Mr. Jubn T. Andursun. pinnn tuner will he inLhc-rilhgge Saturday of this .week. Thnse wishing wmk dune are requested tn.le:u‘e their orders with h. A. G. Savage. Sulurdny will he -L\ e lasmiay Mr. Anderson can be here 1m smue time to cume. Among the election returns for the Senate of Tmnntu University we notice that. Mr. E. A. James, O. E. son uf Mr. David Jnmos. Thnrnhill has been olec_ted [p ropre nt tho Graduate-s ’l‘l ink of Dr. Slump‘s Unta’rl'h Cure if y m- nosc and Lin-nut (lischangusâ€"If ymu- breath is foul 01' fvverish. This «nu white soothing balm contains -Uil u Eucalyptus. 'lhynml, Mn-nthol, etc.. incm-pnrated into an imported, ureznnl‘i‘ke, velvety petrolutum. 1t moothes; heals. puriï¬vs. euntml. Cull ML our suite im- fwe trial box. \V. A. Sanderson. Preventics. as the mime implies. prevent. all xCulds and .Gi-ippe when “\mken at tlm sneer/.9 stage-3‘ Pieâ€" vemics are tunlhsume candy tablets. PI‘PVPIIUCS dissipnte all colds quickly. and lake“ eurlv. when you ï¬rst feel that a cold is ruining. they check and prevent, them. Picvvutics .u‘r‘ thorn ungth safe fur children. and us effectual for adults. Sold and I’PCUIII- mended in 5 cent andZé cent boxes by \V. A. Sandman). On Sunday evening Rev. A. P. Bruce opens up a series nf specinl snlijecmu) be. gnvn during the month uf October un Sunday evenings in the Methudist church. .He- will prmch on Sundnynext un the anic. " A young man who .threw away an Empire." The sermon is specially for ynung men. A reception.nLnu-mlwrs will be held at this an vice. ut‘ the Faculty 'uf Agflflied Science. Mr. James is to he (mugrutulated that. his fellow graduates have Lb us hum-red him. ’l‘munto VVm-ld A- Speculation ' is mlwudy rife us to the next rem‘e of Mnrkhum township. For reeve the presmlt uccupanL. Jonathan) Slater, and Arthur Quant‘z and Alex. Pringlp. .memlnus uf the County Council, will :!w in the ï¬eld. i1 fox-med the representatives of thv l \nvmth League that they cannot giqe any reduced rate- fur the. rally on Mumduy next. They will however give a lu‘ï¬e car for x-vLum :if a. sufï¬cth ummlsrer desire it. ‘H'I‘he Metlopulinm Railway lhavef; General Manager Spencm‘ of the James Bay Railway has announced that. the road between Toronto and Parry Sound will be open for passenger and freight sol-Vice on \Vednesduy next, the mm of UcluhPl‘. The Union Station. ToronLo, will be used as a wrminal. Mr. John vaine has been unfortu- nate with his hm-svs. An old favorite «lied early in the spring. und a few days "gm. :1. SHCCossm' purchased in July contracted spinal disease and had in he killed. Mr. Fred Gruingnr has become a bun] uwnex. in Rivhmnnd Hill. haviag purchased The hullif‘ and Int, nf the M'hite estnle, lulu-fly knuwn :Ls Mugs landing. Toronto Saturday Night. Toronto‘s suck-(y papvr, a “'0ka fur the husi. ness man, his hmn" and his family, is $2.003: your. Suhscrihvrs can sax-u 40 cents by subscribing with THE .LlwflAL The \ViHing “'m'kvrs Missiun Bund (If the Presbyterian (‘hurrh intend Inn'ng n uniquv HILerluimm-HL un Jlalhawé’en. Furthvr particulars Inter. The Adn‘ntuxvs «If Ruhiusun Crnsno, .fm- lhé‘ juniur xv};qu forum, in two parts at THE LIBERAL utï¬de. Price ‘5 cents each. A number of ï¬n» nits flnm Trcntrh's (‘urringe \Vm=k~: nu- lu-ing vxhihilvd nt. Markham Fa‘n- hr-l-l “Minosduv. Thursday and Friday (If (his work. HIHm-rihC’iï¬Nï¬-he va Idea \Vunmu‘s Muguzinv. 