Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1906, p. 1

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\1 0m 1e Hoursâ€"3.30 a. in. to VOL. XXIX. » ,1 . .1 n “ E112 Capitalist; IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING it PUBLISHING HGUSE RICHMOND HILD,ONT. F. McMAIâ€"ION. Emma J: Pnornmron '1' . B USINE SS CARDS. “:3! mm. DR. S. J. BOYD. M. B. M. R. (7. 8.: L. It. (l. P.. Eng. (SUCCEss-iii To 1m. DEAN) iRiclunand H'Eill )Vill occupy his predeeeswr‘s office and l\‘ prepared to d 1 general practice and illso to treat. any, ear, nose llllLl throat dined-fies. semi." T . W. ANDERSON, autism. Cor. Carlton and Yniigc Sts , Toronto \Vill be in Richliinmd Hill on \Ved~ nesday of each Week. Office, next door north of Stand- ii.r:l Bank. ,- 5 p. m. .r . 7 - \|],)1'- 13. J. ‘Voods é DENTIST, " Francis Block, 'l‘lIOllNlllLL, Ont. Ullice hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"13 ii. iii.; 1 â€"¢: p. iii. Toronto Olfice, 450 CHURCH ST. ~ -» . . .Au. Him; JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hor-nhill. ‘K Calls by telephone from Richmond \‘ l l A l i. H. SANDERS-ON: VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL C'LllS {by day Hill charged to me. and night. promptly at.- Lcnded to. .l. H. Pa entice. Licensed \’i'::io:iuer fortlie County of Y0 k GJmts will on an lit-.{ililu‘flb Geimral bales M n,- etc. nnniptiv rtmrnladto nit recsom‘ult “mes Residence IluionviIIe G ll. tiauliliug, Nuwiuu Brook.a;5cut for the above J fill-ERIE Wasnuu Saigcou a: JICEch. Licensed {uritionoers l'orthe Countyof York. SJIUSicceiivterlL-rti'i s11 artostuotirtuud a. run- smable rates Piitrouugc solicncil D. G. BLOFGH, License Ailo-Elo‘u’fil (viz-itieCouiityonw re- spo-tlully soucrts your patronage and friendly luminous s-ilos unmided on the sLortext- nonice a. id at. riuiscuaberstes. P. 0.udu:ess King l I l tH\/VI l l l ‘ .-‘. (i S Iriu-lm-yJi C in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1906 £tiizzl. G H l" I; i‘vi‘once \‘l Ilidour Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence 2. W adsworth; Barristers , Solicircm. Note ri: :. &c. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Loan Bldg). ()‘oi. Adelaide & Victoria fits” Toronto. Phone Main 2984 LLI A M COO K BARRISTER, S(>Li<71'i‘ofi, No'miiv. Erv. :l‘ornnto Ollit-e, 33 Richmond St. “est, \Yesley Buildinus. Ilirliuion'l Hill Ulfit‘t‘, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday afterâ€" noon. M;iplv, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at Five Per (lent (5i). LijN m 7 MORGAN, Isa I'I‘i‘U‘l‘s :: rial Solicilors . Mouev to luau on land andclialte' mortgagesut. lowosi. inst-s Aururaofl‘ivte‘liomuwu to she old post Ollie; one door nest of the enhance to the Ontario llanli Nam-Juliet ou‘lz-eâ€"Three doors south of the 1‘ .st. miice '1‘ Hmmmn LENNnx G 81V MORGAN Mimru hewmurkel 1V" ulocli, Lee, Milliken & lark Barristers. Si ll icitrt Il'S, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \Y. Corner Hint.r & Yonge Streets, TORU.