Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1906, p. 4

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'ilrmrl. Ttrcamorzo HILL. 01m. Oct. 11. 1906 CAR WORKS AT RICHMOND HILL. The Industrial Committee of the Village Council had an interview on Tuesday with a number of the oflicials of the Canadian Northern Railroad Company. Various matters of interest to the Village and Com- pany were discussed, such coal sheds, store-room for lumber, grain eleva- tor, etc. The desirability of the Car Works of the company being located in our town was fully discussed, and the proposition was regarded with favor by the oflicials of the company. At the last session of the Logic lnture the Minister of Agriculture secured an appropriation for the pur- pose of ranking an investigation into the condition of the horse industry in the Province of Ontario. This Work is now being undertaken by the Department of Agriculture of Ontario and will be commenced early in October. The object of this investigation is to obtain information to be used in deciding as to the bet policy to adopt to encourage more extensive breeding a better class of horses. 1 In order to procure this inform- ation the Province will be divided into eight districts. Two competent and expert horsemen have been selected and allotted to each district. From five to six weeks will be spent in each district by the committee appointed for that district. The districts will be composed of a number of counties grouped together, the number making up each distric being decided by the length of time Sale Register SATURDAY. Oct. Iiiâ€"Auction sale of 100 acre farm, on the reiniSes, ens-r, half of lot No. 20. Con. ' , Township of York. Sule ut2 o'clock. Terms, 103;, cash; balance in thirty days. J. 11. Prentice. nuct. MONDAY. Oct. l5â€"Auction sale of a car load of cattle, at Hughes‘ Hotel. Thornhill. the property of James N. Main. Sale at. 1. Terms, 3 months. J. H. Prentice. mrct. SATURDAY. Oct. 27â€"Auction sale of valuable far-m property In the Town- shi of York, on west half of lot 21. Zn con. East. York. the property of the estate of the late David Harding. For terms applv to T. C. Street. Nr-w- ton Brook. or Juckes & Jaokos, 281‘... room St... Toronto. Sale at 3 p. m. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. ___... Piles quickly and anilin-ly (‘urod with Dr‘. Shoop's Magic Ointment. . Its made for Piles aloneâ€"and it. duos the work sur‘r-Iy and with satisfaction. Itching. painful. protruding or blind iles disappear like magic by its use. ergo. Nickel Capped glass jars, 50 cents. Sold and recommended by \V. A. Sanderson. . l “sour $i32§t$5h :- V»: ‘ iii w T? Dr. Shoop’s Restorative Cures All Disiressing Stomach Troubles Through the inside Nerves. As you value your hr‘nlfh :md hnr‘piuvss don'l I neglect to cum tor Ihe sli'mtrst Stomach mu. ~ don‘t lot It [10. At tho tir. .. sirr: of (Il\ll‘t‘>.< use Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative ulhl end all ihrsi troubles. These notes are sirrnnlsrâ€"Lhm :u 1 symptoms of touring diseaseâ€"b inwist- m Eudora them? You who never eatufircurtymrnl arith- out a sense oi luliDe\s/_ [ollmwd I... u 0.1 of less i rude I; r Aé‘dr' nvsinwssâ€"h Nerlect tlrcsr‘oondi-/fe§‘~., . til usun‘l ‘ o-i Invite distressing: ’ ' ' muigrstionv , ' miserable r] y s - become a. sailow. _ peptic. Do you ,a'. i. wjg‘, cxg'arn m-c .r .1 y of these svtnp- ..n toms " â€" (lis- tress after , 3E ‘3‘“343. CHLZnL'J‘r-lul‘n- 1m: of [nod an cr to mm. I l..