\Vith prices iilw those it. will on toanticipatt- [1:0 future. \\'9( al Brqu $1.75 per doz. tins; a1'01 Brand $1.75 per chm; C ' nd $1.70 per don; money cu beLLel' quality than these salx 10!] will be much higher. A son ,& Switzer. I‘Pglllill‘V‘ pllhliullillg day THE LIBERAL Iwill be\ pnhlisllz-d nu “’ed1w.~dzly of next, “it-9k. (‘un‘vs mndvms will please hear (his in mim‘I and endeavor to send in! correspnndeuce a day earlier than usuu‘J. “has been 'unfmlunutl- valuable. hnmd nmws. sick about, 51}: Weeks he funeral (If the late Mrs. Hall- 1, wife vf Mr. I. J. Hallnmn. post- ‘s eruf Duwmm City. Yukon, ((mk "P from the residence of Mr. Gen. Suuth. Aurora. Tuesday :aftt'rmmn. [nu-11 tent in the Aux urn cenwtery. year-01d Cult lust wus‘in good um warning of any n pnsturing with (- seen to walk in t! and died in n. few Think of Dr. Shoop’s Catan-h Cure if your nose and throat dischargesâ€"If your breath is foul 01- feverish. This snow White soothing balm contains Oil of Eucalyptus. Thymol, Menthol, etc.. incorpomued into an imported, creamlike. \‘elvety petrolatum. It soothes. heals. puriï¬es, control. Call at our store for flue trial box. \V. A. Sanderson. The usual united Thanksgiving SP1“- vice Will be held in the Methodist church on Thanksgiving Day. 18th October, at 11 o'clock. Rev. J. A. Grant. M. A., will l't‘dcll the sermon. A collection will 9 taken up in be- half of any poor in the village. N'e-xt Mnndny owning the Length»- will ln- in change of the literary dcâ€" uI-lmont. MRS Mvnlen will give ivnnysun‘s “In Menuu-imn.†Spc-ciul Minsk: will he pnnided. All are im'il» (-(l‘un attend. The somi-anmml “we Ontarin Curling Assoc†ln-ld at the Qllm-n City I street. Tux-mm». next Tl n‘rlnck mm. 1‘lw Ric-[mu vii! svnd a represvutzuiw A ‘re mlhvr 01 mu- .1“ th James 8:1} yrxti‘l'dsly morning songeerin go [I nuunceiuvnt. The Wait Lin next Mohd The W. M. S. met at the Methodist 1' "pH-"w m“ “fâ€? """m‘ “5†“‘““°“ church Tuesday afternoon and acked mus“ 0“ both dd) 5 9f the fan" their annual box of clothing an other ' . articles for the poor in the nmthem : THANKSGIVING RATES part of, the_ Province. Refyeshmggtsl __Spociu]_ rates will behi§suoq on the; \Ve' tun-e waver better- prep‘n-ed to give- extra value in all lint-s of staple and fancy (ix-y gnuds; stocks omnplete in all departments. Alkinsmx & Swilzer. gostiun of llw, the other lnok died Sunday ni fouéwed and over $10 was taken. The freight on the‘ box will be about $8. 'l‘lu‘ Mix‘sinnzn-y Sm-ial gin-n by the Victoria Square Epwanh League was largely amended and may much NJ- juyml by a“. Rt‘fl'PShllll-‘ntb‘ and en- lvrtnimnenb Hide all that cuuld he dv- nil-mi. Lilacs in full hlmuu. and as in like arm-M11 “1" May. w few days ago at thu :- Standard Bank. Lilac: aw cvrtainly u. nun-Hy. RYE-u camx vxtm granulated sugar 22 lbs. for $1.00: Redpath’s puwdm'e-d Mlgul' 20 Hm. fur $1.00. Atkinson 8; Hwitzor. ‘ Squam- young tum-n. on the Rally svl'vicv. ’l‘he TUTOIIIU \VUIM is $3.00 New )‘(wu'ly SlU'SPl‘ilwxs can 1 pagmr frum this (lute (ill Jun .papm' fruui this date till Jnl‘lllml‘y l 1908. m-nrly 15 ILUIIHIS, for $225 1)} whsm-ihing with THE LIBERAL. “UV. \V. l. “Wartâ€: 3mm a 1wry in- twrmling wrmnn to the Victoria mm & Suzitzm R-m‘. A. P. Brnm- (an-nuhl'd spvri Ndnduy Selma] Raltly svrmuns Amm-n nu Sumluv [um-Hing and qur Hut-11L “'4‘ wish t'msvll yma Mlly the things yun \Vi‘oh to buy. Alkiusnu & Switzvr. Mvn’s he-nvy “'unl shillsnmldruwors art $l.0() pol-suit. 0.qu \zu'uu. Alkiu- 1f ynu do not want to buy we hug yml tn luuk. Atkinsnn 8: Switzol'. 