NW Disclosures at Court Martial at ' Russian Ports. A desputch from St. Felons-burg says. mimilf‘r of a mmpzmv ol the Pcrnom The cuurt-nidt'tiul of. Cronslndt Wednesday began the trial of the three ringleader-s of the mutiny on board the among the political offenders confined. ‘OI‘DCJO gunbout 2. Kazanatz. Aug. 011 Regiment. which on Aug. 16 killed two political prisoners during an outli‘rhli in the Central l’rison of Muscliw. Sev- Next week the court will begin trying ei'nl members of drumhedd courtsnior- 295 members of the crew of the battle tin! huVe also been sentenced to death ship Alexander 11.. who refused to obey Capt. Pelroff's orders to enter the ship‘s boats and assist in suppressing the mutiny all Criinstndt. A court-mnrlial at Libuu. in Com-land. has found 23 suitors of the transpOI’l Riga guilty of mutiny in August last Wednos to various “' and has sentenced them terms of imprisonment at hard labor. The seriousness of the August mutiny was revealed at the oourt-lnal'tiuls held at Cronsladt. Helsinglors. Revel. Riga. Iabau, and practically every Baltic port. showing that the whale fleet was honeyâ€" combed with sedition. An unreported mutiny of the 21st East Siberian Regiment, which distin- guished itself in several battles in Man- churia. has been disclosed by the verdict of a court-martial held at Blagovicshtâ€" ChenSk. Asiatic Russia. which has sen- tenced six of the ringleaders to death, three others to hard labor. and 19 to serve various terms in the disciplinary battalions. Tuesday’s record of executions. as the result of the sentences of drum»hcud court-martinis. includes four Anarchists put to death of Kiev and seven bandits executed at Bakhmut. The latter were shot owing to the inability of the author- lties to procure a haugmen. TERRORISTS AS BANDITS. A despatch from St. Petershurg says: Twentyofive robbers recently boarded a Russian steamship as passengers. seized the vessel after they had over» powered the crew. and took 12,000 roubles and the valuables of the pas- sengers. > The pellet: on \‘t'ednesday afternoon captured several of a party of revolu- tionists who had planned an attack on the cashier of the Customs House. Many shots were fired and one man is said to have been killed. -__‘ CAPT DZIANHOWSKY KILLED. A despatch from Moscow says. Capt. Dzianhowsky. who was shot and killed in a street here on Wednesday. was as- sassinated in pursuance of a sentence of the revolutionists. He was the corp- l l t by the revolutionisls. \VI'I‘TIS IS HOI‘I-IFUI" A (lespntch from Paris snys: Count and Countess \\'ilte arrived here on day from Germany. The Count. considerably improved in he has ‘ the theatre at night, health. attended his presence attracting much attention. He says he. has absolutely no connection with the direction of affairs in Russia, but is following the developments with the kecncsl interest. Continuing. the fermer Premier said: “The Empire is passing through _a great crisis. but although I am a pessv mist at present I have not abandoned hope of seeing eventually evolved a Parliamentary and monarchical regime suited to the needs of the country." _â€".â€"- THREW BOMB AT GOVERNOR. A despntch from Simbirsk. Province of Simbirsk. Russia. says: Gen. Staryn- kcwitch. Governor of Simbrisk. had a narrow escape Il‘Olll assassination on Thursday. A bomb was thrown at him. wounding him in the hand and leg. His injuries are not fatal. DEADLY POISON IN BOMBS. The London Telegraph’s correspondent at. St. Petersburg says that bombs seiz- ed by the police in their recent raid in tin lingineers’ Institute contained a bar- barous device for destroying life by prus- sie acid. When such a bomb burst even the smallest fragment that was in con- tact with the acid would cause speedy. death if it scratched the flesh. Many injured by bombs in the past have been cured. but nobody hurt by these bombs could be cured. FINANCIAL OUTLOOK BETTER. A desg'atch from St. Petersburg says: The oftlcial telegraph agency has circu- lated a calming explanation of Minister Kokovtzett’s report. \viidinp up withtlie declaration that the liuuncinl outlook in Russia is decidedly favorable. Forty Terrorists stopped a railroad train near Ufa on Friday and seized $1,300. ; +4. 