50 ovum :1 your. Free sulllple Copies at THE LIBERAL Oï¬lcm Th:- lelegmph pun-s along thp James Bay Railway are ln-ing «rm-1m]. and luva are entertuim-d that trafï¬c will runmlr'uce ml the lOlh inst. ‘l‘hc \V. M. S. will meet at the home nl’ the President. Mm. Andrew New- Lnn, Thursday. Oct. 4th, Ml 3 p.111. Divisinn Court, tJvmt-Inww has hm-n «vitrluh-mvn. Next court will be hl-ld lln-x'e Nnvembur 2L Hnlnil Brunch funml. THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. RICHMHND I'IILL. Oxn, Oct. 4, 1906 PIANO TUNER yiibrmi. Enquire nt TUPi was he Oct. 2. .X emnmnniczxtion wa‘z vead from the “'estern Ontarin Municipalities Niag~ am Power Uniun. on which no action was taken. The clerk, however. was instructed to send enclosed blank askâ€" VVXDEMANâ€"Nem' Victoria Square. on Tuesday, Octnlwr 2, Mvrvol. infant sun of David and Amanda “'idenmu, agpd 12 months. Present: the x-eeve and Cnuncilloxs Sandersun, Glass and Nlclmlls. Alvttor was read from Mr. P. S. Gibsun, Provincial Surveym', re the pmpnsml widening of Centre stxeet east. 1111C VIntyex-menl at Heise Hill cemetery to- day at 10:1..m. CUI'll‘USly worded advertisements that are. funny without. intent are common. Avperiodical offered «'I prize the other dary for the best collection of such announcements, and the fol- lowing is the. resultâ€""A lady wants to sell her piano, as she is going abroad in a~scrolgg iron frame." “Furnished apartments suitable for gentlemen with folding doors." “\Vanbed a room by twu gentlemen about thirty feet long and twenty feet, broad." “Lost 11 collie dog by a man on Sutur- du-y answering to Jim with a brass collar round his neck and muzzle." “A boy \vanted who can oprn oysters with references." “Bulldog for sale; will out anything. very fund of chil- dren.†“\Vai.ted an organist, and a boy to blow the same." “\Vanted a bug 30 .b0 .parbly outside and partly behind the counter." “Lost, near Highguto archway. an umbrvllu be- longing .tom guntlemnn with a bent rib and u‘hone handle." “\Vanted. a strong horse to do the work of a. country minister." “Vl'anted. a. good general servant in :1 family of twoâ€"â€" one agreeable and obliging." A special meeting of the council was held in the. conncal chzunbcr on the evsning uf Sept. 18. Glass and the pxevic continued The fol senbed :m The following accounts wexe pre~ senbed and on motion the txeasurer was ordered to pay the same:â€" J. T. Startup, work and salary. $68 35 \\'. H. Machel). tile . . . . . , . . 6 00 On motion. the council granted the sum of $6.00 to \V. A. \Vright towards the funeral expenses uf Mary Ann Fugun. The local opliunIcnmpuign is in pro- gress in the fullwwing municipalities in -Onmniu_zâ€"â€"Albi<_m. Allistnn, Ailsn Craig. Bradford, Brantford, Beetnn, Bun-fund, ()ullingwnod. Cnledun Chin- gnacuusy, Drapvr. Dnrchester, Essa, Ex'nuwsu, \Vest Gwillimhnry, Huron, Hilton. Innisï¬l, Joselin. King, Lohu. Landon, Leeds and Lzmsdmww, Mea- fm-cl, Midland, Mono. Mamhers. \Vest Nissmxri. Sum-borough. St. Joseph, Strathmy, Staany, Tecumseh, \Vest Tilhur}; Tottenhnm. Tossoruntn. Usbmzue, \Vestminister. VVoodbridge and “’alsingham.â€"Mail “'ES'I‘ERN VIE‘VS Mrs. Mnlmny received a few days agrorfmim a son Mr. J. J. Muhuny, of the N. WV. Mounth Police. Dawson. Yuknmu number of ï¬ne views of that wesmrn «xmntry. In the cullection are n Birds eye vivw of Dawson City. The Klundike Rivmy The [(-9 Bron-king up in the Yukon, \Vhere the Klnndike and Yukon Rina-a moot, and Steunwx-s in Winter Quartet-3. Mr. Muhnny has been a mom-her of the N. VIV. M. P. for :1 number of years. T\VO HOLI DA YS Thursday. the- 18th at! Octu’han, Ihas bet-n pruclaimefl Thanksgiving Day thrnnghnut the Buminiï¬n of Canada. The nnmmcmmnt is alnu made that Friday, the day following, will he a holiday for schools. The nnlmnhcP- ment. is quite satisfactory to the sn-lmol schnlars who have always maintained that Friday is an unlucky day on which tn rvturu to work. Besides, it, will nnt now be necessary to present the time hmmn-d petition to the trustees. 