‘T( . Private and Trust, Funds to loan at lowest current; rates. J. 0 Dan b011, Dunn cc Barristers. Colielors, Etc. NA’I‘H')NALTHUST CHAMBERS 21) KING ST. 11. TORONTO, Canada. FRAXK DEXToN. K. (Y. lliciiiiiiii'r L. DUNN \V. Ml'LUCK Hopi/rim? .loirx \VALTER MCDONALD Pliouo Main :51]. Mr. McDonald will he at THE LIBERâ€" AL Oliice. Rll‘illllulltl Hill. on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. IAS. N E‘NTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EILGKRI 13111414315 “sf. ’rfjaifi‘afi‘ff‘ NOTARY PUBLIC, ooumssionnnm Tm: HIGH COURT OF JUSTXCE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIUE. H. A. N'iciioLLs NOTARY PUBLIC Ctlllllllissilllll‘l. (lonveyaiicer. etc. Insurance: Firc and Life. Richmond. Hill Undertnkers ¢\' Embalnu-rs, RICHMOND HILL 8: TI-IORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. l twice :l v».- '. It is \\'lillill;\‘-\':Ll-l(‘ without notice bearing interest PYK‘I)’ d:i_v it is on } ill-posit. Capital g I ., ‘- : l\tf.\t D l a , a- .. -, v l i{.§1. ii‘ihudd;_a€ u. '«1 YOUR MO should 5 kept in a sale place. r Ontario Bank Savings Department . I it Wlll be as accessable to you as ifcziriied in your pocket. IT VVILL 3111 SAFELY KEPT For \‘ou against th ‘ time you inquire it. and IT \VIIJ. BE ADDING TO ‘ YUI‘H INl‘tHlI'Z from the interest we pry on your lmlrlln'v- cwlixpliullilt'll ' [500,000.00 NE“? If it is deposited in the ; ; 701 ,Qnt) ()0 Manage-r King City Branch. l VAUGHAN COUNCIL. The above Council met. Tuesday, the 9th inst. Meinbmsall present, Reeve Boyle in the chair. Minutcs of Inst meeting read and continued. (7ainei-onâ€"-Devinsâ€"That, the trons. urer he and is hereby authorized to Hem-pt the bonds of the collectors, 'l‘hos. Cousins and [lugald McDonald, the same being (tonsideied smisfactoi-y by this council.â€"Carried. l)e\ insâ€"Longhouseâ€"That the treas- urer-he and is hereby authorized to pay to Mr. A. Mcl‘wil the sum of $20 for the Vaughan Plowiiieii's Associa- tinii.-â€"Cai-riul. (‘Eullt‘l‘olrâ€")Ici‘l:iii'â€"Jllli;il the treas- uruvr be :.llllH-li’i,l d to pay the l'o:lo\\‘- ing road accouutszm (l. Balinei'. puttingr in sewer] ipe$ 4 90 'I'. 'l'hoiiisoti, “ " " " 3 :30 U. Niiion. drawing sewer pipe and plank . . , . . 9 0'! .l. Ringlzind, iepairiiig hill . 3 5:0 1.: .0 ll . \Vilds, J. Hogg, drawing earth 3 5H 4 so .1. ( ‘Iai kM'll, work with team, etc. 8 9:1 I‘l. llutton. team and grader . 2 10 \V. (lllllll'llvll, drawing gravel .. 3 (It) J. Campbell, “ “ 3 (It! Uliiis. Nattiess. “ “ .. 3 91' .los. Naltress, l day in pit. . . . . . 1 4t; J. \Vetlieral, thawing Sll'llIgHS. etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 7 10 A. Brownlte. putting stringers in bridge . . . . .. 1 «10 A. Fill'l‘, cleaning out ditches 3 till J. lioivntiec, team in gran-l pit. I 50 J. O'Connor. lindincr malt-rial and repairing culvei t . . . . . . l 00 C. \Vitty. diawing and putting iiipipe .. . . . . . . 500 \V. \Vellman. 2 men and teain.. 4 40 I. llales, 2 men and team a; day.. 2 2h .1. Bales. 1 man and team . . . . . l 50' \Viii. Graham, ('l(l;ll' posts, re- pairing culvert, etc. .. 7 10 F. Bags. thawing;r plank .. . .. 3 UU .l. L. (‘aicL plank. 91in. {oi-Hum- her bridge .. . . .. . 25 Tl .I. L. Card. plank. etc.. for Klein- burg bridge . . . . . . . . . 6 35' Jesse \Vinger, smver pipe, etc. .. 35 It: (1ameron~filcNairâ€"‘l‘liat. the treasr urer be authorized to pay to the tzeii<~ nrei' of the Maple Public Library [In sum of $2.2«Cairivd. Longhouse â€" (laineron â€" That. the treasurer be instructed to pay the fol- lowing accounts for fees in Abbott vs. Vaiigh.iii:~â€" Thos. Page . