Mother (to little daughter) prised Ethel, that you shr impertinently to your Ialho you never heard me talk him.†Elhelâ€"“Well, you c ï¬nd I didn‘t.†The superiority of Mother Graves W'orm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottle and give it a trial. ir \Vagglesâ€"Ol' dimcully at al ï¬culty was in stand it. Mr. G. L. Stephenson, of Peterbor- ough, says: “For over ten years I suf- lered conslantly with Piles, ï¬rst Itching Ellen Bleeding; pain almost unbearable; life a burden. Tried everything in vain Li’ll I used Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem-Reid. .I had taken but a few doses when I began to notice an improvement. Now I am completely cured.†A $1,000 guarantee with every Hemâ€"Reid. $1. All demers, Wilson-Fer Co., Limited, Falls, Ont The University Press at Oxford, Eng- land, is the most remarkable printingr establishment in the world, as well as one of the oldest. It is what you might call selfâ€"contained, and if every- thing else pertaining to printing were blotted off the ia'ce of the earth to-mor- row the University Press would go right ahead as if nothing had happen- ed. It makes its own type and its own ink; burns its own charcoal for making the ink, makes its own paper, and so on. The workmen in the Press are as interesting as the establishment iLself. an. The workmen in the Press are as interesting as the establishment itself. in many instances son has succeeded father down the centuries in its employ, a: naturally as if the son was his lord- ship and the father an ear] and the po- sition an entailed estate. Iii-M m; EVNW 3 Clears the Throat and Lungs, heals Ind ullays Inflammation, cures Coughs, Colds, Hoax-sexless, Whooping Cough, Uroup, by removing the cause. Nothing better for Children. Price toe. and 25c. a bottle.’ Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. ‘al‘is 1mm “E? m saw E953â€? \V i REMARKABLE PRINTING PRESS FLL'ENT. BC EXPEQWWM DR. amocum's aï¬a wmmm Procnre from your druggist ï¬esâ€"Did Jking Fr nently to your father. I’m sure ever heard me talk that way to Ethelâ€"“Well, you choosed him, didn‘t.†AFTER TEN YEARS mmgmihd Tmita.W. you have any difï¬culty me!) while you wcre i1. tlin NOT CONVINCING All dealers; or The Limited, Niagara I didn’t ha ‘enking it. 1 g people to â€""I am sur- ‘uld talk so 1'. I’m sure box‘uf I every- ; were Lo-morl uId g0 appenâ€" Ls own making and so are 8.5 “on†any look at me; but. bles three pairs of hers they had to trot to l and the vcleran gm “The only diet I to continued the pedes‘ eggs and milk. and (i lhaL refreshing be I am a teelolnllnx; m in a measure to my that I was able to a [allowed mm m that I might 1 slantly pulling look at, me; bu three pairs of they had to m journey with a ligue. The 0111 when the cons‘ few water blist‘ feel. but they 1 tw e11 wer‘ but and aim anc foo parlicu Mr. \X man. i Mr. Weston is a tall, athletic-looking man, in _spile of his sixtyeiglit years, and more was no lmce of Ialigue appar- GQL in his cheerful countenance as he sat in the vestibule o! the Fifth Avenue Hotel and talked about his pedestrian feats past. and present. “I felt so lrcsh at the end of my lasl trip," he said, “that I believe I could do the same journey with a night’s rest. my 'l‘her ance he was hu ferry was off in Hotel, wt to reach 111;: his c such wich an H( a carriage, I were three P11 In his long the same rout walking to Ne‘ stop. There 119-9 and then took where he arrived there he wont to Pennsylvania Rai at the sup await soon as the old 1 straw wh pcdcslrian he carried companicd tramps du MOST REMARKABLE FEAT d1 dis [111111 M Ju A PEDI 1n Pally a] 11 ars 11 ‘W oekâ€"am