71.A\IJVU'kh:IIII (graham's Lane Fem, john Brydon’s PRINCIPAL Snn kv Rn i1 Fvnro “Wm an09 250 "N. 74 F1 G. ROBINSON 230 ‘25!) 250 250 Richmond Hill. Principal Elih- ‘llth and ‘12lb. and'refiu-uing up to and on Ortobvr 13th. Tux-unto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 YIhm-nhill . A .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Richmond Hill . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Aurora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Newmarket . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Other points on :the Metmpolitan, and the Schombel‘g and Aurora ata. rate on the sar_n_e proportior}: A permanent situation for the right purty. Liberal inducemvnls. Pay wenkly. Handsome free outï¬t. “\V'ri'ite for terms and catalogue, and send 250. in stamps for ()lll' POCKET MAGNIFYING GLASS. m- 30c. fur uur HANDY METAL HACK SAM’. Fruit, and Ornamentle Stock gwwn and for sale by TUESDAY, OCT. 9, 1906 LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED Vaughan Council This is one of the best. fan-ms in the towpship. Fjvr flll‘t-hl‘l‘ information The lmildingsnre in good repair. There is a solid brick house. and abundance of good water, hard and soft. About three acres of orchard. AI'I-nngmnents can he made for doing the fall pkm'ing. Sixteen acres ready for fall wheat. The next meetina u! the. Council of the Municx pahby of V Lughau Will be held 121 the Town Hall. Vellore. on The. 125le is all clvared, all under- drained, and in a high state of cultiva- lion. Lot 1, 2nd can. of Vaughan, the property of Mrs. John McBride. con- sisting of 150 acres, is to rent for a term of years. Fnul'tvon acres, con. 1. lot; 43, Vaughan. (me mile smith of the vil- luge 01" Richmond Hill. on the Mill Road. knan as the Mill Prupvrly, on which is situatpd a large brick house, stable and shed. Immediate pUSSess- ion. Apply CHAS. H. ELLSTON, 'unLhill Nurseries. (Over 800 11-3 A horse cnmn tn the premises of tho undersigned on m ahnut Tuesday. the 25th of September, 1906. The owner may have same by pmving property and paying ('XpPlle'S. Lots 34 and in the 3rd con. of Vaughan. For palticnlnrs apply tu J. E. ULURINE. ’5- t. f. Lnt 70, Oak {idgL-S. lst cnn. East Yul k. "I for further infm-nmiinu Apply to ‘4 IIIGII CLASS SPECIALTIES in 12-3 Yuung woman to help with 110115?- work. Throw in family. 13-2 Schomberg Fair Farm For Rent STONE AND WELLINGTON HIG H CLASS SPECIALTIES APPLY ON THE PREMISES. 11.4 A good work horseâ€" Applyrto____ Farm To Rent House to lent nn Richmo Apply In E C. MASON Farm to Rent 14-t ,f Farm to Rent Lm'unm, :Inu Newmm-Ket. Also Ar from Schomherg to Toronto fewmzu'ket, at 10.30 p. 11)., at, House 4" “0 Rent RICHMOND HILL day and Friday, Oc- llth and 12th, 1906 d suxrounding districts. c.' H. BYAM Grpmd‘ I'i‘rlgnk Ry. NV. H. MOORE, Manager. TORONTO, ONT. ,ow'i 0' rates will apply 1. Gnod going on Octoi 1‘§n‘d returning up 41 Mag-phenom Avenue. Toronto. For Sa'e Strayed Wanted ‘ux ncert, MRS. WILLIAMS (June of Standard Bank At once for at 10 a. m. FRANCIS BROS .‘K [UM PSON (bugs: 3L Richumnd Stvs Ridnnond Hill m k. "Newton Brouk' Maple J. B. MOLEAN, Clerk M PSON chmoud street Thm'uhill; ZICX'GS. EI' POHATION. Umner th’ge'in'd'ééiâ€" bm-ne streets. Tm'ontn. or to .J. H. PRENTIUE, Uninnvill», A good seven room brick house. with two acres of land, being the north-west quarter of lot 48, let con. Vaughan, 1; miles west of Richmond Hill. On the premises are a. stable†hard and soft water, fruit trees, cellar. etc. Possession given at any time. Price, $600. A ply to J MES WIGMORE, 14-4 Richmond Hill P. 0“ Terms af'sztlez-Jl‘en per cent. of the urchasv mummy on day of sale, and alxnce in «thirty days without; inter- est. The Exeuutuxs reserve the right tn make one bid, and the usual condi- tions nf sale by Exocutors shall gun-m. For particulars apply to THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUbTS CORâ€" It is inn ï¬nely settle-d district, with guod gravel wads, on what. is known as “Finch‘s Side Line.