4. 4 4. + 4. g 4 + I + + + I - + lllllllllt lllltl ¢ HHHH++++++H++++H§ A vi y pleasing menu containing the favorite dishes of 'l‘hanksgivings, both fancient and modern.†is the follow- mg:â€" +++++++++ ++++++++++. Raw Oysters. Brownbrend Sandwiches. Roast Turkey Stuffed with Chestnuts. Cranberry Sauce. Pickled Peaches. Celery. Baked Ham. Cider SouCe. Chicken Pastry. Mashed Potatoes. Creamed Onions. Bruwned Sweet Potatoes. Scalloped Squash. Ginger Shtrbet. Lettuce and Walnut Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Pumpkin Pie. Mince Pie. Cranberry Tart. Baked lndian Pudding. with Cream. Ice Cream. Sponge Cake. Coffee. This may seem rather a formidable m-‘uu to the women without superior help. yet so many of the dishes may be prepared beforehand . that. it need necessitate very little more cooking when the day arrives than that required for the usual Sundny dinner. The day before. the turkey may be made ready for roe-Sting, the chestnuts looked and mashed for the shilling. and uh the dry ingredients for the Illilklllg it mixed to~ gelher, the chickens cooked for the pas~ try. the crust mode and set away in a ! morning arrives the least. possible work and time will be required to put it in perfect order. Autumn leaves. golden grain and richâ€"hired Chrysanthemums are season- able and beautiful for Thanksgiving decorations. and a charming centrepiece for the table may be arranged with different varieties of fruit or vegetables, carefully cleaned and artistically placed. If children are to be in the gathering small cakes and wholesome sweet- meats will be in great demand. Cookies are always pepulur. and a very nice way to "dress" them is the following: After they have been baked spread Some of them with a wash made by beating the yolk Of an egg very light with two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar and two tablespoonfuls of blanched and coarsely chopped almonds. Return these to a slow oven until slightly browned. The white of the egg may be used if preferred. but should only be beaten enough to free it from stringincss. A very nice and wholesome sweet is made by mixing equal quantities of fresh popcorn and shelled. blanched. and coarsely chopped peanuts; heat as much molasses as will be required with oneâ€"half of its bulk in sugar, and when very hot pour just enough OVUI' the pup- corn and peanuts to stick all nicer to- gether. and fOrm into small bars. cakes and balls. It the mixture is sticky too much molasses has been added. but this mistake is easily rectified by work. ing in more of the popcorn. Stuffed dates are another delicious bonhon. Stone the dates and ï¬ll the hollows with an almond or walnut meat which has been dipped in n syrup that will' randy. 11 the hollow will hold a cool place. the cranberry sauce made. raisin as well. so much more delightful and jellies. pickles and other foods may for the palate. When stuffed give each even be placed in readiness on dishes date a thick routing of the some syrup. for serving. it kept in 11 Cold place and roll in blanched. chapped almonds. or carefully covered. the pies may be made two days heft-rel harden. and cakes where they will not dry out. at the some time. if kepti-pn-pnrc. but are worth the trouble. If more convenient walnuts. and toy on buttered pining to These lll‘C‘ rather tedious to It NHIS "1113‘ is 21 form of cooking. too. which delights be cracked. mixed with l‘iil<.l‘.\ ;.