'l'lm I'HPYP, Hulk and :lssl-SSt-l‘ nu-t‘ lust (’\'l'llil1g and uc-lm-te-d junu-s fur Hu- fulluwing u-uxt terms. \Vvstun Fair. pmilpunw] I «lay tm amtmml «:5 HH- mi: hl‘ld Saturday uf {his work. .\l E h 2 M r. H. "R The W. (7‘ 'I‘. U. will Insan’s next, Tuesday (\1ifkifk. [(101)10er H1 LI‘ Fin-s1 smmustm-m 0L‘t()ht‘l‘ '1-04 14()(3‘ ‘hanksgiving Day falls on our gpulfljflï¬ng dayjfliu LIBERAL N. Buy Cult lil: i [he lungs. nhd died. [00k the same disease ay night. Heise, of V late the futurv. \Ve qunze vm- Rvd Snckeye Salmon, $1.75 per doz. tins: Monâ€" $l.75 per doz.; szne per doz.; mmwy cannot. quality than these 121.11 r-yle Inst a valuable two lust Saturday. The Cult, cnnditinn, and gave no my ailment. IL had been h other 1101895. and was In the lun-nym-d, licduwn few seconds. gq ihmugh. as per an- J‘he-y were asked to Monday. nymph-1m Sumlny ant-1‘â€" m:cu~'iuu nf the League, um- oitizc-ns went out Bay Railway statinn ml meeting of 1119 Assucmtiuu will be I) City Clull. (.‘hm-r-h lth Tllusday at. 11 J Richmond Hill Club v, 0NT.. Ovt. ll magnum] last Sutnr. f lhv min. will be his week. to seq t1“: ï¬rst pas 1.0†:1 your. a}! gel: that wvn- piorkt-d u l't‘dl‘ (-f the s in October mPvL art Mrs. aftt-rmmn at fragrant Atkinâ€" and 1906 Metropolitan. and the Schomherg and Aurora, good going on Wednesday and Thursday. Oct" 17th, 18th, and good returning until Monday Oct. 220d. The former single fare will applv for this special rate, good he- teeu all way points. Late service from Toronto at 11.30 p.m., on Thanks- giving night, for Newmai-ket. and Intermediate points, also at 10.45 p.1n.. for annntn and Intermediate Points on the holiday only.â€"Ghas. L. Wilson, Tramc Manager. Preventivs, as the name implies. prevent, 21.11 fluids and (hippo wth “taken at the snveze stngv." Pre- venlics ax-u {unthsumv (:zmdy tablets. Pl‘f‘VPnUCS dissipate :1†mldx‘ quickly. and taken em'lv, when you ï¬rst fee] that. a cold is (mining. Hwy check and prevent. them. le‘entics are thorâ€" oughly S‘lft‘ fur clzildwn. and u-s effu-tunl fm- adults. Sold and recum- monrlvd in 5 cent. and 25 cent boxes by \\'. A. Sanderson. A yu-r-tty family Wedding tank place at York Mills~ on \‘(Hlnwsrluy of last “'ka. when Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. errell. was married to Mr. Gln‘rksnn Stynphuns of Toronto. The l)1‘i(l(- was prettin gnwned in cream vulienue m‘er taffettn. duintilv trimmed with lace. and (‘Hl'llI-d a magâ€" niï¬cent bunch of bridal rusos'. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens left, for tlwenst, Mrs. Stephens travelling in :l. nary glue tailured suit, with n. smart blue at. and Thursday of next wank. the 17th and 18th of October. As the last day of the fair is Thanksgiving Day a very large crowd is expected. The speedmg events are as follows :â€"First day: amgle horse. in Harness, best 8 in 5; Pony race, 13 hands or under, in bar- ness, best 2 it" : Saddle horse. Second day: single horse in harness. open to all. Brass bands will furnish music on both days of the fair. nmanmi the boy. “and, oh. how I ache!