‘ gnawian at ' A: .12.; w acnrumlvliu- " lnrz OI wind.t::.e. heartburn. ziness? It you -‘ these ways. your rim: . ;;:)S.b"lr“r- '1’ r‘ ol upbe- hcctlnchr). «i17- ‘? sul (r in may ol’ . ' -r* ’ ,./.l u i y is Clear â€" there is bu t one " ' .lr-nuz-se upon to vouâ€" sr rengmen the insure ’ .37 el‘ve\â€"Lires‘csp0r“nl stoma ch mrves â€" ,. sliner olT forever lh's evidenceofdisease. Putvtheilixr‘i ire ner‘v‘s in condition soar/(ms nature intended trrev show-.1. Don‘t drug. don"t forceâ€"just give the insult] nerves natural force. rcntle tonic. uuture‘s hell). Dr. Shoop’s Restorative (Tablets or Liquid) should be told!) L.)er thisâ€"itis the only pre- scription which builds up.or even attempts to testore the inside stomach nerves. Sold by W. A. SANDERSON C required to go through a county. ' a; s Etch county will require from four- to nine days. ‘ A Public Meeting will be held in each county, and the commissioners will visit the various Institute Districts. The Public Meeting for York County will be held in Richâ€" mond Hill on the evening of November 5. \VOMAN'S MAGAZINE ‘ (‘all at THE LIBERAL Office and gctrr s-rnrplc copy of New Idea Womurr’s' Mngnzinr‘. published on Broadway. New York. at 50 cents a year. The vdilol- sums up the policy ofthut lady’s monthly as follows :â€"“Th(-\ new ldt-u ‘Vor-mu’s Magazine believes that. all lreu.Liry minded women must \vor-k und play. and is therefore interested i r all wu..rrur’s Work and play, whether in the home or in public lifo. It I) i. vcs [hill \anon are interested in 4.11 frrwrrrd Social mownrents in the Ionic and country, in education, u...nuul development. arts and (:r'zrfbs. immigration and good govornrnrnt;. and ii aims to show what is going on in they lines in its photographs and mticles. It aims to hpr the house- I;.eprr~ by publishing every gmrd (tomes-tic suggestion It can obtain. grad Tocelpr's .rnd occur-qu rruedlewor k Andi-urliou. IL {zin's suggestions for :urrmrr‘r and winter socinl gatherings. rounds i‘ere publiCntiuu ol' the host. r ml urporrrry fiction and of new books on prairie-n; household matters. In - intern (lt‘prll‘llllt'llL it is noted for accuracy and good fitting qualities. It has n children's dupurtrnent that is u tober 11th lrrngnzilie in list-If. ll. contains each n; u! h a number of shortstories and in “.0 our ry \\ inter will start a charming h-l'lltl story of which you will hour Metropolitan 10 o’clock Cur (u. "1.), more lsrLei'." m Liveev“ COAL wooo Coal and \\'00d Delivered. Prices Rlvht. - GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. ~'l‘hreshers’ Coal on hand. Michael Bros. Richmond {Kill June 11. 1905 RICHMOND HILL Rioans Tabules curs nausea. Ripans Ts‘oules: for sour stomach. krpsns Ts cures cure bad breath. ‘i' 'r;: us To hules cure flatulence «U ‘i ,rIL‘y6r1 n- .r : w: “7:, I l g l l $1.00 Ill AllVAliilE. FALL AND WINTER is now complete comprising Black and Blue W'orstcd Twills. Scotch 'l‘wceds, Fancy Trouseriugs, Overcoming, etc. Best quality. Low prices A. .5, HUME, Tailor, Richmond Hill Schomberg Fair Thursday and Frlday, oc- and 12th, 1906 Friduy, special sorvicr on the Srhom- burg :rnd Aurora. connecting with the from Toronto. and Nowrnzrr-ket. Also lute Cnl' from Schmnberg to Toronto and Nowrnur-kct. at 10.30 p. 111., at close of the concert. The following rates will apply to Sralrorubor'g. Good going on Octolu-r 11th and erh. and rr‘turning up to and on October 13th. Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '70 Richmond Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Newnrarket . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 l Other points on the Metropolitan. and the Schonrberg and Aurora tit ll. rate on the same proportion. “K H. MOORE, Manager. w. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly ++¢++¢+++++++++++++++++-I‘++ +d-+++~}'++++++++++++ '}‘+’i‘+’lr+~l- +++++++++++++++++++++++++ l I l I l attended to. SDIECNCE, RICHMOND HILL { L. - l 'i‘+-§'++++d~f+++++++++++++++ m it“s IBIS Billl n the Village of Richmond Hill. Co. of York, as brid out. by lNliU: ' (‘r-nsby. : Lino Imls 4*. III. r'ou. l..\I;II klrnru o. normer "‘ Srmko Ibril Four-o _____ I4 " E i ‘L , , - __3 I: is 12 1.,“ I; :n )3 H ":0 3 g “A A W s. a a 9 7 corrfim HEMP. 0 3â€"8 _,-;259_fl__ Z. 7 V 7250“ 7 gfil : lg 6 250 7 > El LL] ‘2 f) :biuifi 9 lg 4 #2539 gggggggggggg e. 2 '2 3 2m 5; 3 2 2m ,2, It! I ‘\'i-:) 1-K...” gsn --N 741:" '3 E £114.le :; Fm... ohn Brydon’s J A Good flhan in secure an education Ihat will most quickly and surer lit you for lllr- prrrr-tir'ul (Illlios of lilo, is offered by this school. Uudor now management with improv- ed oquipnwnl’ and courses, our oldost school is llro lli‘\\'HSt and our» of the best. “’ritc for calm Ioguo nan froo budget of "Busi- ness \Vr-iting." C6 89/ 7/5' H Y. M. (I. A. Bldg” Yongo Alt-Grill Sir-vols. Toronto T . M. WATSO \- 1 Principal CAKE FOIEIIS New in pattern, and “Rogers” quality ralze lolliS at $1 35. The price is rezr sonable considering first quality. JERRY Sll’ilTii PRACTICAL W ATC IIII‘IAKER BUSY NIGHTS Spent at Shorthnnd and Bookkeeeping courses such as we touch by Mail and at College will increase your value to the community and incidentally your Wealth. It will CrHt only a postcard to get the cheap- est terms ever offered for first rate College or Mail courses. 200 sits. lust year. R. A. Farquharsonsn. PRINCIPAL grunt Gaunrlirm “gamma (50112.32 Bank of Commerce Yonge Sr Bloor Sts. 796 Yonge St. TORONTO . , ; _‘ 3A-; .., tar-:3 “bergâ€"Pu." :â€" r2. PQTEQXN "-3' Eli." 5w“ g . our Maw & in? + +++++++++++++++++++++rl~++++ ++++H+++++++++++++++°§°++++ nm‘im a”. “5mm A: gmmm limits is tenors House to East III-uso in rout on Richmond sir-rel. Apply in (‘. MASON In tho irrrrllr-r ol' the li~tnlo rzf JANE NiXJl‘ Trilli' of :In- 'l‘uwuship (If Vaughan. in tho County of Yul-Ii". \\ ulow, tll‘l'l'2l\l(l. I-f . .1 ._’ Farm 1* or bent l<l ('Iru. l’l‘lHi Virihlxl‘wtmr Drunk" .frrl' lllllllt‘: ilrl‘r-r'urnlimr ' Apply in FRANCIS BRUSH, Thinnlrill. L Farm to Ben b and 33 in tho Ill-d run. I‘Nrr pnllir-ulurs :rpply in .I. l'}. (‘I.l'lil.\'l“.. lull 70. (Ml; Ridges. For Sale . Nolir-o is Ir-‘lr'by gixrn pursunul In ill. 5. (l. I 97. ( Il-rllll‘l‘ II'.)_ :rml nun-ud- urwuls lirr-rr-lu. limt :rll lrt‘l’Sl'llS linviug Mum..- ngniusr lln- r-~l.rl<- r-l lllv >Jllli .I:ruH .