-..t looâ€"l the ctnldn-n of the household. and they lions. and placed in the rlslies ready for! may be quite safely lu‘ trusted to per- serving. Even the vegetables may be: form such wu-rk most satisfactorily almost I‘C‘ï¬d)’ lOl‘ lllt‘ llllllt‘ lllE’ day limi'affgr one or two experijnpnjs_ fore. and if cert-fully cooked no 0,... need ever discover that they have luh’llEQHIHd is a; warmed over. The Onion: ma,~ he boil-mi mated beets into symmetrical cups midi .tllt‘i 1.11 ‘ and mashed ready tofnjghl, “‘0 SW0“ it‘liilim‘e‘ PM“! 'reserved for such Purposes! cut the let- hlnshed potatoes; tuce into shreds. just before the (llniior'qhflmge of supplv here. A rise of two- must of course he prepmol just before} is to be served. ‘ ' ‘ time to serve. Sauces may ulso be made; of chopped walnut mum- {nr each cuprm September (jamumn Fm in reudiiuss for the cream sauce. squash boiled scallop. and boiled for browning. on the piorious day. and all baking done cscrpt ' the pudding. livery hit of china. glass and linen should he put in readiness betorohnud and cups. pleasing follows : A way to serve the (Tut good-sized very stand in seasoned vinegar over With a pair of sharp scissors Allow a talil-‘spc‘vontul and mix with lettuce. tos< tightly in a French dressing. and tin into the heel Garnish with a star of golden mayonnaise. The red. green and yet- lhe hou~e :ill swept. dusted mid low combination looks very pretty and decorated. so that when thanks giving is as palatable as it is handsome. SEVENTYâ€"FIVE MEN ENTOMBED. Deadly Explosion in a Virginia Coal Mine. A despatch from Bltiet‘tetd. \'n.. says: As the result of an explosion on \ved. nesday afternoon at the Vt'estfoi-k mines of the Pocahontas (that (Zolllrries (:om~ puny. where the explosion of ll.le oc- curred in which Superintendent ()‘hlal- toy and sixteen others lost their lives. seventy-five men are supposed to be en- lOllll‘f‘tl. The. mine is reported to be on ï¬l‘e and the work of rescue is retarded. The cause of the explosion is not deter- mined. tircut excitement prevails in the neighborhood of the mines. Crowds of ,incn. women and children remained ‘oiuund the drift mouth anxiously R\\'(11l< my news of relatives and friends among lllt' musing. A-†DIIANK SOOTIIING SYRUP. ll’olii‘~yrarâ€"old Montreal Boy Drank Con- tents of Bottle. A despntch from Montreal says: Iler- mennilde Vermette. four yours old. whose parents live at 1.0.59 St. llomlni- que street is dead. the result of an owl'â€" dose of soothincY syrup. “him his mo- ther \vns washing in the hawk of the house the little fellow spied a bottle of soothing syrup on the kitchen tattle. Liking the taste of the mixture. he drank the whole contents. Thereafter he wandered out into the back yard. where parently asleep. All efforts on her part to awake him proved futile. and. all- though medical assistance was procur- ed. he passed away without regaining consciousness. Wâ€" KICKED TO DEATH. “'innipeg Man’s Fate at Ilauds of Two Bartenders. A despntch from Winnipeg sols: Fat- al'y kicked in the barâ€"room of the Stork Exchange Hotel. Logan Awuur‘. on Saturday night. Thomas Humphrey's. an remploye of Gordon. lronsides and Fore‘s _.__. not long after his mother found him. ap- . CROP OF APPLES “'ILL BE FAIR. .â€". Nova Seotia Expects to Export Same as Lost Year. About A despotch from Halifax. N. S., says: The Nova Scotia apple crop this season will. in quantity. be about the some as lost your. when 325.000 turrets were exâ€" ported to foreign markets. In quality the crop is fair. grovensteins are it fail- ure. ln regard to price it is not expect- ed that they will be quite as high (is .Iast year. when on average of $2.75 per fhzlrrel was noted. but the returns mil the good. Advices from England are that the crop. which at one time promised to he very abundant. ha; been materially idlminishcd through drought and gates. White the recent hot weather has roused it to mature quickly so that it will not kmp well. and the fruit will be off the. market earlier than usual. Prices in Now York will be higher than at the mrrmpondinp