††You dim‘t ache.†answered .thu wientlst; “you uni'y think so.†The hwy hmde up in astonishment at such a stun :m-nt. and then rvplied in :I must positive malmm': “That’s all right; you may think so. hut I’ve got inside infm-unuiun." As usual the ofï¬cers and dimctms offer :1 good prugl'mmue for \Vnud- bridgfl Fair to be held nn \Vednpsday and Thursday of next wank. the 17th cunm acruss :1 small lmy sitting under an apple {1'99 duultlvd up with pain. " My little mun.†he snid. "what is the maltvr? " “I ate sump gwen apples," “made the hm‘. “and. uh. how I “'hs-n {he tip nf a dog’s nose is cold .marl (wrist. that, (lï¬g is nnt sick. A {m vrish dry nnse Inwms SleHPSS with :1 (log. And so with the lmnmn lips. Dry. cracked and (-ulnrlvsm' lips mean fm Grislmess. and are as well ill appear-- inz. Tn lmn- lwantiful. pink, \‘r'lYt-‘t- like lips. apply at bedtime a (mating uf llr. Shump‘s Green Salve. It will soften and ball any skin aillnvnt. Get/u Two. tnul hnx.ut um' stun). and hp (-onvinved. Large nickel cappvd glass yrs, 25 cents. One of our good faruwrs was telling on the strewth )‘PSt-Prda y :L conversation he chnnttvd tru hour betwuâ€"m a young hay in his tee-us and a Chlistian Scientist. It :Ippmzs the Scientist cunm acruss :1 small lmy sitting under le Mothudist Cunfvl'enct‘ sitting :It Mann-Pa] :Idupu‘d thtI report. of the Discipline (‘vmnmittuo fur the full()\\'â€" in}: urder (IfS(‘l'\'il:P: Mm-ningâ€"DUXO» logy, innovation. hymn. prayer. nnthvm 01' hymn: Sm-ipnu'e‘lossuus (one from Hm New 'l‘vstuun-nt); col» lectiun (if hvfure seq-mun): hymn, ser- mon. prayer. unflu'ï¬xm “(if nth sur- mnn; hymn. benediction. silent pmym- (the mmgregutimn standing “'ifll hmvod heads). Evening svrvice sump, with [be second lt‘ssnn upliunu]. On Sunday vaning HfLPI‘ a sermon syerialiy Ln ynung men. RP". A. P. b‘rm-e lt’m'iVPd twrnty candidates into fafll membership with Hm dint-ch. The urn-nime was snlenm and im- pressh‘v as tlw pastor and his ui'ï¬r'ials extended to the candidates the right hand of fPiiUVVShlp. It is an inspiring sight to $90 so many ymmg pimple (le- Im-unned (a stand on the side uf God and light. Th9 Nuwmm-kvt sclmnl hmmd are offal-lug Lwn sclmlm'ships fur pupils [Making the higlwst numlwr nf marks at, [he lCntl-nncv Exumiymliuns in that tmvn. Much Slfllulnl'Sal llh'nlh‘ free (with-n at the High Srhmrl fur Lwn yvurx. One sr‘unlurship will he fur pupils, l-vsillunrs of Newumlket. and Illi‘liun at the High Sxihuul fur nu» years. One sr‘nnlurship will he fur pupils. rosillenrs «If Newumlket. and Llw nthvr fl'l‘ those outside nf thP town. The idea is certainly a good one. The Vaughan MllllhtPl‘ial Assuciatinn will rum-L nn Monday, Oct. 15th.. in \anlhridge Methodist, Church at, 2.30 p.m. and In.- :uldressl-d by the Rev. Dr. (llmwu uf TUI‘HHUI. leu in the eve-hing at 8. p.11). u public nweting will he held wlwn Dr. ()huwn will delive-x- the (-hir-t' address of the eve-n- ing. Rt-v. H. A. 1mer Krinhnrg. Em-m- Hly Sum-rimwulent. uf th Fwd Vic- lnr Mmsiun, Tux-unto. will pn-mrh in thv lehudist x-hnn-h Ina-x: Sunday nmrning. Mr. Fish is :In vinquwnt, and fnrueful Sgwuke'l'. In the evrninz lh-v. \V. S. Ir'win wiil wig; “Is [hm-e- zmy walny in H, Macy of rum-ling: Christ?" Mr. A. J. Hum» has rmxn'vd intn th fruul [ml-L “I (bu Fin- Prnut Hmâ€? which