‘Iixmr. “'er din d on or :rlmul lhr- ‘7llr <I:I\' (DI .Irruo. lt'l‘li, mo in ~r-rul by Ipusl. [ir'wpriirL nr in Ill'll\l'l' in (In- llll- rIt-l'siurrt-rl sulirilms for tin-or'gv .Ir-lrrr (funk, Ibo l'Ixor'ulm of Mir List will fund tr-slnurwnl nl' \Hlll (Ir't'r'nsod. on or Ilrofm-u lho hvrvll'rlr .luy (if ()(‘ltrl)~l‘, lSllNi. llwir- II:lIlr-‘\. ruldrusms and (Ir-- srr-ipliuns, and full particulars of lbs-ix- violin-z, and [Mo uul lll'r' ul' llu- security, Iil nuv. In-I.I by llll'lll. duly \vriiiml by “moi-Air, unrl ni'lr-r lllr' mar dale lhn ‘ r-xr-wrrl'or-\\ill prom-ml rrrrli..lrilrrll"1lrr* asst-ls of tho Ill‘l'l-usml “rum-3.: llu- pur- suus outillr-d lllvlr-ln. Inning lr-gulvl in tho ('Inllllx‘ of “our. I‘m ~lrull llrv-u ll:l\elrnll('l‘.;|llll lirul IrI- will not In- Iiublo for llro war-ls so tlis:liI\Ill(‘1l_ul' lirt-lr-ul'. In any pr'l'Mrll of he shrill IIUL llicn hove Lots 34 of Vaughan. 0- l. f. lions-e illlll lol opposite Thornlrill‘ l’. U. (I :rr-r: r, guild \u'll and FISH ru. orchard :rud gurdr-u. Apply II. .I. I“I:JN\\'I(‘K. IZ-l Eghulou. For Sale or Rentl IIr-ll<(‘:{llll Iol. Illllll”(il2ll(‘l)' south of lllgh School. Richmond Hill. l’rrriu- "1”) I‘i'” _ I‘or'rrrnlinrr apply in whva olumr JAMES va'rr'm. notice. _ ‘ ‘ ‘ 15~tf Elgin nan... PEARSON & umvroN. , 1,. .. - . MrKinnr-n Building. A -. Strayed Molindu 5L. 'l‘lll'l‘llll), Solicitors l'ol' [ho ICXr-r-ulor. Dniod this lTLlrdayul'Soplmnbr-r,1903. (‘unro into lot 35. con. 1, Vaughan, on or ;.br:ut Sept. the 24th. one large red fur-row rmv. 'l'lwowm-r-mayhave the-.mrrro by prrniug plupr'l‘ty and paying oxpr-usps. B. ‘rVELDllICK. Inngstuff. lii’W FARM iiiâ€"tin nit â€"O F VA LUA BI .19“ Farm Property 153 PLEASANT l9” _ "‘"f â€"l;\' IVA Tho pl‘ilpl'lPl,Ol' ol Pleasant, View U I Her-(l Holslr'in (‘arttlo :rud Breodr‘rol' I 7 Improved Chi-slur- \\'hito Hugs. Lot. I P Ull 1 . ZS). lst (You, Vaughan ('l‘horuhill) has 1 U by 51'1" “mm” gm'd Y‘M'Vq “W'k' Ulrdrr instructions from Mr. T. (I. 'l‘borouglrbrr-d brill and hug kept. for stem ice on tho prcrrrises. 1). (i. GOODERHAM. ,l’rupriL-lor For Sale The undersigned, Int ~13. lst t'on., Vaughan. Mill Road. wishes to sell by private sale the whole of his house- hold el’l’w-ts. Intonding purchasers may come and examine furniture at any time. ED. Bil-{UH Strum, EXw-ulnr of thr' l‘Islnle oflho Into David Harding, thv-rr- will hoof- ferrd for snlc by public nur'lion by John H. Proulircr‘. nuolium-l'r: on Sul- urdny, October 27. at I} (1"‘Iuck p. ur., ontlu- property. thnt vulunblr- l'urur being the wrist. hqu of lot. No. 2l. iIr the 2nd con. P;er of Yougo Street in the Township of York. containing' one hundred mm us more or loss. 0!) the prupr-rty is Morn-d a good frame lllrllw and ber u buildings. Tim Soil ls. (:lny Ionur :rud woll \v;'.l.r'1‘I-ri.nml thrro is our- zrr-r'e of good bra-hard. I For furthvr iul'or'uruliou, terms if} sale, Pic” vita, :rpply to T. (I. Sire-rt,“ 15-2 llrclrmond I'lill v I _. _____ m- .-.. Bewtun l‘mwnk. or the uuvlm'sIgm-d. 1’ JACKICS ii; JACK EH, 28 TUl'uuln St. Toronto, Solicitors for levrcutov. Dated at Toronto this lBlh day of Scptcnrber, A. 1)., 15706. Fourtoou acres, con. 1, lot. 43. V;rl1;:lr;rn,(ult' mile south of the vil- Inge of Richmond Hill. on tho Mill Road. known as the Mill I’rnporiy. on which is Situulr-(I :r largo brick house, stublo and shed. lrnmr-diuLc possess- ion. Apply CHAS. ll. ICLLSTON. 