†a mile mud a quarter west nt‘ thge street. and is about, one and three-quarter miles fl um the villages of \Villowdnle and New- ton ank, through which the Metro- politan Electric Railway passes, and about, ten miles from Toronto Max'km. PUSSGSSiUn will be given the purâ€" chase-1‘ on closing sale, subject. to the right of the present tenant to lCHlail) until lst April, 19:]. Theundersigned has reenlivedinstruc- Lions flow the Executm-s 0f the Late \VILLIAM IANSON, to (:ffrl' for sale by public :mrtiun (.n the premisem east half of lot. 20, con. 2. Township nf York, on Saturday. October 13, 1906, at 2 o'cluck in the afternoun, the fulluwing valuable property, \‘iz:â€"The east half of lot number 20. in the 59l'()lld concession of they, Township of York. in the County uf' York. west of Yonge street. cuntnilk ing by admensmemult, one hundnd acres more or less. Township and County of York 28 Toronto St.. Tmrontu, Snlicitors fm' Exocutm; Dated at Toronto this 15th day of September, A. 1)., 1906. For further infoi-ilmtim], terms of sale. etc.. (‘tC., apply to T. 0. Stuart, Newton Brmmk. m- t.h9 undersigueél. 0n the property is erected a gnnd frame house and but-n buildings. The soil lS clay loam and well Watel'm‘n,;lnd [here is one acre of good nrchal'd. Underinstructinns from Mr. T. C. Street, Exacutnr nf the Eatate «If the late David Hal-ding. thm-e will he of- fvre-d for sale by public auction by John H. Pleutice, nuctiuncm'. on Sat- urday, October 27, at 3 O’Clnck p. m., on the pI-npm'ty, that. valuable farm lwing the west half of lot; No. 21, in the 2nd con. east of Yi-nge Streatvin the Township uf Ym-k. containing one hundred ucrvs more or less. TOWNSHIP OF YORK \runto, Nntirw is hot-why giw‘n pnrsunnt tn R. :5. 0. lr97. ()lxume- 12$). uml nun-ml- nn-ntfl Glam v10. [hat nll px-rsvns havng claims against the vstun‘ vi the- sniJ June Nixnn. whu tliml m) m- ulmut the 7th (lay (nf Juno, 19ml. urv In .wml by post. prepaid. nr Lu (ll-liuu' In llw HIL- (lersignfll Salicitms for Henry: Jule-n Urn-l“, the Executor If [he lust WM and ivsmm-vnt uf «mid xlmrensed, (m m- hl‘fUI't‘ the t,\vt~ll'lh day (If ()Mnln 1-, 1906. their names} udclrr-sw-s and (It'- scx-iptions. and full pnrtjuulax-snf llwit claims, and llw. nature of the sew-nriiy, if :my, lu-ld hy Lln-m, duly \‘Hth-d by afï¬davit, and after llw said (late the- executor will pron-Fed In dislrihuls- lht- HSSvts of the derzvnsml mum-p; the pin-- suns entitlml Lherf‘lu. having rr-gnnl to the claims nf which hp shall lhvn have nutiuenmd that he will nut hr' liululP for the mwts so disnihmml. m- :my part tln-ronf. to any pvl'M-n Pf whose claim he shall not then liar-e notice. McKinnnn Buildi‘rwfl Mplim‘lu St... 'J‘urnn‘tn. Suliciturs fur the Exvrntm‘. this 17le day of Svphmuher, 190$. EVE .Nl Farm Property Iti‘ of “I†vauship ( the Gummy nf Yux" PEARSON & BENTON. 12-4 mama 8M In the nmttex M 1110 Estate (hf For Sale SPpt. 2lst. 1906. JACKES & .3 ACRES. â€"â€"â€"OF VA LUA BLEâ€" ca 19 mm $1? F33 SALE â€"â€"-IN I‘HF'~â€" 1L sixty :u-res under cul- 1) acres of pasture flats, slashing :md almn‘t res in timber, and is IN THE .v (If ank. \Vidnw, 6c~neusr<L Auctioneen ) pmsunm In ). uml :Ilm'ud- 'rsvns having 9 hf HH- sum m- uhuut the w In spud by W in lht' nu~ Georgi: John H"- lust w‘i‘H mqhan, m