time last year. In Novn Sr-otin thy are advancing. Buynrs no. gun potting Slim per barrel and are now l‘ll/‘I'tllg $2 in some cases for run of tircliul‘d. MW “'IXVII‘IIG Sl‘FI-‘IIIIS BY FIRE. IOvcr $l0.tlll(l Damage. Done in Immense Lumber Yard. A (lF‘<I>;tll.'l‘l from Winnipeg says: A .diuistrous fire occurred in the immense. ltuintmr yard in Fort Rouge of tax-Mayor Arbuthuot on Saturday night. when div magic to the extent of $401M) \vns done. The fire started in the boiler-roruu with a strongr northvwest breeze and was quickly beyond the control of the 'Dl'l- glide. The heaviest loss was OCt'flF-lfll'l- ed in the destruction of the mill (ind ten cars of expensivo mouldings stand- ing on a siding nearby. The loss is lfulty cavercd by insurance. § ‘4â€" HIGIII‘JST 0N RECORD. lI4‘ire Losses From .Innunry lo Septem- ber Total 3500582750. A dz spzitch from New York says: The abattoir. died within 15 lllli’llltr‘s or lusty.“ m. mg m H“, Unum “WK and frcmoval to his home. llumphreys was .(lmlmm (m..ng [he "mum 0! Sepmnbm. drunk and quarmknme and m m" Tits compiled by the Journal of Commerce 'cmxrso of a ï¬ght in the ‘ l har two of thefmm commercial Bulletin aggregates lbartendm's‘ Mrm'nomery mm gnvagԠ3“ l$ftl.h_’;_.5.’;ti. or about $3,000.0th hclow tempted to put him out of the building. .mc “I We 5mm. mmâ€, m jolly), While being ejected he was kicked over “he mm mnn'ms. losses by m}. no“. Both bartenders were ar-lrmcj. H... Sum of its/100587.750. :1 figure nmcr Lefore equalled in the history of the Country. W TOUCIIED A LIVE “VIBE. ' the heart. rested. â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"a T0 PRESERVE MILK. .â€" Phystcian Discovers New Me- thod of Steriliflng. French Young Man Instantly Killed Street at Betti-ville. A dospnlch from Belleville says: Wm. Walsh. is ycar< of age. was instantly gkilted here on Friday evening by L‘fllllâ€" ling in conflict with a live electric wire. ‘(lne of the wires which is used by the on the A (lespatch from Paris says: Tho: Matin announces that Prof. Behring has discovered it new method of Slt‘l‘llllll‘lg milk without toiling it or destroying .any of its eSsenlint primiples. The 'method is based on the ljllniltlf‘s of pe-r~ h drol simply oxynennted. (int- j _ j , j . Examine per litre destroys all lltlxlliusi'l‘l'i‘ll‘ml taleefil‘ic tempting/l m liglliimég ‘ er'li c 1.1 mm sir-wt. it 0“ - A “"85 ~ W“ germs. Milk thus st 1 zed can b to am “HNL Mm hmylmmd H) mm for a long time. while it is not injured by travelling. Prof. Behring says he has proved that light has a very hurmful effect on milk. whether it is sterilized or 'ulrxnu‘ hi the min). din. .‘. the wire. with \tln result tiul‘. lli' v.2.~~ thrown {up Wm... ;(llSlilllL‘t". \\in'n jiiclugd up he was not. He recommends that it be kept in HTML “Ming "“ï¬eWed me m.†Shmk Cf me dark or in red or gm...“ bottles ‘ the voltage which was being curried ’ ' about the city. .__._.._.,_..._.-... 2090 BABIFS surroevrrn H I ’ ‘_._ " ‘ ' rmudn PROVINCES. . Yearly Fatalities in England Through """ ' iCensus “in Show Population 10 be About 885.000. A despatch from London says: At on V inquest in the case of an infant who A despatch from Ottawa says: “me had been suffocated in its parents‘ bedi’m.’:mâ€m$.°f the WW "I “1“ “W90 the coroner said that 2.000 infants were .Pm’w‘ Fromm“ are ma‘mpi9m‘ @“m‘tlll so suffocuted annually in England. H“ “mmâ€. “' “Time a ""0"" "l’l‘l‘uxiiuo- There Were titlt) (11:49.» in London alone. 1'1"†I’mth? [he Whom pom‘lMl'm ! He pointed out that in Germany thelMalmo'“: Smklmhcwan “’Id AUH‘I‘IH. law made it illegal to have a bully un- it“ '5 MOWâ€: “W†come Clo-“e M 305.000. provinces it Will heyâ€"Manitoba, (let a year old in the same bed mull“? . . ‘ _ V r _ its parents. 31110011. With three or four Sltb~dl\l\:l0ns -â€"+-â€".__~ lr- he heard from, which will make the t . n . . total about 364.000: Saskatchewan ROME IAI’III‘bh IlHHILED. .ajnul 26tl.000. the returns from this I jprovince are the least complete: Al- Iwcnlyiberto. 