hns her notu ï¬tted up for H. [alluring PstalhliShU-Ikllt.» The stow is dividml by a parï¬ijnn running east and West, tha mmlh pal-L lu-ing the \vm-k shup. and the nurth part “18 show-11mm. STEPH ENSâ€"BIRRELL. “'OOI)BRIDGE FAIR e'l'. In the evmling will pI-eacl‘; suhjeut: “my in the vxpvct- hl-ist?" Dr. (,‘rmlltvr, Ds‘pnty Pustmustel' Gs-neml, who (-uuw from Ottawa. Ln utH-nd the funm-ul uf Mrs. l-lurlluam, wife Hf Pustmnstul- Hartman m Dun-sun (My, span part (:l'f Saturday bore with his sistrl's, Mrs. Campbell and Miss Unulte-r. Mr. and Mus. As‘hfnul “Right and little daughter Mmjurie returned Thursday after a six weeks’ Visit in the \w-st. They spl-nt‘ a part of the time nL Regina wuh Messrs. Alfred and James \Vright. Mr. (imnrge Sterling uf The Manu- fnctmm's Life Ins. Umnpany, Ton-mun, ax-rivvd here (>1) Saturday from New- l‘nunzllzlml when-e he has liven fur funi' months. uml spent 2L happy Sunday with his sister Mrs. Callaghan. A. P. Brawl), spent a. New]; in Tun-unto visiting fric‘nds and has returned to Lhe Parsonage. Mr. Jnhn McMahon. Inspector of ties and luidgex fur the C. P. R. in [he North-“RM, who is having a month’s huliduys, spent Thumduy with his hruthvr, Mr. T. F. A‘lt-A’Inlmn. Miss Lnum Brmkvy of Newton Brunk, was a \‘isitm at, the Parsonage (m \Vednesdny of lust, week. Mrs. Ellis‘ Sheppard of Nut-{h Gwil- limlmry. spvnt :L short ï¬lm" at the Pax-snnngv on her \‘i :w to Cbira-gn. Mr. C. N. viann hf Alden, N. Y., is‘ making a \isit with his hi‘Otht-l's, Messrs. Junws and Andrew Newtun. 5"†Faith Miss Fursyth. Smuffvlllv. visited with the Misses Barker last Sunday. Mr. Mm-Iey Barker of Stnuffville, spent over Sunday with his parents hex-e. STEPHENâ€"BIRRELLâ€"On “'ednes- day, 0%. 3, at the home (if the ln‘irle's parents. Yurk Mills, by the Rev. Mr. Tihbs, Ulnx-ksnn Stvphvn of Toronto. to Annie- Bin-q II. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bin-ell. VALLIERâ€"CASELYâ€"At Lungstaï¬â€™. Ivy Rev. Gen. McKinley, nn \Vednes- day. Oct. 3, FlossiP. secund daughter of R. Caselv. to Lesliv anliel'. One of those delightful and interest, ing pit-lures that lu'ings suuehiue to om-‘s home is entitled “A Tug of \Vat'.“ and has lwen Selected hyt-he Family Herald and \Vt-ekly Star of Montreal as theirnnnunl gift, to sub- scl-ibers Lhis season. IL is a beautiful grau‘ure, 22x29 inches, on the best plate paper. It, Certainly is :1 gem Worthy of the best place on the walls of any home. \Vhl-u one sees the picture. and learns that it, is absolutely free. to all who subscribe to that great fumin weekly there is no longer cause to wonder why the Family Herald and \Veekly Star has {he times the num- ber of readers of any other weekly in the country. Any pet-Sun remitting one dollar far in year‘s suhsmiptiou to the, Family Herald and “Weekly Star of Montreal will get the picture free. nuLlfrom the demand We learn you cannot; get your dollar in too quickly. "The Tug of \Vnr†is :1 high class pro- duction and Would command a high price if sold in the stores. but is re- served for Family Herald subscribers. Smm- time ugï¬ a nmtinn was niath by a hutcl-kveper to qu:nsh thelucul optiun hy-Iuw in Pickering. twelve diffvrent, reasons heng stated for such an order. The hy-law pnssvd With a majority nf 20:") out, of a. tutal vote «If 1.260. The