the writ \Vondcrrul strcn L nl ï¬ve n nt Wednes 3, to break illc '-five revived me. my rough an :ept up a g‘ half miles started I Iel 0rd of 1.863 a nd reviv “:ll'd Wealon m the Age L they hm el as righl Ha I walke lily Hotel. obj: 1]} his 1121] irl )1 TRIAN “’llO \VALKED 100 MILES IN A DAY. New Brm ty-ï¬ve mi 3 he slept in e idvntica h he has feats, wh was the l him in i 1563 in the ll th He w golf ‘ 381‘ on on 1th 1 the can-u succumb, ; up along 1t. bless y( T horses, at to keep an gave a el. 1 {00k 0 g the la followin mar which he took Id went to bed. 1g morning Mr. accustomed hour- 0011 ailerwal‘ds wa to whom he gave gaming his lates 31'11 ant Performance by Mr ll] abc Hall m a l] mt 1y. lro part of the trip w: of the day, when 11 n my head and (111110: 1 stroke. But. it sou of 68 n ty stockings, and a 1 walking shoes. i‘ical narrow brimr has worn in all while tho light 0 me one which has n his recordâ€"break a last halfâ€"century. out 1.500 x In 1874 I wn nd 1t "11K eels. anc moment was F HS and wallx’in n the ‘sey (Zity 1d had 1n p] the \‘ l‘i del d I Hunk 1! is due ahslcminous habits :complish the long mum amount of in- nan dc Mr. V Ph 'l‘h ngside to have a you, I outwalked , and somelimcs 9]) up with meâ€â€" a henriy laugh. on the journey," an, “consisted 3f consumed quarls Page. You knuw 0rd of f0 knickerlx kc. But. it soon of the evenihg places the roads 9 walking heavy, average of four hour. and soon y ma! 1 the mpan sde up gutâ€"am godd m Hotel t rd that ‘ Ml \vitht ~ lhir 1g Mr. Wesu led hourâ€"eig vards was sm he gave a to 1is latest fen arm; 1de hi board think 1d Park Row. 11, at the City Fifth Avenue a up his mind zâ€"accomplish- id margin docto: 5 were (1 we: Weston the tw th< 11 (ll xty in all his light cane :11 has uc- dâ€"broaking :entury. In pedestrian and rank leCE ‘l‘I the popu his we) m 1t th her rry frie med by se In im appear» 1nd the n I lllllll\ l , a dis~ 15in€19 ARTHUR nules, Iwa rkg From 1f how feat. king ears, w t TI was m 3 m5 n abdlii 2n 1n he m« 1n hadnil, my la, know." Then h rose am wow prev No one need fear cholera or any sum- mer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial ready for use. It corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be. annnxage torial position with lishing Company; he i in a well-known New he is vice-president manufacturing cancel-r torial position with The Outing‘l‘uk} lishing Company; he is a church soloist in a well-known New York' choir; and he is vice-president of a Connechcul manufacturing concern which he helped to reorganize a few years ago. “The Balance of Power" is his ï¬rst novel. \w h Miss. I L. Mr. Ofï¬ce Boyâ€"“Want lo see the guv'nor? What name shall I say?†Visitorâ€"“Herr Selchltzsulslmrgllausen.†Olllce Boy â€" “011. I sllan’t have time to pronounce all that. I'm Jeaving at the end of the week.†H18 kinder ills are so rampant. A man who takes daily walks in the country cannot fall a victim to any pulmonary disease, and if medical men would only preach this gospel, I believe thousands of valuable lives might be saved. I do not, remember when I had a day’s illness“ and my good health I ascribe entirely to my fondness for walking. Although I am nearing the alloted span OI life. I feel as lively as a school boy, and if I live to seventy I intend trying to beat. my hundred-mile recordâ€"and I think I'll do it." 1m >1d Death Come me promzm min >l’l' ‘Bu! ï¬berâ€"“A h 11‘ you're V ention at hand vork its will is nas' Ecleclric l s when applied ent lung t-roul s and coughs. wish I was half as beauliful as Brown," remarked the fair Edith '1'. Green. “Well, you are, yuu r.