184000, with one sub-division to inane in. Sleeping “'ith Parents. Killel and Ltiured. Five Persons I~‘II‘I‘\'-NI;\'E NE“~ ENGINES. A despotch from Rome soys; 'l‘hv' Mil. lan~ltome expreSS lrnln. \vliilc runninlzf ,ot full speed on Solurduy night. was} jdeiailed at Pint-Zulu. Five pet-wins Order“! by the Grand Trunk nailuay ‘were killed and ttwnty injured. 'lllt't‘r ~r\\'ill be Richmond Type. “3 vr at confusion at the time o ' If fright}: which was due to dllttpltlitll'l; ‘Etxfsl'j'm,’ ’T‘?â€â€™_g“,’0{l£m* “"3": Tl-VL' mumg gm“. (them. ll.int. Rodney. .ntm- ;. lyryisflb ilhlilftlfll'y test of some new ong)))es_ “‘""‘“’"â€""’"‘ .have planed an order for fifty-live new ADRIFT m Tm; LA)“;- lnn‘hmond Compound consolidation on. .__ fgincs with the locomotive and Mn. Fishermen Clinging to an liptunrcdfh'm ‘Iion‘i‘i'ill‘ “I Montreal. The can. 80;“ tract culls for the delivery of the pâ€. ' glues before January 13!, 1:308. 'l'hw A despfltCh from West Selkirk. \tnn.. ï¬re It l‘m’l'et'tut machine and are nrrznlv lsnvs: Mngtius (Lmlfjie and his tut. song. .a» big as “Wee med m “mwmml :3“ “shm'mm M “1mm†Biw- up take \il-e. and are ltl."t)0 pounds~ heavier than l\’\'innil"‘t~'- “"‘1‘9 ""“i-‘lll in a submit unite the Commend freight engines. lifting nets ull Monrfav and 1pm. NHL .npset. They all clung to It in the W‘ â€"â€"â€"+~-â€"â€"._.. Iwuter until they drifted ashore some. Milli) \l'tllltx‘ (TIT mm THROAT- ;hours later. William. it... yum“... My.‘ succumbed to exhnuluni slim-My on...- Domeslic Troubles finnsc Suicide of .renchine kind. and l.l'?.‘l2ll' no.1 p... “hiva M mmhmm. gather son are in a l'l't’VJlI‘h’ :is lfl.lll'llltf;ll.l , ~ ‘oâ€"m .. -\ desphtrh from mpmml†CANADHN norm" I'I’. elect W51 MINE-S -’«'ttl'.\'>- of this Diner-l Price Grcull)‘ Int-reused on Brillshwmnng my mr'ml' Mark“ )’I‘til‘S of age rind lenvc‘ a hue-band and , ' .onu son. Domestic ti'o‘lbles dt‘o snp~ .-\ llt‘SPï¬lL‘h 1WD Inna?“ Mill“ : The I [Iticf’d to he the cunw of the deed. as 51.9 iteintency of the Wellington formers folk-21.1 lit't‘ll in gule health. ’mnecmratc their Pitt‘t‘gtt-S upon (these: Jrulher than built-r has (windowed to it} May“ fpence a pound is probable. From May: Ltlfliil y i‘ pments of _ nhl h >3: cheese to England xvi-re 130.0% buxps‘rl 2.2. m lkti', . more than for the corr-Npomling pcrmd 'uvenzxâ€" oid. of \‘in. 'l:.:<~- lint. lived {our jasj year. Shipments of butter wero'hourâ€". Ile rcnmlnvl -i~'..~.ou< and ur- 35.000 tubs less. Canadian choir-m: is troupe} eat his. in i-ldfg. filial-11*. bade his .mready '75. to ilk. u liurldrrdv.‘riglillpcr; I [gt-odvtye and fl. :i played with} dearer than last year. till: pilflul‘ 1.12 death came. ’ .rfir 1 MS» in a invitir into 11‘ till" ' u 1-}: I: 312V ‘7‘» l“. Fri-viii. :itl {out \l'leL‘I‘Ld. LEADING “MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto. oct. 9. -â€" Flourâ€"Ontarioâ€" Unchangcd. 90 per cent. patents for ex- port sell at $2.75. in buyers‘ bags. out. Side. Manitoba-silo for first patents 153.1911 for second patents and $3.80 ‘0? .iuxvl's'. Mltlfend_0ntarioâ€"â€"Firm; bran. $15 to $1550; shtu‘ts. $18.50. in bulk. outsido. \vlmntâ€"oiilurio~xo. 2 white. 7’20 asked. 71;“: bid. 70 per cent. points: tillxz'ld, 71c asked, 70%;: bid east. 71c bid wes . \\’hcntâ€"Mnnitolie~.\t hike POl‘lS. -'0- t hard. bulge lild; No. l northern. 80c. naked. l‘ulnt lidtvurd. Barterâ€"No. 3. «the asked. the bid. '73 per cent. points. Oats-N0. 2 while. 35%0 asked. 356 bid. on Go rate to Toronto. Buckwheatâ€"~52c asked, outside. “0 hills. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Rutterâ€"~Prices are firm and un- churned. Iii-«‘zllncry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 It 25c do. sands . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 33C 10 24c duiry prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22c to 23¢ do pulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 to 206 do tubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18c to 20c inferior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 to 180 Cheese~Reecipts light. with prices sold slightly firmer at 38c; one hundred bushels of old sold unchanged at 40c. Dressed Hogsâ€"Unchanged at $9.50 for choice lightweights and $9 for heevies. flayâ€"About 35 loads sold unchanged at $13. ' MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal. Oct. 9.â€"â€"A fair trade is pass- ing in flour at steady prices. Oatsâ€"No. :2 white. 39540 to 40c; No. 3 while. 38};c to 390; No. 4, 37%0 to 386 per bushel. ex-store. Peasâ€"~Boiling. $1 in carload lots. $1.10 in jabbing lots. Flour~Manitoba spring wheat. $4.25 to $11.50; strong bakers'. $3.90 to $4; winter wheat. patents. $4.10 to $4.75; straight rollers. $3.75 to $3.90; ditto in bags. $1.65 to $1.75; lextras. $1.60 to $1.70. ‘ MillfeedMMnnitoba bran in bags. $20; shorts. $23; Ontario bran in bags. $18.50 to $19; shorts. $21.50 to $22; milled mouille. $21 to $25; straight grain. $28 to $29 per ton. Rolled Oatsâ€"Per bag. $1.95 to $2. in car lots. $2.10 to jobbing lots. Cornmeal~llud meal. $1.35: later. $1.55. Huy~No. 1. $11.50 to $12." NO. 2. $1 to $lt.50; clover. mixed, $10 to $10.3»; pure clover. $0 per ton in car lots. , tiggsttratght receipts were farming as much as lilo in the wholesale ’ay. inferior quality bringing down to ZISc. No. ‘l candied stuck sold at 190. “and select. candled at 22c to 230. No. 2 bringing 10c to 110. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo. Oct. 9. â€"â€" Flour â€"â€"- Steady. \\ lieuthpt'ing fairly steady; No. 1 \orlbrrn. Nlï¬gc; \\'lntcr strong; No. 2 while. 771/3: Cornâ€"~Firm; No.2ycllow, Size; No. 2 corn, 51% to 52c. Oatsâ€" Unsettled; No. 3 white. 37 to 37%c; No. 2 mixed. 36,140. Barleyâ€"Firm; demand good; Western. c.i.f. quoted at 48 to 58¢. Ryeâ€"Stronger; No. 1. title. Canal heightsâ€"Wheat. 4%6; corn. 4%c; oats 3c. NEW YORK \NI‘IEAT MARKET. New York. Oct. 9.~â€"Spot steady; lgo. 2 red. 790 elevator; No. 2 red, 80 ‘c f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Dul th, Silt/.0 1.0.1). afloat. m CATTLE MARKET. Toronto. Oct. 9.-Trade at the] City flatttle Market this morning was a little brisker. Export Futile-Quotations are: Choice, $1.40 to $4.65; medium. $4.25 to $4.35; hulls. $3.75 to $4; light bulls. $3 to $3.25; Cows. $3.50 to $4. Butcher Cattlt-wfihoice are quoted frun $4.25 to $4.50; medium, $3.75 to common. $2.50 to $3; hulls. $2.50 to $3.95; cows. $2.50 to $3. Stokers and Feedersâ€"Choice stock- -, $3.25 to $3.40; Common. $2.50 to ., -.; hulls. $2 to $2.25. Mich Cowsâ€"Quotations are $40 to 5‘30 fol choice and $25 to $35 for common. Calvesâ€"Quotations holding generally \l‘ firm for best quality at to to 70. sheep and Lambsâ€"Quotations cnlls. $3 to $3.51); lambs. $5.50 to 56:25, } lj.-.g;â€"â€"At $6.65 per cwt. for Clllllr‘e se. ,‘lccts and $6.40 for lights and fats. fed .â€" W DRO‘VNED OFF SCIIOONER. -_â€"‘ Captain of the Julia Larson Met Death Near Southampton. let‘l‘icll captain .\\‘ll‘.i'lm llesputrh from Mitchell. says : the ti.f (NFL. Schooner Julio Larson. \V‘ilS drv'rwiiwl on Saturday oil the schooner near South- tended her life on Swilul-llny evening (“Hampton u, is not known here huw the Sue was about 7.“; captain met his death. ....â€"-.._..¢_.._.._.. NEW (10â€. FIELDS. Cover an Area of Hill Squ'ire Mitre x937 Dover. England. “hat i~ claimed to he the l.tl‘;_’i‘.<( “mm mm ï¬eld in the United Kingdom Jul..- jug been IliSt‘UVN'Pd. self-n mitu< {1‘ ,jj, 1,â€... er. it covers an area. it is said. of 1a squall-e miles. and is estimated 1.. b, worth over a billion dollars. A (lslilllt‘l'l from London sub: I f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard Wilmer-,4 Z l l f ./ granu~ I 1’ / ) are: ’/ lixi oi-t ewes. $4.25 to $4.65; bucks and. t