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 1:" Lenis Page . .. 5 l5 Jolili Page . . . . . . . . . . 6 SH Geo. Bo“ es . . . . . . 5 15 A. S. Ilussell . . . . . . . . . . 8 05 Mark Ilai-risoii . . . . . . . . (S 80 J. Pearson . . . . . . . . . 4 ’75 Geo. Schell .... 6 60 Josh Horner . . . . . (5 (in Henry Rumble . 6 0“ J. N. Boyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 45 J. S. llIchtiI‘ .. . . . 1U 73 .1. Horner (taking photograph). . 2 (l0 Caineroiiâ€"Loiighouseâ€"That; D. C. Longhouse and Isaac Dm ins be a coin- mittee to wait. on Mr. Grant in refer- ence to the Thompson Road.â€"â€"Cai-i-ied. The council adjourned to meet; Nov. 13. at. 10 ll. iii. . . That odd cent means a great deal of saving. Atkinson & Swim”; â€"â€"â€".o.~.A luau-1e Arrangements are bring made to hold union Seniee in onc of the churches on Thanksgiving Day. The pupils of the public school pur- H - pose holding their animal conceit; in a few \veeks. Some time ago Mr. H. ("v. Bailey offered a Dlth‘ of a gold watch to the one guessing the nearest to the weight, of a bar of soap. 'l‘lic Contest. clmed on October 15f, when the bar was weighed and found to he 91 lbs. 4 oz. The prize was: awarded to Mrs. (1. Ci ook, whose guess was 91 lbs 3.1,oz. Miss Olive Orinrod of East Toronto \‘isiletl over Siiiulav :It the p Ii-soimge. .\lr. Siarr .\l(-.\lahon ol' Hirhinoiid Hill. and Mr. l‘lllnlil't' Rt‘fllllzlll of (lonâ€" rnnd vi<ited friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. B. Speighb of To- ronto, spent ovr-r Human with friends here. 'lhey ha\ 0 just returned hour a trip to the Pacific ('t);'\‘t. S. S. 9. VAUGHAN. Following is the report for Septem- llt'IIâ€" Junior lV.â€".\Iiiriel Kiiiiiee. Senior Ill.â€"â€"l.i7zie \Vhiie. livillt‘ Puterhaiigli, Flossie Piltri'buiigii. Sn-ph Bl‘llt‘ll, Madge Jarrett, Ut-ithn .‘lnrrnv. .llllilill‘ llI.â€":‘\liirl Ilewgill. Loni-n Min-luv. Ruby HI-wgill..lennie llihlltip, Joseph. \\':itsoii, I‘lziitlt-y Farr. Senior lI.~~l.1iiii:i \\ut.~on. lh-imld McNaughton, Lizzie Fenwick, Viola Jarrett. V Junior II.â€"~Agnes Mc\ruigli!on, Johniiv Greenuood, \\'illie \Vild. Pail Il.â€"G;iil’ieltl Farr. Olive Farr. Roy \Vilflvii, Davie \Yllll. H-f‘lllnl‘ Part l.â€"Alv.\'. Bishop, Susie Frnwick. Edna l’uieibaugh. (ice-go lll~ “'hite, Gladys Hexp. . .Innior Part I.â€"Le\'l \ViitsOii, John- ny Julicn, Teddy Ewing. ,of Carrville Mn. llollingsliead of Newnmrket. was u guest at, " The Elms" last. week. Misses Trig: and Minnie Reunion are \ isiting iriends at Severn. Mr. Stanley Tyndall arrived home last. Fridav alter a trip through Western Canada. Mrs. “'ni. Blake visited relatives in l‘moiito lost \\ e-ck. Mrs. \Vhitworth nnd Mrs. Atkinson of Aurora. were the guests of Mrs. lGllzu-hy .It “The. Elms" recently. Mrs. Reaman returned home on Saturday aftei spending a. couple of Wl'i'kfl at, Sm t'l'll. The Sunday School social which was held on \Vi-duesday of last, week was much enjoyed by all who attended. The amusements for the afternoon were games. mews, etc. The results of the Cniltrsts are as follows :â€" Race for boys under 6 yrs. â€"-Geoi~gie Hunt. 1; Orville Gruinger. 2. Race for girls under 6 yoars.~l.aura l‘yndall. l: Edna Bowen, 2. Race for boys under I!) yrs.