1V9 pledge our honor to give- yvu yum- mmwy‘s wmth and qunte now some extra \‘nlum. 23 lbs pure calm extra grunnlntvd sugar fur $1.00; 20 lbs. Rvdpalh‘s powdered sugar fur $1.160: 19 lbs Redpath's Paris lump sugar for $1.00; 13 Hm. best srlmtbkd vnlencin rnisins for $1.00; 9&th heat clrnm-d vuztizzn cmrants for $1.00; 20 lbs. pulished x-annun rice for $1.00; 75 NH. ï¬ne hnnw rendered lard for $1.00. ALkilzsun & Switzer. Ahth eight, months ago \Villinm Alnhubt of Ne'wtnn Bl’mnk, hnd his kncvâ€"cup broken when) his load of hay upsv! on the 2nd cnm-essinu uf \"nughun. Ahmth claimed thut the rum! Was nut in p: npel- unnditinn. and sum] the cuunril for damages. The ('usc was Llivd in Hm Axum: Hum-t hum! Was not in proper unnditinn. and sum] [he cuunril for dumngvs. The! (1150. was tlivd in the Assize Cum-L Monday and Tuvsday of Hus week he- fun- Judge Ulnte. whu alluwud the .plu'inliff $500 and cuuls. mu-rvst In the vst;lte,v\\'hi(-h is enn- cvllvd if 5110 marries again. Each of H19 5mm, Juhh M. and Francis. gt-ts $1,000 Mud mw-righth of the H‘Sidlll'. and Mn. six daughters. of I‘Iglinmn. nine-eighth nf the residue only when they hunch the algv of 25. Aiwmt flight months ago “'illinm Alnhubt of Ne-u‘tnn annL' ma 5;. Rvann Pugsle of him-{h {Inst-vth. wlm din-d Sepl. 3. 19ft H‘n estate totalâ€" ing $17,956, of which $24,750 is real as- tuu- in Ymmk Cuunty, and $14,828 farm lands in Saskatchewan. The wian H'cl‘h't‘s the huuzehuld goods and n life inn-rust in the estate. whit-h is mn- CURIOUSLY LOCAL OPTION UA M PAIGN 'egulnr moeti *ld in the cr ‘ Members [ mncillurs Sn md Trench. :vinus meetir VILLAGE COUNCEL. DEATES VVORDED ADS. Eng uf the cnuncxl mmcil Chamber on present: the x-ceve, mdersmx. Nicholls. The minutes of mg; were retxd and Glazier, Grainer and Paper; Hanger. (Jails from a distance -pi'ompt1y attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL W. HEWiSON Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sheppard, anuntn. spent, Tuesday night nnd \Vednesday harp, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson. Mr. uné Mrs. Sheppard were saying good- bye to friends and relatives previous Ln going to Calgary, Alberta. Accum- panied by their daughter Jennie- tin-y will leave the city tn-dny fur their new hmno where they will join their daughters Stella and Annie. Mr. John R. Boylp, of Edmonton: Deputy Speaker of the Albert". Parlia- ment, who is secretary of the Grain Cummissinn which has recently been sitting at Montreal. Tm-untu and other cities, came up fx-nm Toronto and spent over Sunday with his cousin. Mr. J. N. Boyle. Mrs. Robson, Toronto. formerly Miss Ethel \Vilvy, and baby gin-Lspenb Thursday afternmm with her gl‘and- pan-cuts, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiley. Mrs. Pntnllo and little daughter Marian of Brooklyn, N. Y.. are mak- ing a visit with the farmer's grand- parents, Mr. and’Mrs. Wiley. Mr. Karl Storey. a clerk in the Post Ofï¬ce Department, Toronto, spent Tuesday aftmnnon with relatives and called on a. number of friends. Mr. Edward Palmnr has taken a pasitiun with a surveying party in the employ of P. S. Gihsnn Esq.. and Mr. Franklin Juckes started Monday at the school of Practical Science. Mr. Wm. anrie, one of the car- pentets huildingstations (In the James Bay Railway, cnme duwn from Breck- nu and spent, over Semduy with his family here. ‘ Rev. F. Elliott left Tuesday for Slevensville where he will spend n wpek, assisting at special religious Services in connection with the Tank- m-d church. Miss Wultnn and Miss Mitchell 01' annntn have been spending two WHâ€"‘ks with Mr. and Mrs. J. Woods. Mrs. T. L. Monti-use .uf Camden, N. J.. and hr-r mulhcm Mm. Morris, Toronto. spent Momlay with Mrs. Geo. McDonald. Mr. Box-t \V‘ilpy and daughter. 'l‘nmntn, stayed over Sunday with Mr and Mrs. F. \Vilvy. Misses Olive and Hazel Switzer, who are attending Havergal College, spent over Sunday at; home. That’s too bad! We had no- ¢iced it was looking‘prcnyihin and rough oflate, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayer’s Hair 'Vigor cures s'ic'k ‘hair, makes it strong and healthy. The beat kind of 3 unknown!