†replied Green thoughtlessiy. he wondered why she suddenly and left. him. ANGLE 1 the [rian 1am. ’ hasU lhi h in good the most dysentery e headache. bi )ll ound or cum at hand and wouldn‘ n for n GOODRICH. AUTHOR BALANCE OF POWER ltul‘ely if prope “An ounce of alway it is L Tommy, you don’t know well off. I wish I were a Tommy (who has recently l)â€"“So do I. Littler than gymn walkir ys. and ï¬ve -y belt from the popular medicine 101 , 910., in the market and allow a diseu s wickedness. [ Oil not only alla l externally, but w bles resulting rx-c Try it. and be cc ,11'n All 19 to lack of [I nsumption an rampant. valks in the l 1N believe thou: ght be savec men I had a But u need >per precau of preventk n , and to 1H 1nd HOS ill edited his the Wes- it during 31‘s. He . scholar- [1 PS 0 h‘ dise ‘od 1V6 One of the hobbies of the King of the Belgians is building. King Leopold, who spends almost as much time out 0: his country as he does in it, has sev- eral residences which he seldom or nev- er visits, yet he is constantly adding to them. He has a ï¬ne palace in Brus- sels, but when within his own domains he prefers to spend his time in the country. His Majesty is the richest monarch in Europe so tar as real estate is concerned. ï¬r th Queen Alexandra enjoys the distinc- tion of being the only Sovereign in modern times to wear the leek as a floral emblem at a State function. The wild leek, which flourishes profusely on the coast of Glamorgan, has been re- garded as the national emblem of Wales, and it was as such that Queen Alexandra wore it at 8 Drawing Room which she held some years ago on St. David‘s Day. m the several districts that are reach- eo by the Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem including “Muskoka,†“Lake .:f Bays," “Magnnetawan River,“ “Lake Nip< issing." “French River,†“Temagami,†“Georgian Bay," and several points on the Ottawa Division between Scolin Jct. and Algonquin Park, Last, year nearly 12,000 deer and 300 moose were taken out of this territory and from reports received this year, the supply is as great as ever. All hunting dis- tricts easy of access. Full particulars in “Haunts of Fish and Game," an il- lustrated publication giving all informa- tion, game laws, etc., sent free, on ap- plication to G. T. Bell, General Pas- senger Agent, Montreal. The King of Siam has a bodyguard composed of 400 female warriors. At the age of thirteen they enter the Royal service and remain in it until they are twentyâ€"ï¬ve, when they pass into the reserve. Their weapon is the lance, and they are splendidly trained in the use of it. The nor†Ontario is ' and hunter in the save ec by the E FRAME WHEAT .h “I V, $433k " - ;, , x. 4 " r :9 . ' “a ’1; JUL; g 5?: ‘3. E g 2‘ V .V ‘ .- ~s I I I n u I I! I I I l n I E'GR ï¬ALE SIear Neudorf, Saskatchewan. A great bargain. $12 per tore. Close to two railroads. Branch line of Grand Trunk Paciï¬c surveyed almost through the property. He rid MOHHBUI, QUE. OllflWfl, Ofll‘ 821-3 \V Craig so. 423 Sussex st. Proof Water, Wind, Storm Fire “OSHAWA†Steel Shingles and FIRE. WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF. We also manufacture Corrugated lrou'in long sheets. Conductor Pipe and EAVICSTROUGII, Etc. METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write (or Catalogue N0. 14“ and free samples of “OSHAWA†Shingles. Write to-day. )1") Made from Painled or Galvanized Steel. at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable ’cov- ering on the market, and is an ideul covering for Houses. Burns, SLnr~os,Ele- valors, Churches. etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest. ccompany of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands at the best buildings throughout Canada. making them pr“. trip Made from Painted or Galvan per hundred square feet cover ering on the market, and is a vators‘ Churches. etc. Anv r their 1nd !’ THE HUNT OF BIG GAME DID NOT IMPRI 30X 21, 73 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TQRBNTO. hired wa cm and 3" HS THEE PEDLAE PEOPLE Write your Nearest 0“|co.â€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA. Ont ma gm ISf‘ intolerable pain Cure removes the l‘ see what amount rr'n part of the Province :f 1e mecea for the sportsman Deer and moose abound a1 districts that are reach- }rand Trunk Railway Sys- ditil‘ zallons a minut ie. an Pd the ed tht BF)“ interested, but 11 ng all mlm ant free, on , General guide. tourist stolid 81’ y made his and a guide impress him HIM u Colborue at [659 band»; st. [76 Lomt JD! WONG, 0m. the Hollo‘ trouble. of pain 8X IFEATHER DYEENG For Famiiy Colds To Those of Se Men who follow 5 which depnive th: exercise, are mm 01 the liver and ki lead active, outdo will ï¬nd‘ in Pam “Tobacco smoking, ler, “is so common 1' is impossible to dish lrom number in a In ers.†“But suppos speak to someone prc tn ï¬nd it out?" “An speak to someo t'] ï¬nd it out‘?‘ waiter is sent 1‘ lows. with wh waiter IS Sent rum lows, with which smoke from the until the right onc a rwtoraï¬ve without. question the m( efï¬cacious on the market. They a easiiy procm-able. easily taken, act e poditiously, and they are surprising cheap considering their excellence. W§ubbubsâ€"Huven‘t I just told you wha!l hr- was? BRIUSH AMERIOEN DYEING 05¢" HOKTIEAL “I always thing cal-11k “Naturally tions are al Clunlna and Curllng and 314 Glen;- oleuuul The. an be sen by post. In pot on. the a»: plum l- Citimunâ€"Do you know Sharpe? Subbubsâ€"Oh! he’s a real-estate Citimanâ€"Yes. but do you knm thing about his character? ls h Fruit Growérs, Attention Having no commission to pay, and selling for :Mh, The Eastern Townsthips Nurseries are thus nble :0 offer ou Standard Apple Trees 4 to 6 feet nigh, grown ere. hardy and thrift shock for Fall mud Spring delivery, for $15.00 per undred. LOUIS GERVAISJ Prop“ mum], 0m. WIHHIDBU, Mflfl‘ Dandy: st. 78 Lombard st A reliable cough and cold cure should be always in the house ready for use flu: moment {he ï¬rst syynplogu appear.‘ _ his always casia, chca I r and bent: lo check a co1d in the very 'nn'mg. It is safer, too. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. the Lung Tonic, bu been tested for thirty-three years, and tens of thousands of homain Canada and the United Stanza toâ€"day are near without it. . dealer wï¬m: "Shiloh'lCm wnhoul doubx the best runedyfol C5 Cgldson the mulch Once used. my wdlbuyuo oIhcr.â€"L. Haley. Nwzawe If hwcxe anything but the best thisbeso? Try it in your own If il docs m cure, cu gct bad: a; you. “I: take a] the chanccs. you noril'om: dfakr 92m luck I: 3.8%: x“ FOR SALE. ‘ $E‘EELOH Fslcrn Real Estate Exchange Limited, London, 0m." ACCOUNTED FOR ENOUGH SAID felt that a about in you knm anything but the bes‘ would Try it in your own family. cure, on get bad: all it cost aka a] the chanccs. Neitba r dealer mu lose. 1211'! that is the price. All dealers in “Ah, in mi wil h " Shflohh Cure 1i\'( ix'Tumd' "75"" M "' Once used. my cum inlay, Nmzawe’l.0m-" 'oun Laurehceville,Que there was some. al lawyer.†v, all his opera- nt' said the Holland, HS 1e VGHCOUUG[,B.G you V , how such {1111 615 Ponder at 06. 111 The ;e1ab1 lixie agent. know any- 15 he hon- 11 air a. diSOI‘dE those w upation 1H Sides All Four locked act ex- risingly 1r mt trav that 1y Hons. ‘ and cov- Ele- who rmer are the son 10