â€"~Byron Appleton, Leslie Bakrr (equal). liar-e for girls under 10 yrs.â€"Gnssic l’l’l'lllll'p, 1: Minnie Cook, 2: Aggie' ’ateison. {ace for boys under H yrsâ€"James llunt, ]; Norman Tyndall 2; \Villic .imvvn, Race for boys under 16 yriâ€"Jnmos ‘ Hunt, 1; Reggie \Vilson, 2; Jonathan “linger, 3. , \Vheel-hai-row rnee (boys under 12 yrs.)â€" Stanley \Vood and Charlie n'unt, 1. Byron Appleton and Leslie Baker, 3; ()ivillc Grainger and Georgie limit, 3. \Vln-el-barrow race (boys under 16 yis.)â€"\Villie Bowen and Kenneth Campbell, 1: James Hunt and Nor- Inan Tyndall, 2: Reggie \ViISOI] and Jonathan \Viiigeiu 3. 'l‘ln ee-legged ra ce.~Norman Tyndall wnd James Hunt,1: Jonathan Winger and Kenneth (lampbell. 2; Willie Bowen and Reggie \Vilsoii, 3. Boot l':lC(‘.â€".I:lllltԤ Hunt, 1; Reggie \Vilson, 2: Jonathan “linger, 3. \Valkiiig ravenâ€"F. Graham, 1; H. Cook. 2: \V. E. Galloway. Liidies’ \Valkiiig race.-MiSS E. J. Paterson, 1: Miss M. A. Beatty, 2; Vlis< Ada Prentice. 3. Men’s Pumaâ€"F. Graham, 1; W. E. Galloway, 2. Run and jump â€"Nllfl Pnkm'. 1;, Kenneth Campbell. 2; James Hunt: 3- 1 Standing: jumpâ€"Jonathan \\ ina'ei', ; 1; James Hunt. 2. I _â€".«> King Councrl. Council Hint at. Blt'llai'l.el"s Hotel, NolllI-[tlll on Natniday. Sept. 29m. Members present. Reeve Legge. (lulillclllul‘s MeMurchy, Norman and [)e:i(‘oii. Minutes of last meeting read and? confirmed. Council in committee of the whole on bills and :Icrrounts when the follow- ing were ordered to he paid : Joseph Billings, month's salziry.$ 33 33 Stephen Foliage, road work. .. l 80 P. bi. \\'atsoii, teaming timber. 1 75 Joseph Goon, 3 dnys' \voik oii Suhoiuheig Bridge . . . . . .. G ()0 Patrick Tracey, 3 days“ Work on _ Schoinberg bridge. . . . . . . U 00 \Vin. Taylor, 4 oak scantliiig S. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 40 Luke Lyons. Work on Schomv ‘ hei'g bridge . . . . . ..., .... 7 00 John Baird, work on Schoniberg ‘ bridge . . . . . . . . . . l Sam. Metcalfe, work on School- berg bridge. . .. ll 37 .I, ll. \Valsnn, hardware, Schoin- I lu-i-g hiidge.... .. . 165| Fred Graham, hauling g'i'a vol I . . . . . . Fl'uiik Alti‘lllge, Work and f iiiuteiizil for H B . . . . . . 19 00‘ ‘J. A. I'Vizzell. blacksmith bill. . . l 00‘ \\"in. thigh M Son. show-l . . . . . 7-3 Hamilton Bridge t7o., bridge. at Selioinhei-g . . . . . . . . . . . 300 00 John i\l:lllo_\‘, 375115. gravel. . . . 3 70‘ A. ll. \Vells. 5.3 yds. gravel. 5 :30 Jiiiin's (illllt‘S, teaming lumber 5.8. . . . . . . . 400 John .I. Keboe, road work . . . . . 4 00 Joseph l’aliiicr. road Work on ten lilll . . . . . . ,... .. ll) 00 Michael McGiiinis, repairs to l bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 00‘ Ruhr-[t “'hite, repairs to road I and gravel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Til) l‘II'NIlll't'll)'â€"*I)t':lCIIIlâ€"~'I‘hilt the fol-! lowing sheep claims he paid being value of same. Albeit. Belincttffi'ddlfil, ‘ In 1!. bliaw $4.07. } N01:iiaiiâ€"McMurcliyâ€"ThutNoi'iii.iii . ("nrtis be paid the sum of $48.65 in full ' of all claims for damages to grain. svpai'ator through the iipsettiii;.r thcrw 1 of on 'l‘ownline north. I Deaconâ€"Normanâ€"Tliat the clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to notify T1109. Jennings to reiiim e ft‘llt'i' built aCioss strret in village of I.loyd-' town