â€" “ Sold for over sixty years.†Mr. Eiliq W'ilpy. annntn. spent Tuesday with his relatives hero. Miss Ida Glass attended Cnukstnwn Fair un \Vednvsduy nf this week. Miss Othtm And Mrs. Walker. Toron- to. spent, Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John “'oods. Mr. and Mrs. Edwmd Britneli. nf Tut-unto, spent, over Sunday with relatives here. R1633}; Thbï¬fes cure nausea. Ripans Tabulas: tor sour stomam convim'vd. 1 jars, 25 cents \Vhen the tip uf a dog‘s nose is cold and nwist. that dog is not sick. A vfew'vrish d-i-y muse means sickness with a dog. And 50 with the human lips. Dry. cracked and colorless lips mean fi-verislinPss. and are as well ill appear- ing. Tn huvu hunlitiï¬ul. pink. velvet- like lipi. apply at, hedlime a coating uf (3.1-. Slnmp's Green Salve. It will an‘ftvn and heal any skin ailment. Gt"; 1: free. trml lmxmt our store. and he Mr. Ruthwr‘ll was present and Md- dx-ossvd the enuncil in the intvreuts of u pmpnsiLiun for street lighting. Council ndjmlx'ned. ing fur estimates nf costs of electric pmvm- to be supplied to Richmnnd Ia:n Is Your Hair Sick? HOUSE PAINTER, PERSONALS. I. C. Aye]- 00.. Lowell. MI“. 0 mnnummun of Large hickel cuppédréi‘aï¬Ã© SARSAPARILLA. PILLS‘ CHERRY Pm HUME. Clerk. 7 Vanmnt 6r. Waring. Veterinary Sur- geons. twenty-ï¬ve years of plactical experience. . Have just arranged with the Veter- inary Specialty 00. to sell the follow- ing remedies: Stuck Tonic and Blood Puriï¬er. Indigestion and Colic Cure, szwin Cure. \Voxam Powders. Cough Remedy, Poultry Tunic. LouseDealh AnLisceptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- sinn, Black Oil, Heuve Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aphm-disiac and Anti-Ster- ile Powders, Diarrhoea Cure for Cults and Calves, Leaking Naval <55 .Joint Disease. Aiéuuponvin every package entitling the holder‘to Free Veterinary Advice. For sale +++++++++++++++~O +++++++++++ ++++ 0+4"? FARMERS TAKE NOTICE Satisfaction Guaranteed. WWWW+WHHH+H++++£ $++++++++H++++$ -n ++++++++H++++++++++++++++++++++++H++++a~+m¢ 1' ul- l'+++' HWW+H+W++++M+H++H++Â¥ i What we don’t do AND What we do These stoves have all the latest improve- ments and are without a deubt the best on the market. Repairing and Eave- troughing promptly done Ranges. P‘ux'naces and Iieaters is now on hand and we invite your inspection of a full stock of the leading makes. F. J. PETHICK & SON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. 3W%§Wfl%§%§%§%§% Our fall Stock of Richmond Hi“ Hardware 8mm And when we do it expense is no consideran tion. ATKINSON 8: We do Whatever imcreases expense without increas- ing facdmes We don’t do Whatever gains comfort and value for tomers G. SGULES We don’t give discounts. We don’t ask credit. We don’t seek large proï¬ts. We don‘t make extravagant dispIays. \Ve do sell on close margins. We do buy for cash. We do show large assortments. We do give customers comfort. We do keep a clean, well-lighted store. That enables us to retain the con- ï¬dence ofcustomers and name those moderate prices that continually 1n- crease the popularity of this busy store. SWITZER 3 .3 .I. Good driver and outfit. Also one Mason & Risch upright piano, solid rosewood case. Apply to ED. BIRCH Lot 43. con. 1 Vaughan 123 Richmond Hill P.0, m‘ds Ire lune. but than who tr"! 311mm: A Co..PornAnd, Malnerfll veceivo (rte. full lnformmiou About work vhlch they can do. and live It ham-3.1m: will pay than: from 86 lo 8% per day. Some lulu mad overséo ha I any. Either RI. young or old. Cnpilnx sat req'ulwd. You are nuned fru. Those who “.011 u one. "Mum-oluuunhfwmu. Alli m. _, Boy wanth to learn tnilvxing Apply_t0 _ ______ Horse For Sale Boy Wanted A. J. HUME Richmond Hill CUS' ‘M'H