Divisional Cum-l, on Sutur- (lny set aside the order. Local option is lhmofure Iistill in force in Pickering township and village; pnimnous drug. But. it'pussq-s Dr. Shunp‘s Onugh (‘ure as made for 2!) years. entirely free. Dr. Slump all along has bitterly uppusml l‘hn use «If all npinn-s or Imrculil-s. Dr. Slluull's (Tough (Flu-e is absolutva safe (Wk-u for the. ynungest lmlwâ€"â€"nnd itcuros. it ans not simply sllp])l‘+-s>'. Get a safe and reliable Onugh Cure, by simply insisting on having Dr. Slmup‘s. Let the law he ymu' prutw-Linn. “W- chee-x-fully renmnmvnd and sell it. \V. A. Sandt‘rsnn. will mark it ma the JAVIQ-IVLVf‘nvvm-y (‘vugh Cum-(«mtuilfing Opium. Chlnru- AZEE Aflom Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res- cue with a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a regular hair medicine. Falling hair is caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. Mrs. Sim-ks. mothm- of Mrs. (Rem) The best kind of a. testimonialâ€"â€" “ Sold for over sixty years.†TH E BY-LA \V STANDS. PERSON ALb‘. “A TUG OF \V'AR.“ MARRIAGES O. Ayn.- Co.. Lomï¬. nun. maul-0mm:- of SARSAPAEILLA. PILLS. cmm Vanzént & Waring. Veterinary Sur- geons2 twenty-ï¬ve years of practical Have just arranged with the Veter- inary Specialty Cu. to sell the follow- ing remedies : Stock Tonic and Blood Puriï¬er, Indigestion and Colic Cure, Spavin Cure, Worm Powders. Cough Remedy. Poultry Tonic, Louse Death Autisceptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- sinn, Black Oil, Heave Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aphordisiac and Anti-Ster- ile Powders, Diarrhoea Cure for Colts and Calves, Leaking Naval «35 Joint Disease. _ _ r _ experience. v..r_-_,_. A cuuplm in every package entitling the holder to Free Veterinary Advice. For sale x†s' “4’ “ Satisfaction Guaranteed FARMERS TAKE NOTEGE -++~z«:~++~:~~:~+~z~~:~+»s-+~§ +++++++++++ M»:-++++++++MM+MW§ -:-+~:-~:~+<«zâ€"+ . ‘5' MM+++++++~z~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~z~+++~z~ ++++++H+~2~~3~+++++++++~x~++a Iianges. {Furnaces :uu floaters is now on hand and we invit your inspection of a full stock of the leadin makes. Iï¬epairing and Eave- troughing pronxptly (10:10 These stoves have all the latest improve- ments and are without a doubt the best on the market. F. J. PETHICK &- SON. The Live Gpnex-al Agents of Richmond Hill. Bur fall Stack of Richmm‘ad Eiii ï¬ardwam 3m We don’t do We do W'hatever increases expense without increas- ing facihues Whatever gains comfort and value for cus- tomers ‘ And when we do it expense is no considera- ATKHN§ON & SWETZER What we don’t do AND What we do C. SGELEE We do keep store. We don’t ask credit. \Vc don't seek large proï¬ts. \Ve don’t make extravagant displays \Ve do sell on close margins. We do buy for cash. We do show large assortments. \Ve do give customers comfort. That enables us to retain the con- ï¬dence ofcustomers and name those moderate prices that continually m- crease the popularity of this busy store. We don’t give discounts. -X-++-§~I"X<!~+ 14-3 14â€"2 Young woman to help with house- work. Three in family. clean, well-lighted Boy Want-ed ' wanted tn learn lailming Apply Atu _ +++++++++++++ +~x~++++ For Sale Wanted MRS. WILLIAMS Gate of Standard Bank A. J. HUME ‘+~ x-+++~:~+ '--§-++++a '«M Richmond Hill :111{i