forthwith. ' McBIui-cliyâ€"IMaconâ€"That thehondsI the Collectors be apprm ed as presented. I On motion of Councillor )It-llini-liv.' ,Uoniicil adjourned to meet at Sniion‘s‘ Hotel, Sciminbeig, Saturday, Oct. 27, I‘d”. FALL FAIRS. The dates of exhibitions and fall fairs popular in this section so far ar- ranged are as follows: Schomberg, Oct. 11â€"42 Bradford. Oct. 16, 17. Woodbridge. Oct. 17â€" 18 A Wonderful Record. As mcdo up by improved and exact messes Dr. lei-oe’s avorlte Preserlp- on is a most. efl‘lclent. remedy for regu-~ latlng all the womanly lunctlons,corro1~ lng displacements, as prolapous, “lover-i slag and retrroveraon, overcomlng patnlutl periods. toning u the nerves and bri ing about. 3 act. state of health. cur-a the bac geflodical headaches, the dragging-down tau-ea; in the pelvis region, the pain and tenderness OVGIJ lower abdominal region, dries up :1}: pelvic catarth drain, so disagreea and weakening, overcomes every form of weakness Incident to the organ. distinctly feminine. “Favorite Prescription” la the only medicine for women, the makers of which are not afraid to print. their formula on the bottle wrapper thus taking their patrons into their full con- fidence. It Is the only medicine for women, every ingredient of which has the strongest possible endomemont. o! the most eminent. medical practiuoncis and writers of our day, recommending it for the diseases for which “Favorite Prescription” is used. It. is the only put-u medicine for women, sold throng druggists, which does not con- tain a. large percentage of alcohol, so harmful in the long run, especially to delicate women. It has more genulno cures to its credit. than all other medi- cines for women combined, having saved thousands of sufferers from the operating table and the sur eon’s knife. It, has restored delicate, wea. women to strong and vigorous health and virility. making motherhood possible where there was barreuness before, there y brighten- ing and making happy many thousands of homes by the advent. of little ones to strengthen the marital bonds and add sunshine where gloom and despoudoncy had reigned before. ‘ Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce. He will sand you good, fatherly, professional advice. 11 a plain, sealed envelope, absolutely free. Address him at Bu alo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets (lo rot. gripe. They efleetually cleanse the sys- tem of accumulated impurities. The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser. by Dr. Pierce, )006 pages, ls sent free on receipt. of stamps to pay exports. of customs and mailing only. Send 31 oneâ€"cent. stamps for the book in per covers, or 50 stamps for the clothâ€" and volume. Address as obovs ¢§§¢MW§W§§§§§ AGENT FOR D e ering Farm Im- plements Any one needing any thing in the line of Drills Cultivators Roll 91‘s or Barrows of any kind lull would do well to try one of our machines. N ii. Gloss RICHMOND IIILI. for work P .0. ¢O¢¢¢¢¢¢¢§6¢4€4 ¢4颢6+969 O I. run NEll’IDil ianist II‘SllUL'lltllI in i‘iaiio-plziyii I‘Ioury ill-pi i-svnlal i\ :1 for Richmond llill .. "I \ E- 31.3: v of ye oldr- Ii‘iriiie of llt‘llJlei ... gar ..l and t'mnpan)‘. i..iinit4’fl, iii.iinil‘.ir-2-.3- c1» of Illcil guide pianos.

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