41 Mncphorsou Avenue, Toronto. “litâ€"ii Sill? Township and County of York Tho undersigned her l'(‘(‘t'I\‘€‘(I inst! uc- ll-tf Fior Sale. I Gild‘XI UPS and The undersigned. who bus bought [ions from the fixer-ruins (.f [he Lute .' . ‘ . . the (It‘dill'lIIlIP Mills. lncalwl on line of \VILLIAM IANEON. lo (“11' for sale “her handle mJl‘e Schornberg and Aurora Ry” 61h con. by public lir n (ll tlm [‘l't'nrisrs. ri con}bll*ati0n Klll", has for Sulocâ€" oust ’lrull’ oi lot. :0, run. ‘2, l'ownsh'p a 1 cc ‘ 8O (Tuds dry hard and Soft wood slabs; (It Violli. (m Htlilllllily. October 13. for tlle complete ZOllCurds (Ir-y hard Wood; llillli, at 2 o'vlt't‘k in 1hr- .‘ll'tt‘l'llrmu,/ . 250 Cor-(ls hemlock \\'Uml; the following Villllillr‘lt‘ proprrty,” fork- 400 Cedar posts; \iZ:~Thv Post hulf of lot number- 13". in tho rl't‘wlrll concussion [If [1“; Township of York, in tho County of York, \\'r'<t of Yortgr- sin-ct, contain- iu;,r by iltlllll‘:l\lll('lllt'llL nur- lllllltll‘i‘lll m‘rr's rum 0 or busts. On this proporty lllt'l't‘ is :1 frame houso. kitchen rrlnl “tuul shod. :l. l'rnrnt- bur u, fmnw strblm :ru-l driving sllwl. The soil is: gru'. rIcry Ionns. The-iv are about sixty our-s lllr(l('l’ rul- rivuliou. fil‘trou :rr-rr-s of pasture Iluts, lr-u lit-H‘s (-l' slrrslrirc; and about twunty-livo :rrrcs in lllllllL'l', and is “W” \Villt‘l'l’ii. II is in :r Iim-ly srltled district, with “maul growl rr-uds, on Him! is known us "l‘iur-h's Side Line," :1 mile and n rilml'tr‘i' “it's! of Yongr- street. and is about uuvuud ll.r~r-o-qu.~rr-l,r-rmilos from the \‘illzlgvs of \Villmvrlulc and Noun ton Brook. through which the Metro. politan Elm-trio Ilrrilwuy passes, and about ten miles from Toronto Mru-kct. Possession will be given the pur- ‘ (‘IlllSl'l' on closing solo, subject to the right of llli‘ pr-vsrui tenant to remain llrrtll Ibl' April. lilllT. Terms of s:rlu:-â€"-'1‘e n per cent. of the purchase money on day of sale, and bnlrrncc in thirty duys without, inter- est. The Exocutors reserve. the right , to YIlEIkC‘ one bid, and the usual condi- ‘ tions of sale by Exocutnrs shall r govern. For particulars apply to THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORâ€" PORATION, (‘ornt-r Yonge and Col- borne streets. Toronto. or to J. H. PRENTICE, Unionville, Auctioneer. And SIriugIr-s null Lumber ofull kinds. \Vill deliver at any shillrrll or siding of the Metropolitan Hy. ALFRED LLOYD. 15-3 Pr'llugotillo. Oul. LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED At (uu‘o for RICHMOND liILI. and surrounding dish iris. lll(lll CLASH Hl’l'3(_‘l.e\l.'l‘il7.8 in Fruit and (h'unrnr-nlul Stuck grown and for“ sfllt‘ by HIGII CLASS SPECIALTIES A pt-rumnrul siluulioll for tho right party. Liberal iuducumr-rrts. l’uy weekly. lliilrliMrlllI} Irv-o unliil. ‘ . \Yr'ite for terms and Culqloguo, and i send 2:30. in slumps for our I’m‘lili'l‘ L‘lAGNIFYING (inns. m- 3w. for rrlll.‘ HANDY METAL HACK SA‘V. STONE AND WELLINGTON Foothill Nurse-ring. (Over 800 acres. TORONTO. ONT. CIDER . Cider made every day of! Ithe week except Wednesday during October and Novem-; ber’ at Daggers Cider ‘ northâ€"wr-st quarter of lot 48, Ist. con. , Vaughan, 1} miles west of Richmond W I Hill. On the premises are a. stable. 0 . lmrd and soft water. fruit trees, cellar, ; i'iC. Possession given at any time. ' , 1’ ice, $600. A ply to PI‘OPI‘IOIOI‘ , ‘ JTrrEs WIGMORE. T‘livhmrm'I Hill P. 0. I Toronto. Sept. 215i. 1906. For Sale A good seven room brick house. with two acres of land, being the 14- 15-4 -‘ / /. if

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